Heatit - Thermostat Z-Wave - FW 1.8 - Ver2019-A

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Installation must be done by a qualified electrical installer in
Firmware 1.8
Z-WAVE 01.07.2019
accordance with the National Building codes. Before installation,
disconnect any power to the thermostat’s mains. During
installation of the thermostat, power to the thermostat must be
Installers manual
disconnected AT ALL TIMES!
Release spring

1: Left 2: Center 3: Right
This thermostat is tested and certified by Pepper One Gmbh Use e.g. a small slotted screwdriver. Start by carefully removing
according to the requirements put forward by the Z-Wave the front cover by pushing the release springs. The front cover
Alliance. This is a Z-wave Plus product with the 500 series chip. and the frame can now be removed.
If the product does not work with your gateway, then the
gateway manufacturer has not made an integration or Now connect the wires to the thermostat’s terminals:
implemented such a thermostat with their gateway. We do not Use 1,5mm² or 2,5mm² according to load.
give any guarantee towards integration. HEATING (N) Heating cable connection (Neutral)
N Power connection (Neutral) 230V
PRINCIPLES FOR REGULATION L Power connection (Live) 230V
The Heatit Z-Wave is designed for controlling electrical heating HEATING (L) Heating cable connection (Live)
cables and electrical radiators/convectors. The thermostat PILOT 230V pilot signal (ECO temp)
has built in temperature sensors and has 3 algorithms for
temperature compensation. FLOOR SENSOR NTC type (10, 12, 15, 22, 33 or 47kΩ).
After you have set the temperature, the thermostat will use Default 10kΩ.
a hysteresis to regulate the temperature. The hysteresis is EXTERNAL SENSOR NTC type (10, 12, 15, 22, 33 or 47kΩ).
adjustable. Default 10kΩ.

TEMPERATURE SHOWN IN DISPLAY Next, position the thermostat and fasten it onto the wall’s
The temperature shown in the display is the actual temperature mounting box using 2-4 screws. Position the frame, then position
for floor sensor and the external room sensor. You are able to and carefully press the front cover until it snaps in place. Check that
calibrate the sensor values. the front cover has snapped in place properly on both left and right
When using the built in room sensor, the temperature shown side. The front cover should now be firmly fixed on all sides.
is the set point. When using the built in sensor, the thermostat 51,1mm
can seem somewhat inaccurate. This is due to heat generation 49,5mm
21,3mm 15,6mm
inside the thermostat, draft and other external influences.

If the thermostat is to be used with waterbased heating systems,

you have to use an external sensor.

TF 021
This manual describes the most essential functions and

technical specifications of the thermostat.

These instructions help the user to control the thermostat, and
the electrician to install and setup the thermostat.

NOTE! Top cover has to be installed when the thermostat is

Ver 2019-A

connected to mains. The thermostat is not SELV product.

All voltage parts are considered as 230VAC.
CONTROL • Floor sensor • Setback mode via
The thermostat is controlled by three touch sensitive capacitive • Built in room sensor gateway or pilot wire
buttons. • External room sensor • LED-diode
You only need to touch lightly to activate the buttons. • Temperature limiter • Can be used in connection
1: Left (Up) • Power regulator with different NTC-sensors
2: Center (Confirm) • Z-Wave Plus chip, 500 series • Lock mode/child lock
3: Right (Down) • Weekly program via gateway • Calibration
• 8 associations
To include the thermostat to your home automation gateway, TECHNICAL DATA
press Center (confirm) for 10 seconds. Protocol Z-Wave, 868,4 MHz
The display will show OFF. Press Right (down) 4 times till you Rated voltage 230V 50/60Hz
see Con in the display. Now start add device in your home Max load 3600W (resistive load)
automation software. Start inclusion mode by pressing Center 750W self-limiting heating cable
(confirm) for approximately 2 seconds. The inclusion/exclusion Max current 16A
icon will appear in the display. Confirmation will show Inc/EcL Power consumption 1,5W
in the display. If inclusion fails, Err (error) will appear. Min/max installation temp. -20°C - 40°C
Leave programming mode by choosing ESC in menu. Min/max operating temp. 5°C - 40°C
Your thermostat is ready for use with default settings. Temperature intervals Floor sensor 5°C - 40°C
External room sensor 5°C - 40°C
PROGRAMMING YOUR THERMOSTAT Hysteresis 0,3°C - 3,0°C (default 0,5°C)
To activate the programming mode, press Center (confirm) Switch Single-pole switch
for 10 seconds. Now the display will show OFF. Sensor values 0°C 29,1 kOhm
Now you are in programming mode. To scroll up and down 10°C 18,6 kOhm
in the menu use button 1 and 3 (left and right) to navigate. 15°C 15,1 kOhm
To enter submenu press Center (confirm). Always confirm 20°C 12,2 kOhm
your setting by pressing Center (confirm) for 2 seconds. 25°C 10,0 kOhm
IP Class IP 21
OFF Turns the thermostat off. Approvals CE
Sensors: Z-Wave Plus
1. A Choice of sensors EN 60730-1, EN 60730-2-9
EMC 2014/30/EU, RoHS 2011/65/EU
Depending on your choice of sensors, the menu will change. LVD 2014/35/EU

2. Select the right Ohm value for your external/floor

SEn The thermostat is designed for electrical heating.
NTC type (10, 12, 15, 22, 33 or 47kΩ). Default 10kΩ.
3. CAE Calibration for external sensor.
CAF Calibration for floor sensor.
54 304 99 Heatit Z-Wave thermostat 3600W 16A White RAL 9003 EU 868,4MHz
CAR Calibration for room sensor.
54 304 46 Plastic kit for Heatit (front and frame) Black RAL 9011
4. br1 Brightness of display can be adjusted in this menu.
5. Con Activation of inclusion/exclusion mode. 54 301 07 Floor sensor Ø 4mm 3 meters NTC 10 kΩ
6. diF Hysteresis. 54 301 08 Floor sensor Ø 3mm 6 meters NTC 10 kΩ
7. ALo Setting lowest allowed temperature (limitation). External enclosed sensor IP 20/54
54 301 27
(Airsensor) Cable for software update on thermostat
54 304 97
AHI Setting highest allowed temperature (limitation).
FLO Setting lowest allowed temperature (limitation).
(Floor sensor)
FHI Setting highest allowed temperature (limitation).
(Floor sensor)
PLo Setting lowest allowed power regulator mode.
8. HEA Switch between heating and cooling function.
ESC Escape – exit programming menu.
1. CHOICE OF SENSOR Now start add device in your home automation software.
The thermostat has a range of choices when it comes to Start inclusion mode by pressing Center (confirm) button for
sensors. To get to the menu you have to press Center (confirm) approximately 2 seconds. The inclusion/exclusion icon will
for 10 seconds, then press Right (down) once and an A shows appear in the display.
in the display. Then press Center (confirm) again and you can Confirmation will show Inc/EcL in the display.
choose one of these modes, while moving up and down with If inclusion fails, Err (error) will appear.
buttons Left or Right.
F Floor sensor In this mode you are able to make changes to the hysteresis in
A Internal room sensor the thermostat. This means that you can changes the hysteresis
AF Internal room sensor + Floor sensor from 0,3°C up to max 3,0°C. Confirm with Center (confirm)
A2 External room sensor button. Default setting is 0,5°C. When using a waterbased
P Power regulator heating, the recommended hysteresis is a minimum of 1,0°C.
FP Floor sensor + Power regulator
A2F External room sensor + Floor sensor 7. MIN/MAX TEMPERATURE SETTINGS
FLO Min Floor temperature
When you have decided on the sensor mode you want to use, FHI Max Floor temperature
press the Center (confirm) button. If you choose F or AF without ALO Min Air/room temperature
having a floor sensor connected, Er4 will be shown in the AHI Max Air/room temperature
display. If you choose A2 or A2F and there is no external sensor PLo Min temperature in Power Reg Mode
installed, Er5 will be displayed on the screen. Confirm with Center (confirm)

In power regulator mode the thermostat regulates the power 8. HEA Choose whether the thermostat is to be used for heating
consumption by switching on and switching off in time or cooling.
intervals. Switch-on and switch-off is done according to a
time proportional controlcycle of 30 minutes. This means that ESC Leaving programming mode. Confirm with Center
the heating element is switched on and off in a pulse/pause (confirm) button.
interval. This functionality is not supported in Z-Wave.
NOTE: Wooden floors require that a floor sensor is connected When the thermostat remains untouched for a while, it will
in order to limit the floor temperature to a maximum of 27°C automatically go to standby screen. Standby screen shows the
(in accordance with specifications from most wooden floor temperature in the room or floor if the thermostat is connected
manufacturers). to external sensors. By pressing Left or Right (up or down)
button the setpoint will be shown in the display. If the internal
2. SELECT THE RIGHT OHM VALUE FOR YOUR EXTERNAL/ room sensor is used, the thermostat display shows the setpoint.
The following values are available: NTC type (10, 12, 15, 22, 33 or 10. DISPLAY ON/OFF - DON/DOF
47kΩ). Default 10kΩ. The function is only active when an external Activate by pressing Left and Center (up and confirm) button for
sensor is connected. Confirm with Center (confirm) button. 10 seconds. The display light is temporarily activated if one of
the buttons is pushed.
In this mode you are able to adjust the displayed temperature. In case doF is activated, the screen will be blank (can be used if
If the thermostat of some reason (or sensor) is not calibrated installed where people are sensitive to the light of the display).
properly you are able to make minor changes to the A very nice feature when used in a bedroom. When touching
temperature. You are able to raise/lower the set point by up to the display, the screen lights up.
4°C. Confirm with Center (confirm) button.
This function is only available for the floor sensor and external 11. CHILDLOCK - LOC
room sensor. When calibrating the room sensor, only the By pressing Left and Right (up and down) buttons for 10
setpoint is changed. The display will not change. seconds, child lock will be activated and no changes can be
made. Trying to make changes causes the LOC text to appear
4. BRIGHTNESS in the display. Child lock is deactivated by pressing Left and
Use Left and Right (up and down) button to adjust the Right (up and down) buttons for 10 seconds. OPn will appear
brightness between 0-9. Confirm with Center (confirm) button. in the display.


To include the thermostat to your home automation gateway, By pressing buttons Right and Center (down and confirm) for 20
press Center (confirm) button for 10 seconds. seconds, the thermostat will perform a complete factory reset.
The display will show OFF. Press Right (down) 4 times till you see NB! Please use this procedure only when the primary controller/
Con in the display. gateway is missing or otherwise inoperable.
The thermostat has 2 main programs, CO – comfort mode and Supports parameter numbers from 1 to 12 (if cooling enabled,
ECO - economy mode. When Center (confirm) button is pushed from 1 to 13). Accepts byte sizes 1.2 and 4 bytes, but it is
for 2 seconds you switch between the 2 modes. You would recommended to use 2-byte parameters in order get access to
normally have 2 different set-points for the different modes. the whole temperature range.

CO – mode: Is used for normal use. Example: 21°C. 15. ERROR CODES
ECO – mode: Is a setback mode that you can use if the Er1: Internal error
thermostat is installed in a room or a house that is rarely used. Er2: Z-Wave error
Er3: Internal error
The ECO-mode can also be activated by the pilot wire if this Er4: Floor sensor error
is connected. Example: 18°C. Er5: External sensor error
Some gateways also support switching between CO/ECO mode.
In most circumstances, the CO/ECO function can be regarded as If you have chosen F or AF sensor mode without having a floor
a home/away function. sensor connected, Er4 will be shown in the display. If you have
chosen A2 or A2F, and there is no external sensors installed, Er5
14. COMMAND CLASSES will be shown in the display. If the Er1, Er2 or Er3 error codes are
In order to run some schedule or week program, the primary shown, contact your local dealer or Thermo-Floor AS.
controller/gateway should be responsible for controlling the
thermostat using those selected command classes.

+ All other mandatory classes for selected device type


1 Operation mode 0x00 OFF 0x01 HEAT Ignored
0x01 HEAT
(0x02 COOL)
2 Sensor mode 0: F-mode 1: A Ignored
1: A-mode
2: AF-mode
3: A2-mode
4: P-mode
5: FP-mode
3 Floor sensor type 0: 10k NTC 0: 10k NTC Ignored
1: 12k NTC
2: 15k NTC
3: 22k NTC
4: 33k NTC
5: 47k NTC
Thermo-Floor AS can
4 DIFF l. Temperature control 3-30 (0,3°C 3,0°C) 5: 0.5°C Ignored not be held liable for
Hysteresis typographical errors, other
5 FLo, Floor min limit 50-400 (5,0°C 40,0°C) 50: 5.0°C Ignored errors or omittances in
our information.
6 FHi, Floor max limit 50-400 (5,0°C 40,0°C) 400: 40.0°C Ignored
Product specifications
7 ALo, Air min limit 50-400 (5.0°C 40,0°C) 50: 5.0°C Ignored may change without
further notice.
8 AHi, Air max limit 50-400 (5.0°C 40,0°C) 400: 40.0°C Ignored
9 PLo, FP-mode P setting 0-9 0 Ignored All electrical installations
must be carried out by a
10 CO mode setpoint 50-400 (5,0°C 40,0°C) 210: 21.0°C Ignored licensed electrician.

11 ECO mode setpoint 50-400 (5,0°C 40,0°C) 180: 18.0°C Ignored The product must be installed
in accordance with national
12 P setting 0-10 2 Ignored building codes and our
installers manual.
13 (only if COOL setpoint 50-400 (5,0°C 40,0°C) 210: 21.0°C Ignored
cooling enabled)

Heatit Controls AB l Läkarvägen 4, 454 31 BRASTAD, SWEDEN

Phone: +47 61 18 77 77 l [email protected] – www.heatit.com

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