Ex Read3 Less2,3

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1. ____________ the restaurant will attract more customers.

A. Renovation B. Renovating C. Renovated D. To renovating

=> B - Danh động từ là một dạng động từ, được tạo ra bằng cách thêm đuôi -ing
vào động từ nguyên mẫu được sd Làm chủ ngữ của câu

2. The newly hired secretary is good at ___________.

A. organizing B. to organize C. organize D. organization

3. The president suggested _____________ a new staff lounge to better serve the
A. to build B. build C. built D. building
4. We would like to thank you for ____________ in our annual conference.
A. participate B. participating C. to participating D. participated
5. Mr. Carter has had difficulty ___________ experienced research specialists
since last month.
A. find B. finding C. to find D. found
6. Because of the bad economic situation, we could not help _____________ our
New York branch.
A. close B. closed C. closing D. to close
could not help + V-ing: không thể không làm gì
Đáp án đúng là (C).
7. You can simply book your ticket by _____________ our website on dropping
by one of our stores.
A. visits B visiting C. visit D. to visit
-> sau giới từ (about, by, from, in, on, at, for, under, of, with…) luôn là danh
từ hoặc danh động từ, gọi là gerund, tức là động từ thêm hậu tố ING, nói tắt
là V-ING
8. We regret _____________ you that your application(đơn xin việc) has
been rejected (bị loại, không chấp thuận).
A. to tell B. told C. telling D. tells
=> Regret + toV : tiếc phải làm gì
=> Regret + Ving: tiếc đã làm gì
9. They stopped ____________ the old model in order to promote a newly
released one.
A. to sell B. selling C. sold D. sell
=> stop+Ving: chấm dứt hoàn toàn một việc gì đó
10. ____________ the number of security guards will hopefully reduce the chance
of thefts.
A Increase B. Increasing C. Increased D. To increasing
11. Atlantis Co. Strictly prohibits its employees from _________ an office phone
for personal reasons.
A. use B. to use C. used D. using
12. The company has considered ______________ its branch to Boston for the
past few weeks.
A. relocation B. to relocate C. relocating D.
=>Consider + Ving: cân nhắc, xem xét việc gì đó
13. Do not forget ___________ the application form before submitting it to Ms.
Radowich at the front desk.
A. signing B. to sign C. sign D. signed
Don't + forget + to V :nhắc nhở ai đó đừng quên làm việc gì đó. Ví dụ: Don't
forget to lock the door!
Cấu trúc Forget + V-ing. → Diễn tả việc ai đó quên đã làm gì trong quá khứ.
14. Ms. Wrigley has decided to stop ____________ applicants because she has
found a well-qualified person.
A. interview B. interviewed C. to interview D. interviewing
-> tạm dừng việc chi đó
15. If you wish to exchange for size or color, please return it it us within 30
days of __________ your order.
A. receipt B. received C. receiving D. receive

16. __________ various information regarding computer skill not only offline but
also online is part of our business.
A. Provide B. Providing C. Provided D. Provides
17. The secretary was busy ____________ calls to the customers who have
cancelled their orders.
A. make B. to make C. making D. to making
=> busy + Ving: đang bận làm chi đó
18. We could not afford _________ a new copying machine because it was quite
A. buying B. to buying C. buy D. to
Cấu trúc “cannot afford to do something” còn có nghĩa là “nếu bạn không có khả
năng để làm gì đó, bạn không được làm điều đó vì nó sẽ gây ra những vấn đề
nghiêm trọng cho bạn.

Dear Mr. Myer,

According to our records, your membership with California Fitness will expire in a
few weeks. We would like to __________ you with a special offer. With
19. A. provide B. schedule
B. cancel D. approve
your renewal of your membership, you can continue ____________ our facilities

20. A. use B. used C. using D. uses

=> tiếp tục làm gì
and services at a discounted price.
Jane Miller

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