Review Article: A Review of Hearing Loss in Cleft Palate Patients
Review Article: A Review of Hearing Loss in Cleft Palate Patients
Review Article: A Review of Hearing Loss in Cleft Palate Patients
Review Article
A Review of Hearing Loss in Cleft Palate Patients
Copyright © 2012 Bilal Gani et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background. Cleft palate is associated with recurrent otitis media with effusion and hearing loss. This study analysed the way these
patients’ hearing is managed in Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. Method. A retrospective audit was carried out on cleft palate patients
in Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. Audiology assessment and treatment options were reviewed. Comparisons were made between
the use of ventilation tubes (VTs) and hearing aids (HAs). The types of cleft, types of hearing loss, and the management output
of the audiology regions were also reviewed. Results. The audiology assessments of 254 patients were examined. The incidence of
VT insertion in this group of patients was 18.9%. The hearing aid incidence rate was 10.1%. The VT-related complication rate was
25.5% and the HA related complication rate was 9.1%. Conclusion. The data demonstrates that both treatments are viable, and a
new protocol which combines the short term benefit of VT insertion with the lower complication rate of HA is required.
At Baby diagnosed
birth with cleft palate
Newborn hearing
screening programme
Tertiary audiology
clinic: guidelines
explained and
information issued to
Fitting of hearing
aids (HAs).
Ongoing regular
By 7 months Behavioural test review in tertiary
Discussing rehearing aids
Review 3/12. If
Free-field hearing mild or persistent hearing loss
Free field normal +/− OME
moderate + Otitis media with and OME discussion
effusion (OME). Explanation and with parents renatural
amplification, HAs, or
advice remanagement
insertion of ventilation
tubes (VTs)
Ongoing review
in tertiary clinic
Figure 1: Audiological care pathway for children with cleft palate in the mersey region.
The audiological assessment for cleft palate patients is (i) Distribution of cleft types.
continuous until the patient is discharged from the care of (ii) The types of syndromes, sequences, and anomalies
the cleft and audiology team. It begins with the newborn found in the sample population.
screening programme and regular audiology appointments
follow, so that any hearing loss can be treated responsively. (iii) Complication rates of the treatments.
Even if the result from the tests indicates a clear response, (iv) Types of hearing losses within the sample.
careful prolonged assessment is required (Figure 1).
(v) Whether the audiology centre predisposes to the
treatment outcome (HA/VT).
used to analyse the nominal data set using SPSS. P values Table 1: Comparing treatment outcomes by way of differences in
≤ 0.05, were considered statistically significant. pre- and post-intervention hearing.
Audiological data was categorised according to the
Difference between preintervention and postintervention
average degree of hearing across the 4 frequencies of 250 Hz,
hearing versus hearing intervention
500 Hz, 1 kHz, and 2 kHz obtained through primary or sec-
Hearing intervention
ondary analysis (the verdict of the audiologist). The categor-
ies for the degree of hearing loss ranged from normal <20 dB HA VT Total
to profound >95 dB (derived from the British Association of Difference between −1 0 2 2
Audiologists). preintervention
0 2 5 7
As a result of the breadth of the data, the dataset encom- and
postintervention 1 8 12 20
passes periods where routine grommet insertion was used 2 2 9 11
and more recently a selective procedure. In the latter period,
Total 12 28 40
the decision for VT insertion and HAs was made at the dis-
cretion of the audiologist and the ENT surgeon using the
clinical triad of: (i) audiological evidence of hearing loss
>20 dB, (ii) recurrent otitis media with persistent effusion Table 2: Treatments Instituted. VT → HA = ventilation tubes first
± anatomical abnormalities, and (iii) parental preference followed by hearing aids. HA → VT = Hearing aids first followed by
regarding hearing management. ventilation tubes.
For any child to be included in the dataset, they must have Hearing interventions past and present
had a cleft palate and be under the care of the cleft team. Frequency Percent (%)
This excluded several patients with noncleft velopharyngeal
HA 16 25.4
insufficiency and or with cleft lip only. Patients who moved
to outside the catchment area, discharged from the care of VT 39 61.9
the cleft palate team, were deceased, and those who did not VT → HA 6 9.5
have aided hearing levels for HAs were excluded. HA → VT 2 3.2
Institutional ethical approval came from the Alder Hey Total 63 100.0
Hospital audit department.
A retrospective audit was carried out on 254 consecutive 3.2.1. VT/HA Statistics and Complications. The VT insertion
children; under the care of the cleft palate team at Alder hey rate was 18.9% (41/217), and the HA incidence rate was
Children’s hospital. The patients attended one of 14 audio- 10.1% (22/217). The total number of children who at
logy centres in north west England, North Wales, and the Isle some point had or were still wearing HAs was 38.1%
of Man between the dates of 24/10/2009 to 08/03/2011. (24/63). A similar analysis of VTs yielded 74.6% (47/63). The
overlapping discretion was due to the 6 patients who had VTs
After the exclusion criteria, out of the 254 patients,
first, followed by HA(s) and the 2 patient who had HA(s)
217 patients remained. Of which 63 were placed in the
first, followed by VTs (Table 2).
intervention group (HA(s)/VTs), and 154 were assigned to
A large proportion of patients, 34.9% (22/63), had VTs
the watchful waiting group.
inserted at the same time as cleft surgery.
The length of follow up in the intervention group varied Of the 22.2% (14/63) patients that suffered from a
from patient to patient. This was the time that had elapsed complication 12 having VTs. Considering 47 patients had
between their last pre-intervention audiology data record VTs at the time of the complications, the VT-related
and their latest audiology data. This systematic approach complication rate is 25.5% (12/47). The main complications
yielded an average follow-up time of around 3 years. derived VT insertions were tympanosclerosis (5 patients),
perforation (5 patients), otalgia (2 patients), and retraction
pocket(s) (1 patient). In total, this equates to 13 patients, the
3.1. Primary Outcome. The primary outcome variable of overlapping discrepancy is due to one of the patients having
hearing before and after the intervention was examined both perforation and tympanosclerosis.
for each of the two intervention outcomes (Table 1). Only Similarly the HA related complication rate was 9.1%
40/63 patients were investigated, due to the timing of the (2/22). The only recorded complication was noncompliant
intervention treatment (patients who had just received a new whereby the child would constantly remove the HA device.
intervention had yet to have a postoperative assessment). A chi-square test of the current interventions and the
Even so, this provided a value P = 0.47 indicating that complications would mask those complications that were
in fact there was no significant association between hearing due to previous VTs. When the data was reorganised to
outcome and treatment, and by scrutinising the differences reflect when the complication was detected, a chi-square
between the pre- and post values it can be deduced that both value of P < 0.05 was obtained indicating that the VTs were
improve hearing outcomes. significantly associated with complications recorded.
4 International Journal of Otolaryngology
Table 3: Comparing treatment outcomes by way of differences in Table 6: Associated syndromes, associations and nonrandom
pre- and post intervention hearing. anomalies. PR: Pierre Robin sequence.
3.2.2. Hearing Loss Types. The predominant type of hearing 3.2.4. Syndromes/Sequences and Anomalies. A significant
loss in the intervention group was conductive, which affected proportion of cleft palate patients had associated syndromes,
88.9% (56/63) of patients, whilst 7.9% (5/63) patients in the sequences, and nonrandom associations. Just over a quarter,
study had a mixed hearing loss and a minority of 3.2% (2/63) 27% (17/63), of patients that required interventions had a
had a permanent sensorineural loss predominantly affecting syndrome/sequence/association (Table 6). The Pierre Robin
their hearing. All sensorineural hearing loss patients received sequence was the modal condition accounting for 47% (8/17)
HAs and most conductive hearing loss patients received VTs of the syndromes/sequences/associations.
(Table 3).
3.2.5. Audiology Regions and the Type of Interventions Imple-
3.2.3. Type of Orofacial Clefts. The types of clefts are mented. Since the introduction of the NICE guidelines in
shown for the whole sample of 217 patients (Table 4) and 2008, and with the majority of the patients being treated
the intervention group (Table 5). Both samples reflected a after the introduction of the guideline, it was intriguing to
similar distribution of cleft types with a submucous cleft see whether there were discrepancies between the audiology
being the most rare and unilateral cleft lip and palate, hard regions and the type of treatments implemented. Across
palate only and hard and soft palate being the most populous. the board of 63 patients, there were 11 audiology centres
The type of cleft was compared to the severity of prein- involved (Table 7). After the current type of treatment was
terventional hearing loss. This returned a value of P > 0.05 analysed against the region, a P value of 0.04 was obtained,
indicating that the type of cleft does not significantly affect which suggested that there was a significant link between the
the severity of hearing loss that the patient will experience. two.
International Journal of Otolaryngology 5
Table 8
Variable Explanation
Syndromes/sequences/associations All anomalies associated with orofacial clefts were collected.
For those who received a management intervention, this would be the last available audiological
Preintervention hearing outcome
assessment prior to the intervention.
Postintervention hearing outcome This would be the most recent audiological assessment after the intervention.
This was classified as cleft of soft palate, cleft of hard and soft palate, unilateral cleft lip and palate,
Type of cleft
bilateral cleft lip and palate and cleft lip only.
Complications The complications recorded were those that occurred during or directly after the intervention.
Regions This would be categorised according to one of the 14 centres in the locality.
Type of intervention The expanded data set is HA, VT, HA + VT, HA → VT, VT → HA, and watchful waiting.
Type of hearing loss One of sensorineural, mixed, and conductive.
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