Artist Statement - Kayla Okoniewski

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Kayla Okoniewski

English 111

Professor Williams

How to Travel on a Budget

There are many reasons why I chose my topic, “How to Travel on a Budget”. To start, I

love traveling. It is my dream one day to travel the world. Traveling brings me so much peace

and comfort in my life, so this is a dream that I want to strive to complete in my lifetime.

Traveling with family is my favorite thing to do. Being able to see new places with family is an

opportunity of a lifetime. If I want to achieve this goal while I am younger, I am not only going

to have to learn to save money but I am going to need to look for ways to save money while

traveling. Daily life tasks add up money-wise, so it is hard for some people to travel. By writing

this how-to article, I am not only helping others, I am teaching myself ways to save while


My thought process when trying to create my how-to article was to help educate others

on how to travel on a budget with just three simple steps that will help save a lot of money.

Everyone loves traveling so in order to grab the reader's attention, I simply put the words “how

to save” in the title. If this does not grab a reader's attention, then I do not know what will.

Money does not just grow on trees so if there is any chance I would be able to save money

especially while traveling, then I going to read that article to gain as much information as

possible. I wanted to make sure these steps were very simple for the reader to understand. I

simply put three basic ways that will help save and I added some important tips that would help

with saving money in that certain department. In my how-to article, I have also attached a great
video. This video describes a lot of ways to save money and have fun. I found this video very

educational and helpful and I think it will help many others.

Many people think you need to spend the most money in order to have fun on vacation.

Well, the three main reasons I am about to explain can prove to anyone that traveling is not all

about the money.

First, find a set destination that you would like to go to. Once you do that, you need to

look at plane tickets. Getting ahead of schedule and buying your plane tickets will help save

money. The sooner you get your plane tickets, the less money they will be. As you get closer and

closer to the takeoff date, the tickets will get more and more expensive.

After this is complete, you will need to find a place to stay. It can be a house, hotel,

condo, or even a motel. Choose whichever one would best suit you and your family. When you

are looking, do not always look for the nicest place to stay, look for a place that would be doable

and comfortable for you and your family. While on vacation, most families do not spend a lot of

their time in their hotel, apartment, condo, rental house, or motel. They are out doing fun

activities that involve exploring the outdoors and learning new things. This means that having

the nicest place to stay is not always needed, as long as it is comfortable for sleeping.

Lastly, planning activities. Planning activities and excursions can be pretty pricy but not

if you consider all your options. Usually, if you are staying in a hotel, the hotel will have

excursions and activities that they have to offer. Although this is nice and simple, planning

excursions with hotels will add up and in the end, you will lose a lot of money. Digging deep and

searching on the internet for excursions and activities is proven to be a lot cheaper than booking

with a hotel.
Going on vacations with my parents, I have never really realized how much it all adds up.

After taking a look into the costs of things now that I am looking to travel more, I realize that I

can not only educate myself on ways to travel on a budget but I can also give these tips to my

parents. Five people going on a vacation together adds up to a lot so these tips could really help

our family save money. I hope that my readers acknowledge these tips and use them in the


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