A11..a Microcantilever-Based Gas Flow Sensor For Flow

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9-1 I April 2008

A Microcantilever-based Gas Flow Sensor for Flow

Rate and Direction Detection
Yu-Hsiang Wang', Tzu-Han Hsueh', Rong-Hua Ma2, Chia-Yen Lee'·,
Lung-Ming Fu3, Po-Cheng Chou4, Chien-Hsiung Tsai5
'·Der,artment of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Changhua, Taiwan.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese Military Academy, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
3Department of Materials Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan.
4Department of Interior Design, Shu-Te University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
5Department of Vehicle Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan.

advantages of lower power consumption and an improved

Abstract- The purpose of this paper is to apply characteristics potential for integration with other sensors. Ozaki [4]
of residual stress that causes cantilever beams to bend for fabricated an air flow sensor modeled on windreceptor hairs
manufacturing a micro-structured gas flow sensor. This study of insects which can detect low velocity of air flow, but the
uses a sllicon wafer deposited silicon nitride layers, reassembled maximum measurable flow rate was just 2 ms-'. The
the gas flow sensor with four cantilever beams that
practicality of the device for flow rate sensing applications
perpendicular to each other and manufactured piezoresistive
structure on each micro-cantilever by MEMS technologies, was severely limited. Wang et al. [5-7] fabricated an air flow
respectively. When the cantilever beams are formed after sensor with a free-standing microcantilever structure which
etching the silicon wafer, it bends up a little due to the released has a high sensitivity (0.0284 nlms") and a high velocity
residual stress induced in the previous fabrication process. As measurement limit (45 ms"). In the current study, four
air flows through the sensor upstream and downstream beam cantilever beams are formed and the measured values of four
deformation was made, thus the a1rRow direction can be piezoresistors on them are compared to determined the
determined through comparing the resistance variation between airflow direction. The flow rate can also be measured by
different cantilever beams. The Row rate can also be measured calculating the total resistance variations on the four
by calculating the total resistance variations on the four


Flow measurement is a necessary task in such diverse fields As shown in Fig. 1, the electrodes used to connect the
as medical instrumentation, process control, environmental piezoresistor to the external LCR meter are fabricated from
monitoring, and so forth. Many previous studies have gold since gold has a lower resistivity than platinum, and
demonstrated the successful applications of MEMS hence the resistance effect of the leads is reduced. The
techniques to the fabrication of a variety of flow sensors resistance R of the piezoresistor is given by
capable of detecting both the flow rate and the flow direction
R = IRP = IRP (1)
[1-4]. Broadly speaking, MEMS-based gas flow sensors can A wt
be categorized as either thermal or non-thermal, depending
upon their mode of operation.
Many thermally-actuated gas flow sensors apply some
forms of resistors to evaluate local temperature changes [1-3].
In such sensors, the temperature difference between the nihide
sensing resistors varies as the gas flow passes through the platimun
sensor, and the comparison of the resistance variations among
each resistors enables the gas flow direction to be determined. - - - - 10M
Adamec et al. [1] fabricated a multi-axis hotwire anemometer
with four thermoresistor to evaluate flow direction with a ; " . : . . - - - - - - siliron
power consumption of 25 mW. Kim et al. [2] presented a
circular-type thermal flow sensor consists of a heater and l'eddallce
circular-type temperature sensors to detect flow direction and metel'
velocity. However, the power consumption of this device Figure 1 Schematic illustration of gas flow sensor,
exceeded 80 mW. Recently, non-thermal gas flow meters
have been developed. These devices typically have the where IR is the resistor length, p is the resistivity, A is the

©EDA Publishing/DTIP 2008 142 ISBN: 978-2-35500-006-5

cross-sectional area, w is the width and t is thickness. The
Figure 2 Diagram of gas flow sensor during sensing operation.
derivative of (1) is
dR = dp + dl R _ dw _ dt (2)
R P lR w t
where defines e/ =-lL, dl = AI , dw =~w and dt =& ,
then it could be rearranged to ....L1I "" (1 + 2v) 4nnn
As shown in Fig. 2, when air flows over the cantilever
structure, the beams are deflected that causing a change in the
cross-sectional area, and hence the resistance of the platinum
resistor changes. The corresponding airflow velocity and
direction can then be evaluated and determined simply by (a)
measuring the resistance change using an external LCR
B. Shape Design
Fig. 3 indicates the configuration and dimensions of the
cantilever beams and platinum resistors considered in this
study. In Fig. 3(a), the periphery ofthe black line indicates the
cantilever beams. In Fig. 3(b) the black netted area
corresponds to the platinum resistors. All units are pm. As
shown in the figures, the gas flow sensor is assembled with
four cantilever beams that perpendicular to each other and
manufactured with piezoresistors on each micro-cantilever.
C. Fabrication
Fig. 4 presents an overview of the fabrication process used
for the current micromachined gas flow sensor. Initially, a (b)
Figure 3 Configuration and dimensions of (a) cantilever beams and (b)
low-stress nitride layer of thickness 1.0 JUIl was deposited on
platinum resistors.
either side of a 500 JUIl thick double-side-polished silicon
wafer. A thin layer ofCr (0.03 JUIl) was then deposited on the
upper surface of the wafer to form an adhesion layer for the
subsequent deposition ofthe platinum resistors. The platinum
resistors (O.IJUIl thickness) were deposited using an electron
-beam evaporation process. The same technique was then (a)Low-sJ{es$,mtride ~ep~jtion
used to deposit a layer of Au (O.IJ.l,m thickness) on the on silicon wafer.
resistors to serve as an electrode and to provide electrical
leads. To form the micro-cantilever beams, the cantilever
structure and a back-etching nitride mask were patterned in
SF6 RIE plasma. In the etching process, the cantilever (b)Elettron~beani. .ev~potatiort of.Pt/Ct
structure was released in a KOH etchant (40 wt %, 85°C,
supplied by J. T. Baker). Following the etching process, the
total micro-cantilever beam thickness was 20 Jlffi (nitride:
IJlffi / silicon: 19 J.l,m) and the cantilever beams exhibited an
upward bending effect as a result of the stress relaxation
caused by the thermal stress induced in the heating and
Micro cantilever

Si Si

Figure 4 Overview of fabrication process employed for proposed flow sensor.

©EDA Publishing/DTIP 2008 143 ISBN: 978-2-35500-006-5

DJj~~l1 April 2008

" 4.5
9.- 4
.g 3.5 A
.~ 3
;; 2.5 - - Airflow angle =135'
§ 2 ./ - - Airflow angle =180'
.~ 1.5 w/
~ 1
~ 0.5
10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 5 SEM image of gas flow sensor. Figure 7 The relationship between the airflow velocity and the total
90· resistance variation when airflow direction was 135·, and 180·.
.- .. ----- ...

,, ,,
,,, , ,
, \
I \

180· : : 0° -+-30ws
____ 25 ws
\ I

,, -..-20m/s
, , ",,'

270· -2

Figure 6 The relative position between the initial air flow direction and the
sensor. Airflow angle (deg)

cooling steps performed before etching. This phenomenon Figure 8 The relationship between the airflow angle and the resistance
causes an initial beam deformation position which assists the variation when airflow velocity was (a)15 ms· 1 [0], (b)20 ms· 1 [~], (c)25
flow rate sensing function. To increase the reliability of the ms· 1 [0] and (d) 30 ms· 1 [0].
micro-cantilever, a small thiclmess of silicon was retained to
act as an understructure. Fig. 5 presents a scanning electron
microscope (SEM) image of a typical freestanding structure B. Flow Direction
fabricated in this study. For the measurement of the flow direction, a strong
dependence of the measurement was found on the
geometrical setup of the sensor axes. It is necessary to assure
A systematic investigation was conducted into the the cantilevers precise location with the angle 90°. As the
performance of the fabricated micro gas flow sensors. The airflow pass through the gas flow sensor from 180 0, the
characterization of the sensors was carried out with a rotary largest resistance variation was caused by the downwind
table (LC-PR60, TanLian E-O Co., Ltd., Taiwan) in a wind cantilever deformation, and the least resistance variation was
tunnel, and the relative position between the air flow direction caused by upwind cantilever deformation. The resistance
and the sensor is shown in Fig. 6. The variation in the sensor variation ofcantilever beams that perpendicular to the airflow
resistance as the airflow passed over the cantilever was direction are almost equal to zero. The measured values at
measured using an LCR meter (WK4230, Wayne Kerr different flow rate, 30, 25, 20 and 15 mis, are shown in Fig. 8.
Electronics Ltd., Taiwan). For reference purposes, a Pitot
tube flow meter was also used to measure the velocity of the IV. CONCLUSIONS
airflow. The current study develops a MEMS-based gas flow sensor
featuring a free-standing micro-cantilever structure. In the
A. Flow Rate
sensing operation, the air flow velocity is detected by
For the of measurement of the flow rate in the wind tunnel, measuring the change in resistance of the piezoelectric
the relationship between the sum of the absolute value of resistors deposited on the cantilever beams as the beam
resistance variation in all the four piezoresistors on the beams deforms under the effect of the passing airflow and the
and flow rate is shown in Fig. 7. It shows that as the airflow airflow direction can be obtained by comparing the resistance
direction was at 180 ° or 135 ° direction, the sum of the variation difference between the upstream and downstream
absolute values of the resistance variation was equal and it cantilever beams to evaluate the airflow angle.
just depended on the flow rate.

©EDA Publishing/DTIP 2008 144 ISBN: 978-2-35500-006-5

The authors would like to thank the financial support
BEMS9-11 Apri12008

provided by the National Science Council in Taiwan (NSC

96-2221-E-212-037 and NSC 95-2218-E-006-022).
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©EDA Publishing/DTIP 2008 145 ISBN: 978-2-35500-006-5

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