Professional Education Letreviewer 2023

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1. What is the primary advantage of active learning
techniques (discussion, role play, gaming, etc.) in A. Fiction novels
instruction? B. Historical account
C. Biography
A. Higher thinking D. Autobiography
B. Problem solving
C. Student engagement
D. Focus on questions, not answers 6. What is the descriptor for a numerical grade of
95as level of proficiency?

2. These are rights given the child in indigenous A. Satisfactory

minorities, but NOT to include ___. B. Outstanding
C. Very Satisfactory
A. to profess his/her religion D. Did not meet expectations
B. to enjoy his/her culture
C. to use his/her own language
D. to be exempted from formal education 7. There are more elementary schools than high
schools run by government. This can be traced to
this era.
3. Which of the following simulation to abstract the
real-world learning? A. Pre-Hispanic
B. Spanish
A. Chess C. American
B. Role playing D. Japanese
C. Monopoly
D. Scrabble
8. Which behavior does a great teacher who can
emphasize with his/her students display?
4. Following the principles for punishing students,
which of the following is the LEAST desirable A. Feels what students feel
strategy for classroom management? B. Expects students to understand his/her feelings
C. Gives no assignment
A. Punishing while angry D. Makes test easy
B. Give punishment sparingly
C. Punishing the erring student rather than the
entire class 9. Among models of reading strategies, what did
D. Punishing while clarifying why punishment is student Lorna adopts when she read back and
done forth, attending to both what is in her mind and
5. What kind of literary works are very creative by what’s on the page?
way of descriptive language and dramatic
episodes? A. Down-Top
B. Interactive minds towards broad ideals such as democracy,
C. Top-Down freedom, human rights?
D. Bottoms-Up
A. Essentialism
B. Behaviorism
10. Of the following questions, which relate to C. Existentialism
metacognition? D. Empiricism

A. How is this done?

B. Am I learning well enough? 15. In his history class, teacher Naomi uses a
C. What facts did I know? current events IQ contest to determine champions
D. When did this event occur? in identifying people, places, and events. What
learning objective/outcome does she aim to
11. Which is an implication of a positively skewed
distribution? A. Application
B. Knowledge or recall
A. Students have high IQ C. Responding
B. There was mastery of the lesson D. Perpetual abilities
C. Teaching was effective
D. Teaching was not effective

12. In Piaget's theory, and individuals’ adjustment 16. Which of these is a tool to foster creativity?
to new information is called:
A. Case analysis
A. Accommodation B. Debate
B. Adaptation C. Brainstorming
C. Assimilation D. Feedback
D. Organization

17. Operant conditioning can be applied to

classroom by ___.
13. For effective teaching-learning, there is no such
thing as “one-size-fits-all”. What does this imply? A. Connecting facts and concepts
B. Fostering conducive learning environment
A. Allow students to use their cellphones in class. C. Using reinforcement
B. Always end up with a lesson summary D. Using manipulative devices
C. Use performance tests since they are more
D. Consider multiple intelligences in teaching. 18. During classroom-level of curriculum
implementation, the strategies that work are
classified as “green.” Which of the following
14. Which philosophy supports universal values in belongs in this category?
education, as there are important in molding young
A. Content delivery based on lessons
B. Excess in chalkboard talk
C. Homogeneous student grouping 23. What does a difficulty index of 0.82 mean? The
D. Student interest and teacher enthusiasm test is ___.

19. Which situation best illustrates the concept of A. Easy

growth? B. Very Easy
C. Difficult
A. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two D. Moderate
B. A high school student gets a score of 85 in 24. Which of the following does not belong to the
mental ability test. metacognitive reading activities?
C. An education student has gained knowledge on
approaches and strategies in teaching different A. Predicting
subjects. B. Testing
D. An elementary grader has learned to play piano. C. Sampling
20. In what year was the K-12 offered to incoming D. Perceiving
Grade 1 to Grade 7?

A. 2011-2012 25. Who stressed the idea that students cannot

B. 2012-2013 learn if their basic needs are not met.
C. 2013-2014
D. 2016-2017 A. Miller
B. Maslow
C. Westheimer
21. Jay exceeded the threshold of the prescribed D. Thorndike
number of absences during the school year, but his
teacher still gave him some considerations. Is it
acceptable? 26. Happiness is different from the pleasure in
being an abiding consequence of result which is not
A. No, without the consent of the school head. destroyed, even by the presence of pain. The best
B. Yes. illustration of this principle is ___.
C. No.
D. Yes, provided that the student will be given A. A student topping the board exam
warning. B. A mother giving birth
C. An engaged getting married
D. A jackpot winner collecting his prize
22. Teacher Mark will be talking about venomous
animals in his next meeting. Which among these is
the least likely of his options as teaching materials? 27. Of the following, the most important for
classroom management is ___.
A. mock-ups
B. models A. The classroom is conducive to learning.
C. realia B. Latecomers are duly noted.
D. illustrations C. Instructional tools are used.
D. The students are quite in class. A. by putting down other professions to lift the
status of teaching
B. by working out underserved promotions
28. One of the rights of the students is the right to C. by continually improving themselves personally
make decisions in selecting alternative field of and professionally
work. This is an adherence to a philosophical D. by wearing expensive clothes to change people’s
foundation of education. Identify the philosophical poor perception of teachers

A. Behaviorism 32. In Erikson's Stages of Theory of Development,

B. Constructivism which of the following needs to be developed from
C. Existentialism the child (1 ½ to 3 years old)?
D. Progressivism A. Autonomy
B. Initiative
C. Industry
29. Confucius asserted that in teaching there D. Trust
should be no distinction of classes. Confucius
teaching is in support of ___.
33. The principle of individual differences enables a
A. Education for All (EFA) teacher to ___.
B. Moral Recovery Program
C. Back-to-the-Basics
A. Requires much time to teach
D. Values Education
B. Reduce student engagement in learning
C. Treat all learners alike while inside the classroom
D. Provide different activities to meet student
30. The index difficulty of a particular test is 0.10.
What does this mean? My students ___.

A. gained mastery over the item

B. performed very well against expectation
C. found that the test item was either easy nor
D. find the test item difficult
34. To ensure high standards of teacher's personal
and professional development, one must refer to
the qualification standards to the PQF. What does
PQF stand for?

A. Philippine Quality Framework

B. Philippine Qualifications Framework
C. Philippine Qualifications Focus
31. In what way can teachers uphold the highest
D. Philippines Qualification Framework
possible standards of quality education?
35. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance 39. Which of the following will you do if somebody
Approach to discipline, what happens when confided to you an offense which will implicate
students seek to hurt others to make up for being your brother?
hurt or rejected?
A. Find out the whole account of the matter
A. Attention getting B. Tell him to report the matter to authorities
B. Power seeking C. Advise the person who confided to you to get
C. Revenge seeking the services of the lawyer
D. Withdrawal D. Encourage him to keep quiet so as not to
implicate your brother

36. The theory of behaviorism focuses on the study

of ___. 40. Which modes of delivery apply to the e-IMPACT
A. Logical reasoning I. Programmed teaching
B. Abstract reasoning II. Peer-group learning
C. Observable and measurable behavior III. Individual study
D. Covert behavior
A. I, II, and III
B. I and IIC. II and III
37. What does a difficulty index of 0.20 mean? The D. only III
test is ___.

A. Easy 41. The index difficulty of a particular test item is

B. Difficult 0.10. What does this mean?
C. Very Difficult
D. Very Easy A. Students gained mastery over that item and
found out easy.
B. Students found that the test item was very
38. Teacher Dave wants to develop the ability of difficult.
sound judgment in his students. Which of the C. Students found that the test item neither easy
following questions should he ask? nor difficult.
D. Students performed very well against
A. With the elements of a good paragraph in mind, expectation.
which one is best written?
B. Of the characters of the story, with whom do you
identify yourself? 42. Upon prior consent of parents and school
C. What is the essayist saying about judging other authorities, religion may be taught in Philippine
people? schools ___.
D. Why is there so much poverty in a country
where there is plenty of natural resources? A. within regular class hours
B. after class
C. during vacant period
D. after recess
D. Rejecting the premises of the author
43. Under the affective domain of learning, what
includes active attention to stimuli such as
acquiescence, willingness to answer, and feelings of

A. Valuing
B. Organization
C. Characterization
D. Responding 47. An assessment used to evaluate the
effectiveness of instruction at the end of a specific
course is referred to as a ___ assessment.

A. formative
B. Summative
C. scholastic aptitude
D. general aptitude

44. Who among the following needs less verbal

counseling but needs more concrete and 48. Industry vs. inferiority stage and development
operational forms of assistance? The child who ___. of competence is associated with what level?

A. has mental retardation A. Preschool

B. has attention-deficit disorder B. Elementary school
C. has learning disability C. High school
D. has conduct disorder D. Tertiary level

45. With grading practice in mind, what is meant by 49. Who is retained in the same grade level for
teacher's severity error? Grade1 to 10? Any students who did not meet
expectations ___.
A. He uses tests and quizzes for punishment.
B. He tends to favor high-performing students. A. In three or more learning areas
C. He tends to give lower grade than what is B. In 2 learning areas
supposed to be. C. In four learning areas
D. He gives way to students' who ask for reschedule D. As shown in the general average
of the test.

50. Leticia strives hard to excel in oratory. Which

46. Which of the following activities best develops would explain best her effort?
creative thinking?
A. Desire to satisfy aesthetic needs
A. Sounding out words while reading B. Desire for security
B. Giving an alternative ending for a story read C. Desire for self-actualization
C. Looking at the authors biography D. Desire to know and understand
II. With one solution
III. With many possible answers
51. Among components in the instructional
framework for learning strategies, which is A. II
demonstrated by teacher Jiny who worked together B. III
with her students on a skill or task and figure out C. I and III
how to apply the skill? D. II and III

A. Independent practice
B. Guided practice 55. Among the following questions, which is not
C. Consolidation applicable to metacognition?
D. Review
A. How will I know if I am learning at an
appropriate rate?
52. Which criterion should guide a teacher in the B. Do I know what I need to know?
choice of instructional devices? C. Did I understand what I just hear, read or saw?
D. What factual information have I retained?
A. Cost
B. Novelty
C. Appropriateness 56. PE teacher, Renz, want his students to learn
D. Attractiveness basketball in a practical way. What kind of simple
inexpensive can he use to achieve the outcome of
the students knowing to apply the rules in the
53. What kind of classroom management is applied game?
in the case of Teacher San who attends to every
situation as it comes hoping to meet it as it comes A. Lecture using videos
without much foresight and preparation? B. Lecture, demonstrate, simulate
C. Play and be skillful in the game
A. Heading-on D. Use successful athletes as resource persons
B. Proactive
C. Reactive
D. Reinforcing

57. Which Pillar of Education pertains to the overall

development of the human person as an individual
and as a member of the society?

A. Learning to Know
B. Learning to Live Together
C. Learning to Do
54. In problem-based learning, which kind of D. Learning to Be
problem should the teacher give?
I. With one answer
58. Based on DepEd's present grading system, classified according to Edgar Dale's cone of
which of the following are recorded and graded? experience?
I. Formative assessment
II. Summative assessment A. Purposeful experience
III. Assessment of learning B. Dramatized experience
C. Verbal symbols
A. l and II\ D. Demonstration
B. ll and III
C. I and Ill
D. I, II, and III 63. On the aspect of personal classroom
management, which factor greatly affects the rate
of learning or the speed of absorption of
59. Joshua got a final grade of 88 in his knowledge among students?
Mathematics subject. Which best describes his
performance? A. Use of visual aids
B. Manner of presentation of the lesson
A. Fairly Satisfactory C. Difficulty in lesson content
B. Outstanding D. Voice delivery and clarity of the teacher
C. Very Satisfactory
D. Satisfactory

60. What is the descriptor for a numerical grade of 64. According to Nagel’s Acronym PPPF, what is
73as level of proficiency? important to Follow Up in the proper use of
instructional materials?
A. Satisfactory
B. Outstanding A. Student interest
C. Fairly Satisfactory B. Student expectations
D. Did Not Meet Expectations C. Lesson objectives
61. In the DepEd's grading system, what are the D. Media and materials
components of summative assessment?

A. Written, Performance, and Periodical 65. Teacher Mica says: “If it is billiard that brings
Assessment students out of the classroom, let us bring it into
B. Written, Paper and Pencil, and Performance the classroom. Perhaps, I can use it to teach Math”.
Tasks To which philosophy does teacher Myra adheres
C. Written, Attendance, Projects, Objective-Type to?
Tests, and Achievement Test
D. Written, Periodical, National Achievement Test, A. Essentialism
and National Career Assessment Exam B. Idealism
C. Progressivism
D. Reconstructionism
62. When classes began, Teacher Dan asked
student in pairs to interview and introduce each
other to the class. How will this activity be
66. During the first day of school, crying children B. Receiving
are a common sight especially in the pre-school C. Valuing
department. What explains this? D. Application

A. Object permanence
B. Stranger shyness
C. Temper tantrums
D. Separation anxiety 70. In the parlance of test construction what does
TOS mean?

A. Table of Specifics
B. Table of Specifications
C. Table of Specific Test Items
D. Team of Specifications

71. What criteria is the focus of Teacher Edward

67. What criterion is achieved when a bulletin who makes sure that factual information from a
board display that has repeated shape or colors and website is well-documented, pictures and diagrams
also using boarders to put the display together? are properly labeled?

A. Balance A. Accuracy
B. Correctness B. Appropriateness
C. Durability C. Durability
D. Unity D. Unity

68. Teacher Magat took photograph of the different 72. Under the learning to do pillar, which of the
animals in the zoo as his instructional materials in following instruments must be acquired so that a
his Science class. Which is the best thing to do to person can perform his work effectively?
allow the whole class to see the realistic
reproductions of these pictures at the same time? A. Compromise
B. Insights
A. Mount the pictures on the board one by one. C. Competence
B. Have the pupils pass the pictures around. D. Communication
C. Photocopy the pictures taken.
D. Transform the pictures into slides.

69. In the taxonomy of learning objectives or

outcomes, which relates to judging in terms of
internal evidence or logical consistency, or external
evidence consistent with fact?

A. Evaluation
73. Principal A shares this thought with his
teachers: Subject matter should help students 77. Learning is strengthened if it results in
understand and appreciate themselves as unique satisfaction, but it is weakened if it leads to
individuals who accept complete responsibility for annoyance. This is the Law of ___.
their thoughts, feelings, and actions. From which
philosophy is this thought based? A. effect
B. Repetition
A. Perennialism C. readiness
B. Existentialism D. Exercise
C. Progressivism
D. Essentialism
78. Why is TOS important?

74. How will you make a child memorize the table A. For content validity
of multiplication from the point of view of Pavlov? B. For reliability
C. For face validity
A. Make them understand the meaning of D. For format validity
B. Call the child's attention every time you recite
the table for them 79. The following terms refers to performance
C. Model the recitation of the table of objectives except ___ objectives.
D. Reward the child with a candy for every A. Teachers
correctrecitation B. Behavioral
C. Lesson
D. Learners
75. A mother gives her son his favorite snack every
time the boy cleans his room. Afterward, the boy
cleans his room every day in anticipation of the
snack. Which theory is illustrated?

A. associative learning 80. What is the level of mastery for a grade of 75?
B. classical conditioning
C. operant conditioning A. Outstanding
D. Modeling B. Satisfactory
C. Fairly Satisfactory
D. Did Not Meet Expectations
76. Which part of the lesson development is
concerned with mood setting?
81. Do the quarterly assessments have the same
A. Deepening percentage weights for all subjects for all the tracks
B. Application in Grades 11 and 12?
C. Generalization
D. Motivation A. No
B. Yes
C. Yes, only for the academic track C. consider age level of students in teaching certain
D. It depends on schools concepts
D. give the same task to all students in a particular
learning level
82. Which design is easy to deliver because
complementary books and materials are
commercially available? 86. Which of the following best describes the role
of a teacher from a perennialist perspective?
A. Experience centered design
B. Problem design A. To expose the learner up-to-date information
C. Process design about Science and Math
D. Subject centered design B. To reveal the wisdom of the ages such as those
contained in the Bible/Koran
C. To assist the learner to clarify his/her value
83. You are starting to love Science as a subject priorities through self-analysis
because every time you answer correctly, your D. To give, interpret, or analyze complete
Science teacher gives you verbal praises and information to the students
recitation chips. This situation is an example of:

A. Operant conditioning 87. Which of the following is the correct example of

B. Classical conditioning the deductive method approach of teaching?
C. Cognitive functioning
D. Moral reasoning A. The teacher starts by defining a term then gives
B. The teacher ask questions to the teacher at the
84. What happens when a student in Grade 1 to end of every discussion.
10did not meet the expectations in two learning C. The lesson starts with the study of specific cases
areas? and ends with a generalization.
D. The teacher asks the students to narrate their
A. Retained in the same grade level unforgettable experiences then share their
B. He/ She is not accepted for enrolment in the observation after.
C. Promoted in the next grade level but has back
subjects in the lower grade level 88. Which of the theories of learning presents or
D. Promoted to the next grade level after passing states that learning skills are hierarchically
remedial classes for learning areas with failing mark arranged?

A. Cumulative Learning
85. Because motivation comes before learning, B. Meaningful Learning
Teacher Carl should ___. C. Social Cognitive Learning
D. Theory of Instruction
A. teach concepts from simple to complex
B. follow the interest of the students in assigning
task 89. What is the level of mastery for a grade of 77?
A. Fairly Satisfactory
B. Outstanding
C. Satisfactory
D. Did Not Meet Expectations
93. A pupil whose mother is an OFW has been
absent for three days. Considering the teacher's
roles and responsibilities, what action will you

A. Record the absences.

B. Report to the guidance counselor.
90. What is known as getting the meaning of a new C. Conduct home visitation.
unfamiliar word by looking for hints from D. Conduct action research.
surrounding words in a sentence or paragraph?

A. Syntactic clues 94. Among cognitive levels of thinking, what

B. Semantic clues cognitive level is stressed by the Essay question: "In
C. Graphophonic clues the light of the facts presented, what is most likely
D. Context clues to happen when...?

A. Inferring
91. Teacher Paz does NOT personally agree with B. Classifying
one school policy. What is her professional C. Applying
responsibility? D. Analyzing

A. Be indifferent about it but exert effort to

understand it. 95. What is applied by Skinner’s change in overt
B. Make an honest effort to understand, support, behaviour like events can result in learning?
and carry out the school policy even if she does
NOT personally agree. A. Shaping of behaviour
C. Remain connected with the school but defy the B. Behavioral Training
policy because in conscience she cannot agree. C. Reinforcement Schedules
D. Lead a campaign against its abolition. D. Operant Conditioning

92. You make full use of the question-and-Answer

method as a model for discussion. Who
championed/advocated the question-and-Answer

A. Socrates
B. Mencius
C. Lao Tzu 96. Teacher Min, a Kindergarten teacher has
D. Mohammed important assignment to motivate, inspire,
encourage, and support students by providing
them with a safe, secure and loving environment, 100. Among thinking skills in learning, what
to educate them socially, emotionally, and includes fluent, flexible, original and elaborate
cognitively so they can continue to build a thinking?
foundation for life-long learning. This best
exemplify teaching ___. A. Divergent thinking
B. Convergent thinking
A. Vocation C. Critical thinking
B. Mission D. Problem solving
C. Calling
D. Profession
101. Students must be taught self-responsibility.

97. In his speech class, teacher Rod uses poetry A. Pragmatism

dramatic reading by students, using movements (c, B. Utilitarianism
gestures, facial expressions, creative movements, C. Existentialism
etc.). What learning objectives or outcome is he D. Constructivism
looking for?

A. Non-discursive communication 102. Behaviorism is a philosophy that has been

B. Reflex movements anchored on the theories that relate to:
C. Skilled movements I. Trial-and-Error
D. Characterization II. Stimulus and Response
III. Brain and thinking

98. Jessica took the LET last March 2022 (Third A. I only
Batch). Unfortunately, she failed in the examination B. I and II
and got an overall rating of 69. Now, is she qualified C. I, II, and III
for the position of para-teachers? D. II only
103. From among the following skills below, which
A. Yes, provided that he is a first taker. is the highest in terms of level according to Bloom's
B. No. Cognitive Taxonomy?
C. Yes.
D. Maybe. A. Integration
B. Literal comprehension
C. Critical comprehension
99. A student make the teachers and his classmates D. Critical evaluation
busy and asks everyone to give him special
attention. What is the student's hidden message?
104. How do you describe the effects of escalating
A. The student want to get even. situations of uncontrolled misbehaviors inside a
B. The student wants to feel reassured. classroom?
C. The students want to feel empowered.
D. The student want to feel connected. A. Mushroom effect
B. Rainbow effect
C. Ripple effect
D. Step-up effect II. Encourage and develop in the children the skill to
learn independently and eventually become self-
and lifelong learners.
105. The Philippine Association for Teachers and III. Education is viewed as a socializing process and
Educators (PAFTE) proposed a new curriculum for learning training. Group learning is, thus, the
Teacher Education to make the graduates globally primary mode of learning.
competitive. What type of curriculum is this?
A. I, ll, and III
A. Supported curriculum B. Only II
B. Assessed Curriculum C. II and III
C. Hidden curriculum D. I and II
D. Recommended Curriculum

110. Which of the following ideas exemplify

106. What kind of teaching-learning approach is stereotyping that is unfair to student-learners?
adopted in teaching the same major subjects
(English, Math, Science) in the K-to-12 curriculum? A. All students require quality instruction
B. All students from peasant communities are dull
A. Spiral teaching, learning C. All students have rights to be respected
B. Redundant teaching-learning D. All students can best learn at their own pace
C. Differentiated teaching- learning
D. Higher order thinking teaching- learning
107. Which of the following mandated the 111. What theory states that learning involves the
implementation of PPST? acquisition of abstract concepts that can be applied
flexibly in a range of situations which focuses on
A. RA 7836 learner's internal cognitive processes.
B. DO. 47, s. 2014
C. DO. 47, s. 2016 A. Learning Style Theory
D. DO. 42, s. 2017 B. Reading Readiness Theory
C. Multiple Intelligence Theory
D. Emotional Intelligence Theory
108. What activity of human intelligence attaches
value or quantitative description to measuring
results of learning and school activities? 112. Which philosophy proclaims the spiritual
nature of man and stresses that the human spirit,
A. Understanding soul or mind are the most important elements in
B. Critical Thinking life?
C. Analysis
D. Assessment A. Essentialism
B. Realism
C. Perennialism
109. On which principles is the IMPACT system D. Idealism
I. The children are active participants in the
learning process.
116. Can a licensed professional teacher teach after
continuous five years of not practicing the teaching

A. Yes.
113. Teacher Alex wants his pupils to display their B. No, unless he/she has earned 12 units of
favorite poem among the poems each one refresher courses in education.
composed. What type of portfolio is Teacher Alex C. That depends on the LET rating.
expecting to see? D. That depends on the GPA in college.

A. Evaluation Portfolio
B. Development Portfolio 117. Where can students find the critical views on
C. Showcase Portfolio current event in newspaper?
D. Assessment Portfolio
A. Entertainment page
B. Ads section
114. Is an alien qualified to take the Licensure C. Opinion page
Examination for Teachers? D. News page

A. Yes, provided his / her country has reciprocity

with the Philippines in the practice of the teaching 118. What is required in order to go up the next
profession. grade level for a student who did not meet
B. Yes, provided he/she is a teacher education expectations in TWO learning areas?
C. No, because she/he is not a citizen of the A. Pass remedial classes
Philippines. B. Take remedial classes even without passing them
D. No, he/she is not a natural born citizen of the C. Repeat the whole grade level
Philippines. D. Reduction to lower level

115. What is the measure of relevance in


A. Democratization of access
B. Functionality and meaningfulness
C. Ability to sustain education through the future
D. Excellence and effectiveness

119. Which assessment of the teachers below did a

diagnostic assessment?

A. Teacher A who gave a quiz before starting the

next chapter on Physics.
B. Teacher B who administered an achievement test 123. Of skills teachers should understand and
to the Grade 8 students. students need to acquire, which is the ability to
C. Teacher C who gave a journal writing activity monitor and modify thinking, as well as deal with
immediately after discussion to determine the ambiguous or unclear information without getting
outcome of instruction. frustrated?
D. Teacher D who gave a 10-item test to find out
the specific concepts in which the students are A. Focusing
encountering difficulty. B. Sharpening
C. Tolerance
D. Narrowing
120. What are the necessary skills needed under
the “learning to live together”.
124. In Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development,
A. Communication, self-control and handling what is the pre-school age in which a child's
emotions intelligence is intuitive, able to make mental
B. Interpretation of behaviors, problem solving and representation, and close to the use of symbols?
critical thinking
C. Relationship building and cooperation, A. Formal operational stage
negotiation and meditation B. Concrete operational
D. All of the above. C. Sensory motor stage
D. Preoperational stage

121. Among models of reading strategies, what did

student Lina adopt when she read back and forth, 125. Which is TRUE when the standard deviation is
attending to both what is in her mind and what’s big?
on the page?
A. Scores are spread out
A. Down-top B. The bell curve shape is steep
B. Interactive C. Scores are not extremes
C. Top-down D. Scores are concentrated
D. Bottoms-up
126. The ___ established the first public school
system in the Philippines.

A. Educational Reform Act of 1863

122. How will you characterize contemporary B. Leyes de Indias
progressive education? C. Schurman Commission
D. Treaty of Paris
A. Traditional
B. Science-based
C. Virtue-driven 127. If schools want students to become self-
D. Classic knowledge directed learners, which strategy should they

A. Drill
B. Cognitive 132. Among examples listed, which does not
C. Metacognitive represent teaching strategies to develop
D. Conditioning metacognition?

A. Have the students develop questions about what

128. On learning deficiencies, what is known as the is going around them.
learning disability in math calculations. B. Have teachers the free hand to monitor and rate
learning achievement.
A. Dyslexia C. Have students to monitor their own learning and
B. Dyscalculia thinking.
C. Dyspepsia D. Have students make predictions about what is to
D. Dysgraphia be represented.

129. What will you see as an application of Pavlov's

idea of discrimination?

A. Mentoring low achievers in class

B. Engaging students in collaborative learning
C. Giving way for peer tutoring 133. Of the following types of tests, which is the
D. Allowing students to choose electives most subjective in scoring?

A. Enumeration
B. Matching Type
130. Which is NOT among the major targets of the C. Essay
Child-Friendly School System (CFFS)? D. Multiple Choice

A. All school children are friendly. 134. Which of the following statements concerning
B. All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in test validity and reliability is most accurate?
elementary schools.
C. All children complete their elementary education A. A valid test is a reliable test.
within six years. B. A valid test is a valid test.
D. All grade six students pass the division, regional C. A test can not be valid and reliable unless it is
and national tests. objective.
D. A test can not be valid reliable unless it is
131. What is known as learning a new word by
studying its roots and affixes?
135. Following Kohlberg's Theory of Moral
A. Morphology Development, what is the moral reasoning or
B. Phonetic analysis perspective of Joy who allows her classmate to
C. Structural analysis copy her test work, so that she will be her friend?
D. Contextualization
A. Punishment
B. Obedience
C. Law and order
D. Social approval A. Progressivism
B. Naturalism
C. Existentialism
136. Mellisa has not practiced her teaching D. Idealism
profession for the past five years. How many units
of education courses should she take before she is
allowed to teach? 141. Speaking of learning style, the “mastery
A. 12 units learner” learns best from ___.
B. 15 units
C. 24 units A. dramas
D. 30 units B. Drill
137. Of the following, which is the truest of C. Debates
adolescents? D. role-playing

A. Hormonal changes
B. Defiance of peer group 142. This is a level under the Affective Domain by
C. Last splurge of dependence Krathwohl, which shows learners' concern with the
D. Unruly behavior worth or value a student attaches to a particular
phenomena, object, or behavior.

138. If an item has difficulty index of .56 and a A. Characterization

discrimination index of -5, what will you do with B. Organization
the item? C. Responding
D. Valuing
A. Reject it
B. Revise It
C. Do nothing 143. Which of the following is a divergent
D. Retain It question?

A. Is Eve a woman?
139. In Erikson's Stages of Theory of Development, B. When is Christmas Day?
which affirmation belongs to the stage of Identity C. How much did you spend on that bike?
versus Role Confusion? D. What are the ways of conserving water?

A. When people look at what I have done, I feel

embarrassed 144. Which outcome in remedial instruction in
B. I get a good deal of pleasure from working English is generally important?
C. I wonder what sort of person I am
D. I feel competent A. Resolution of communication problems.
B. Variety of learning experiences.
C. Positive experience in language/literature
140. Teacher Marven asks his students, "what do learning.
you want to become when you grow up"? What D. Participate in learning experiences.
kind of philosophy?
145. Among the following, which initiative 148. A teacher's salary must increase right after
contributes to positive learning and classroom how many years of service according to the Magna
management? Carta for Public School Teachers?

A. dangle lessons A. 2 years

B. effective routine and drills B. 5 years
C. persistent reminder on school rules C. 3 years
D. simple review and looking back at the lesson D. 7 years

146. Prof. De Leon teaches in a barangay where 149. Which aspect of multi-intelligence is enhanced
there are frequent quarrels and fights due to by asking students to work on a physical model of
serious and petty problems. In his Social Studies the atom after a teacher's discussion about the
class, he needs to emphasize: atom?

A. Learning to Be A. Interpersonal
B. Learning to Live Together B. Kinesthetical
C. Learning to Know C. Mathematical
D. Learning to Do D. Linguistic

147. If an item has difficulty index of .56 and a 150. Which of the following is not included in the 3
discrimination index of 5, what will you do with the C's of classroom management?
A. Content
A. Reject it B. Conduct
B. Revise It C. Context
C. Do nothing D. Control
D. Retain It


1. C. Student engagement 5. A. Fiction novels
2. D. to be exempted from formal education 6. B. Outstanding
3. B. Role playing 7. B. Spanish
4. A. Punishing while angry 8. A. Feels what students feel
9. B. Interactive 54. B. III
10. B. Am I learning well enough? 55. D. What factual information have I retained?
11. D. Teaching was not effective 56. B. Lecture, demonstrate, simulate
12. A. Accommodation 57. D. Learning to Be
13. D. Consider multiple intelligences in teaching. 58. B. II and III
14. C. Existentialism 59. C. Very Satisfactory
15. B. Knowledge or recall 60. D. Did Not Meet Expectations
16. C. Brainstorming 61. A. Written, Performance, and Periodical Assessment
17. C. Using reinforcement 62. A. Purposeful experience
18. D. Student interest and teacher enthusiasm 63. D. Voice delivery and clarity of the teacher
19. A. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two months. 64. C. Lesson objectives
20. B. 2012-2013 65. C. Progressivism
21. No, without the consent of the school head. 66. D. Separation anxiety
22. C. realia 67. D. Unity
23. B. Very Easy 68. D. Transform the pictures into slides
24. D. Perceiving 69. A. Evaluation
25. B. Maslow 70. B. Table of Specifications
26. B. A mother giving birth 71. A. Accuracy
27. A. The classroom is conducive to learning. 72. C. Competence
28. Existentialism 73. B. Existentialism
29. A. Education for All (EFA) 74. B. Call the child's attention every time you recite the
30. D. find the test item difficult table for them
31. C. by continually improving themselves personally 75. C. operant conditioning
and professionally 76. D. Motivation
32. A. Autonomy 77. A. effect
33. D. Provide different activities to meet student needs 78. B. For reliability
34. B. Philippine Qualifications Framework 79. A. Teachers
35. C. Revenge seeking 80. C. Fairly Satisfactory
36. C. Observable and measurable behavior 81. A. No
37. C. Very Difficult 82. D. Subject centered design
38. A. With the elements of a good paragraph in mind, 83. A. Operant Conditioning
which one is best written? 84. D. Promoted to the next grade level after passing
39. A. Find the whole account of the matter remedial classes for learning areas with failing mark
40. A. I, II and III 85. B. follow the interest of the students in assigning
41. B. Students found that the test item was very task
difficult. 86. B. To reveal the wisdom of the ages such as those
42. A. within regular class hours contained in the Bible/Koran
43. D. Responding 87. A. The teacher starts by defining a term then gives
44. B. has attention-deficit disorder examples.
45. C. He tends to give lower grade than what is 88. A. Cumulative learning
supposed to be. 89. A. Fairly Satisfactory
46. B. Giving an alternative ending for a story read 90. D. Context clues
47. B. summative 91. B. Make an honest effort to understand, support,
48. B. Elementary school and carry out the school policy even ifshe does NOT
49. A. In three or more learning areas personally agree.
50. C. Desire for self-actualization 92. A. Socrates
51. B. Guided practice 93. C. Conduct home visitation
52. C. Appropriateness 94. A. Inferring
53. C. Reactive 95. D. Operant Conditioning
96. B. Mission 122. B. Science-based
97. A. Non-discursive communication 123. C. Tolerance
98. B. No. 124. D. Preoperational stage
99. D. The student want to feel connected. 125. A. Scores are spread out
100. A. Divergent thinking 126. A. Educational Reform Act of 1863
101. C. Existentialism 127. C. Metacognitive
102. B. I and II 128. B. Dyscalculia
103. D. Critical evaluation 129. A. Mentoring low achievers in class
104. C. Ripple effect 130. A. All school children are friendly.
105. D. Recommended Curriculum 131. C. Structural analysis
106. A. Spiral teaching, learning 132. B. Have teachers the free hand to monitor and rate
107. D. DO. 42, s. 2017 learning achievement.
108. D. Assessment 133. C. Essay
109. A. I, II, and III 134. A. A valid test is a reliable test.
110. B. All students from peasant communities are dull 135. D. Social approval
111. A. Learning Style Theory 136. A. 12 units
112. D. Idealism 137. A. Hormonal changes
113. C. Showcase Portfolio 138. A. Reject it
114. A. Yes, provided his/her country has reciprocity 139. C. I wonder what sort of person I am
with the Philippines in the practice ofthe teaching 140. D. Idealism
profession. 141. B. drill
115. B. Functionality and meaningfulness 142. D. Valuing
116. B. No, unless he/she has earned 12 units of 143. D. What are the ways of conserving water?
refresher courses in education. 144. A. Resolution of communication problems
117. C. Opinion page 145. B. effective routine and drills
118. A. Pass remedial classes 146. B. Learning to Live Together
119. D. Teacher D who gave a 10-item test to find out 147. D. Retain it
the specific concepts in which the students are 148. C. 3 years
encountering difficulty. 149. B. Kinesthetical
120. D. All of the above. 150. D. Control
121. B. Interactive


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