HDGH Affiliation Agreement FINAL Feb 28 2013 - 5

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THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO (hereinafter called the "University")

HÔTEL-DIEU GRACE HOSPITAL (hereinafter called the "Hospital")

WHEREAS the Hospital is a public hospital under the Public Hospitals Act of Ontario, accredited by the
Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation;

WHEREAS the University has entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
to encourage and expand undergraduate and postgraduate medical training in teaching sites in Windsor
and other areas outside London and funding for new postgraduate positions is conditional upon locating a
significant proportion of these positions in Windsor;

WHEREAS the University and the Hospital wish to continue the long-standing affiliation between their
two institutions, and the University wishes to continue to utilize available resources and facilities of the
Hospital in the conduct of its academic programs and the Hospital consents to such use in accordance
with the terms set out herein;

WHEREAS the University and the Hospital recognize that the funding for the resources and facilities of the
Hospital, that the University wishes to utilize, is a shared responsibility;

WHEREAS the University and the Hospital recognize the objectives of the provision of exemplary health
care and exemplary educational programs, and the encouragement of research in health sciences, and
they wish to ensure that patient care, educational, and research programs are efficiently directed,
coordinated and inter-related with the University and the Hospital within available resources; and

AND WHEREAS the objectives set forth above can best be achieved by a close and harmonious
relationship between the Hospital and the University and by jointly and individually accepting
responsibilities as set forth in this Agreement;

THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:


The purpose of this Agreement is to provide a mechanism whereby the University and the Hospital may
continue to collaborate in efforts to accomplish their common goals: the provision of a high standard of
health care and a high standard of teaching programs. The University encourages the precept that high
quality and effective clinical teaching programs require excellent patient care. The Hospital
acknowledges that improvement in patient care will be facilitated if undertaken in a setting of teaching
and research.

In order for both the University and Hospital to fulfill their teaching and learning objectives, the Hospital
is willing to provide available facilities and resources for the clinical, research and practical training
experiences for the University’s students (as defined in Appendix 2) and the University is willing to
permit its students in the health and related fields to gain clinical and practical experience in the Hospital
and allow its students to participate in research and clinical activities in the Hospital.

Therefore, the purpose of this affiliation is to provide a foundation upon which the University and the
Hospital may continue to collaborate and cooperate in their efforts to accomplish their individual and
common goals.

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(a) Recognition of Special Relationship

i) In recognition of the close relationship between the University and the Hospital and their shared
academic mission, the Hospital agrees that the University's academic resource requirements
relating to undergraduate and postgraduate medical training in the Hospital shall have precedence
over those of other universities or post-secondary institutions or Rural Ontario Medical Program

ii) To facilitate the special relationship between the Hospital and the Schulich School of Medicine
& Dentistry (SSMD), the Vice-Dean Hospital & Interfaculty Relations, SSMD shall be appointed to
the Medical Advisory Committee of the Hospital and the Dean, SSMD (or designate) shall provide
a quarterly report to the Board of the Hospital on key issues relating to this affiliation.

iii) The University and the Hospital, whenever possible, will inform each other of their future plans,
programs and services, including possible changes to, or elimination of existing programs,
resources or services that may affect undergraduate and postgraduate medical training in the

Whenever possible, however in no way mandatory, the parties will endeavor to give twelve
months' notice of any such plans or changes and will attempt to reach an agreement to prevent or
minimize the impact of proposed changes on the programs and operations of the other party.

iv) The University and the Hospital will meet on an on-going basis to discuss and negotiate
resource funding issues. Resource funding issues relating to medical and dentistry training will
also be addressed through the Windsor Joint Liaison Committee and/or the Hôtel-Dieu Grace
Hospital/SSMD Liaison Committee (see below).

(b) General Obligations

The Hospital:

i) The Hospital is solely responsible for establishing, maintaining and setting standards for
delivery of clinical care and services and for the provision of patient care and the determination
of which clinical services it will or will not provide. The Hospital acknowledges that the University
is solely responsible for establishing courses and programs of study, determining standards for
its students, faculty and teaching programs, and generally for all other matters of an academic
nature relating to the education of students in the Hospital.

ii) It is recognized that access by students to Hospital inpatients and ambulatory patients for
teaching programs is an integral part of their education and the Hospital will allow such access,
in accordance with course and program requirements, subject to the informed consent of the
patient or substitute decision maker. The Hospital agrees that such access will include the
assessment of patients and their follow-up care, and participation in and performance of
supervised procedures in a manner permitting increasing responsibility in accordance with
supervised experience. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Hospital may terminate such access
in accordance with Appendix 2, section 1.2.4.

iii) The Hospital will inform the University's students, faculty, and other University staff of any
policies, rules and regulations of the Hospital with which they must conform while at the Hospital.

iv) The Hospital will give the University's students, faculty, and other University staff an orientation
program which includes an introduction to Hospital administration procedures and Hospital rules
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and regulations pertinent to these individuals.

v) The Hospital is responsible for operating an occupational health and safety program including
site specific orientation and training to meet the requirements of provincial legislation. It will
provide protective clothing to students and faculty in those areas where the Hospital normally
provides them for staff and will provide change rooms and/or lockers pertaining to areas where
special precautions are required by Hospital regulations. In the event of a student workplace
injury (unpaid placements), it shall complete and forward an accident/incident report to the
appropriate University coordinator. However, it is agreed that students (with the exception of
postgraduate medical trainees) and faculty are not considered employees of the Hospital for the
purposes of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, the Labour Relations Act, the Employment
Standards Act, and any other provincial or federal legislation unless they have entered into a
separate employment relationship with the Hospital.

vi) The Hospital will provide access to its employee Health Services or Emergency Services to the
University's students, faculty, and other University staff for emergency situations arising in the
Hospital during teaching programs or as a result of exposure during such training activity.
Postgraduate medical trainees will have access to the Hospital's Employee Health Services for all
situations arising in the Hospital.

vii) The Hospital will provide access to its available resources and facilities for the clinical and
practical training experiences for students of the University wherever possible. However,
allocation of the Hospital's resources and facilities will be at the sole discretion of the Hospital.
The Hospital will consult with the University as set out in section 2(a) (iii) above if there are
anticipated changes to the allocation of Hospital resources, programs and facilities that may affect
medical training in the Hospital.

viii) The Hospital will consult with the University at regular intervals, at a minimum of once
annually, throughout the year to discuss the University’s needs with respect to required space
allocation within the Hospital for the purposes of learner teaching, research and training. Room
size, quantity and location will be communicated. (See also Appendix 2, s.1.3.4.) Space allocation
needs specifically for SSMD learner teaching, research and training will also be addressed
through the Windsor Joint Liaison Committee and/or the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital/SSMD Liaison
Committee (see below).

ix) The Hospital must recognize the affiliation with the University by appropriate signage approved
by both the Hospital and the University.

The University:

i) The University is solely responsible for establishing, maintaining and setting standards for,
the training and educational programs for its students. (See “Teaching and Academic
Programs” below).

ii) The University acknowledges that the Hospital, in fulfilling its legal obligation to provide health
services and carry out its responsibilities of maintaining the quality of patient care and protecting
the rights of the patient, retains the sole authority for the effective operation of the Hospital.

iii) The University agrees to require all of its students, faculty and other University staff studying
and teaching, working or doing research at the Hospital pursuant to this Agreement to become
familiar with and comply with the policies, rules, regulations and ethical guidelines of the
Hospital that are relevant for their areas of involvement within the Hospital. Faculty, staff and
students of the University are also required to comply with all policies of the University
including the Policy and Guidelines for Interactions between Schulich School of Medicine and
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Dentistry and Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medical Device, Medical/Dental Supply, and Research
Equipment Supplies Industry.

iv) The University will co-operate with the Hospital in establishing effective methods in
evaluating programs and services, and the parties may establish such rules and regulations
as they may see fit from time to time.

v) The University will cooperate with the Hospital in the utilization and access of the Hospital's
available facilities and resources for the clinical, practical training and research experiences for
students of the University.

vi) The University will provide to the Hospital a yearly disclosure of SSMD personnel who will be
involved in the training of students at the Hospital.

(c) The Appointment of Staff

The parties recognize that it is primarily through their staff that they are able to achieve excellence in their
endeavors, and that a primary instrument for effecting this affiliation is through the joint appointment of
their staff in specific disciplines. In making such appointments, the parties will respect the staff
appointment policies of each other. Academic appointments at the University are subject to, and must be
made in accordance with, the University's internal appointment policies and procedures. Similarly, Hospital
appointments are subject to, and must be made in accordance with, the Hospital's internal appointment
policies and procedures.

While acknowledging that the Hospital and the University each retain sole authority for the appointment
decisions at their respective institutions, the Hospital and University recognize the importance of joint
human resource planning in areas affecting both institutions.

The parties will support each other in their efforts and processes to maintain excellence, particularly in
relation to staff assessment and promotion, program evaluation and student evaluation of staff

(d) Teaching and Academic Programs

The Hospital acknowledges that the University is responsible for the conduct of all of its academic
programs at the Hospital within the ability of the Hospital to provide the necessary space and other
needed resources and without jeopardizing the proper standard of patient care as determined by the
Hospital. The development of the teaching programs shall have regard to the number of students
registered. The implementation and operation of such programs within the Hospital shall be subject to the
approval of the Hospital.

The Hospital recognizes the University's ultimate authority with regard to any decisions made with
respect to its academic programs. Nevertheless, the University acknowledges the valuable role and
specific functions carried out by various Hospital staff in the planning, administration, presentation and
review of its teaching programs, and therefore where appropriate will involve such staff in these
processes. The parties will support the efforts and requirements of each other to achieve and maintain
excellence in teaching, particularly through such processes as departmental and institutional reviews,
accreditation surveys, staff evaluations, program assessments, student evaluations and constructive
criticism and evaluation.

Details of the arrangements between the parties concerning teaching, student training and teaching
facilities are contained in Appendix 2 to this Agreement.

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(e) Research

Details of the arrangements between the parties concerning research and research facilities are contained
in Appendix 3 of this Agreement.

(f) Library and Information Services

The parties recognize the necessity of the provision of excellent library and information services in order
to achieve their common goals in education. Thus, they will cooperate and collaborate in planning,
providing and maintaining such services.

(g) Health Care Delivery

In supporting the Hospital in achieving its goals and carrying out its responsibilities in health care
delivery and patient care, the parties acknowledge that the Hospital is solely responsible for all health
care delivery and patient care that occurs on the Hospital's premises or under the Hospital's jurisdiction.
Nevertheless, the Hospital recognizes that the University has an interest in patient care and health care
delivery, particularly as they impact on the teaching of students. Thus, where applicable the Hospital will
involve University staff who are engaged in educational activities at the Hospital in the planning and
review of procedures for patient care and the delivery of health care. The University will support the
Hospital in its efforts and requirements to maintain excellence in its standards of patient care and health
care delivery particularly with regard to such processes as accreditation and review, staff evaluations,
program assessments and through the offering of constructive criticism and evaluation to the Hospital.

(h) Confidentiality

The parties recognize that in pursuance of their joint or collaborative activities and responsibilities, they
are required to share personal and other confidential information with each other. They agree to use the
personal or other confidential information provided by the other party solely for the purpose for which it
was provided and they will make all reasonable security arrangements to protect the information. They will
not copy or disclose the information to a third party without the prior written consent of the party that
provided it or as may be required by law. Both parties will comply with the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario).

University Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, Faculty Members and Staff must follow Hospital policy with
respect to the collection, use and disclosure of confidential information of the Hospital. Similarly the
Hospital Staff must follow University policy with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of confidential
information of the University.

The parties acknowledge that confidential information includes the following:

• identifiable personal information and personal health information regarding patients/clients
(hereinafter referred to as “patients”) and their families
• identifiable personal information of students
• research information
• identifiable personal information, personal health information, employment information, and
compensation information of employees
• information regarding the confidential business information of either party which has not been
publicly disclosed by the party to whom it relates.

If a party becomes aware of any unauthorized use or disclosure of personal information or other
confidential information provided to it by the other party, it will immediately notify the other party and take
immediate steps to remedy the breach. The parties will work collaboratively to identify the cause of the
breach, identify the affected information, assess the consequences of the breach, undertake and
implement possible mitigation measures for the breach such as assistance in recovering lost or disclosed
information and determining appropriate measures to prevent the recurrence of such a breach in a manner
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that recognizes the parties’ obligations under relevant legislation.

The parties acknowledge that in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA),
the Hospital is a Health Information Custodian of personal health information (PHI) collected, used and
stored regarding registered patients of the Hospital. The PHI is to be used by Students, Postdoctoral
Fellows, Faculty Members and University Staff only for teaching and research programs carried out in
accordance with this Agreement. Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, Faculty Members and University Staff
are responsible to maintain reasonable security arrangements to protect the PHI against such risks as
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, copying, modification or disposal.


(a) Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital/SSMD Liaison Committee

The University and the Hospital shall establish a Committee (“Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital/SSMD Liaison
Committee”) to address issues relating to the planning and implementation of the SSMD teaching
programs within the Hospital, including program planning, quality control, accreditation, resource funding,
and space allocation. The Committee chair shall alternate annually between the Vice-Dean, Hospital &
Interfaculty Relations SSMD (or delegate) and the Hospital CEO (or delegate). The Vice-Dean, Hospital &
Interfaculty Relations SSMD and the Hospital CEO shall jointly determine the number of Committee
members and shall each appoint equal numbers of members from his or her institution. The Committee
will meet as required by the Chair.

(b) Windsor Joint Liaison Committee

The parties together with the Windsor Regional Hospital shall establish the Windsor Joint Liaison
Committee (“WJLC”) to consider and make recommendations with reference to matters arising out of this
Agreement relating to academic issues. The terms of reference and membership are set out in
Appendix 1.


A dispute arising out of this Agreement relating to medical and/or dental academic issues (“the dispute”),
which has not been resolved through the normal course of administration of the Agreement, may be
referred by either party to the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital/SSMD Liaison Committee which in turn may refer
the dispute to the Windsor Joint Liaison Committee. The referral shall be by way of written notice to the
other party. Within 7 days of delivery of the notice, each party shall deliver to the relevant committee a
written summary of that party’s position with respect to the dispute, together with the name of the
representative of that party with whom the committee should deal in relation to the dispute. The committee
shall meet within 21 days of delivery of the notice, and thereafter as often as it deems necessary, and
shall attempt in good faith to resolve the dispute through negotiation and discussion. The parties agree
that they will honour all reasonable requests from the other party for disclosure of information relating to
the dispute.

In the event the parties are unable to resolve the dispute through the process set out above within 60 days
of delivery of the notice of dispute, the dispute shall immediately be referred to a mediator to be chosen by
unanimous agreement of the parties. In the event the parties are unable to agree, the mediator shall be
chosen by a Judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. The parties shall attempt to resolve the matter
through mediation in good faith. The parties shall abide by such directions with respect to the conduct of
the mediation as the mediator may set out, and will honor all reasonable requests for disclosure of
information relating to the dispute. The mediator shall provide a written report to the parties and the
relevant committee on the results of the mediation. The mediation, including the delivery of the mediator’s

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report, shall be completed within 60 days of the appointment of the mediator. The costs of the mediator
shall be borne equally by the affected parties.

In the event the parties are unable to resolve the dispute through mediation, either party may, within 10
days of delivery of the mediator’s report, give written notice to the other party that it wishes to have the
dispute arbitrated. If the other party agrees to the request, the dispute shall proceed to arbitration in
accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act, S.O. 1991 Ch 17.


The University agrees that it will maintain comprehensive general and professional liability insurance
(including medical malpractice insurance), in an amount of not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence,
covering claims made against it, its employees, servants. students and agents for personal and bodily
injury, including death, and property damage occurring as the result of the negligent act or omission of
the University, its employees, servants, students and agents done pursuant to this Agreement.

The Hospital agrees that it will maintain comprehensive general and professional liability insurance
(including medical malpractice insurance), in an amount of not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence,
covering claims made against it, its employees, servants, and agents for personal and bodily injury,
including death, and property damage occurring as the result of the negligent act or omission of the
Hospital, its employees, servants, and agents done pursuant to this Agreement.

The parties agree that they will provide each other with such evidence of coverage as may be reasonably
required from time to time and will not cancel, replace or materially change such coverage without
providing the other with 30 days written notice of its intent to do so.


This Agreement does not constitute a partnership, employment agreement or joint venture between
the parties nor shall any agency relationship arise as a consequence of this Agreement.


This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements between the parties relating to the matters
covered under this Agreement.


The term of this Agreement is for five (5) years, from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017. This
Agreement may be terminated by either party on the last day of June in any year by giving to the other
party at least twelve (12) months prior notice in writing of intention to terminate. This Agreement, including
the Appendices may be amended by the parties hereto at any time provided that no amendment shall be
binding unless in writing and signed on behalf of the parties hereto by their proper officers.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their corporate seals duly attested by the
signatures of their proper officers in that behalf this 28th day of February, 2013.


Name: Janice Deakin
Title: Provost and Vice-President Academic

Name: Theresa Morrissey
Title: Associate University Secretary




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Windsor Joint Liaison Committee (WJLC)

The parties together with the Windsor Regional Hospital shall establish the Windsor Joint Liaison
Committee (“WJLC”) to consider and make recommendations with reference to matters arising out of this
Agreement and in particular it shall:

i) consider matters of joint concern, including media relations, communications, human resources and
information technology, and to report thereon with recommendations to the University and to Windsor
Regional Hospital and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital (“the Windsor Hospitals”);

ii) advise on the development of programs, research, policies and resources of joint interest;

iii) furnish a method of communication amongst the Windsor Hospitals and the University for the review of
plans and projects and their evaluation for long range planning;

iv) recommend the apportionment between the University and the Windsor Hospitals of any joint or
common outlay or expenditure for construction, equipment or operations that may be found necessary by
the common action of the University and the Windsor Hospitals;

v) resolve any disputes or misunderstandings referred to it by the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital/SSMD

Liaison Committee or the Windsor Regional/SSMD Liaison Committee and which may reasonably be seen
to involve issues of concern to the University and both Windsor Hospitals, in accordance with the dispute
resolution provisions set out in the Agreement; and

vi) exercise such other powers as may be conferred upon it from time to time by the University and the
Windsor Hospitals acting concurrently.


The Committee shall be composed of thirteen (13) members as follows:

Representing the University:

Vice Dean, Hospital and Interfaculty Relations, SSMD

Associate Dean, Windsor, SSMD
Assistant Dean, Faculty Affairs and Governmental Relations, SSMD
Chief Operating Officer, SSMD
Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences

Representing the Windsor Hospitals:

President and Chief Executive Officer of Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH)
Chief of Staff, WRH
Vice-President, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer, WRH
Chief Nursing Executive, WRH
President and Chief Executive Officer of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital (HDGH)
Chief of Staff, HDGH
Medical Affairs Representative, HDGH
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Vice President, Clinical Programs, HDGH

In cases of unavailability a member may appoint a delegate to attend in his absence upon prior notification
to the Chair.

The members of the Committee shall elect a chair and vice-chair for the ensuing year. The chair shall
alternate annually among the three institutions so that a member representing each institution serves as
chair every third year. The chair shall be responsible for organizing and holding meetings and ensuring
that the minutes of all meetings are recorded. The chair shall not have any additional vote in the event of a
tie vote.


The WJLC shall meet as required provided that there shall be no less than two (2) meetings per year and
the first meeting shall be called within six months of the later of the execution of this Agreement and the
execution of the Affiliation Agreement between the University and Windsor Regional Hospital.

Meetings of the WJLC shall be called by the chair or the vice-chair or at the request of any two members
of the Committee. No meeting shall be called without notice in writing first having been given of the time
and place of such meeting to each member of the Committee at least five days prior to the date of such
meeting. In the event of failure to give notice or failure to give notice in the manner prescribed, a meeting
shall nonetheless be deemed to have been regularly held and properly constituted if at least a quorum is

No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless at least 50% of the Committee is present in person
or by telephone or by videoconference. The proportion of attendance from each institution, which
constitutes a quorum, shall be such that a minimum of two members from each of the three institutions
must be present at the meeting.

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1.1 Definition of Students

A student is an individual formally registered at the University in a course or program of study. A

student may be registered in an undergraduate, a graduate, or a postgraduate program or may
be a Fellow registered at the University in post-certification training. Individuals present in the
Hospital in training situations who are not registered as students of the University are not
covered by this Agreement.

In addition to the obligations and responsibilities relating to education set out elsewhere in the
Agreement, this Appendix sets out further obligations and responsibilities relating to the conduct
of teaching and academic programs in the Hospital.

1.2 General Provisions Applicable to All Students

1.2.1. Students will be permitted to take instruction and gain clinical and/or practical experience in the
Hospital, and the Hospital will provide services and facilities and resources as set out herein.

1.2.2 The parties agree that there shall be a definite and predictable number of students determined
by mutual agreement in advance of arrival at the Hospital of such students. The date by which
such determinations will be made will vary for different programs.

1.2.3 The Hospital will contact the appropriate University representative at the earliest opportunity if
problems should arise with a student during a placement/rotation at the Hospital. The parties will
work together to attempt to resolve such problems in order that the placement/rotation can
continue in a manner satisfactory to both parties.

1.2.4 The University recognizes the right of the Hospital, after consultation with the appropriate
University Departmental Chair (“Chair”) or School Director and Dean, to terminate the placement
of an individual student, if the student's behavior is considered by the Hospital to be unacceptable
and/or patient care is being compromised. The Hospital must provide the University with the
information that is the basis for any such decision to terminate a placement. In the case of a
postgraduate student any termination must be in accordance with the terms of the PAlRO

1.2.5 The Hospital will not transfer students of the University assigned to it for clinical training and
experience in a particular site to a different site within the Hospital, or to another hospital or clinical
facility, without the prior approval of the appropriate Chair, Director, or Dean or their designates.

1.2.6 The evaluation of student performance in the Hospital will be done in accordance with the
relevant University policies governing the specific program. Should the evaluation
requirements change, the Hospital will be consulted to determine the impact on financial
and human resources.

1.2.7 While at the Hospital, students must comply with all relevant policies and rules of the Hospital
and with University policies and rules, including the University's Code of Student Conduct. The
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University will instruct the student on confidentiality of patient information. Hospital staff must
comply with all relevant academic policies, rules and regulations of the University as they
pertain to the education of the student at the Hospital and the University will provide the Hospital
representative with those policies, rules and regulations prior to the commencement of a
placement or rotation at the Hospital.

1.2.8 Students and Faculty are required to comply with applicable statutory health requirements before
the start of a placement at the Hospital. The Hospital shall inform the University of any specific
additional health requirements and the parties shall ensure that they both are in agreement with
those requirements. Prior to a placement at the Hospital, the University shall inform the students
(with the exception of postgraduate students) and faculty members of the applicable health
requirements and will not place such students at the Hospital without proof of their compliance
with such requirements. When requested by the Hospital, the University will provide the Hospital
with information regarding the student's health and immunization status as provided to it by its

1.2.9 The Hospital shall take reasonable measures to ensure student safety at all times while at the
Hospital, particularly considering hazards such as environmental toxins, exposure to
infectious agents transmitted through blood and fluid, radiation, and potential exposure to
violence from patients or others.

1.2.10 The University and the Hospital will take necessary steps to ensure that the legal
requirements of the Regulated Health Professions Act or the regulations as may be
prescribed by other authorized bodies or accreditation standards with respect to supervision
of students are observed.

1.2.11 The Hospital will ensure that there is a procedure in place whereby any orders, histories,
progress notes or other documents written by any student, faculty member or clinician on a
patient's chart be countersigned, when appropriate, by the Hospital attending staff at appropriate

1.2.12 The Hospital will ensure that students' personal information provided to it by the University is
used only for the purposes for which it was given to the Hospital, shared only with Hospital
personnel who need the information for those purposes, is kept in secure location, and is
returned to the University or otherwise disposed of as directed by the University.

The Hospital will not disclose to third parties any evaluations of student performance prepared for
the University by Hospital Staff.

1.2.13 The University will provide to the Hospital any available feedback from the students relative to
their Hospital placement excluding personal evaluation of a teaching member.

1.3 Undergraduate Students and Postgraduate Trainees in the Schulich School of Medicine &

1.3.1 The Hospital will grant first priority on its teaching resources to the University. The Hospital will
notify the University if it is considering commitment of its teaching facilities to medical students
from other educational institutions or other students such as those enrolled in the Ontario
Physician Assistant Education Program so that the University and the Hospital can assess the
possible impact of such a commitment on the University's medical training programs at the

1.3.2 The University and Hospital recognize that medical and dental training programs must be
conducted in accordance with the accreditation standards, requirements and regulations set by
various accreditation or governing bodies, including the Canadian Accreditation of Canadian
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Medical Schools (CACMS), the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), The Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) and The College of Family Physicians
of Canada, and The Canadian Commission of Dental Accreditation and they are committed to
complying with such standards, requirements and regulations in the operation of undergraduate
and postgraduate medical programs in the Hospital. These include both general standards and
specific standards of accreditation for programs in a specialty or subspecialty. They also
recognize and agree that involvement of students in clinical activities in the Hospital must be in
accordance with policies and guidelines issued by the College of Physicians & Surgeons of
Ontario and The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.

1.3.3 Faculty, students and staff must comply with the Faculty's Teacher/Learner Code of Conduct.

1.3.4 All students assigned by the University to Hospital departments for mandatory rotations will be
permitted to take instruction at the Hospital. Any resource issues will be discussed by the Hôtel-
Dieu Grace Hospital/SSMD Liaison Committee.

In the case of elective rotations, the Hospital is committed to accommodating as many

students as its resources will permit, as determined by the Hospital.

Elective rotations will require approval by the Hospital, and the appropriate Program office at the
University. University approval is required for any electives for undergraduate, postgraduate, or
graduate students or fellows from another educational institution.

Through their joint planning processes, the University and Hospital will ensure that both parties
are aware of the resource needs of the other party and whenever possible any changes from
year to year in the number of students that the University will send to the Hospital, or changes in
the numbers that can be accepted by the Hospital, will be communicated to the other party at
least six months prior to a placement/rotation.

1.3.5 The Hospital will designate Hospital staff, through Medical Affairs, familiar with the operation of the
Windsor Program to work with the University Coordinators to deal with unresolved day to day
questions or concerns related to clinical/academic training and/or facilities. The names of the
designated Hospital staff will be provided to the Vice-Dean, Hospital and Interfaculty Relations,
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.

1.3.6 The Hospital will provide Information Technology (IT) support for academic activities of faculty and
students at the Hospital. Such support will be provided during regular “business hours” as well as
after-hours. The Hospital will also provide the necessary student clinical supplies related to patient
care (e.g. pagers for students, basic scrub requirements, etc.) The IT needs will be discussed at
the Windsor Joint Liaison Committee or the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital/SSMD Liaison Committee.

1.3.7 The Hospital will permit appropriate Hospital staff to attend relevant Schulich School of Medicine &
Dentistry faculty and staff development activities.

1.3.8 The Vice Dean, Hospital and Interfaculty Relations, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, will
function as the liaison between the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and the Hospital
Medical Advisory Committee.

1.3.9 Undergraduate Medical and Dental Students

(1) Both parties agree that they will comply with, and undergraduate medical and dental training in the
Hospital will be conducted in accordance with, the accreditation standards issued by the Canadian
Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS), the Liaison Committee on Medical
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Education (LCME), the policies, requirements, standards, and guidelines issued by The College of
Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario, The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, The
Canadian Commission on Dental Accreditation, and the requirements of any other relevant
governing or accrediting institution, to the extent that such standards are consistent with the laws
of the Province of Ontario. Hospital rules relating to the scope of clinical activities that may be
undertaken by undergraduate medical and dental students within the Hospital must be in
accordance with the requirements and guidelines established by these external bodies.

(2) Prior to a medical or dental student taking instruction at the Hospital, the University will provide the
Hospital, or the relevant Hospital department as directed by the Hospital, with the name of the
student, the period of time during which the student will be assigned to the Hospital, the name of
the Course or Clerkship Coordinator at the University and such other information as may be
required by the Hospital and communicated to the relevant University Coordinator from time to
time. Upon the Hospital’s request and with the student’s consent, it will provide the Hospital with
police clearance documentation.

(3) The Preceptor in the Hospital departments to which a student is assigned is responsible for the
direction and supervision of the student's activities in the Hospital. Students must be under the
supervision of assigned Residents and/or Hospital Staff holding University faculty appointments
during placement/ rotations at the Hospital.

(4) The University is responsible for the assignment to clinical services, as prescribed or elected, as
well as the students' curriculum and the methods and standards of evaluation of the students'
training in the Hospital. The University will advise the Hospital before making any changes in the
curriculum or methods and standards of evaluation which might reasonably be considered to have
an impact on Hospital resources.

(5) The relevant Hospital Department will provide the students with an orientation of the Department
at the beginning of each rotation or session.

1.3.10 Postgraduate Medical and Dental Students

(1) The University and Hospital recognize that residency training is a joint undertaking of the
University and its affiliated Hospitals, and the Hospital is committed to support residency training
programs operating under the direction of the University.

Both parties agree that they will comply with, and residency training programs in the Hospital will
be conducted in accordance with, the accreditation requirements and regulations of The Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) and the College of Family Physicians of
Canada (CFPC), the policies issued by The College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO),
the requirements and policies of The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and The
Canadian Commission on Dental Accreditation, and the requirements of any other applicable
governing or accrediting institution.

(2) The Hospital will appoint those individuals who have been assigned to the Hospital by the
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry will assign
postgraduate students to the Hospital in accordance with its internal policies and academic
training requirements. The terms and conditions of employment of the postgraduate medical
students by the Hospital are set out in the PAIRO-CAHO agreement as amended from time to

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time. The Hospital will accept the credentialing process (verification of immunization, CMPA
coverage, licensing by the CPSO, and Initial Health Review, etc.) as valid and as performed.

The Hospital is responsible for meeting all training site standards stipulated in accreditation and
other governing standards and in the PAIRO-CAHO Agreement.

The Hospital will work alongside the University to ensure adequate accommodations are readily
available to Postgraduate students.

(3) The Associate Dean of Post-Graduate Education in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry is
responsible for the overall operation and direction of the University's residency training programs
and is Chair of the Faculty's Post-Graduate Committee. Residency Program Directors will be
appointed by the appropriate University Department Chair(s). Direction of the postgraduate
students' learning activities in the Hospital shall be the responsibility of the Residency Program
Director or other members of the medical staff with faculty appointments to whom this
responsibility is delegated by the Residency Program Director. The type and level of supervision
in each program will be dictated by internal policies as determined by the residency training
program and the Hospital.

(4) Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry will evaluate the academic performance of its
postgraduate students in accordance with its internal policies.

1.4 Undergraduate and Graduate Students in the Faculty of Health Sciences and other Faculties of
the University

1.4.1 The Hospital agrees to accept undergraduate and graduate students registered in other programs
of the University for clinical and other educational placements in the Hospital.

1.4.2 The Hospital and the University agree that clinical education and training of students in the
Hospital including the required clinical facilities, staff and equipment, shall comply with the
standards laid down by the relevant professional associations, accreditation bodies and

1.4.3 The University agrees:

(1) to assign students to the Hospital who have met University's program requirements and who have
met all Hospital requirements as communicated to the University;

(2) to establish clinical and academic goals and objectives for the placements in accordance with
University policies;

(3) to designate coordinators in each Department or School or program who will be responsible for
coordinating placements with a Hospital coordinator;

(4) through its coordinators, to advise the Hospital coordinator(s) of the clinical and academic
requirements for a particular placement session. This will ordinarily include the number of students
requiring placement, the required areas of clinical (or other) experience or practice; the amount of
time required in a particular area; specific dates for the placements; rotation needs for students
within an area (if applicable); course curriculum and/or objectives and other relevant academic
policies of the University; preceptor guidelines and evaluation tools.
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(5) to advise the Hospital as early as possible in advance of a scheduled placement, of any additions
or changes related to student clinical requirements;

(6) through its coordinators, to confirm with the Hospital coordinator before the commencement of a
placement. the type and extent of involvement of Hospital staff in the instruction, guidance,
training and evaluation of the students during the placement at the Hospital;

(7) that if University faculty are not on-site with the students, its coordinators will be available
throughout the placement period to provide academic and other assistance and advice to the
Hospital regarding the learning objectives and requirements, and work with the Hospital
coordinator to resolve any problems that arise during a placement;

(8) that if University faculty will be on-site with the students, it will provide the relevant Hospital
coordinator with the names of those faculty;

(9) that in cases where University faculty are on-site with the students during all or part of the
placement term, the University and the Hospital have a shared responsibility for taking necessary
measures to ensure that there is appropriate supervision of the students' activities by qualified
clinical personnel throughout the placement term.

1.4.4 The Hospital agrees:

(1) to designate coordinators who will be responsible for coordinating placements with the University

(2) that in cooperation with the University coordinator, to determine the number of students for which
clinical or other experience and necessary facilities can be provided, the desirable staff-patient
ratio, and the number of students that can be assigned to specific clinical areas;

(3) to advise the University coordinator before the commencement of a placement if educational
objectives cannot be met by the Hospital;

(4) to advise the University as early as possible in advance of a scheduled placement, of any
placement cancellations or changes;

(5) to participate in the selection of clinical assignments as appropriate;

(6) to the extent and in the manner agreed to by the University and Hospital coordinators prior to the
commencement of a placement, to provide practice and observational experiences, and
instruction, training and guidance for the students by Hospital staff qualified in the discipline in
which the student is training, to meet the objectives of a particular placement and to provide such
performance evaluations and assessments as required for a particular program;

(7) to ensure that there is on-site supervision of students' clinical activities by qualified Hospital staff if
University faculty are not on-site with the students during the placement;

(8) that in cases where University faculty are on-site with the students during all or part of the
placement term, the University and Hospital have a shared responsibility for taking necessary
measures to ensure that there is appropriate supervision of the students' activities by qualified
clinical personnel throughout the placement term;

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(9) to provide opportunities for clinical instruction that are sufficient in extent and variety to meet the
objectives of a particular placement in those situations where University instructors are instructing
the students at the Hospital.


2.1 Program Planning

While recognizing its own authority and responsibility for the content and quality of the programs in
which it places its students, the University notes the essential role of various Hospital staff in the
presentation of clinical and practical experiences and programs of instruction to student. Thus, the
University will involve the appropriate Hospital representatives in the planning of the programs and
experiences to be offered to students to the extent of their involvement in those programs and

In like manner, the Hospital will invite the appropriate University representatives to participate in and
contribute to discussions and processes in the Hospital that will affect directly or indirectly the
teaching programs of the University and/or the practical experiences offered to students.

2.2 Quality Control

In order to assess the quality of and maintain the highest standards in its teaching programs. the
University employs a variety of evaluative tools. Foremost among these is the review process -
using either internal or external reviewers as deemed appropriate.

Some reviews are mandated by external organizations such as accreditation bodies, while others are
initiated from within the University. In addition, students are asked regularly to evaluate the
performance of teaching staff following a particular course, part of a course or practical experience.
Chairs and Deans also review annually the performance of academic staff in all areas of staff
responsibilities including teaching.

The Hospital recognizes the importance of these and other measures to the mission of the
University, notes that they also bear upon the success of the Hospital in achieving its own goals,
and will support and assist the University in its efforts to maintain the quality of its teaching

2.3 Accreditation

The parties will inform each other of the decisions of all accreditation authorities which could
affect the teaching programs conducted at the Hospital.


3.1 All appropriate departments and programs in the Hospital will be available for teaching purposes in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement. However, if the Hospital decides for clinical or resource
reasons to exclude a department or program, it will give the University advance notice of such
exclusion and, if such exclusion may affect medical training at the Hospital, the parties will seek to
minimize the impact on such programs by proceeding in accordance with section 2(a) (iii) of this

3.2 Clinical Teaching Services, Facilities and Resources

The University and the Hospital accept the requirements issued by the RCPSC and CFPC regarding
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the organization of clinical services and other resources used for teaching residents and the
requirements of the LCME regarding the clinical resources required for undergraduate medical
teaching in the Hospital. In the case of students in other programs, the University and Hospital
coordinators will agree upon the clinical facilities and other Hospital resources that will be available
for teaching purposes.

The Hospital and University agree that any Hospital physician who directly or indirectly supervises or
oversees the teaching of students enrolled in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, or makes
academic decisions with respect to those students, must have a faculty appointment at the

3.3 Availability of Patients

3.3.1 The Hospital will make available for teaching all of its patients, both in-patients and ambulatory
patients, subject only to such restrictions as are imposed by the Hospital staff for clinical reasons
and by the patients themselves.

3.3.2 The Hospital will use its best efforts to provide the necessary mix of patients to meet the
educational needs of the students for clinical training and experience. As soon as the Hospital
ascertains that it will not be able to meet students' needs in any program or area, it will advise the
appropriate University coordinator so that alternate arrangements may be made for the students.
Whenever possible, the Hospital will give the appropriate University representative twelve months’
notice of its inability to provide the mix of patients required by the University.

3.4 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services

The Hospital will provide space and facilities for laboratory instruction with technology appropriate to
the said services in which students are to receive clinical instruction and such space and facilities
may be used by the teachers for clinical instruction as previously approved by the Hospital.

3.5 Facilities for Clinical Teachers

The Hospital will make available to all Hospital and University staff who carry out prescribed and
agreed duties at the Hospital under this Agreement, such offices, examining rooms and other space,
where available, as may be required to carry out such duties.

3.6 Facilities for Students

The Hospital will endeavour to make available to the University such facilities as may be required by
the University to support and adequately accommodate the delivery of the University curriculum and
extra-curricular student activities. The Hospital will establish a process for University personnel to
access or reserve needed facilities. See also section 2(b) (vii) and (viii) of the Agreement.

Such facilities include:

- examining rooms
- lecture halls
- conference rooms (multi-media equipped)
- small group rooms
- administrative offices
- closet/storage/locker space
- learner workstations (with computers/access to printing, photocopying)
- on-calls rooms (with shower facilities, locker space)
- learner lounge (with sink, fridge, microwave)

Students shall have access to the Hospital's cafeteria and library facilities and parking
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accommodations at times which are commensurate with the hours they are expected to fulfill as
part of their academic/clinical obligations.

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The University and the Hospital shall establish a HDGH\University joint research committee to look into
research issues that involve both institutions and make recommendations to both institutions on the
appropriate manner in which to manage those issues. Any agreed processes relating to such research
may be set out in a revised Appendix 3.

The Committee shall be composed of six (6) members as follows:

Representing the University:

Dean of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry or designate
Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences or designate
One member appointed by the Vice-President (Research)

Representing the Hospital:

Chair of the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital Research Ethics Board
Coordinator of the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital Research Ethics Board
One member nominated by the President and Chief Executive Officer, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital

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