Semi Detailed Lesson Plan Using 5es
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan Using 5es
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan Using 5es
instructional model
ll. Materials:
1. Visual aids (e.g., posters, diagrams, or slides) depicting the respiratory system
2. Large whiteboard or flip chart paper
3. Markers
4. Computer or projector for multimedia presentation
5. Model of Lungs.
lll. Procedure:
Begin the lesson by asking students “how do your lungs inhale and exhale oxygen?”
Guide students to complete the model. For ease just prepare the model for students.
There are steps for students to follow on how students will make a lung model.
Ask students to group themselves into 4 and distribute the materials to the students.
Instruct students to pull the balloon and ask them what will happen if you push up on the
As a class, discuss the observations and ask students to explain the importance of breathing air.
Introduce the vocabulary terms associated in this activity.
Using the visual aids and the diagram on the board, provide a detailed explanation of each part
of respiratory system.
Start with on how respiratory system is made up of and organs that allows oxygen to enters the
body and carbon dioxide to leave your body.
Move on to the parts of respiratory system where you can see the nose, pharynx, larynx,
trachea, lungs, and diaphragm.
Discuss and explain that when the air enters the body the nose filter it next the pharynx that
both food and air pass through it, while larynx is a voice box that produces sound, the trachea is
a long tube that divide the left and right bronchi, lungs supplies oxygen and removes carbon
dioxide, and the diaphragm is the major muscle of respiration.
Finally, explain the inhalation and exhalation process.
Divide the students into small groups and assign each groups to have an activity.
In their groups, students should analyze the picture and name the functions of it.
Each group should present activity in front of the class and discuss their functions.
To assess student understanding, ask students to individually write an essay on how they are
going to take care of their lungs.
Collect the essays and review them to gauge the students' comprehension and critical thinking
lV: Assignment:
How do you think health of your respiratory system might affect the health of other body systems? Put
you explanation on a piece of paper.
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