Manual Minolta - Weathermatic - Dual - 35

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The Weathermatic DUAL 35's watertight seals and rugged body are designed to that
you take pictures in any weather and anywhere; however, special attention must be
given to the following precautions:

.** *
o Always clean and dry the camera before o Never open the camera where there is
opening. blowing sand, dust, etc.

o Never let water or sand get into the open o Never use compressed air or a hair dryer
camera. to dry the camera.
o lf the gasket or O-ring ls damaged, . After taking pictures, set the main switch
contact an Authorized Minolta Service to "OFF".
In or near the water

. Do not jump or dive into the water while o Never throw the camera.
holding the camera.
a When using the camera above water, a o Never use the camera at depths greater
clean, dry lens-cover glass will produce than approx. 16 ft. (5m)
sharper pictures and better colors.
In cold weather

. When bringing the camera from outdoors . When taking the camera from indoors to
to indoors, let the camera warm up before outdoors, make sure camera is completely
opening the back cover. This will help dry.
prevent condensation from forming inside
the camera.
Your Minolta Weathermatic DUAL 35 is a fully waterproof 35mm camera that is
designed so that you can take pictures anywhere you go. lts housing is sealed to prevent
entry of moisture or dust, so that you can enjoy taking pictures on snowy ski slopes, at
the beach, or even approx. 16 ft. (5m) underwater.
The Weathermatic DUAL 35 is the world's first waterproof camera that lets you select
either standard or tele lenses at the touch of a button. lt also features autofocusing on
land, Focus-Free operation underwater, automatic exposure, automatic switchover flash,
automatic film transport, and the option of using either a lithium battery or four AAA-
size alkaline batteries.
To learn how to operate your camera properly and obtain satisfying results right from
the start, please read the instructions and cautions carefully before taking pictures.
lf you have any questions about your camera, contact the Authorized Minolta Service
Center in your area.
Main switch
Underwater close-up button Viewfinder
Lens select button


Strap eyelets


Lens Lens-cover glass*

Frame counter
mike Digitally signed by mike butkus
DN: cn=mike butkus,
o=orphancameras, ou=29,

DX contacts* butkus [email protected], c=US

Date: 2018.04.15 19:20:56 -04'00'

Film chamber
Viewfinder LED
Viewfinder eyepiece*

Back cover

Battery-cover release

attery cover

Back-cover release Film-pressure plate

*Do not touch with your fingers. Always keep clean.
Attach strap as shown. Battery types
The Weathermatic DUAL 35 can be
powered by either four AAA-size alkaline
batteries, or a 6V lithium battery pack
(Duracefl DL223A, Panasonic BR-P2P) for
longer life and faster flash recycling.

Set the end here.

Installing battery 2. lnsert lithium
pack or AAA batteries into
1. Using a coin (or similar object), turn battery chamber as shown, making sure +
battery-cover release to "OPEN" position. and - contacts face in correct direction.

o When loading the battery, always inspect

the O-ring and edge of battery chamber.
Gently wipe surfaces with a clean, dry cloth
to remove any dirt, sand, and moisture. lf
the O-ring is damaged,do not use the
camera; contact an Authorized Minolta
Service Center.

Battery cautions
o Keep batteries away from children
3. Close battery cover and turn battery- o Keep battery contacts clean
cover release to "CLOSE" position until it o Do not mix batteries of different brands
stops. or ages

Low power indications You can use ISO 100 to 1000 DX-coded
Install fresh batteries in the following cases: 35mm color negative film and ISO 100 or
o Shutter will not release. 400 color reversal film in your camera. ("DX"
. Film winding or rewinding stops during is printed on the cartridges).
operation. o lf you use films that are not DX-coded,
o Flash charging exceeds 5 sec. with lithium the camera sets the film speed to ISO 100.
pack, or 10 sec. with AAA-size alkaline o The camera sets the film speed to ISO
batteries. 100 if you use DX-coded film rated below
ISO 400, and sets the speed to ISO 400 if
the DX-coded speed is ISO 400 or higher.
. 72-exposure cartridges and Polaroid in-
stant 35mm films cannot be used.


1. Check that frame counter shows "O", 2. Flip up the film-pressure plate. Do not
then press back-cover release downward to lift f ilm-pressure plate by pulling on its
open the back cover. spring.
3. Place the film cartridge into the film
chamber as shown above.

o Load film in subdued light; keep the
camera and film shaded from direct sunlight.
Film tip position mark

4. Lav film flat between the guide rails and o lf the film is not loaded correctly, the
extend the tip of the film over the take-up camera's motor will run for about between 5
drum to the film tip position mark. lf the and 10 seconds and then stop; the frame
film extends too far, gently push the excess counter will continue to show "0". Open the
back into the cartridge. back cover and reload the film correctly.
5. Snap the pressure plate down to its o lf the back-cover release doesn't return to
normal position. its original position, push it up with your
6. Close the back cover. To securely close fi nger.
the back cover, use both hands to squeeze it
closed and check that the back-cover release
has returned to its original position.
. When the back cover is closed, the film
will advance automatically to the f irst f rame.
When "1" appears in the frame counter, you ::.:^)d o ,,i:,

are ready to start taking pictures.

o Before closing the back cover, always
inspect the rubber gasket on the camera and
the V-shaped ridge on the back cover.
Gently wipe surfaces with a clean, dry cloth
to remove any dirt, sand, and moisture. lf
the gasket is damaged, do not use the
camera; contact an Authorized Minolta When the main switch is "OFF", the
Service Center. shutter cannot be released. To take pictures,
o Make sure film is under film-pressure move the switch to "ON". When you are
plate before closing back cover. finished taking pictures, switch the camera
. Since this camera is airtight, it may be to "OFF" to prevent accidental exposures.
difficult to open the back cover. lf so, after
opening the battery cover, open the back

When the camera is switched ofl, the For greater stability when taking pictures,
35mm lens is set automatically. To select the hold camera as shown above. Make sure that
50mm lens, push the lens selection button. lens, flash, autofocus windows, and meter
To reselect the 35mm lens, push the button cell are not obstructed by your hands,
again, Viewfinder magnification is adjusted camera strap, etc. For vertical pictures,
automatically to show the proper framing the f lash should be on top.
for the lens in use.

Frame subjects according to distance Subiect in center of frame

indicated: Frame picture so subject fills autofocus
a. Subjects beyond 2.6 ft. (0.8m) with zone, then press the shutter-release button
35mm lens, 3.9 ft. (1.2m) with 50mm all the way down to take the picture. ln low
lens light, the flash fires automatically to ensure
b. Subjects from 1.7 to 2.6 ft. (0.52 to correct exposure. After the exposure, release
0.8m) with 35mm lens, 2.0 to 3.9 ft. your finger from the button.
(0.62 to 1.2m) with 50mm lens

In low light
The flash automatically fires when need-
ed, such as indoors or around sunset. The
table shows the f lash's range when using ISO
100 and 400 f ilms. For best results, keep
your subject within the range for the film
you are using.

rso 100 rso 400

1.7 - 11.8ft. 1.7 - 23.6 ft.
o lF THE RED LIGHT next to the view- 35mm lens (0.52 (0.52 7.2ml
finder glows, the shutter is locked and you - 3.6m) -
need to wait a few seconds for the flash to - 2 7.5 ft. 2 - 15.1 ft.
50mm lens (0.62
charge. Keep your finger on the shutter- - 2.3m) (0.62 - 4.6m)
release button until the red light goes off.
Then lift your finger from the button and
press the button all the way down to take
the picture.


NOTE . When taking flash pictures, your subject's

. Flash charging time depends on condition eyes may appear red. This "red-eye" effect
of the batteries. occurs when flash light is reflected from the
o Flash range varies according to the ISO retinas in your subjects eyes back to the
film speed. Consult the flash-range table to camera. This effect is most noticeable
check the flash range for ISO 100 and ISO when the subject has blue eyes, and in low
400 film. light. To help minimize "red-eye", turn on
o When the red light is oo, the shutter additional lights in the room, and ask your
cannot be released. subject to look at the lights just before you
o lf film stops advancing and the shutter take the picture.
locks before the end of the roll, replace the
o When taking pictures above water, always
make sure that lens-cover glass, AF windows,
meter cell and flash are clean and dry' Use a
clean, dry cloth to remove any dirt, sand, or
moistu re.


Shift camera so autofocus zone is on subject While keeping button slightly pressed, recom-
and press shutter-release button partway down' pose as desired and press the button all the way
down to take the Picture.

Using focus hold (subiect not in the center)

o Focus hold can be cancelled by lifting
lf you want to compose the picture with your finger from the shutter-release button'
the subject not in the center of the frame,
use focus hold. (ln low light, first check that
the flash is charged.)


Special focusing situations Auto close-up function

for obtaining
Focus hold is also useful When the subject is closer than approxi-
accurate focuS on subjects difficult for mately 2.5 ft. (0.75m), auto close-up func-
autofocusing, such as those listed below. In tion lets you get sharp pictures of close-up
such cases, use focus hold to set the focus subjects.
distance on another object at an equal o Do not take pictures of people or animals
distance away. at close distances, since the flash may bother
o Highly reflective surfaces: water, mirrors, their eyes.
etc. o For best results, the subject should not be
o Unsubstantial objects: flame, f ireworks, closer than 1.7 ft. (0.52m) using the 35mm
hair, etc. lens, or 2 ft. (O.62m) using the 50mm lens.
. Dark objects and surfaces with low
ref lectivity
o Objects behind glass, windows, etc.
o Small subjects that do not fill the auto-
focus zone.

Auto film advance
After you take a picture, the camera will
automatically advance the film one frame,
and the frame counter will advance to the
next number.
. lf the film stops advancing before the end
of the'roll, replace batteries. DO NOT OPEN

Auto rewinding
o To make it easier to determine the About four seconds after the last frame
camera's minimum focus distance, adjust the has been exposed, the camera automatically
shoulder strap so that it extends 1.7 ft. starts rewinding the film. When rewinding is
(0.52m) as shown in the diagram. f inished, the motor shuts off and frame
counter shows "0". Open the back cover and
remove the film.
o lf the rewind motor stops before the
frame counter returns to "0", replace the
Since picture sharpness and flash range
are both affected by water clarity, we
recommend that you take pictures within
6.6 ft. (2m) of your subject. Also, the
flash's maximum range is about two-thirds
of the distances above water (See p. 19). For
optimum results, we recommend using
DX-coded ISO 400 color-negative film for
underwater pictures.

You can useyourWeathermatic DUAL 35

underwater to depths of approx. 16 ft. (5m).
Underwater, the camera automatically
switches f rom autof ocus to f ixed-focus
( Focus-F ree) operation. Focus is auto-

matically set to provide sharp pictures when

the subject is 4 to 11.8 ft. 11.2 to 3.6m)
away with 35mm lens, or 4.3 to 10.5 ft.
(1.3 to 3.2m) away with 50mm lens. In
low light, the flash fires automatically to
ensu re proper exposure.
To take close-up pictures, simply position
the subject within the applicable range, hold
in the underwater close-up button with your
thumb, and press the shutter-release button
all the way down to take the picture. The
f lash witl f ire automatically to ensure proper

Underwater close-ups
On the back of the Weathermatic DUAL
35 is an underwater close-up button that
lets you take close-up pictures underwater of
fish, coral, and other marine life. The close-
up range with the 35mm lens in 1.7 to 4.3ft.
10.52 to 1.3m), and 2 to 3.3 ft. (0.62 to 1m)
with 50mm lens.
Tips for better underwater pictures Whenever you load batteries or film,
o We recommend that you use the optional inspect the O-ring on the battery cover and
Sportsfinder when taking underwater pic- the gasket on the back cover. Gently wipe
tures since it may be difficult to aim the the O-ring and gasket with a clean, dry cloth
camera by looking through the viewfinder. to remove any foreign matter.
o Color pictures taken underwater tend to lf the O-ring or gasket shows signs of
appear bluish, because water absorbs much damage or wear, such as cuts or scratches the
of the red light. For best results, keep your camera may no longer be watertight, and the
subject within 6.6 ft. (2m) of the camera. O-ring and gasket should be replaced. The
o Flash range varies with water clarity. ln O-ring and gasket can be replaced by sending
muddy or cloudy water, flash range may the camera to an Authorized Minolta Service
decrease sign if icantly. Center. Until the O-ring and gasket are
replaced, do not use the camera underwater,
in the rain, or in other conditions where it
might be exposed to moisture.
Entire picture blurred Camera movement Hold camera steady and release shutter gently

Subiect out of focus Autof ocus windows obstructed Keep hands, camera strap, and other obiects away.
Subiect too close to camera Make sure subiect is at least 1.7 ft. (0.52m) away with 35mm lens,
2 ft. (0.62m) with 50mm lens (Underwater: See p. 24, 25)
Autofocus zone not on Use focus hold (See p.21)
- or only partly on -
main subject
Special focusing situation Use focus hold on another oblect that is an equal distance
away (See p.21)

Picture foggy or has Moisture or dirt on lens'cover glass Cb." l."t r*r" ln Care and Storage section
blurry areas
Picture too dark, or Lens or flash obstructed Keep hands, camera strap, and other objects away.
partial picture Subiect beyond flash range ln low light, make sure subiect is within flash range (Egt,t9l
Main subject too Sun or bright background (such as Keep sun behind you or to one side, or position subiect
dark window or snow) behind subiect against darker backgroud.

Shutter cannot be Main switch is "OFF"


Batteries are exhaused
i Lift finger from shutter-release button and wait a little
longer for flash to charge.


Sportsfinder It's made of bright yellow nylon and has an

Underwater it may be difficult to frame adjustable waist strap.
your subject in the camera's viewfinder. The
Carrying Case
Sportsfinder shows the field of view for both
This fitted camera case lets you carry
35mm and 50mm lenses. lt is especially your Weathermatic DUAL 35 anywhere you
useful for taking pictures of moving subjects.
go. The case is made of bright yellow nylon
Sportscase and has a wide loop for attachment to your
This handy case holds the Weathermatic belt.
DUAL 35, inder, and neck strap,
plus has room for spare film and batteries.
o lf lens-cover glass becomes dirty, clean it o Never let water enter the camera when
gently with a lens brush. lf necessary, the back cover or battery cover is open.
moisten a sheet of lens tissue with one drop Water seepage could result in costly or
of lens-cleaning fluid and gently wipe glass irreparable damage to internal parts.
surface. Never touch glass surface with your . In cold weather, use of a lithium battery
fi ngers. is recommended.
o To remove stubborn dirt, submerge the o Using the camera at very low tempera-
camera in fresh water, then wipe it gently tures impairs its performance. In cold
with a clean cloth. weather, carry the camera inside your coat
o Never use alcohol or chemical solvents on to keep it warm and carry fresh spare
batteries. Do not open camera immediately
the camera body. lf it is dirty, wipe it gently
after bringing it from an extremely cold to
with a clean dry cloth.
o Never subject camera to shock or high warm area, since condensation may form
inside and prevent normal operation.
heat. Be particularly careful not to leave it in
the glove compartment or other places in
motor vehicles where it may be subjected to
high temperatures.
o When not in use, keep camera in a cool, Type: Waterproof compact autofocus 35mm
dry place away from dust and chemicals. camera with dual lens selection
Batteries (especially old ones) should be Lenses: 35mm f /3.5, 50mm t15.6; built-in
removed if camera will not be used for more micromotor to change lens setting
than two weeks. For extended storage, place Focusing: Above water: infrared active-type
camera in an airtight container with a drying autofocus with cancelable focus hold; range:
agent such as silica gel. 2.5 ft. {0.75m) to infinity; auto close-up
o lf you have questions about your camera, function for pictures as close as 1.7 ft.
contact your local camera dealer. For more (0.52m) with 35mm lens, 2 ft. (0.62m)
information, write to the Minolta distributor with 50mm lens
or subsidiary in your area (addresses listed Underwater: Focus-Free (fixed focus): me-
on the back of this manual). niscus lens automatically sets focus for
o To assure prompt service, please contact pictures from 4 to 1 1.8 ft. (1.2 to 3.6m)
an Authorized Minolta Service Center before with 35mm lens, from 4.3 to10.5ft. (1.3 to
sending your camera tor repairs. 3.2m) with 50mm lens; pressing underwater
close-up button sets focus for pictures from
1.7 to 4.3 ft. (0.52 to 1.3m) with 35mm
lens, from 2 ro 3.3 ft. (0.62 to lm) with
50mm lens


Exposure system: Subject-weighted meter- Flash recycling (approx.): Lithium battery

ing; programmed automatic exposure (AE) pack: Duracell DL223A- 1.2 sec., Panasonic
at ISO 100: EV 9 to EV 16.2 with
range BR-P2P -2.4 sec.; alkaline cells: 1.8 sec.
35mm lens, EV 1O.4 to EV 17.1 with Viewfinder: Bright-frame type with auto-
50mm lens focus zone, normal-f raming and close-
Film-speed range: ISO 100 to 1000 DX- framing guides; red LED (flash-wait); magnr-
coded color negative film; and ISO 100 or f ication changes automatically with lens

400 DX-coded color reversal film; ISO 100 setti ng

set when using films without DX coding Power: 6V lithium battery pack (Duracell
Film transport: Automatic threading, auto DL223A or Panasonic BR-P2P) or four
advance to first frame, auto winding, auto AAA-size alkaline cells
rewind and auto rewind stop Battery performance (approx.) :

Flash system: Automatic change activation; Duracell DL223A 54 rolls, Panasonic

flash fires automatically in low light, when BR-P2P - 40 rolls; alkaline cells: 20 rolls
subject is closer than approx. 2.5 ft. (0.75m) (based on Minolta's standard test method
and when underwater close-up button is using 24-exposure film with flash on 50%of
until flash is charged;
pressed; shutter locks exposures)
red LED next to viewfinder glows if flash
is not charged


Sealing: Watertight down to 16.4 ft. (5m)

rubber gasket to seal back cover, O-ring to
seal battery chamber
Other: High-visibility yellow-and-grey hous-
ing floats on water
Dimensions: 5-13/16 x 3-1/16 x 2-9116 in.
(147.5x77.5 x 65mm)
Weight: 14-118 oz.(400g) without batteries

Specifications subject to change without


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