HW5e Elementary TR Tests Unit1

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5th edition


Unit test 1A Elementary

1 Write What, Where, or How. 4 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the verbs
1 What ’s your surname? in the box.
2 ’s your first name? learn live go be like have be
3 old are you?
Hello! I (1) ’m an English teacher.
4 ’s your email address?
I (2) students from all over the world
5 are you from? – Japan, Russia, the Middle East, France – it’s very
6 ’s your phone number? interesting! The school is in the centre of London.
1 point for each correct answer 5
I (3) to work by train.
Here (4) a photo of my family:
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the my wife, Donatella, and our two children,
verb to be. Do not use apostrophes. Sophie and Sebastian. We (5) in
Richmond. Donatella is an interpreter, and she really
1 Marcia is from Madrid.
(6) her job! The children
2 How old they? (7) French and Italian at school.
3 I a language student. 12
2 points for each correct answer
4 Where she from?
5 The weather cold and sunny today. 5 Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.
6 We in a café. 1 What’s you / your name?
1 point for each correct answer 5 2 I is / ’m from Rome too!
3 Me / My sister lives in Tokyo.
3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 4 I think she / her is a lawyer.
Complete the short answers.
5 What’s he / his email address?
1 name Is first Kayla her? 6 I want to tell you / your about my job.
Is her first name Kayla?
7 Eddie and Marcus are / am French.
Yes, it is . 8 I like she / her house. It’s very big!
2 from you France Are? 9 Are / Is the homework difficult?
1 point for each correct answer 8
Yes, .
3 an you student American Are? 6 Add an ’s in the correct place in each sentence.
Write is or P (Possession).
No, .
4 18 Are they? ‘s
1 My brother ^ name is Leo. P__

No, . 2 My name Serge.

5 married Is she?
3 John wife is French.
Yes, .
6 surname his Kowalski Is? 4 She a doctor.

No, . 5 Her father office is in the city centre.

1 point for each correct question and
each correct answer
6 Bruce blog is interesting.

7 He American.
2 points for each correct answer 12

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5th edition

Unit test 1A Elementary

7 Match an adjective from A with its opposite from B. 10 Circle the correct phrase to complete the
A B conversations.
1 f good a cheap A Can I have an espresso, please?
2 old b difficult B Yes, of course. (1) Bye. / Can I help you? /
3 slow c small Anything else?
4 expensive d young
5 horrible e hot A George, this is Sumita. She’s from the
Mumbai office.
6 easy f bad
B Hello, Sumita. (2) Pleased to meet you. /
7 cold g nice Same to you. / And you?
8 big h fast
1 point for each correct answer 7 A Good night. Sleep (3) well! / nice! / good!
B Yes. (4) Same to you. / Fine, thanks. / Very well.
8 Complete the sentences with the correct adjective
from the box.
A Can I help you?
expensive international horrible sunny small B No, thanks. (5) How are you? / I’m just looking. /
difficult easy young Anything else?
1 My school has students from Japan, Germany, and
Egypt. It’s really international . A Have a good weekend, Bill.
2 I like shopping in London, but it’s very B Thanks! (6) And you. / Very well. / Not bad.
1 point for each correct answer 5
3 I don’t like my espresso. It’s .
4 This school is really – there are only 11 Put the family words from the box in the correct
25 students. places. There are two extra words.
5 I like my Hungarian classes – but it isn’t an
language to learn! daughter family father grandfather
grandmother mother son parents
6 Annika is very – she’s 12.
7 My English homework is very to (1) grandfather = (2)
8 It’s very hot today. It’s again!
1 point for each correct answer 7 (3) = (4)

9 Match the pairs of family words.

1 c brother a husband
(5) (6)
2 aunt b boyfriend
1 point for each correct answer 5
3 girlfriend c sister
4 nephew d uncle
5 wife e niece
1 point for each correct answer 4

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5th edition

Unit test 1A Elementary

12 Complete the email. Circle the correct words.

Hi Yoshi

How (1) are / is you? I (2) is / ’m fine. Here’s an

email in English. It’s good practice for (3) we / our
language skills!

I (4) has / have classes in English at the Boston

Language School. I (5) live / lives in a small house
with two other people: Judy and Victor from the
USA. They speak very fast, but they (6) am / are
very friendly! Judy’s aunt is my English teacher.
(7) She’s / We’re great!

The house (8) isn’t / aren’t cheap, but (9) it’s / its
beautiful. It’s not in the city centre, and I (10) go /
have to school by bus. I really (11) like / have the
food here in Boston and the cafés are cheap!

Write to me soon.


1 point for each correct answer 10

13 Correct the mistake in each item.

1 Where she from? Where’s
2 My aunts children are my cousins.
3 Johannes live with his parents.
4 How do you alphabet your surname?
5 Kim and Jon are husband and wife. They are marry.

6 Martin really likes you car.

7 ‘Do you have to university?’ ‘No, I work in a shop.’

8 Good after. Can I help you?

9 They isn’t English. They’re German.
10 Hello, my name Dani.
11 Are you Australian?’ ‘No, I isn’t.’
1 point for each correct answer 10


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5th edition

Skills Test 1 Elementary


At the cinemas this week

Mitch Forman interviews Russ Sparks, the star of a things he didn’t learn at expensive private
new independent film. Mr Sparks is in town to promote schools and university. These stories help him to
his new film, The University of Life. understand himself and be happy.
MF Hello, Mr Sparks. (1) ___
MF (5) ___
RS Certainly.
RS One of my co-stars is the writer of The University
MF (2) ___ of Life. Annika Fredriksen is an amazing person.
She’s a wonderful actress, and in her free time,
RS Well, it’s the story of a young lawyer. He lives in
she’s the singer of a fabulous R&B band, The
the centre of New York City, he’s rich, he has a
Moon Rocks.
great apartment, he has a lovely family, but he
isn’t happy. He has trouble sleeping, and he often MF (6) ___
works very late. Then, one day, his life changes
RS She’s the young lawyer’s wife. I play the lawyer.
when he becomes friends with an old man at the
city hospital. MF (7) ___

MF (3) ___ RS Yes, it does. The lawyer loves his new job. He
also has time to enjoy his family again, thanks to
RS He gives up his job at the law firm, and he
the help of the old man. Saleh al-Ghaoui plays
becomes a song-writer and jazz pianist.
the old man. I love working with him. I learn a lot
MF (4) ___ from him about acting, too.
RS The old man tells him simple stories about his MF Thank you very much for talking to us!
life. The lawyer learns a lot from these stories –

1 Read the interview quickly and circle the 3 Read the interview again. Write true (T) or
correct letter. false (F). If there is no information in the
Who is Saleh al-Ghaoui? text about the statement, write no
a an actor in the film The University of Life information (N).
b a journalist F
1 Mitch Forman is the star of a new film. ___
c the lawyer in the film 2 The young lawyer is unhappy because he isn’t
rich. ___
1 point for the correct answer 1 3 He goes to hospital because he has trouble
sleeping. ___
2 Complete the interview with the missing 4 The lawyer stops working for the law firm. ___
questions (a–h). There is one extra question. 5 The lawyer gives the old man a lot of money.
a What’s the film about?
6 Russ Sparks sings in a band called The Moon
b Why is the title of the film The University of Life?
Rocks. ___
c Who does she play in the film?
7 Russ says that Saleh teaches him a lot about his
d Can I ask you some questions about your new
job. ___
e Does the film have a happy ending?
f Is it a film about getting a good education? 2 points for each correct answer 12
g What happens then? Reading total 25
h Who is the writer of the film?

2 points for each correct answer 12

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5th edition

Skills Test 1 Elementary

1 Complete the sentences with information about you.

All about me
My name’s _________________.
I’m a ____________ and I’m ___________ years old.
I ________ married.
I’m from _________________________ and I live in a ___________________.
My school is in ___________________ and it’s near _____________________.
The students in my class are very ____________ and our teacher is ____________.

shorter Writing task – half a point for each correct answer 5

2 Write a paragraph about your family and your home. Write about:
• who is in your family.
• what they do.
• where you live.
• what your home is like.

Write your paragraph in 60–100 words.


longer Writing task 20

Writing total 25

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5th edition

Skills Test 1 Elementary


1 Listen. Circle the correct letter. 2 Listen again. Tick () seven more activities
the man says he does.
1 He ___ work at eight in the evening.
a starts a go out to a restaurant 
b finishes b have a bath
c goes to c have a shower
2 He usually has dinner
d cook
a at home.
b at the nightclub. e have breakfast
c in a restaurant. f watch television
3 The club closes at g go to the gym
a two. h play tennis
b half past two. i go swimming
c three-thirty. j read newspapers
4 He goes ___ around three-thirty.
k read books
a to work
b home l play computer games
c to bed
5 He ___ all morning. 1 point for each correct answer 7
a works Listening total 25
b watches cookery programmes
c sleeps SPEAKING
6 When he gets up, he has
a a shower.
1 Ask and answer the questions with a
b breakfast.
c lunch. 1 Who’s your favourite person in your family?
7 ___ makes lunch. Why?
a He 2 What’s your ideal job? Why?
b His wife 3 How do you spend your free time?
c His mother 4 What’s a normal day for you?
8 He likes watching ___ on TV. 5 What’s your room like?
a music videos
b the news max. 1 point for each topic 5
c cookery programmes
9 He ___ in the afternoon.
a often works
b doesn’t work
c sleeps
10 He doesn’t have free time
a at the weekends.
b on Mondays and Tuesdays.
c when others are at work.

2 points for each correct answer 18

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5th edition

Skills Test 1 Elementary

2 Look at the photos. Describe the rooms. Talk about the furniture, objects, and other details.

max. 10 points 10

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5th edition

Skills Test 1 Elementary

3A Look at the information. Use the words to make five questions.

Workout City
New sports and leisure centre
Opening times 7 a.m. – 10 p.m daily
• Outdoor swimming pool
• Modern gym
• Indoor and outdoor tennis courts
• Running track
Café (snacks and refreshments available during opening hours)
price €450 year, €150 month

1 what time / Workout City / open ?

2 what / activities / do ?
3 indoor / swimming pool ?
4 how much / membership / cost ?
5 where / eat and drink ?

1 point for each correct question 5

B Answer the questions.

1 point for each correct answer 5

Speaking total 25
Skills test 1 total 100

5 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press 2019


5th edition

Elementary Tests for students with dyslexia


Unit test 1 3

Unit test 2 7

Unit test 3 10

Unit test 4 13

Unit test 5 16

Unit test 6 19

Unit test 7 22

Unit test 8 26

Unit test 9 29

Unit test 10 33

Unit test 11 37

Unit test 12 41

Progress test 1 Units 1–6 45

Progress test 2 Units 7–12 53

Unit tests answers 63

Progress tests answers 65

2 Photocopiable Contents Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press 2019


Class Elementary

Unit test 1
1 Write What, Where, or How.
What ’s your surname?
1 ’s your first name?
2 old are you?
3 ’s your email address?
4 are you from?
5 ’s your phone number?

2 Complete the sentences. Tick (✓) a, b or c.

Marcia from Madrid.
A is ✓ B am C are
1 How old they?
A is B am C are
2 I a language student.
A is B am C are
3 Where she from?
A is B am C are
4 The weather cold and sunny today.
A is B am C are
5 We in a café.
A is B am C are

3 Photocopiable Unit test 1 Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press 2019

Class Elementary

3 Complete the text with the verbs in the box.

learn  live   go  ’m  likes  have  is
Hello! I ’m an English teacher. I (1) students from all
over the world – Japan, Russia, the Middle East, France – it’s very
interesting! The school is in the centre of London. I (2)
to work by train. Here (3) a photo of my family: my
wife, Donatella, and our two children, Sophie and Sebastian.
We (4) in Richmond. Donatella is an interpreter, and she
really (5) her job! The children (6) French and
Italian at school.

4 Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

What’s you / your name?
1 I is / ’m from Rome too!
2 Me / My sister lives in Tokyo.
3 I think she / her is a lawyer.
4 What’s he / his email address?
5 I want to tell you / your about my job.
6 Eddie and Marcus are / am French.
7 I like she / her house. It’s very big!
8 Are / Is the homework difficult?

4 Photocopiable Unit test 1 Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press 2019

Class Elementary

5 Match an adjective 1–7 with its opposite a–h. Write the letter
good f a cheap
1 old b difficult
2 slow c small
3 expensive d young
4 horrible e hot
5 easy f bad
6 cold g nice
7 big h fast

6 Put the family words from the box in the correct places. There are
two extra words.
daughter  family  father  grandfather   grandmother
mother  son  parents

grandfather = (1)

(2) = (3)

(4) (5)

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Class Elementary

7 Match the pairs of family words. Write the letter only.

brother c a husband
1 aunt b boyfriend
2 girlfriend c sister
3 nephew d uncle
4 wife e niece

Total 40

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