FNCP Hypertension

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Nagamos, Eugene B.

Family Nursing Care Plan 10/07/19

Health Problem Fx Nursing Goal of Care Objective of Nursing Resources Fx Nursing Evaluation
Problem Care Intervention Required Contact
Hypertension Inability of the After 2 weeks After 2 weeks A. Material Initial visit The family was
as a health family to of nursing of nursing 1. Due to age resource able to
deficit recognize the intervention, intervention (increase BP as -paper Follow up recognize the
health problem the family will the family and the age -ball pen health
Subjective data due to lack of be able to patient will be increases.) -stethoscope Final visit problem. The
“…opo high knowledge. manage and able to: 2. Family -BP apparatus goal was
blood po si lessen the risks History (High -umbrella partially met.
tatay” Inability of the of having A. Identify at blood pressure -PHN bag
As verbalized family to hypertension. least three (3) is in the family) The family was
by the client improve health risk factors that 3. Due to Human able to make
status due to contributes to unhealthy diet Resource necessary
Objective data: improper diet having (too much salt, -Time and changes on
BP: 220/180 hypertension. alcohol) effort of the diet to improve
mmHg Inability of the 4. Too much OLFU BSN 2A2- health status.
family/ family B. Discuss stress 7, Group 26 The goal was
member to three (3) ways 5. Obesity or students, and partially met.
achieve/attain on how to overweight our clinical
good health improve diet. instructor, The family was
due to B. Mary Ann able to
unhealthy C. Enumerate 1. Avoid eating Lopez, MAN, improve . The
lifestyle at least three foods with high RN goal was
(3) ways on sodium (salt), partially met.
how to lessen salt in Financial
improve diet. Resource
lifestyle 2. Avoid eating -Transportation
fatty foods (it fee
blocks blood
3. Eat foods
that are rich in
(lessens the

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Nagamos, Eugene B. Family Nursing Care Plan 10/07/19

effect of

1. Avoid
drinking too
much alcohol
2. Exercise
regularly, if the
patient has a
problem with
too much
running etc),
the patient can
do exercises in
3. Stop or
lessen smoking
4. Avoid stress
5. Monitor BP
at home or
with the help
of Health

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