Lecture 6 Grammar1mba2023

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Grammar - 1

Topics Covered
 Parts of Speech
 Prepositions and Articles EU

Number of questions : 67

Sample Grammar question from CAT Sample Grammar question from CAT
1. In the question below, four different ways of
writing a sentence are indicated. Choose the 2. In the question given below, the word at the
best way of writing the sentence. top of the table is used in four different ways,
A. A symbiotic relationship develops among numbered (1) to (4). Choose the option in
which the usage of the word is INCORRECT
the contractors, bureaucracy and the
politicians, and by a large number of
devices costs are artificially escalated and Paper
black money is generated by underhand
deals. (1) Your suggestions look great on the
B. A symbiotic relationship develops among paper, but are absolutely impractical.
contractors, bureaucracy and politicians, (2) Do you know how many trees are
and costs are artificially escalated with a killed to make a truckload of paper?
large number of devices and black money (3) So far I have been able to paper over
is generated through underhand deals. the disagreements among my brothers.
C. A symbiotic relationship develops among
(4) Dr. Malek will read a paper on
contractors, bureaucracy and the
criminalization of politics.
politicians, and by a large number of
devices costs are artificially escalated and Answer (1)
black money is generated on underhand It’s always ‘suggestions look great on paper’.
D. A symbiotic relationship develops among Sample Grammar question from CAT
the contractors, bureaucracy and
3. Identify the incorrect sentence or sentences.
politicians, and by large number of devices A. Harish told Raj to plead guilty.
costs are artificially escalated and black B. Raj pleaded guilty of stealing money from
money is generated by underhand deals. the shop.
C. The court found Raj guilty of all the crimes
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D
he was charged with.
D. He was sentenced for three years in jail
Answer (2)
You generate money through deals, and not by deals (1) A and C (2) B and D
or on deals. The two factors — escalated costs and (3) A, C, and D (4) B, C, and D
black money — are lucidly given in option (2).

Grammar - 1 Page 1
Answer (2) Running is the best form of exercise but one must
Sentence B is wrong because you don’t plead ‘guilty be regular to get the best out of running.
of’ but plead ‘guilty to’ a crime. Sentence D is wrong
because one gets ‘sentenced to’ prison. Adjectives are the words that qualify a noun.
e.g. Fat Jacob killed thin John with a big gun.
Sample Grammar question from CAT Slow running is good for health.

4. The following question consists of four Pronouns are words used to replace a noun.
sentences on a topic. Some sentences are e.g. Your father gave me this book and it is now
grammatically incorrect or inappropriate. mine.
Select the option that indicates the You should seek only that which is yours and not
grammatically correct and appropriate things belonging to others.
A. When virtuoso teams begin their work, Verbs are words that express an action or a state of
individuals are in and group consensus is being.
out. e.g. John is a young man who has an exam tomorrow
B. As project progresses, however, the and there fore studies hard.
individual stars harness themselves to the
product of the group. Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives and
C. Sooner or later, the members break other adverbs. We can recognize adverbs by their
through their own egocentrism and function, form and position in a sentence.
become a plurality with single-minded e.g. John kills utterly ruthlessy any really dangerous
focus on the goal. animal.
D. In short, they morph into a powerful team
with a shared identity. Prepositions are words that govern a noun or a
pronoun and describe how the objects denoted by
(1) A & C (2) A & D a noun or a pronoun are related to another element.
(3) B & D (4) A, C & D e.g. Dennis sat on the TV and ate his porridge with
a spoon made of steel.
Answer (2)
The second sentence does not use the article. It Conjunctions are used to join clauses, sentences
should be ‘As a/the project progresses”. In sentence or words.
C there should be the indefinite article ‘a’ before e.g. You can have jam and bread or you can have a
single-minded which leaves us with option (2) as the pastry.
correct answer.
Interjections are used to express sudden feelings.
Parts of Speech However, they have no real grammatical value, we
often use them more in speaking than in writing.
“Parts of speech” are the building blocks of grammar. e.g. Oh! Brutus, you too.
They are broadly defined categories of words which
help in the formation of a sentence. In English there Nouns, articles, determiners and prepositions
are eight parts of speech:
It is very important for you to understand the rules
Nouns are the words used for naming animals, pertaining to nouns, articles, prepositions and
places, people and things. determiners as it will help you in quickly solving the
e.g. John killed Jacob with a gun in the garden last majority of the grammar based questions. Try and
evening. solve the following questions in not more than 15

Page 2 Grammar - 1
Directions for questions 1 to 5: Correct the 16. ____ (a/the) man must love his country.
following sentences keeping in mind the countable
and uncountable nouns. 17. I have ____(a/no article) headache.

1. Rohini was sitting on wooden stool. 18. He is ____ (a/the) Shakespeare in the making.
19. ____ (the/no article) shot ____ (the/no article)
2. I need to read book. coach suggested was ineffective.
20. He is always on time for ____ (the/no article)
3. That’s friend of Bill’s class.
21. I am not ____(a/the) same person I was ten
4. We put a milk in the refrigerator. years ago.
Directions for questions 22 to 25: Fill in the blanks
5. I have pictures in my album. with an appropriate determiner.
22. ______ of the snow has already melted.
Directions for questions 6 to 21: Fill in the blank (1) Few (2) Some
with the appropriate article or leave the space blank
if no article is needed. 23. There is ______ food to feed everyone.
(1) enough (2) little
6. There is ____ big tree near ____ lake.
24. There is ______ sunshine falling on the floor.
7. There is ____ modern skiing center in ____ (1) many (2) no
25. My wife has spent ______ my salary.
8. We get moderate rain in ____ winter. (1) much (2) all

9. How many days are there in ____ week? Directions for questions 26 to 30: In each question
given below, five sentences or parts of sentences
10. How many players are there in ____ cricket that form a paragraph are given. Identify the
team? sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are
incorrect in terms of grammar and usage. Then,
11. ____ venue remains ____ same every year. choose the most appropriate option.

12. ____ venue was chosen for the function. 26. A. India stands on the threshold of potentially
largest step towards food justice the world
13. ____(a/the) kangaroo is not at all ____(a/the) has ever seen.
dangerous animal. B. “Threshold”, because the National Food
Security Bill is working its way through
14. She plays ____ (the/no article) piano really the parliament with a view of being passed
well. during its current term-period.
C. “Largest” because the Bill will cover
15. In modern times, life can be very tough for approximately 70% of all Indian
____ (the/no article) young. households.

Grammar - 1 Page 3
D. “Justice” because improved access to (1) B and D (2) B only
food has been catalysed, monitored and (3) A and C (4) A, B, D and E
ordered by the courts.
E. “Potential” because having a Bill on books
29. A. But question remains whether the duo
is quite dif f erent f rom hav ing it
implemented. from Siliguri would be able to make a mark
at the Olympics.
(1) A only (2) B and C B. Even as both know that it would be next
(3) A, D and E (4) C, D and E to impossible for them to make the
podium, they expressed confidence of
27. A. The plant manufactures Maruti’s most coming up with good show.
popular models like the Swift and A Star C. They want to make their country proud
hatchbacks and the Swift Dzire and SX4
by causing few upsets and going as far
B. It also has a history of labour unrest. as possible in the competition.
C. Last year, the plant experienced 21 days D. They know what to expect f rom
of worker sit-ins and 33-day lockout that themselv es but are not limiting
cost the company $500 million in lost themselves.
production. E. They really want to make their country
D. On Friday, Mr. Nakanishi dispelled proud by bettering the record of their
rumours that company would shut down female counterparts at Games.
the plant and shift production to Gujarat.
E. He stated that the Gujarat plant would
open on schedule by the 2015-2016. (1) A and C (2) B only
(3) B, C and D (4) A, B, C and E
(1) A, C and E (2) B and C
(3) A and D (4) A, C, D and E 30. A. Finance ministers from the 17 countries
that use euro unanimously approved on
28. A. The Myanmar has long faced tension with Friday the terms for a bailout loan.
many of its ethnic minorities, who usually B. The agreement came as investor concerns
live in border regions.
on the stability of Spain’s economy sent
B. Although new government has concluded
ceasefires with many, there are still the country’s borrowing costs soaring.
unresolved issues. C. In early afternoon trading, Spain’s main
C. Ambassador Derek Mitchell announced IBEX index was down 3.6 per cent.
that the $3 million food aid donation for D. The document, signed of f by the
displaced people would be delivered “eurogroup” of finance ministers, calls for
through the U.N. World Food Program. a strict monitoring of banks that receive
D. It was Mr. Mitchell’s first press briefing aid.
since he took his post earlier this month
E. It also requires the Spanish government
as first U.S ambassador to the Myanmar
in two decades. to present this month’s plans to reduce
E. Washington restored full diplomatic its budget deficit to under 3 percent of
relations with the Myanmar and eased GDP.
sanctions in response to reforms initiated
after long-ruling military ceded power last (1) A and D (2) B and C
year. (3) C and D (4) C, D and E

Page 4 Grammar - 1
Directions for questions 31 to 45: Select the 43. They seem to get on well ________________
appropriate prepositional phrase from the given their differences in cultural background.
choices (in brackets) and fill up the blanks in the
following sentences. 44. She is ________ breath.

(out of, regardless of, according to, as for, apart 45. We have to go to work, _____________
from, as to, among, by means of, besides, but for, personal problems.
concerning, except for, instead of, notwithstanding,
on account of ) Directions for questions 46 to 60: Fill in the blanks
with an appropriate option.
31. _____________ Sanjana, the class has been
cancelled. 46. We did not arrive ____ (at/in) the venue until
32. ____________ that, she has done nothing
significant. 47. Adults resent being treated ____ (as/like)
33. I don’t mind Ankush, but _______ Anita, she
has been very rude to me. 48. India’s commitment ____ (to/of) reducing
carbon dioxide.
34. No decision was made ________ how the
project should be done. 49. I am better ____ (of/off) not knowing that man.

35. This should be included _________ his best 50. Aman explored the Himalayas ____ (on/by)
plays. foot.

51. I would like to congratulate you ____ (for/on)

36. ________ the main character, there are
several lovely roles. your wedding.

52. A manager is superior ____ (to/than) an

37. ________ that accident, we would have got
assistant manager.
53. I am very frustrated ____ (over/by) this
38. For years radar was operated __________
persisting issue.
pressing buttons and using dials.
54. The Brazilian bicycle rider is closing the gap
39. I want to ask several questions __________
____ (to/with) the leader of the race.
this point.
55. Modern psychology is dominated ____ (with/
40. We didn’t go _______________ the bad
by) one idea.
56. The terrorist managed to board the train
41. ___________ Mani, all students passed the
bound____ (to/for) Bombay.

42. I’ve got a mango today __________ an apple. 57. This alarm will guard your house ____ (from/
against) thieves.

Grammar - 1 Page 5
58. Although an introvert, she is not averse ____ D. Despite many officers speaking up for
(to/from) meeting new people. him, army brass say his direct association
to Abhinav Bharat goes against him.
59. John has been charged ____ (for/with) E. Purohit’s admission is that he was a
cheating an old man. trustee within the Abhinav Bharat Trust.

60. I am going to the Himalayas to get absolved (1) A and C (2) Only B
____ (of/from) my sins. (3) B, D and E (4) A, C,D and E

63. A. The ACB today arrested another judge in

Directions for questions 61 to 67: In each question
connection for the cash-for-bail case.
given below, five sentences or parts of sentences
B. K Lakshminarasimha Rao, chief judge with
that form a paragraph are given. Identify the
city small causes court, was arrested by
sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are
the ACB officials.
incorrect in terms of grammar and usage. Then,
C. Rao also worked as the registrar of the
choose the most appropriate option.
High Court.
D. Lakshminarasimha Rao is the sixth
61. A. Kumar alongwith Modi hav e been person and second judge with service,
positioned as rivals for the big prize. arrested in the case by the ACB.
B. The truth is, both of them are setting E. ACB Director General B Prasada Rao said
themselves up to a contest in which neither that the arrested judge will be produced
of them may end up qualifying for the in the court today.
ultimate shoot-out.
C. It may be attractive for the media to pit a (1) A and D (2) B, C and D
Kumar versus a Modi. (3) A, B, C and D (4) B, C, D and E
D. The reality is, both Kumar and Modi are
rather similar individuals and, for many 64. A. Lawyers on all the six district court
ways, represent an identical trend in Indian complexes in the capital boycotted the
politics; the regional satrap as an court proceedings yesterday.
independent power centre. B. Only the proxy counsel appeared off
E. Finally, whosoever wins will be an icon. courts to get the next date of hearing in
their cases.
(1) Only A (2) A, B and D C. Even attestation and photocopying work
(3) C, D and E (4) Only D behind the Tis Hazari complex was
affected today.
62. A. For instance, he had no authorisation to D. HRD Minister Kapil Sibal had last week
attend the religious meetings organised sought to reach out to the legal
community to quell their doubts.
by Abhinav Bharat.
E. Attendance of advocates was thin at the
B. These were outside his area in
Dwarka court but the CBI courts
responsibility especially since he was
functioned through the day.
doing a course with the army.
C. Therefore, as an officer-student, he wasn’t
(1) A and C (2) B and D
supposed to be performing intelligence
(3) A, B and C (4) A, D and E

Page 6 Grammar - 1
65. A. He was replying a query on whether he D. Proceedings in the 2G spectrum scam
felt that Raisina Hill was a dumping case at Patiala House court were held for
ground. half-an-hour in the morning after which
B. Meanwhile, Mukherjee disapproved of they were adjourned.
Sangma’s view that Rashtrapati Bhavan E. This was not the only high-profile case to
was being used as a “dumping ground”. be hit by the lawyers’ agitation.
C. Mukherjee told reporters that these sort
phrases should not be used. (1) Only B (2) A and D
D. He felt that there were several “differences (3) B, C and E (4) A, B and D
of opinion” among the UPA, the NDA and
67. A. The Enf orcement Directorate has
the Lef t Front ov er the choice in
questioned former Telecom Minister A
Raja in connection to its money laundering
E. So this election result perhaps will be an
probe in the 2G spectrum case.
unexpected one.
B. This is the first time that the ED has
questioned Raja in the case.
(1) A, C and D (2) B, C and E C. During questioning, ED investigators
(3) C and D (4) C, D and E grilled Raja about various issues related
to spectrum allocation under his
66. A. Delhi High Court lawyers today joined the ministership.
protest towards a bill, which seeks to D. Raja was also questioned on his Ministry
regulate legal education and profession. associates and their role in the grant of
B. The high court lawyers, who had not joined telecom licences.
the stir yesterday, abstained from work E. The ED also took possession over
today as part of the two-day nation-wide financial documents that it had asked
protest called in by the Bar Council of India Raja to bring along with him f or
(BCI). questioning, under provisions of the
C. The BCI has accused the government of Prevention of Money Laundering Act
trying to usurp its power to regulate the (PMLA).
legal education and profession in the
country. (1) A, C and E (2) A, B and D
(3) C, D and E (4) A, C, D and E

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Grammar - 1 Page 7
EU : Solutions CEX-V-0264/23
Grammar - 1

1. The correct sentence is - Rohini was sitting on a 19. the

wooden stool. Singular countable nouns cannot be Shot here is a specific one so it needs the.
used alone. They must always take a/an/the depending
upon the usage. 20. no article
Class is used as a regular word here. Using the would
2. It should be ‘a book’ because ‘book’ is a countable make it wrong.
21. the
3. ‘That’s a friend of Bill’s’. We always use a in the pattern The sentence means the same person as I was ten
of a….of with possessives. years ago. So a specific person is being referred to.

4. We put a bottle of milk in the refrigerator or we put milk 22. 2 some

in the refrigerator. Uncountable nouns would not take
a/an. 23. 1 enough

5. I have some, many or a few pictures in my album. 24. 2 no

Plural countable nouns cannot be used alone without
these quantifiers. 25. 2 all

6. a, the 26. 3 Sentence A is incorrect as the noun ‘step’ is countable

and hence it needs an article. Since the adjective
7. a, – before step is in superlative form, the definite article
should be used. The correction is ‘... potentially the
8. – largest step towards...’ Sentences B and C are correct.
Sentence D is incorrect because ‘improved access’ is
9. a to something specific and hence it needs the definite
article before it – ‘...because the improved access to
10. a food has been catalysed...’ Sentence E is incorrect
because the sentence refers to having a Bill in theory
11. the, the (on paper) and the expression for this is ‘on the books’
and not ‘on books’. The answer is option (3).
12. a
27. 4 Sentence A is incorrect because it is clear that the
13. the Swift and A Star are two different hatchbacks and not
Kangaroo is used as a class of animals. So it needs a the name for one vehicle. The definite article should
definite article ‘the’. be placed before both the cars and hence the
correction will be – ‘the Swift and the A Star
14. the hatchbacks’. The same error has been repeated in the
Musical instruments take article ‘the’. latter part of the sentence, hence it should be – ‘the
Swift Dzire and the SX4 sedans’. Sentence B is
15. the correct. Sentence C is incorrect because the 33-day
Young is a specific class of people so it will take lockout was one instance and since it is a countable
article the. noun it requires an article before it. The correction will
be ‘ a 33-day lockout’. Sentence D is incorrect because
16. a ‘company’ is a countable noun and hence it should get
Article ‘a’ is required. an article before it – in this case the definite article –
‘the company would shut down’. Sentence E is
17. a incorrect because 2015-2016 is a period not a specific
Article ‘a’ is needed here. date. The correction will be ‘...on schedule by 2015-
2016.’ The answer is option (4).
18. a
We need an indefinite article as we are not sure of the

Grammar - 1 Page 1
28. 4 Sentence A is incorrect because names of countries 36. Besides, Except for, and Apart from are equally
(Myanmar) never take any article before them – acceptable
exceptions are countries that indicate a conglomeration
eg. the United States of America. The correction in the 37. But for
sentenc e will be ‘M yanmar has long fac ed...’
Sentence B is incorrect because specific organisations 38. by means of
and institutions always take a definite article before
them. The sentence will read as ‘Although the new 39. concerning
government has concluded...’ Sentence C is correct.
Sentence D is incorrect because a specific post or 40. on account of
position always takes the definite article before it –
the President, the Minister of State and hence ‘the’ US 41. Besides, Except for, and Apart from are equally
Ambassador. Also the adjective first has been used acceptable
and since it lends the element of uniqueness to the
post, it by default also requires the definite article. The 42. instead of
corrected sentence will be ‘It was Mr. Mitchell’s first
press briefing since he took his post earlier this month 43. not withstanding
as the first U.S ambassador to M yanmar in two
decades.’ Sentence E is incorrect because ‘long- 44. out of
ruling military’ should be preceded by the definite
article. The correction will be ‘...after the long-ruling 45. regardless of
military ceded power last year.’ The answer is option
(4). 46. at

29. 4 Sentence A is incorrect because there is a specific 47. like

question that is being mentioned and hence it requires
the definite article. The correction will be ‘But the 48. to
questions remains ...’ Sentence B is incorrect as the
last part talks about putting up ‘a’ good show. Since 49. of f
show is a countable noun it needs an article before it.
The correction is ‘ ...coming up with a good show.’ 50. on
Sentence C is incorrect because ‘upsets’ (change/
disruption) is countable and hence it needs an article 51. on
before it. The correction is ‘... causing a few upsets...’
Sentence D is correct. Sentence E is incorrect because 52. to
the ‘Games’ is a synonym for an event (since its first
letter is capitalised). It requires the definite article – 53. by
‘...female counterparts at the Games.’ The answer is
option (4). 54. with

30. 1 Sentence A is incorrect because ‘euro’ is a currency 55. by

and when a currency is referred to by itself it takes
the def inite article before it – ‘...us e the euro 56. f or
unanimously ...’Sentences B, C and E are correct.
Sentence D is incorrect because the monitoring is not 57. against
for any bank that will receive aid but for specific banks
that will receive the aid and hence the definite article 58. to
is needed. The correction will be ‘ monitoring of the
banks that receive aid.’ The answer is option (1). 59. with

31. According to 60. of

32. Besides, Except for, and Apart from are equally 61. 2 Sentence A is incorrect because it is clear that Kumar
acceptable and Modi are two separate entities – the sentence
has a plural verb and logic dictates that they must be
33. as for treated as separate individuals (as rivals). Hence the
preposition ‘alongwith’ has been incorrectly used and
34. as to instead the conjunction ‘and’ should be brought in as a
substitute. The correction will be ‘Kumar and Modi
35. among have been positioned as rivals for the big prize.’

Page 2 Grammar - 1
Sentence B is incorrect as the correct phrase is ‘setting
themselves up for a contest’. The preposition ‘to’ has 65. 1 Sentence A is incorrect because ‘replying’ is never
been incorrectly used here. Sentences C and E are used by itself if it is followed by a noun and is always
correct. Sentence D is incorrect because the correct used with the preposition ‘to’. Sentence B is correct.
prepositional phrase is ‘in many ways’ and not ‘for Sentence C is incorrect because it uses the phrase
many ways’. Option (2) is the answer. ‘sort of’ incorrectly. This phrase comes in the category
of sort of, kind of, variety of - all indicating a category,
62. 3 Sentences A and C are correct. Sentence B is incorrect section or variety. The phrases are idiomatic and must
because the correct phrase is ‘area of responsibility’ have the preposition ‘of’ in them. Sentence D is incorrect
and not ‘area in responsibility’. Sentence D is incorrect because the preposition ‘of’ is used when one is
as one always has an ‘association with’ and not an indicating having chosen something. ‘Choice in’ is used
‘association to’ something. Sentence E is incorrect to mean a choice that one has within a particular issue/
because a person is a trustee ‘in’ an organisation and segment eg. a wise choice in today’s volatile market.
not ‘within’ (which means inside or not beyond an The answer is option (1).
area or period of time). The answer is option (3).
66. 4 Sentence A is incorrect because one always protests
63. 3 Sentence A is incorrec t because the c orrect ‘against’ something and not ‘towards’. To be ‘called in
preposition phrase is ‘in connection with’ and not ‘in by’ means to be summoned by a particular person/
connection for’. Judges are always ‘of’ a court and organisation.... ‘Called by’ means ‘to announce’.
not ‘with’ a court. Hence Sentence B is incorrect. The Sentence B is wrong and hence the correction is
correction will be ‘...chief judge of city small causes ‘nation-wide protest called by the Bar Council of India
court...’ Sentence C is incorrect because a person is (BCI).’ Sentences C and E are correct. Sentence D is
employed ‘in’ a court and is not an employee ‘of’ a incorrect as ‘held for’ means to ‘carry on for a duration
court. The correction will be ‘Rao also worked as the of time’ whereas ‘held up’ means ‘delayed’. The latter
registrar in the High Court.’ Sentence D is incorrect adds meaning to the sentence whereas the former
because ‘in service’ indicates ‘while in employment’ changes the meaning of the sentence and makes it
whereas ‘with service’ indicates ‘the quantum of incorrect. The correct sentence hence is ‘... House
experience’. In this case, it is the former meaning that court were held up for half-an-hour.’ The answer is
holds logical value and hence the correction will be option (4).
‘...second judge in service arrested in ...’ Sentence E
is correct. Option (3) is the answer. 67. 4 Sentence A is incorrect as the correct preposition to
use alongwith c onnection is ‘with’ and not ‘to’.
64. 3 In sentence A, the preposition ‘on’ should be replaced Sentence B is correct. Sentence C is incorrect as a
by ‘at’. It is incorrect to say that someone was present person is grilled ‘on’ certain issues and not grilled ‘about’
‘on’ a specific place. Sentence B is incorrect because them. Again Sentence D is incorrect because of the
‘appearing off’ would mean appearing away from - incorrect use of the preposition ‘on’ instead of ‘about’.
this does not fit logically with the sentence. However, A person is questioned on an issue but questioned
the sentence meant that ‘proxy counsel appeared in about a person. Sentence E is incorrect because one
courts.’ Sentence C is incorrec t becaus e while always ‘takes possession of’ something and does not
referring to work done at a specific complex, the ‘take possession over’. Option (4) is correct.
preposition ‘at’ is used. Sentences D and E are correct.
Option (3) is correct.

Grammar - 1 Page 3

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