Milestones and Current Achievements in Development of Multif 2021 Bioactive

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Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

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Milestones and current achievements in development of multifunctional

bioscaffolds for medical application
Jagoda Litowczenko a, **, Marta J. Woźniak-Budych a, Katarzyna Staszak b,
Karolina Wieszczycka b, Stefan Jurga a, Bartosz Tylkowski c, *
NanoBioMedical Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Wszechnicy Piastowskiej 3, Poznan, Poland
Institute of Technology and Chemical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, ul. Berdychowo 4, Poznan, Poland
Eurecat, Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya, Chemical Technologies Unit, Marcel⋅lí Domingo s/n, Tarragona, 43007, Spain


Keywords: Tissue engineering (TE) is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field, which aims to restore or improve lost tissue
Innovative materials function. Despite that TE was introduced more than 20 years ago, innovative and more sophisticated trends and
Biomimetric materials technologies point to new challenges and development. Current challenges involve the demand for multifunc­
tional bioscaffolds which can stimulate tissue regrowth by biochemical curves, biomimetic patterns, active
Regenerative medicine
agents and proper cell types. For those purposes especially promising are carefully chosen primary cells or stem
cells due to its high proliferative and differentiation potential. This review summarized a variety of recently
reported advanced bioscaffolds which present new functions by combining polymers, nanomaterials, bioactive
agents and cells depending on its desired application. In particular necessity of study biomaterial-cell interactions
with in vitro cell culture models, and studies using animals with in vivo systems were discuss to permit the
analysis of full material biocompatibility. Although these bioscaffolds have shown a significant therapeutic effect
in nervous, cardiovascular and muscle, tissue engineering, there are still many remaining unsolved challenges for
scaffolds improvement.

1. Introduction composition influence on cell adhesion, proliferation, differentiation

and migration. There are multiple requirements for scaffolds usage in
Currently, one of the most intensively studied field of medicine is TE. Such scaffolds should be biocompatible, immunologically inert and
regenerative medicine (RM), it is a broad field about the potential and support the normal functioning of cells and tissues. The most important
ability to regenerate and replace damaged tissues and organs. Recently requirement of biomaterials for scaffold applications is biocompatibility
regenerative medicine has shown a number of promising results for the which refers to a wide range of effects that access possible clinical usage.
regeneration variety of tissues and organs including joints, bones, skin, The most intensively studied is material cytotoxicity which is deter­
cardiovascular and nervous system [1–8]. The main strategies of RM are mined by cell lysis leading to apoptosis or the inhibition of cell prolif­
i. cell therapies, that aim to injection of stem cells to induce direct eration. Scaffolds should exhibit a lack of cytotoxic effect toward cells,
regeneration and rebuild tissues and organs; ii. Immunomodulation which should be deeply investigated over a long period of time. Another
therapies which involve biologically active molecules which stimulate aspect of biocompatibility is also the absence of genotoxicity in partic­
tissues to regenerate; and iii. Tissue engineering. The tissue engineering ular DNA destruction, chromosomal aberrations and gene mutations
(TE) field is mainly based on applying scaffold for cell attachment and [10]. Carcinogenicity is another aspect of material biocompatibility that
growth by designing and fabricating three-dimensional cell-containing should be carefully investigated, especially according to tissue organi­
matrices that can be implanted into the body to disease treatment or zation field theory (TOFT). TOFT claiming that cancer arises from the
defect repair [9]. Analogous to the natural extracellular matrix topog­ deregulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) architecture. It is
raphy of scaffold regulate cell behavior. Scaffolds morphology and well-known that changes in native ECM micro/nano environment and

Peer review under responsibility of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Litowczenko), [email protected] (B. Tylkowski).
Received 13 November 2020; Received in revised form 23 December 2020; Accepted 7 January 2021
Available online 28 January 2021
2452-199X/© 2021 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
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J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

composition lead to local stiffening, tissue fibrosis which enhanced polymers are the most popular basal materials for scaffolds production
cancer development [11]. Therefore materials structure, architecture [13,14]. Those polymers can be categorized on two groups natural and
and composition should imitate the architecture of native ECM as more synthetic which can be divided into biodegradable and non-degradable.
precise as it’s possible to fully mimic target tissue environment. Usage of certain polymer type and its composition depends on the target
Furthermore, scaffolds should be immunologically inert or influence application. Table 1 compares the most popular polymers, their ad­
minimal immunological reaction. When biomaterial induce inflamma­ vantages, limitations and promising usage in different tissue engineering
tory response by inducing foreign body reaction, that can lead to fields. Natural biomaterials are often processed from either whole ECMs
rejection of the implant [12]. The degradation products also cannot or purified certain ECM components. Alternatively, pure ECM archi­
cause toxicity toward cells. It should be also considered while designing tecture and composition can be obtained by removing the cellular
natural biomaterials due to their possible bioactive degradation prod­ components from tissues by a process called decellularization of ECM.
ucts which can stimulate immunological response [12]. Therefore Many reports show the possibility of decellularization of tissues and
scaffolds for possible biomedical applications should be carefully even organs. Decellular scaffolds have no cells in structure and require
examinated in terms of their long-term toxicity which can be crucial for recellularization by proper cell type. Their clinical use has been docu­
their clinical trials. In vitro cell culture studies are valuable in investi­ mented for TE applications such as blood, cardiac valves and renal
gating the effects of biomaterial-cell interactions, while in vivo studies bladders. Nevertheless, these acellular constructs differ depending on
using animals permit the analysis of full material biocompatibility. the source and isolation method which is one of the main disadvantages.
There are numerous materials used to fabricate scaffolds, but The natural origin of that biomaterials is the potential danger of

Table 1
The most popular polymers for scaffolds fabrication, their main advantages and limitations and current potential application in different tissue engineering fields.

Natural polysaccharides chitosan biocompatibility, hemostatic activity, stiff, brittle, low mechanical resistance skin, nervous, bone, [17–23]
biodegradability, antibacterial activity, cartilage, cardiac, liver,
easily metabolized and muscle tissue
cellulose biocompatibility, bioactivity, good non-biodegradable skin, neural, bone, [24–28]
mechanical properties depending on the cardiovascular, muscle,
source tendons, cartilage
alginate biocompatibility, non-immunogenicity, limited strength, toughness, difficulty in skin, cartilage, bone, [20,
biodegradability, non-antigenicity, controlled gelation neural regeneration 29–34]
hyaluronic biocompatibility, biodegradability, easy poor mechanical properties, rapid neural, skin, [35–42]
acid chemical modification, bioactivity degradation regeneration
proteins collagen biocompatible, biodegradable, ECM poor mechanical properties, skin, cornea, dental, [41,
mimicking, poorly immunogenic, vascular, cartilage, bone 43–48]
bioactive regeneration
gelatin biocompatible, biodegradable, ECM poor mechanical properties, fast skin, bone, cartilage, [49–54]
mimicking, low immunogenic, enzymatic degradation, low solubility in adipose neural,
inexpensive, water-soluble, bioactive concentrated aqueous media regeneration
fibrin biocompatible, biodegradable, ECM rapid degradation rate, poor mechanical liver, retina, cartilage, [55–59]
mimicking, low immunogenic properties, expensive, risk of vascular, neural
contamination regeneration
silk fibroin biocompatibility, biodegradability, Weak, brittle as scaffolds. skin, vascular, bone, [60–65]
bioactivity, low immunogenic, high cartilage, tendon,
tensile strength, excellent mechanical cornea, hepatic, Neural
properties, water-based processing, low regenration
elastin biocompatibility, bioactivity, good Water-insoluble, difficult to manipulate skin, cartilage, [66–72]
biophysical and biomechanical in vitro, risk of contamination, risk of cardiovascular, tendon,
properties inflammation, difficulties in sourcing skin, liver regeneration
Synthetic Biodegradable PCL biocompatible, easy to modificate and poor cellular adhesion due to skin, bone, vascular [73–78]
fabricate, good organic solvent solubility, hydrophobicity, relatively slow
controllable degradation rate, degradation rate (2–4 years),
inexpensive, good mechanical
properties, thermoplastic
PLA biocompatibility, easy to modificate and lack of bioactivity, low cell adhesion, skin, bone, [79–85]
fabricate, obtained from renewable biological inertness, acid degradation by- cardiovascular, cartilage,
sources, products, risk of inflammation, low ligament, neural
porosity, low degradation rate (but faster regeneration
than PCL)
PGA biocompatible, bioresorbability, high fast degradation rate, acidic degradation bone, cartilage, ligament [86–91]
tensile strength, products, low solubility regeneration
Non- PDMS biocompatibility, easy to fabricate, non-bioactivity due to hydrophobicity, skin, bone, neural [92–96]
biodegradable flexible, thermo-tolerant, tunable non-biodegradable regeneration
hardness, good biostability, the high
solubility of oxygen in PDMS,
PPy electrical conductivity, easy to non-biodegradable, not easy to modify, neural cardiovascular, [97–104]
synthesized, environmental stability, low non-thermoplastic, water insoluble, liver regeneration
inflammatory response, mechanically rigid, brittle, possible long-
term toxicity, non-biodegradable
PVDF piezoelectric properties, high flexibility, hydrophobicity, insufficient bone, neural, bladder, [105–110]
non-toxicity, chemical and physical biocompatibility, non-bioactive, non- skeletal muscle
resistance biodegradable regeneration

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

infection which potentially can lead to donor-derived infection. How­ cells are mature cells derived directly from tissue or organ of interest
ever, the main limitation is necessity for chemical usage during isolation without viral transfections and any modifications, representing a better
and complicated preparation process. This can potentially trigger high physiological model than cell lines [15]. These cells can be isolated from
immune response and inflammation [15,16]. certain patients, cultivated in vitro on the scaffold and then transplanted
Natural polymers can be classified as polysaccharides (chitosan, in the target place of the host body. Primary cell transplantation gives
cellulose, alginate, chitin, hyaluronic acid, and dextran) and proteins less immunogenic response than cell lines which gives great clinical
(collagen, gelatin, fibrin, elastin, silk, keratin, actin, and myosin). The potential. The main limitation of the use of primary cells in tissue en­
greatest advantage of scaffolds made of naturally derived sources is their gineering tends to dedifferentiation followed by a low proliferation rate.
great biocompatibility and more closely mimicking natural ECM. Bio­ On the other hand, primary cells have low capacity to differentiate, and
scaffolds refer to naturally-derived scaffolds made by natural polymers many cell types should be isolated to rebuilding multicellular construct
or with the addition of active bioagents. Because of their natural origin which could be challenging due to their limited quantity and accessi­
natural polymers tend to be highly bioactive what support cell attach­ bility [112]. Another useful cell model is stem cells. A wide range of
ment and growth. Scaffolds are environmental friendly what is another stem cells are used in tissue engineering, including mesenchymal stem
advantage of their usage in tissue engineering. However, materials cells (MSCs), embryonic stem cells (ESCs), cardiac stem cells (CSCs),
derived from humans and animals hold a serious risk of potential dis­ neural stem cells (NSCs), muscle stem cells, dental pulp stem cells
eases. Moreover, most of the natural polymers exhibit poor mechanical (DPSCs), and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). In general, their
properties and a fast degradation rate. Proper chemical modification as availability in hosts is limited and the origin of certain stem cells raises
well as crosslinking can overcome these disadvantages, contributing to ethical doubts. Commercially available stem cells should be considered
enhanced mechanical properties. On the other hand, synthetic materials only as in vitro model, because of their immortalization and potentially
are also often used as scaffolds. The main advantage of synthetic poly­ triggering immune responses. Moreover, immortal stem cells, similar to
mers is their excellent mechanical properties, such as viscosity, strength, cell lines often differ in function from their in vivo counterparts. iPSCs
solubility and controllable degradation. There are many examples of reprogramed from host somatic cells have gained increasing attention.
synthetic polymers with conductive and piezoelectric properties which That stem cells can differentiate into cell types of all three germ layers
makes them attractive in electrically sensitive tissues such as nerve and giving huge opportunities in tissue engineering. In the beginning, sci­
heart muscle. Another benefit of some synthetic polymers is thermo­ entists assumed no risk of rejection after iPSCs transplantation, but the
plastic properties which make them easy-to-fabricate leading to versa­ immune rejection was observed after transplantation of autologous
tility in fabrication. However polymeric degradation products could iPSC-derived cells. That suggests the impact of in vitro operations on the
induce long term toxicity causing inflammation. Another drawback is immunogenicity of the iPSC [113]. An interesting approach is that iPSCs
the lack of cell-binding sites due to their hydrophobicity which makes offer the opportunity to correct pathogenic genetic variants in advance
them unattractive for the biomedical field. Fully synthetic scaffolds are of transplantation in the mutation-carrying patient. The limitation is
generally composed of manufactured polymers, metals, or other syn­ time-consuming protocols that require multiple complicated interme­
thetically derived substrates. Synthetic polymers can be precisely man­ diate steps [15]. Despite that, iPSCs exhibit a low risk for teratoma
ufactured and therefore their properties such as mechanical strength and formation and immune response but reveal the risk of tumorigenesis.
degradation rate can be readily tuned. Consequently, multiple polymers Over that unknown is the impact of reprogramming somatic cells on the
can be easily integrated within one material to obtain composite. An epigenetic modifications and their overall safety.
especially promising approach is to combine synthetic polymers char­ Bioscaffolds beyond mimicking of native ECM and interaction with
acterized by good mechanical properties with natural biomaterials as cells, can influence more than one cell type and provide additional
they provide natural micro/nano environmental niche for functional advanced functions. This includes releasing bioactive agents such as
tissue regeneration. To improve biological properties, scaffolds can also antibacterial molecules to prevent infection; growth factors to induce
be enriched with bioactive signaling molecules. Commonly it could be direct cell differentiation and anti-inflammatory agents to prevent
adhesive peptides, extracellular matrix proteins, growth factors, cyto­ excessive inflammation. Specific cell types incorporation within scaffold
kines, or hormones. These bioactive agents can have profound biologic structure also provide new function, by their active spreading, releasing
activity leading to direct cell adhesion, proliferation, modulate cell their growth factors leading to active tissue regeneration. In this regard,
survival, vascularization and targeting differentiation fate of stem cells. highly desirable are multifunctional scaffolds that provide physico­
Such bioscaffolds achieve both the 3D matrix structure of the native chemical support to many cell types and deliver bioagents/drugs/anti­
ECM and the natural ligand landscape [111]. Designing and fabricating bacterial molecules. Such multifunctional bioscaffolds gained attention
an ECM scaffold that fully mimics the biochemistry and architecture of as the new generation of biomaterials for applied cardiovascular, ner­
native tissue ECM can be achieved by careful selection of the materials, vous, muscle and bone tissue engineering as shown in Fig. 1. This review
bioactive additives and fabrication technique. The proper method for highlight recent insights of multifunctional biomaterials fabricating in
obtaining the 3D bioscaffolds enables their desire application and order to be applied in clinical practice. The review provides crucial in­
functional character. Typical scaffold architecture is made by 3D formation about the biological effect of biomaterials in cardiovascular,
printing, electrospinning, lithography methods that enable to obtain muscle and nervous tissues regeneration as electrical sensitive systems.
fibers, hydrogels, meshes, sponges or foams. Due to the many works in this area in recent years, the aim of the review
Proper choice of a cell type model is another crucial aspect of basic was to identify the latest trends in this field, with particular emphasis on
research and possible transplantation success. Cell lines are broadly the role of primary materials, which not only provide scaffolds but also
available, easy to maintain and cultivate. Mostly are immortalized support that enhance cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation.
through genetic manipulations by e.g. integration of relevant genes by This approach allows for a broader view of bioactive materials, both in
viral transfections. Companies provide a wide range of immortal cell the research context but also in the application context, and an analysis
lines under constant growing conditions derived from healthy and un­ of the polymers used, taking into account their nature and structure. It
healthy donors. However, during numerous passages, cells exhibit al­ should be noted that the authors deliberately omitted the aspect related
terations in morphology, growth rates and response to stimuli compared to the regeneration of the bone tissue due to many interesting and very
to lower passage cells. Mentioned alterations often occur in parallel with detailed reviews in this area [114–118]. These works include scaffolds
cellular mutations, therefore continual cell lines subculture intensify based on hydroxyapatite, as well as a number of polymers, including
genomic instabilities. Additionally, because of high immunogenicity, bio-polymers (e.g. cellulose, chitosan, gelatin, alginate and fibroin as
cell lines are not proper for clinical use. Despite those disadvantages, cell well as and synthetic polymers (e.g. poly(lacticacid) (PLA), poly(glycolic
lines are useful as a proof of concept and basic research study. Primary acid) (PGA), and their copolymers PLGA] [119–124]. The hybrid

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

Fig. 1. Multifunctional bioscaffold’s requirements and their possible usage in different areas of tissue engineering.

solutions such as hydroxyapatite/collagen [125–127], poly L-lactic acid discussed.

[128,129] or κ-carrageenan [130–132] scaffolds or lanthanide-doped
hydroxyapatite [8,133–135] for bone and osteochondral regeneration 2. Bioscaffolds for nervous system regeneration
were also proposed and described in literature. Therefore this review
highlights the new achievements, emerging trends and strategies in the The nervous system is the most significant and complex tissue in the
field of neural, cardiovascular and muscle tissue engineering. Chal­ human body. The nervous system is a highly specialized network which
lenges, limitations and future prospects in tissue engineering are can be divided into two main parts: the central nervous system (CNS

Fig. 2. Recent strategies for regeneration of CNS (left) and PNS (right) by multifunctional bioscaffolds. CNS approach a) Scheme of cytokine-containing hydrogel
embedded in a electrospun PCL scaffold composite b) Tissue bridging and neuronal axon regeneration observed by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining and c)
immunofluorescence staining of anti-microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP2) neuron marker. PNS approach d,f) Scheme of fabrication of scaffolds composed of
(− )-epigallocatechin gallate-loaded polycaprolactone using integrated molding and nerve conduit implantation in rat models e) anti-oxidant marker NF-E2-related
factor (Nrf2) immunofluorescent staining for RSCs on EGCG/PCL scaffolds. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [136]. Copyright © 2019 Cell Proliferation
published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [137]. Copyright 2020 RSC.

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

includes the brain and the spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous sys­ properties, which may have great potential in the development of
tem (PNS include the spinal and automatic nerves). Hundreds of millions scaffolds. Carbon-based materials are capable to increase the neural
of people worldwide are affected by numerous neurological disorders. activity and these results were confirmed by experimental models [140].
The symptoms of nervous system abnormalities depend on their locali­ Lately, Junggeon Park et al. fabricated conductive hydrogel-based
zation and the generating factors. Neurological disorders such as trau­ NGCs by combining widely-used gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) and
matic injuries (spinal cord injuries), strokes and neurodegenerative conductive reduced graphene oxide (GO). Conductive r(GO/GelMA)
disorders belong to incurable diseases. Neurological disorders can be hydrogel had excellent mechanical (flexibility and durability) and
caused by loss of neurons and glia cells functionality in the central electrical properties. Biological in vitro studies performed on PC12 cell
nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system. The most line after 5 DIV show relevant cell attachment via integrin binding and
important stem cells for the nervous system is neural stem cells (NSCs), cell spreading on the construct. Cultured PC12 cells with differentiation
which are multipotent stem cells, precursors of both neurons and medium result in significant neuritis outgrowth compared to GO-free
neuroglia (oligodendrocytes and astrocytes) during not only embryonic GelMA. In vivo studies on adult male SD rats with a 10 mm peripheral
development but also in the adult mammalians Mentioned process injury successfully demonstrated facilitate neural myelination and
called neurogenesis appears in specific brain regions. Lately developed regrowth after 4 and 8 weeks. Importantly, r(GO/GelMA) conduits
strategies in PNS and CNS by using multifunctional bioscaffolds were supported functional regeneration of both nerve tissues and muscle
presented in Fig. 2. tissues without long-term toxicity to other organs. A developed multi­
functional scaffold was as effective as traditional autografts in periph­
2.1. Peripheral nervous system eral nerve regeneration positively influenced nerve regeneration in a
relatively short period of time. The report strongly suggests the potential
While the nervous system belongs to the most significant system with for the treatment of PNI using electrically conductive hybrid conduits
contemporaneously highly histological and anatomical structure and [141]. It is well-known that scaffold morphology influences cell adhe­
compound, the main issues with regeneration is a small number of NSCs sion, proliferation, differentiation and migration. Analogous to the
and their progenitors in the specific niches. A low number of stem cells natural extracellular matrix topography of the scaffold can regulate cell
essential in CNS provide to the limited ability of the central nervous behavior and even stem cell fate. This phenomenon was used by fabri­
system regeneration. On the other hand, peripheral nerve axons have an cating defined micropatterns of nerve tissue on the inner surface of the
intrinsic capacity to regenerate after injuries by making functional construct coupled with interconnected permeable pores. Conduit made
connections between two ends of a severed nerve. However, it is chal­ by PLGA was coated by 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine (DOPA) for the
lenging to achieve full functional recovery after injury of the proximal hydrophilicity of the inner surface (PP-NGC DOPA). Construct enhanced
nerve causing nerve gaps. Several approaches are typically used to the neuritis elongation and migration of PC12 cells as well as neural
induce increased regeneration in the gap between injured axons, differentiation of fetal mouse NSCs comparing to patterns without pat­
including nerve autografts, nerve allografts and biologically-derived and terns. In vivo studies on rats with a 12 mm peripheral injury show sig­
synthetic scaffolds as an alternative. Autografts are the gold standard in nificant acceleration of host neuronal tissue migration, improved
PNI treatment however, it has several critical limitations, including neurofilament elongation, Schwann cell deposition at the distal region,
donor site morbidity. Alternatively to autografts, nerve allografts are contributing to enhanced neural regeneration. However sciatic function
human decellularized nerve available commercially (e.g. Avance™). index and velocity of electrophysiological analysis were not significantly
While traditional, artificial PNS scaffolds can occur in form of nerve different comparing other groups. Nevertheless presented multifunc­
guidance multi-channels and nerve guide conduits (NGCs) [43]. Guidant tional conduit not only promotes cell migration and alignment of nerve
scaffolds for PNS regeneration have often tubular shape designed to cells in vitro but also guiding Schwann cell deposition and accelerates
bridge axonal gaps, prevent scarring and non-physiological accumula­ nerve regeneration in vivo [142]. Multifunctional effect on axon and
tion of neurotropic and neurotrophic factors locally, protect the injured muscle tissue regeneration by using environmentally safe natural agents
nerve from mechanical disruption and finally mechanically guide is especially desirable. An interesting approach was suggested by Yun
regenerating axons from proximal and distal nerve segment. Qian et al. about nerve repair after peripheral neuropathy caused by
Many synthetic and naturally-derived NGCs have been approved for radiation treatment. They used a porous PCL scaffold loaded with active
clinical use. Natural, biodegradable conduits based on collagen type I natural bioagents. An example of a polyphenolic compound is (− )-epi­
(Neuromatrix™, Neuroflex™) are fully biodegradable and widely used. gallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is abundant in green tea. EGCG is
Synthetic tubes made by synthetic biodegradable polymers such as: poly considered as one of the most natural effective free radical oxygen
(glycolic acid) (PGA) (Neurotube™) and poly(d,l-lactide-co-e- scavenger. Effect of EGCG loaded PCL with aligned pores (20 μm in
caprolactone) (PLCL): Neurolac™, NeuroMend™) is resorbable and diameter) was investigated in vitro on rat Schwann cells (ESCs) and rat
semipermeable. Non-biodegradable polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) polymer skeletal muscle cells (RSMCs). Results indicated that hybrid scaffold
has been used as nerve grafts (SaluTunnel™, SaluBridge™), however reduced ROS levels and stimulated RSCs and RSMCs proliferation more
clinical utilization of non-resorbable conduits has declined with the discernably than the PCL scaffold without active bioagent. In a rat pe­
advent of absorbable natural and synthetic grafts. The main limitation of ripheral radiation injury model with 15 mm of 40-Gy radiation, studies
using those systems is their ability to bridge longer axonal gaps was on hybrid PCL-EGCG scaffold showed improvement of not only nerve
highly questionable and non-optimal [138]. Nevertheless, the studies on but also muscle recovery with significantly increased nerve myelination
the above conduits suggest that those scaffolds are effective in the case as well as muscle fibre proliferation. Results proved reduced lipid per­
of only small gaps up to 3 cm which gives similar outcomes to nerve oxidation, macrophage infiltration, oxidative stress indicators, and
autograft. Moreover, traditional NGC remains insufficient for their inflammation. That combined strategy gives new insights into research
effectiveness in nerve regeneration, and failures were reported due to on polyphenols for peripheral nerve regeneration [136].
persistent loss of nerve function and neuroma formation. Therefore the
huge need for advanced multifunctional scaffolds for full PNI regener­ 2.2. Central nervous system
ation remains one of the principal goals of neural tissue engineering
[139]. Advanced conduit should be biocompatible, biodegradable, Spinal cord injury (SCI) causes permanent sensory and motor
flexible and additional have electrical conductivity. One of the prom­ dysfunction. Traumatic insults of the central nervous system (CNS) such
ising electrical conductive materials are carbon-based nanomaterials, as traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury (SCI) often affect sen­
such as carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene (G) which have been sory and motor function disorders [143]. This neuronal disturbance
widely used as neuronal electrodes. CNT and G have excellent electrical causes interruption of signaling pathways. Central nervous system

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

regeneration is more challenging than PNS, due to more complex progenitor cells (NPCs) which hold lower potential for tumorigenesis
anatomical and histological structure. In contrast to PNS, CNS axons do than e.g. ESCs. A combined approach of NPCs incorporation in person­
not spontaneously regenerate after injury in adult mammals. Moreover, alized scaffold was recently investigated by J. Koffler et al. Complex CNS
the CNS environment acts inhibitory for axon outgrowth [144]. In place structure for spinal cord regeneration was printed using microscale
of CNS injury glia cells express inhibiting factors, that inhibitors of continuous projection printing method (μCPP). Poly(ethylene glycol)
regeneration. That factors include specific CNS myelin proteins and diacrylate (PEGDA)–GelMa scaffold architecture was tailored precisely
molecules associated with the astroglial scar formation [144]. Axon to the dimensions of 1.8 mm SCI rat lesion. NPCs suspended in the
growth-supportive effect can be achieved by a variety of molecules such collection of fibrin matrix and growth factors (BDNF to support NPCs
as growth factors (e.g. glial-derived growth factor (GDNF)) and extra­ survival, bFGF to promote angiogenesis and calpain inhibitor for neu­
cellular matrix molecules (e.g. laminin) [145]. Lastly, Wang et al. roprotection) were incorporated in scaffold channels. In vivo studies on
fabricated a hybrid PCL-PEG based composite system, embedded with rat SCI model at 1 month, post-implantation showed scaffold-NPCs the
axonal growth factors. PCL provided physical curves for axonal ability to support stem cell survival. Scaffolds loaded with NPCs induced
outgrowth while growth factors (FGF2 and EGF) stimulated increase host serotonergic axons regeneration, which modulates spinal motor
axon growth-supportive substrates (such as laminin). Additionally, for systems. Injured host axons regenerated into multifunctional 3D bio­
further chemoattract propriospinal axons GDNF was incorporated mimetic scaffolds providing synapse onto implanted NPCs, which lead to
within the hydrogel. In vitro studies on PC12 cell line cultured with restoring not only synaptic transmission but also improve functional
scaffolds exhibited no significant cytotoxicity after 3 DIV. However outcomes [150]. After SCI in the damaged spinal cord occurs complex
long-time toxicity studies were not performed. Neurite’s elonga­ physiological and pathological changes. Conventional treatment of SCI
tion/directional growth was not clearly presented enough. In vivo focuses on preventing further injury by using potent anti-inflammatory
studies on rats with a 2 mm spinal cord injury show promoted the axon’s drugs, such as corticosteroids. One of them is methylprednisolone (MP)
directional regeneration after 8 weeks of scaffolds implantation. Pro­ which was used to improved neurological functions recovery after acute
motion of the motor function recovery after SCI was observed and pre­ spinal cord injuries. However, since 2013 use of MP has decreased
ceded by the production of laminin which played an important role in dramatically due to comparative recent studies that have shown the
the axon growth-supportive substrates. This data indicates the utility of potential side effects, such as blood clots, respiratory, urinary tract,
incorporating growth factors in bioscaffolds for increase regeneration of wound infections, and steroid-induced myopathy [151]. Despite that,
the spinal cord after SCI [137]. The composition of scaffold primary MP was recently used to fabricate multifunctional scaffold. The hybrid
material is essential for mimicking nervous tissue followed by a proper scaffold was fabricated via electrospinning from both natural materials
regeneration process. Hyaluronic acid, known also as hyaluronan (HA) (Polysialic acid (PSA)) and synthetic polymer (PCL) with incorporated
is one of the main, highly abundant natural compounds of the normal MP. The nanofiber scaffold was biodegradable, and actively release MP
central nervous system. The presence of HA with bioactive agents over a short period of time. In vitro cytotoxicity studies on human neu­
(neurotrophic factors, growth factors) provides a pivotal role in axonal roblastoma cell line (SH-SY5Y) and primary astrocytes indicated no
guidance formation of synapses. HA usage as bioscaffolds gives many significant differences between different scaffolds composition for cell
advantages including biocompatibility, bioactivity, but also limitation proliferation for 7 DIV. In vivo studies on rats with 2 mm SCI effectively
due to its poor mechanical properties (Table 1). Nonetheless, HA is showed that the transplantation of hybrid PCL/PSA/MP scaffold effec­
known for neuroprotective effect after SCI and reduction of the forma­ tively suppressed apoptosis and acute inflammation. Moreover, it
tion of the glial scar by inhibition the chemotaxis, migration and lym­ attenuated glia scar formation. Construct supported axonal regenera­
phocytes proliferation [146]. Interdisciplinary research publicated on tion, leading to improvement of the functional recovery after SCI.
ACS Nano presented new combined approach in biomaterial engineer­ Actively releasing MP from a multifunctional scaffold could be incor­
ing for spinal cord regeneration. HA hydrogel with dotted MnO2 NPs as porated in could be beneficial through lesion site-specific drug admin­
antioxidant bioactive agents was used as primary scaffold. Hydrogel was istration [152].
additionally modificated by the laminin-derived peptide called Multifunctional bioscaffolds have great potential in providing cell
PPFLMLLKGSTR, that was chosen or possible promototion of stem cells support, inhibiting the glial scar formation and damaged neurons
adhesion and bridging of damaged nerve tissue. In vitro studies on MSCs guidance by tubular conduits, actively releasing bioagents and drugs
derived from human placenta cultured on hydrogels after 3 DIV exhibit and combining stem/progenitor cells therapy which stimulates the
no obvious toxicity. Hybrid hydrogel with MnO2 NP significantly release of axon regeneration-promoting neurotrophic factors. It has been
reduced the H2O2 content after MSC incubation for 1 and 2 h, indicating confirmed that multifunctional scaffolds are an effective strategy to
an efficient antioxidant function of hybrid scaffolds. In vivo investigation improve therapeutic benefits in animal models, resulting in the func­
on a 4 mm rat transection SCI model with implanted multifunctional tional recovery of SCI rats in many cases. However, it is still a challenge
hydrogel-containing multipotent MSC cells exhibit scaffold integration to build an ideal scaffold for the full regeneration of damaged nervous
and increased neural differentiation, followed by efficient spinal cord tissue.
regeneration. Composition studies showed partial elimination of Mn
from the site of the lesion during 4 weeks. Finally, a multifunctional 3. Bioscaffolds for cardiovascular system regeneration
construct containing MSC enhanced motor function restoration after on
a long-span rat spinal cord transection, which remains one of the prin­ Cardiac regeneration has been a subject of scientific reports for over
cipal goals of neural regenerative medicine [147]. Stem cells are widely 100 years [153,154]. Heart regeneration can be defined as the restora­
used in regenerative medicine due to their differentiation capability and tion of damaged heart tissues and their impaired function. Restoration of
releasing their own growth factors [148]. But it should be carefully the injured human heart is limited in comparison with other vital or­
policed to enable ethical and safe usage. The main issue of introducing gans, such as muscles, skin, lung, or liver, and deteriorates with age
commercial multipotent stem cells to clinical use is possible immuno­ [155]. There are many types of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) respon­
genicity, risk of teratoma, and tumorigenesis. Therefore for clinical sible for heart tissue disorders, i.e. heart failure, myocardial infarction,
application should be considered the only host-derived stem cells (iPSC, dilated cardiomyopathy, or coronary artery disease [156]. According to
adult stem cells) which can significantly reduce the immune response. In the WHO data, CVD are the main cause of death worldwide and results
general, undifferentiated stem cells (ESCs, iPS) by stemness potential in more than 50% of all deaths in Europe [157]. The WHO mortality
have a relatively high capacity to form teratomas and tumors [149]. statistics show also that most of these premature deaths could be avoi­
Therefore promising perspective for the treatment of neural disorders ded by changing a human lifestyle. Unfortunately, the change in
brings more specialized stem cell therapies. An example is neural health-related behavior is difficult, thus searching for new treatment

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

methods is extremely important. fibroblast-mediated post-injury remodeling of cardiac tissues, stimu­

Numerous approaches for regeneration of injured heart tissues are lated by acellular ECM bioscaffold (neutralized SiS-ECM; porcine small
currently investigated, ranging from surgical implantation of cardiac intestinal submucosal extracellular matrix) [167]. The authors indicated
grafts over the biomolecules or cell injection, and advanced cell- that cardiac fibroblast combined with SiS-ECM-based bioscaffold may
modified scaffolds implementation. Heart surgeries entail various promote blood vessel formation and avoid scar expansion, due to
risks, such as infections, bleeding, stroke, or even death. Therefore, upregulated gene expression and release of robust paracrine factors.
scientists are constantly looking for ways to boost current procedures There are some reasons to prefer decellularized ECM (dECM) bio­
and find new minimally invasive treatment methods based on the self- scaffolds over the acellular ones for heart tissue engineering. The dECM
renewal of tissues [154]. Regeneration of heart tissues requires car­ bioscaffolds reveal the naturally bioactive composition and ability to
diomyocytes proliferation, but the cardiomyogenesis is very slow (less partial recellularization in vivo. However, decellularization procedure is
than 1% of cardiomyocytes can renew per year) and decreases with age. complicated and usually requires several physical, chemical, and enzy­
Thus, cardiomyocyte’s loss exceeds its renewal, causing cardiac pa­ matic methods to remove all cellular components, while preserving the
thologies [158]. native ECM composition [168]. Several tissues or even whole organs can
Currently, one of the most extensively investigated strategies to be decellularized to produce dECM bioscaffolds for regeneration of
stimulate cardiomyocytes generation is a therapy based on advanced injured tissues, such as hearts, heart valves, lungs, kidneys, small in­
bioscaffolds. There are two main strategies to employ bioscaffolds for testine or urinary bladder [169–171]. Decellularization of tissues results
cardiovascular system regeneration (Fig. 3). The first one is based on the in planar ECM sheets formation, which can be applied as patch graft
direct implementation of bioscaffolds into impaired heart tissue. In the materials [172] or processed into hydrogels [173]. Whole organ decel­
second strategy, bioscaffolds serve as cardiac cells (and/or bio­ lularization is used for 3D ECM bioscaffolds preparation. These 3D
molecules) delivery system for myocardial repair. biostructures after further repopulation with host-derived cells may help
In the last decade, the extracellular matrix (ECM) from myocardium to design the human organs for transplantation. Decellularization can be
tissues has been intensively examined to design new optimal ECM bio­ also employed to harvest ECM components in vitro. Cell-derived ECM
scaffold for cardiac tissue regeneration [159–161]. ECM plays a crucial scaffolds are useful for regeneration of damaged tissues, but also to
role in the regulation of cell functions (such as survival, proliferation, examine the stem cells differentiation and proliferation [174].
differentiation, migration, and adhesion), both, in homeostasis, and a After successful decellularization, ECM scaffolds must be recellu­
response to injury [162,163]. The composition of ECM is different larized by specific cell types to mimic the natural functions of tissue,
among particular tissues. Generally, ECM consists of four types of pro­ such as drug response or electrical conduction. Moreover, cardiac dECM
teins, i.e. collagens, elastin, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans, as well as scaffolds should be modified with various pro-angiogenic factors and
carbohydrates [161]. For instance, collagens (I and II) and elastin pro­ additional proteins to improve cell attachment/seeding and vasculo­
vide the strength and elasticity of tissues and organs. In turn, pro­ genesis (Fig. 4). For instance, pluripotent stem cells represent a source of
teoglycans and glycoproteins (mainly fibronectin and laminin) are cell that can differentiate into various cellular building blocks. There­
responsible for various growth factors binding, and regulation of their fore, they hold a promise for regenerative medicine. Wang and co-
activity [164]. The ECM-bioscaffold in tissue engineering is a promising workers designed and prepared human cardiac patches based on
one due to its basic functions: i) it provides tissue maintenance, ii) en­ dECM from rat heart, pluripotent stem cells-derived cardiac cells, and
sures the formation of boundaries between different tissues, iii) regu­ fibroblasts [175]. The authors showed that this cardiac scaffold can
lates the activity of growth factors, and iv) regulates of signal reduce the infarct area of the heart of rats with induced-myocardial
transduction via cell interactions [165]. infarction, as well as enhance its function, such as normal beating,
ECM bioscaffolds can be acellular or decellularized. Acellular ECMs electrophysiological activity, and pharmaceutical response. In turn,
bioscaffolds are usually surgically implemented into impaired heart Chamberland et al. demonstrated that embryonic decellularized cardiac
region to facilitate the vasculogenesis and angiogenesis (endogenous scaffold reseeded with specific progenitor cells can serve as efficient
cardiac regeneration) [165]. Additionally, these bioscaffolds can pre­ support for cardiac cell growth. These progenitor cells were able to graft
vent the infract-derived scar thickening via inhibition of cardiac fibro­ into the scaffold structure and form beating cardiac tissue [176].
blast activation [166]. Svystonyuk and co-workers demonstrated the Godier-Furnémont designed a biological composite scaffold

Fig. 3. Cardiac scaffolds classification based on materials and implementation techniques.

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

Fig. 4. Preparation of bioscaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering.

produced by seeding mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) dispersed in (CRECA: cysteine-arginine-glutamic acid-lysine-alanine) to target the
fibrin hydrogel on decellularized ventricular human myocardium. The exogenous stem cells to the injured heart. Based on the fibrin-targeting
implanted scaffold improved the formation of the vascular network in theory, fibrin exhibits potential as a target in stem cell therapy for the
the infarct area of the heart, leading to its functional recovery (rat myocardial infarction, due to its spatial-specific distribution in
ischemic myocardium model). The revascularization was related to myocardial injury. The CRECA-functionalized stem cells injected to the
MPCs migration and their ability to secrete SDF-1 (stromal cell-derived left ventricle of the fibrin-rich rat heart (in vivo model of myocardial
factors), which induced migration of further cells, and preservation of ischemia-reperfusion injury) revealed the ability to localize the
myocardial functions [177]. Some promising results were presented by a damaged region and promoted the cardiomyocyte proliferation [201].
scientists team from Spain [178]. Perea-Gil et al. designed a An interesting in vivo studies were published by Chi et al. [190]. Natural
cell-enriched myocardial graft based on a decellularized myocardial silk fibroin modified with chitosan and hyaluronan was examined as a
matrix modified with adipose tissue-derived progenitor cells cardiac patch to repair myocardial infraction hearts of rats. These three
(EMG-ATDPC) to regenerate the infarcted area of a swine heart. The in polymers were selected due to their biological activity and low inflam­
vivo studies showed that EMG-ATDPC- based bioscaffolds significantly matory response. Silk fibrous proteins are known as a material for
enhanced cardiac function, promoted a new blood vessel formation, and tendon regeneration. Chitosan is commonly applied for the regeneration
inhibited progression of fibrosis in the impaired myocardium [178]. It of nerves and bones, and hyaluronic compounds can promote angio­
should be pointed out that various types of cells can graft and differ­ genesis and cartilage repair. The performed studies indicated that
entiate into functional cardiomyocytes in vitro and in vivo, including chitosan-hyaluronan-silk fibroin cardiac scaffold markedly increased
bone marrow-derived cells, skeletal myoblasts, or mesenchymal stem the thickness of the left ventricle of heart walls and enhanced their
cells [179–182]. fractional shortening.
Most of the experimental studies suggest that the transfer of stem The application of natural polymers in regenerative medicine is
cells and progenitors may facilitate the regeneration of myocardium. limited to some extent, due to poor mechanical properties, low electrical
The ECM offers an excellent source of various pluripotent cells, however, conductivity, and rapid degradation in physiological conditions. The
the decellularization and recellularization procedures still face many main challenge in myocardium tissue regeneration is to design advanced
challenges. cardiac scaffolds, which is elastic and at the same time mechanically
Generally, cardiac scaffolds can be classified into three main groups strong to endure the dynamic contractions of heart. Currently, synthetic
on the basis of the biomaterial type: i) natural materials, including ECM- polymers or hybrid materials consisting of synthetic and natural poly­
based scaffolds, and biocompatible polymers, ii) synthetic materials and mers, polymers modified with micro- or nanoparticles, or surface-
iii) hybrid materials (Fig. 3). functionalized organic and inorganic nanostructures, may provide the
Several natural polymers, such as collagen, chitosan, fibrin, hyal­ enhancement of mechanical, electrical, and surface properties of bio­
uronic acid, alginate, several self-assembling peptides, and polymer scaffolds. However, their surface should be also functionalized with
composites, can be applied as a structural template for heart tissue biomolecules or growth/differentiation factors to improve biocompati­
formation (Table 2). They are excellent candidates for tissue engineering bility and provide a tissue-like environment for cell attachment, growth,
due to their biocompatibility, biodegradability, renewability, and proliferation, and differentiation (Table 2).
structure that can be easily modified with various stimuli and growth High metabolic activity of cardiomyoblast cells was observed after
factors, or biomolecules to promote specific cell growth and the implementation of a porous scaffold made of poly(ester-ether ure­
proliferation. thane urea) and poly-caprolactone blend (PEEUU-PCL scaffold) The
For instance, stem cells-collagen scaffolds modified with monoclonal PCL-additive provided excellent mechanical properties, similar to those
specific antibody Sca-1, was applied as a patch to promote regeneration of heart tissues. Based on in vitro and in vivo studies, it was proven that
of surgical heart defects (C57/BL6 mouse, in vivo model). The authors the designed scaffold was surrounded by connective tissue and new-
highlighted the double efficiency of the collagen-based scaffold, i.e. it formed blood vessels [191]. Chang and co-authors demonstrated the
serves as a scaffold for stem cell proliferation and differentiation, and application of poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles (PLGA)
increases the enriching capacity for autologous stem cells [183]. In turn, modified with insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 as a new scaffold for
Huang and co-workers reported the use of clot-binding pentapeptide cardioprotection. The IGF-1 plays a crucial role in the regulation of

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

Table 2 Table 2 (continued )

Examples of natural polymers widely applied for cardiac regeneration (pre­ BIOSCAFFOLD COMPOSITION FUNCTION REF.
clinical stage).
cardiomyocyte cells
NATURAL POLYMER MATERIALS Protein- Poly(lactic acid)- PLA:PGS scaffold induced [195]
Stem cell- Collagen scaffolds Collagen scaffold [183] functionalized poly(glycerol neovascularization after
capturing covalently facilitated the PLA:PGS scaffold sebacate) fibres implantation into mouse
collagen scaffold conjugated with regeneration of modified by lamin or heart
stem cell specific cardiomyocytes and Matrigel
antibody Sca-1 improved the tissue HYBRID MATERIALS
regeneration Chitosan/Carbon Carbon nanofibres Chitosan/carbon scaffold [196]
Chitosan-collagen Stem cell-derived C/C scaffolds allowed the [184] scaffold dispersed into improved the mechanical
(C/C) scaffold human attachment, spreading, chitosan matrix properties of cardiac
cardiomyocyte and orientation of human tissue constructs and
seeded on the mico- cardiomyocytes enhanced transmission of
structured chitosan- electrical signals between
collagen scaffold cells
3-D collagen Porous collagen Collagen scaffold [185] PLL-GO scaffold Graphene oxide PLL-GO sheets improved [197]
scaffold sponge (type I) promoted angiogenesis sheet coated with electrophysiological
and arteriogenesis in the poly-L-lysine function and mechanical
cryoinjured heart integrity of tissue
Stem cells-CREKA- Bone marrow stem Stem cells-CREAKA- [186] rGO-GelMA Reduced graphene Cardiac cells cultured on [198]
fibrin cells modified with fibrin-targeting system scaffold Oxide- gelatin rGO-GelMA scaffolds
CREKA peptides revealed the ability to methacryloyl hybrid exhibited excellent
localize the stem cells to hydrogels biological activities, i.e.
the fibrin-rich injured cell viability,
heart proliferation, and
Hyaluronic acid- HA-based hydrogel HA-based sponges, [187] maturation
based bioscaffold and mesenchymal meshes and hydrogels Au NPs- PCL Fibres modified Scaffold induced the [199]
stem cells; mixed improved the myocardial scaffolds embedded with gold formation of tissue with
esters of HA with structure formation, nanoparticles structure resembled
butyric acid and promote cell survival, cardiac cell bundles
retinoic acid; reduce the inflammatory AdSCs-statin-PLGA Adipose-derived Facilitated endogenous [200]
HA/silk fibroin- reaction, and increase scaffold stem cell and statin- functional cardiac
based scaffold neovascularization modified poly(lactic- regeneration
Peptide- Embryonic stem cell- RGD/HBP-modified [188] co-glycolic) acid
functionalized derived alginate scaffolds nanoparticles
alginate scaffold cardiomyocyte co- promoted the formation
seeded with dermal of functional cardiac
fibroblast in tissue from embryonic myocardial functions, including cardiomyocyte survival, growth, and
macroporous stem cell-derived protection from ischemia. Additionally, IGF-1 can improve myocardial
alginate scaffolds, cardiomyocytes co- function after heart infarction. The authors indicated that PLGA-IGF-1
modified with RGD cultured with dermal
and HBP peptide fibroblasts.
NPs prolonged IGF-1 retention in heart tissue, and significantly inhibi­
Self-assembling VEGF combined Combined RADA16- [189] ted the cardiomyocyte cells apoptosis (in vitro and in vivo studies) [192].
peptide scaffold with RADA16- scaffold induced Another interesting biodegradable synthetic polymer for cardiac repair
heparin domain angiogenesis, is polyurethane (PU). McDevitt et al. reported PU films as a scaffold for
recruitment, and
cardiomyocytes’ growth (in vitro studies). To improve the adhesion of
differentiation of cardiac
stem cells into cells to the PU layer, its surface was coated with proteins, i.e. laminin
cardiomyocytes and gelatin. Cardiomyocytes cultured on the PU dishes formed a
Chitosan- Silk fibroin modified Composite scaffold [190] multilayered construct of tissues with mechanical properties similar to
hyaluronan-silk with chitosan, and improved left ventricle native heart matrix [193]. The mechanical and conductive properties of
fibroin cardiac hyaluronan (in situ functions and
scaffold formulated) angiogenesis in
scaffolds can be also improved by functionalization with various nano­
myocardial infarction particles [202]. For instance, the conduction of electrical signals
regions through cardiac tissue was enhanced by the incorporation of electrically
SYNTHETIC POLYMER MATERIALS conductive carbon nanofibres into the chitosan matrix [196]. Chito­
PEEUU-PCL Poly(ester-ether PEEUU-PCL scaffold [191]
san/carbon scaffolds supported the cultivation of the cardiac cells and
scaffold urethane urea) - enhanced functional
poly-caprolactone activities of the improved their cardiogenic properties. In another study, a
blend cardiomyoblast cells nano-patterned PEG scaffold was modified with graphene [203]. The
PLGA-IGF-1 Poly(D,L-lactide-co- PLGA-IGF-1 NPs [192] authors indicated that the graphene-PEG scaffold improved the myofi­
scaffold glycolide) inhibited the brils and sarcomere structures and increased the electrical coupling of
nanoparticles cardiomyocyte cells
modified with apoptosis and reduced the
cardiac cells. Fleischeret and co-workers fabricated the conductive
insulin-like growth infarct sizes nanocomposite scaffold consists of gold nanoparticles and PCL fibers
factor [199]. The addition of gold nanoparticles induced the formation of tis­
Cardiomyoctes- Polyurethane film PU film supported the [193] sue with structure resembled cardiac cell bundles in vivo.
modified PU modified with lamin formation of
The structure of scaffolds allows delivering of nutrients, metabolites,
scaffold and gelatin cardiomyocyte
multilayered construct of nucleic acids, regulatory molecules, and cardioprotective drugs within
heart tissues the cells [204]. Delivery of active substances via nanocarriers is a
Stem cell-derived Polyurethane film PU films supported the [194] promising tool to restore the injured heart function [205]. Somasun­
cardiomyocytes- modified with lamin, formation of fully tharam et al. demonstrated DNAzyme gold NPs conjugates as a drug
modified PU gelatin and collagen contractile
scaffold (type IV)
delivery system for the regulation of TNF-α expression in the rat model
of myocardial infarction [206]. The authors showed that injection of
DNAzyme gold scaffold in the myocardium resulted in the improvement

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

of acute cardiac function due to significant TNF- α gene silencing. tissues reconstruction such as skeletal or to provide mechanical support
Yokoyama et al. examined adipose-derived stem cells (AdCs) and to injured cardiac tissues [218–225]. Therefore over last years, structure
statin-loaded PLGA nanoparticles as multifunctional bioscaffolds to modulation has become a crucial step for developing hydrogel-based
stimulate the infarcted myocardium regeneration. The AdSCs were artificial muscles. Various graft materials have been tested to promote
seeded to the scaffold structure to reduce the risk of inflammation, and skeletal muscle regeneration. Natural hydrogels are a popular choice for
statin was attached to recruit the circulating progenitor cells for tissue engineering due to their low immunogenicity, porosity, good
angiogenesis [200]. The authors showed that AdCs-statin-PLGA scaf­ permeability, biodegradability and structural biocompatibility towards
folds can facilitate cardiac regeneration, and may serve also as an effi­ tissues, which minimizes the inflammatory response just at the outset.
cient statin (or other active substance) delivery carrier. Diaz-Herraez This type of hydrogel can not only act as a gentle scaffold for cell
et al. formulated PLGA microparticles loaded with neuregulin-1 (NRG) alignment in connective tissue, but also plays a dynamic and flexible role
and further modified with ADCs. The presence of NRG (growth factor) that determines cell behaviour and tissue function as scaffold for the
promoted cardiomyoctyes proliferation and reduced infarct size (rat and growth of many types of tissue. Collagen is a fibrous protein found most
pig models). The authors reported that ADCs-PLGA-NRG delivery system commonly in the extracellular matrix and can be formulated as a scaf­
allowed to control the release of NRG in the infarcted region, accom­ fold for the growth of many types of tissues [226] (Table 1). It supports
panied by stimulation of vessel, arterioles and capillaries formation proliferation, differentiation and myotube formation of immortalized
[207]. and primary murine myoblasts [227–229]. Cheema et al. have indicated
Synthetic materials in comparision with natural biomaterials exhibit that contraction forces depend on mioblast morphology. At low
improved mechanical, elastic, and conductive properties, better dura­ contraction forces myoblasts maintained a rounded morphology, and
bility, stability, and controlled degradation rate [208]. However, there when contraction forces increases, myoblasts started to align and form
are many concerns related to their toxicity and potential hazardous myotubes under uniaxial tension [230]. Disadvantage of the collagen
health effects. Regardless of the type of material used to heart tissue scaffolds is lack mechanical strength and structural stability upon hy­
regeneration, bioscaffold must be biocompatible, biodegradable, and dration, which limit their applications in particular tissues. Problem can
possess a naturally cardiac tissue-like environment to facilitate cell be solved throughout physical or chemical methods leading to inter­
attachment, growth, proliferation, and differentiation into mature. The molecular cross-linking of collagen scaffolds, but blending with other
degradation rate must be sufficient to support cell integration with materials, such as synthetic polymers is also used. The effectiveness of
native tissues. Additionally, bioscaffold should act as a reservoir of nu­ myoblasts and mesenchymal stem cells in combination with fibrin gel in
trients, and regulatory molecules and provide their slow release. repairing volumetric muscle loss was also assessed by Matthias et al.
The outcomes of these in vitro, in vivo, and ex-vivo studies mark the [231] The obtained results have confirmed muscle mass restoration as
future direction for the application of both, natural and synthetic ma­ well as fibrosis reduction with active contribution of transplanted cells
terials for cardiac tissue regeneration. However, despite the positve in the muscle and vascular regeneration. In further studies Neal et al.
premises, the use of bioscaffolds for cardiomyocytes regeneration is still have proposed method according which using fibrin hydrogel skeletal
lagging at the preclinical stage. muscle tissue with a high volumetric density and perfect cell alignment
along the axis can be created [232]. In these studies artificial muscle was
4. Regeneration of muscle system accomplished by integration of gel fiber based fibrin containing mouse
C2C12 immortalized myoblast cell line [232]. Fibrin scaffold with a
There are three main types of muscle tissue: skeletal (or striated) populated satellite cell niche, enable to vascular integration and func­
muscle, smooth (or non-striated) muscle, and cardiac muscle. This tional in vivo maturation was also used to construct a highly functional
chapter is focused on the first two types of muscles, while the last one is biometric muscle tissue [233], and functional neuromuscular junctions
discussed in the chapter Bioscaffolds for cardiovascular system regen­ [234]. It was also confirmed the applicability of fibrin hydrogel in
eration. The main difference between skeletal and smooth muscles is the seeding of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (HUCMSCs)
presence or absence, respectively, of organized, regularly repeated ar­ [235], and in production an engineered skeletal muscle with structural
rangements of myofibrillar contractile proteins – myofilaments. The resemblance to in vivo tissue [236]. The microfabrication of new skeletal
skeletal muscles are used in locomotion and to maintain posture, while muscle tissue using smooth muscle cells incorporated in fibrin hydrogel
smooth ones are part of the walls of organs and structures such as the was also tested to fabricate ureteral replacements [237]. Although high
uterus, esophagus, stomach, blood vessels. Because, depending on the potential fibrin gel has been demonstrated, the most promising seems to
type of muscle tissues, their structure as well as their functions differ, the be fibrin scaffolds with microthread architecture, in which scaffolds
way of regeneration is different. It should be noted that repairing an favour the ingrowth of nascent myofibers into the wound site, and the
injured muscle is a multi-stage process that uses immune, muscle, per­ functional regeneration of skeletal muscle [238]. Alginate hydrogels
ivascular and nerve cells. Without this repair, it leads to structural and have also been tested as a material supporting the regeneration of
functional deficits in the body, which in turn leads to a reduction in the muscle tissues [239]. This type of material is mostly chemically modi­
quality of life not only due to a deficiency in the functioning of the fied to provide tighter control over properties such as stiffness and de­
muscles, but often also for aesthetic reasons. gradability. Its structure also allows for various types of use, e.g. in the
form of a hydrated gel, microspheres or as highly porous, freeze-dried
4.1. Hydrogels cryogenic gels [240,241]. Borselli et al. reported that an injected algi­
nate gel can provide long-term delivery of incorporated myogenic and
Hydrogels are water-swollen high-dimensional polymer chain net­ angiogenic growth factors, and when injected into the hind limbs of
works which specific properties which depending on the origin source ischemic mice, it promote functional muscle regeneration by stimulating
exhibit high biocompatibility, that makes them an ideal class of mate­ myogenesis, angiogenesis, and re-innervation [242]. As cryogels, algi­
rials in tissue engineering. Hydrogels may display reversible structural nate scaffolds promoted muscle regeneration by secreting bioactive
or just volume deformations, induced by various stimuli, such as tem­ factors that have a profound effect on the functioning of C2C12
perature, pH, wave length of light, ionic strength, and specific molecules mouse-derived myogenic progenitor cell line [243]. The RGD-alginate
[209–212]. Moreover, they can withstand significant stress, which porous hydrogel provided a sustained release of incorporated IGF-1
proves their flexibility, and combined with sensitivity to stimuli makes and VEGF165 and adherence MSCs to the biomaterial walls (Fig. 5).
them ideal materials to compose artificial muscles [209,213–217]. The Indeed the outward migration of muscle cells has been shown to be of
above features are important, however, not sufficient to fully replace vital importance on subsequent muscle regeneration. For example, Hill
natural muscle tissue. Actuation characteristics are required in special et al. have indicated that transplanting the cells with the highly porous

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

Fig. 5. An engineered synthetic niche provides MSCs with a structural and chemical environment that is optimal for paracrine secretion. (A) Strategy of using porous
alginate scaffold in muscle regeneration. (B) Representative SEM image showing the macroporous structure of the alginate scaffold. (C) Representative fluorescent
image of rat bone marrow derived MSCs 24 h after seeding on the scaffold. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [243]. Copyright 2016 Elsevier.

alginate scaffold that simultaneously delivers of growth factors (hepa­ drawback is immunogenicity [256]. The potential was found for
tocyte growth factor (HGF) and fibroblast growth factor 2(FGF2)) led to gelatin-based hydrogels stabilized through reaction with lysine diiso­
increase in muscle mass and the overall extent of regeneration [244]. cyanate ethyl ester [257] or using gelatin as a component of other nat­
Passipieri and Chris have also shown that the alginate three-dimensional ural hydrogels e.g. cross-linked oxidized alginate-gelatin hydrogel
scaffolds can be used to deliver growth factors into a variety of volu­ [258].
metric muscle loss injuries [245]. But in newest work Quigley et al. have The natural hydrogels due to their resemblance to native tissue are
tested alginate fibers with enclosed muscle precursor cells for delivery of the preferred materials in tissue engineering especially for controlling
dystrophin-expressing cells to dystrophic muscle, and the constructed cell growth, proliferation and differentiation, however as biological
material reported more robust regenerative results than did myoblasts materials they have mostly and nonreplicable structural composition,
attached to synthetic fibers [246,247]. limiting their in vivo application. Synthetic hydrogels mainly composed
Hyaluronic acid is a popular scaffold material for the regeneration of of poly(ethylene oxide) (polyethylene glycol), poly(vinyl alcohol), poly
different tissues because it is biocompatible, promotes skeletal myoblast (lactic acid) or polypeptides, unlike their natural counterparts, can be
proliferation, and differentiation, regulates tissue hydration and facili­ closely adapted to certain requirements of a cell therapy application, in
tates the diffusion of nutrients [248] (Table 1). However, fabrication of particular the mechanics that most closely resemble the native cellular
hyaluronic acid-based scaffolds has been achieved through different microenvironment. Using synthetic polymers enables important mate­
chemical modifications such as a Michael addition reaction with thiol as rial properties such as viscoelasticity, modulus, permeability and de­
nucleophile [249,250], photopolymerization of methacrylated or thio­ gradability. Another advantage over natural materials is that synthetic
glycated hyaluronic acid [251,252]. The first one is dedicated to fibres hydrogels have a relatively low risk of transmitting pathogens. Poly­
scaffolds formation, the second one to preparation of hydrogel beads. ethylene glycol is one of the most widely used macromers in tissue en­
For example the hyaluronic acid based photopolymerizable hydrogel gineering because its hydrophilicity, cytocompatibility, low non-specific
was used for transplantation satellite cells and muscle progenitor cells, protein adsorption, and is nondegradable under mammalian enzymes.
which enable generation of new myofibers, and recovery of muscle Mechanical properties of PEG-based hydrogels can also be easy
contraction strength [253]. It was also shown that modifying hyaluronic controlled, but active hydroxyl groups can be easily chemically func­
acid with both methacrylate and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine groups tionalized through photopolymerization or Michael addition. Example
obtained materials, which can be use in minimally invasive procedures of using functionalized PEG as hydrogel Han et al. presented [259,260].
to foster maxillofacial tissue repair [254]. Tanaka et al. have found In the studies a synthetic bioactive hydrogel based on a branched poly
combination scaffolds of salmon fibrin and hyaluronic acid form (ethylene glycol) with ends maleimide functionalized groups was used
compliant hydrogels matching the physical properties of most tissues for incorporation muscle satellite cells to dystrophic skeletal muscles
[255]. Other natural polymers such as chitosan and gelatin have also a also with comorbid trauma. This material may also be suitable for
good capacity of supporting cell attachment, however, their main treating craniofacial and limb muscle trauma. In newest papers the

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

co-delivery of muscle satellite cells and Wingless-type MMTV Integrated polypyrrole, polyaniline, and polythiophene have formed hydrogels not
7a protein using the maleimide functionalized PEG hydrogel was stud­ only showing good biocompatibility, but also possessed suitable elec­
ied. This work has confirmed that the hydrogel-encapsulated Wnt7a troconductivity [271]. Sasaki et al. have developed a series of molecular
significantly increases hypertrophy of the muscle fiber, endogenous permeable electronic devices to help to regenerate the muscle tissues.
muscle satellite cells expansion, and exogenous cells migration during The hybrid of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) and polyurethane have
the implantation process [166]. The effect of the different Wnt7a-loaded been biocompatible with muscle, as well as neural cells. Moreover, this
PEG-4MA hydrogel on C2C12 myotubes hypertrophy is illustrated in displays excellent stability and high conductivity over physiological
Fig. 6. A major drawback of the polyethylene glycol-maleimide hydrogel strain levels, making them highly suitable for low-invasive electrical
is that the fast gelation speed can result in crosslinking heterogeneities. stimulation [272]. Poly(acrylic acid) were modified with polyaniline,
The decreasing of reaction kinetic and hence uniformity of particle which provided not only a microfluidic pattern, but also a
dispersion can be achieved by the coupling a glutamate near the cysteine three-dimensional environment of nanofiber tissue formation [273]. In
of the peptide crosslinker, as well as appropriate pH and ionic strength another work as the main body polyaniline grafted quaternary chitosan
[261,262]. A wide range of protein-based hydrogels have also been and cross-linked with oxidized dextran was fabricated to obtain a
developed as scaffold. They are very attractive due to their inherent cell conductive hydrogel [274]. C2C12 cells have also exhibited a higher
adhesively as conferred by the presence of integrin-recoginizing peptide proliferation on conductive hydrogel than, for example on the chitosan
sequences [263]. The polysaccharides hydrogels are not bioactive and hydrogel, indicating their potential application in skeletal muscle tissue
lack integrin binding domains, since such modification of poly­ engineering [275]. The micro-patterned electrically conductive reduced
saccharide molecules requires the attachment of chemical molecules graphene oxide-incorporated/polyacrylamide hydrogel was found as an
that can facilitate cell adhesion [264,265]. ideal multifunctional and high performance biomaterial platform to
An alternative approach to pre-vascularization of engineered muscle construct muscle tissue scaffolds [276].
involves plating endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and myoblasts onto the
poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) scaffold [266]. This studies have confirmed
that flap consisting both endothelial cells, fibroblasts and myoblasts 4.2. Electrospun
underwent the most effective integration and caused the most advanced
regeneration of host tissue. The used material enabled successful muscle The primary purpose of tissue engineering is to mimic the native
flap engineering. Furthermore, the increased mechanical strength of the tissue. This has been the reason for production of electrospun nanofibers
transplanted tissue, which was caused by the myocytes became vascu­ via electrospinning. This method is, on the one hand, relatively simple
larized and innervated and finally, mature as myofibers. Worth attention and versatile, allowing the processing of solutions, suspensions or melts
are also hybrids natural and synthetic polymers. An example is photo­ into nano-/micro-scale diameters’ continuous fibers, on the other hand,
polymerizable hydrogel based upon polyethyleneglycol and fibrinogen, it is the only available method for the mass fabrication of long contin­
which is enable to generate a complete and functional artificial muscle uous nanofibers [277–281]. Such solution allows to encouragement the
[267]. This type of hydrogel supports myogenic differentiation, cell regeneration of skeletal muscles by creating, similar to natural, orien­
survival after transplantation and angiogenic infiltration in vitro and in tation scaffold, which is a pattern to alignment to encourage this orga­
vivo [268]. The amine-reactive polyethylene glycol modified fibrinogen nization in myoblasts by fuse and differentiate them to form
hydrogel with a decellularized extracellular matrix scaffold showed a multinucleated myofibers. In addition, this method can also be used to
high expression of ITGA5, ITGB1, and FN and a synergistic up-regulation regenerate smooth muscles. The main advantage of the electrospinning
of ang1 and tie-2 transcripts [269]. Scaffolds composed of collagen and technique is the possibility to control the properties of materials ob­
polylactic acid is also a promising choice as it combines the good me­ tained by this method [277,282–285]. For example, by changing the
chanical and processing properties of a synthetic component with the polymer concentration or operating conditions such as flow rate or
bioactivity of a natural polymer [270]. Conductive polymers such as distance from the needle to collector plate, it is possible to adjust the size
of the fibres from nanometric to micrometric range. Moreover, by

Fig. 6. Hydrogel-released Wnt7a retains its bioactivity in vitro. (a) Schematic diagram of the experiment. Differentiating C2C12 myotubes treated with (b) PBS, (c) Wnt7a
(gel-free), (d) Wnt7a in 4% PEG-4MAL hydrogel, (e) Wnt7a in 6% PEG-4MAL hydrogel, and (f) Wnt7a in 8% PEG-4MAL hydrogel. Day 5. Scale bar 100 lm. Reproduced
with permission from Ref. [259]. Copyright 2019 Elsevier.

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

changing the collector plate, it is possible to control the alignment of Table 3

nanofibers from those randomly oriented when using a stationary or Recent trends in electrospinning technique in muscle tissue engineering
very slow-rotating collector plate, or in the case of a fast-rotating, strategies.
aligned fibers. The flexibility of this method means that new improved SCAFFOLD/ TEST OBJECT MAJOR OUTCOME REF.
methods of nanofibers creation are still being sought in both literature METHODS
and commercial solutions. Recent proposals indicate that this technique Polycaprolactone Nanofiber Easy to control the fiber [297]
still needs to be studied in order to reproduce natural solutions in the (PCL) with outer properties (spatial density by changing the
most realistic way. These researches are aimed at finding new materials polylactic acid distribution of experimental conditions
(PLA) frame/ fiber density) (collector heights,
with improved performance and biocompatibility with the body as well
Divergence inclination angle); Lack of
as improving muscle recovery methods based on novel techniques to Electrospinning in vitro and in vivo
engineer 3D muscle grafts for therapeutic treatments for volumetric experiments.
muscle loss (VML). The investigations related to this technology are PCL and nanoclays Nanofiber Addition of nanoclays [298]
carried out in two ways: by looking for new materials or additives to the (phyllosilicate) properties (fiber improves the overall
to enhance the diameter, density, homogeneity of the 3D
scaffolds production in order to improve its performance, including homogeneity of alignment) nanofiber scaffolds
biocompatibility, or by enriching the scaffolds with cells and active fiber microstructure; Lack of in
compounds to enhance the regeneration effect. In addition, depending distribution/ vitro and in vivo
on the type of scaffolds produced, various modifications of the electro­ Divergence experiments.
spinning technique are proposed in the literature, including cell elec­
PCL and Male C57/BL6 Increased activity of anti- [299]
trospinning (CE) or divergence electrospinning. The research directions, decellularized adult (14–16 inflammatory M2
with particular reference to new trends, will be discussed below and bovine muscle weeks old) mice macrophages (arginase+);
summed up in Table 3. The first works related to the formation of ECM/ Increased myofiber
scaffolds for muscle regeneration were based on poly(ε-caprolactone Electrospinning (MHC+) regeneration; No
effects in muscle weights
(PCL) [286,287], mainly due to its biocompatibility and low immuno­
and force production.
genicity in body (Table 1). Current trends indicate the possibility of PCL and gelatin Male (weight Addition of gelatin [300]
using synthetic copolymers, natural polymers or hybrid systems. In work functionalized 280–300 g) improves the
[288] electrospun scaffolds from poly(butylene 1,4-cyclohexandicar­ with the addition Sprague–Dawley hydrophilicity,
of heparin/ rats cytocompatibility, and
boxylate-co-triethylene cyclohexanedicarboxylate) (P(BCE-co-TECE))
Electrospinning biodegradation, while
was proposed. The obtained results, based on in vitro and in vivo studies, with heparin improves
showed that the presence of ether linkages had impact on mechanical heparinization of hemocompatibility;
properties, degradation rate, surface wettability, as well as density of PCL/gelatin Heparin is covalently
cell anchoring points. Moreover this scaffolds enhance cell adhesion, scaffolds attached to the free amines
of gelatin using the 1-ethyl-
proliferation, and differentiation by promoting cell orientation along
fiber direction, as well as by enhance cell infiltration and oxygen and pyl) carbodiimide
nutrient diffusion. Narayanan et al. [289] showed the possibility to use hydrochloride and N-
poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) for scaffolds production. Authors hydroxysulfosuccinimide;
Obtained small-diameter
concluded that control of mechanical properties and degradation ki­
vascular grafts are
netics could be obtain by changing the ratio of lactide to glycolide. In beneficial to the
vivo study using an mdx mouse model, thus popular model for studying development of small-
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, showed the potential of applying opti­ diameter artificial blood
mized fiber scaffolds to enhance myogenic potential of transplanted vessels.
PCL modified with The cellular Oxygen plasma allows to [301]
cells. Whereas among the examples of natural polymers, the work of
graphene oxide interaction, change hydrophilic surface
Manchineella and co-workers can be indicated [290]. Combination of (GO) with morphology, and of electrospun fibers in
silk fibroin and melanin allowed to obtain antioxidant and electroactive skeletal muscle orientation order to improve the
biomaterial scaffolds which improved the myogenic differentiation of cells (C2C12)/ changes interaction with GO; GO-
Cell modified PCL nanofibers
myoblasts into myotubes in vitro. An interesting solution was presented
Electrospinning scaffolds impact cell
by Laurencin and co-workers [291]. For the reason that fibrin, on the and oxygen elongation.
one hand, is an optimal scaffold for tissue engineering applications, plasma
because it mimics extracellular matrices, and on the other hand has poor modification of
mechanical properties, authors proposed to obtain a bilayer scaffold
PCL and collagen The cellular Higher degree of the [302]
fibrin-polyurethane scaffold by combining the electrospinning method
struts with activities myosin heavy chain (MHC)
(in order to obtain a nanofiber structure of fibrinogen) and the spray, endothelial cells (myoblast with striated patterns and
phase-inversion technique to prepare the synthetic layer. The final (HUVECs) and proliferation, enhanced myogenic-
polymerization of fibrin by spraying thrombin solution on the electro­ C2C12 cells/Cell alignment, and specific gene expressions
spun nanofibers allowed to obtain nanostructured layer of fibrin fixed on Electrospinning differentiation/ (MyoD, troponin T, MHC
and 3D printing maturation) and myogenin) is obtained
microporous poly(ether-urethane) support layer. According to the au­ for scaffold with myoblasts
thors’ suggestion the obtained material can be used i.e. in soft tissue and HUVECs in comparison
regeneration processes including muscle, skin. Moreover polyesterur­ to scaffold without
ethane could be applied as potential scaffolds for skeletal muscle tissue HUVECs; HUVEC-
electrospinning with
engineering [292]. On the other hand, based on polyurethane it is
modification in fiber
possible to formation a hierarchical electrospun muscle inspired struc­ direction is simple and
ture [293]. According to the results of citied work, it could be concluded effective method to provide
that by applying the electrospinning method, materials development biophysical/biochemical
that mimic the alignment and geometry of nano- and micrometric sys­ cues for facilitating
myoblast alignment and
tems, such as myofibers, myofibers/fascicles and surrounding mem­ differentiation.
branes, as well as the entire muscle was possible. The obtained materials
(continued on next page)
indicated slightly higher yields to the passive muscles with a similar

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

Table 3 (continued ) myoblast differentiation, which translates into further assembly of the
SCAFFOLD/ TEST OBJECT MAJOR OUTCOME REF. implantable fascia to repair skeletal muscle tissue. Enhancement of the
METHODS muscle regeneration effect with the addition of active compounds was
Poly(L-lactideco- Vascular smooth Flow rates of the PLLA-core [303]
also confirmed by Liu et al. [287] for polycaprolactone (PCL) fibrous
caprolactone) muscle cells and PLCL-shell solutions membranes coated by mussel-inspired poly norepinephrine (pNE),
and poly(L-lactic (VSMCs) determines modulus/ which originally functions in the brain and body as a hormone and
acid) (PLCL/ stiffness of the aligned neurotransmitter. Investigations showed a better effect of cell adhesion
PLLA)/Coaxial fibers, without negative
and proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. The tests on the rat skeletal
Electrospinning effects to the fiber
topography and surface muscle cell line L6 and in vivo experiments using six week
chemistry; Stiffness effect Sprague-Dawley female rats showed the possibility of correct integra­
of electrospun fibers on tion of the regenerated muscle layer with fiber membranes and sur­
phenotypic modulation in rounding tissues at the site of the impairment.
vascular smooth muscle
cells (SMCs) is observed.
An important issue in tissue engineering is the application of an
Poly(lactide-co- SMC Enhanced smooth muscle [304] appropriate scaffolds production method. Here, modifications of the
glycolide) differentiation by cell (SMC) differentiation electrospinning technique come to the aid. Although 3D scaffolds is
(PLGA) with evaluation of the potential of the human already widely used for tissue reconstruction [307] and electrospinning
induced five SMC related iPSCs; iPSCs-seeded PLGA
procedures are often used to generate scaffolds with alignment cues that
pluripotent stem genes and two shows potential potential
cells (iPSCs)/ SMC related for use in bladder tissue lead to uniaxial alignment of seeded cells, there is still a problem due to
Electrospinning proteins engineering. the specificity of this solution. In this procedure, the cells mainly adhere
Decellularized New Zealand dECM contains many [305] to the outside of the scaffold, which results in uneven distribution on it.
extracellular White rabbits biochemical cues that help Therefore, it was proposed to include cells in the biomaterial during
matrix (dECM) in cell adhesion,
scaffolds without proliferation, and
electrospinning. The answer to this is cell electrospinning (CE) that
the polymer differentiation; There is based on the basic process of electrospinning encapsulated viable cells in
carrier/ possibility to produce the micro/nanofibers [282,294,308]. This issue is difficult because
Electrospinning dECM scaffolds with traditional electrospinning subjects biomaterial to high voltages and
tunable physicochemical
currents that are harmful to cell survival [309]. The advantages of using
properties while retaining
proregenerative matrix electrospinning in formation of scaffolds for tissue engineering appli­
components. cations have contributed to the development of many methods based on
Decellularized Human muscle Promotion of the cellular [306] this technique. In addition to mentioned above the cell electrospinning
ECM- progenitor cells orientation and myotube method, divergence electrospinning is proposed in the literature [297,
methacrylate (hMPCs) formation of human muscle
298,310]. This technique allows to produce a scaffolding from nanofiber
with poly progenitor cells by dECM-
(lactide-co- MA/PLGA composite with a thickness of centimeter in a short period of time, showing the
glycolide) scaffold. advantages of scalability in comparison with traditional electrospinning
(PLGA) carrier/ and high resolution in comparison with 3D printing techniques. By
changing the height and angle of inclination of the two cone collector,
and 3D printing
the density of the produced fibers as well as microstructure gradient of a
3D nanofiber matrix can be changed and controlled. This technique
biomimetic non-linear behaviour which could closely resemble the promote the development of biomimetic artificial tissues with patterned
complex morphology of skeletal muscle tissue. It can be assumed that nanofiber structures, thus not only muscle but also ligament, cartilage,
the introduction of active components into the structure will allow to tendon.
realize a highly biomimetic artificial muscle. Thus, in addition to the The development of such electrospun nanofiber materials has led to
base of polymer scaffolds the incorporation of bioactive factors and cells some of them being already in the commercialisation phase. For
is promising topic of investigation for muscle regeneration engineering. example, P&P Biotech Company offers patches as class III medical de­
Guo et al. demonstrated the possibility of using the electrospinning vices based on the development of the He Group at Fudan University
process, based on aqueous solution-electrospinning method to encap­ Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital, China [283]. Research has shown the
sulate C2C12s and electrospin them into fibrin/polyethylene oxide possibility of using electrospun nanofibers made of a mixture of poly
(PEO) microfiber bundles, to evenly distribute immortalized mouse (L-lactide-co-caprolactone) and porcine fibrinogen as a patch for
myoblast cell C2C12s inside the fibrin scaffolds, as well as the lack of abdominal wall regeneration. In vivo experiments were carried out on
inhibition of cell growth after the process [294]. Despite low density of dog showing that after 36 weeks the skeletal muscle regeneration of the
myotube, this method allowed for the elongation and differentiation of abdominal cavity was effectively induced, while being restored within
cells inside the fibres as well as the expression of mature muscle markers two weeks after implantation.
e.g. myosin heavy chain (MHC). Moreover, in order to improve the cells It should be noted that electrospun nanofibers are proposed also as
growth on the scaffold, the use of gold coatings was proposed [295,296]. effective drug delivery system [284,291,311–313]. For example Bagheri
In this case, the properties of gold nanoparticles, such as their biocom­ et al. [314] proposed PVA/chitosan-aniline oligomer, which indicated
patibility, good conductivity and possibility to functionalization with suitable biocompatibility, cellular activity and cell adhesion. Addition of
various organic and biological compounds are implemented. Zhang dexamethasone to the electrospinning solution allow to obtain new
et al. [296] proposed application of 3D myotube guidance on hierar­ material which exhibit anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive
chically organized anisotropic and conductive fibers for regeneration of properties. Electrospun poly-L-lactide (PLA) scaffold with the cell
skeletal muscle based on aligned electrospun nanofibers and gold death-inducing drug Diclofenac (DCF) encapsulated has been success­
nanolayer coating. This solution allow to enhance myoblast alignment fully tested on human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) [315]. Controlled drug
and the formation of myotubes thanks to gold nanolayer coating as a delivery allow to changes in cell morphology and glycolytic activity. The
consequence of improving electrical signal transfer between cells. As possibility to control the release of sirolimus, also known as rapamycin,
suggested by the authors, on the one hand, hierarchically organized drug which prevent organ transplant rejection has been proved using
scaffolds and, on the other hand, their conductive properties allowed to electrospun polyurethanes [316]. In the review focused on electrospun
create a platform that not only supports the desired growth but also cellulose acetate [317], the possibility of its use as a drug carrier was
indicated, including: anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

antibacterial agents, as well as vitamins and amino acids. Such solutions high human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and
can be applied in transdermal or local delivery systems, wound dressings distribution, compared to 3D printed scaffolds. Ren and co-authors
and in biomedical applications. At the same time, the authors pointed fabricated PCL/collagen fibers in order to control the growth and dif­
out in this case that CA nanofibers cannot be completely biodegradable ferentiation of human peridontal ligament stem cells (hPDLSCs) [340].
in the human body due to the lack of cellulase enzyme and are degraded By using NFES technique, they produced ordered scaffold with unique
by microorganisms, which in case of potential application should be topography (controlled intervals and directions of fibres). Ren et al.
improved. Khodadadi and co-workers [318] in their work summarized improved that differentiation of hPDLSCs into cementum-forming cells,
the possibility of using electrospun nanofiber in drug delivery system collagen-forming cells, or bone-forming cells can be controlled by
(with chemotherapeutic agents such as 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin, curcu­ topographic guidance of prepared scaffolds [340]. The NFES provides a
min, dichloroacetate (DCA), docetaxel, doxorubicin (DOX), paclitaxel powerful, simple and low-cost technique for the ultrafine fibres depo­
(PTX), and platinum complexes) for localized cancer chemotherapy. It sition. However, it still has some limitations: i) the small droplet size
was confirmed for DOX in the case of pH-sensitive polyvinyl alcohol/­ restricts the large-scale preparation of fibers, ii) the shortened distance
polycaprolactone (PVA/PCL) core-shell nanofibers obtained by coaxial between electrode and collector limits the thinning and stretching of
electrospinning technique [319]. In works [320–322] authors have fibres, iii) ambient (environmental) factors, such as humidity and tem­
shown the possibility of applying these materials for ocular drug de­ perature, as well as viscosity, conductivity of polymer solution/mixture
livery, while for oral drug delivery system in works [323–326]. More­ may also affect the morphology of nanofibres.
over, electrospun nanofibers characteristics such as a large surface area
with controlled conformation and relatively simple modification possi­ 5.1.2. 3D printing technologies
bilities, as well as complex pore structure and high biocompatibility Additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing, estab­
make these materials a promising example for the construction of bio­ lished several approaches, but each of them enables to form of highly
sensors at the nanoscale [277,327–331] as well as wound healing complex 3D scaffolds. Conventional 3D printing involves producing of
patches [332–335], i.e. multilayer alginate–polycaprolactone electro­ objects by a layer-by-layer approach. Most of additive manufactured
spun membranes [333]. The discussed works indicate the wide use of scaffolds require two-step fabrication of acellular scaffolds which are
electrospun nanofibers in medicine, which at the same time indicates further seeded with cells and cell-laden constructs developed to mimic
their high potential for muscle regeneration combined with specialized their native analogs.
treatment methods. Going forward, based on the already existing
knowledge in muscle tissue engineering and the cited work related to 5.1.3. Stereolithography (SLA)
other medical applications of the electrospinning technique, significant SLA is the first rapid prototyping process developed in the late 1980s.
work needs to be done to assess the potential use of these materials and In SLA, the ultraviolet (UV) light is use to induce curing of a liquid layer
its possible improvements and limitations in muscle regeneration. of polymer resin via photopolymerization. UV light is irradiated on the
photosensitive resin surface in precise patterns. Excitation of photo­
5. Perspectives in scaffold fabrication initiator molecules by UV light induces releasing reactive species such as
free radicals upon causing polymerization of the resin which leads to the
5.1. Additive manufacturing in scaffold fabrication formation of a solid material. The first fabrication step involves the
adhesion of the first layer of a photopolymerized polymer directly to a
An ideal scaffold for tissue engineering not only needs to be made build platform. This important step provides support for 3D structures as
from a biocompatible material but also supports cell adhesion, growth they are fabricated. When the first layer is completely polymerized, the
and migration by specific, designed micro/nanoarchitecture. Advanced, build platform is moved to defined step height for polymerization of the
functional scaffolds should simultaneously provide structural support subsequent layer. The moving process then repeats, with each new layer
for cells and mimic the native tissue structure. The wide range of cured onto the previous layer until the three-dimensional structure is
commonly used in laboratories scaffold fabrication techniques such as completed. Once the 3D structure is polymerized, the scaffold should be
phase separation, solvent casting, soft lithography, molding, fiber rinsed in the solvent to remove the uncured resin [341]. The main
bonding, gas foaming, emulsification, freeze-drying, membrane lami­ advantage of using stereolithography is the control over the internal and
nation and particulate leaching enable to form 3D scaffolds, but has a external geometry of the scaffold structure, which involves pore size,
major limitations [336], which includes difficulties in controlling com­ porosity, patterns [342] as well as the ability to the remove of unpoly­
plex micro/nanoarchitecture, pore size, porosity and its network. 3D merized resin, and extremely high feature resolution (~1.2 μm). The
printing technologies overcome these issues, and enable the production disadvantage of SLA is the poor range of biocompatible resins that
of repetitive, customized scaffolds with controlled parameters and also simultaneously have proper processing properties. Another drawback is
provide highly complex shapes. There are more than 40 different types the necessity of usage of photoinitiators and radicals which can be
of 3D-printing techniques currently. The most promising techniques of cytotoxic toward cells, possible entrapment of unreacted monomer and
3D-printing scaffolds for tissue engineering are presented below. other residual photoinitiators, poor mechanical properties of photo­
polymerized resin and relatively long processing time. Finally in SLA
5.1.1. Near-field electrospinning (NFES) challenging is the completely removal of support structures and the
NFES is an alternative approach to the traditional electrospinning inability to fabricate compositional gradients along horizontal planes
method, where the electrode-to-collector distance is decreased to con­ [343]. Besides that, scientists all the time publish improvements in the
trol the electrospun fibers deposition [337]. The shorter spinning dis­ field of scaffolds 3D printing and new materials combination. Recently
tance causes that the fibers can be deposited in straight-line stage. H. Kumar et al. presented digital light processing (DLP)-based SLA
Moreover, the short distance results in reduction of the applied elec­ (DLP-SLA) bioprinting of biocompatible scaffolds made by gelatin
trostatic voltage from hundreds to tens of volts, making this process methacryloyl (GelMA). GelMA synthesized in reverse osmosis (RO)
cheaper and more safe. Several materials can be applied to formulate filtered water (RO-GelMAs) results in rapid fabrication of high resolu­
nanofibers by using NFES, for instance PEO, PVP, PCL, PVDF, PS, PMMA tion and mechanically stable 3D constructs. Obtained bioinks exhibited
or bioactive glass [338,339]. Depending on the physical and chemical excellent biocompatibility and cell-organization over three weeks in
properties, they can be used as materials for fabrication of 3D bio­ culture with 3T3 fibroblasts and U118 astrocytes [344].
mimetic scaffolds in the field of tissue engineering. Kolan et al. designed
PCL/bioactive glass scaffold with microstructure similar to the cancel­ 5.1.4. Selective laser sintering (SLS)
lous bone [339]. The authors improved that NFES scaffolds improved SLS is another 3D printing method, in which scanning laser fuses

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

particles with a diameter around 50 μm, in order to build a designed part transferred to the donor layer, by focusing a laser on a membrane that is
layer by layer from a fine powder. The sintering (recrystallization) of coated with cell-containing bioink. The pulsed laser source is focused on
fine powders takes place once illuminated by a high-power beam of a the laser absorbing-layer that generates a vapor bubble. This bubble
laser. The process is generally performed under inert atmosphere to limit forms pressure to deform the bioink and forms droplets. By this method,
contamination or undesired oxidation of powders [345]. It should be cells are transferred directly from the side of the membrane facing the
pointed out that SLS method, due to significant material restriction, is printing surface to the donor layer (receiver) following by their cross­
mainly applied to fabricate 3D scaffolds for bone tissue engineering linking. The main advantage of LAB is an absence of an orifice, which
[346]. For instance, the incorporation of biomolecules is limited due to lead to the decreased shear stress on cells, also the resolution of printing
the use of a high-power beam laser to sinter powdered material. Another is better than in other bioprinting methods [355].
major limitations of SLS are: i) poor surface finishing of designed parts,
ii) presence of defects in the fabricated parts as a results of large 5.2. Current advantages of multifunctional scaffolds
shrinkage rates, and iii) need to apply post-processing treatments to
improve the quality of the surface. Despite all these disadvantages, SLS is The literature review shows a recent trend in scaffolds development
commonly applied to fabricate bioactive bone scaffolds [347–350]. Tan especially using ECM-based or naturally derived biomaterials with
et al. demonstrated successful incorporation of hydroxyapatite into incorporated active agents (e.g. growth factors) and delivering thera­
polyetheretherketone (PEEK) polymer matrix to enhance the bioactivity peutic agents (sections 2, 3, 4). Despite scaffolds clear biological po­
of designed scaffold. The authors highlighted that SLS provided excel­ tential, it is challenging to compare those biomaterials due to lack of
lent control over the microstructures of scaffold by adjusting SLS process detail physico-chemical characterization (such as mechanical strength,
paramterers, such as temperature, and laser power [349]. Sun et al. viscosity, degradation rate, swelling rate, Young’s modulus etc.). Table 4
reported fabrication of PLLA porous scaffold containing encapsulated describes selected publications which connect advanced scaffold pro­
dexamethasone (Dex) as a scaffold for bone regeneration. Based on the cessing, accurate physico-chemical characterization and excellent bio­
ex vivo studies, the authors showed that implantation of prepared scaf­ logical properties. The obtained materials were found to be non-
fold in rat cranium defects enhanced the formation of new bone and cytotoxic to skeletal, vascular or neural cells. Most of the developed
blood vessel, due to the controllable release of Dex molecule [351]. biosystems mimic living tissues by improvement of architectural orga­
nization of artificial tissues [356–360]. The electrospinning and additive
5.1.5. Bioprinting manufacturing were frequently used to develop tissue substitutes [356,
Generally, two strategies are in use: fabrication of acellular func­ 357,359,361,362]. All the developed scaffolds for soft tissue engineer­
tional scaffolds which are further seeded with cells and cell-laden con­ ing, was successfully examinated in vitro, ex vivo or in vivo systems [357,
structs developed to mimic their native analogs. Different technologies 363]. Tissue-specific stem cells and progenitor cells, were frequently
that utilizes living cells to form 3D cell-laden scaffolds are known as used as they are able to regenerate the tissue from which they are iso­
bioprinting. The principle of this process consists the deposition of cells lated. Presented scaffolds induced accelerate cells growth and differ­
loaded in bioink by nozzle-based techniques or laser-assisted techniques: entiation [359,360,363].
In the future advanced biomaterials studies about specific physico-
5.1.6. Nozzle-based 3D printing chemical characterization should be done prior to better understand­
Nozzle-based techniques include material extrusion or Inkjet print­ ing of scaffolds performance. It seems that obvious physico-chemical
ing, as described below. Inkjet bioprinters are frequently use for tissue parameters are overlooked by authors, which makes it difficult to
engineering applications. Thermal inkjet bioprinting uses a prepolymer learn about all the scaffolds properties and compare these systems. Lack
solution containing cells (the bioinks), loaded in an ink cartridge. Then of biophysical characterization hinder the full scaffolds potential.
printer head with cartridge eject droplets of ink through air bubbles
created by the heat in the printing head. The advantages of those 5.3. Future perspectives of the scaffolds
techniques are fast fabrication, their widespread usage caused by the
affordability of the device. Extrusion Bioprinting is a type of inkjet Depending on tissue type there are requirements for different ar­
bioprinting, which aims to dispense of bioink dispense by pneumatic (air chitecture. The architecture including pores and topography of bioma­
pressure) or mechanical (piston, screw) systems. The most popular is the terial regulates cellular behavior and determines stem cell fate.
pneumatic system, where bioink is extruded from the nozzle or needle Biophysical properties of the natural nano/microenvironment where
by continuously applying air pressure instead of single droplets. This cells exist, such as topography and stiffness provide extracellular sup­
approach provides structural integrity to the 3D structure [352]. The port for stem cells. This microenvironment denoted as “niche” modulate
disadvantages of nozzle-based 3D printing is clogging of the nozzle cell adhesion, growth, self-renewal, migration and differentiation of
because of high viscosity of the ink, cell aggregation and drying of the stem cells. In recent decades much more attention to developing
injected biomaterial in the nozzle. Moreover, the high mechanical biocompatible materials has been paid for extracellular matrix (ECM)
stresses during extrusion may be harmful to cells and could lead to a mimicking. ECM mimicking not only rely on mimicking its composition
decrease in cell survival [353]. Prototype on an innovative injectin­ (primary material, growth factors) but also stiffness and geometry. In
g/extruding 3D cellular printer based on remote magnetic control for vitro ECM-mimicking can be performed by a selection of pores and
dual effect of 3D bioprinted scaffolds with controlled cells seeding via topographical cues (patterns) for controlling cell shape [366]. Such
magnetic guiding was recently reported. The new approach of designed materials should have well-defined compositions, structures and prop­
magnetic scaffolds with magnetic gradients, were able to orient and trap erties. It was confirmed that both macro and nanotopography influence
the magnetized cells on the chosen side of the scaffold fibres. In vitro cell behavior by similarities to native ECM. The interaction of nano­
separation of two cell populations MSCs and human umbilical vein topographical features with cells integrin receptors alters cells adhesion,
endothelial cells (HUVECs), on the opposite sides of the magnetic scaf­ alignment and even differentiation [367]. The most promising ap­
fold fibres were described for the first time which potentially can be used proaches for scaffold fabrication connect controlled manufacturing of
at in vivo environment [354]. complex nano/microarchitecture and mechanical tuned scaffolds made
up of bioactive material. This allows for scaffold integration with cells
5.1.7. Laser-assisted bioprinting (LAB) followed by transformation into the intended artificial organ or tissue.
LAB is another possibility of advanced 3D printing of living cells.
This approach involves the usage of the pulsed laser source, a donor 5.3.1. Neural engineering
layer, and a receiving substrate. The cells suspended in bioink are The main challenge in neural tissue engineering is the fabrication of

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

Table 4
Comparison of recently fabricated scaffolds properties in nervous, cardiovascular and muscle tissue engineering.


SCAFFOLD Photocured gelatin fibres packed with NGF, 3D multichannel silk electrospun Two-component collagen nerve guides (Neuromaix)
laminin and fibronectin [364] bifunctionalized with NGF and CNTF [362] [358]
FABRICATION photopolymerization electrospinning commercial scaffold
DEGRADATION TIME after 12 months without inflammantory from 72 h to 168 h after 12 months without non-toxic degradation products
MECHANICAL – 8.47 ± 1.33 MPa (elastic modulus) –
BIOLOGICAL MODEL in vivo (Lewis rats) in vitro (neural cells) in vivo (Lewis rats)
REGENERATION Functional recovery of nerve tissue after 6 it supports the growth, development and Functional recovery of nerve tissue after 12 weeks
months migration of cultured neural cells
FUNCTIONAL 10000 of myelinated axons/mm2 (after 24 – 200 of regenerated axons/mm2 (after 12 weeks)-
RECOVERY weeks)*
ADDITIONAL diameters of the regenerated tissue prostheses elastic modulus of scafflod was close to rat it exhibits reduced myelin sheath thickness, it allows to
COMMENTS (0.84 ± 0.2 mm) were close to the normal sciatic nerves (13.79 ± 5.48 MPa) axonal regeneration across large nerve gaps, the
sciatic nerve (1.0 ± 0.2 mm) regenerating axons were able to functionally reinnervate
the muscles
SCAFFOLD PU-based scaffold [363] ECM-based cardiac patch [359] PLGA/gelatin scaffolds [365]
FABRICATION melt-extrusion additive manufacturing decellularization, solubilization, and soft lithography
TECHNIQUE technique electrospinning
DEGRADATION melt-extrusion AM technique helps to avoid degradation process starts below 100 ◦ C after 15 days weight loss of about 50%
PU thermal degradation
BIOCOMPATIBILITY cardiac progenitor cell viability > 95% 7-fold increase in human bone marrow long-term viability of hMSCs up to 15 days
mesenchymal stem cell number after 4
BIOLOGICAL MODEL ex vivo (CD117-positive CPCs isolated from left ex vivo (left ventricular tissues, isolated in vitro (Human mesenchymal stem cells)
ventricle from pathological hearts with from healthy commercial slaughter-weight
ischemic cardiomyopathy) pigs)
PHYSICAL Tg = 45.4 ◦ C Tpeak = 300.12 ◦ C –
PROPERTIES Tm1 = 76.0 ◦ C, Tm2 = 155.0 ◦ C Tendset = 448.02 ◦ C
MECHANICAL 10.2 ± 2.2 MPa (Young’s modulus) 203 ± 13.4 kPa (Young’s modulus) 0.78–1.20 MPa (Young’s modulus)
ADDITIONAL it supports the adhesion and spreads of human it support proliferation and growth of It promotes adhesion, ordered disposition and early
COMMENTS cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs), whereas does human bone marrow mesenchymal stem myocardial commitment of hMSCs
not stimulate CPC proliferation cells (hMSCs)
SCAFFOLD PCL/collagen nanofiber meshes [357] chitosan/PVA scaffold [361] cells into 3D constructs composed of PEG-Fibrinogen
hydrogel fibers [356]
FABRICATION electrospinning electrospinning 3D bioprinting
MECHANICAL 3.06–4.88 MPa (tensile strenght) 6.63 MPa (tensile strenght) 48 kPa (tensile stiffness)
BIOLOGICAL MODEL ex vivo (human skeletal muscle tissues taken in vivo (New Zealand white rabbit) in vivo (Immunodeficient mouse)
from male patients, age 50–65)
BIOCOMPATIBILITY the muscle cells readily adhered and there was not any significant After 21 days myotubes underwented sarcomerogenesis,
proliferated to myotubes after 7 days immunological symptoms, i.e. fever, pain, guarantees their proper contractile function
or fainting until 2 weeks
VISCOSITY – 14563.85 cP (RT) –
CS/PVA solution (5% w/v)
DEGRADATION – after 16 h after 5 days
SWELLING high fluid uptake ability (325 ± 7%) swelling ration more than 200% after 16 h –
OTHER FEATURES it facilitates cell adhesion, proliferation and it promotes cell attachment, acts as 3D scaffold leds to a substantial improvement of
differentiation mechanical support for muscle, helps to architectural organization of artificial muscle tissue
store nutrients for cell attachment and
ADDITIONAL PCL/collagen scaffold is able to guide and it exhibits higher stress strength than native Young’s modulus of scaffold is well above the optimal
COMMENTS orient skeletal muscle cells into organized required strength for skeletal muscle tissue range of substrate modulus for myotube differentiation
structures (0.2 MPa) (8–11 kPa)

scaffolds with controlled topography, biochemical cues capable of scar formation, to prevent fluid from leaking from the nerve stump and
directing damaged nerves and restoring the function of neuronal cells to guide the axon nerve cone into the distal nerve stump [138].
toward the recovery from neurological disorders and injuries [368]. Patterned topographies influence attachment, alignment and orienta­
Numbers of studies showed that the most effective topographical cues tion of stem cells by changes in the shape of the nucleus, in cytoskeleton
for neural cell adhesion, growth, migration, differentiation and regen­ rearrangement as well as by the expression level of genes. It has been
eration are grooves, aligned fibers, or channels [369]. One of the most reported that micro or nanopatterns can effectively induce neuronal
intensively studied are scaffolds for increased peripheral nerve regen­ differentiation of various stem cell types. Recently platform modified
eration after injuries. A nerve conduit is a tubular structure made of with homogeneous nanohole patterns of three different sizes (500 nm,
synthetic or biological materials designed to bridge the gap of a 700 nm, and 900 nm) by laser interference lithography (LIL), exhibit
sectioned nerve. The purpose of the conduit is to protect the nerve from effective guiding neurogenesis of mouse neural stem cells (mNSCs). Such

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

nanoplatforms could be useful for controlling various differentiation should have proper architecture of interconnected pores, also should
lineages of stem cells [370]. Additionally highly desired in neural TE are enable for effective cell migration and vascularization. Another prom­
conductive scaffolds which have beneficial properties due to connecting ising strategy is the usage of electrostimulation, which was showed to
the bioelectric flow in the body. External electrical stimulation of such enhance efficiency of cardiac differentiation and promote car­
constructs was confirmed to modulate cell migration, differentiation, diomyocyte maturation [378]. Recently M. Valls-Margarit from E.
maturation, synaptogenesis and finally enhance damage nerves regen­ Martínez and A. Raya’s groups reported on implementation of a plat­
eration [371]. Electrical stimulation was directly applied to electrospun form for the production of engineered cardiac macrotissues from human
nanofibrous scaffolds made by conductive block copolymer of PPy and pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) named ‘‘CardioSlice.’’ 3D porous scaffolds
PCL (PPy-b-PCL) to enhance the nerve regeneration process. Biode­ made by collagen and elastin-based sponges were used for culturing
gradable and conductive 3D porous scaffold with superior was con­ PSC-derived cardiomyocytes and human fibroblasts. Cell-laden scaffold
structed by means of a novel electrohydrodynamic jet 3D printing was used under parallelized perfusion bioreactor together with electrical
technique. Authors obtained superior control over the pore size, stimulation. Continuous electrical stimulation for 2 weeks promotes
porosity, precisely controlled fiber diameter and fiber alignment. cardiomyocytes alignment, synchronization, and the development of
PCL/PPy scaffolds supported the differentiation and maturation of cardiac tissue-like properties. Continuous electrical stimulation of car­
hESC-NCSCs to peripheral neurons, exhibiting potential clinical value as diac macrotissues resulted in minor (but measurable) improvements in
cell-laden or cell-free NGCs for peripheral neuronal regeneration [372]. cardiomyocytes maturation, however significantly enhanced matura­
Novel 3D nanofibrous hydrogels have been recently demonstrated. tion at the tissue level. Developed in vitro system is highly promising in
Scaffolds were made by fibrin/polyurethane/multiwall carbon nano­ many applications including disease modeling, drug screening and
tube (fibrin/PU/MWCNT), for improve advanced scaffold electrical toxicology, and regenerating damaged heart tissue [379].
conductivity and mechanical properties. Results conformed an appro­ Encapsulating, medical applications of 3D printing include the
priate microenvironment for enhancing cell adhesion, proliferation and fabrication of anatomical models for pre-surgical studies, fabrication of
high viability [373]. Nanotopographical cues in combination with acellular scaffolds, medical devices and finally direct 3D printing of cell-
chemical cues are highly desired in 3D scaffold fabrication. Researchers laden scaffolds and organs. Due to interactions between scaffolds and
have proposed various strategies to enhance or accelerate nerve cells are a key to cell adhesion, viability, proliferation and differentia­
outgrowth, however multidimensional regeneration of both neurons and tion, detail characteristics of biomaterials such as viscosity, mechanical
glial cells is the real challenge. Regeneration of oligodendrocytes can strength, charge, degradation, roughness, swelling, reactivity, hydro­
reestablish myelin sheaths and restore their functions. Simultaneously philicity/hydrophobicity need to be considered.
preventing the formation of glial scars, and promoted axonal, myelin
regeneration is highly desirable. Many scientific reports show the wide 5.3.3. Muscle engineering
diversity of active biomaterials with topographical cues, but despite Skeletal muscle has ability to regenerate after injuries but endoge­
many studies in this field, the successful combination of material with nous self-regeneration is impaired due to a complex and highly regu­
high mechanical and biological properties is yet to be achieved. lated process included inflammatory or destruction phase, phase of the
repair and remodeling phase. Crucial role in regeneration of inured
5.3.2. Cardiovascular engineering muscle have basal lamina which acts as regenerative template, and
The challenge in cardiovascular engineering remains to create secrete chemotactic factors which recruit stem cells to differentiate.
functional tissue constructs that can reestablish the structure and func­ When at the site of the injury, the basal lamina is damaged, occurs the
tion of injured tissue by mimicking and regulating the microenviron­ harmful impact on the myogenesis process [380]. Additionally the
ments, and physiochemical stimuli, to control the maturation of cells natural regeneration process could be hindered due to volumetric
toward cardiovascular cell phenotypes [220]. Additionally, the critical muscle loss (VML) injuries. VML are caused by critical loss of skeletal
aspect of cardiovascular tissue engineering is the lack of vascularization muscle tissues which lead to severe functional impairment. Therefore
in constructs. Cardiac scaffolds should have a highly porous structure scaffolds with incorporated biochemical cues (chemotactic factors and
with efficiently interconnected pores to allow the vascularization, the growth factors) which stimulate stem cells to differentiate and mature
flow of nutrients and the elimination of waste products. It was observed are highly promising for TE of muscle tissue. In addition, parallel
that pore parameters inside scaffold can enhance vascularization [374]. alignment of regenerating muscle cells is essential for optimal tissue
The last results show that poly(vinyl) alcohol (PVA) scaffold with a integration. Bioscaffolds which mimick the architecture and physico­
designed interconnected pore size ranging from 10 μm to 370 μm en­ chemical cues was recently developed by N. Narayanan et al. Implant­
ables spreading through scaffold and proliferation of human-induced able glycosaminoglycan-based hydrogel made of thiolated hyaluronic
pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CM) [375]. acid (HA) and thiolated chondroitin sulfate (CS) scaffold cross-linked by
Another promising scaffold architecture refers to force direct cell poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate offer appropriate biophysical cues for
orientation. By controlling the scaffold shape linearly, the cells are muscle engineering. Developed biomimetic scaffold support 3D encap­
directionally influenced by patterning and tensile force which influence sulation of murine myoblasts as well as progressive cell proliferation and
growth and maturation. Y. Tsukamoto et al. reported on a method for facilitated myoblast to differentiate into myotube in vitro. Finally HA-CS
the fabrication of 3D cardiac tissue with heart-specific structure, scaffolds enhanced angiogenesis, innervation at the defect and promote
exhibiting cell orientation and vascular network. Hydroxybutyl chitosan skeletal muscle regeneration of VML injuries in mice [381]. Another
(HBC) scaffold were fabricated by combining orientation-controlled 3D important role in muscle regeneration process fulfill the satellite cells
tissue by using an LbL technique, cell accumulation method and 3D which are a skeletal muscle-specific stem cells. Satellite cells in normal
printing technology. Obtained by co-cultured hiPSC-CM, NHCF and conditions are quiescent between the basal lamina of the mature muscle
human cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC) native-like 3D fiber and sarcolemma. After muscle tissue damage, satellite cells play a
cardiac tissue exhibit orientation and vascular network within the major role in formation of new muscle cells and therefore reassembling
constructs [376]. Recently bio-inspired scaffolds made of the crosslinked of the contractile apparatus [382]. Cell-laden functional scaffolds were
gelatin and cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) were raported. Combining recently presented by Y. Zhang et al. Hierarchically organized, aniso­
gelatin with biomimicry properties with structural reinforcement by the tropic and conductive scaffold with microscale melt electrowriting
CNF and suitable pore size and interconnection allowed fibroblasts (MEW) grooves were manually rolled with myoblast cells to mimic the
effective colonization and proliferation. The designed 3D nano­ fascicle assembly. Parallel aligned oriented nanofibrous mesh was con­
composite polymers, exhibited chemical stability, good mechanical structed to guide myoblast cell alignment, elongation and differentiation
properties and biocompatibility [377]. An ideal cardiovascular scaffold into myotubes. Results demonstrated that aligned nanofibers were

J. Litowczenko et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 2412–2438

crucial for myoblast alignment, while microgrooves were more effective Conceptualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.
in increasing both the elongation and maturation of myotubes, which
brings new insight to development of novel scaffolds for muscle bio­ Declaration of competing interest
mimicing [296]. Consequently, bioactive or cell-laden advance scaffolds
are promising tools for improving skeletal muscle cells proliferation. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
6. Conclusions the work reported in this paper.

The type of material used for the production of scaffolds, as well as

the sources of cells and bioactive molecules, supports the regeneration
process. Despite the encouraging premises, this area still requires further
This work was financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Edu­
studies. Effective cell-based therapy is possible by using bio-synthetic-
cation, Poland, Grants no. 0912/SBAD/2010 and 0912/SBAD/2000 and
and hybrid-material scaffolds. The most promising bioscaffolds fulfill
the National Science Centre (NSC) grant no. 2016/23/N/ST5/00955.
many biological functions, i.e. provide migration of a large number of
cells towards the injured tissue, their successful engraftment, and dif­
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