01 GR No. 210551

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Ferrer, Jr. v. Bautista
G.R. No. 210551 June 30, 2015


This case involves a petition for certiorari filed by Jose J. Ferrer, Jr. against the City
Mayor, City Council, City Treasurer, and City Assessor of Quezon City. The
petitioner seeks to declare unconstitutional and illegal two ordinances, namely
Ordinance No. SP-2095, S-2011 on the Socialized Housing Tax and Ordinance No.
SP-2235, S-2013 on the Garbage Fee, which are being imposed by the respondents.

The petitioner argues that the Socialized Housing Tax and Garbage Fee ordinances
are unconstitutional and illegal because they impose additional taxes on property
owners without proper legal basis. The Socialized Housing Tax imposes a special
assessment equivalent to 0.5% of the assessed value of land in excess of Php100,000.
The Garbage Fee imposes fees on domestic households, condominium units,
socialized housing projects/units, and high-rise condominium units.


The main issue raised in the case is whether the Socialized Housing Tax and Garbage
Fee ordinances are constitutional and legal.


The court ruled in favor of the petitioner and declared the ordinances
unconstitutional and illegal.


The court's ratio is that the power to impose taxes, fees, or charges, or to generate
revenue, should be exercised by the local government unit concerned through an
appropriate ordinance. However, the ordinances in question were not based on any
specific law or legal authority. The court also emphasized that the imposition of
taxes should be based on a valid classification and should not be arbitrary or


In summary, the court declared the Socialized Housing Tax and Garbage Fee
ordinances of Quezon City unconstitutional and illegal. The court held that the
ordinances exceeded the legislative powers of the Quezon City Council and violated
the Local Government Code and the Constitution. The court emphasized the
importance of proper legal basis in imposing taxes and fees.

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