Exercise English Test II

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Exercise English Test II

Upper-Intermediate Level
Multiple choice activities
Elimination of incorrect answers in style questions
In order to solve these questions, you should eliminate any possible answer choices which are incorrect until
you arrive at the correct choice. Follow these steps in eliminating incorrect answers.
1) Check each answer for faulty grammar: Look for:
a) subject/verb agreement.
b) adjective/adverb usage
c) placement of modifiers
d) sequence of tenses
e) logical pronoun reference
f) parallel structure
2) Eliminate answers that are verbose (wordy). The sentence should convey its meaning in the most
concise way.
a) Avoid answers containing expressions like:
“ John read the letter in a thoughtful manner.” (4 words)
There is usually a less wordy adverb such as:
“ John read the letter thoughtfully.” ( 1 word)
b) Avoid answers which contain two words that have the same meaning.
3) Eliminate answers which contain improper vocabulary.
a) Be sure that the words show the meaning of the sentence.
b) Be sure that two-word verbs are connected with the proper preposition.
4) Eliminate answer choices containing slang expressions. Slang is nonstandard vocabulary that is
sometimes used in speech, but not considered correct in formal speech. Some examples are:
Really when it is used to mean “very”
Bunch when it is used to mean “many”
any noun + wise when it is used to mean “ In relation to_____”
Examples of style questions
1. Before we can decide on the future uses of this drug ______________.
(A) many more informations must be reviewed
(B)is necessary to review more information
(C) we must review more information
(D) another information must be reviewed
Analysis :
A. 2 errors in grammar: many + non-count noun is not possible” a non-count noun cannot be plural
B. 1 grammar error: no subject
C. Correct
D. 2 grammar errors: another + non-count noun is not possible: a modal must be followed by the simple
form (must be reviewed).
2. In this country, a growing concern about the possible hazardous effects of chemical wastes _______.
(A)have resulted in a bunch of new laws
(B) has resulted in several new laws
(C) is causing the results of numerous laws
(D) result in new laws
A. 1 grammar error and 1 improper use of vocabulary (slang). The subject is concern, which is singular, so
have should be has. The word bunch is not acceptable in formal English.
B. Correct.
C. Verbose: has too many unnecessary words
D. 2 grammar errors: result is plural and the subject is singular: it is not possible to have a plural adjective
(new laws).
Each sentence is an incomplete sentence. For words or phrases, marked (A),(B),(C),(D) are given beneath
each sentence. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Remember to
eliminate answers that are incorrect and to choose the one that would be correct in formal written
1. The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions _________________.
(A) because he was afraid it would incriminate him.
(B) for fear that they will incriminate him.
(C) because he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him.
(D) fearing that he will be incriminated by it

2. __________________ will Mr. Forbes be able to regain control of the company.

(A) with hard work.
(B) In spite of his hard work
(C) Only if he works hardly
(D) Only with hard work

3. Mrs. Walker has returned ________________

(A) a wallet back to its original owner
(B) to its original owner the wallet
(C ) the wallet to its originally wallet
(D) the wallet to its original owner

4. The hospital owes _______________ for the construction of the new wing.
(A) the government twenty million dollars
(B) for the government twenty million dollars
(C) to the government twenty million dollars
(D) twenty millions of dollars to the government

5. Maria _________________ that she should not attend classes next week.
(A) told to her professors
(B) said her professors
(C) told her professors
(D) is telling her professors
6. Having been asked to speak to the convention, _____________________
(A) some notes were prepared for DR. Casagrande
(B) DR. Casagrande prepared some notes
(C) the convention members were pleased to hear DR. Casagrande
(D) some notes were prepared by Dr. Casagrande

7. _____________ so many people been out of work as today.

(A) More than ever before
(B) Never before have
(C) In the past, there never have
(D) Formerly, there never were

8. The artist was asked to show some painting at the contest because _____________.
(A) he painted very good
(B) they believed he painted well
(C) of their belief that he was an good artist
(D) the judges had been told of his talent

9. Having finished lunch _________________.

(A) the detectives began to discuss the case
(B) the case was discussed again by the detectives
(C) they discussed the case
(D) a bunch of detectives discussed the case

10. Ms. Sierra offered________________ because she had faith in his capabilities.
(A) to MR. Armstrong the position
(B) Mr. Armstrong the position
(C) the position for MR. Armstrong
(D) MR. Armstrong to the position

11. ___________________ did Jerome accept the job.

(A) Only because it was interesting work
(B) Because it was interesting work
(C) Only because it was interested work
(D) The work was interesting

12. __________________ were slowly lowered to the ground for medical attention.
(A) The victims who were screaming and who were burning
(B) The screaming burnt victims
(C) The screamed burnt victims
(D) The victims who were burning screamed

13. This car has Many features including _____________________.

(A) stereo, safety devices, air condition, and it saves gas
(B) good music, safe device, air conditioning, and gas
(C) stereo, safety devices, air conditioned, and good gas
(D) stereo, safety devices, air conditioning, and low gas, mile-age

14. The proposal was tabled __________________ that it would be helpful.

(A) temporarily because there was not sufficient evidence
(B) because for the time being there were not sufficient evidence
(C) because at the present time there was not sufficient evidence
(D) temporarily because there was not sufficient enough evidence

15. Adams was dismissed from his position __________________.

(A) because his financial records were improperly
(B) because financewise he kept poor records
(C) for keeping improper financial records
(D) for keep financial records that were improper.

A verbal idioms is a group of words, containing a verb, that has a meaning different from the meaning
of any individual word within it.
Break out - end. As a result of the resent, unprovoked attack, the two countries broke off their diplomatic
Bring up - bring, initiate. The county commissioner brought up the heated issue of restricting on-street
Call on - (a) ask. The teacher called on James to write the equation on the blackboard. (b) – visit. The new
minister called on each of the families of his church in order to become better acquaintance with them.
Care for - (a) like. Because Marita does not care for colors, she buys brightly colored clothes. (b) – look after.
My neighbors asked me to care for their children at school.
Check out – (a) – borrow books,etc.,from a library. I went to the library and checked out thirty books last night
for my research paper. (b) – investigate. This photocopy machine is not working properly. Could you check out
the problem?
Check out of – leave. We were told that we had to check out of the hotel before one o’clock, or else we would
have to pay for another day.
Check (up) on - investigate. The insurance company decided to check up on his driving record before insuring
Close in on - draw nearer, approach. In this hallucinatory state, the addict felt that the walls were closing in on
Come along with – accompany. June came along with her supervisor to the budget meeting.
Come down with – become all with. During the summer, many people come down with intestinal disorder.
Count on – depend on, rely on. Maria was counting on the grant money to pay her way through graduate
Do away with – eliminate, get rid of. Because of the increasing number of problems created after the football
games, the director has decided to do away with all sports activity.
Draw up – write, draft (such as plans or contracts). A new advertising contract was drawn up after the terme
had been decided.
Drop out of – quit, withdraw from. This organization has done a great deal to prevent young people from
dropping out of school.
Figure out – solve, decipher, interpret, understand. After failing to figure out his income tax return. Hal decided
to see an accountant
Find out – discover. Erin just found out that her ancestors had come from Scotland, not Ireland.
Get by – manage to survive. Despite the high cost living , we will get by on my salary.
Get through – (a) finish. Jerry called for an earlier appointment because he got through with his project sooner
than he had expected. (b)- manage to communicate. It is difficult to get through to someone who does not
understand your language.
Get up – (a) arise. Pete usually gets up early in the morning, but this morning he overslept. (b) – organize. Paul
is trying to get up group of square dancers to go to Switzerland.
Give up – stop, cease. Helen gave up working for the company because she felt that the employees were not
treated fairly.
Go along with – agree. Mr. Robbins always goes along with anything his employer wants to do.
Hold on to – grasp, maintain. Despite moving to the Western world, Marko held on to her Oriental ways.
Hold up – (a) rob at gunpoint. The convenience store was held up last night. (b) – Endure or withstand pressure
or use. Mrs. Jones held up very well after her husband’s death. (c) – stop. Last night’s accident held up rush
hour traffic for two hours.
Keep on – continue. I keep on urging Rita to practice the violin, but she does not heed her advice.
Look after – care for. After my aunt had died, her lawyer looked after my uncle’s financial affairs.
Look into – investigate. Lynnette is looking into the possibility of opening a drugstore in Dallas as well as in
Fort Worth.
Pass out/ Hand out – distribute. The political candidate passed out campaign literature to her coworkers.
Pass out – faint. The intense heat in the garden caused Maria to pass out.
Pick out – select, choose. The judges were asked to pick out the essays that showed the most originality.
Point out – indicate. Being a professional writer, Janos helped us by pointing out problems in style.
Put off – postpone. Because Brain was a poor correspondent, he put off answering his letters.
Run across – discover. While rummaging through some old boxes in the attic, I ran across my grandmother’s
wedding dress.
Run into – meet by accident. When Jack was in New York, he ran into an old friend at the theater.
See about – consider, attend to. My neighbor is going to see about getting tickets for next Saturday’s football
Take off – leave the ground to fly. Our flight to Toronto took off on schedule.
Take over for – substitute for. Marie had a class this afternoon, so Janet took over for her.
Talk over – discuss. The committee is talking over the plans for the homecoming dance and banquet.
Try out – (a) test. General Mills asked as to try out their new product. (b) – audition for a play. Marguerite
plans to try out for the lead in the new musical.
Turn in – (a) submit. The students turned in their turns papers on Monday, (b)- go to bed. After a long day, we
decided to turn in early.
Watch out for – be cautious or alert. While driving through that development, we had to watch out for the little
children playing in the street.
Exercise : Verbal Idioms
Change the underline words to incorporate two and three-word verbs. Make all necessary tense changes.
The senator raised the question of the treaty negotiation.
The senator brought up the question of the treaty negotiation.

1. Louise doesn’t like peas unless they’re mixed in with something else. _________________
2. Because of the shortage of funds, we will have to eliminate all extracurricular activities. ______________
3. Many teenagers quit school before graduation and regret it later. ________________
4. Mike and Mary Ellen will be very happy when they finish writing the book. _____________________
5. Marsha was so upset by her fiancé’s disloyalty that she ended their engagement. ____________________
6. The local convenience store was robbed last night and $ 225 was taken.
7. Thomas Jefferson was one of the men responsible for writing the Declaration of
8. I am trying to interpret this writing, but it not easy. ________________
9. Continue driving at 55 miles per hour if you want to save gasoline and prevent accidents.________________
10. Mrs. Davis asked me to serve as chairman of the entertainment committee.___________________
11. Pete promised to stop smoking immediately ._______________________
12. The police are approaching the robber’s hideout. _________________________
13. Maria Elena will take care of the neighbors’ children while they attend the school meeting.
14. Joey became ill with the measles just before his scout troop went to camp. _____________________
15. Mrs. Lastinger will substitute for the history teacher who is out of town. _______________________
16. The mountain climbers grasped the rope tightly to avoid failing. __________________
17. We plan to investigate the possibility of spending a week at the seashore. __________________
18. My mother distributed candy to the children last Halloween. _______________________
19. The manager said we have to leave the motel no later than noon. _____________________
20. Mike just discovered that his passport had expired three months previously.________________________
21. When buying apples, remember to select inly the firm, red ones.________________________
22. We were counting on a rise in pay, but we’ll have to manage without it. __________________________
23. Rita will accompany her sister to the Skating Palace on Saturday night. _________________________
24. The tour guide indicated the historical monuments of the city. ______________________________
25. I knew I could rely on them to get the job done . ____________________________
26. The dance had to be postponed because of the bad weather._____________________________
27. I accidently met an old friend in the shopping center last week. ____________________________
28. The manager said he would consider hiring another secretary to take care of the backlog of work.________
29. Last night Mr. Robbins raised the issue of student parking on city street. ________________________
30. Henry was so upset at the sight of his injured daughter that he fainted. ____________________
31. Before making a decision on the project, the board of directors decided to discuss the matter.____________
32. Procter and Gamble is testing a new product and has sent everyone a sample.
33. All budget proposals had to be submitted by last Friday. _______________________
34. What time did they awaken this morning ? ______________________
35. Be careful of spending cars when you cross the street._____________________
The correct answers of the first English Exercise Test ( of last week)

Multiple choice activities

1. D) 6. C)
2. C) 7. A)
3. B) 8. C)
4. D) 9. A)
5. B) 10. D)

I) Napoleon Bonaparte's ambition…..

Correct answers…
1. A) 6. A)
2 .B) 7. C)
3. A) 8. A)
4. B) 9. A)
5 C) 10. A)
II) In the United States…..
Correct answers …
1. B) 6. B)
2. D) 7. B)
3. D) 8. A)
4. A) 9. B)
5. C)
III) Ever since humans have inhabited the earth……
Correct answers….
1. A) 6. A)
2. D) 7. A)
3. C) 8. D)
4. B) 9. B)
5. C) 10. D)
IV) When buying a house…..
Correct answers ….
1. A) 6. B)
2. D) 7. A)
3. A) 8. C)
4. B) 9. C)
5. D) 10.D)

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