Application of Marine Collagen For Stem Cell Based - Chao Liu

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MEDICINE International 1: 6, 2021

Application of marine collagen for stem‑cell‑based

therapy and tissue regeneration (Review)

Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, P.R. China

Received April 22, 2021; Accepted June 22, 2021

DOI: 10.3892/mi.2021.5

Abstract. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine is for the application of marine collagen in the area of regenera‑
becoming an important component in modern biological tive medicine are provided.
scientific research. Tissue engineering, a branch of regen‑
erative medicine, is a field that is actively developing to meet
the challenges presented in biomedical applications. This Contents
particularly applies to the research area of stem cells and
biomaterials, due to both being pivotal determinants for the 1. Introduction
successful restoration or regeneration of damaged tissues 2. Basic characteristics of marine collagen
and organs. Recently, the development of innovative marine 3. Marine collagen and cartilage regeneration
collagen‑based biomaterials has attracted attention due to 4. Marine collagen and bone regeneration
the reported environmentally friendly properties, the lack of 5. Marine collagen and periodontal regeneration
zoonotic disease transmission, biocompatibility, bioactivity, 6. Marine collagen and corneal regeneration
the lack of ethics‑related concerns and cost‑effectiveness for 7. Marine collagen and neural regeneration
manufacturing. The present review aimed to summarize the 8. Marine collagen and oral mucosa regeneration
potential application and function of marine collagen in stem 9. Marine collagen and their immunomodulatory properties
cell research in a medical and clinical setting. In addition, in mesenchymal stem cells
the present review cited recent studies regarding the latest 10. Marine collagen and skin regeneration: Implications for
research advances into using marine collagen for cartilage, wound dressing
bone, periodontal and corneal regeneration. It also charac‑ 11. Mechanism of marine collagen in tissue regeneration
terized the distinct advantages of using marine collagen for 12. Conclusions and future perspectives
stem cell‑based tissue repair and regeneration. In addition, the
present review comprehensively discussed the most up to date
information on stem cell biology, particularly the possibility 1. Introduction
of treating stem cells with marine collagen to maximize their
multi‑directional differentiation capability, which highlights Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine is a rapidly
the potential use of marine collagen in regenerative medi‑ evolving interdisciplinary field that integrates material
cine. Furthermore, recent research progress on the potential science, bioengineering, medicine, cell biology, pharmacology
immunomodulatory capacity of mesenchymal stem cells and chemistry with the aim of regenerating compromised
following treatment with marine collagen to improve the tissues and organs (1,2). The most widely accepted concept of
understanding of cell‑matrix interactions was investigated. tissue engineering and regenerative medicine involves three
Finally, perspectives on the possible future research directions main components: i) The development of functional and
biocompatible scaffolds; ii) the selection of suitable stem cells;
and iii) the induction of specific signaling pathways to repair
or regenerate specific tissues or organs (3). Biomaterials are
essential components for the development of scaffolds. The
Correspondence to: Dr Chao Liu, Shanghai Ninth People's application of suitable biomaterials can improve stem cell
Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, adhesion, migration, proliferation and differentiation, which
639 Zhizaoju Road, Shanghai 200011, P.R. China may promote their ability to restore and regenerate damaged
E‑mail: [email protected] tissues or organs (4). Stem cells are normally maintained in
an undifferentiated state; however, they possess self‑renewing,
Key words: fish collagen, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, proliferative and multidirectional differentiation capacities,
stem cells, biomaterial, cartilage regeneration, bone regeneration, such that their offspring or daughter cells can develop into
periodontal regeneration, corneal regeneration, immunomodulatory various lineages or cell types. These distinctive characteristics
render stem cells an ideal candidate for use in regenerating
injured tissues or organs (2,5). Stem cells can be divided into

different categories in a manner that is dependent on their origin Table II lists studies that investigated stem cell proliferation
and the differentiation signals they receive. Embryonic stem and differentiation. Finally, Table III demonstrates the poten‑
cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are consid‑ tial benefits and limitations of using marine collagen.
ered to be pluripotent, meaning that they can differentiate into
any cell type in all three germ layers, namely the ectoderm, 2. Basic characteristics of marine collagen
endoderm or mesoderm (5). By contrast, mesenchymal stem
cells and hematopoietic stem cells are multipotent cells that There are ≥28 types of collagen in marine organisms (20).
can differentiate into any cell type only within a specific germ Type I collagen is the most abundant type of collagen and can be
layer (5). In addition, mesenchymal stem cells possess immu‑ found in fish scales, skin and bone, whilst type II collagen can
noregulatory functions. be found in the fish bone cartilage (21). Marine collagens exhibit
Among all naturally occurring polymers, collagen is one a greater bioavailability and absorption efficiency in the body
of the most extensively studied and applied in the clinical compared with mammal‑derived collagen, such as bovine and
settings. Collagen accounts for ~1/3 of all proteins in an animal porcine collagen (22). However, there are some disadvantages
and is the major constituent of the extracellular matrix in associated with the use of fish collagen, including higher rates
connective tissues, including skin, bones, cartilage, ligaments of degradation, lower mechanical strength, low denaturation
and tendons (6). Collagen provides basic structural support to temperature and lower biomechanical stiffness (23). In addi‑
organs in all higher animals by contributing strength, elasticity tion, the thermal and structural stability of marine collagen are
and firmness, which are indispensable for effective tissue lower compared with those of mammalian collagen, which can
repair, regeneration and mobility mediated by intracellular be mainly ascribed to the lower proline and hydroxyproline
mechanochemical signaling networks (7). Primary biomedical content in marine collagen (24). Compared with mammalian
applications involving the use of collagen include biomaterial collagen, marine collagens are more readily hydrolyzed
development, tissue engineering, absorbable surgical suture, by proteases (24). Since the mechanical property of marine
hemostatic agents and burn/wound cover dressings (8). Due to collagen is the primary determinant of its biological activity,
the ethical or dietary implications in a social setting and the the lower mechanical strength and denaturation temperature
risk of animal disease transmission, such as bovine spongiform of marine collagen results in the easier dissolution of collagen
encephalopathy and foot‑and‑mouth disease, the scientific fibrils in physiological environments. This remains an obstacle
community is exploring the development of marine collagen for the biomedical application of marine collagen.
as the substitute for mammalian collagen (9,10). Another Pepsin or acid extraction procedures are usually used for
important reason for the preference of using marine collagen collagen extraction. During pepsin extraction, the enzyme
is that ~75% of total fish weight is comprised of collagen (11), pepsin is used to cleave specific targets, such as the cross‑
suggesting that there is an abundance of this type of collagen. link‑containing telopeptides, which can enhance solubility and
On average, ~3/4 of a fish, including the skin, fins, the skeletal subsequent yield of collagen. The final product obtained using
system and head are discarded during fish processing (12). The the pepsin extraction procedure is referred to as pepsin‑soluble
disposal of byproducts from fish processing can be economi‑ collagen. By contrast, hydrochloric or acetic acid can solubi‑
cally burdensome and may pose a threat to environmental lize the collagen chains to improve the output capacity of the
sustainability, since they are commonly dumped back into the extraction procedure (8). The final product of acid extraction is
ocean or disposed of at a landfill (13). Marine byproducts are referred to as acid‑soluble collagen (8).
important sources of valuable inorganic and organic materials
which have potential for various industrial uses, such as in 3. Marine collagen and cartilage regeneration
nutraceuticals, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The possible
applications of marine collagen include, but are not limited Cartilage defects are difficult to repair by themselves due to
to, tissue engineering, wound dressing, cosmetics and drug their avascular nature. The transplantation of mesenchymal
delivery (12,14,15). A number of studies have previously stem cells is a favorable approach due to their high proliferative
found that hydrolyzed fish collagen exhibits biologically active activity and their capacity to differentiate into chondrocytes,
characteristics, including anti‑oxidative, immunomodulatory, which are responsible for cartilage synthesis and mainte‑
anti‑bacterial, anti‑inflammatory and angiotensin‑converting nance (25). Numerous scaffolds that consist of synthetic and
enzyme inhibitory properties (16‑19). Therefore, the adequate natural matrices have been applied either alone or with cells
application of fish collagen can not only limit the quantity of for the repair of cartilage defects. Natural, biodegradable scaf‑
biowaste to protect the environment, but can also increase the folds are mainly comprised of collagen, silk, agarose, chitosan,
economic value of fish byproducts. hyaluronic acid, alginate and gelatin. Natural polymers, such
The present review aimed to summarize the potential for as fibrin and collagen, confer high levels of biocompatibility
the application of marine collagen in the field of tissue engi‑ and can promote cell adhesion without incurring immune
neering and regenerative medicine. It focused on the recent responses (26). In particular, marine collagen has been widely
research advances made in cartilage, bone, periodontal and used for chondrogenic differentiation in the field of cartilage
corneal regeneration by using fish collagen. In particular, regeneration. The influence of hydrolyzed fish collagen on
knowledge on the mechanisms underlying the regulation of the chondrogenesis of equine adipose‑derived stromal cells
stem cell physiology by marine collagen was summarized (ADSCs) has been previously investigated. In a previous
and highlighted. In addition, Tables I‑III summarize the main study, hydrolyzed fish collagen was obtained from the skin
content of the present review. Table I lists the application of of ocean fish (pollock, cod and haddock) (27). These types
marine collagen that has been previously reported/studied. of fish collagen mainly consist of α1 and α2 chains arranged
MEDICINE International 1: 6, 2021 3

Table I. List of potential applications of marine collagen that have been reported/studied.

Collagen source Field of research (Refs.)

Fish skin (pollock cod and haddock) Cartilage regeneration (27)

Jelly fish (Rhopilema esculentum and Rhizostoma pulmo) Cartilage regeneration (28‑30)
Chub skin (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Cartilage regeneration (31)
Blue Shark skin (Prionace glauca) Cartilage regeneration (32)
Tilapia scale Cartilage regeneration (33)
Tilapia scale Bone regeneration (39,40)
Tilapia skin Bone regeneration (41)
Atlantic salmon skin Bone regeneration (43,44)
Blue shark skin (Prionace glauca) Bone regeneration (47)
Mahi mahi fish bone(Coryphaena hippurus) Bone regeneration (48)
Salmon skin Periodontal regeneration (55,56)
Fish scale (Lates calcarifer) Corneal regeneration (60)
Tilapia fish scale (Oreochromis niloticas) Corneal regeneration (59)
Tilapia skin Neural regeneration (63)

Table II. List of studies that investigated stem cell proliferation or differentiation.

Stem cell types Proliferation or differentiation (Refs.)

Equine adipose tissue‑derived stromal cells Chondrogenic differentiation (27)

Human mesenchymal stem cells Chondrogenic differentiation (28,29)
Human mesenchymal stem cells Osteogenic differentiation (39,40)
Mouse bone marrow‑derived mesenchymal stem cells Osteogenic differentiation (41)
Rat bone marrow‑derived stem cells Proliferation (31)
Human adipose stem cells Proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation (32)
Human mesenchymal stem cells Proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation (33)
Human mesenchymal stem cells Proliferation and osteogenic differentiation (43)
Rat mesenchymal stem cells Proliferation, osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation (44)
Mouse bone marrow‑derived mesenchymal stem cell Proliferation and osteogenic differentiation (47,48)
Human periodontal ligament fibroblasts Proliferation and osteogenic differentiation (55)

in a 2:1 ratio. The results of that study demonstrated that the repair. This hybrid construct was found to uphold human
extent of chondrogenic differentiation induced by hydrolyzed mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenic differentiation and equip
fish collagen was comparable to that induced by TGF‑ β1, more stable constructs compared with pure hydrogels (29).
suggesting that hydrolyzed fish collagen alone can induce the Recently, a novel therapeutic implant for cartilage repair was
chondrogenic differentiation of equine ADSCs (27). developed by combining Rhizostoma Pulmo jellyfish type II
Other studies instead have focused on collagen derived collagen, TGF‑β3 and human bone marrow‑derived mesen‑
from jellyfish, which is an important component of the marine chymal stem cell (30). Reverse transcription‑quantitative PCR
ecosystem. For example, collagen isolated from cured jellyfish and histological staining using Safranin‑O/Fast Green, Alcian
Rhopilema esculentum by pepsin digestion has been reported Blue and Alizarin Red staining suggested that the jellyfish
to induce the chondrogenic differentiation of human mesen‑ type II collagen‑containing implant induced chondrogenesis
chymal stem cells (MSCs) (28). This was confirmed by the in human MSCs (30).
observed increased mRNA expression of collagen II, SRY‑box In addition to jellyfish, the skin of silver carp and blue
transcription factor 9 (SOX9) and aggrecan along with a shark in addition to tilapia scale, are other potential sources
significantly increased sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) of collagen. Wang et al (31) prepared a nanocomposite film
deposition in the jellyfish collagen scaffolds after 21 days consisting of regenerated fish collagen extracted from the
of cultivation (28). Another previous study investigated the skin of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, single‑wall carbon
potential of using hybrid scaffolds based on marine bioma‑ nanotube‑COOHs and TGF‑β1. The biocompatibility of these
terials, namely hydrogel alginate combined with jellyfish nanocomposite films was examined in vitro using Sprague
collagen from Rhopilema esculentum, for articular cartilage Dawley rat bone marrow‑derived stem cells, and the results

Table III. Benefits and limitations of fish collagen application.

Benefits of fish collagen application Limitations of fish collagen application

No ethical or dietary prohibitions Higher degradation

No transmission of land animal disease Lower mechanical strength
Reduction in the quantity of marine waste Lower denaturation temperature
Reduction of environmental pollution
Increase in the economic value of fish byproducts
High bioavailability
High absorption efficiency

indicated that the nanocomposite films could promote cell composites of any those aforementioned (35). Among these,
proliferation (31). In another recent study, the capability of fish collagen has been attracting substantial research interest
blue shark (Prionace glauca) skin collagen to induce the as an adequate alternative to mammalian collagen for bone
chondrogenic differentiation of human adipose stem cells was tissue engineering (36‑38). Tilapia is an important farmed
investigated (32). The early chondrogenesis of human adipose freshwater species of fish that has become one of the most
stem cells treated with the shark collagen‑based constructs popular sources of collagen for bone tissue engineering. The
was observed, which was corroborated by the markedly impact of tilapia fish scale collagen fibril formation on the
upregulated gene expression levels of chondrogenic markers, osteoblastic differentiation ability of human MSCs has previ‑
SOX9 and collagen II (32). The authors suggested that the ously been investigated (39). In that previous study, human
Prionace glauca skin collagen itself may induce chondrogen‑ MSCs were found to easily adhere to tilapia scale collagen,
esis at an early stage, although further exogenous stimulation which significantly advanced early‑stage osteoblastic differen‑
may be required to sustain the phenotype (32). This suggests tiation in human MSCs (39). The levels of osteogenic‑related
that Prionace glauca skin collagen may serve as an important markers, such as alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, bone
component of highly effective matrices used for cartilage morphogenetic protein 2 and osteopontin, were all revealed
regeneration (32). to be significantly upregulated when the human MSCs were
Apart from the aforementioned sources of marine collagen, cultured on the tilapia fish collagen surface, particularly
tilapia scale can also be an excellent source of collagen. The during the initial phase of osteogenesis (39). Recently,
chondrogenic differentiation ability of human MSCs cultured three‑dimensional tilapia scale collagen scaffolds have been
with tilapia scale collagen fibrils was previously examined (33). produced using a microbial transglutaminase (mTGase)
Human MSCs treated with tilapia scale collagen exhibited a cross‑linking method (40). Human MSCs in this scaffold had
higher GAG expression and stronger Safranin O staining (33). increased osteopontin expression levels and higher alkaline
Furthermore, SOX9 expression at an earlier phase on day 4, phosphatase activity compared with those in human MSCs
and higher aggrecan and collagen II expression levels were in other scaffolds (40). The tilapia scale collagen scaffold
observed in human MSCs cultured with tilapia collagen (33). crosslinked by mTGase exerted a more prominent effect on
Therefore, it is reasonable to hypothesize that tilapia scale may the osteogenesis process, suggesting that this combination of
provide another applicable source of collagen for the chondro‑ tilapia scale collagen and mTGase may be potentially used for
genic differentiation of human MSCs (33). bone tissue engineering (40). In addition, type I collagen has
been previously extracted from tilapia fish skin and incorpo‑
4. Marine collagen and bone regeneration rated into natural bone‑like three‑dimensional‑matrices. The
effect of this matrix on bone homeostasis was assessed using
Over the past decades, bone tissue engineering has become a mouse bone marrow‑derived MSCs. After 14 days, a higher
promising strategy for the treatment of bone‑related disorders, cell differentiation rate was observed in the mouse bone
including osteoporosis and bone defects. The aim of bone marrow‑derived MSCs cultured on the fish collagen‑based
tissue engineering is to promote bone regeneration through matrix, where their cellular calcium levels progressively
the coordinated integration of stem cells, biomaterials and increased with increasing culture duration (41).
bone‑inducing factors. Effective stem cell‑based bone tissue Salmon is a highly valued species of fish that has been
engineering requires a combination of inducers, sufficient more extensively studied compared with other fish species (42).
mesenchymal progenitors with osteogenic properties and It is also one of the most important sources of collagen. In
biocompatible materials to drive osteogenic differentia‑ a previous study, soluble type I‑like collagen collected from
tion (34). Atlantic salmon skin was used to construct porous scaffolds
Biomaterials serve as the basic component of scaffolds before cytocompatibility evaluation was performed using
in bone tissue engineering. Typical bone biomaterials that human MSCs. Human MSCs were able to adhere to these
have been used as scaffolds for bone tissue engineering scaffolds, where the cell number raised during treatment (43).
include natural/synthetic polymers, bioactive ceramics, decel‑ Furthermore, the osteogenic differentiation of these MSCs
lularized extracellular matrices, biodegradable metals or was confirmed based on the results of ALP activity assay (43).
MEDICINE International 1: 6, 2021 5

Raftery et al (44) previously investigated whether salmon skin salmon collagen gel were then examined (55). The growth
collagen can serve as a substitute for bovine tendon collagen rate was found to be higher when these cells were cultured on
for tissue engineering applications. Primary rat MSCs were the salmon collagen gel compared with that in cells cultured
used in that study, where this type salmon skin collagen was on the porcine collagen gel (55). In addition, the HPdLFs
found to be comparable to mammalian collagen (44). cultured on the salmon collagen gel exhibited a higher ALP
The blue shark (Prionace glauca) exhibits the widest distri‑ activity than those cultured on the porcine collagen gel,
bution range and is the most abundant species of shark that is and a higher mRNA expression of ALP, collagen type I and
hunted by fisheries (45). Collagen from the blue shark has also osteocalcin was also observed (55). In another study that
been assessed for the fabrication of biomaterials owing to its assessed the performance of a scaffold based on the salmon
bioactivity and mechanical properties (46). Recently, collagen collagen‑coated ePTFE, it was found that the outgrown
was extracted from blue shark skin before its biochemical and cells penetrated the coated mesh fiber networks and formed
osteogenic properties were examined. The proliferation rate complex multicellular layers (56). Moreover, an elevated
of the differentiated mouse bone marrow‑derived MSCs was ALP activity in response to osteogenesis induction was
increased in a dose‑dependent manner in the collagen‑treated observed. In vitro mineralization was markedly increased
groups. In addition, higher mRNA and protein expression levels in the primary tissue segment regions, along with some
of osteogenic markers were observed in the collagen‑treated micro‑mineral deposits formed on the coated‑fiber networks.
groups, suggesting that the collagen extracted from blue shark These findings suggest that the complex three‑dimensional
skin possesses good osteogenic and biochemical properties mesh consisting of salmon collagen‑coated fibers consider‑
and may serve as a good candidate for biological applica‑ ably enhanced the osteogenesis of human periosteal sheets
tions (47). and biological mineralization (56).
In addition to the collagen that can be extracted from
tilapia, salmon and blue sharks, other fish collagen has also 6. Marine collagen and corneal regeneration
been used in the biomaterial field for bone tissue engineering.
For example, hydrolyzed collagen has been prepared directly In total, 10 million individuals worldwide are affected
from Mahi mahi fish (Coryphaena hippurus) bones before by corneal‑related blindness (57). Full or partial corneal
its osteogenic capacity was investigated using mouse bone transplantation is typically the only effective treatment to
marrow‑derived MSCs (48). The results of that previous restore vision. The limited availability of corneal tissues
study revealed that the expression of osteogenesis markers in due to donor shortages has inspired researchers to search
mouse bone marrow‑derived MSCs, namely ALP, collagen for an alternative treatment to transplantation. It has been
and osteocalcin, were significantly increased upon hydrolyzed previously reported that the following three aspects can
Mahi mahi fish collagen treatment (48). This indicated that influence the regeneration of damaged tissues in limbal
hydrolyzed fish collagen possesses excellent osteogenic effects tissue engineering: Bioactive scaffolds, cell availability
and may be a useful biomaterial for bone regeneration (48). and suitable growth factors, similar to other tissues (58).
Among the bioactive scaffolds, collagen matrices, amniotic
5. Marine collagen and periodontal regeneration membranes and hydrogels, along with natural polymers,
have been previously studied (58). Since the human corneal
Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that stroma is rich in type I collagen, collagen has been postu‑
can lead to the disconnection of periodontal ligament‑like lated to be an ideal material for corneal scaffolds (59). One
tissues, irreversible periodontal complex destruction, and the important source of collagen is fish scales, whereby scales
subsequent loss of barrier function and teeth (49). In recent of tilapia cultured under controlled conditions mainly
years, regenerative strategies that can facilitate periodontal consist of type I collagen that align in a manner identical to
tissue repair have been investigated. This approach was that observed in human corneas (59). As a result, this type
focused on the combination of biomaterials, growth factors of fish scale collagen may offer a viable and economical
and stem cells to attain periodontal regeneration (50). As substitute that can facilitate corneal regeneration (59). In a
such, biomaterials can provide templates to facilitate the previous study, a scaffold with collagen was collected from
regeneration of periodontal tissues. Numerous types of bioma‑ the fish scales of Lates calcarifer for corneal tissue engi‑
terials, such as synthetic organic materials (examples include neering before its physiological, mechanical and cultural
poly‑lactic‑co‑glycolic acid and poly‑lactic acid) and natural characteristics in a scaffold were evaluated following
organic materials (examples include collagen, silk fibroin, co‑culture with corneal cells (60). The cultured corneal
chitosan and alginate), have been extensively investigated for cells were examined by reverse transcription‑quantitative
the possibility of periodontal regeneration (51). PCR for putative stem cell markers. The results of that study
Due to the reduced risk of zoonotic disease transmission confirmed that the cultured cells were of the limbal pheno‑
and the readily available reservoir of industrial fish waste type. Moreover, corneal cell differentiation was confirmed
from which collagen can be extracted, fish collagen has by the expression of marker genes, including keratin 3 and
attracted attention over the years for use in the production keratin 12 (60). In another previous study, to investigate
of tissue‑engineered biomaterials for periodontal regenera‑ whether fish scale‑derived collagen matrices (FSCM)
tion (52‑54). A previous study produced a crosslinked collagen can meet the required standard to be a component of the
gel with acid‑soluble collagen that was obtained from salmon reconstructed cornea, collagen matrices were prepared
skin. The growth rate and differentiation capacity of human from tilapia fish scales (Oreochromis niloticas) (59). This
periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPdLFs) cultured on this fish scale‑derived collagen matrix was used to grow corneal

epithelial and stromal cells. No cytotoxicity was observed responses can lead to the development of chronic wounds and
and primary human corneal epithelial cells cultured on the failure of tissue regeneration (65). In addition, the immune
fish scale‑derived collagen matrix stained positive for cyto‑ response during tissue regeneration is dependent on the
keratin 3/12 and the stem cell marker p63, suggesting that subclass of macrophages activated. M 2‑type macrophages
the correct phenotype of primary human corneal epithelial are helpful for wound healing, whilst the pro‑inflammatory
cells was obtained following culture on this FSCM (59). M1‑type of macrophages exasperate tissue damage (66). The
induction of macrophage subtype polarization from M1 to
7. Marine collagen and neural regeneration M 2 has been found to be an effective treatment method in
tissue engineering and regenerative medicine by alleviating
Neural tissue engineering is primarily focused on applying the excessive inflammatory response (67,68). By contrast,
novel methods to recover functions in the nervous system. the immunoregulatory function of MSCs has emerged as a
A biomaterial is a key component of the final complex used unique research hotspot and direction of clinical application.
for neural tissue engineering, which has become crucial not Along with their immunophenotype differentiation potential,
only for the research of disease pathogenesis, but also for multipotent mesenchymal stromal/stem cells display distinct
its potential application for tissue engineering (61). Various immunomodulatory paracrine properties. Mesenchymal
biomaterials, including collagen, have been applied in stromal/stem cells can inhibit the function of various types
neural tissue engineering (62). Recently, marine collagen has of mature immune cells through both secretory and cell‑cell
attracted attention in the field of neural tissue engineering contact mechanisms (69,70). For example, mesenchymal
due to its excellent reported bioactivity and biocompatibility. stem/stromal cells can modify immunological reactions
Iwashita et al (63) isolated tilapia skin collagen gels to investi‑ through T cell suppression and by causing a shift in macro‑
gate its applicability for stem cell culture, whilst also assessing phages from the M1 to M2 phenotype (71).
the influence of tilapia skin collagen gel stiffness on neural The immune system can be divided into two parts: The
differentiation. iPSCs were used in these experiments, where innate immune system and the adaptive immune system.
the results revealed that the neural characteristics acquired MSCs can interact extensively with cells that belong to
after 5 days of neural induction on a tilapia collagen gel at a both arms of the immune system. Specifically, in the innate
stiffness of 1,500 Pa switched to the lineage of dorsal forebrain immune system, MSCs can interact with macrophages,
neurons (63). These findings imply that tilapia collagen gel dendritic cells and natural killer (NK) cells. MSCs can not
can be used for the neural induction of pluripotent stem cells only exert immunosuppressive effects by inhibiting the
(PSCs) (63). generation of inflammatory cytokines, but can also promote
the production of anti‑inflammatory factors. In macrophages,
8. Marine collagen and oral mucosa regeneration MSCs can prevent polarization into the pro‑inflammatory
M1 phenotype, which can produce inflammatory media‑
In addition to cartilage, bone, periodontal, corneal and neural tors, including TNF‑α, IL‑6, IL‑1β and nitric oxide (72,73).
regeneration, marine collagen has also been considered for Additionally, MSCs can promote macrophage polarization
use in other areas of regenerative medicine. For example, into the anti‑inflammatory M2 phenotype, and these macro‑
recently, a fish scale collagen‑derived scaffold with various phages which produce anti‑inflammatory factors, such as
microstructure prototypes was constructed that mimicked the TGF‑β and IL‑10 (72,73). MSCs can also inhibit the function
dermal‑epidermal junction of the oral mucosa. Expression and maturation of dendritic cells by inhibiting the expression
of stem cell markers in oral keratinocytes was examined of maturation markers, including major histocompatibility
by immunohistochemistry. A fully differentiated, stratified complex (MHC)‑II CD86 (74). In NK cells, MSCs can
epithelial layer was demonstrated to be developed within suppress IL‑2‑induced proliferation and inhibit the cytotoxic
the scaffold, indicating that the micro‑structured fish scale activity of cytokines (75).
collagen scaffold can be used to produce tissue‑engineered In the adaptive or specialized immune system, there is a
oral mucosal equivalents for clinical application (64). dynamic association between MSCs and cells in the adaptive
immune system, such as T and B cells. MSCs can inhibit
9. Marine collagen and their immunomodulatory T cell proliferation and suppress the secretion of IFN‑γ by
properties in mesenchymal stem cells Th1 cells, whilst enhancing the secretion of IL‑4 by Th2
cells, which induces transformation from the Th1 to the Th2
The immune response is essential for fighting infections subtype (76,77). Using a co‑culture system of MSCs and B
and eliminating pathogens during the early stages of tissue cells, it was previously found that the differentiation of B cells
regeneration and wound healing. In particular, Toll‑like into plasma cells was suppressed by MSCs, which led to the
receptors belong to an important family of pattern recogni‑ decreased production level of IgG1 and IgM (78).
tion receptors that are involved in the immune response. Both stem cells and biomaterials can modulate the
They recognize signals from damaged extracellular matrix immune microenvironment during tissue regeneration. In
or necrotic tissues to activate tissue‑resident macrophages addition, biomaterials can also exert effects on the immu‑
and recruit other immune cells, including lymphocytes noregulatory property of MSCs. It has been found that
(such as B and T lymphocytes) and neutrophils. Neutrophils MSCs can sustain the expression of the key immunomodu‑
generate antibacterial substances and secrete inflammatory latory molecules, B7‑H3/CD276 and MHC, class I, E when
cytokines that support angiogenesis to facilitate the recovery subjected to osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic
of tissues. However, persistent and/or excessive inflammatory differentiation in vitro (79). Therefore, understanding the
MEDICINE International 1: 6, 2021 7

effects of biomaterials on the immunoregulatory properties Escherichia coli, in addition to enhancing cell proliferation
of MSCs is becoming an increasingly important question and angiogenesis in vitro. Furthermore, fish collagen‑based
to address (80,81). Recently, Liu and Sun (82) established dressing could enhance full‑thickness wound healing in a rat
a direct contact co‑culture model consisting of hydrolyzed model by promoting angiogenesis, collagen deposition and
fish collagen treated‑bone marrow‑derived MSCs and re‑epithelialization (89). Similarly, tilapia fish skin collagen
RAW264.7 macrophages. Hydrolyzed fish collagen‑induced (Oreochromis niloticus) was extracted to prepare a collagen
bone marrow‑derived MSCs were found to inhibit the hydrogel for the treatment of refractory wounds (90). Skin
expression and secretion of IL‑6 and IL‑1β, whilst increasing repair experiments and pathological analysis demonstrated
the levels of inflammatory zone 1 (FIZZ1) and CD206 in that this type of wound dressing based on fish collagen could
macrophages. Furthermore, hydrolyzed fish collagen‑treated significantly promote the healing of deep second‑degree burn
BMSCs also increased the secretion of TGF‑ β and IL‑10 wounds and the regeneration of skin appendages (90).
by macrophages. These observations were shown to be
mediated by the prostaglandin E2/prostaglandin receptor 11. Mechanism of marine collagen in tissue regeneration
EP4‑C/CCAAT‑enhancer‑binding protein axis. This
suggested that osteogenically differentiated MSCs treated The quality of collagen depends on its rheological, func‑
with hydrolyzed fish collagen retained their immunomodu‑ tional and biochemical properties, which is dependent on
latory properties (82). However, only a limited number of the manufacturing method applied and the original fish
studies, as those aforementioned, have examined the effects species (91). Furthermore, the bioactive potential of marine
of biomaterials on the immunoregulatory properties of collagen is profoundly influenced by its arrangement and
MSCs. Considering the probable immunomodulatory role of molecular composition, which is varied among the different
MSCs, further investigations are required to shed more light fish species. For example, the quantity of hydroxyproline
on the effects of marine collagen on the immunomodulatory content and amino acid composition in the marine collagen
property of MSCs. may depend on the body temperature and seasonal variations
of the fish species. By contrast, the molecular composition
10. Marine collagen and skin regeneration: Implications of marine collagen, including the amino acid composition
for wound dressing and arrangement, is different among collagens obtained by
different extraction methods. It has been reported that hydro‑
Skin plays a key role as the primary barrier for the body and lyzed fish collagen is an effective differentiation stimulant
protects it from the environment. During skin defects or when for the chondrogenic lineage, where its regulatory effects
a wound is created, appropriate wound dressing is required have been proposed to be mediated by its triple‑helical
to provisionally cover the wound area and accelerate wound structure (27). The triple helix in collagen is established to
healing (83). The ideal wound dressing should retain moisture, possess a GFOGER peptide sequence on its surface, which
absorb wound exudates and protect the damaged area from can interact with α10 β1, α11β1, α1β1, α 2 β1 and α1 integ‑
secondary infections. rins on the surfaces of cells to serve as a pseudo‑ligand for
The conventional paraffin gauze dressing is generally used mechanical signaling transduction (92). The effect of marine
for clinic settings. However, some inherent disadvantages collagen is also dependent on its composition. For example,
exist, such as low water absorption. This frequently leads to Sewing et al (93) proposed that due to the homo‑trimeric
excess exudate leakage, which hinders the wound healing composition of collagen from jellyfish, this collagen closely
process and increases the risk of infection. In recent years, resembled that of vertebrate collagen type II, rendering
fish collagen had been increasingly used for wound dressing this type of jelly fish collagen suitable for the cultivation of
applications due to their low antigenicity, biodegradability and chondrocytes. It has also been suggested that certain amino
biocompatibility (84‑86). Recently, collagen extracted from acids, including glycine, alanine, glutamine and asparagine
Hypophthalmichthys nobilis skin has been used to serve as the of collagen can specifically trigger osteogenesis through
main component for wound dressing, which has been found to the activation of the focal adhesion kinase/JNK signaling
have good swelling properties in in vitro settings and exhibits pathway and runt‑related transcription factors in bone
antioxidant activity (87). In addition, this type of wound marrow‑derived MSCs (94). The low content of hydroxyl
dressing does not cause erythrocyte hemolysis and sufficiently groups in salmon collagen leads to higher hydrophobicity,
supports cell proliferation (87). which repels water. Therefore, it is reasonable to suggest
In another previous study, collagen sponges were prepared that the hydrophobicity of salmon collagen would affect
from type I collagen isolated from the skin of freshwater its ability to attach to cells and would also affect cell
fish. By combining with rifampin, a fish collagen‑based morphology. In addition, the amino acid sequence of the
wound dressing was produced. This type of wound dressing collagen peptide can also influence cell attachment and
demonstrated good mechanical properties and exhibited adhesion (55). The interconnective micro‑porous structures
desirable biocompatibility, since the cells penetrated into of marine based collagen can affect the direction of stem
the sponge and virtually no signs of local irritation were cell differentiation (32). Furthermore, the mechanical
observed (88). Recently, collagen from the fish scale of performance of marine collagen has been recognized
Larimichthys crocea was extracted and a hybrid hydrogel to regulate cell morphology and intracellular functions.
based on this collagen was developed for wound healing (89). Nagai et al (55) indicated that the high mechanical strength
This hybrid hydrogel was found to be effective against bacte‑ of salmon collagen may impact on the proliferation and
rial infection by species, including Staphylococcus aureus and ALP activities of HPdLFs (55). In addition, early osteogenic

induction may be facilitated by the increased rates of fibril Competing interests

formation by tilapia scale collagen (39).
The author declares that he has no competing interests.
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