Bishvilhaivrit 1

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Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1

Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Table of Contents

Unit 1: I'm Here, Where Are You? (Ani Po, Efo Ata?) .................................................... 1

Unit 2: Here Is My Home! (Po HaBayit Sheli!) ................................................................. 2

Unit 3: A School for Everyone (LeKhol Ekhad Bet Sefer) .............................................. 3

Unit 4: Talking About the Desert (Medabrim Al Hamidbar)...................................... 4

Unit 5: Where? To Jerusalem! (Le'an? Li'Yrushalayim!) ................................................ 5

Unit 6: Everyday and Another Day (Yom-Yom VeOd Yom) ........................................ 6

Unit 7: My Room Is Me (HaKheder Sheli Ze Ani)............................................................ 7

Unit 8: In Good Time (BeSha'ah Tovah)............................................................................. 8

Unit 9: Bon Appetit! (BeTe'avon!) ........................................................................................ 9

Unit 10: A Name and A Family (Shem U'Mishpakhah) ............................................... 10

Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1
Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Unit 1: I'm Here, Where Are You? (Ani Po, Efo Ata?)
Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

 introduce themselves and explain where they are and where they live;

 act out an introductory conversation with people and then tell about them;
 conduct a short conversation or exchange text messages to find out where

people are;
 point out objects in the class or home environment and identify them;

 point to places on the map of Israel, name them, and identify them as city,
moshav, kibbutz, mountain, or sea;

 think about the I-you relationship based on a famous Hassidic saying;

 identify the grammatical gender of Hebrew nouns by their common suffixes.

Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1
Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Unit 2: Here Is My Home! (Po HaBayit Sheli!)

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

 tell what is found in the center of a big city;

 read a city map and mark the main sites and buildings (for instance: museum,
university, street, mall) using the words ‫ זה‬, ‫זאת‬, ‫אלה‬, and the words ‫ יש‬or ‫;אין‬

 order falafel and say what else comes with the falafel;
 describe and compare city life to life in a village, moshav, or kibbutz;

 talk about the place where they live;

 describe a moshava – a place that is like a city in some ways and a village in

some ways – and compare it to where they live;

 describe where each member of their family is;

 read notices about community events and write short text messages about
what is happening;

 tell about the life of a child on a kibbutz and compare it to their lives;
 change singular nouns to the plural form with the correct gender.

Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1
Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Unit 3: A School for Everyone (LeKhol Ekhad Bet Sefer)

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

 talk about different schools in Israel, like the school for the arts, the nature

school and a yeshiva;

 describe different schools in their country;

 discuss the pros and cons of tests versus term papers;

 act out conversations between students who study in different schools,

between students studying for a test and students writing a term paper, and
between a school principal and a new student;

 talk about a family tree project – how and why students write it;
 conjugate verbs belonging to the 5 main groups of the verb using the

present tense, and use several common verbs from each of the groups in
speech and writing.

Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1
Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Unit 4: Talking About the Desert

(Medabrim Al Hamidbar)
Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

 talk about the Negev, special settlements in the Negev, the school for

environmental studies, the Bedouins, and life in the desert;

 tell a Bedouin folktale and discuss the value of hospitality as it emerges from

the story;
 invite people to eat in their home and offer them refreshments;

 talk about what they want to do in different situations, using infinitives;

 identify the main patterns of infinitives and use different sentence structures
in which the infinitive appears.

Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1
Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Unit 5: Where? To Jerusalem! (Le'an? Li'Yrushalayim!)

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

 describe important sites in Jerusalem, like special streets, the library,

the museum, and the market;

 speak about their own city, describe sites in the city and explain what’s

special about it;

 conduct a conversation with the salesperson in a souvenir shop, with a waiter

in a restaurant, and with the salesperson in a clothing store;

 act out conversations as a tourist, speak with local residents and ask them

about special sites in the city;

 summarize how to use adjectives in Hebrew and use adjectives in different
patterns to describe streets and sites.

Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1
Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Unit 6: Everyday and Another Day (Yom-Yom VeOd Yom)

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

 tell about a friend’s surprise birthday party, and describe the friend’s feelings

before and after the party;

 tell about the preparations for a birthday party;

 write greeting cards to attach to gifts and write thank you notes for gifts they

 describe different moods;

 talk about good days and not-so-good days during the week and tell which

is their favorite day of the week and why;

 compare weekends in Israel to weekends in their country;

 read the first chapter of Bereshit (Genesis) in Hebrew, and tell what was
created on each day based on the verses;

 use the expressions "‫ "שום דבר‬and "‫;"אף אחד‬

 use the preposition "‫"את‬.

Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1
Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Unit 7: My Room Is Me (HaKheder Sheli Ze Ani)

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

 describe the structure, colors, and furniture of a room or home;

 draw a room or apartment based on its description in words, and describe in

words the drawing of a room or apartment;

 act out conversations between children or between parents and children who
want to reorganize or paint furniture in a room;

 create advertisements and discuss the power of advertisements and how they
influence people;

 discuss different aspects of neatness and messiness and describe their

attitudes toward cleaning up their rooms;

 tell about the holiday of Passover and the Seder;

 put sentences in a folktale in a logical order;

 discuss the dilemma of a child who asks his parents not to go into his room,
and the issue of privacy and the freedom to do what we want in our own

 count objects – masculine and feminine – up to 10;

 conjugate the word "‫ "של‬in all persons (first person, second person, third
 use phrases in which the noun and the adjective have the definite article.

Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1
Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Unit 8: In Good Time (BeSha'ah Tovah)

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

 tell about their routine daily schedule and about special schedules when they

are on a trip, vacation, etc.;

 plan to go to a movie, performance, on a trip, or to a museum with a friend

or friends;
 tell someone about museum hours based on museum announcements or

 describe how the mitzvot (commandments) and customs of Jewish holidays

have been interpreted from the Biblical times onwards, and to whom they

 discuss the pros and cons of different school hours;

 write a short letter asking a rabbi a question;

 find out bus and train schedules at the information desk;

 tell about the concept of time and the hours of the day and night in the past

and now, and in different life situations;

 construct a sentence that includes an opinion or fact and starts with:

...‫ אני חושב ש‬...‫;אני יודע ש‬

 construct a declarative sentence that includes a question word.

Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1
Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Unit 9: Bon Appetit! (BeTe'avon!)

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

 exchange recipes and talk about cooking-related experiences;

 discuss food quality in restaurants – ask others and express their own
opinions about restaurant meals;

 order food and offer refreshments to guests;

 describe Israeli cuisine and discuss the question "is there Israeli food?";

 tell about typical and popular foods in their own country;

 describe the land of Israel – the good land – according to the Torah;

 tell folktales related to food and eating;

 play group word games according to instructions;

 describe vegetarians and non-vegetarians and express feelings and opinions

about vegetarianism;

 use the preposition -‫ ל‬in the correct conjugation after verbs requiring the
preposition -‫;ל‬

 express an opinion and describe places and people, using nominal sentences
in which there is a definite noun and an indefinite adjective.

Bishvil Ha'Ivrit Book 1
Beginners Level | Part 1

Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Unit 10: A Name and A Family (Shem U'Mishpakhah)

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

 tell about their family members and family relations, discuss family trees and

tell about family gatherings;

 describe different bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies and plan a mitzvah year in

a community or school;
 tell a family-related folktale and write a similar story;

 describe how their names were chosen and the ways in which people choose
names for their children;

 tell about the Semitic language family, to which the Hebrew language

 tell the story of the Book of Ruth, read selected verses from the book, and
discuss the central values of the story;

 tell about the track of an Israeli child from kindergarten until the army, and
address the different ages at each stage or grade in school;

 use the structure -‫ אין ל‬/ -‫ יש ל‬with or without the conjugation of the
preposition -‫;ל‬

 use the numbers from 11 to 2000 in the masculine and feminine, in writing
and in speech;

 say how old they are, and ask others their age.


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