Bahasa Inggris Teknik: Energy Conservation Measures in A Technical Institutional Building in Tamilnadu in India
Bahasa Inggris Teknik: Energy Conservation Measures in A Technical Institutional Building in Tamilnadu in India
Bahasa Inggris Teknik: Energy Conservation Measures in A Technical Institutional Building in Tamilnadu in India
The total installed capacity of electric power generating in India is170288MW. The maximum demand
during summer is 8000MW, during winter is 5500MW and during monsoon is 7000MW. The power
generation is always less than the required demand. The power shortage varies from 2000MW to
4000MW. The gap between the generation and demand is to increase the generation capacity. But in
developing country like India, it is not possible to install more capacity instantly. So the other important
way to reduce the gap is energy conservation. In this paper it was proposed to implement energy
conservation through energy efficiency and energy management.
1. Introduction
The proposed work carried out in K.L.N. College of Engineering. The total connected
load in this college is 900KW. The Maximum Demand (MD) is 300KVA. The transformer
capacity is 500KVA. The college has 11 departments and around 2000 student are studying. The
major loads are air condition, computer system, lighting and power loads. During working hours
the power consumption exceeds the permissible demand. In order to maintain power to all
departments it was necessary to carry out energy conservation measure. It is proposed to prepare
energy efficient time table by which all the departments can get full energy within the demand.
Energy audits can mean different things to different individuals. The scope of an energy
audit, the complexity of calculations, and the level of economic evaluation are all issues that
may be handled differently by each individual auditor and should be defined prior to beginning
any audit activities. An energy audit can be simply defined as a process to evaluate where an
institution uses energy, and identify opportunities to reduce consumption.
1876-6102 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of 2nd
International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE). Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
There are new ways to reduce energy costs while maintaining quality lighting for
different departments. A large portion of facility utility costs are devoted to Air conditioning
and lighting. Recent light innovations and energy conservation programs are helping to
encourage this task. Lighting upgrades save energy dollars. Lighting systems are often the
second greatest use of electric power after heating and cooling systems. With reduced lighting
loads, electrical MD savings are often obtained. Lighting offers several opportunities for energy
savings. These include replacing existing lamps with more efficient ones, decreasing the wattage
or brightness, improving controls and changing fixtures and repositioning lights. The lighting
energy consumption can be reduced and lower lighting levels decrease air conditioning loads.
This can help to save energy during warm weather. Many facilities have outdated lighting
components that are nearing the end of their life. Some ballast may be 15 years old when their
life expectancy was 10 years. Energy-efficient lighting systems in institution applications strive
to optimize lighting quality, maximize energy savings and meet the needs of individual. The
characteristics of the modern laboratories provide an opportunity to optimize laboratory
lighting. Optimizing laboratory lighting requires a workspace-specific approach to lighting and
control. In today’s energy economy, everyone is involved to reduce energy expense.
Opportunities for lighting retrofits are popular and generally offer an attractive return on
investment. Electricity used to operate lighting systems represents a significant portion of total
electricity consumed.
2. Methods
The proposed energy time table gives a solution for maximum demand problem. In Tamilnadu all the
H.T consumers are informed to avail power only within the limit because of the gap between
the power generation and demand. In a technical institution which having more number of
computer system, air- conditions, lighting load and power load in electrical and electronics
department electrical machines lab, mechanical department workshop, fluid mechanics lab
require more electrical power for experiments. It was not easy to supply power to all the
departments within the permissible demand. An energy efficient time table gives solution for
the above problem.
Fig 1.ECE DEPT. Energy Consumption Fig 2.IT DEPT. Energy Consumption
Fig 3.AUT DEPT. Energy Consumption Fig 4. MECH DEPT. Energy Consumption
8.20- 9.20- 10.10- 10.25- 11.15- 12.05- 12.45- 1.35- 2.25-
9.20 10.10 10.25 11.15 12.05 12.45 1.35 2.25 3.15
Fig 5.COMP. DEPT. Energy Consumption Fig 6. EEE DEPT. Energy Consumption
Fig 7.EIE DEPT. Energy Consumption Fig 8. FIRST YEAR Energy Consumption
Fig 9.Overall DEPT. Energy Consumption (BEFORE) Fig 10. Overall DEPT. Energy Consumption (AFTER)
Fig. 11. Ceiling fan without capacitor Fig.12 Ceiling fan with 2MFD capacitor
Energy saving by adding capacitor in fluorescent tubes and additional capacitor for
ceiling fan and replaced energy efficient choke. The test result for different type of choke and
capacitor were obtained. The old chokes were replaced with energy efficient chokes and
corresponding capacitors were added to improve power factor by connecting 2MFD capacitor
KVA rating is reduced.
Annual Saving = (daily hours used * 365 * days) * ((watt saved) / 1000) * Cost of electricity
The implementation of energy efficient time table reduces the MD of 60KVA and hence the
cost saving per month is $240. By adding additional capacitors in the fan and lighting saves the
cost of $602 per month. But still the required MD is more than permissible MD of the
institution. This can be reduced further implementation of updated Timetable if possible or the
additional required MD can get from utility.
4. Conclusion
The total power gap between the generation and demand is approximately 3500MW in
Tamilnadu. The number of Engineering colleges, Deemed Universities and Polytechnics are
approximately 1200. If all the institutions are implementing such energy management and
energy efficiency measure using energy efficient time table and power factor correction for
individual electrical appliances. The total gap between the demand and generation can be
reduced to 20 percent. Each institution will get the benefit of cost saving in electric energy
consumption bill.
The Authors would like to thank The Management and The Principal of KLN College of
Engineering Tamilnadu, India for advice and fully support.
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