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Dibrugarh | PIN – 786 004 | Assam
(As amended upto 2015)

1. Short title : These Rules may be called the Dibrugarh University Medical Attendance
and Treatment Rules, 1981 (as amended up to 2015)

2. Applicability :

(i) The Rules will be applicable to all the eligible and regular employees of the
Dibrugarh University while they are on duty or on leave or under suspension and
shall come into force with effect from the date of its notification.

(ii) Validity of rates: The rates will remain in force till such time the same are not
revised and adopted by the University w.e.f. the date these are implemented by the
authority of the University.

3. Definition : In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context:

a) ‘University’ means Dibrugarh University.

b) ‘Registrar’ means Registrar of Dibrugarh University.

c) ‘Vice-Chancellor’ means Vice-Chancellor of Dibrugarh University.

d) ‘Authorised Medical Attendant’ (AMA) means the Doctor-in-charge of the University

Health Centre or Doctor of the hospital to which the patient has been referred to by the
Doctor-in-charge of the University Health Centre.

Provided further that in case where the Doctor-in-charge of the University

Health Centre is not available for consultation or immediate medical treatment was
necessary and was actually admitted for treatment, the reimbursement claims for
patients may be considered on the recommendation of AMA as stated herein.

e) ‘Family’ means the family of a University employee consisting of :-

i) Wife or husband who are not service holders or are service holders without having
reimbursement facilities for medical expenses and thus wholly dependent on the
University employee for medical treatment.

ii) Parents who are not service holders or are such service holders without having
reimbursement facilities for medical expenses and thus wholly dependent on the
University employee.

iii) Non-earning sons and daughters up to the age of 30 years and wholly dependant
upon the employee and resides with him / her.

iv) In the case of adoption, only the adoptive and not the real parents.

If the adoptive father has more than one wife, the first wife only.
v) An employee has a choice to include either his/her parents or his/her
parents-in-law; option exercised can be changed only once during the term of

vi) Parents also include stepparents.

vii) The terms ‘Son’ and ‘Daughter’ include legally adopted children and step
children residing with and wholly dependent on the University employee.


i) All employees shall be required to submit a list of dependents (subject to a

maximum of six numbers of dependants) in (FORM B attached herein) within a
month of these amended rules coming into force and additions / deletions thereto
shall have to be communicated to the Registrar for record in the respective
personal file of the employee.

ii) The age limit of sons and daughters who is wholly dependent upon the employee
shall not be applicable in case of physically handicapped and mentally retarded
children (on submission of proper certificates).

f) ‘Patient’ means a University employee or a dependant member of his / her family as

per FORM B who require medical attendance and treatment.

g) ‘Competent authority’ means the Vice-Chancellor or any other authority of the

University to whom the Vice-Chancellor may delegate power, subject to any condition
that may be specified in the delegation.

i) ‘Hospital’ means University Health Centre, Medical College Hospitals, Civil Hospitals,
Primary Health Centres, Government Hospitals / Dispensaries and Private Hospitals

j) ‘Medical Attendance’ means attendance in the University Health Centre, Medical

College Hospitals, Civil Hospitals, Primary Health Centres, Government Hospitals /
Dispensaries and Private Hospitals.

k) ‘Referral Board’ means a Board as per these Rules.

l) ‘Treatment’ means and include the cost of inpatient treatment and diagnostic
procedure for which an employee has been permitted by the competent authority for
treatment under emergency from the time of admission to the time of discharge
including (but not limited to) (i) Registration charges, (ii) Admissions charges, (iii)
Accommodation charges, (iv) Operation charges, (v) Injection charges, (vi) Dressing
charges, (vii) Doctor / consultant visit charges, (viii) ICU / ICCU etc. charges, (ix)
Monitoring charges, (x) Transfusion charges, (xi) Anesthesia charges, (xii) Operation
theater charges, (xiii) Procedural charges / surgeon’s fees, (xiv) Cost of surgical
disposables and all sundries used during hospitalization, (xv) Cost of medicines, (xvi)
Related routine and essential investigations before and after surgical operations, (xviii)
Nursing care and charges for its services and the use of all medical and surgical
facilities available at the University Health Centre, Medical College Hospitals, Civil
Hospitals, Primary Health Centres, Government Hospitals / Dispensaries and Private
Hospitals in which a patient is treated and includes:

i) The employment of such pathological, bacteriological, radiological or any

other methods as are considered necessary by the Authorized Medical

ii) Dental treatment where a diagnosis of the physiological or other disability

indicates that the teeth are the real source of illness provided it is of a major
kind, such as treatment of jaw bone, disease, wholesale removal of teeth
etc. (subject to certification of the University Medical Officer).

iii) In case of eye operation whether hospitalized or not, shall be entitled to

claim reimbursement subject to a maximum of Rs. 15,000.00 only (subject
to certification by the University medical Officer).

Explanation: Surgical operations needed for the removal of odentomes and

impact wisdom teeth also fall under the category of dental treatment of a
major kind. Treatment of gum boils come under oral surgery of the mouth
and it is admissible under the rules. Treatment for pyorrhea and gingivitis of
teeth is however not covered.

iv) The supply of such medicines, vaccines, or other therapeutic substances as

are ordinarily available in the University Health Centre, Medical College
Hospitals, Civil Hospitals, Primary Health Centres, Government Hospitals /
Dispensaries and Private Hospitals or drug purchased on recommendation
of A.M.A for the complete treatment for which the patient is admitted
whether or not the patient id discharged or not.

v) The medical attendance does not include diet or any other non-medical
provision of attendants.

4. If in the opinion of the Authorized Medical Attendant, it is necessary to refer a patient to a

hospital to provide him / her treatment, the patient may be provided treatment at the
referred Hospital.

5. Treatment charges for new born baby are reimbursable subject to a maximum of two
deliveries in addition to delivery charges for mother.

6. Accommodation in the University Health Centre, Medical College Hospitals, Civil Hospitals,
Primary Health Centres, Government Hospitals / Dispensaries and Private Hospitals shall
be at the rates stated in Article 7 below.

7. All University employees when hospitalized in the State of Assam shall be entitled to seat
rent to the actual rate or Rs. 500.00 only per day whichever is lower, for a paying cabin.
Patients referred to hospital outside the State shall be entitled to twice the above rate or
Rs. 1,000.00 only per day, whichever is lower. Provided that patients admitted to ICU /
ICCU etc. of a hospital shall be entitled to Rs. 1,000.00 only per day for paying cabin
charges in case of in and outside the State subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000.00 only
for the entire treatment. Maximum of Rs. 1,00,000.00 only or the actual rate whichever is
lower for an outdoor patient, outside the State shall be payable. The prevailing rates for
Pathological, Radiological test etc in the hospitals referred in these rules will as per hospital

8. If a patient suffers from T.B., Leprosy, malignant disease, paraplegia, hemiplegic, kidney
disease including dialysis and disease requiring thoracic, brain, spinal plastic and major
abdominal surgeries, he/she shall be entitled to receive full reimbursement of the cost of
medicines purchased by him/her on the prescription of the Authorized Medical Attendant
duly countersigned by the University Medical Officer.

Indoor patients shall be entitled to actual cost incurred in respect of OT charges,

Surgeon, Asst. Surgeon, Anesthetist fee etc. subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000.00 only
in respect of surgical cases.

9. If a patient requires medical attendance for certain types of diseases for which no
treatment is available within the State, the Referral Board duly constituted by the Vice-
Chancellor, with the University Medical Officers, two nominees of the Vice Chancellor from
among the Teachers and Officers of the University as members shall refer the patient for
treatment in an institution outside the state. The medical officer in-charge of the University
Health Centre shall act as the convener of the referral Board.

i) In case of dependants residing elsewhere in India shall be provided Medical

reimbursement under Article 3 (e) (iii) provided, University Medical Officer is informed
telephonically at the earliest.

ii) In case of emergency, the Vice Chancellor in consultation with the University Medical
Officers may allow a patient (a) to go outside the state for treatment (b) to be treated
for life saving Surgery/Treatment outside the State of Assam, subject to subsequent
certification by the Referral Board.

iii) Referral Board consists of three members, to be recommended by the Vice-Chancellor

amongst the Teachers and Officers of the University. The Medical Officer of the
University shall act the Member Convener of the Board. Any appeal against the Order
of the Board shall lie to the Executive Council of the University.

10. Reimbursement of expenses for the following types of treatment up to the maximum
amount as stated below may be allowed subject to the submission of a certificate from the
Authorized Medical Attendant and the Referred Hospital concerned, where the medical
treatment / surgical service is actually availed of by the patient.

Type of Treatment Amount

a) Kidney transplantation Rs. 2.00 Lakhs only

b) Heart Pace-Maker Rs. 1.20 Lakhs only

c) Hearing aid Rs. 10,000.00 only

d) Speaking aid Rs. 15,000.00 only

e) Infusion Pump Rs. 20,000.00 only

f) Bye-pass Surgery Rs. 2.50 Lakhs only

g) Open Heart Surgery Rs. 2.00 Lakhs only

h) Neuro Surgery Rs. 2.00 Lakhs only

i) The above limit is subject to the condition that if the actual amount is less than the
ceiling amount, then the actual only will be admissible.

ii) The University on the recommendation of Referral Board may release 50% of the
estimated amount as above for concerned medical treatment. This will be subject to
the relevant provisions mentioned above.

iii) The University may grant an advance, on specific recommendation from University
Medical officers, an amount not exceeding Rs.50,000.00 only for treatment of a
patient in an approved institution outside Assam. The advance shall be adjusted
against the bills submitted by the employee concerned for reimbursement of the

The advance taken but not utilized fully or partly have to be refunded to the University
failing which the University shall realize the same from the employee concerned in a
manner as deemed fit and proper.

However, in case of treatment within the State, the advance amount will be
Rs.10,000.00 only.

11. When a patient is required to travel from his/her Headquarters to a referred Hospital
outside Assam, on the advice of the Referral Board, as provided in these rules, he / she
shall be entitled, to travelling allowance equivalent to the same rates of travelling
allowances and DA at the prevailing University rate.

12. In order to compensate for the expenditure incurred by a patient on medical attendance
and treatment outside a hospital for which no provision has been made in these rules, fixed
monthly medical allowances shall be paid to every University employee at the rate
admissible to a State Govt. employee.

13. Nothing in these rules shall be deemed to:

i) Entitle a University employee to reimbursement of any cost in respect of medical

services obtained by him / her or to travelling allowance for any journey performed by
him/her otherwise as expressly provided in these rules, or

ii) Prevent the Executive Council from granting an employee any concession relating to
medical treatment or attendance or travelling allowance for any journey performed by
him / her which is not authorized by these rules.
14. Submission of Bills :

14.1 It should be ensured that hospital bills for treatment as in-patient show the
allocation of charges as under medical attendance be applied as per the enclosed
form in Annexure A

14.2 Cases not covered by these rules, shall be decided by a committee constituted by
the Executive Council

14.3 Claims under medical rule shall be entertained only when they are submitted
through the University Medical Officer.

14.4 The bills should be duly supported by receipts, cash memos, prescriptions and
other relevant documents as prescribed by the University from time to time in
Original in respect of claims for re-imbursement of charges for tests conducted or
treatment received in hospitals e.g. X-ray, Blood tests, etc. The University may
verify and check the authenticity of the claim on the basis of the prescription slip
and the diagnostic report submitted by a University employee, in the event of any
doubt from the hospital concerned.

14.5 Claims should be preferred within 3 months period from the date of discharge from
the hospitals. Condonation of delay in submission of medical bills shall be
considered by the Vice-Chancellor depending upon the on the merits of each case.

15. Interpretation of Rules :

If any question arises regarding the interpretation of these rules, it shall be referred to the
Vice-Chancellor whose decision shall be final.

16. All other definitions, conditions, clauses, procedure and treatments which are not covered
under this scheme shall be governed as per the provisions contained in the Medical
Attendance Rules of the Government of Assam.
Dibrugarh | PIN – 786 004 | Assam

‘Application for claiming Refund of Medical Expenses incurred in connection with Medical
Attendance and or Treatment of the Employees and their Families.’
(Separate form should be filled for each patient)

Name and designation of the employee :____________________________________

(In Block Letters)

Employee ID No. :____________________________________

Deptt. / Centre / Branch / Section :____________________________________

Basic Pay :____________________________________

Residential address :____________________________________



Bank Account No.(SBI) :____________________________________

Name of the Patient :____________________________________

Relationship to the employee & his / :____________________________________

her Medical Booklet Code No.

In the case of children, state age, :____________________________________

date of birth and marital status

Place at which the patient fell ill :____________________________________

Nature of illness and its duration :____________________________________

Details of the amount claimed :____________________________________

Give details on a separate sheet of :____________________________________

paper and Attach cash memos.

Details of Medical Advance Drawn (if any) :____________________________________


(a) Name of Hospital :____________________________________

(b) Name & designation of treating :____________________________________


(c) The dates of Medical Attendance / Treatment : from ____________ to ___________

(d) Whether referred by the Dibrugarh University Health Centre, if not, reason for not getting



I hereby declare that the statements in this application are true to the best of my knowledge

and that Mr. / Mrs. / Miss ________________________________________ (Relation)

___________________ for whose medical treatment expenses were incurred is wholly dependent

upon me.

(Signature of Employee)

NB:‐ 1. Please enclose original OPD treatment Card of the hospital and Dibrugarh
University Medical booklet of patient for necessary action by the Dibrugarh
2. All Indoor / Admitted patients should enclose original copy of discharge summary of
the hospital.
(For Indoor / Admitted Patients only)

Certified that Shri / Smt._______________________________son / daughter / wife under

my treatment (diagnosis) as an Indoor patient at __________________________ Hospital.

Period of Hospitalization : from _____________________ to _____________________

All the bill / cash memos have been signed by me.


Name and Designation of treating :____________________________________

Physician / Surgeon

Please put your stamp in this space.

(Counter signature & Stamp of Medical Superintendent of Treating Hospital)


Employee ID No. :____________________________________

Scrutinized & Entered by : Signature : ______________________

Name : ______________________

Signature & Stamp of Medical Officer of Dibrugarh

University Health Centre

Name & Department & Employee ID No. :____________________________________


1. Medicine
2. Tests
3. Room Rent
4. Operation / Procedure charges
(i) etc.
(ii) Operation
(iii) Procedure
(iv) ICU / CCU
(v) Consultation
Others (Specify)

Passed and pay for Rs._______________ (Rupees ____________________________

_______________________ only) and credited to the Saving Bank account of the SBI.

Dealing Assistant Accountant Asstt. Registrar / Accounts

_______ _____________________________________ __


Name & Department & Employee ID No. :____________________________________


1. Medicine
2. Tests
3. Room Rent
4. Operation / Procedure charges
(i) etc.
(ii) Operation
(iii) Procedure
(iv) ICU / CCU
(v) Consultation
Others (Specify)

Passed and pay for Rs._______________ (Rupees ____________________________

_______________________ only) and credited to the Saving Bank account of the SBI.

Dealing Assistant Accountant Asstt. Registrar / Accounts

Note : For any enquiry, please contact Account Section personally.

Column nos.1 and 2 have to be filled up by the individual.

I, ______________________________________________ , hereby declare that the

following are the members of my family, who are residing with me and are wholly dependant upon
In case the
dependant is
Married / Employed / employed, please
S.N. Name of the Dependant with Date of birth
Unmarried Unemployed give the name and
address of the

Note : In case, the Spouse is employed, a certificate from the employer stating that the employee
does not provide medical reimbursement facility to the employee shall have to be

The particulars of dependant members as given above are correct. It is also certified that
the above dependants are residing with me. The residency proof of my parents and unmarried /
widowed daughter(s) aged 30 years or more is also attached herewith. If any statement is found to
be untrue, I shall be liable for disciplinary action.

Date : (Signature)

Name of the Employee & ID No.: ………………………….…………………………..

Designation : …………………..…………………………………………………………
Dept. / Centre / Branch / Section : ……………………………………………………..

(Head of the Dept. / Centre / Branch / Section)

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