BR PQ9100series en
BR PQ9100series en
BR PQ9100series en
PlasmaQuant 9100
Reveal the Details that Matter
Maximum reliability
■ Unique resolving power with high-resolution optics
■ Interference-free trace element analysis
■ Selection of emission lines without compromises
■ Fast measurement readiness
Convenient functionality
■ Less torch handling and increased instrument up-time
■ Broad applicability and superior analytical performance
■ Cost-efficient operation
■ Torch mounting process with no need for alignment
Flexible observation
■ Optimized plasma observation modes without compromises
■ Argon-neutral counter gas for unique sensitivity
■ Detection from sub-ppb to percentage range in one run
■ Minimal need for sample preparation
Increased productivity
■ Outstanding plasma robustness for analyzing any sample matrix
■ Superior accuracy and precision by running undiluted samples
■ Maximum application flexibility
■ Lowest matrix-specific detection limits
matrix content
■ ORGANIC kit for the analysis of oils and petrochemicals
■ HF kit for the analysis of hydrofluoric acid containing samples
■ Variety of autosamplers for aqueous samples
■ Autosampler for organic samples with high volatility
■ Autosampler for organic samples with high viscosity
■ Online and offline automatic dilution auto samplers
■ Rapid sample introduction systems for aqueous and oil samples
Hydride system
■ HS Pro PQ for ultra-trace analysis of hydride forming elements
■ HS PQ for the synchronous analysis of hydride and non-hydride
Cd As
PlasmaQuant 9100 Elite
High spectral resolution: the extra that makes the difference High resolution
Intensity c/s
feedstock inspection
Food & Agriculture ■ Analysis of surface water, fresh water, sea water, waste
■ Analysis of toxic metals and micro minerals in food, water
feed and agricultural products ■ Analysis of soil
■ Quality control of fertilizers
© Analytik Jena GmbH
Version 1.0 en · 12/2020