Anger Iceberg

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Emotion Regulation, Impulse Control Elementary, Middle School


Anger Iceberg Student Worksheet Students will learn to identify more complex
feelings underneath anger by naming their
emotions and see how they can have more
than one feeling at a time.


Introduce the Anger Iceberg

Start by explaining the idea of an anger iceberg to your students. You might say something like,
“Sometimes when we get angry, there are other feelings and thoughts that we have that we don’t
show on the outside. It’s like an iceberg, where most of it is hidden under the water. Let’s think
about what might be under the surface when we feel angry.”

Discuss Emotions That May Be Causing Anger

Ask your students to think of times when they have felt angry. Encourage them to share what they
were feeling and thinking at the time.
You can use any of the examples below to spur discussion or to help younger students understand
the concept.
Fear: Sometimes when we’re scared, we may act out in anger. For example, if a student is
afraid of getting in trouble for forgetting their homework, they may become angry and yell at
their teacher when reminded about it.
Frustration: When we’re trying to do something and it doesn’t work out, it can make us
frustrated and sometimes angry. For instance, if a student is struggling to solve a math
problem, they may become angry and they may feel hot.
Sadness: Anger can also be a way of hiding sadness or grief. For example, if a student is
missing a friend who moved away, they may become angry and lash out at another student to
cover up their feelings.
Insecurity: When we feel unsure of ourselves, we may become defensive and angry. For
example, if a student is insecure about their artwork, they may become angry and tear up their
drawing when someone makes a negative comment about it.
Jealousy: Sometimes when we feel like someone else is getting more attention than us, we may
become jealous and angry. For example, if a student thinks that their friend is getting more
praise from the teacher, they may become angry and start arguing with their friend.
Hurt: When we feel hurt by someone, we may become angry as a way of protecting ourselves.
For example, if a student is hurt because their best friend didn’t invite them to a party, they
may become angry and start ignoring their friend at school.
Disappointment: When things don’t go as we expect them to, we may become angry. For
instance, if a student is disappointed that they didn’t get a turn on the swing, they may become
angry and cut in front of other students.
Embarrassment: Sometimes when we feel embarrassed, we may become angry as a way of
covering up our embarrassment. For example, if a student accidentally spills their lunch tray in
the cafeteria, they may blame someone else for it.
Guilt: If someone feels guilty about something, they may become angry as a way of avoiding
taking responsibility for their actions. For instance, if a student is caught cheating on a test,
they may blame the teacher for not explaining the material well enough.
Powerlessness: When we feel like we have no control over a situation, we may become angry as
a way of trying to regain some sense of control. For example, if a student is stuck waiting in
line for a long time, they may become angry and start complaining loudly.

Anger Iceberg Worksheet

Provide each student with a copy of the Anger Iceberg worksheet. To complete the worksheet they
1. At the top of the iceberg, each student should write about something that made them feel very
angry and not just mildly annoyed.
2. After writing about what made them angry, have them spend a few minutes considering other
emotions that they may have felt.
3. In the space below the waterline, have them circle the other emotions that they were likely

Post-Lesson Discussion Topics

Reflection: Once students have completed their worksheets, encourage them to reflect on what
they have learned. Ask them to share some of the experiences that made them angry and what
they learned about their deeper emotions. Were they surprised to learn that they felt something
more than anger?

Extension: As part of our online interventions, your students now have access to a free Anger
Iceberg pipe building game within the Cool Down Corner. This is a great way to reinforce the key
elements from the lesson above.

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