Book 1 Knowledge Kept by The Dolmens
Book 1 Knowledge Kept by The Dolmens
Book 1 Knowledge Kept by The Dolmens
kept by te dolmens
About myself
Alexander Savrasov
Do not force yourself to boredom,
And let the soul search for something -
After all, you will receive grace,
When it fnds its way.
* * *
* * *
I often meet people near the dolmens. Practically all of them, with few
exceptions, are sad, full of worry. And the Spirits would like to see
smiling people happy, joyful ones. They are bitter and sad from the fact
that people are not cheerful. They say that people are created in love and
joy, and sadness is imposed on them.
Sometimes near the dolmens lie bouquets of fowers or broken branches from
fowering trees. Spirits say that, they are pleased with people's attention.
Only in no case should people tear fowers and break branches from trees.
They are content with sincere love coming from the heart. The spirits do
not need physical attention in the form of fowers or something more.
Argos – 9.5 thousand years old. Everything about Love. What is Love,
How to distinguish between passion and true Love. How to attract Love to
yourself and keep it your whole life. How to attract with your energy, that
energy which is called the other half.
Artazak – 9.5 thousand years old. Knowledge about Man and his
abilities. What is a Man in his cosmic all inclusive sense.
Urtaz – 8.5 thousand years old. Sunlight and all colors of the
rainbow, their infuence on the Earth, on everything that grows and lives on
her, the man himself. What is color in relation to the Earth and all living
Uradon – 8.5 thousand years old. How to turn a stone into clay, sand
into stone, and stone into sand.
Anastasia – 7.5 thousand years old. How to give birth to the happy,
Divine children.
Arkaz – 7.5 thousand years old. Everything about the Earth. Knowledge
of everything, that is inside and on the surface of the Earth. For what
purpose on the Earth is oil, coal, gold, etc.
Urkaz - 7 thousand years old. The world of sounds. Bird voices, noise
of water, wind noise, foliage noise - what does this mean in relation to
the Earth and to everything that lives on Earth. Impact of sounds on
All the spirits are Aryans. Calling themselves Druids. Those are bright
priests, who possessed colossal knowledge and knew how to use it.
A priest – means one who ratifes life. He possesses in full measure
the energy of life, can enlarge it or reduce it. Dark priests reduce, the
light ones – enlarge.
Knowing many thousands of years ago, what will be happening on the Earth
and what will people turn into, to preserve the knowledge for their
descendants, these people started to go into the Dolmens, so that their
soul and their knowledge would remain on the Earth.
Uradon is speaking
When you read this book, try to open your heart and soul, for only the soul
can understand and accept the spiritual. And do not try to strain your
The energy of selfshness - is the death of the soul and spirit, and then
the body. For God created without greed, created everything in love
- the Earth, and nature, and even more so people - his children.
Every blade of grass, fower, tree, animals and birds live, not having any
self-interest. They just live and with this fulfll their mission. But
certain powers managed to turn man in the opposite direction from God, and
therefore from themselves. And when a person has completely lost his
navigations, who is he in relation to the Creator and who is the Creator in
relation to him, and for what purpose man lives on the Earth - he was given
false values, that it is necessary to care only about the physical body,
and the soul - is something incomprehensible from the fantasy world. There
appeared money. It is clear that they are not created by God.
The Creator originally created everything on Earth for a happy life of his
children. But the "dark ones" made of people "fools”, who do not remember
their kinship, who are very easy to lead in any direction, give them false
life aspirations and put into their minds such a meaning of life, which
will decompose and destroy man himself, which is exactly what's happening
today: they only aspire to one thing - make more money, eat tastier foods,
dress richer, which is not always beautiful, etc., somehow highlight
yourself among people. One needs wealth - he sees the meaning of his life
in this, the other needs fame - he sleeps and sees how everyone admires
him. And where is the purity of thoughts, where is Love? Total selfshness.
So it turns out: God created everything selfessly in love, today's person
in everything that he does, everywhere is visible self-interest. Without
realizing it, a person acts against God, and therefore against himself. And
he can never see God until he turns to face him. And the most surprising
things is that no one can show you - oh, Man - the side where the essence
is, the truth, where God is.
And only you yourself - oh, Man - must or can fnd the right direction, fnd
your own way, for from the very beginning, the Creator gave free will and
freedom of choice to very person. Today, strangely enough, it is this,
which is the most diffcult in determining and fnding the truth. But the
truth is one - the way to God.
One of the moments of the search for God or the meaning of life: give, for
when you give - it is at this moment that you acquire. This is one of the
unwritten laws of the Universe, and therefore our Earth.
One more moment in search of your purpose: God – it is love, and love is
always selfess. Love – it is truly the purest thoughts.
* * *
The dawn is coming over my Motherland,
The dawn is coming in the hearts of people,
Time of envy and evil has passed,
It's time for fun and goodness.
Spirits of Dolmens
Uruslan speaks
Ur - an enlightened man. This is a person who knows and understands why are
the trees, the grass, the fowers, etc., he takes care of all this and
multiplies it; why are the birds and the animals, the fsh and everything
else that lives in the water, all sorts of insects, animals; takes care of
everything, that surrounds him, for it is given to him for help. He never
will extract from the Earth the so-called fossils: coal, oil, gas, gold,
An enlightened person understands that the Earth – it is a planet that
soars along its orbit, and everything that is in the Earth is necessary for
its normal life and everything that is on the surface of the Earth, is
necessary for those who live on the Earth. And for a reasonable man remains
only to merge with nature and become not a burden, but to harmoniously
complement it, bringing with himself a spark of God, which is in every man.
Ra - it is the Sun, without which the Earth will simply perish. Without the
Sun, there is no life in the solar system. It is warmth, light and a water
cycle in nature.
Therefore, the word URA should be the main one for children of God.
CUL'T-URA. Today this word is forgotten. Anything can be called culture,
but the meaning of this word is lost.
Think about it properly, what is Earth, nature and you, Man. It's time to
defne your purpose - do not put it off for tomorrow, you may not have your
tomorrow. The faster you – the People - realize the meaning of the word
URA, the faster you can call God your Father. You know very well, how
important it is to know who your parents are. But for right now you are
confused and lost in the space. Look for yourself in your heart, for there
lives the spark of God, and thus the truth lives.
From time immemorial, Russian soldiers, going at the enemy in battle,
shouted: “URA! (Hurray). They defended God in themselves, God on the Earth
and the Sun in the sky.
If a person helps others, strives for kindness and gives the warmth of his
heart to people and everything that surrounds him it is possible to call
such a person cultured. If a person aspires to outwit the other, strives to
attain beneft in all things, rejoices, that by deceiving, he enriches
himself, for material enrichment in any way is the meaning of his life,
then such a person can not be called cultured, even if he is a minister of
Halves are called such, because the man by himself and a woman alone can
not continue the Kin. And only the two together create the full energy,
aspiring into Eternity, that is, children are born, and the Kin continues
to incarnate on the Earth. The two halves together create the holistic
energy, an infnite one.
A half – it is the repetition of yourself in energies: if you are a
"plus", then in the "minus", if you are a "minus", then in the "plus" ("a
plus" – it is a man, "minus” – is a woman). This is a repetition, a copy of
you, but not externally, internally.
A person can have several halves, some - have more, some - have less. This
is due to the fact that a person lives more than one incarnation. Today on
the Earth lost is the true thought of God, that is, people lost the meaning
of their life on Earth. Your Kin are scattered, and you are born anywhere.
Therefore, your frst half could be born in a distant city or village, and
there was no point to seek it. In this case, a person acquired a new half,
and it's not so bad. On the contrary, he was able to fulfll his purpose -
to create a family and continue his Kin.
Aspiration towards one's half should be from the mother's womb, especially
when a person was born - through the singing (of a lullaby song) and the
stories which the mother will pass to him. It is better if it is the
mother, and not someone else, because the child has trust in the mother
like in God. You, the future parents can solve this situation for your
children, no one will solve it for you, only your pure thoughts. Through
your children born in love, in Divine energies, the thought of the Creator
will begin to return: the two halves will meet in each of their
incarnations, and this is a happy life.
To bring yourself to the state of a half is not so simple. The frst
condition, the most important one - is the desire to create a Vedruss
family and the creation of happy Divine children. And such children and
such a family can be created only in the Space of Love, in your kin land,
where your trees grow, fowers and where your heart sings a song of a
beautiful and pure love.
If you live in a city - go to the woods or meadows and there tell the space
of your dream, only be true to the end, it hears you and understands
If you are in the woods - come up to some trees, tell them everything and
give them your sincere love. They will do everything they can for you.
The purity of your thoughts is the determining condition in creating a
happy family. Know: your half will be flling with pureness and with light,
and the warmth of her heart will be drawn to the warmth of your heart,
because such heat passes through any distances and does not becomes colder.
The frst sign that you became a real half, there will be the appearance
around you of ladies or young man, depending on your gender. Feel with your
heart, which is your half.
A woman (like a man) should create in her thoughts an image of her happy
Vedic family, a family for the creation of happy Divine children. This
image will be strengthened many, many times, if you plant trees and tell
them about your dream. And then you have to believe that your dream will
come true, and the foundation for this will be your pure thoughts.
If you are unselfsh in your desires and aspirations - then you live in the
Divine space, you are walking towards God, nothing can stop your desires
from fulflling. Only one thing will help you to meet your half and create a
happy family - your happy and joyful life, and this depends only on you. A
person living on the Earth today must solve these problems by himself.
If the Vedruss family - is the main thing for you, then everything in your
life should accompany and help it. Do not waist your energy anymore on
anything and at the same time do not fxate on it. Live a full normal
earthly life. Chase away the sadness - it's a barrier!
Energy of Love
Energy of Lust
All the basic energies that exist in space, exist in man. There is also an
energy, which is called lust. This is a very low energy that is inherent in
animal world on the level of instincts for reproduction and there this
energy is needed and is necessary. Otherwise animals can not continue their
life on Earth.
If a person descends to such energy, then he becomes an animal. And
children, born of lust, have low energy, insuffcient to be man to the
fullest. He is almost completely devoid of Divine energies. Therefore, such
a person easily falls under the power of money, under the power of greed,
under the power of envy, under the power of aggression, hatred. AND never
will people rise from animals to God, as long as they are be born in lust.
Dear women, the future of people and the Earth depends on you! Think about
the responsibility, because you and only you truly can change everything.
Do not give in to the animal energies, conceive children in the Divine
energies - namely such children will never descend to the animal state.
Many bright souls have the descendants of Vedruss. All of them seek to
incarnate in Russia. Approaching is the break, and the Earth is graced with
a gentle light.
The frst purpose of a men - is to create happy family. The frst purpose of
a woman - is to give birth to healthy, happy children, everything else
afterwards. Lovely women, you have a serious responsibility for the future
of mankind as a whole and for a healthy Russian nation in particular. How
hard they tried, the "dark ones", to destroy, wash away from the memory of
slavic, in particular of Russian women, the role of a mother's purpose. You
can give birth to a person for happiness and a joyous life, or for the
burden, disappointed and pain. And all this depends mainly on the women.
The Vedruss said: "With you, beautiful goddess, I could co-create a Space
of Love to last forever." The goddess responded: "I am ready to help you in
this great co-creation." A man does not say: "I love you, marry me, but
namely, asks the lady to help him in the co-creation of the Space of Love.
This Space of Love is the basis of basis, the foundation for the birth of
healthy, happy, Divine children.
And the Space can be build by two people: HE and SHE, because they have the
most important thing - Love. Where you will build this Space - it's up to
you, your heart will tell you. At this time, try not to live by books and
advice of people, but your soul. Follow it and do not look for logic of
today's life in its actions, for today's life – it is a complete absurdity.
In the family, the creator - is a man, and the woman - is a helper. But
only two people can create, to create the third - their child. It depends
on you what will happen to Russia, and with the whole Earth, say, in ffty
years, for your children will live and create.
Today, the situation has developed in Russia such, that there are homeless
children. Who is it to blame for this? Of course, the father and the
mother, but the mother to a larger degree. With what rage and zeal some
forces attacked the Russian people, to destroy its spirituality to destroy
the gene pool with the help of alcohol, drugs, with the help of the so-
called culture - these are the soul-rending movies, pornography, erotica.
In such flms, books, emphasis is placed on the material, on the money (and
after all the money was thought up by those, who hates the light, the
Divine), prostitution is praised, theft, betrayal, lying, disgrace towards
your elders and the parents. As a result - the loss of true values, loss of
the path to God. Children, born in lust very easily fall for this bait, go
on the path of decomposition, self-destruction. Your salvation and the
happiness of your children - is a return to Vedism. You have no other way
to God, fortunately, because you are the descendants of Vedruss.
A pregnant woman should preferably eat vegetables, fruits, drink spring
water. It would be very good, if a woman will communicate with trees,
grass, fowers. Only fowers, and everything else, in no case should be
picked, after all it's murder. And why tear off the fowers - let them bloom
and please other people. It does not matter, that you do not hear the
plants, they hear you, they communicate to you. Go into some forest or an
orchard and perform poems for it or sing songs. Give your love to all the
living things. Tell it, that in you lives a little person, he will soon
come to our world, that you really want him to love everything that will be
his surroundings, all the vegetation, all the birds and animals.
Lovely women, sing good bright songs, together with you sings your little
child. In this way, the person, while still in his mother's tummy, already
knows, that the world to which he will soon come is very kind, gently,
waiting for him and already loves him. The child from the frst days of his
conception is connected by energies with our earthly world. The future
mother needs to tell the baby about trees, fowers and so on. For example,
coming to a tree, tell the child how it looks, what it is called, if it's a
fruit tree, what kind of fruit is it, what taste does it have.
If it is a fower – what is it called, what it looks like. Say that you love
this fower vey much, thank it that it exists. Tell the baby, that when he
comes to our world, he will see and be able to touch all this beauty.
Try to sing more songs, not necessarily already written ones, it is better
to invent them yourself. Take some melody, that you like today, and start
to sing about what you now see and feel: the sky, the grass, fowers, the
sun or the rain that washes everything and rejuvenates, the snow - how
white it is, pure and amazingly beautiful. Any season has its own beauty.
Open your heart, and for you will open all the most intimate, the most
beautiful and the most enchanted.
During pregnancy try to communicate only with people who love you, who
understand all of your great purpose and protect it, and not destroy it.
And the birds - oh, these are our singing friends - how we need them,
especially future mothers and their children. Tell the little ones about
birds: this bird is called so, now it is performing its song. Tell the
birds, that you are pregnant, that soon a new person will come to the
Earth. Ask the birds to sing their songs for him. They understand
everything, they will fulfll your request.
If you do not want to sing and talk, just sit, at this time the child
himself listens and communicates with the world around him. At this time
the future mother's most beautiful place will be her Kin's Domain, but for
today use what you have. If the season allows it, plant trees, fowers and
so on. Tell the little one, what you are doing in details: that you dug a
hole for a tree, then watered it. The tree will live, will grow and always
remember you and thank you for your love, give you its love - they know how
to do that. Later you can come to this tree with the child.
During pregnancy try to wear clothes sewn by you or by very close to you
people. Clothing - this is primarily energy, and if your clothes will be
sew by people who love you, they will invest their love in these things.
And you really need the energy of Love. She will help you in bearing your
happy child.
Remember one truth: if you give love - to you love returns. Give away a
piece of your kindness, wish everyone happiness, health, spring, etc.
Enter into intimate relations with a man only to conceive a child, and not
for the sake of bodily pleasures. Then there will be milk in the breasts.
You need to give birth, as Anastasia teaches in the books of V.Megre.
I will proceed from the fact that you are a mother, you live in your kin's
domain. Always praise the child. If it is necessary to explain something,
then explain it fully, although he is small, he will understand everything.
Never forbid, but explain everything, why this can be done, and why that
can't be. On the weather, never take offense, do not scold it, always
praise it – the baby since childhood must understand, that all the weather
is beautiful, and is even necessary. After all, everything, that is created
- is created by God. God is Love, Love is life.
Teach your child to thank everything that surrounds him, and even the stars
and the sky itself, the sun. And never ask for anything, as everyone now
asks: give me money, give me a car, give me health, give me a husband, give
me a wife, etc. These are egoists, empty, helpless, self-serving people who
can not give - they are greedy, they can only beg. These people – are
destroyers. We need new people - creators, that can give, gift and be
Teach the child to greet people, plants, everything that surrounds him. As
the child will grow, explain to the child that on him depends in what state
will the earth be, the air, the water. Explain, that the birds and the
animals - are his friends, so that he would love them, care for them. The
most important thing is for him to grow up and understand, that it is he –
a man - who is the creator of his happiness and his joyful life, but also
of grief and torment – on him depends everything.
First of all I want to say that the body of a person consists of all that
is on the Earth and inside it. You already know that the main building
material – is water. Today's man has lost himself so much that he began to
suffer from nature: it is either hot, or cold, or damp. Your body can not
adapt to the environment, from which there is discontent. You feel
irritation from this, you become destroyers of yourself.
Living in the system, your thought is directed not to God, but how to
provide for your body - you need a lot of food, clothes. The obsession with
the material, that is, selfshness and envy makes you earn more money to
look no worse than others, and if possible even better: buying a car,
furniture, expensive clothes, etc. You think that this is the most
important thing, and it is this that will bring you happiness. And do not
think at all, about who is man and why he lives on the Earth.
Whole life of today's people is on heightened emotions, a person feels
nervous - the body ages fast, hence the poor health and disease. But you
can live fully for 150-200 years and feel great. The human body has a huge
strength and durability. The body itself constantly rejuvenates, you only
need the necessary amount of love in your heart.
Any physical illness can be defeated with awareness, with your thought. If
you initially have a correct Divine understanding (Divine thoughts) then
there simply will not be any illness. Therefore all people living in the
system, are doomed to disease and suffering, because the system works
against God. Make the right conclusions - why should you suffer and be
Man absorbed into himself the whole cosmos, so do not rush to give your
body under the surgeon's knife. They are cutting you, but the Universe
Mother Earth!
How many songs are in you and love,
How much tenderness and beauty,
And the smiles on the faces of people,
And the burning eyes of children.
Flavors of fowering felds,
The nightingale sings to us till morning.
I'm flled with you, I'm alive.
You are my tender mother,
And I am - forever loving,
Your son.
The Earth - is a living organism. Like any body, Earth needs to be washed,
combed, rinsed. How to do this with such a large planet - of course, with
your thought, flled with love, appreciation and gratitude for the fact that
we have the opportunity to live among such beauty. After all, we do have
the opportunity to be happy and enjoy our life.
It would be good if every day you would say “I love you, Mother Earth!
Thank you for your purity, beauty, tenderness and love for everything that
lives." There is nothing more pleasant for the Earth. For her it is like a
beautiful balm to the heart, the most joyful and long-awaited news. And if
this is done sincerely, the Earth will indeed be flled with love, will
begin to recover faster from the experiments of humanity and will give her
love to you. This will be expressed in the fact that the climate will
become more soft, the amount of natural disasters will lessen (foods,
earthquakes, etc.). The grass, trees and shrubs will sooner turn green and
go yellow later. If you need rains to water the earth - it will come at
night, and in the daytime the sun will shine, warm and soft. Only your love
is needed. It almost does not remain, but without it everything will
People, come to your senses, you think you are doing good deeds, mining
coal, ore, etc. But this is the fesh of the Earth, her body. She
experiences such terrible pain, suffering, she cries, she begs you, that
you do not torture her. But you do not hear her, for you the Earth - is
something foreign and dead. But the Earth is as alive as you are, the
people. She feels everything, hears and understands everything, asks only
one thing: that you stop torturing her.
The Earth – it is a planet, she soars along its orbit, and everything, that
is in her, it is necessary for her life. It's good that empty mines after
being mined started to be flled with water and the Earth had a large supply
of strength, otherwise she could simply get off her orbit.
Land reclamation has harmed the Earth very much – they drained swamps
without thinking and knowing the consequences. Earth, she as a living
organism, began to suffer, she lacks of moisture. After all, as an
organism, she has drier and more wet places on her body. All this is not
just by accident, it is for a normal life, just as in the human body.
The wisdom of man, his mind is not in the fact that, he should not wait for
mercy from nature and take it himself (you have such a slogan), but to
understand the life-support device of the planet, her amazing cosmic
meaning and to create ourselves the good, the bright. You probably remember
Biblical wisdom, explained in the books of V. Megre by Anastasia: Adam and
Eve wanted to know how is it, such juicy, sweet, tasty apple grows out of a
solid tree. They did not start to create something new, but began to study
what is already created, so they began to degrade in their development.
Leave the products of metal – in them is the pain and fear, and tears, and
sadness. After all, this is - my living fesh. In the metal is my suffering.
Take in your hands the wooden objects and only accept food from them. The
tree will give you happiness of paradise, health, kindness and tenderness
for the hearts. Will fll you with love, purify the thoughts and brighten
the souls.
Without this you will not fnd happiness, and in this is the whole meaning
of the Earth (meaning wooden spoons).
We know the location of the planets, what role they play in relation to
each other (there are kin planets performing same tasks in the Universe),
and what kind of energy they give out in space – negative or positive,
speaking roughly.
We could call on our kin planets, to join with them with our thought and
ask them for the energy Love. And, connecting our earthly love, sent by the
planets, the Earth began to glow in the Universe with all the colors of the
rainbow and radiated a powerful fow of love into space. From this energy no
one could hide, love had penetrated into all corners of the Universe and
illuminated, and warmed all of its most secret places. And even the coldest
and the most evil planets could not hide from our love. They became warmer
and started to smile. For a while they stopped their war plans. They just
felt good to soak in these warm and tender energies.
From time to time, when there was a need, with the help of the energy of
Love, we could regulate the action of the planets, so that the Universe
would always remain friendly. In such a way we truly could govern the
Without light and color, everything will perish. In nature there are all
the colors of a rainbow and hundreds of shades. Leaves on trees and
grass of green color, the energy of this color harmoniously connects with
the blueness of the sky. These two colors are not repulsive to each other,
but, on the contrary, are attracted, which has great importance for the
Earth, for her normal movement along its orbit.
Each variety of grass, trees, shrubs, is connected energetically with the
stars, that is, with the celestial bodies. Know that all celestial bodies
are connected between themselves with energy. They can not exist without
each other. They also care about each other and long for and rejoice, as we
do about our close and dear people. And if some heavenly body is sick, then
the other bodies, connected with it energetically also begin to ache, to
long for it and they do everything to save the ill one.
God does not have anything meaningless, everything has intelect, reason and
has its own specifc purpose. At night, stars are shining in the sky, on
many of them there are living beings. Some of these beings look at us, the
people negatively. But man has nothing to be afraid of, for you are already
protected, simply because you are a - son (daughter) of God, I mean a Man,
who creates in the image and likeness of God, and not a thoughtless
biorobot, who earns money, and with that destroys everything that is alive.
Green color – is the color of life. If the green passes into a
different color, for example, into brown, it means that this plant has
fulflled its mission and goes on to another state in the form of fertilizer
for the earth. I want to note – not into garbage, which must be removed and
rendered harmless, but namely into a necessary fertilizer.
God is truly great in his creation!
Why do we see the sun when it is red, or when it is yellowish with
different tones and shades? Because at different times we are different. In
the morning, one predominates in us, in the evening - others prevail. The
Sun reacts to our energy, and changes its color, because the planet Sun
refects our internal state – that which we radiate from ourselves. On the
Sun there can be spots - this is because from people in certain life
periods comes such energy. They say that the Sun has become dangerous,
there can be skin cancer, etc. But the sun itself can not be bad or kind.
It, by itself, like a planet, can not change, and only the energies of
people can make the Sun dangerous or, conversely, soft and kind. If
from people will com the energy of Love - the Sun will be radiating the
energy to Love.
All plants on the Earth, all animals, birds and fsh, living in the water,
live in peace and harmony, and into space they emit the warm energy of
love. And only man, on whom all life depends, does not always live in peace
and harmony.
Flowers – those are earthly suns. They shine to the Sun, give it their
beauty, joy, their song, that is, love. They know their purpose, respect
their own beauty and worthily accept, when they are admired by people. They
charge with this energy of love, flling with it, and then, connecting their
rays with the rays of the Sun, give it their love. Thus the Sun receives
additional love of people through the fowers.
How wise is the Creator, foreseeing a lack of love of the people in certain
times. After all, the sun must not go out, it must shine and give away its
warmth to the Earth in the right amount.
Never tear fowers and do not buy in the store the cut ones. After all, you
are buying the dead. If you only knew how much pain and suffering you bring
into your house, in one word death, you would never buy or accept cut
fowers. Buy fowers that are in pots the living ones.
From the author: Once I came to the city and specifcally went
into the fower shop. I asked the fowers, how they felt - I heard a groan and a cry.
They began to talk like this: "We asked them not to kill us, we wanted to live and
shine to the sun. We cried, we cried, but they killed us. "
In comparison with man, this is the artery of the Earth, which are located
on the surface. Such arteries are also inside the Earth. Water in them
cools the Earth, they nourish her with moisture and its own, inherent only
to it, energy. This energy is vital for the Earth. The river and lake
waters is nourished by solar energy, and thanks to this it becomes even
In natural sources, water is free, is at home. She is well, she is happy,
this water always gives life, health, joy - this is living water.
Water in artifcial ponds, water storages, in urban plumbing, in bottles
that are sold in stores, contains the energy of grief, sadness, it can be
compared with offense. In it is accumulated the energy of resistance,
because it - is the source of life, which has pure thoughts, and it was
deprived of freedom, it is scolded. And at the energy level it turns into
poison (dead water). A person who drinks this water, is almost a biorobot -
evil, aggressive, one who stepped on the warpath, a wounded beast. By his
energy this person becomes a destroyer, even if it's a doctor, a healer or
a gardener, etc.
Underground Water
The water taken from the earth should be held in the sun. Solar energy
dissolves, burns in the underground water, the human energy of pain, evil,
all the dark, destroys it and flls it with the light of life, with love.
After all the Sun – it is nothing more than our love. But also you can
transform the energy of water, with your own thought, your own energy. In
this moment love all the people, even the most evil, with all sincerity and
purity. And your love, united with the love and wisdom of water, transforms
all evil into pure energies.
Only one condition: love must be true, and not fake.
The forest produces oxygen and helps the Earth with its movement along its
orbit as a rescue circle infated by air when a person swims in the water.
Forest for the Earth – is like clothes for a person, they cover separate
parts of the body. The forest possesses information called knowledge of
pristine origins. But only rare people can receive this knowledge, they are
helped by the spirits of the forest (not visible energy, possessing
Each type of tree is connected energetically to cosmic bodies (or stars).
Fruit orchards – it is pollen, nectar and air flled with Divine energy.
You can just look at fruit trees and be full. Fruits, like vegetables -
this is the main miracle on Earth. Soon you will understand it yourself.
The second tree – it is a pear tree. This is a woman's heart, and more
accurately, the song of the female heart. The woman has a different energy,
it can be compared to a string, which sounds all the time. Therefore, a
woman lives by emotion, not by the mind. Such energy is necessary for the
birth of children. This energy makes a woman hardy, makes it easier
to endure diffculties in life. The more children she has, the stronger a
woman can be, for the love she gives to her children, warms the world, and
the world takes care of her. Treat mothers with many children with
tenderness and love, because a mother of many children – it is a symbol of
The pear fruit itself resembles a woman's body, as if a drop of water
ready to break off and nourish all, that she falls on.
A woman should live with a man (a family, the same for a man).
Energy of a man and energy of a woman each in itself is sterile. When these
energies are together, they merge into one that emits a sound of Eternity,
immortality. A man and a woman seek each other, for such is arranged by the
Creator, that life never stops.
You do not need to keep a pear on the table, when you want, you can take it
and eat it. It's good to eat two or three or more at a time - better
An oak Grove for the Earth is - like eye sight for man.
Oak gives the person that energy which is called Kin memory - the
connection with his Kin improves, which is very important for every person,
especially for someone who began to fulfll his mission.
The oak grove has an energy dew to which in the person strengthens the
responsibility for his deeds and actions, in it increases the connection
with the Kin, that is, the universal wisdom is multiplied.
In your time, when all the energies are blurred, the oak helps to collect
the energy in one knot: it becomes easier for a person to fnd or understand
himself (especially if it is a child), he makes fewer mistakes, intuition
begins to work (kin memory, genetic memory).
It is in the oak grove in an open meadow that you need to hold youth games,
circle dances, songs, dances, and it's good to speak in verses - it's
easier to feel your soul mate (other half) through it.
It is good if you will have your favorite tree in the grove, it will help
you in everything, you just need to love it. And it is not necessary that
this tree be large.
Birch Grove - affects the energy of the hip and lower backbone.
These energies determine - if it's a man or a woman, a person's character
(willpower, courage, determination, purposefulness).
Birch grove softens the energy responsible for childbearing. In no way does
it weaken them, but, on the contrary, makes them confdent, resolute, but
not aggressive.
The birch grove balances all the energies, unites them and harmonizes among
themselves: a person begins to feel whole, become softer, which means more
adequate, with patience and understanding in treating others.
After you walked in an oak grove, it's good to walk along a birch grove,
and not vice versa.
Cedar - is the power of the cosmos, not different energies, but namely the
power, that power which is necessary for man.
If for some reason you needed to cut down a living tree, and your
intentions in this are selfess, then, as the Spirits told me, before you do
this, you need to read three prayers.
To God: "Father-Creator, let me take a few living trees, not for the
sake of enrichment or proft, but for the construction of a house (or for
something else), since it is cold in the winter, and I can simply freeze. I
need a home for me and my family."
Prayer to the forest and spirits, from where you will take the trees:
"The forest and the spirits of the forest, allow me to take a few trees.”
(You should explain for what).
Addressing each tree. You explain to it, what you need it for.
Personally, after a prayer, the trees always answer so: "It is for this
reason that I live, to serve you – oh, Man! Take me, I'm ready to die to
help you".
We did not break the stones by hand and did not drag them, braking our
backs, but we used the power of thought and something else. To process a
stone, we could turn a solid into soft - the stone became like clay. To
move the stone – we temporarily removed the earth's gravity.
Even today, with the help of prayers and meditation, people can lift heavy
objects with their fngertips.
We softened the stone with the help of thought and with the power of spell-
water. Water is the main building material. If water is coaxed to perform
some idea and provided with your thought, it does miracles. It is useless
to water a stone with regular water, it will not be softer. Only water,
charged with certain information will have an effect.
Turning a stone into clay, we could easily process it, make patterns, make
openings. We could also turn a stone into sand or sand into rock.
From the author: For the frst time I heard that the Druids could turn stones into
clay from the dolmen Anastasia. There lies a stone, in it are deep grooves. I asked
the Spirit, what are they for and how they do it. She told me that, the stone was
turned into clay, and with any rigid object, even with a tree branch, they could
make such groves, and they are needed, so that the cosmic energy did not drain off.
The stones live in families. They have parents, children etc. They should
not be thrown from one place to another, turned over to use for your own
purposes. These are living beings who have a soul and fulfll their mission
on this Earth.
I will give an example: in one place I saw a platform, lined with fat
stones. I asked how they felt. They moaned, they cried, they started to
complain. People brought them great pain, sorrow, trouble. They said: "We
lived with our families, we rejoiced in life, we were so happy and joyful.
But evil people came and broke our families. Now we are sick, we suffer and
we cry all the time, but our moans and cries of help nobody hears. Now we
serve as streets, people walk on us, not understanding that we suffer. But
our sufferings will pour into your disease. You do evil unconsciously, but
you will answer for it in full."
This conversation - is a confrmation that the Earth can no longer live in
the same rhythm and tolerate gangster chaos of biorobots and those who are
"asleep" and can not wake up or, maybe, do not want to. Self-interest,
greed, avidity for money defeated them. A time has come to move from
demonism to Divine understanding, comprehension. All the harmful will leave
the Earth.
Of course, you can take stones, because practically all that exists on the
Earth belongs to man. But only when, they are really needed by people. But
again, with the help of prayers, it is necessary to explain to the stones
for what they are needed.
About the fact that a school called "Happiness" needs to create the Dolmen
Spirits began to tell to me two years back. But somehow I did not think
about it. But only now, having received more information about it, I was
able to realize the importance, necessity and timeliness of this school.
The awareness of the school "Happiness", its very idea, grows in my heart
more and more.
* * *
People who are in the school space will start to change with time, so from
the very beginning of creation of the school one needs to trust his own
heart: where to plant what, where to build something. We only give you what
you can not know about. It is necessary to live and create only with the
heart and the soul, and not the head, then you will succeed, because the
soul knows everything.
Orchard and groves you should make round orchards, diameter 100-200m
each, the minimum diameter of the orchard is 40 m.
Necessary condition: to arrange diagonally across the apple orchard – a
pear orchard, and across the plum orchard - the cherry orchard. Groves can
be planted in any place of the school.
In the middle of each orchard - glades with a diameter of 30-40m for a
large orchard and at least 16m for a small orchard.
In the center of the glades is a table, wooden benches. In each orchard on
the sunny side of the glades fowers need to be planted. In the apple
orchard - tulips, mimosas, poppies. In the pear orchard - roses,
gladioluses and some blue fowers. In the plum orchard - fowers of yellow
color, red, white - these are dahlias, carnations and other colors. In the
cherry orchard there should be colors of blue, white, green.
On the territory of the school, plant any trees and shrubs, which ever your
soul wants. Here you might want to have an ash berry tree, here - a lilac,
here - a fr tree or a cedar, etc. Since the birch gets lonely by itself,
next to it in a grove of trees intermixed plant maple, linden trees.
For the school "Happiness" use only the un-grafted seedlings they are
In the center of the school with cedars write the word HAPPINESS.
The height of the letters is - from 10-12 m and more.
At any place in the school, of your choice, with seedlings from a cedar,
pine or spruce write the word LOVE (write this word at will).
Distance between trees is not less then two or three meters from each
If there is no forest nearby, then plant a mixed forest: fr, pine, birch,
spruce, oak, maple, linden, aspen, etc. In no case should one divide the
school into separate sections, otherwise the energy of the orchard and the
school itself as a space where Happiness is, will be weakened.
Do not change the name of the school, in the title - “Happiness" School -
is the whole meaning!
Buildings on the territory of the school should be made round or
semicircular from brick, an adobe, blocks, etc., if from logs, then it can
be square, but the windows and doors should be arched (the top is
semicircular). Avoid right angles in everything, make everything round,
spherical, because in nature everything has a spherical shape.
If a person is placed in a hard square buildings, then his subtle body, his
energy suffers: he experiences a state of discomfort, comes the feeling
of fatigue, irritation, a person can no longer accept information. Also,
ceiling height has an effect and the construction of the roof itself, and,
of course, the color of the ceilings,
walls, the foor.
Roofs on a circular building should be four-slope or more. A ridge should
be done as it is more convenient. Cover the roof with natural materials
(board, straw, fox tail), since artifcial materials defect the cosmic
The height of the ceiling - is not less than four meters, the higher,
all the better. The ceiling can be treated with linseed oil and leave it
If you decide to paint it, then the color of the sky.
The foors should be made of boards and do not paint it. And if you do
paint it, then in turquoise color, tender green, light green.
For wall covering, you can use boards, cover them with linseed oil and draw
nature, landscapes, fowers, trees, birds, animals.
* * *
We are building a school to last for centuries -
In this is our bright dream,
This space we will call HAPPINESS,
And this world we will turn again to the light.
And the children, growing up here,
Will light the fire of their hearts,
Will see to the fullest and understand,
That only a pure beautiful dream
Will sow again the sprouts of good.
A great time has already come,
Not by chance our planet is named Earth,
That word means -
Be always happy.
Here, you are in love and are always loved.
Let's build together our happy world!
The Vedruss - these are people of pristine origins. Only in them there is
everything, that there is in the Universe, all the knowledge of pristine
origins, only they can change everything or nothing, therefore darkness is
so afraid even of their descendants. But in spite of that the descendants
of the Vedruss can save themselves and with that save the Earth.
Call yourself Vedruss, thereby reinforcing yourself as a pure energy,
created by God, and not by someone else. That is why the priests shook when
Anastasia said: "I'm Vedrussa."
The names of people used today mostly are of foreign origin. These names
for Russians have low energy. That is why Rus' weakened, dissolved in
foreign energies, easily gives in to everything that is imposed on it,
accepts any culture, wears any clothes. That's what it means – to loose
your name. After all, a name - is the person himself.
For example, Svetoslav (made up of two Russian words svet - light and slav
- glory) - this name has colossal energy. He glorifes the light. And light
is life, this is a new day, bright thoughts, dreams about the bright,
therefore about the kind, the pure, about the Divine. Such a person is very
diffcult to lead astray from his true path. Thanks to his name he possesses
the energy of light, he is connected with the forces of light, and they
help him. His thoughts are bright, and he easy distinguishes good from
evil, truth from falsehood.
Miroslav – he who glorifes the world. Glory to the world. One who loves
the world as a planet, the world in himself and in the hearts of people.
Ratibor – he who collects Ra - the sun, warm energy of life, the warm
energy of light, the necessary energy for the life of the physical, the
manifested world. He who takes in and gives to other people the warmth and
light, he who is carrying the energy and love of the sun, for all people.
These names - are representatives of a particular civilization, clearly and
distinctly representing what it is, what it does and what is around it.
If a whole nation bears its generic names, then this people, as an energy
on a subtle plane can not be defeated in direct collision. And therefore in
the manifested world this people can not be defeated.
Those, who have "awakened", call your children by Vedruss names. With that
you will return the power of your Kin to the planet Earth. You will begin
to return energy of light, of creation. You will begin to return the
thought of God-Creator. Through you will begin to reunite the life energy
of the Earth with the life energy of the Universe. You are the very frst,
it's hard for you. But were the Vedruss every afraid of anything? Is it
possible to scare the light with darkness? Never! That is why, and not for
some other reason, that after the most terrible night always comes the dawn
of a new happy day.
Veche was held twice a year in the autumn and spring equinox, as well as
when the acute, urgent business was discussed. Elders gathered from all the
villages and their assistants, from each village came fve or less people.
There were no leaders at that Veche. The leader was a topic that had to be
addressed. People at that time still remembered the knowledge of pristine
origins and skillfully used them, they lived according to the Kanons (in
Russian the word for law is zakon, za means behind, the ancient word for
law is konon).
The Veche commenced on the appointed day, at 9-10 in the morning. Everyone
already knew the reason for which they had gathered. The elders made their
statements and wishes, consistent with their knowledge of pristine origins
– this is the root, the foundation on which is the Veche is held. The life
and the foundations of ancestors were passed on from generation to
generation. There were no serious disputes, and could not be, therefore
on the third day, one decision was agreed on, even if this was the most
unexpected situation.
What helped the people to make a quick decision - their understanding of
the Divine order on Earth. They understood where the truth is, and where
falsehood is. Could easily, trace any problem or situation from the
beginning to the end, and therefore very clearly highlight it and properly
interpret it. The decision made was always the most correct one not dew to
disputes and debates or voting, but relying on their Vedic understanding.
People knew (in Russian the word to know from within is vedat') – therefore
possessed the truth. He who possesses the truth will always come up with
the correct solution.
Strive towards understanding of truth. Love the surrounding you nature
sincerely, with the realization that without it you would simply perish. In
this alone is ffty percent of the truth. Today, the energy of Love can
prompt you the most incredible things.
Your personal love for everything will help God, living in you, breathe
deeply. Thanks to this you will see and begin to understand with a deeper
awareness what is happening around you. Strive for knowledge of pristine
origins, without it – there is no were to go, there will not be a right
Kon - is the truth, created by God. To live by the kon- means to
possess true knowledge, that is, to know (vedat').
To live by the Kanons - is to do the right thing in that or another life
Law - this is all that does not belong to the truth, false, sly, leading
man away from himself, from God.
Those living by the law live in ignorance, they do not know, what they are
creating. Today this is what's happening on Earth – they are behind the
Uruslan Speaks
In V.Megre's book it is written: the Celts studied from us, from the
Druids, for 20 years, to become a Bard. But those were talented people -
poets, singers, musicians. Why did they they have to study so long? And I
want to say that it was not so easy to get the title of "BARD".
Bard – its is a person, who understands, feels and realizes the connecting
thread between the Universe and the Earth, and every person. If the whole
plant world, animals and birds unconsciously fulfll their mission, then a
Bard, namely by realizing all the responsibility for his actions, fulflls
his mission. He writes songs and music coming from the cosmos, not on
paper, but in his own heart and, using his knowledge, puts together the
words and phrases such, and such notes that the song begins to truly create
the good. Negative energy it can process into a positive one.
When a Bard sang - the yellow grass became green. If there was a strong
wind, then it stopped and became soft and kind. Birds focked to the sound
of the song and wild animals came, their eyes shone with joy, kindness and
love. The voice of the Bard was produced such, that it simultaneously
resembled the sound of a breeze, the sound of a creek, the blue of the sky,
the warmth of the sun. There was a connection between Man and the Universe,
the Earth was flled with the warmth and the love of the cosmos.
The Bard felt with his heart, where he was needed and walked exactly there.
He approached that village and started to perform his songs. People came
out and walked to him. They started to sing along, and through the melody
coming from the heart of the Bard, they connected with the cosmos. It
continued for a few hours, or even a whole day, because Love herself poured
into people's hearts. In this state the people lost their sense of fatigue,
in them triumphed the energy of Love. All the lost links to the Earth and
the Universe of this village were once again intertwined in harmony,
the ill ones recovered, the crops grew larger. And once again a happy and
joyful life began in this village. People sang these songs while at home or
doing some work, with these songs attracting the forces of light and good.
There was always peace joy and love in their souls and hearts. And if a
person lives in love, then he with confdence can be called Man-Creator
of Divine aspirations.
The Bard did not sing songs as it is done now, but tolled them with his
heart in a certain rhythm, called "motive".
When the Bard sang, the enemy warriors could not kill him. Weapons fell out
off their hands, they no longer wanted to fght, but wanted to love, to play
with children, to perform peaceful work. And only specially prepared people
(priests), possessing a dark power, could shoot an arrow into a singing
Warriors who defended their motherland, they called the Bards along
to the battle. During the battle, thanks to the songs and music, warriors
did not feel tired and could fght without tire all day.
The enemy suffered huge losses, they had to send more and more troops.
Before a year was divided into four time phases, today it is summer,
autumn, winter, spring, and into two phases: spring equinox and autumnal
The New Year, as such, was not celebrated – there is no point in it.
In different sources you can fnd different chronology. Previously, people
lived entirely for other goals, now - for others.
It is better to celebrate the spring equinox and fall equinox - it will be
correct in terms of physiology of man and a cosmic transition, of changes
of energies.
How to celebrate? Sing songs of thanksgiving. In the spring water the earth
and ask that she give a good harvest, and in the autumn caress her and
thank her for the harvest.
Spring equinox
The sun enters a new phase. From the Earth and from others cosmic bodies
emanate new energy. There is a redistribution of forces in the solar system
and on the Earth in particular. The frequency of vibrations of the Earth
and the Sun changes.
In a person, the rhythm of the heart becomes more frequent, intensifes is
the process of metabolism. Man gets more energy, it can be said that the
body wakes up. The highest life period of the year begins. Everything has
the highest energy of life.
Summer solstice
The earth is divided into two hemispheres, like the head of a person - into
the left and the right. This is very important for life activity of the
Earth, because it possesses reason and intellect. First the left hemisphere
of the Earth is illuminated - the burning of waste energy takes place, it
is turned into energy that replenishes the airless space, because there
also a gradual rejuvenation takes place. The same happens with the right
At the time of the summer solstice, the Earth possesses colossal energy of
purity, that is, it is gaining strength of youth. At this time, you can
begin any great action, and it will always be come to fruit. Only one
condition - that the thought was selfess. But it is necessary to know how
to draw this energy to yourself, for that you need to have the knowledge of
pristine origins.
Winter solstice
December 22-23 - is the shortest day. The Earth becomes still, she exhales,
but does not hurry to inhale. At that time people get less oxygen than
usual. The thought dims and moves more slowly. After that the Earth
begins to inhale, the inhale is very slow and cautious.
There is a quiet return to life.
It was celebrated on any day from the second to the tenth of October. In
one place, all the women gathered, who have children. They stood in two,
three or four circles depending on the number of women. Inner Circle walked
against the movement of the sun, the next one following the sun, the next
one against and so on. Songs were sung that praised mothers and motherhood
(write the songs yourself, you will succeed)
A loaf of bread was baked or a few. The dough was brought by all the
mothers of the settlement, regardless of age. It was eaten by all, who
wanted. Thus, the energies of all the families and houses merged - it
turned out, on an energetic level everything connected into one large
family. People lived in understanding of each other and sought to help, and
did not live every man for himself. They knew that if their neighbors felt
well, from the fact that they are their neighbors, then it's good for them
At the festival, the image of a woman-mother was created, one who helped
all the women who had children.
The image of a Vedruss mother - is when the whole village is one family.
The image of a woman giving birth was praised, which in herself nurtures
the seed of two - this seed is that energy, which is called eternity. This
energy is created by God, and each person possesses such energy but it is
in the woman that this energy grows and reaches such strength, when a new
person appears on the Earth - in this is the great purpose of a woman, for
the frst mission of a woman is to give birth, all the rest afterwards.
When today's women will understand, what energy they have been trusted, and
only if they fully become aware of it, all lust and body trade will cease
to exist. After all, the future depends on women, it can be happy, but it
may not be, if the women refuse to give birth.
Kupala night, kupel' - water unity, the connection of Kin through the
water, for water - is the basis of every Kin.
Water - is that energy, that unites all the others energies of the visible,
manifested world on Earth and connects the people with the Earth. In the
water there is a cleansing of the human body and after that, its connection
with the planets, which help him. Water possesses such an ability, that is
power after the Summer Solstice in about two weeks - there is no clear date
and can not be, because in each year the energy is different. Earlier it
was calculated by the color of the stars, their brightness in the
constellations of Big and Small Dipper, or of other constellations.
The action took place at night, when the water has a special force (the
Earth and the Universe charge the water). With that the people invited the
energy of Love into their hearts, and whom ever already had it – thanked it
that she was there. In its meaning this holiday for the Earth is as
the birth of a man for the family.
The Kupala wheel signifes Eternity, it rolls from the hill into the water.
Water – it is also Eternity. Two Eternities together signify the birth of a
new life, eternal life - Man. The Earth - is also the energy of Eternity,
on which everything happens. These four energies denote Kolovrat - eternal
movement, eternal life (rotation occurs counter-clockwise).
walking on coals and jumps over the fre
Physical fre always existed on the Earth, but people did not use it,
it was not needed. Right now it has a huge meaning in the lives of people.
Similarly it was used for occult services to the different gods. Physical
fre not only warms one up, but it can burn, burn down and destroy whole
villages and cities. This energy does not live in nature freely like water,
air, forest. The Vedruss of pristine origins never used fre in their
holidays, games, for, this energy is not needed by the living nature of the
earth. The warmth of the sun is enough and the warmth of the human hearts.
A person can easily stay in the water, he needs it. In the air a person
lives, he breathes it. But if he walks into a fre, he will simply burn down
in horrid torture. The use of fre in today's holidays – it is occultism.
With this you invite unnatural for living nature energy to the Earth, as if
saying, that you are lacking the sun's warmth and the warmth of the earth.
You are creating a dis balance in the natural energies and in your personal
ones, because the human thought decides everything.
Occult teachings, religions are thought up of for that very reason, to lead
Man away from the truth. From your fres the earth itself is suffering.
Employ your logical thought and you will understand everything.
Fire all-cleansing – it is not a physical fre, but a fre inside a
person. Three energies – love, a particle of God in a person and the energy
of the person himself, and when those three energies interconnect
harmoniously between themselves – they give birth to the fourth one –
happy, soft brightness, directed into Eternity. The fre which creates, and
which warms up everything – this is Love, which lives in your hearts.
Protect and cherish it. Aspire towards inner purity, and not the outer, for
the outer is already thought up of by the Creator. Don't get in the way of
the natural processes, then you yourself will live in harmony. Only your
inner aspiration towards the source of purity – towards God – will be the
right one.
Magic. (In Russian Magia) MA – the one who knows the unknown, G (hard g -
as in going), - hooks on which people are hung and their energies, I-A –
(in Russian means – And Me) – that person, which possesses magic. Magic,
divinations and so on – are always harmful, lead people away from the
Different prayers, water spells, pictures and so on you should use only in
the beginning of your return to the truth, to the Creator. Right away set
up such a goal, that, you yourself are the source, you are the most purest
air, you are that purity, when others speak of purity, for you are created
by God. What can be more pure then God? If you are the children of God,
that means you are Gods, living on the Earth. You are the purest, then be
the purity, the pure spring, the pure air, the virgin forest. What water
can be purer then the spring water – there is nothing purer. If you will be
taught, that you should always pray for your sins, then that is a closed
circle, and you will never get out of it. Know, whoever is teaching you
this, all this is darkness, a subtle leading away from the truth. If you
will mentally be relying on prayers, spells, then subconsciously you will
be sinning. Only a direct aspiration towards God is the truth.
The Buddhists read mantras, to cleanse themselves from the dark and the
wrong, Christians read prayers over their sins, Muslims teach the Koran, to
always cleans themselves. But why are they always dirty?
But we are telling you: aspire towards the purity of Buddha, become bright,
as the prophet Mohamed, live and think the way that lived and thought Jesus
Christ. You will not be able to live any other way, if your thoughts are
truly pure. Vedic image of life assumes and causes specifcally this kind of
life – namely, pure thoughts.
People, which will teach you, how to put spells on the water, which symbols
to draw, which ward combinations to pronounce, to protect yourself from
evil energies or offer their healing to all the sick ones and announce,
that they are taught this by the spirits – all those people are workers of
dark forces, conscious or not of what they are doing. For disease is given
to Man for nothing else, then for realization of his wrong path, that is
how God communicates with Man. And spirits may not interfere in this
process and proclaim for someone to be healed – that is a lie. Those people
hear essences, which live in them or in space, but are connected to them.
Healing comes only through conscious awareness and redemption, and that is
completely different.
Bow to all the foods and thank them that they feed you, and love you.
If they did not love you, they would be poisonous. To the bread –
especially, a low bow. In this is great wisdom, in this is life eternal and
joyous and not malnourished and meager. Right now you buy bread and other
foods for money. This is very bad, for foods, bought for money – it is
nothing less, then a lie, a hole from a bagel (as you say). For solid foods
have subtle unseen energies, it is them that nourish the body. And the
energies of sold foods are always unscrupulous. They are grown for sale and
the frst thought of the salesman is mercenary. That is why these energies
are corrupt, mercenary, from the very beginning they don't love you. Of
course the person receives the vitamins and gets fed, but this person will
never be truly happy, for in this person live the energies of greed,
falsehood, and duplicity. It destroys a person, it oppresses him, makes him
restless. But the person does not realize this, he lives like that.
But if you eat what you have planted with your own hands, then even in the
most diffcult time in your life you will receive help and support, support
and care for you, in one word – Love. And then it is many times easier to
get through the tough times. Believe it just how important it is to eat
(take in) pure thoughts, that is Love, and not that, which lies to you,
despises, hates, that is bought for money.
Wheat – takes in the energy of the sun and the energy of the Earth and
converts it into the energy, resembling the energy of a person. If the
wheat is not cloned, it has extraordinary power. With a small amount it can
nourish the body with all the vitamins, necessary for a fulflled life of a
person. Wheat increases the speed of thought, makes the body have more
endurance. This is the food of the people of pristine origin. It was simply
soaked in water and eaten like that. Right now from wheat the bread is
baked. Gradually you will have learned to grow wheat and your bread will be
the most famous mainly because, you will be growing wheat and backing bread
not for sale, to make money, with that putting down and disrespecting the
bread, for it, like an energy, has pure thoughts, but like a friend,
trusting it with your life completely.
Rye – has the same energies as wheat, only stronger, with more
determination, it is more precise. This is the food of the people of
pristine origins, which increases the speed of thought.
Before sleeping in the orchards or in grooves, or in the forest, it is
desirable to eat bread with water from the spring, or from a pure source.
The bread has to be grown by you and baked at home. That which you buy in
the store can not be called bread in its full meaning. Such bread nourishes
only the physical body, the subtle bodies are starving.
A person does not violate anything, if he eats the meat of an animal on the
condition, that there exists no other food. In such case, before the hunt
he should explain to the space, why he is doing this. Pure thoughts in this
have determining value. Then the meat, as food, will have pure energy, for
originally, in this case, the person was unselfsh.
Cucumbers – have green color, which signifes the blooming of life and
possesses light energies. They help to lower pressure and nourish subtle
body of a person with a gentle, juicy energy. Cucumbers can be eaten at any
time of the day, but it's not advisable to eat with tomatoes.
Tomato – has a red color full of life energy. Tomato denotes soft sun.
It amplifes strong energies in a person, because it represents the energy
of a fre, heat. A tomato mixes with all the vegetables, except for
In the modern books you are taught different types of diets. For example,
the raw food diet – it is very recommended to eat raw vegetables. All this
is correct. Only in those books only one side of this action is presented,
not the most important one.
Those writers, as a rule, live in the cities, in concrete and asphalt,
breathe the stench of exhaust gases of automobiles, drink purifed dead
water from the plumbing or from bottles, buy the food from the stores and
at the markets, they are corrupt.
We are telling you: eat any food cooked or raw, such, which your body
desires. Only, these foods should be grown by you – in this and only in
this is the meaning of a truly healthy diet. And to become happy – in this
and only this is all the wisdom!
Don't make the diet your end in itself, but let it help you become happy.
Create vedruss families, create The Space of Love in kin's domains, give
birth to happy, divine children for your own happiness and our Father-
Let them live for others. And if they can not, then you can only help
them by an example.
?If a man and a woman, loving each other, come into closeness not for the
creation of a child - this is already lust? Devine relations between a man
and a woman can be only once a year, for the creation of a child?
Your physical intimacy will not have that harm to you if you can
explain your lustful deed to your unborn child.
Understand that life in the Space of Love, that is, in the kin's domain,
and life in the city, that is, in the space of evil created by the hands
and thoughts of people who have lost the truth, living and born in lust,
are decisive in how you think and how you act.
You will fnd it easier to cope with lust in the Space of Love.
If you can not at all depart from carnal pleasures, live as you can, for
you are the children of your time.
Only for the great creation of your child your closeness is Divine.
?How to tell: if the information is coming from light or from dark forces?
If you are a bright person, it is very easy to distinguish this. Does
it feel good to you or not to do what you are offered. If in doubt, do not
do it.
We appeal to people who began to "open their eyes" and saw the horror of
their situation.
You take a hectare of land and create your own Space of Love. But you begin
building your Space of Love with a building.
For today to build a house, you need to think about money, where to get
them, where to buy building materials, and cheaply, how to bring everything
there, where to fnd people, to build, and pay less for it... And it turns
out that the frst thought with which you begin to create your Space of
Love, just think about these words - SPACE OF LOVE - try to really
understand, fully penetrate all the depth and signifcance of your creation,
not only for you, but for all your Kin, for your children, grandchildren,
and so on.
But it turns out that your frst thought is self-serving.
We very well see the energy of your thoughts. You are doing yourself
irreparable harm, without understanding it yourself. But your ignorance
does not change anything.
Your frst thought should be selfess, however good it may be.
Do not start creating your Space of Love with the construction of houses.
And start with your Love, giving it to the Earth to the fullest!
Spend a year on this, just live there and tell your space about yourself.
Tell it everything about your parents, about grandparents, about all your
close relatives.
Ask the Space to allow you to enter it, and do not invade the earth. What
kind of love can you talk about if you are invaders?
When you plant new plantings of trees, bushes and even fowers, ask for
permission from the Space. And anyway, everything you do on your hectare,
frst tell the Space, why you do it, what is it needed for.
You already know how important it is to harmoniously merge with nature.
She's alive. And for this to happen - the frst energy sent from you should
be LOVE.
But today you come to a hectare, start planning: here this will be ...,
there will be that ..., but the Space has not accepted you, it rejects you.
You start digging the earth, but it's alive, just like you.
First, explain to the Earth and ask for permission, and then do it. And do
not forget about God, because everything is one.
The real Space of Love is in you, and everything around you - it
strengthens you. And the purity of your thoughts in this plays a major
After all, only people are self-serving, everything else is selfess.
"You brought with you love and understanding, in return you will receive
love and acceptance."
You can, if you repent of the deed, explaining everything fully, that
you were unaware and did not know this.
Explain, why you did not know, truly, for you repent and you are ashamed of
what you have done. Be sincere. Your purity will return to you. You have
such a saying: "A sword does not cut a repentant head."
Love – it is life in joy, in one word - HAPPINESS. The energy of Love is
always aspiring towards man, but people often can not accept it, because
they live in the space of evil. Why is your kin's domain called the Space
of Love, because it is free from evil, at least so it should be. Therefore
it is very important that setting up your Space of Love should start with
love, which you can give. Then a full harmony takes place between you and
the space - here it is HAPPINESS.
If you could only imagine how happy our Father-Creator is at these moments,
after all no churches or religions are needed!
?What will happen in 2012? Will there be an end of the world?
Nothing will happen, because the light has already taken victory. Your
pure thoughts, your aspirations to the Divine have already done their work
and continue to create and increase life. Those people who took the path,
shown by Anastasia in the books of V. Megre, not only with the mind, but
mainly with the heart, that is, the soul, created on Earth such a powerful
energy of Eternity, and this energy illuminated the Universe. To this
energetic light, were attracted kin planets.
Now nothing threatens the Earth, because she is starting to recover.
The pure thoughts of man cure any ailment of man himself and will heal the
Earth itself!
Homeland, Motherland,
Serving the Kin -
These words, are forgotten today,
But after all, once upon a time, thank God,
We remembered about this
each day.
Love, coming
From the heart of a mother
And father's kind words
On joyous days,
And in the days of suffering
We remembered them always.
Who needs moralizing
Or unkind words -
Let life itself
Correct your view,
Let life itself
Find words for you.
Your heart will wake up
Or will not wake up -
There was no grief in this
After all, your sorrow – it is not affiction,
But the younger generations
A Rusich must save,
God has a cherished dream about that.
Do not be afraid of death,
Blue-eyed man,
Or to be ridiculed
By the rich and the crooks,
Not the one honored by God,
Who is clogging the earth
Dreaming about the rotten money,
But he who is able to love the planet,
Hug it, warm it with oneself,
Like a dear mother.
Yes, we are simple from birth,
But I'll protect my Kin again.
Wash your hearts to shine,
To the sunshine
Of your pure eyes,
And an inspired soul,
Waking up like a song,
It will rise above the Motherland right now!
* * *
When the heart suddenly begins to pound,
When you understand the whole point around,
Touching the fowers with your hand,
In everything, as if refecting,
At that moment you will present to others
Your beautiful and pure dreams.
And the bird makes its wings fap
Not because, it belongs to the sky,
But because, it aspires to the distance -
The whole essence and wisdom of being.
In that fight - there
Is its cherished and pure dream!