C3 Slope Stability

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Slope Stability

Learning Outcome

 acquire the knowledge of stability analysis of

soil slope;

Key Contents

 factor of safety
 Infinite slopes
 Finite slopes
 method of slices
 application of computer software in slope
stability analysis

 Introduction
 Factor of safety of slope
 Stability of infinite slope
 Stability of slope using mass procedure
 Stability of slope using method of slice
 Application of computer software in slope analysis

 Gravitational and seepage forces tend to cause
instability in natural slopes; excavation; embankments;
earth dams.
 The most important types of slope failure are
illustrated in Figure 1.
 rotational slips: circular arc or a non-circular curve.
 circular slips are associated with homogeneous soil
conditions and non-circular slips are associated with
non-homogeneous conditions.

Figure 1
 Translational and compound slips occur where the form of the
failure surface is influenced by the presence of an adjacent
stratum of significantly different strength.
 Translational slips tend to occur where the adjacent stratum is at
a relatively shallow depth below the surface of the slope. In this
case the failure surface tends to be plane and roughly parallel to
the slope.
 Compound slips usually occur where the adjacent stratum is at
greater depth, the failure surface consisting of curved and plane
 In practice, limiting equilibrium methods are used in the analysis
of slope stability. The problem is normally considered in two
dimensions and plane strain condition is assumed..

Figure 2 – A shallow slope failure in Hong Kong

Note the circular deep seated failure surface

2 Factor of Safety for Slopes

In limit equilibrium analysis, the factor of safety of slope (F) is

given by the following relationship:

(shearing resistance of the soil) / (Mobilized shear force) (1)

In terms of shear strength, F is usually defined as

F= f /m (2)

where f = average shear strength along the potential failure


m = average shear stress mobilized along the potential failure


 The factors of safety for Hong Kong
slopes recommended by the
Geotechnical Engineering Office are
presented in Tables 1 and 2

Safety for
New Slopes

Table 1 (GEO 1984)

Factor Safety
for Existing

Table 2 (GEO 1984)

Table 3 (GEO)

The Stability of Hong Kong Slopes
Both natural slopes and cuttings in Hong Kong are
prone to failure. The reasons for this are:

 Topography

 Geology

 Shear Strength

 Rainfall and Groundwater

3 Stability of Infinite Slopes
 Figure 3 shows an infinitely long slope of angle .

 By considering the equilibrium of forces acting on the soil

element abcd and assuming there is no porewater pressure,
it can be shown that the factor
(3) of safety is:

c tan
F= +
H cos  tan  tan 

Analysis of infinite slope (without seepage)
Figure 3
 For sands, c = 0, and the F = (tan )/(tan ).

The value of F is independent of the height H

and the dry density of the sand.

 It also indicates that the slope is stable as long

as  < 0. When  = , F=1. The value of  in
this case is called the limiting angle.

 If the soil possesses cohesion and friction, i.e.,
a c -  soil, the depth of the plane along which
critical equilibrium occurs may be determined
by substituting F = 1 and H = Hcr intoEq. 5.3.

c 1
H cr =
 cos2  (tan  − tan  )

Infinite Slopes With Seepage
 Figure 4 shows an infinitely long slope in
saturated soil which is subject to steady state of
downhill seepage, with the groundwater level at
the surface. Similarly it can be shown that
c  ' tan
F= +
 sat H cos  tan   sat tan 
where ’ = submerged density of the soil
sat = saturated density of the soil

Analysis of infinite slope (with seepage)
Figure 4
Learning Activity 1

For the infinite slope shown in the Figure Ex 5.1, determine:

(a) The factor of safety against sliding along the soil-rock interface
given H = 2.5 m

(b) The height, H, that will give a factor of safety of 2 against sliding
along the soil-rock interface.

Ans: H = 2.5m

4 Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface
4.1 General Modes of Slope Failure

 In general, slope failure occurs in one of the

following modes (Figure 5)

 When the failure occurs in such a way that the

surface of sliding intersects the slope at or above its
toe, it is called a slope failure (Figure 5a). The
failure circle is referred to as a toe circle if it passes
through the toe of the slope and as a slope circle if
it passes above the toe of the slope.

Figure 5
 When the failure occurs in such a way (Figure
5b ) that the surface of sliding passes at some
distance below the toe of the slope, it is called a
base failure (Figure 5c). The failure circle in
the case of base failure is called a midpoint

Procedure of Stability Analysis

◼ Mass Procedure,

◼ Method of Slices

 Mass Procedure In this case the mass of soil

above the surface of sliding is taken as a unit.
This procedure is useful when the soil that
forms the slope is assumed to homogeneous.

• Method of Slices. In this procedure, the soil
above the surface of sliding is divided into a
number of vertical parallel slices. The stability
of each of the slices is calculated separately. It
can consider :
◼ non-homogeneity
◼ porewater pressure
◼ variation of the normal stress

Location of the Most Critical Circle
 The slip circle with the lowest factor of safety for a
given slope will allow the engineer to decide whether
the slope is safe or not.

 Trial and error. Various slip circles are considered, as

shown in Figure 6a The factor of safety is determined
for each circle and the centre plotted with the factor of
safety marked along side it.

 The location of the centre of the most critical circle is at

the centre of the plot.

Figure 6
4.2 Mass Procedure of Stability Analysis (Circular Failure Surface)

(a) Slopes in Homogeneous Clay Soil with  =0 (Undrained Condition)

Clay soils slopes are analyzed for stability by a limit equilibrium

method. The method is called total stress analysis because:

• The shear strength parameters used are those resulting from the shear
vane test, the unconfined compression test, or the unconsolidated
undrained triaxial compression test on the clay soil. These
parameters are cu and u = 0.

This total stress analysis covers

 fully saturated clay under undrained conditions,

 Only moment equilibrium is considered

 Figure 8 shows a trial failure surface (centre O, radius r

and arc length La). Potential instability is due to the
total weight of the soil mass (W) per unit length above
the failure surface. For equilibrium the shear strength
which must be mobilized along the failure surface is
expressed as

(Smith N.J.)
Figure 7

m=  f /F = c u /F

Equating moments about O:

W d = (c u /F)L a r

and therefore

F = (c u L a r)/(W d) (6)

 The moments of any additional forces must be
taken into account.

 In the event of a tension crack developed at top

of the slope as shown in Figure 7, the arc length
La is shortened and a hydrostatic force will act
normal to the crack if it fills with water.

Learning Activity 2
 Learning Outcome : To understand the theory of
analysis of finite slopes using mass procedures.

 A 45o slope is excavated to a depth of 8m in a deep

layer of saturated clay of unit wight 19 kN/m3.
The relevant shear strength parameters are cu = 65
kN/m2 and u =0 . Determine the factor of safety
for the trial failure surface specified below by
considering equilibrium of moments (area of
ABCD = 70m2).

Learning Activity 2

Equating Moment about O

W d = (cu/F)Lar
And therefore

F = (cuLar)/W d

W d = (19x70)x4.5 = 5985

 Wd = (19x70)x4.5 = 5985

 CuLr = 65 x (12.1 x 89.5ox/180 ) x 12.1 = 14858.1

 F = CuLr / Wd
 = 14858.1 / 5985 = 2.48

Learning Activity 3
 Learning Outcome : To understand the theory of analysis of
finite slopes using mass procedures.

 The failure surface of the following slope lies within 2

layers of strata, unit wight of both layers is 17.6 kN/m3.

 The relevant shear strength parameters for the upper and

lower layers are cu = 21 and 33.75 kN/m2 respectively with
u =0 . Determine the factor of safety for the trial failure
surface specified below by considering equilibrium of
moments (area of ABCD = 87m2).

Equating Moment about O

W d = (cu/F)Lar

And therefore

F = (cuLar)/W d

 Wd =87 x 17.6 x 2.75 = 4210.8

 CuLr = [ 33.75 x (11.75 x 71.5ox/180 ) + 21.5 x (11.75 x 37ox/180 )]x11.75

 = 7726.8

 F = CuLr /Wd = 7726.8/4210.8 = 1.83

5. Method of Slices
 the mass procedure, assumes the soil is homogeneous!
However, most slopes are not made of homogeneous
soils. The mass procedure also does not take into
account the effect of porewater pressure and non-
circular failure surfaces. The classical solution to these
problems is the method of slices first devised by W.
Fellenius in Sweden between 1914 and 1922.

Figure 8

Figure 9

 The potential failure surface AB is assumed to
be a circular arc, centre 0, radius r. This is
found to be the common shape of failure

 For any slice the angle of inclination of the

failure surface to the horizontal is v The
failure surface is considered to be a plane over
the span of the slice, l.

 The third dimension, the distance along the
slope, is unity.

 Usually four to six slices are considered which

are not necessarily of equal width.

 The static forces on one slice are shown in
Figure 9. In Fellenius' method or the ordinary
method of slices, all the interslice forces (the E
and X forces) are ignored and the slices are
assumed to offer no support to each other to
resist slipping.

c' l + (W cos − ul ) tan  ' (7)
W sin 
where c’ and ' are respectively the cohesion and angle of internal.
friction of soil with respect to effective stress along the slip plane of the
W is bh, the weight of the slice;
 is the average angle of the slope of the slip plane in the slice;
l is the span of slice on the slip plane; and
u is the average porewater pressure in the slice on the slip plane.

Summation of all the slices will give the
factor of safety for the slope:

 (c' l + (W cos − ul ) tan  ')

W sin 

Learning Activity 5
Shown below are the details of an existing slope. The soil properties are =
1820 kg/m3; c’ = 7 kN/m2; ’ = 20o and no tension cracks have formed.
Check the stability of the bank along the slip surface shown (1.6; 0.93)
 a) when there is no pore water pressure
 b) When the height of pore water is as shown
 c) When ru = 0.35

hw (m)
Slice No. α ( deg ) h(m) b(m) γ ( kN/m ) hw
1 -21 1.00 1.80 17.84
2 -4 2.60 1.80 17.84
3 14 3.70 1.80 17.84
4 33 3.70 1.80 17.84
5 58 2.00 1.80 17.84

a) when there is no pore water pressure

Slice No. α ( deg ) h(m) b(m) γ ( kN/m ) ru or hw c' ( kN/m2 ) φ' ( deg ) u ( kN/m2 )
1 -21 1.00 1.80 17.84 0 7 20 0
2 -4 2.60 1.80 17.84 0 7 20 0
3 14 3.70 1.80 17.84 0 7 20 0
4 33 3.70 1.80 17.84 0 7 20 0
5 58 2.00 1.80 17.84 0 7 20 0

Slice No. (W cosα - ub secα ) tan φ' W sin α Cb secα

1 10.9115 -11.5079 13.4964
2 30.3143 -5.8241 12.6308
3 41.9603 28.7438 12.9857
4 36.2682 64.7110 15.0238
5 12.3872 54.4650 23.7772
summation 131.8416 130.5878 77.9139

F = (77.92 + 131.84)/ 130.59

= 1.63
b) When the height (hw) of pore water is as shown

u = hw w
3 2 2
Slice No. α ( deg ) h(m) b(m) γ ( kN/m ) hw c' ( kN/m ) φ' ( deg ) u ( kN/m )
1 -21 1.00 1.80 17.84 0.6 7 20 5.886
2 -4 2.60 1.80 17.84 1.8 7 20 17.658
3 14 3.70 1.80 17.84 3 7 20 29.43
4 33 3.70 1.80 17.84 3.7 7 20 36.297
5 58 2.00 1.80 17.84 2 7 20 19.62

Slice No. (W cosα - ub secα ) tan φ' W sin α Cb secα

1 6.7810 -11.5079 13.4964
2 18.7175 -5.8241 12.6308
3 22.0891 28.7438 12.9857
4 7.9140 64.7110 15.0238
5 -11.8693 54.4650 23.7772
summation 43.6323 130.5878 77.9139

F = (77.92 + 43.6)/ 130.59

= 0.93
c) When ru = 0.35
u = ru  h
u = ru  h
F=  (c' l + (W cos − ul) tan  ')
W sin 
Slice No. α ( deg ) h(m) b ( m ) γ ( kN/m3 ) ru c' ( kN/m2 )φ' ( deg ) u ( kN/m2 )
1 -21 1.00 1.80 17.84 0.35 7 20 6.244
2 -4 2.60 1.80 17.84 0.35 7 20 16.2344
3 14 3.70 1.80 17.84 0.35 7 20 23.1028
4 33 3.70 1.80 17.84 0.35 7 20 23.1028
5 58 2.00 1.80 17.84 0.35 7 20 12.488
Slice No. (W cosα - ub secα ) tan φ' W sin α Cb secα
1 6.5297 -11.5079 13.4964
2 19.6524 -5.8241 12.6308
3 26.3613 28.7438 12.9857
4 18.2210 64.7110 15.0238
5 -3.0519 54.4650 23.7772
summation 67.7125 130.5878 77.9139

F = (77.92 + 67.71)/ 130.59

= 1.12
Other Methods of Slices

Simplified Bishop,
Morganstera & Price
Hoek, Sarma

Table 3 lists the methods of slope stability analysis and

recommendations for use in Hong Kong by the
Geotechnical Engineering Office. When choosing a
method of stability analysis for design, the probable
mode of failure of the slope must be considered. The
method chosen should model the failure mode.
Bishop's Simplified Method

 In this method, the interslice shear forces are ignored as

they are equal and opposite (i.e. X1 = X2), but the interslice
normal forces are not (i.e., E1  E2). These assumptions are
reasonable if conditions are uniform and ru is constant.

Simplifying :

1 [c' b + (W − ub) tan  ' ] sec

F=  (12)
 W sin  1+
tan  tan  '

Note : The computation using equation (12) is

commenced by assuming a trial value F.

Janbu's Routine Analysis for the Stability of Slopes with Non-
Circular Failure Surface

Whilst the Bishop's simplified method was originally developed

for analysis with assumed circular failure surfaces, the Janbu's
Rigorous and Routine methods are suitable for non-circular slip

Non-circular slip surface failures are common forms of

landslip because the shape of the failure surface is often
controlled by geological planes of weakness within the soil
mass. For example, in Hong Kong slope failures in extremely
decomposed granite may follow relict joints in this residual soil.
Learning Activity 8
 Identify the causes of failure / landslip for natural and man-made
slopes in Hong
 Define "Factor of Safety" for slopes in terms of shear strength.
 What are the factors that affect the value of “Factor of Safety”.
 Identify the potential causes for the slope stability problems in
Hong Kong.
 Describe briefly, with the aid of diagrams, the different types of
slope movements according to their motions relative to the
adjacent or underlying soil stratum.
 Explain briefly, with the aid of sketches, on two methods which
can increase the factor of safety of a circular slip surface on a
soil slope.
Application of computer
software in slope analysis
 (Any GEO approved slope analysis software
will serve the purpose, the input interface
may be different but the underlying
principles are the same)
 The following example adopts Slope/W
2012 (student version) for illustration

Step 1

Remember to set the PWP conditions 64


Step 2

Step 3
Step 4
Pore water pressure
Step 5
Slip surface
Step 6
Slip surface
Step 7
Solve Manager
Define soil profiles

Define Pore water pressure

Define - Slip surface

Define Grid

Choose a method of analysis

Disclaimer- the author has tried his best to indicate all references but there
is no guarantee that all materials cited can be included.

Further References
Das, B. M. (2006). Principles of Geotechnical Engineering. 6th Edition.
Cengage Learning.
Craig, R. F. (2004). Soil Mechanics. 7th Ed, E & FN Spon.
Capper, P.L., Cassie, W.F. and Geddes, J.D. (1980). Problems in Engineering
Soil, E & FN Spon.
Whitlow,R.(2000) Basic Soil Mechanics, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall.
Barnes, G.E. (2000) Soil Mechanics Principles and Practices, MacMilan.
Berry, P.L. & Reid, D.(1987) An Introduction to Soil Mechanics, McGraw-Hill
Book Company
Budhu, M. (2000), Soil mechanics & Foundations, 2nd Ed., John Wiley &
Smith G.N. (1990), Elements of Soil Mechanics, 6th Ed, BSP Professional
Sutton, B.H.C (1993). Solving Problems in Soil Mechanics, 2nd Ed, Longman.
ELE International. Catalogue in Laboratory Testing.
Geotechnical Engineering Office, (1995), Geoguide 5 - Guide to Slope
Maintenance, CED, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative


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