English II Paper - Grup 6 - Reading Comperhension.

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“Reading Comperhension”

Lecturer :
Dr. Rohimah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd., M.Pd.

Member Group :
Aji Tisna Pamungkas (3120220120)
Inayatussa’adah (3120220075)
M. Rifan Sodiq (3120220030)
Sabihatul Ismah (3120220116)



Raise our graces to Allah SWT for His mercy and guidance, we can't finish a paper
assignment in English entitled “Reading Comperhension” with time. This paper is compiled
for fulfilling a class assignment. In addition, to this paper to add insight for readers and also
for the author. The author would like to thank lecturer Dr. Rohimah, S.Pd.I, M.Pd, M.Pd.
Thanks also to all parties who helped finish this paper. We realized this paper is far away from
being perfect. Because of that, we welcome any forms of constructive suggestions and
criticisms in order to give feedback to ourselves.

Jakarta, 10 November 2023



FOREWORD......................................................................................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENS ........................................................................................................................ 2
BAB I ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 3
A. Background of the Paper ............................................................................................................. 3
B. Questions of the Problem ............................................................................................................ 3
C. Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 4
BAB II .................................................................................................................................................... 5
DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................................ 5
A. Definition of Reading ................................................................................................................. 5
B. Definition of Reading Comperhension ....................................................................................... 5
C. Strategies for Reading Comprehension....................................................................................... 6
D. The component of Reading Comperhension ............................................................................... 6
E. Clasification of Reading Comperhension ................................................................................... 7
F. Basic skills in Reading Comperhension...................................................................................... 8
G. Concept of Reading Comperhension .......................................................................................... 9
H. The Process of Reading Comprehension .................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................................................... 13
EXERCISE .......................................................................................................................................... 13
A. READING................................................................................................................................. 13
B. LISTENING .............................................................................................................................. 15
C. SPEAKING ............................................................................................................................... 16
D. WRITING ................................................................................................................................. 17
E. VOCABULLARY .................................................................................................................... 18
BAB IV ................................................................................................................................................. 19
CLOSSING .......................................................................................................................................... 19
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 19
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 20


A. Background of the Paper

Reading is one of the activities that are important in comprehending texts. It is

believed that reading skills could help students in enhancing their understanding in
reading English textbooks. Therefore, students need to know what reading strategies
they have to use to develop their reading skills in reading English textbooks.

In this modern era, students use reading strategies to understand English

textbooks especially senior high school students. They use reading comprehension
strategies to read a textbook that they use in their English course. They believe that
using reading comprehension strategies could help them in getting the ideas or
information in English textbooks. According to Snow (2014), reading is a process of
simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and
involvement with written language that consists of three elements: the reader, the text,
and the activity or purpose of reading. This is the interaction that students need to do in
reading texts.

Students need reading strategies that could help them to enhance their
understanding of reading English textbooks. However, it is not easy to develop students
reading skills using reading strategies because students might face difficulties during
reading process. The better the reading skills students have the better students in
achieving knowledge Therefore, the author raised a research theme with the title
reading comprehension.

B. Questions of the Problem

1. What is Reading Comprehension?
2. What is the components of Reading Comperhension?
3. What is the classification of Reading Comperhension?
4. What is the components of Reading Comperhension?
5. What is the concept of Reading Comperhension?

C. Objectives
1. Knowing the Reading Comperhensiom
2. Knowing the components of Reading Comperhension
3. Knowing the classifications of Reading Comperhension
4. Knowing the components of Reading Comperhension
5. Knowing the concept of reading comperhension



A. Definition of Reading
There are a lot of opinions and views from the experts about the definition of
reading. When they read, they will define words in many ways, according to their
respective opinions. Urquhart and Weirt (in Grabe, 2009), argue that reading is the
process of receiving and interpreting information in the language of written media.
According to Johnson (2008), reading is the practice of using text to create meaning.
Then Tarigan (2008) states that reading is a process carried out and used by readers to
obtain the message that the author wants to convey through oral or written media.
Patiung (2016)

states that reading is an activity or cognitive process that seeks to find various
information contained in writing. Therefore, reading is not just looking at letters in the
form of words, sentences, paragraphs and texts, but reading is an activity of
understanding and interpreting symbols or writings that have meaning so that the
author's message can be well received by readers (Dalman, 2014). Based on explanation
above, reading is a process to get information that initially did not know to know. In
reading, certain skills are also needed so that the message contained in the text can be
understood and understood.1

B. Definition of Reading Comperhension

Reading comprehension is reading with understand or silent reading. The aim
is to get information, to understand and to draw something from the text. The primary
purpose of reading comprehension is to improve the students’ ability to understand
English as it is used in written material. Nuttal defines reading comprehension just as
it quoted in Anton (1995:24) as follows : "Reading comprehension means reading
comprehension lesson that have traditionally centered on a passage of the text followed
by questions. Good questions are the ones which help readers to contribute actively to
the process of making sense of it, rather than expecting understanding just to happen”.

Andriany and Faiq Putri, Thesis: “The Comparative Study on English Reading Achievement Between Male and
Female Senior High school Students” . (Kediri: IAIN Kediri 2014), hal 12

Reading comprehension is the process of understanding and constructing meaning from
a piece of text. From view points above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension
understands a written text.

C. Strategies for Reading Comprehension.

There are many strategies that students can use to comprehend their reading skill.
Brown (2001:306) offers 10 strategies:

1. Identify the purpose in reading. The goal is to make reader know what they look for
and discard useless information.
2. Use graphemic rules or also called as phonies approaches where readers learn
Engish spelling convention, the purpose is that reader is able to sound out word.
3. Use effcient silent reading techniques. It is used for global understanding. By
applying the strategy, a reader is able to skip over the text and inferring its meaning
from its context.
4. Skim the text for main ideas. It is strategy to find the gist of a paragraph or a text.
Readers quickly read across a whole text to find the main topic, message/ideas, and
the purpose of the passage.
5. Scan the text for spesific information. It is the strategy of grouping ideas into
meaningful cluster.
6. Use semantic mapping or clustering. It is strategy of grouping ideas into meaningful
7. Guess when the readers are not certain. The goal is to make the readers easy to
understand the text. The readers can guess from the meaning of a word, a
grammatical relationship, a discourse relationship, a culture reference and
content message.2

D. The component of Reading Comperhension

Students also need to know the components contained in reading

comprehension. According to King and Stanley (1998) in Ola Yulianda (2014) here are
the components of reading comprehension:

Savita Bening, Thesis: “Improving Students Reading Comperhrnsion of Desriptive Text Using Scanning
Technique, A Classroom Action Research at The Eight Grade of MTs Negeri 1 Rakit in Academic Year 2013/2014”.
(Purwekerto: UMP 2015), hal 8 – 9.

1. Finding Factual Information.
Tarigan (1980) said that while reading, the reader must be able to recognize the
factual and certain information in details such as person, places, events and times.
2. Finding Main Idea.
Identify the main idea is an important activity in reading text because if it can find
the main idea it can know the text is talking about what. It can find the main idea
not only on the first paragraph but also in the middle, and in the last paragraph. So,
it has to precise to see and identify where the main idea it self on the text.
3. Understanding the text.
Understanding the text is the students' ability in comparing the text with other kinds
of text. It also asks students to know the defenition, the communicative purpose, the
generic structure and grammar that are used in the text.
4. Identifying References.
The reference used to avoid the repeated the same word or phrase in se time. After
one word it used, it can refer that word than repeat it. Recognizing identify the
reference will help the reader understand the reading passage. Refe is usually such
as she, he, it, this, etc.
5. Identifying Inferences.
Inference is important activity in reading skill. Inference is a skill wher reader has
to be able to read between lines. As (King and Stanly 2011) divide attentions, draws
logical inferences, and make accurate prediction. After the r reads all of the text, he
or she should be able to make inference by their own v and from their own thinking
based on the text that they have read.3

E. Clasification of Reading Comperhension

Burn (1984:177) The are four cllassifies levels of comprehension, but in this
thesis the researcher will only focus word meaning, main idea and make conclusion use
literal and in interpretive.
1) Literal Comprehension
Reading means take in ideas that are directly stated. Recognizing stated main ideas,
detail, causes and effect, and sequences is the basis of literal comprehension and

Yuliana, Thesis : “A Study On Reading Comperhension of Recount Tekt at SMP An Nur Pekanbaru”. (Riau :
Universitas Islam Pekanbaru 2018), hal 15-18.

thorough understanding of vocabulary, sentence meaning, unknown word and
paragraph meaning is important.
2) Interpretative.
Interpretative reading means read between the lines are making inferences. It is the
process of driving ideas that are implied rather than directly stated.this category
demands a higher level of thinking ability because the question of interpretation are
concerned with answer that are not directly stated in the text but they are suggested
or implied to answer question at the interpretive level, the reader must have ability
and able to work at various levels of abstraction. The interpretation/interpretative
level is the one at which the most confusion exists. The confusion concerns the term
inference. Inference may by defined as something that is not directly stated but
suggested in the statement, a logical conclusion that is drawn from the statements,
a dedication and induction.
3) Critical Reading
Critical reading means evaluating written material comparing the ideas discovered
in the material with known standard and writing conclusions about their
appropriateness, accuracy and timeliness.
4) Creative Reading
Creative reading involves going beyond the material presented by the author. It
requires readers to think as they read, just as critical reading does, and also requires
them to use their imagination.4

F. Basic skills in Reading Comperhension

Reading is very important thing because reading is basic skill before speaking,
and writing ability, there is communication between the reader and the writer when
someone reads. The writers deliver the message in written from and the readers could
understand the content of messagess. So, the reading became active in reading.
According to Klingner, et.al (2007:6), there are fundamental skill in reading
comprehension as follows:
1. Word Reading
The ability of the reader to get to know the word and understand a reading, an
Students must know how to read or decode.

Jumriani Arif, Thesis: “Improving the Students Reading Comperhension Through Think Pair Share Method”.
(Makasar : UMM 2017), hal 13

2. Fluency
The ability of the reader to recognize the word and understand the reading at the
same time.
3. Vocabulary
Understanding vocabulary means comprehend what the words mean. When
vocabulary mastery improves, comprehending will be deeper. Since comprehension
is ultimate goal of reading. With understanding vocabulary knowing what the words
mean in context.
4. Word Knowledge
having sufficient background knowledge to benefit from reading text. One of them
is to make it easier for readers to understand the text. Based on the explanation
above, the researcher concludes that reading needs to be equipped with basic
understanding reading skills or fundamental skill in reading to make it easier for
readers to understand the texts.5

G. Concept of Reading Comperhension

Comprehension is the center reading. According to Caldwell, comprehension is
the ability to understand completely and be familiar with a situation and fact.
Comprehension starts from move the words on the page to the meaning in the mind,
recognize individual words using memory and knowledge of letter and sound patterns,
match the resulting pronunciations with meanings, and finally connect these words into
idea units.32 It means a person's ability to understand context based on what is read or
Reading comprehension is intentional thinking during which meaning is
constructed through interactions between text and reader.33 It means that reading
comprehension is a process in which the reader constructs meaning using material,
information in the text and the reader's knowledge. According to Woolley, reading
comprehension is the process of making meaning from text. Therefore, the aim is to
gain an overall understanding of what is described in the book rather than getting
meaning from isolated words or sentences.34 It can be said that reading comprehension
is the process to make sense as a whole what is described in the text. Furthermore,
Brown classifies eight aspects of reading comprehension, namely:

Handayani and Suri, Thesis : “The Most Influential Factors in Students Perpectives thet Affect Students”.
(Lampung : UMK 2020), hal 15

1. Main idea
2. Expression/idiom/phrases in context
3. Inferences (implied detail)
4. Grammatical features
5. Detail (scanning for a specifically stated detail)
6. Excluding fact not written (unstated details)
7. Supporting ideas
8. Vocabulary in context.
Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is a
process of interaction between the reader and the text, understanding the meaning and
purpose contained in the text. So, the reader knows about main idea,
expression/idiom/phrases in context, inferences (implied detail), grammatical features,
detail (scanning for a specifically stated detail), excluding fact not written (unstated
details), supporting ideas, and vocabulary in context.6

H. The Process of Reading Comprehension

As mention before, reading comprehension is the process in which the reader
constructs meaning from the text. (Brown, 2004, p.185) three kinds of processing in
reading; bottom-up processing, topdown processing and interactive processing. There
are at least three processes in reading comprehension:
1. Bottom-up Processing.
Bottom-up processing views the process of reading as phonemic units. In this
process the reader must recognize a multiplicity of linguistic signal such as letters,
morphemes, syllables, words, phrases, grammatical cues and discourse markers
(Brown, 2001, p. 299). Botttom-up strategy is called local strategies or problem
solving and support strategy for readers to grasp specific linguistic components
(Sheorey & Mokhtari, 2001, p.19). It supported by (Swaffer, Arans and Byrnes,
1991) bottom-up model emphasizes the linguistic clues, build literal comprehension
of a text.It assumed that the reader has to scan from letters to letters, recognize the
words from one to another, associate among phrases, clauses and sentences and
finally it is processed. While, (Gregory, 2008, p. 109) argues that in bottom-up

Nela Sari, “An Analysis of Student Reading Comperhension Ability on Narative Text Bassed on the Four Levels
Comperhension Skils at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 2 Punduh Pidada in the Academic Year of 2021-2022”.
(Lampang : UIN Raden Intan Lampung2021) Hal 18

processing, the readers recognize from the small unit to the largest one. The readers
start to process the word sound as the basis of understanding the largest part. It
means that, bottom up processing begin to comprehend a passage with decoding
them into sound and then constructing the meaning.
2. Top-down Processing
In top-down processing, the reader involves their knowledge of syntax and
semantic to create meaning of the text (Goodman cited in Hudson, 2007, p. 37). The
reader constructs meaning by bringing their early thought to the text being read. It
means that readers background knowledge is very important in getting the meaning
of the text. In top-down processing, the reader makes some prediction of the text.
The process is continued by taking samples which will be confirmed or not to the
predictions have been made before. It can be assumed that, in top-down processing
reader checks the prediction first. Next, Top down strategy is defined as general
strategy or global strategy (Sheorey, Mokhtari, 2001, p. 23) for readers to predict
text content, set a goal for reading and monitor readers reading process. The reader
constructs meaning by bringing their early thought to the text being read. Readers
handle the reading text through their pre- existing schemata in place of identifying
each new word (Hsu, 2009, p. 76). The top-down processing emphasizes the
importance of schemata, namely previous experience and background knowledge
in understanding the literary work (Xia, 2011, p. 89) on the other hand, readers with
common knowledge of the world are able to predict the meaning of reading text,
verify or decline the previous guesses and ultimately understand the text by way of
an inferential and constructive learning process. It supported by (Swaffer, Arans
and Byrnes, 1991) a top down focus on the importance of background knowledge,
builds global comprehension.
It assumed that the reader's background knowledge is very important in getting
the meaning of the text. In this process, reader makes some predictions of the text.
The process is continued bytaking samples which be confirmed or not to the
predictions have been made before. Finally, reader checks the predictions.
(Gregory, 2008, p. 109) states that top-down processing bring the reader's thought
from general to the particular. The reader uses his knowledge of the world
andknowledge of the language structure to recognize the individual words.
3. Interactive processing

Interactive processing is a combination of bottom-up processing and top-down
processing. In this process, the reader predicts the probable meaning of the text,
then moving to the bottom-up processing to check whether that is really what the
writer says (Nuttal cited in Brown, 2001, p. 299). It means that reader both
recognizes words and predicts the implied information in constructing meaning of
the text. (Harrison, 2005, p. 35) states that the interactive process is a mixture of
bottom-up processing and top-down processing. In this process, the reader mostly
follow the bottom-up processing in which the reader recognize the word first to be
the basis of understanding the larger part, but the input from the top-down
processing also will be used if it necessary.

In summary, reading processing is a mind process in which readers' mind

engages to the text. In engaging their mind to the text, the reader employs their
background knowledge's to make sense the ideas presented in the text. In order to
making sense of the ideas, the reader goes through some processes. Those processes
are bottom- up, top-down and interactive processing. In bottom-up processing, the
reader constructs the text from the smallest unit (starts from letters to words phrases
to sentences, etc) and becomes automatic that reader is not aware of how it operates.
It means that, the reader have to understand the passage by reading word by word
to teach the whole understanding. While, top-down processing reader brings the
great deal of knowledge, expectation, assumption and question to the text and given
a basic understandingof vocabulary and checks new information appears. Reader
has known about the passage so they just want to know if there is any information
in the passage. The last, interactive processing that combine bottom-up and top-
down processing in the same time. It describes a process that moves both of them
depending on the situation that they faced.7

Eka Rosdiana Putri, Thesis: “The Realitionship Among Students Reading Strategy, Grammar, Awwarnes and
Their Reading Comperhension. (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah 2022) Hal 44


Read the following text to answer question number 1-5

Malin Kundang

A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman
and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single
parent because Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin
Kundang had to live hard with his mother. Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and
strong boy. He usually went to the sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring
it to his mother, or sell the caught fish in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant's ship which was
being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his bravery and
power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked
him. In return, the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life,
Malin Kundang agreed. He left his mother alone.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was
helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too.
When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village.
The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; "Malin Kundang has
become rich and now he is here".
An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin
Kundang's mother. She wanted to hug him, releasing her sadness of being lonely after
so long a time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front

of his well dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For
three times her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At
last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like
you, a dirty and ugly woman!" After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would
leave the old mother again but in that time she was full of both sadness and anger.
Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if
he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and really set sail. In the quiet sea,
suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin
Kundang to apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small
island. It was really too late for him to avoid his curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.

Moral of the story: No matter how good we are, never be ashamed of our parents and
where we come from.8

1. What motivated Malin Kundang to leave his mother and join to the merchants ship?
a. His mother encouraged him to seek a better life.
b. He wanted to become a powerful pirate.
c. The merchant promised him a beautiful wife.
d. Malin Kundang wanted wealth and a more prosperous.

2. How did Malin Kundang react when his mother approached him on the beach?
a. He embraced her with joy and gratitude.
b. He ignored her and continued with his activities.
c. He politely asked her to leave him alone.
d. He yelled at her an danied any realition to her.

3. Why did Malin Kundang refuse to acknowledge his mother in front of his wife and
ship crews?
a. He was ashamed of his mothers appearance.
b. He Wanted to protect his mother from his wealthy lifestyle.
c. He belived that associating with her would ruin his reputation.
d. His wife insisted that he cut ties with his past.

Kholida Qothrunnada and Rully Desthian, “8 Contoh Text Story Telling Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya”.

4. What happened to Malin Kundang after he refused to apologize to his mother?
a. He continued his prosperous journey without any consequences.
b. A thunderstorm struck, causing his ship to wreck.
c. He reconciled with his mother and lifted the curse.
d. Malin Kundang became a respected figure in the small village.

5. What is the moral lesson conveyed in the story of malin kundang?

a. Wealth brings true happiness in life.
b. Familly and roots should never be disregarded or ashamed of.
c. Helping others will always lead to a prosperous future.
d. Cursing someone has inevitable consequences.

Listen to the following passage and answer the questions that follow
“In the heart of the bustling city, there stands a historic library known for its
vast collection of books. The library, established in the late 19th century, has witnessed
the passage of time and remains a treasure trove of knowledge. As you enter its grand
doors, the scent of aged books wafts through the air, creating an athmosphere that
captivates book enthusiasts from around the world.”

1. Question : What is the settings of the passage?

Answer : ……………………………………………………………………….
2. Question : How long has the library been in existence?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………….
3. Question : What is the athmosphere like as you enter the library?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………….
4. Question : Who is likely to be captivated by the library?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………….


Practice the conversation below with your partner

Shireen : “Hey, do you go to the library often? I feel like I’ve seen you there a
fiew times”
Bahar : “Yes, actualy. It’s my favorite place to go.
Shireen : “Have you ever joined a book club?”
Bahar : “I did, actually, in 2015. But I’m no longer a member now. I just read
stuffs on my own.”
Shireen : “Cool, who is your favorite author?”
Bahar : “J.R.R. Tolkien. He was such a genius with his lord of the rings
Shireen : “ Isn’t that go thousands of pages? How long did it take for you to
read all of that?
Bahar : “I started reading his books when I was in middle school and I’ve
finished all of it when I was about to enter high school.”9

1. When Bahar join a book club?

a. 2004
b. Middle school
c. High school
d. Currently a member

2. What is Bahar favorite author

a. Agatha Christie
b. Habiburrahman
c. J.R.R. Tolkien
d. George Orwel

3. How long did it take Bahar to finish reading J.R.R. Tolkiens books?
a. Middle School
b. High School
c. A few months
d. It is not mentioned

Sederet.com, “Contoh percakapan mengenai buku dalam bahasa inggris”. ( https://amp.sederet.com )

Write a Comperhension of the following text

The Story of Toba Lake

Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived
in a simple hut in a farming field. He did some gardening and fishing for his daily life.
One day, while the man was fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the
biggest catch he ever had in his life.
Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He fell in love with her
and proposed to her as his wife. She said; "Yes, but you have to promise not to tell
anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster".
The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a daughter.
Few years later, this daughter would help bring lunch to her father out in the
fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry that she ate his father's lunch.
Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; "You damned daughter of a
fish". The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying, feeling
sad that her husband had broken his promise.
Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about
to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed
by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba Lake. She
turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir.10

The Comperhension :

Sri Jumiyarti Risno, “15 contoh story telling Bahasa inggris”. (https://www.brilio.net/amp/ragam/9-contoh-
storytelling-bahasa-inggris ), diakses pada 12 Oktober 2023.


Catch : Menangkap Enraged : Marah

Defeated : Dikalahkan Stone : Batu
Sailing : Berlayar Apologize : Minta maaf
Recogniz : Mengenalli Quiet Sea : Laut yang tenang
Merchant : Pedagang Ashamed : Malu
Begg : Pengemis Curse : Kutukan
Yell : Teriak Refuse : Menolak
Bustling : Hiruk pikuk Author : Penulis
Century : Abad Lake : Danau
Wafts : Hembusan Hut : Gubuk
Captivates : Memikat Caught : Tertangkap
Athmospere : Suasana Trap : Perangkap
Often : Sering Disaster : Bencana
Secret : Rahasia Earthquake : Gempa bumi


A. Conclusion
In conclusion, the exploration of "Reading Comprehension" underscores the
paramount significance of honing adept reading skills in the realms of academia and
professional pursuits. Through an in-depth examination of comprehension strategies,
including but not limited to active text engagement, critical analysis, and contextual
interpretation, it becomes evident that the mastery of these skills is pivotal for effective
information assimilation. As the nexus between comprehension and cognitive
development is illuminated, it is imperative to recognize the perpetual nature of refining
these skills throughout one's academic and professional journey. Encouraging a culture
of continuous practice not only fosters a nuanced understanding of diverse textual
materials but also cultivates a mindset conducive to lifelong learning. Ultimately, the
dividends of being a proficient reader extend far beyond the confines of educational
contexts, permeating various facets of personal and professional growth. Hence, the
synthesis of effective reading comprehension skills emerges not merely as an academic
pursuit but as an indispensable tool for navigating the complexities of an information-
driven world.


Andriany and Faiq Putri. (2014). The Comparative Study on English Reading Achievement
Between Male and Female Senior High School Students. (Bachelor Thesis, Institut
Agama Islam Kediri).
Savita, Bening. (2015). Improving Students Reading Comperhension of Descriptive Text Using
Scanning Technique. (Bachelor Thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwekrto).
Yuliana. (2018). A Study on Reading Comperhension of Recount Text at SMP An Nur
Pekanbaru. (Bachelor Thesis, Universitas Islam Pekanabaru).
Jumriani Arif. (2017). Improving the Students Reading Comperhension Through Think Pair
Share Method. (Bachelor Thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makasar).
Handayani and Suri. (2020). The Most Influential Factors in Students Perpectives thet Affect
Students. (Bachelor Thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Lampung).
Nela Sari. (2021). An Analysis of Student Reading Comperhension Ability on Narative Text
Bassed on the Four Levels Comperhension Skils at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 2 Punduh
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