but of much m m ρ t. The reduction in volume of ρ which can be expressed as e e z A

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The loading increment σ& ( = δσ ) applied to the specimen is such that the initial and
final equilibrium states are E0 and E1, shown in Fig. 4.6. At the present time t after the start
of the consolidation process, the state of the thin layer will be represented by some point T
between E0 and E1. The conventional assumption introduced by Terzaghi in his classic
theory* of primary consolidation is that T always lies on the straight line joining E0 and E1.
The slope of this straight line, which will change for different initial states E0, is defined as
− = (1 + e0 )mvc (4.2)
dσ '
where mvc is the coefficient of volume compressibility. A similar constant mvs but of much
smaller value will be required for steps in the swelling and recompression loops of Fig. 4.4.
This definition allows us to relate settlement with change in effective stress. Let δρ
be the settlement experienced by the thin layer during time δt. The reduction in volume of
the layer will be A δρ which can be expressed as
⎛ δe ⎞
Aδz⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟,
⎝ 1 + e0 ⎠
by reference to Fig. 1.4
δp δe
∴ =− = mvcδσ '. (4.3)
δz 1 + e0
Because of continuity, the reduction in volume of the thin layer must be exactly
matched by the volume of water expelled, which during time δt will be
(∂va / ∂z ) Aδzδt. Hence, in the limit we have
∂va − 1 ∂e ∂σ '
= = mvc . (4.4)
∂z 1 + e0 ∂t ∂t
Since the loading increment is a fixed one of σ& = δσ we have δσ ' = δu = σ ' =
constant so that ∂σ ' / ∂t = −∂u / δt , and eq. (4.4) can be taken a step further to give
∂va ∂u
= − mvc . (4.5)
∂z ∂t

Fig. 4.6 Loading Increment

* We continue to use the parameter e here as in eq. (4.1) although in subsequent chapters we will use exclusively the
parameter v = 1 + e.

Finally, we can obtain another relationship between va and u by employing Darcy’s

dh − k ∂u
va = ki = − k = . (4.6)
ds γ w ∂z
Differentiating this with respect to z, and combining with eq. (4.5)
+ k ∂ 2u ∂v ∂u
= − a = + mvc .
γ w ∂z 2
∂z ∂t
This is Terzaghi’s fundamental differential equation for one- dimensional consolidation,
usually written as
∂u ∂ 2u
= cvc 2 (4.7)
∂t ∂z
where cvc = k / γ w mvc is the coefficient of consolidation; a typical value for a stiff clay is
2×10-3 in.2/min. Once having solved the consolidation equation for a particular set of
boundary conditions, we can calculate for any given time the total settlement ρ, the excess
pore-pressure u, and effective stress σ ' at any depth. In the next two sections an
approximate and an exact solution will be derived for the one-dimensional consolidation of
a clay layer under the same conditions as occur in the consolidometer.

4.4 Approximate Solution for Consolidometer

We have made an approximation to the physical problem in the construction of the
model for one-dimensional consolidation. Before we become involved in Fourier’s
analysis in §4.5, we set out in this section an approximate solution2 which fits the boundary
conditions, but only has terms in z and z2 so that it does not satisfy exactly the (already
approximate) differential equation (4.7). We believe this solution to be helpful in providing
an intuitive understanding of the various aspects of the problem.
Figure 4.7 represents part of a clay layer of large area A and depth H resting on an
impermeable stratum so that no drainage can occur at the base: the boundary conditions are
identical with that of the consolidometer when drainage is prevented at the base by closing
the lead to the reservoir (Fig. 4.1). If we place a series of imaginary probes along the line
AB at 45° to the horizontal to act as standpipes, their levels at any instant will provide a
distribution of the excess pore-pressure u with depth z.

Fig. 4.7 Case of Consolidometer with no Drainage at Base

Immediately after the application of the increment of vertical load σ& at t =0, the
excess pore-pressure everywhere will be σ& and all standpipes will show a level of σ& / γ w
above pressure datum at the top of the clay layer. As time elapses, the excess pore-
pressures dissipate as load is transferred to the soil structure and a series of lines

Fig. 4.8 Parabolic Isochrones

at t = t1, t = t2, etc., will be obtained. Each one is known as an isochrone (from the Greek
‘equal time ‘), and since the length AC is equal to the depth H the gradient of the isochrone
at any point is equal to dh/dz and represents the hydraulic gradient i that is acting upwards.
In this case i is positive upwards and causing the flow of water to be vertically upwards
everywhere in the clay layer. It is usual and convenient to depict the isochrones all rotated
clockwise through 90° as seen in the right-hand part of Fig. 4.7.
We can obtain an approximate but fairly accurate solution by assuming that the
isochrones are all parabolas and distinguishing two stages of consolidation as shown in
Fig. 4.8. Immediately consolidation starts the pore-pressure at the surface A must drop to
zero, and a typical isochrone for the first stage will be as AL in Fig. 4.8(a). Since the
hydraulic gradient must be continuous (this is not a necessary condition in a layered soil)
the parabola must have its apex at L with a vertical tangent there. The apex L rapidly
moves down E ' D ' and on reaching D ' the first stage is complete.
During the second stage, a typical isochrone will appear as AM. This must have its
apex at M with a vertical tangent there, because the boundary conditions at the base D'C '
demand no flow and hence zero hydraulic gradient. The point M gradually traverses D'C '
and eventually reaches C ' when all consolidation is complete.

First stage
The isochrone AL for t = t1 is given by
⎛ z z2 ⎞
u = σ ⎜⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟⎟,
& 0 ≤ z ≤ l (t ). (4.8)
⎝ l l ⎠
The settlement that has occurred will be, from eq. (4.3)
l l
ρ t = ∫ mvcσ ' d z = ∫ mvc (σ& − u )dz
0 0

which is mvc times the shaded area ALE'. This can readily be calculated to be mvcσ& l ; so
1 dl
that the rate of settlement will be mvcσ& , which must be equal (and opposite) to the rate
3 dt
of flow of water out of the surface. But this is the value of va for z = 0, i.e., from eq. (4.8)
the upwards velocity is
k ⎛ ∂u ⎞ kσ& 2
(−va ) z =0 = (−ki) z =0 = ⎜ ⎟ = . (4.9)
γ w ⎝ ∂z ⎠ z =0 γ w l

1 d l dρ kσ& 2
mvcσ& = = ( −va ) z =0 = (4.10)
3 dt dt γw l
and integrating for the appropriate limits
l 2 = 12cvc t1 . (4.11)
It is convenient here to introduce two useful parameters. The first is the proportion
of the total settlement that has occurred so far, defined by
U= . (4.12)
The second is a dimensionless time factor defined by
cvc t
Tv = . (4.13)
During this first stage of consolidation,
1 1
mvcσ& l 12cvc t
U= t =3 =3 = 4Tv / 3 (4.12)
ρ ∞ mvcσ& H H
and the first stage will end when l=H, i.e., Tv = .
⎛ 1⎞
Second stage ⎜ Tv ≥ ⎟
⎝ 12 ⎠

The isochrone AM for t = t2 is given by

⎛ z z2 ⎞
u = σ& m⎜⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟⎟, 1 ≥ m(t ) ≥ 0. (4.15)
⎝ H H ⎠
Proceeding exactly similarly as for the first stage we have
⎛ 2m ⎞
ρ t2 = mvcσ& H ⎜1 − ⎟ (4.16)
⎝ 3 ⎠
kσ& 2m
( − v a ) z =0 = (4.17)
γw H
leading to
⎛ 2 d m ⎞ dρ kσ& 2m
mvcσ& H ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ = = ( −va ) z =0 = (4.18)
⎝ 3 dt ⎠ dt γw H
and after integration
⎛1 ⎞
m = exp⎜ − 3Tv ⎟. (4.19)
⎝4 ⎠
The proportion of settlement
⎛ 2m ⎞
mvcσ& H ⎜1 − ⎟
⎝ 3 ⎠ 2 ⎛1 ⎞
U= = 1 − exp⎜ − 3Tv ⎟. (4.20)
mvcσ& H 3 ⎝4 ⎠
If we now put the two stages of consolidation together and plot U against Tv we
obtain Fig. 4.9 where in the first stage we have a straight line of slope 2 3 and the second a
curve decaying exponentially.
Should the clay layer rest on a permeable stratum, as in Fig. 4.10, and drainage
occur from both top and bottom surfaces, as will be the more usual case in laboratory

experiments in the consolidometer, we can make immediate use of the above solution for
the case of single drainage. This case of double drainage has symmetry about the mid-
plane with all flow being upwards above this, and all flow being downwards below it.
Typical isochrones are as shown, and we see that the top half has identical conditions with
that of the case of single drainage. Hence we adopt the solution for single drainage, and
double the settlements. In particular, in order to make use of the time factor, we must
evaluate H as half of the depth in Fig. 4.10, and we can avoid any ambiguity by redefining
it as the maximum drainage path, i.e., the longest path that any water particle has to travel
to be expelled.

Fig. 4.9 Settlement Results from Parabolic Isochrones

Fig. 4.10 Case of Consolidometer with Drainage at Both Surfaces

4.5 Exact Solution for Consolidometer

The above approximate solutions, although exactly fitting the boundary conditions,
do not satisfy exactly the differential equation, (4.7). We can obtain an exact solution of
the differential equation satisfying the relevant boundary conditions which for single
drainage are
t = 0, 0 ≤ z ≤ H, u = σ& ⎫
0 < t ≤ ∞, z = 0, u=0 ⎪
k ∂u ⎬ (4.21)
0 ≤ t ≤ ∞, z = H, v=− = 0⎪
γ w ∂z

t = ∞, 0 ≤ z ≤ H, u = 0. ⎭⎪
Our experience with the parabolic isochrones suggests that we separate variables and
assume that u is the product of independent functions of z and t. We try u = φ(t)f(z) and
substitution in eq. (4.7) then gives us

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