ANTEGRADE X RETROGRADE Consolidação e Infecção Santa Casa
ANTEGRADE X RETROGRADE Consolidação e Infecção Santa Casa
ANTEGRADE X RETROGRADE Consolidação e Infecção Santa Casa
Original Article
Objective: Osteosynthesis with intramedullary nailing is considered Objetivo: A osteossíntese com haste intramedular é considerada o
the method of choice to treat diaphyseal femur fractures in adults. método de escolha para tratamento das fraturas diafisárias do fêmur
The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the bone em adultos. O objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi avaliar o tempo
healing time and incidence of infection in patients with diaphyseal até a consolidação e a incidência de infecção em pacientes com
femur fractures treated surgically with retrograde and antegrade fratura diafisária do fêmur, operados com haste intramedular retrógra-
intramedullary nailing. Methods: The medical records of 123 patients da e anterógrada. Métodos: Foram avaliados os prontuários de 123
from two university hospitals dated 2011-2013 were evaluated, pacientes de dois hospitais universitários entre os anos de 2011 e
with 126 diaphyseal femur fractures having been found. The most 2013, tendo sido encontradas 126 fraturas diafisárias do fêmur. O
frequent treatment was antegrade intramedullary nailing (51%), of tratamento mais frequente foi com haste intramedular anterógrada
(51%), das quais 38% (n=25) eram fresadas. Resultados: Com 12
which 38% involved reaming (n=25). Results: We found evidence of
meses de pós-operatório, evidenciamos 92% de consolidação. Entre as
92% healed fractures at 12 months postoperatively. Complications
complicações, observamos um paciente com osteomielite crônica e um
included chronic osteomyelitis in one patient and femoral neck
com fratura do colo do fêmur, ambos submetidos à haste intramedular
fracture in another patient, both after reamed antegrade nailing.
anterógrada fresada e pioartrite do joelho, associada à osteomielite em
Pyoarthritis of the knee associated with osteomyelitis affected dois pacientes submetidos à haste intramedular retrógrada fresada e
two patients after reamed retrograde nailing and one patient after em um paciente após a utilização de haste intramedular retrógrada
unreamed retrograde nailing. Conclusion: We did not observe a não fresada. Conclusão: Não observamos diferença significativa entre
significant difference in bone healing rates with the use of reamed or a taxa de consolidação com o emprego das hastes retrógradas e
unreamed antegrade or retrograde nailing. Complications included anterógradas, fresadas ou não fresadas. Dentre as complicações,
the presence of infection with an incidence similar to that reported in observamos a presença de infecção em incidência similar à da literatura
the literature, and of particular significance, unrelated to the type of e particularmente sem relação com a via de acesso escolhida. Nível
approach. Level of evidence III, Retrospective comparative study. de evidência III, estudo retrospectivo comparativo.
Keywords: Femoral Fracture. Fracture Fixation. Femur. Fracture Descritores: Fraturas do Fêmur. Fixação de Fratura. Fêmur. Conso-
Healing. Pseudoarthrosis. Fracture Fization, Intramedullary. lidação da Fratura. Pseudoartrose. Fixação Intramedular de Fraturas.
Citation: Durigan JR, Silva AC, Takata P, Zamboni C, Santili C, Mercadante MT. Antegrade x retrograde nailing in femoral fractures: a study on con-
solidation and infection. Acta Ortop Bras. [online]. 2019;27(6):313-6. Available from URL:
Intramedullary nails can be inserted by a proximal (antegrade)
Intramedullary nailing has been the osteosynthesis method of or distal (retrograde) approach.4,5 Disadvantages of the proximal
choice to treat diaphyseal femoral fractures in adults.1,2 Compared approach include difficult insertion of the stem in obese patients
to other treatments, intramedullary nailing is less aggressive to and risks of femoral head necrosis or fracture, implant-related pain,
tissues, may reduce fragments without approaching the fractured gluteus medius insufficiency, and heterotopic ossification around
area, and is associated with less bleeding, high consolidation the hip.6,7 Disadvantages of the distal approach include the need to
rates, and fewer complications. 2,3 open the joint to introduce the nail, knee pain, mobility restriction,
The study was conducted at Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Correspondence: Jorge Rafael Durigan. Rua Abilio Soares, 867, ap 152, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 04005-003. [email protected]
with osteomyelitis in two cases (reamed RIMN) and in one case 125%
(unreamed RIMN). All these patients required further surgical pro-
cedures for additional treatment and removal of the implant, along
with prolonged antibiotic therapy. 100%
After intramedullary nails were initially described by Küntscher in
1939,12 they emerged as an excellent method to treat diaphyseal
femoral fractures, yielding high consolidation rates (85 to 99%) and 50%
AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS: Each author contributed individually and substantially for the development of this article. JRD (0000-0003-2805-2948)* – retrie-
ved the medical records of the study participants, reviewed the pertinent literature, and prepared the manuscript; ACS(0000-0002-6085-2438)* – assisted with
retrieving the medical records of the study participants and organizing the data and reviewed the pertinent literature; PT ( 0000-0003-0083-565X)* – assisted with
retrieving the medical records of the study participants and organizing the data and reviewed the pertinent literature; CZ (0000-0001-9256-4150)* – performed a
scientific and overall revision of the manuscript; CS (0000-0003-0645-5500)* – performed a scientific revision of the manuscript and mentored the study; MTM
(0000-0002-3140-7562)* – performed a scientific and overall revision of the manuscript and co-mentored the study. *ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).
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