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Chapter-1 Project overview


The energy audit & energy conservation discussed in this project will only
focused on our institute Shree Dadaji Institute Of Technology & Science
Khandwa (S.D.I.T.S.). It is carried out in aim of analyzing and identifying
possible energy saving measures in the institute, which can later be
implemented for energy efficiency program in our institute. There is no major
conversions were done in the three phase electrical systems or design which
contributes to energy in efficiency. There is a large amount of Energy wasting
in this institute, significant especially in the lighting, air conditioning. Some of
the equipments such as lighting system consist of uneconomical tube lights due
to which power consumption of this institute building is very high and also the
air-conditioning split units are located at unoccupied an area which does not
contribute to energy efficiency. The front view of S.D.I.T.S. is shown in Fig.1.

Fig.1 S.D.I.T.S. Khandwa

The energy audit & energy conservation has been done to obtain information of
energy used in the institute in terms of KVA, KW and KVar which includes the
current consumption, voltage and power factor. It has been found that inductive
load which came from machines (i.e. Photostat machines) and air-conditioning
units has result in low power factor in our institute. This problem has been
solved by installing a capacitor bank at the library main switch board for power
factor correction which reduces current consumption. For further analysis of
energy saving, the energy audit is continued for another seven days time frame

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Chapter-1 Project overview

to get the information of energy used in the building including the current
consumption and corrected power factor after installation of capacitor bank.

1.2 Objectives of the Project

To study energy audit and energy consumption in our institute, S.D.I.T.S

KHANDWA and give suggestions for betterment of energy efficiency & to
reduce the energy consumption energy wastage in our institute with engineering
techniques and calculation method.

1.3 Scopes of the project

There are several scopes of work for this project; study and identify how energy
is being used in S.D.I.T.S., where and how energy is used and identifies energy
saving opportunities.

a) Carry out overall energy audit for institute & analyze heating & ventilation of
our institute.
b) Design Energy Profile and Energy Saving Measure (analyze).
c) Propose energy efficiency project for institute.
d) Implementation of Energy Saving Measures.

1.4 Methodology

1.4.1 Methodology for Energy Audit

The energy audit is a systematic assessment of current energy use practices,

from point of purchase to point of end-use. Just as a financial audit examines
expenditures of money, the energy audit identifies how energy is handled and
consumed, i.e.

 How and where energy enters the facility, department, system or piece of
equipment or machines.
 Where it goes and how it is used.
 Any variances between inputs and uses.
 How it can be used more effectively or efficiently.

The key steps in an energy audit are as follows:

1. Conduct a condition survey.
2. Establish the audit mandate.

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Chapter-1 Project overview

3. Establish the audit scope.

4. Analyse energy consumption and costs.
5. Compare energy performance.
6. Profile energy use patterns.
7. Inventory energy use.
8. Identify Energy Management Opportunities (EMOs).
9. Assess the benefits.
10. Report for action.

1.4.2 Methodology for Energy Conservation

Various types of methods used for Energy Conservation are as follow

1) Energy conservation through Energy Efficiency
2) Replacement method
3) Load Management
4) Power factor improvement

1.5 Thesis Outline

This thesis contains 6 chapter in which every chapter have its own purpose.
After viewing the entire chapter in this thesis hopefully viewer can understand
the whole system profile for this project.

In Chapter 1 we have discuss about the overview of our project its objective,
scope, methodology & outline of our thesis.

After that in Chapter 2 we come to know about the Introduction, Study of

energy wasting in the institute, energy auditing & energy conservation &Site

After the study of project in Chapter 3 we have done the college building

Chapter 4 belongs to the load analysis of the institute.

In Chapter 5 we have explain about the different Methodology used in Energy

Auditing & Energy conservation of the Institute S.D.I.T.S. Khandwa.

After that In Chapter 6 we have made the Result & analysis of the project

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Chapter-2 Introduction

2.1 Introduction

Energy efficiency program will bring great savings if planned and implemented
correctly. It cannot be successfully carried out without the commitment from the
top management. The top management should be informed about the current
level of operating efficiency, additional saving potentials and resources needed
to achieve it. Clearly defined and communicate with the top management by
developing clear written goals and objectives will help to increase their
understanding on efficient operation as part of management asset as well as
reduces operating cost and maintain comfort. A successful energy management
plan should initiate with energy accounting or energy audit in order to record
and track the progress of energy efficiency program. Energy audit is a process
of checking the way energy is used and identify areas where wastage can be
minimize if not totally eradicate. Energy audit consists of several tasks which
can be carried out depending on the type of audit and the function of audited
facility. It started with review the historical data of energy consumption which
can be compiled from the electricity bills. These data is important in order to
understand the patterns of energy used and their trend. After obtaining the
information on energy consumption, the next step is to set up an energy audit
program. This program should start with site survey in order to obtain
information on present energy used. The energy utilization such as running
hours of air-conditioning, lighting levels, locations of unnecessary air-
conditioning and lighting due to unoccupied areas, temperature and humidity,
chillers/pump scheduling and setting, efficiencies of equipments and machine
and the areas of high energy consumption and the possibility to reduce
consumption should be record for further analysis
Availability of power is the major deciding factor of a developing
country. Power demands are increasing day by day and conservation of energy
is an important need of a country. In India, one of the fastest developing country
in the world, the total installed power capacity is around 233.92 GW, world’s
fifth largest, out of which 159.7 GW are generated from thermal power stations,
4.78 GW from nuclear power stations, 39.893 GW from hydro power plants and
29.462 GW are from renewable energy sources. In spite of this, India currently
suffers from a major shortage of electricity generation capacity, even though it
is the world's fourth largest energy consumer. Of the 1.4 billion people of the
world who have no access to electricity in the world, India accounts for over
300 million. As of January 2012, the per capita total consumption in India to be
778 kWh. In a May 2011 report, India's Central Electricity Authority
anticipated, for 2011–12-year, a base load energy deficit and peaking shortage
to be 10.3% and 12.9% respectively. The 17th electric power survey of India
report claims over 2010– 11, India's industrial demand accounted for 35% of
electrical power requirement, domestic household use accounted for 28%,
agriculture 21%, commercial 9% public lighting and other miscellaneous
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Chapter-2 Introduction

applications accounted for the rest. Energy conservation can be a good solution
to all the energy demands. Energy conservation means reducing energy
consumption using less of an energy service. Energy audit is an efficient service
which investigates the possible ways of energy conservation in a building or a
system without negative output.

2.2 Energy Audit

As per the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Energy Audit is defined as "the
verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of
technical report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency
with cost benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption".
Implementation of recommended measures can help consumes to achieve
significant reduction in their energy consumption levels. An energy audit is an
inspection, survey and analysis of energy flow for energy conservation in a
building or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without
negatively affecting the outputs. The objective of this report is to study the
energy consumption of an educational building and reduce the consumption
without affecting the output. The institutional building is considered here
because of the uncontrolled and unpredictable usage of light, fans and air
conditioning facilities in number of classrooms, practical rooms, auditoriums
and also rooms with computer facilities and UPS.

Energy audit analysis in general order involves following:

 Analysis of the energy consumable systems and the utility bills

 Survey about the condition of the system
 Understanding the need of the consumer
 Evaluating the possible energy conservation measures and
 Estimating the energy savings potential.

Studies and researchers have shown that energy auditing and conservation in
India can save approximately Rs.1800crores per year as there is a big potential
for saving energy in industrial sector and save installation equivalent to

2.3 Types of Energy Audits

The energy audit orientation would provide positive results in reduction energy
billing for which suitable preventive and cost effective maintenance and quality
control programmes are essential leading to enhanced production and economic

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Chapter-2 Introduction

utility activities. The type of energy audit to be performed depends upon the
function or type of industry. There can be three types of energy audit.

 Preliminary energy audit

 General energy audit
 Detailed energy audit

2.3.1 Preliminary Energy Audit

The preliminary energy audit alternatively called a simple audit screening audit
or walk through audit, is the simplest and quickest type of audit. It is carried out
in a limited span of times and it focuses on major energy supplies and demands.
It aims at taking steps which are necessary for implementation of energy
conservation program in an establishment. It involves activities related to
collection, classification, presentation and analysis of available data in arising at
the most appropriate steps to be taken in establishing energy conservation. It
involves collection of necessary data, minimal interviews with site operating
personnel, a brief review of facility utility bills and other operating data and
identifies glaring areas of energy waste or inefficiency. Typically, only major
problems area will be uncovered during this type of audit, corrective measures
are briefly described and quick estimates of implementation cost, potential
operating cost savings and simple payback periods are provided. This level of
detail, while not sufficient for searching a final decision on implementing
proposed measures, is adequate to prioritize energy efficiency projects and
determine the need for more detailed audit.

2.3.2 General Energy Audit

The general energy audit is also called a mini audit or site energy audit or
complete site energy audit. It expands on the preliminary audit by collecting
more detailed information about facility operation and performing a more
detailed evaluation of energy conservation measures identified. Utility bills are
collected for a 12 to 36 months period to allow the auditor to evaluate the
facility energy/demand rate structure and energy usage profiles. Additional
metering of specific energy consuming systems is often performed to
supplement utility data. In depth interviews with facility operating personnel are
conducted to provide a better understanding of major energy consuming
systems as well as insight into variations in daily and annual energy
consumption and demand. This type of audit will be able to identify all energy
conservation measures appropriate for the facility given its operating
parameters. A detailed financial analysis is performed for each measures based
on detailed implementation cost estimate]\es, site specific operating cost savings

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Chapter-2 Introduction

and the customer’s investment criteria. Sufficient detail is provided to justify

project implementation.

2.3.3 Detailed Energy Audit

Detailed energy audit is also called comprehensive audit or investment grader

audit. It expands on the general energy audit. It covers estimation of energy
input for different processes, collection of past data on production levels and
specific energy consumption. It is a comprehensive energy audit action plan to
be followed effectively by the industry. It provides a dynamic model of energy
use characteristics of both the existing facility and all energy conservation
measures identified. The building model is calibrated against actual utility data
to provide a realistic baseline against which to compute operating savings for
proposed measures. Extensive attention is given to understanding not only the
operating characteristics of all energy consuming systems, but also situations
that cause load profile variations on both an annual and daily basis. Existing
utility data is supplemented with sub metering of major energy consuming
systems and monitoring of system operating characteristics. Thus, the scope of
this audit is to formulate a detailed plan on the basis of quantitative and control
evaluation, to evolve detailed engineering for options to reduce total energy
costs, consumption for the product manufactured. It should be at 8 to 10 percent
savings, detailed audit study shall be completed in a period of three weeks from
the date of commencement. After which, preparation of energy audit reports
shall be completed in a period of three weeks. The major system that are
encountered in industries with regard to which energy audit is to be carried out
are: Boilers, furnaces, air conditioning systems, refrigeration or cold room etc.,
power generation and distribution systems, compressed air generation systems,
pumping systems and electric motor driven systems.

Detailed energy auditing is carried out in three phases: Phase I, II and III.

a) Phase I - Pre Audit Phase.

b) Phase II - Audit Phase.
c) Phase III - Post Audit Phase.

Phase I -pre audit phase activities

A structured methodology to carry out an energy audit is necessary for efficient

working. An Initial study of the site should always be carried out, as the
planning of the procedures necessary for an audit is most important.

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Chapter-2 Introduction

Initial site visit and preparation required for detailed auditing

An initial site visit may take one day and gives the energy auditor/engineer an
opportunity to meet the personnel concerned, to familiarize him with the site
and to assess the procedures necessary to carry out the energy audit. During the
initial site visit the energy auditor/engineer should carry out the following
actions: -

 Discuss with the site's senior management the aims of the energy audit.
 Discuss economic guidelines associated with the recommendations of the
 Analyse the major energy consumption data with the relevant personnel.
 obtain site drawings where available building layout, steam distribution,
compressed air
 Distribution, electricity distribution etc.
 tour the site accompanied by engineering/production

The Main Aim of This Visit Are: -

 To finalise Energy Audit team.

 To identify the main energy consuming areas/plant items to be surveyed
during the audit.
 To identify any existing instrumentation/ additional metering required.
 To decide whether any meters will have to be installed prior to the audit
steam, Oil or gas meters.
 To identify the instrumentation required for carrying out the audit.
 To plan with time frame
 To collect macro data on plant energy resources, major energy consuming
 To create awareness through meetings/ programme

Phase II- Detailed Energy Audit Activities

Depending on the nature and complexity of the site, a comprehensive audit can
take from several Weeks to several months to complete. Detailed studies to
establish, and investigate, energy and material balances for specific plant
departments or items of process equipment are carried out. Whenever possible,
checks of plant operations are carried out over extended periods of Time, at
nights and at weekends as well as during normal daytime working hours, to
ensure that nothing is over looked. The audit report will include a description of
energy inputs and product outputs by major Department or by major processing
function, and will evaluate the efficiency of each step of the Manufacturing

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Chapter-2 Introduction

process. Means of improving these efficiencies will be listed, and at least a

preliminary Assessment of the cost of the improvements will be made to
indicate the expected payback on any capital investment needed. The audit
report should conclude with specific recommendations for detailed engineering
studies and feasibility analyses, which must then be performed to justify the
implementation of those conservation measures that require investments.

2.4 The Information To Be Collected During The Detailed Audit

Includes: -

1. Energy consumption by type of energy, by department, by major items of

process equipment, by end-use.
2. Material balance data (raw materials, intermediate and final products,
recycled Materials, use of scrap or waste products, production of by-products
for re-use in other Industries, etc.)
3. Energy cost and tariff data.
4. Process and material flow diagrams.
5. Generation and distribution of site services (compressed air, steam).
6. Sources of energy supply (e.g. Electricity from the grid or self-generation)
7. Potential for fuel substitution, process modifications, and the use of
cogeneration Systems (combined heat and power generation).
8. Energy Management procedures and energy awareness training programs
within the Establishment. Existing baseline information and reports are useful to
get consumption pattern, production cost and productivity levels in terms of
product per raw material inputs. The audit team should collect the following
baseline data:

 Technology, processes used and equipment.

 Details Capacity utilisation.
 Amount & type of input materials used.
 Water consumption.
 Fuel Consumption.
 Electrical energy consumption.
 Steam consumption.
 Other inputs such as compressed air, cooling water etc.
 Quantity & type of wastes generated.
 Percentage rejection / reprocessing.
 Efficiencies.

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Chapter-2 Introduction

2.5 Need of Energy Audit

In any industry, the three top operating expenses are often found to be energy
(both electrical and thermal), labour and materials. If one were to relate to the
manageability of the cost or Potential cost savings in each of the above
components, energy would invariably emerge as a Top ranker, and thus energy
management function constitutes a strategic area for cost reduction. Energy
Audit will help to understand more about the ways energy and fuel are used in
any Industry, and help in identifying the areas where waste can occur and where
scope for improvement Exists. The Energy Audit would give a positive
orientation to the energy cost reduction, preventive Maintenance and quality
control programmes which are vital for production and utility activities. Such an
audit programme will help to keep focus on variations which occur in the
energy Costs, availability and reliability of supply of energy, decide on
appropriate energy mix, identify Energy conservation technologies, retrofit for
energy conservation equipment etc. In general, Energy Audit is the translation
of conservation ideas into realities, by lending technically feasible solutions
with economic and other organizational considerations within a Specified time
frame. The primary objective of Energy Audit is to determine ways to reduce
energy consumption per unit of product output or to lower operating costs.
Energy Audit provides a “benchmark" (Reference point) for managing energy in
the organization and also provides the basis for planning A more effective use
of energy throughout the organization.

2.6 Energy conservation

The core concept of the non structural energy conservation approach is about
human behavioural change. As defined in the Dictionary of Energy, behavioural
change is in the activities of a person or organization that affects the level of
energy conservation, either positively (turning off lights when not in use) or
negatively (e.g. using an electric dryer to replace a clothesline)”. Some
examples of energy conservation behaviour but not limited to, switching off the
unnecessary lighting, thermostat control, turn off the monitor screen whenever
not in use, turn the computer in to sleep mode when leaving the computer for a
short periods, use stairs instead of lift as possible as could, as well as maximum
use of the natural lighting. All of these energy conservation actions can reduce
energy usage dramatically. Human behaviour is an essential ingredient in
energy conservation efforts. In support of that the best ways to cope with the
rising energy demand is not to supply more but is to save. Energy conservation
is an inescapable responsibility for humanity. People are the main factor in
achieving energy efficiency. The significance of this approach has been reported
by many researchers. Approximately 10 % of savings in energy cost can be

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Chapter-2 Introduction

achieved if the users are more energy conserving and 5-10 % of energy savings
can be achieved by improving energy users’ behaviour. Therefore, cumulative
amount of energy cost saving can be reached through energy conservation
behavioural changes.
Energy conservation means reduction in energy consumption, but
without making any sacrifice of quantity and quality of production. Energy
conservation It can be defined as the substitution of energy with capital, labour,
material and time. This definition also covers the substitution of scarce type of
energy (i.g. coal, oil) with abundant type of energy (i.g. solar, wind) or the
substitution of energy with convenience. For example, people will turn lights
off when they are not in their premises. Energy conservation is the act of using
energy in a more efficient and effective manner. While any form of energy may
be conserved, electricity is the type most commonly referred to in connection
with conservation. Energy conservation for following:-

 To reduce energy/fuel shortage

 To reduce peak demand shortage
 To save fuel, natural resources and money
 To reduce environmental pollution
 Only 1 % of natural resources available in India, while
• population is 16% of the world
 Provides Energy security

2.7 Energy Efficiency.

In a broad sense, energy efficiency means economizing on the use of energy

without adversely affecting economic growth and development. It includes
improving the efficiency of energy Generation, transmission and distribution
and efficient end use of energy. The cost effectiveness of energy
conservation/efficiency measures is well established as one unit of energy saved
at the consumer end avoids nearly 2.5 to 3 times of capacity augmentation due
to plant load factor, plant availability, auxiliary power consumption T&D losses
etc. Energy savings achieved through energy efficiency &conservation apart
from saving the investment required for additional capacity also avoids capital
investment in fuel, Mining, transport, water and land required for power plant.
The potential of energy efficient options, which save costs to the consumer,
utility and society as well, has, therefore, to be fully harnessed

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Chapter-2 Introduction

2.8 Energy conservation through Energy Efficiency

 Industrial Sector plays a vital role in economic Development.

 Industries cannot grow without electricity; Electricity is the backbone of
economic development.
 Setting up new power station for increasing generation Capacity is a
capacity is a capital intensive project with a long gestation period.
 Energy conservation is an alternative of capacity Addition.
 Energy conservation at the cost of comfort and Productivity hampers the
growth and development of Economy Energy Conservation by enhancing
energy efficiency gives Impetus to the socio economic development.

2.9 Load Management

Load management is a set of technologies for control of power supply and

demand to increase the system load Factor. Managing electric utility loads in
manners which Improves the effective utilization of generating capacity and
Encourage judicious use of electricity by all-consuming Sectors. Customers can
benefit both from personal decision to defer energy consumption until off peak
hours if incentives are provided moderating requirements for increased rates.
Distributing companies can benefit from load shifts which allow more balanced
plant utilization, minimizing the Need for construction of new generating
capacity. Country as A whole can benefit from actions which reduce the need
for Peaking power, which is typically provided using gas and oil Fired peak
load generators.

2.9.1 Maximum Demand Controllers

High-tension (HT) consumers have to pay a maximum demand charge in

addition to the usual charge for the number of units consumed. This charge is
usually based on the highest amount of power used during some period (say 30
minutes) during the metering month. The maximum demand charge often
represents a large proportion of the total bill and may be based on only one
isolated 30 minute episode of high power use. Considerable savings can be
realized by monitoring power use and turning off or reducing non-essential
loads during such periods of high power use. Maximum Demand Controller
(See Figure below) is a device designed to meet the need of industries conscious
of the value of load management.

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Chapter-2 Introduction

Fig.2 Maximum Demand Controllers

2.10 Power factor improvement

Improve power factor by installing capacitors to reduce kva demand charges

and also line losses within plant. For example A Pharma industry had installed a
1500 kva transformer. The initial demand of the plant was 1160 kva with power
factor of 0.70. The industry added 410 kvar Capacitor banks in motor load end.
This improved the power factor to 0.89, and reduced the required kva .

Fig.3 Power angle diagram

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Chapter-2 Introduction

2.11 Illumination

In Education building, electricity consumption for illumination rarely exceeds

5% of total consumption. Proper design Selection and maintenance can however
lead to some savings. The following points must be considered.
 Required lighting levels for different work areas.
 Selection of light sources.
 Maintenance and Effective Control.

Fig.4 Illumination

2.12 Electricity Storage

Like fossil fuel Oil and Coal, It is not possible to store Electricity for one week
by a factory at factory premises or at the power station. Storage of Electricity
can play a very vital Role in electricity conservation and management. The peak
Demand on a system can be met by stored electricity in place of new generating
capacity. This is because on all practical power Systems, the demand curve has
peaks and valleys. Electricity Storage system basically aims at storing
electricity generated during off peak period and supplying this electricity during
the Periods of peak demand. Electricity storage system mainly consists of three
Components are as follow:-

1) Convertor which converts electrical energy into energy from which can be
easily stored.
2) Sufficient Structure for the energy storage.
3) Invertors which converts the stored energy into electrical energy. The
following Technologies are generally used for storage systems like Chemical
Energy Storage, Battery storage, Pumped Hydro, Compressed air storage,
Thermal storage, super conducting Magnets etc.

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Chapter-2 Introduction

Fig.5 Electricity storage technologies

2.13 Co- Generation

Co-generation can be defined as the coincident Generation of steam and

electricity by an industry – with or without involvement of a utility or by a
utility itself. In Cogeneration Systems from its inherent thermodynamic
Characteristics, Fossil fuel fired control stations convert One-Seconds to escape
in the form of thermal discharge. By using the reject heat, cogeneration plants
can achieve a thermal Efficiency as high as 80%. Co-generation makes use of
this Waste heat in two basic thermal cycles – topping cycles and Bottoming
cycles. In a bottoming cycle, burned fuel produces Process is then converted to
electrical or mechanical power. In Topping cycle, fuel is burned to produce
electrical or Mechanical power; the waste heat from the power production
System then serves as process heat.

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Chapter-2 Introduction

Fig.6 Cogeneration

2.14 Electro-heat and other uses

Modern Arc furnaces have inherently low p.f. of the Order of 0.7 to 0.75. The
current also fluctuates widely resulting into voltage fluctuations. Power also
varies with voltage. On Load tap changers for furnace transformers wear out
quickly Due to sever duty. Electric utilities now in system p.f. are improved to
nearly unity. Thyristor switched capacitors can consistently monitor furnace
load and keep p.f. nearly unity and also improve the voltage level increasing
production. Electrolytic process-require D.C. power. Static convertors can
improve efficiencies. A large amount of waste heat is generated in these
processes. More fundamental studies of Cell design, electrode processes and
configuration etc can lead to significant improvement in efficiencies.

2.15 Need of Energy Conservation

The increasing demand for power has led to considerable fossil fuels burning
which has in turn had an adverse impact on environment. In this context,
efficient use of Energy and its conservation is of paramount importance. It has
been estimated that Nearly 25,000 MW can be saved by implementing end-use
energy efficiency and Demand side management measures throughout India.
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Chapter-2 Introduction

Efficient use of energy and its conservation assumes even greater importance in
view of the fact that one unit of Energy saved at the consumption level reduces
the need for fresh capacity creation By 2 times to 2.5 times. Further, such
saving through efficient use of energy can be achieved at less than one-fifth the
cost of fresh capacity creation. Energy efficiency would, therefore, significantly
supplement our efforts to meet power requirement, Apart from reducing fossil
fuel consumption. The economic development of a country is often closely
linked to its consumption of Energy. Although India ranks sixth in the world as
far as total energy consumption is concerned, it still needs much more energy to
keep pace with its development Objectives. India’s projected economic growth
rate is slated at 7.4per cent during the Period 1997-2012. This would necessitate
commensurate growth in the requirement of commercial energy, most of which
is expected to be from fossil fuels and Electricity. India’s proven coal reserves
may last for more than 200 years, but the limited known Oil and natural gas
reserves may last only 18 years to 26 years, which is a cause of Concern. The
continued trend of increasing share of petroleum fuels in the Consumption of
commercial energy is bound to lead to more dependence on imports And energy
insecurity. India’s energy intensity per unit of GDP is higher as compared to
Japan, U.S.A. and Asia by 3.7 times, 1.55 times and 1.47 times respectively.
This indicates inefficient Use of energy but also substantial scope for energy
savings. The increasing global Trade liberalisation and growing global
competition have made productivity Improvement, including energy cost
reduction, an important benchmark for economic Success. Therefore, a
paradigm shift in our approach to energy policy issues is needed a shift from a
supply dominated one to an integrated approach. This Integrated approach
would have to incorporate a judicial mix of investment in the Supply side
capacity, operational efficiency improvements of existing power Generating
stations, reduction of losses in transmission and distribution, end-use Efficiency
and renewable technologies. The policy goals and concepts would have to be
shifted from “energy conservation” To “energy efficiency”, and from “energy
inputs” to the “effectiveness of energy use” And “energy services

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

3.1Institute Profile
S.D.I.T.S. is the first ISO 9001:2000 Certified Technical Institute in East Nimar
Region, was started in 2004. Institute functions under the patronage of Dadaji
Dhuni wale Professional Education & Development Co-operative Ltd.,
Khandwa & is managed by Technocrats who have excelled in their respective
profession. Since inception it is endeavoring for the quality and excellence in
the technical education. Within a short span of eleven years, SDITS has earned
reputation not only in the NIMAR region but also in the entire state of Madhya
Pradesh. Founder Chairman of society, Late Shri Tanwant Singh Keer (Ex.
Minister), has putted his effort to promote quality education along with Shri
Rana Sajjan Singh an Agriculturist. S.D.I.T.S is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi
Technical University as pronounced RGPV, is the State Govt. The front view of
S.D.I.T.S. is shown in Figure

Fig.7 S.D.I.T.S. Khandwa

3.2 College Building Survey

S.D.I.T.S. College building is shown in fig. the complete college building has
three floors. It has 52 rooms, 25 laboratories, library, workshop, MCA &
canteen. The complete college building survey done in 5 sections are as follow.

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

1) Ground floor.
2) 2nd floor.
3) 3rd floor.
4) MCA department.
5) Library & Canteen.

3.2.1 Ground floor

Ground floor includes Principal office room, Fees office, Admission cell,
chemistry laboratory, physics laboratory, training and placement, voice
principle office, head of department of electrical and electronics, ex project lab,
fluid lab, material lab, HMTA, seminar hall and twenty class rooms.

Fig.8 Ground floor

3.2.2 First floor

First floor includes communication engineering laboratory, BEE lab, power

system lab, computer networking lab, exam control room, EC project lab, head
of department of electronic and communication lab, ADC lab, software
development lab, TV lab, EI lab, CS department, Linux lab, Civil department,

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

computer lab, head of department civil engineering, Geology lab and 15 class

Fig.9 First floor

3.2.3 Second Floor

Second floor include mathematics department, project lab IT, operating system
lab, drawing hall, exam control room, 12 rooms and one hall.

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

Fig.10 second floor

3.2.4 MCA Department

MCA Department divided into two parts, ground floor & First floor. Ground
floor includes office, hall & first floor includes 1 lab &1 classroom.

3.2.5 Library & Canteen

Library section includes 4 study rooms & two halls. Canteen includes 2 rooms
& big hall.

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

3.3 Ground floor

The lists of various electrical appliances connected in ground floor are as


Sr. No. Room Fan Tube AC PC Machines &

No. light equipment

1 101 10 40 - 7 4

2 102 2 6 1 1 1

3 103 2 18 1 2 -

4 104 8 9 - 1 -

5 105 8 10 - 1 -

6 106 2 2 - - 2

7 107 2 2 1 1 -

8 108 - - - - -

9 109 - - - - -

10 110 4 2 1 25 -

11 111 4 3 - - -

12 112 4 3 - - -

13 113 4 3 - - -

14 114 4 2 - 1 1

15 115 4 2 - 1 9

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

16 116 6 9 - 1 4

17 117 6 7 - 1 -

18 118 6 9 - 1 -

19 119 7 11 1 3 1

20 G-1 4 2 - - -

21 G-2 4 2 - - -

22 G-3 6 3 - - -

23 G-4 4 2 - - -

24 G-5 6 4 - 1 -

25 G-6 10 10 - - -

26 G-7 9 6 - - -

Total 125 170 5 48 22

Table.1 Load Analysis of Ground Floor

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

3.4First floor

The List of various electrical appliances in this floor as follow:-

Sr. No. Room Fan Tube AC PC Machine &

No. light equipment
1 201 6 6 2 41 -

2 202 6 9 - - -

3 203 6 6 - - -

4 204 6 9 - - -

5 205 2 2 - - -

6 206 - - - - -

7 207 2 2 - - -

8 208 2 2 - - -

9 209 10 11 1 61 -

10 210 4 5 - 18 -

11 211 5 5 1 2 -

12 212 4 6 - - -

13 213 4 3 - - -

14 214 - - - - -

15 215 6 6 - 1 -

16 216 6 6 - - -

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

17 217 6 9 - 15 -

18 218 6 9 1 35 -

19 219 6 9 - 1 -

20 F-1 6 6 - - -

21 F-2 6 6 - - -

22 F-3 6 6 - 15 -

23 F-4 6 4 - - -

24 F-5 4 4 - - -

25 F-6 4 6 - 16 -

26 F-7 4 4 - - -

27 F-8 6 6 - - -

Total 108 147 4 205

Table.2 Load Analysis of First Floor

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

3.5 Second floor

The lists of various appliances connected in this floor are as follow:-

Sr. No Room Fan Tube AC PC Machine &

No. light equipment
01 301 6 3 - - -

02 302 6 3 - - -

03 303 6 5 - - -

04 304 6 3 - - -

05 305 6 3 - - -

06 306 2 2 - - -

07 307 1 1 - 1 -

08 308 - - - - -

09 309 - - - - -

10 310 4 3 2 20 -

11 311 4 3 2 25 -

12 312 4 3 2 2 -

13 313 4 2 - - -

14 314 4 2 - - -

15 315 6 3 - - -

16 316 6 3 - - -

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

17 317 6 3 - - -

18 318 5 3 - - -

19 319 6 6 - - -

20 320 3 3 - - -

Total 85 60 6 48 -
Table.3 Load Analysis of Second Floor

3.6 MCA Department

The lists of various appliances connected in MCA Department are as follow:-

Sr. No Room Fan Tube AC PC Machine &

No. light equipment
1 Complete 38 22 2 50 -
Total 38 22 2 50 -

Table.4 Load Analysis of MCA

3.7 Library & Canteen

The lists of various appliances connected in Library & Canteen are as follow:-

Sr. No Room Fan Tube AC PC Machine &

No. light equipment
1 Complete 72 48 - 1 -
Total 72 48 - 1 -
Table.5 Load Analysis of Canteen & library

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Chapter-3 Institute Building Survey & Analysis

3.8 Power Rating Various Appliances

Sr. No. Appliances Power in Watt

1 Fan 60

2 Tube Light 40

3 AC 1500

4 PC 180

5 Water Cooler 1500

Table.6 Power Rating Various Appliances

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Chapter-4 Institute Building Load analysis

4.1 Maximum Load of Ground floor

4.1.1. Power consumption of tube light

Power consume per day=No. Of tube light * power rating of tube light
= 161* 40
= 6440 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 7*6440= 45080 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. of days *power per day
= 26*45080
=1172080 watt/month
= 1172.08 kw/month

4.1.2. Power Consumption of Fan

Power consume per day=No. of fan * power rating of fan

= 120* 60
= 7200 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 7200*7=50400 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 50400*26
=1310400 watt/month
= 1310.04 kw/month

4.1.3. Power Consumption of PC

Power consume per day=No. of PC * power rating of PC

= 42* 180
= 7560 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 7560*7=52920 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 52920*26
=1375920 watt/month
= 1375.92 kw/month

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Chapter-4 Institute Building Load analysis

4.1.4. Power Consumption of AC

Power consume per day=No. of AC * power rating of AC

= 13* 1500
= 19500 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 19500*7=136500 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 136500*26
=3549000 watt/month
= 3549 kw/month

4.1.5. Power Consumption of Water cooler

Power consume per day=No. of water cooler * power rating of 1 water

= 1* 1500
= 1500 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 1500*7=10500 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 10500*26
= 273000 watt/month
= 273 kw/month

4.2 First Floor

4.2.1. Power consumption of tube light

Power consume per day=No. Of tube light * power rating of tube light
= 150* 40
= 6000 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 7*6000= 42000 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. of days *power per day
= 26*42000
= 1092000 watt/month

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Chapter-4 Institute Building Load analysis

= 1092.00 kw/month

4.2.2. Power Consumption of Fan

Power consume per day=No. of fan * power rating of fan

= 110* 60
= 6600 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 6600*7=46200 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 46200*26
=1201200 watt/month
=1201.20 kw/month

4.2.3. Power Consumption of PC

Power consume per day=No. of PC * power rating of PC

= 208* 180
= 37440 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 37440*7=262080 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 262080*26
=6814080 watt/month
=6814.08 kw/month

4.2.4. Power Consumption of AC

Power consume per day=No. of AC * power rating of AC

= 5* 1500
= 7500 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 7500*7=52500 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 52500*26
=1365000 watt/month
= 1365 kw/month

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Chapter-4 Institute Building Load analysis

4.2.5. Power Consumption of Water cooler

Power consume per day=No. of water cooler * power rating of 1 water

= 1* 1500
= 1500 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 1500*7=10500 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 10500*26
= 273000 watt/month
= 273 kw/month

4.3 Second Floor

4.3.1. Power consumption of tube light

Power consume per day=No. Of tube light * power rating of tube light
= 80* 40
= 3200 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 7*3200= 22400 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. of days *power per day
= 26*22400
= 582400 watt/month
= 582.40 kw/month

4.3.2. Power Consumption of Fan

Power consume per day=No. of fan * power rating of fan

= 80* 60
= 4800 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 4800*7=33600 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 33600*26
=873600 watt/month

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Chapter-4 Institute Building Load analysis

=873.60 kw/month

4.3.3. Power Consumption of PC

Power consume per day=No. of PC * power rating of PC

= 58* 180
= 10440 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 10440*7=73080 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 73080*26
=1900080 watt/month
=1900.08 kw/month

4.3.4. Power Consumption of AC

Power consume per day=No. of AC * power rating of AC

= 6* 1500
= 9000 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 9000*7=63000 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 63000*26
=1638000 watt/month
= 1638 kw/month

4.3.5. Power Consumption of Water cooler

Power consume per day=No. of water cooler * power rating of 1 water

= 1* 1500
= 1500 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 1500*7=10500 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 10500*26
= 273000 watt/month

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Chapter-4 Institute Building Load analysis

= 273 kw/month

4.4 MCA Department

4.4.1. Power consumption of tube light

Power consume per day=No. Of tube light * power rating of tube light
= 22* 40
= 880 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 7*880= 6160 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. of days *power per day
= 26*6160
= 160160 watt/month
= 160.16 kw/month

4.4.2. Power Consumption of Fan

Power consume per day=No. of fan * power rating of fan

= 38* 60
= 2280 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 2280*7=15960 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 159600*26
=414960 watt/month
=414.96 kw/month

4.4.3. Power Consumption of PC

Power consume per day=No. of PC * power rating of PC

= 50* 180
= 9000 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 9000*7=63000 watt/day

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Chapter-4 Institute Building Load analysis

Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day

= 63000*26
=1638000 watt/month
=1638.00 kw/month

4.4.4. Power Consumption of AC

Power consume per day=No. of AC * power rating of AC

= 2* 1500
= 3000 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 3000*7=21000 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 21000*26
=546000 watt/month
= 546 kw/month

5. Power Consumption of Water cooler

Power consume per day=No. of water cooler * power rating of 1 water

= 1* 1500
= 1500 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 1500*7=10500 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 10500*26
= 273000 watt/month
= 273 kw/month

4.5 Library & Canteen

4.5.1. Power consumption of tube light

Power consume per day=No. Of tube light * power rating of tube light
= 48* 40
= 1920 watt/hour

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Chapter-4 Institute Building Load analysis

Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption

per hour
= 7*1920= 13440 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. of days *power per day
= 26*13440
= 349440 watt/month
= 349.44 kw/month

4.5.2. Power Consumption of Fan

Power consume per day=No. of fan * power rating of fan

= 70* 60
= 4200 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 4200*7=29400 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 29400*26
=764400 watt/month
=764.40 kw/month

4.5.3. Power Consumption of PC

Power consume per day=No. of PC * power rating of PC

= 1* 180
= 180 watt/hour
Power consume per day = No. of hour’s in a day * power consumption
per hour
= 180*7=1260 watt/day
Power consume per month= No. Of days *power per day
= 1260*26
=32760 watt/month
=32.76 kw/month

4.6 Total Power Consumption of Various Machines.

Power consume per month = 10000 KW/month

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Chapter-4 Institute Building Load analysis

4.7 Total Maximum Power Consumption per Month of Institute

Power consume per month in ground floor is = 7560 KW/month

Power consume per month in first floor is = 10800 KW/month
Power consume per month in First floor is = 7900 KW/month
Power consume per month in MCA department = 3000 KW/month
Power consume per month in Library Canteen = 1150 KW/month
Power consume per month in machines =10000 KW/month
Total = 40430 kW/month

4.8 Actual Power Consumption per Month

Sr. No Month Power per month in

1 January 3100
2 February 3360
3 March 4200
4 April 5680
5 May 5800

6 June 4500
7 July 4000
8 August 5040
9 September 5200
10 October 4800
11 November 3500
12 December 3300
Total per year 52480 KW/year

Table.7 Power consumption of various months

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Chapter-5 Methodology

5.1 Methodology for Energy Auditing

The energy audit is a systematic assessment of current energy-use practices,

from point of purchase to point of end-use. Just as a financial audit examines
expenditures of money, the energy audit identifies how energy is handled and
The key steps in an energy audit are as follows:

 Conduct a condition survey – Assess the general level of repair,

housekeeping and operational practices that have a bearing on energy
efficiency and flag situations that warrant further assessment as the audit

 Establish the audit mandate – Obtain commitment from management

and define the expectations and outcomes of the audit.

 Establish the audit scope – Define the energy-consuming system to be


 Analyse energy consumption and costs – Collect, organize, summarize

and analyse historical energy billings and the tariffs that apply to them.

 Compare energy performance – Determine energy use indices and

compare them internally from one period to another, from one facility to
a similar one within your organization, from one system to a similar one,
or externally to best practices available within your industry.

 Profile energy use patterns – Determine the time relationships of energy

use, such as the electricity demand profile.

 Inventory energy use – Prepare a list of all energy-consuming loads in

the audit area and measure their consumption and demand characteristics.

 Identify Energy Management Opportunities – Include operational and

technological measures to reduce energy waste.

 Assess the benefits – Measure potential energy and cost savings, along
with any co-benefits.
 Report for action – Report the audit findings and communicate them as
needed for successful implementation.

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Chapter-5 Methodology

5.1.1The Condition Survey

It is essentially an inspection tour & attention should be given to following.

 where energy is obviously being wasted
 where repair or maintenance work is needed
 where capital investment may be needed in order to improve energy

The Condition Survey has at least three purposes:-

 It provides the auditor and/or audit team with an orientation of the entire
facility to observe its major uses of energy and the factors that influence
those uses.
 It helps to identify areas that warrant further examination for potential
energy management opportunities (emos) before establishing the audit’s
mandate and scope.
 It identifies obvious opportunities for energy savings that can be
implemented with little or no further assessment. Often these are
instances of poor repair or housekeeping that involves no significant
capital expenditure.

5.1.2Establish the Audit Mandate-

It can be tempting to move quickly into the audit itself, especially for auditors
who are technically oriented. However, knowing the “ground rules” in advance
will help auditors to use their time to maximum effect and will ensure that the
needs of the organization commissioning the audit are met.
The terms of reference presented to the energy auditor are as follows:

 Audit Mandate – this should make the audit’s goals and objectives clear
and outline the key constraints that will apply when the audit’s
recommendations are implemented
 Audit Scope – the physical extent of the audit’s focus should be
specified, and the kinds of information and analytical approaches that will
comprise the auditor’s work should be identified.

5.1.3 Establish Audit scope

A systematic approach to energy auditing specifically defines the boundaries

that apply (as defined in the exploration of the thermodynamic basis for energy
auditing). The audit scope provides this detailed definition of the system to be

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Chapter-5 Methodology

audited. In addition, the audit scope is a “scope of work” statement; i.e. it

defines the sources of information and the analysis that will be applied to them.

a) Define the System to be audited

This step defines the audit’s boundaries and the specifics of the energy systems
within those boundaries. Although details on the energy load inventory will
emerge from the audit process itself, it is useful to define the areas to be

b) Identify Energy Inputs and Outputs

Using a schematic diagram of the area being audited, you should be able to list
energy inputs and outputs. It is important to identify all flows, whether they are
intended (directly measurable) or unintended (not directly measurable). Obvious
energy flows are electricity, fuel, steam and other direct energy inputs; and flue
gas, water to drain, vented air and other apparent outputs. Less obvious energy
flows may be heat loss though the building envelope or the intrinsic energy in
produced goods.

5.1.4 Analyse Energy Consumption and Costs

Information in energy billings and cost records can lead to EMOS, especially
when it is analysed with key energy use drivers such as production. You should
analyse energy consumption and costs before comparing energy performance
with internal and external benchmarks. Tabulating historical energy
consumption records provides a summary of annual consumption at a glance.
EMOS identified in this step may involve the reduction of energy consumption
and/or cost, both of which are important outcomes. Information in energy
billings begins with the rate structures or tariffs under which energy is
purchased. It is important for the auditor to understand the structure of tariffs
and cost components fully because these will greatly influence savings
calculations when EMOS are being assessed. Because the facility may use
several energy sources, it is also important to understand the per-unit energy
cost of these sources.

5.1.5 Comparative analysis

How does your organization’s level of energy consumption compare with other
similar education buildings, facilities and sites? What level of energy
consumption is achievable with the best operating practices and industry
benchmarks? How does your energy consumption this year compare with last
year? How does the energy performance of site a compare with that of site b?

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Chapter-5 Methodology

Analysing historical energy consumption is only the beginning in that it

organizes billing information and provides a basis for more in-depth analysis of
energy performance. In particular, it provides the data needed for comparing

5.1.6 Profile Energy Use Patterns

Considerable information about your facility’s operations can be revealed by its

electrical demand profile. This time record of energy consumption shows
electrical loads operating at any time and the aggregate demand represented by
those loads. In addition, a demand profile can reveal loads that are operating
when they don’t need to be and identify systems that are inappropriately sized.
Because the cost of electricity is determined in part by the maximum demand
drawn, reducing that demand can significantly lower your energy costs.
Depending on the size of your facility and the resources at your disposal, it may
be possible to install metering even temporarily at various locations in your
facility to generate a profile of electrical demand. Alternatively, your electrical
utility may be able to provide you with an electrical demand profile or help you
to obtain it. Although the demand profile is a measurement of electrical energy,
it also provides information about the consumption of other forms of energy.

5.1.7 Inventory energy use

Two of the energy auditor’s essential tools for fully assessing a facility are the
demand profile (i.e. the characterization of the electrical loads in terms of time
of use and size) and the load inventory. These two tools are complementary in
that they describe in quantitative detail the systems that consume energy in a
facility. The energy auditor needs to know where energy is being consumed,
how much is consumed by each system, and how all the systems add up as an
aggregate load. It is helpful to know how the total energy load is distributed
among various systems. The load inventory is a systematic way of collecting
and organizing this kind of information. It is a useful tool for undertaking “what
if” assessments of proposed measures, i.e. Estimating the impact of retrofits or
other technological or operational change.

5.1.8 Identify Energy Management Opportunities

The audit process flow chart shows several stages at which EMOs can be
 At the Condition Survey stage, obvious needs for repair or operational
changes that require no further assessment become apparent.
 When the facility Demand Profile is examined, other opportunities are
identified that can reduce cost or consumption: for example, a load-shifting

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Chapter-5 Methodology

opportunity that lower peak demand or loads that are on when the plant is
 The Load Inventory quantifies the distribution of energy consumption
among plant systems and provides a basis for reconciling load with billings;
variances in the reconciliation and insight into load distribution can lead to
further EMOs.
EMOs arising from the Condition Survey and Demand Profile are addressed
elsewhere in the guide. This section outlines how to identify further EMOs and
how to assess their feasibility and cost-effectiveness logically and

5.1.9 Assess the Costs and Benefits

Having identified a “shopping basket” of EMOS, the auditor should also

provide guidance on the feasibility of measures and recommendations for
implementation. Assessing proposed measures primarily involves cost/benefit
analysis. Although detailed economic analysis may go beyond the parameters of
the audit; the auditor should nevertheless know the following:

 What benefits should be taken into account.

 What costs should be included in the analysis.
 What economic indicators provide a realistic projection of the financial
viability of a proposed measure over time

5.1.10 Report for action

Regardless of how thoroughly and carefully you conduct the energy audit or
how beneficial the proposed EMOS are, nothing will be achieved unless action
is taken to achieve them. The step between the audit and action is the audit
report. Too often, audit reports gather dust on the shelf. The goals of the audit
report should be to provide a clear account of the facts upon which your
recommendations are made and to interest readers in acting on those

5.2 Measures in Energy Auditing Of Educational Building

An educational building is selected for the energy auditing due to the fact that
the number of people involved in an educational building is huge and the
possibility of energy conservation is more. Lighting load is where most of the
energy is wasted than consumed. In any educational building, lighting load
consumes more than 20% of the total electrical energy consumption. Replacing
the regular tube lights employing electromagnetic ballast with Compact
Florescent Lights (CFLs) and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) is discussed in the
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Chapter-5 Methodology

report. The total tube light load of the building is around 61.63kW employing
350 lamps.

5.3 Energy Audit Instruments

The requirement for an energy audit such as identification and quantification of

energy necessitates Measurements; these measurements require the use of
instruments. These instruments Must be portable, durable, easy to operate and
relatively inexpensive. The parameters generally Monitored during energy audit
may include the following: Basic electrical parameters in ac &dc systems -
voltage (v), current (i), power factor, active Power (kw), apparent power
(demand) (kva), reactive power (kvar), energy consumption (kwh), frequency
(hz), harmonics, etc. Parameters of importance other than electrical such as
temperature & heat flow, radiation, air And gas flow, liquid flow, revolutions
per minute (rpm), air velocity, noise and vibration, dust Concentration, total
dissolved solids (tds), ph, moisture content, relative humidity, flue gas Analysis
- co2, o2, co, sox, nox, combustion efficiency etc.The operating instructions for
all instruments must be understood and staff should familiarize themselves with
the instruments and their operation prior to actual audit use.

1. Electrical measuring instruments:

These are instruments for measuring major Electrical parameters such as kva,
kw, pf, Hertz, kvar, amps and volts. In addition some of these instruments also
measure Harmonics. These instruments are applied on-line i.e on running
motors without any need to stop the motor. Instant measurements can be taken
with hand-held meters, while More advanced ones facilitates cumulative
Readings with print outs at specified Intervals.

Fig.11 Electrical measuring instruments:

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Chapter-5 Methodology

2. Combustion analyzer:

This instrument has in-built chemical cells which measure various gases such as
O2, CO, NOX and SOX.

Fig.12 Combustion analyzer


A hand bellow pump draws the flue gas sample into the solution inside the
fyrite. A chemical reaction changes the liquid volume revealing the amount of
gas. A separate fyrite can be used for O2 and CO2 measurement.

Fig.13 Fyrite

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Chapter-5 Methodology

4. Contact thermometer:

These are thermocouples which measures for example flue gas, hot air, hot
water temperatures by insertion of probe into the stream. For surface
temperature, a leaf type probe is used with the same instrument.

Fig.14 Contact thermometer

5. Infrared Thermometer:

This is a non-contact type measurement which when directed at a heat source

directly gives the temperature read out. This instrument is useful for measuring
hot spots in furnaces, surface temperatures etc.

Fig.15 Infrared Thermometer

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Chapter-5 Methodology

6. Pitot tube and manometer:

Air velocity in ducts can be measured using a pitot tube and inclined manometer
for further calculation of flows.

Fig.16 Pitot tube

7. Water flow meter:

This non-contact flow measuring device using Doppler effect Ultra sonic
principle. There is a transmitter and receiver which are positioned on opposite
sides of the pipe. The meter directly gives the flow. Water and other fluid flows
can be easily measured with this meter.

Fig.17 Water flow meter

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Chapter-5 Methodology

8. Speed Measurements:

In any audit exercise speed measurements are critical as they may change with
frequency, belt slip and loading. A simple tachometer is a contact type
instrument which can be used where direct access is possible. More
sophisticated and safer ones are non contact instruments such as stroboscopes.

Fig.18 Speed Measurements

9. Leak Detectors:

Ultrasonic instruments are available which can be used to detect leaks of

compressed air and other gases which are normally not possible to detect with
human abilities.

Fig.19 Leak Detectors

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10. Lux meters

Illumination levels are measured with a lux meter. It consists of a photo cell
which senses the light output, converts to electrical impulses which are
calibrated as lux.

Fig.20 Lux meters

5.4 Methodology for Energy Conservation

5.4.1 Replacement method

In this methodology ordinary or uneconomical electrical appliances such as tube

lights, fan, inefficient AC are replace with energy efficient appliances such as
LED, energy efficient fan & AC. In lightning system the tube lights are
replacing with LED lights, LED bulbs are rapidly expanding in household use
.Energy efficient LEDs use only 20%-30% of the energy and last up to 25 years
than traditional incandescent bulbs. In addition to standard screw in bulb, you
will find LED in Lamp desk, kitchen under cabinet lightning, and even in
holiday light strings. In cooling system ordinary fan & AC are replacing with
star labelled fan & AC, also the ordinary motors replacing with energy efficient
Two Day National Workshop on
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Chapter-5 Methodology

5.4.2 Energy Conservation Trough Energy Efficiency

Energy savings achieved through energy efficiency &conservation apart from

saving the investment required for additional capacity also avoids capital
investment in fuel, Mining, transport, water and land required for power plant.
The potential of energy efficient options, which save costs to the consumer,
utility and society as well, has, therefore, to be fully harnessed

5.4.3 Load Management

The utilities (State Electricity Boards) use power tariff structure to influence
end user in better load management through measures like time of use tariffs,
penalties on exceeding allowed maximum demand, night tariff concessions etc.
The goal of any load-management program is to maintain, as nearly as possible,
a constant level of load, thereby allowing the system load factor to approach
100%. The important benefits of load management are reduction in maximum
demand, reduction in power loss, better equipment utilization and saving
through reduced maximum demand charges. Load shifting, one of the simplest
methods of load management, is to reduce customer demand during the peak
period by shifting the use of appliances and equipment to partial peak and off-
peak periods. Here no loads are being switched off, but only shifted or
rescheduled, and hence the total production is not affected. Load management is
a set of technologies for control of power supply and demand to increase the
system load Factor. Managing electric utility loads in manners which Improves
the effective utilization of generating capacity and Encourage judicious use of
electricity by all-consuming Sectors. Customers can benefit both from personal
decision to defer energy consumption until off peak hours if incentives are
provided moderating requirements for increased rates. Distributing companies
can benefit from load shifts which allow more balanced plant utilization,
minimizing the Need for construction of new generating capacity. Country as A
whole can benefit from actions which reduce the need for Peaking power, which
is typically provided using gas and oil Fired peak load generators.

5.4.4 Energy Conservation Trough a proper selection of Illumination

In Education building, electricity consumption for illumination rarely exceeds

5% of total consumption. Proper design Selection and maintenance can however
lead to some savings. The following points must be considered.
 Required lighting levels for different work areas.
 Selection of light sources.
 Maintenance and Effective Control.
The actual value of lighting levels for different work Areas is a controversial
subject. In India, maximum advantage should be taken of the excellent natural
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Chapter-5 Methodology

lighting available throughout the year. Maintenance and control of lighting must
be done very carefully.

5.4.5 Conservation through Power Factor Correction

Power factor should be considered when analysing electricity billings. A value

for power factor may appear on your utility invoice; however, it is common to
meter power factor when metering demand. Power factor values, when viewed
alongside the demand profile, help to determine what actions have caused
demand changes. Therefore, it is useful to consider savings opportunities related
to power factor at this point. The demand profile illustrated in Figure 6.2 shows
power factor values throughout the day, including the time of peak or maximum
demand. For customers billed on kVA demand, there is an opportunity to reduce
the peak or maximum kVA demand by increasing power factor. As detailed in
Section C-1, “Energy Fundamentals,” power factor is the ratio of real power in
kilowatts (kW) to the apparent power in kilovolt-amps (kVA). With the
application of a capacitor or bank of capacitors, it is possible to reduce kVA
demand while maintaining real power consumption (i.e. kW demand). In
practice, it is only the on-peak power factor that is relevant to demand costs.

 Correct power factor at the service entrance: This can be achieved by

adding a fixed capacitor bank, provided that the load and power factor are
constant. Otherwise, a variable capacitor bank (i.e. one that adjusts to the
load and power factor) will be required.
 Correct power factor in the distribution system: When large banks of
loads are switched as a unit within the distribution system, installing
capacitors at the point of switching may be an advantage. This has a
Firstary benefit in that it may also free up current-carrying capacity
within the distribution system.
 Correct point-of-use power factor: When a large number of motors start
and stop frequently or are only partially loaded, it may be operationally
advantageous to install power factor correction capacitors at the point of
use (i.e. the motor). In this way the correction capacitors are brought
online with the motor and removed as the motor is stopped.
 Utilize synchronous motors to provide power factor correction: For very
large systems, capacitors can become large and unwieldy. One alternative
approach is to use a large over-excited synchronous motor, which can
have the same effect on an electrical circuit as a capacitor.

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5.4.6 Conservation Opportunities in the Demand Profile

Often, opportunities for savings can be found in the demand profile. The
following are typical examples of savings opportunities:

 A peak demand that is significantly higher than the remainder of the

profile for a short amount of time affords an opportunity to reduce
demand through scheduling.
 A high night load in a facility without night operations presents an
opportunity for energy savings through better manual or automatic
control or possibly time clocks to shut down equipment that is not
required to operate all night.
 Loads that cycle on and off frequently during unoccupied periods – it
may be possible to shut them down completely.
 High demands during breaks in a production operation or insignificant
drops at break times suggest that equipment idling may be costly.
Consider shutting equipment down during these periods.
 Make sure that systems are not starting up before they are needed and
shutting down after the need has passed. Even half an hour per day can
save a significant amount if the load is high.
 Peak demand periods at start-up times suggest an opportunity for staged
start-up in order to avoid the peak.
 If the billed demand peak is not evident on a typical demand profile, this
suggests that the load or loads that determine the demand may not be
necessary (i.e. if they operate only once in a while). Consider scheduling
or shedding these loads. Also check the billing history to see if the
demand peak is consistent.
 A large load those cycles on and off frequently may result in a higher
peak demand and lower utilization efficiency than a smaller machine
running continuously. Consider using smaller staged units or machines.
This strategy may also reduce maintenance because starting and stopping
machines increases wear and tear.
 Short cycling loads provide a clue to identifying opportunities for
maintenance savings and failure prevention.
 In some cases, non-essential loads may be temporarily disconnected
during peak periods. This practice is commonly referred to as peak.
Shedding or peak shaving.

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Chapter-6 Result & Analysis

6.1 Result Comparisons

Sr. No Parameters Tube Light CFL LED

1 No. Of bulb 450 520 300

2 Watt per bulb 40 25 20

3 Cost per bulb Rs.50 Rs.150 Rs.800

4 Cost of total bulb Rs.22500 Rs.67500 Rs.240000

5 Kwh energy 18 13 6
Consumed by bulb
6 Cost of energy 99 71.5 33
consumed at Rs.5.5
7 Kwh energy 18*7*24 = 13*7*24 = 6*7*24 =
consume per month 3024 2184 1008
(assuming working
hours per day 7 &
24 days in month )
8 Cost of energy per 99*7*24 = 71.5*7*24 33*7*24 =
month Rs. 16632 = Rs. 12012 Rs. 5544
Life Span in hours 6000 hours 15000 50000 hours
Table.8 comparistion

The above table compares the tube light and cfl with respect to the life span of
led. As seen, the life span of a LED is approximately 50,000 hours which is
approximately 8 times more than the life span of tube light and 4 times more
than the life span of CFL. The pay back from the CFL and LED is more than the
tube light as the energy consumed by the CFL and LED is less when compared
with tube light. From the table it can be seen that, for 50,000 hours, i.e. in the
life span of one LED, 4 CFLs and 8 tube lights are used. The table also
discusses the power saving after replacing the 450 tube lights by 450 CFLs and
300 LEDs in the educational institute. The values discussed in the table are
approximate values only. From the table it is clear that, energy consumed by

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Chapter-6 Result & Analysis

tube light for 1 hour is equal to the energy consumed by the CFL for 2 hours
and that of LED for 4 hours.
Cost difference between the energy consumed by the tube light and that
of CFL per month assuming 7 working hours and 24 working days is
Rs.4620.00. The initial investment in replacing the existing tube lights with
CFL is Rs.67500. This implies that it recover the initial investment in 15
months. So CFL bulb starts to pay back after 15 months.
Cost difference between the energy consumed by the tube light and that
of LED per month assuming 7 working hours and 24 working days is Rs.
11088. The initial investment in replacing the existing tube lights with LED is
Rs.240000. This implies that it can recover the initial investment in 22 months.
So LED bulb starts to pay back after 22 months.

6.2 Analysis

6.2.1 Lighting system

Led bulbs are rapidly expanding in household use .energy efficient LEDS use
only 20%-30% of the energy and last up to 25 years than traditional
incandescent Bulbs. In addition to standard screw in bulb, you will find led in
lamp desk, Kitchen under cabinet lightning, and even in holiday light strings

Fig.21 LED light

 Turn off lights when not required.

 Fluorescent tube lights and CFLS convert electricity to visible light up to
5 Times more efficiently than ordinary bulbs and also save about 70% of
Electricity for the same lighting levels.
 Electronic ballasts can reduce power consumption by 20%.

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Chapter-6 Result & Analysis

 Consider employing infrared sensors, motion sensors, automatic timers,

Dimmers and solar cells wherever applicable, to switch on/off lighting
 90% of the energy consumed by an ordinary bulb (incandescent lamp) is
given off as heat rather than visible light.
 Use task lighting, which focuses light where's it's needed. A reading
lamp, for Example, lights only reading material Rather than the whole
 Dirty tube lights and bulbs reflect less light and can absorb 50 per cent of
the light; dust your tube lights and lamps regularly. You can cut
consumption by 10%-50% with t-5, slim tube lights that are started by
BEE. Use artificial lighting only when there is inadequate natural light in
a space.
 Use outdoor lights with timers or photocells so that they turn off
automatically in day light.

6.2.2. Ceiling Fan

Replace conventional regulators with electronic regulators for ceiling fans,

Height of the fan relative to the ceiling. If fan is too close to the ceiling, the
airflow is restricted; that is, the fan will not be able to draw as much air through
its blade as it has the potential to do. For this reason, “hugger” style fans (those
which mounted directly to the ceiling without the use of down rod) are all
inherently disadvantaged. The distance that a fan should be mounted form the
ceiling is directly correlated with its air moving potential; no fan should be
mounted with its blade closer than 24 inches to the ceiling. Pitch of the fan's
blades. The angle at which the fan's blades tilted relative to x axis is referred to
as the blade pitch. Since increased pitch also means increased drag, only fans
with well made motors can support steep pitches.

Fig, 22 energy efficient ceiling fan

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Chapter-6 Result & Analysis

6.2.3 Computer

It is calculated that, more than half of the power consumed by a desktop PC is

wasted as heat. Even servers, that are typically more efficient than desktops,
waste 30-40% of the power that they utilize. One of the prominent reasons
behind this wastage is that although desktop PCs are set up to sleep or hibernate
when inactive, about 90% of the time this functionality has been disabled. This
results in higher energy consumption and an increase in electricity usage. In
addition, IT users lack awareness about power saving features, which are
already available in their computers.

Fig.23 PC with Flat Screen LCD Monitor

 Computer that runs 24 hours a day, for instance, used-more power than an
energy efficient refrigerator.
 Screen savers save computer screens, not energy. Start-ups and shutdown
do not use any extra energy, nor are they hard on your computer
components. Infect, shutting computers down when you are finished
using them actually reduces system wear and saves energy.
 Purchase flat-screen LCD monitors, Setting computers, monitors and
copiers to sleep-mode when not in use helps cut energy costs by
approximately 40%.
 Activate and standardize 'power down' on new and existing PCS.
 If your computer must be left on, turn off the monitor; this device alone
uses more than half the system's energy.

6.2.4 Air Conditioners

It is important to buy an air conditioner that is the correct size for the room. Air
conditioners remove heat and humidity from the air. Humidity is removed when
the air in a room passes over the cooling coils of an air conditioner. If the unit is
too large, it will cool the room quickly, but only remove a portion of the
humidity. This leaves the room with a damp, clammy feeling to the air, since

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Chapter-6 Result & Analysis

the air will not have been circulated enough. A properly sized unit will remove
humidity effectively as it cools. Running a smaller unit for a longer time will
use less energy to completely condition a room than running a larger unit for a
shorter time. The key measure of energy performance for labelling of air
conditioners is the product's EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio). EER is the cooling
capacity versus the power consumed. thus higher the EER, better the energy
efficiency of an air conditioner. Both types of air conditioners (window and
split) are covered by BEE energy labelling programme. Due to the presence of
large and organized manufacturers, some major brands have already qualified
for a 5-star rating.

Fig.24 Star Labelled AC

 Use BEE star labelled products.
 Use ceiling or table fan as first line of defence against summer heat.
Ceiling fans, for instance, cost about 30 paisa an hour to operate – much
less than air conditions (Rs.10.00 per hour).
 One will use 3 to 5 per cents less energy for each degree air conditioner is
set above 22°C (71.5°F), so far set the thermostat of room air conditioner
at 25°C (77°F) to provide the most comfort at the least cost.
 Reduce air-conditioning energy use by as much as 40 per cent by shading
your home's windows and walls. Plant trees and shrubs to keep the day's
hottest sun off your house.
 Using ceiling or room fans allows you to set the thermostat higher
because the air movement will cool the room.
 A good air conditioner will cool and dehumidify a room in about 30
minutes, so use a timer and leave the unit off for some time.
 Clean the air-conditioner filter every month. A dirty air filter reduces
airflow and may damage the unit. Clean filters enable the unit to cool
down quickly and use less energy.
 Have your air conditioning unit checked every 6 months. If the Freon
level is not correct, you will waste a lot of energy and your home will
never be as cool as you want it.

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 The gaps around the windows and doors leads to AC loss. You can use a
candle to look for drafts. It the flame flickers or dances, found the place
to seal. Draperies on windows help reduce energy loss.
 Use electronic devices with occupancy sensors which switch on or off
automatically by sensing if the room is occupied.
 Switch to evaporative coolers from air conditioners during hot/dry
summer months.
 Buy split ACs instead of window ACs. They cost more, but they are more
energy efficient and consume lesser electricity.
 Do not install AC units on the west and south walls as these are exposed
to direct sunlight through a major part of the day during summers.
 Do not apply dark colours on the external surfaces (roof and walls) of the
house. Dark colours absorb more heat than light colours, leading to
increased use of the AC.
 Ensure that the condenser of the unit must have enough space around it
for air to circulate and help the refrigerant dissipate its heat easily.

6.2.5. Refrigerator & water cooler

Use bee star labelled products. Keep your refrigerator and freezer at the right
temperature. If they are only 2-3 degrees colder than necessary, energy
consumption may go up by approx 25%.make sure the door is sealed tightly.
When it's dark, place a lit flashlight inside the refrigerator and close the door. If
light around the door is seen, the seals need to replace. Make sure that the
refrigerator is not place against outside facing wall or wall exposed to the direct
sunlight. Refrigerator motors and compressors generate heat, so allow enough
space for continuous airflow around refrigerator. If the heat can't escape, the
refrigerator's cooling system will work harder and use more energy. Do no put
uncovered liquids in the refrigerator. The liquids give off vapours that add to the
compressor workload. Allow hot food to cool off before putting it in the

 Think about what you need before opening refrigerator door. You'll
reduce the amount of time the door remains open.
 Make sure that refrigerator's rubber door seals are clean and tight. They
should hold a slip of paper snugly. If paper slips out easily, replace the
door seals. When dust builds up on refrigerator's condenser coils, the
motor works harder and uses more electricity.
 Make sure that you are using a refrigerator that is approximately sized for
your needs. If your fridge is too small, you may be overworking. If it is
too large, then you are potentially wasting energy and home space.

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