Forro Intestinal Obstruction
Forro Intestinal Obstruction
Forro Intestinal Obstruction
General Objective:
At the end of the case presentation, the students will be able to comprehend and
recognize important points to remember when dealing with patients who manifested
intestinal obstruction; its nature, causes, clinical manifestations, and management. This
is to enhance the student’s awareness, understanding, and knowledge in order to
promote health.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the case analysis the students will be able to:
● Define what an Intestinal Obstruction is.
● Recognize the signs and symptoms.
● Formulate care plan specific for the patient.
● Identify the risk factors of the disease.
● Perform appropriate nursing intervention according to the needs of the patient.
● Implement a nursing care plan in managing patient's signs and symptoms using
the nursing process.
● Document correctly patient's condition and evaluation.
● Develop the skills in identifying the exact nursing diagnosis of the patient to
provide adequate nursing care to patients. In order help, alleviate their suffering
with proper health care.
● Establish rapport with patients and members of the family.
● Recognize patients need using holistic approach.
● Show outmost confidence in managing patients.