Slope Stability Charts

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Then the vertical shear forces are calculated using an assumed  value and ƒ(x).

Once XL
and XR are determined, the normal force at slice base is calculated and the value of  for
which Fm = Ff is calculated using trial and error.

2.2.3. Slope stability charts

Slope stability charts are useful for quick assessment, initial design and quick check
of the results; it can be used to back calculate the soil strength parameters for slopes
which failed by supposing a factor of safety equal to the unity and solving for the shear
strength parameters. Since the soil strength usually involves both cohesion c’ and friction
φ’, there are no unique solution. So that selection of the most reasonable soil strength
parameters depends on local experience and judgment, especially the friction angle φ’ is
usually within a narrow range for many types of soil.
(Fellenius, W, 1936) was one of the first to recognize that factors of safety could be
expressed by charts. His work was followed by the work of (Taylor, D. W, 1937) and
(Janbu N. , 1954). In deriving the charts, Taylor used the friction circle method. Followed
by the work of (Bishop, A. W. and N.R. Morgenstern, 1960) and (Hunter, J.H.,and R.L.
Schuster, 1968) that consider the linear increase of shear strength with depth, at φ = 0
condition, (Morgenstern, N. R, 1963), (Spencer, 1967), (Terzaghi, K. and R.B.Peck,
1967).However, their charts are still some of the most useful for many conditions. The
charts cover a wide range in slope geometries and soil conditions, using the charts is
straight forward and quite easy. In addition, the charts provide the minimum FOS and
eliminate the need to iterate for the critical slip surface.
The Stability charts depend on its derivation on dimensionless relationships that exist
between the FOS and other parameters of slope like slope geometry, soil shear strengths,
and existence of ground water pressure. The use of charts is not limited to a certain type
of soil, but it can be used with cohesive as well as granular soil and a variety of pore
water pressure and external loads i.e surcharge load.

 Taylor’s Charts
(Taylor, D.W, 1948) developed slope stability charts, for soil with φ = 0 and φ > 0. The
charts can calculate the developed cohesion and the distance from the toe to the failure

 Spencer’s Charts
(Spencer, 1967) developed charts that are based on rigorous Spencer’s limit equilibrium
method, which satisfies complete equilibrium. His charts assume a deep rigid layer below
the toe of the slope. These charts are useful to determine the cut angle corresponding to
a certain FOS. Use of charts for analysis of slopes

Charts are established for simple homogeneous soil conditions. To apply charts to
non-homogeneous conditions, approximation is required to create an equivalent
homogeneous soil profile. For stability chart analysis is to begin with a cross section of
the slope geometry drawn to scale. Using judgment, draw a geometrically simples slope
that approximates the real slope as closely as possible. To average the shear strengths for
chart analysis, it is helpful to know roughly the location of the critical slip surface. The

charts contained in the following sections provide a means of estimating the position of
the critical circle. Average strength values are calculated by drawing the assumed critical
circle determined from the charts on the slope profile. Then the central angle of the arc
subtended between two layers is measured. The central angle is used to calculate the
equivalent average strength parameters, cav and φav :

∑ 𝛿𝑖 𝑐𝑖
𝑐𝑎𝑣 =
∑ 𝛿𝑖

∑ 𝛿𝑖 𝜑𝑖
𝜑𝑎𝑣 =
∑ 𝛿𝑖
Where δi is the central angle,

To average unit weights for use in chart analysis, use layer thickness as a weighting

∑ 𝛾𝑖 ℎ𝑖
𝛾𝑎𝑣 =
∑ ℎ𝑖

If the material below the toe of the slope is cohesive soil, then the soil below the soil
toe shall be ignored in calculating the average soil weight, since the unit weight of the
material below the toe has no effect on stability in this case.

Soils with φ = 0

The stability chart for cohesion less soils is developed by (Janbu N. , 1968). Charts
shown in Figure 2- 10 is provides this method stability number corresponding to a certain
slope with an estimated critical circular slip surface, which is used to calculate the FOS.
The chars shown in Figure 2- 11 is provides the location of the center of a circular surface
which is more likely to be the center of the critical circle.
In case of a slope with external surcharge load on the slope deck, Figure 2- 12
provides an adjustment factors for surcharge load. Charts provide also correction factors
for submergence or seepage flow and tension cracks as shown in Figure 2- 13 and Figure
2- 14.

Steps for the use of φ = 0 charts are:

Step 1: Using judgment, select the range of depths for possible critical circles to be
investigated. For uniform soil conditions, in case of steep slope where the ratio of the
horizontal to the vertical is less than 1:1, the critical circle is most likely will be passing
by the toe of the slope. For steeper slopes, the critical circle usually extends below the
level of the toe. The chart in Figure 2- 10 can be used to compute factors of safety for
circles extending to any depth, and three or more depths should be analyzed, to be sure
that the minimum value of FOS is calculated.

Figure 2- 10 Stability number for φ = 0 soils. (Janbu N. , 1968)

Figure 2- 11 Center of critical circle for φ =0 soils. (Janbu N. , 1968)

Figure 2- 12 Surcharge adjustment factors for φ = 0 and φ>0 soils. (After Janbu,

Step 2: To decide the possibilities of which critical circles could be. Using judgment
the following criteria, the critical circle may be determined.

a) If there is water in the slope, then a circle passing above the level of ground
water shall be considered.
b) If the base soil layer is weaker than the layer above it, then the critical circle
might extend into the base layer.
c) If the base soil layer is firmer than the layer above it, then the critical surface
might be tangent to weaker layer bottom.

Step 3: Calculate the depth factor, d, using the formula


Where D is the depth from the toe to the lowest point on the slip circle and H is the
height of the slope.
If the circle being analyzed is completely above the toe, then its point of intersection
with the slope should be taken as an adjusted toe and all dimensions (e.g., D, H, and Hw)
are re-measured accordingly.

Step 4: Find the center of the critical circle for the trial depth using the charts at the
bottom of Figure 2- 11, and draw this circle to scale on a cross section of the slope.

Step 5: Determine the average value of the strength, c= Su, for the circle.

Step 6: Calculate the value of Pd using the formula

𝛾ℎ + 𝑞 − 𝛾𝑤 𝐻𝑤
𝑃𝑑 =
µ𝑞 µ𝑤 µ𝑡
γ = average soil unit weight of soil
H = slope height above toe
q = surcharge load
γw = water density
Hw = height of external water level above toe

If there is no surcharge, µq = 1; if there is no external water above the toe, µw = 1; if

there are no tension cracks, µt = 1.

Figure 2- 13 Submergence and seepage adjustment factors for φ =0 and φ>0 soils.
(After Janbu, 1968.)

Figure 2- 14 Tension crack correction factors for φ = 0 and φ>0 soils. (After
Janbu, 1968.)

Step 7: Using the chart at the top of Figure A-1, determine the value of the stability
number, No, which depends on the slope angle β, and the value of d.

Step 8: Calculate the value of factor of safety, F:

𝑁0 𝑐

Where No is the stability number and c is the average soil cohesion.

Soils with φ > 0

The slope stability chart for φ = 0 soils, developed by Janbu (1968), The chars shown
in Figure 2- 11 provides approximate location for the center of the critical circular. For
slopes with external surcharge load on the slope deck, Figure 2- 12 is providing an
adjustment factors are shown in the charts. Charts providing modification factors for
slope with submergence or seepage flow through the slope profile are shown in Figure
2- 13. Charts providing adjustment factors for tension cracks Figure 2- 14. The stability
chart in Figure 2- 15 may be used for analyses in terms of effective stresses.

Steps for the use of φ = 0 charts are:

Step 1: Estimate the location of the critical circle. For most conditions the circle
passes through the toe of the slope shall be considered. When c = 0, the failure mechanism
usually takes the shallow sliding failure pattern, which can be analyzed as infinite slope.
If there is water outside the slope, a circle passes above the water level shall be

For non-homogeneous soil, and depending on which layer is weaker a circle passing
above or below the toe may be more critical than the toe circle.

The charts in Figure 2- 15 can be used for layered soil profile after calculating the
weighted average soil parameters based on the central angel of the considered circle. The
following steps shall be performed individually for each circle.

Figure 2- 15 Slope stability charts for φ>0 soils. (After Janbu, 1968.)

Step 2: Calculate the value of Pd:

𝛾ℎ + 𝑞 − 𝛾𝑤 𝐻𝑤
𝑃𝑑 =
µ𝑞 µ𝑤 µ𝑡

Step 3: Calculate Pe:

𝛾ℎ + 𝑞 − 𝛾𝑤 𝐻′𝑤
𝑃𝑒 =
µ𝑞 µ′𝑤
Where H′w the height of ground water is table in the upstream and µ′w is a correction
factor for seepage. The other factors are predefined. H′w is the average level of the
piezometric surface within the slope.
If the circle being studied passes above the toe of the slope, then the term H′w shall
be measured from the point of intersection with the considered circle with the slope,
hence a new adjusted toe point is adopted. In a total stress analysis, internal pore water
pressure is not considered, so H′w = 0 and µ′w = 1 in the formula forPe .

Step 4: Calculate the dimensionless parameter, 𝜆𝐶𝜑 :

𝑃𝑒 . 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜑𝑎𝑣
𝜆𝐶𝜑 =

Where φav is the average value of φ and cav is the average value of c. For c = 0, λCφ
is infinite.

Step 5: Using the chart at Figure 2- 11 to calculate the center point of the circle being
investigated. Plot the critical circle on the slope profile and calculate the weighted
average for the values φ and c.

Repeat step 4 with the new average values of the shear strength and repeat until the
value of λCφbecomes nearly constant.

Step 6: Using the chart of Figure 2- 15, determine the stability number Ncf.

Step 7: Calculate the factor of safety F:

𝐹 = 𝑁𝑐𝑓

2.3. Finite element method

The use of the finite elements for stability has overcame the weakness of the LE
methods of analysis. Using finite elements methods allow the analysis of slops with
complex geometry, and variety of pore water pressure conditions, external loads, and
internal soil reinforcement.
The computer programs which are using finite element methods in analysis have
capabilities for automatically searching for the most critical slip surface which is


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