Plant Adaptation Lesson Plan
Plant Adaptation Lesson Plan
Plant Adaptation Lesson Plan
5 Min
Task Analysis
(Sub-Objectives w/ Bloom)
SWBAT list or draw what they
know about desert ecosystems.
Teaching Strategies
Bell Work: Chalk Talk Activity - On the
large white board students draw pictures
or write words or phrases about what they
know about the desert ecosystem.
Poster Review: Using a poster created
during a previous class we will review
abiotic and biotic factors that exist in the
Sonoran Desert Ecosystem.
Field Study: In their journal students will
draw pictures and write observations
Materials Needed: Journals, pencils/pens, colored pencils, large white board, small white boards, dry erase markers, blank
paper, poster with abiotic/biotic description, access to outdoors, power point presentation.
Notes on the Lesson: This lesson is to be taught after a lesson on abiotic and biotic factors within ecosystems. Students
already have an understanding of this subject that they can use to build upon during todays lesson. If this were part of a longer
class or multiple day class students would be asked to construct a model, rather than a picture of their species to present to the
class along with a more formal description of their species that can be displayed with the model.