Case Study 1 DUW10022 OSH Answer

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1. Answer ALL the questions.
2. Task to be complete individually by using handwriting and no elements
3. Answer in English or Malay.
4. Attached rubric will act as marking guidance.

HIRARC is a compound word which is made up of three consecutive activities running one after the
other. The activities consist Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control. HIRARC is done
to determine the type of activity which then identifies the hazards source so that risk of accidents is
obtained, then the risk control is performed to reduce the hazard exposure on each work activity.


Based on Figure 1 and Figure 2, identify all potential hazard in order to ensure working environment
always in a conducive condition. Please circle with BLUE pen on picture of the hazard and use form in
Table 1 and Table 2 to conduct the analysis on HIRARC.

Assess the risks by utilizing appropriate technique and recommend control measure for mitigating the
identified hazards. Risk control should be in accordance to the sequence of hierarchy of control. You
may use additional form if necessary.
Figure 1

Table 1
Worked scenario : Factory
What needs to be done to
Hazard Hazard consequence
NO minimise the hazard?
(Hazard Identification) (Risk Assessment)
(Risk Control)

1 Stacked materials unevenly Low Stacked materials evenly

2 Rubbish on ground Low Throw rubbish into the


3 Put the pallet on the

Pallet block fire exit Moderate

4 Spills on floor Moderate Wipe the water with mop

5 Machine guarding lifted High off the machine guarding

6 Forklift stacked to high High Forklift stacked to

minimum height

7 Unsecured chemicals High Store the chemicals in the


8 Walking in front of forklift Critical Make sure the environtment

Figure 2

Table 2
Worked scenario : Construction
What needs to be done to
Hazard Hazard consequence
NO minimise the hazard?
(Hazard Identification) (Risk Assessment)
(Risk Control)
Store the tools in the
1 Tools on ground Low

2 Working in confined places High Make sure prepared rope

3 Hang out window to work High Use scarf folding

working on heat situation and Use scarft folding and wear

4 no harness High

5 Using ladder incorrectly High Using ladder correctly

6 Not wear safety glasses High wear safety glasses

7 Working at height without High Wear harness

secure harness

8 Working too close to power lines Critical Keep a secure distance


Read and understand the situations below. Then answer the questions. You may attach a figure or
diagram if necessary.


Office of Ministry B has carried out renovation at the office. Renovation of this office includes all
sections. Contractors involved have been called to carry out installation works in 'partition' and to
have all electrical connection points of the officer workstation. The contractor is working normal office
hours, and it involves the officers on duty at the office. Due to no explanation given to contractor
workforce of Conduct Procedure renovation, thus, it is why the department is not organized with items
like 'partition', the wire is not structured and exposed, the socket is open, tools and trades scattered
everywhere. Unfortunately, an officer accidentally tripped and fell down to the floor. He had suffered
wounds to the head and was sent to the clinic by other officers.

1. List hazards found in the above situation and explain the impact to an employee of the
Ministry B.

Exposed Electrical Wires

Hazard: The exposed electrical wires pose a risk of eleectric shock or short-circuits
Impact: An employee could be electrocuted, leading to injuries ranging from minor shocks to severe
burns or even fatalities.

Disorganized Work Environtment

Hazard: The disorganized work environment can lead to confusion, difficulty in locating necessasy
equipment, and potential hazards not being addressed.
Impact: Reduced efficiency, increased risk of accidents, and delays in the renovation process.

Unfinished Partitions:

Hazard: Incomplete partitions may not provide adequate privacy or state.

Impact: Lack of privacy may lead to distractions, reduced productivity, and the potential for visual and
auditory disturbances affecting employee

2. List the safety precautions that must be taken by the Ministry B

a) Provide Adequate Lighting:

Ensure that renovation area is well-lit to improve visibility and reduce and the chances of accidents
due to poor lighting conditions.

b) Enforce PPE Usage

Make it mandator for all workers and offices present in the renovation area to wear appropriatte personal
protective equipment, including helmets, safety shoes, and high-visibility vests

c) Provide Proper Communication and Training:

Ensure that contractors and their workforce are provided with clear instructions and a through
understanding of the Conduct Procedure for renovation before starting work

Ashraf works on an engine assembly line. In his job he has to use a handheld impact wrench to fit a
temporary adapter to an engine. The assembly line makes up to 2400 engines a day and it takes
approximately 3 seconds to tighten each adapter.

As well as the risk from using a vibrating tool, Ashraf often had to adopt poor postures to reach
some parts of the engine. He had to repeatedly stretch out his arm and constrain his posture while
tightening the adapter. After some time on the job, Ashraf found he was leaving work with shoulder
and neck pain.

One tea break, Ashraf’s line manager saw him rubbing his neck and shoulder and recognised the
pain could be due to the type of work Ashraf was doing. The line manager told the company health
and safety representative about what she had seen.

1. List down the action that must be taken by the company?

a) Implement Ergonomic Changes:

Based on the risk assessment findings, the company should intoduce ergonomic improvements Ashraf's
work station. This may include the use of adjustable workstations, tools, or equipment that reduce strain
and discomfort during the assembly process.

b) Rotate Job Tasks:

Consider rotating workers between different tasks on the assembly line to prevent prologed exposure to
the same repetitive movements and postures.

c) Introduce Workstation Design Changes:

Modify the layout and design of the assembly line to minimize the need for employees to strech outor
adopt poor postures.

2. State what are the result after the modification has been done?

Reduced Worker Discomfort:

Ashraf's neck and shoulder pain may be alleviated or significantly reduced as a result of the
modification, making him more comfortable and less prone to injury.

Improved Ergonomics:

The modification may involve changes to the work process or tools such as providing ergonomic
equipment or adjusting the assembly line to allow for better posture and less strain on Ashraf' neckand

Increased Productivity:

When workers are more comfortable and experience less physical strain, they tend to work more
efficiently.This can lead to increased productivity and fewer disruptions in the assembly line

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Unsatisfactory

Skills / Aspects
5 4 3 2 1
The main problem of Circumstantial Additional problems General issues about No specific problem
(1) the case study is problems derivative related to the case study are is identified.
The student clearly identified and from the main issue circumstantial stated.
identifies the stated. are identified but problems are
issue the main problem is implied.
Presents insightful Presents thorough Presents thorough Presents superficial Presents an
and thorough analysis of most analysis of most analysis of some incomplete analysis
(2) analysis of all issues issues identified, issues identified. issues. of the issue
Analysis and identified, focusing focusing on the main identified.
evaluation on the main problem.
Makes appropriate Makes appropriate Makes appropriate Makes vague Makes little
and powerful connections yet vague connections connection between
(3) connections between the issues connections between issues and issues and concepts
Tool between the issues identified and between issues and concepts and fail to and fails to comply
application and identified and concepts studied in concepts yet complete fulfil with analytical tool
relation to concepts studied in class and analytical somewhat complies analytical tool requirement.
class concepts class and analytical tools (as required). analytical tools. requirement.
tools (as required).
Presents detailed Presents specific and Presents realistic or Presents realistic or Presents
and realistic and realistic appropriate appropriate recommendations
appropriate recommendations recommendations recommendations that fail to be
(4) recommendations supported by the supported by the vaguely supported realistic or
Recommendations clearly supported by information information by the information appropriate.
the information presented and presented and presented and
presented and concepts acquired. concepts acquired. concepts acquired.
concepts acquired.
Clear and specific Writing is Writing Writing lacks clarity Writing is unfocused
introduction and accomplished in accomplishes clarity of ideas contain and rambling,
(5) conclusion are terms of clarity and yet lacks numerous grammar contains serious
Writing established, relevant logical organization. organization, and spelling errors. grammar and
mechanics, and logical Contains few significant grammar spelling errors.
style, language organizations are grammar or spelling and spelling
use, clarity developed. No errors. mistakes.
grammar or spelling
errors are observed.

TOTAL / 25

Aspects Mark Aspects Mark

1. The student identifies the issue 1. Subject knowledge

2. Analysis and evaluation 2. Manage information

3. Tool application and relation to
3. Time management
class concepts
4. Recommendations 4. Self-intensive
5. Writing mechanics, style,
5. Integrity
language use, clarity
6. Social Responsibility
7. Safety, Health &
Total / 25 Total / 35

TOTAL MARKS (%) / 60 * 100 =


Skills / Excellent Very Good Good Fair Unsatisfactory

Aspects 5 4 3 2 1
Has knowledge and Has knowledge and Has studied the topic Seems Not understand the
understand topic understand about and readily answers uncomfortable with topic and cannot
(1) answer questions
very well. Able to the topic and can questions. topic and can answer
Subject correctly.
answers questions answer questions in only basic questions.
completely, with good elaboration.
elaboration, includes
ethical dimension.
Always analyze and Often analyze and Sometimes analyze Hardly analyze and Hardly ever analyze
integrate acquired integrate acquired and integrate integrate acquired and integrate
information with information with acquired information with acquired
own ideas. own ideas. information with own ideas. information with
own ideas. own ideas.
Creates and lead Lead action plan to Submit the tasks on Rarely meet Submit the tasks
(3) action plan to ensure ensure submit the time. Sometimes deadlines in submit after the deadlines.
submit the tasks tasks on deadlines. arrives to class on the tasks. Always arrives late to
Rarely arrives to class.
management before deadlines. Most of the time time.
class on time.
Always arrives to arrives class on time.
class on time.
Give an excellent Give a good effort Give effort and Give a minimal Not give
effort and and commitment to commitment to commitment to commitment to
(4) commitment to submit t tasks. submit the tasks. submit the tasks. submit the tasks.
Self-intensive submit the tasks. Most of the time Sometimes Rarely participate Does not participate
Always participate in participates in participate in in classroom in classroom
classroom discussion classroom discussion classroom discussion discussion and discussion and
and activities. activities. and activities. activities. activities.
Always honest in Always honest in Sometimes honest in Rarely dishonest in Frequently dishonest
words and actions words and actions. words and actions. words and actions. in words and actions.
and encourage
others to do the
Always work Almost always work Willing to Reluctant to Not demonstrate
collaboratively with collaboratively with collaborate with collaborate with collaborative skills in
all team members. all team members. others. Sometimes others. Rarely show working with others.
Always maintain a maintain a high level self-awareness
Almost always Frequently show
(6) high level of self- of self-awareness about the impact of
maintain a high level self-awareness about
Social awareness about the about the impact of verbal and non-
of self-awareness verbal and non- verbal the impact of verbal
Responsibility impact of verbal and
about the impact of verbal communications to and non-verbal
verbal and non- communications to others. communications to
communications to others.
verbal others.
communications to
Show excellent Show good Sometimes show Rarely show Lack awareness of
awareness of safety, awareness of safety, awareness of safety, awareness of safety, safety, health and
health and conducive health and conducive health and health and conducive
Safety, Health environmental environmental conducive environmental
& practices. Able to practices. Able to environmental practices. Does not
practices. Rarely
Environment follow instructions follow instructions. practices. able to follow able to follow
strictly. Sometimes able to instructions. instructions.
follow instructions.

TOTAL / 35

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