1 Components of Fire-Fighting System and Its Application
1 Components of Fire-Fighting System and Its Application
1 Components of Fire-Fighting System and Its Application
3 Air
Fact: Human brain without oxygen survive only 4 min. but, Fire extinguishers if oxygen supply stops
for 2 Sec.
✓ Poor housekeeping, Cotton, cloths, papers, etc are the sources of ignition. They should be kept
away from combusting material like petrol, oil, etc.
✓ While doing gas welding or oxy-acetylene cutting produces flying sparks which falls on
inflammable material and fire takes place.
✓ Lack of knowledge about the safe methods of storage of inflammable liquids and materials.
✓ No material to be stored in electric panel room since a small short circuit will be converted into
big fire.
Fire-fighting systems are standard building features that either actively or passively help to control
the amount of damage that can occur to a building and protect its occupants in the event of a fire. The
structural integrity of a building can be compromised by extreme heat and a fire reaching critical
weight-bearing points.
Active fire-fighting systems include features such as automatic fire sprinklers and fire alarm systems.
In general, they work to control the spread of the fire with the action of dispersing water.
Passive fire systems control fires without taking action by utilizing building compartmentalization
through the use of fire-resistant walls, doors, and coatings.
There are several types of fire sprinklers. Wet Pipe sprinkler systems are filled with water at all times,
allowing for quick-fire suppression. Dry Sprinkler systems use pressurized air in the pipe which exits
before water escapes. Pre-Action sprinkler systems are filled with air and water passes through if the
smoke alarm or detector goes off.
1.3. Standpipes
A standpipe is a piping system that delivers water from a main source to hose connections in key
locations throughout a building and these connections are used by firefighters during fire emergency.
Six types of fire extinguishers are found in the market depending on their contents. They are used for
different applications.
2 Foam (Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)) For solid and liquid fires
3 Carbon dioxide (CO2) For solid, liquid, gas, oil, fat and electric fires
4 Dry chemical powder For solid, liquid, gas, oil, fat and electric fires
Extinguishing agents are kept under pressure in the cylinders using compressed air, gas or chemicals
that produce gas when initiated by suitable means. Once the safety lock is removed and the trigger or
handle is squeezed, the contents come out through the extinguisher's nozzle at high pressure.
Fire Hose Reels are easy to use and provide a virtually unlimited supply of water, as they are
connected to the mains water supply, and should extend for approximately 35 metres.
A fire alarm system monitors the building for the presence of fire, producing audible and visual
signals if fire is detected. A control unit receives inputs from all fire detection devices, automatic or
manual, activating the corresponding notification systems
Automatic alarm systems can detect heat or smoke and emit a high-pitched alarm throughout the
building. Manual alarms must be pulled by a building’s occupants, and include simple instructions
on how they can be used.
The mechanical systems of smoke control include fans, dampers, doors, and shutters that all work
together to isolate and control the spread of smoke. These are generally installed in the initial
construction of a building and work in conjunction with sprinkler systems to prevent as much damage
as possible to the structural integrity of a building.
The fire command center is a centralized location that displays the status of various fire protection
systems like fire detection devices, alarms, communication systems, etc. The command center also
provides manual controls for many of these systems.
The post-fire smoke purge involves a series of fans and shutters that help to eliminate the smoke from
a building and can include automatic ventilation from windows and doors preventing further damage.
Although the fire has been extinguished, smoke can still cause harm to a building, making it unfit for
occupancy, so post-fire smoke purge systems are just as vital as other fire protection systems.