DL 2
DL 2
DL 2
In this module, we’re going to cover three broad topics namely socioeconomics, environment
and culture. The portfolio, which is up to 1500 words – excluding the source text, is a collection
of your best self-study works/activities. It includes the following:
2. TEN terms/phrases (5 in English and 5 in Vietnamese) that you have found typical in the
three broad topics covered in this module.
Please quote the terms/phrases in their original texts/contexts and provide the translation.
3. Your discussion of a translated text that needs editing together with your edited
version. You should write about 500 words in this part.
The source text should be between 150 and 200 words, either in English or
The source text and its translated version can be taken from printed publications,
company brochures, online newspaper articles, websites (e.g. Engrish.com),
street food menus, captions for exhibits in museums, etc.
In your comments, discuss at least TWO types of meaning transfer or strategic
errors in the translation including (but not limited to) omission, addition,
misunderstanding of source text, text types, word choice, literalness, faithfulness,
cohesion, ambiguity.
Please include word count for this part.
Both the source and translated texts should be presented in a table and put in the
Appendix 1 of this file for the grading descriptors to understand how your work is
Appendix 2 for the portfolio template to have an idea of how to present your work.
Appendix 1: Grading descriptors
Criteria and ratio
Task fulfilment (40%) Accuracy and appropriateness Critical thinking and practicality (25%) Grammar &
rendering (25%) mechanics (spelling,
punctuation) (10%)
Excellent The portfolio consists of all the required The translation in the portfolio The student shows very good critical The portfolio is free of
(90-100) parts and in full quantity. conveys very well meaning, thinking skills in her/his comment grammar and
The student demonstrates a very good implication, and communication and editing work. mechanical mistakes
control and understanding of the task: purpose into the target language The choice of phrases/structures in such as spelling and
purpose and implication of tasks, choice in smooth and natural fashion the portfolio is highly practical and punctuation.
of language and texts, and meaning and/or with an excellent choice useful.
comprehension. of words and phrases.
Good The portfolio consists of almost all of the The translation in the portfolio is The student shows generally good There are minor
(70-89) required parts and each part in sufficient basically a faithful rendering of critical thinking skills in her/his mistakes in grammar,
quantity. the source language text’s comment and editing work. spelling and
The student demonstrates a generally features. The choice of phrases/structures in punctuation.
good control and understanding of the The syntactic, semantic, and the portfolio is practical and useful.
task: purpose and implication of tasks, pragmatic choices are
choice of language and texts, and appropriate.
meaning comprehension.
Fair The portfolio consists of most of the The translation in the portfolio is The student shows generally critical The translation still
(50-69) required parts and/or each part in comprehensible although the thinking skills in her/his comment contains some
sufficient quantity. choice of syntax, vocabulary and editing work. mistakes in grammar
The translation shows a general control and/or idiomatic expressions is The choice of phrases/structures in and writing mechanics
and understanding of the task. not completely appropriate. the portfolio is somewhat practical that do not affect
Some evidence of misunderstanding and and useful. readers’
omissions are still found although they understanding.
are not so serious.
Poor The portfolio consists of some of the The translation in the portfolio The student shows low critical Many major
(30-49) required parts and/or each part in causes difficulty to the readers thinking skills in her/his comment grammatical and
insufficient quantity. as the choice of syntax, and editing work. mechanical mistakes
The translation shows a limited control vocabulary and/or idiomatic The choice of phrases/structures in are detected.
and understanding of the task. expressions is not appropriate the portfolio is of limited practicality
and usefulness.
Needs The portfolio consists of one of the The translation in the portfolio The student shows no critical There are too many
work required parts and/or all parts in causes readers to misunderstand thinking skills in her/his comment mistakes in grammar,
(20-29) insufficient quantity. or be unable to understand it as and editing work. spelling and
The translation shows no control and the choice of syntax, vocabulary The choice of phrases/structures in punctuation.
understanding of the task. and/or idiomatic expressions is the portfolio is of no practicality and
not appropriate usefulness. (This can include the
case that student copies examples or
text for editing from the classroom
Appendix 2: Portfolio template
Module title: Module code: Academic year: …………… Cohort: …….
Part 1: Structures covered in the semester
Part 3: Translated text that needs editting.
Please note that the example below is only to show you how to present your work, NOT an excellent task response that you should copy.
In the translated text, two types of errors are identified, i.e. errors in word choice and ambiguous translation of reference.
Regarding errors in word choice, the phrase “a wet or damp spot” in sentence (1) below is translated into “nơi ẩm ướt hoặc ẩm ướt”, in which the word
“ẩm ướt” is used to refer to both “wet” and “damp”, showing a limitation in the translator’s vocabulary repertoire.
(1) “Molds are usually not a problem indoors, unless mold spores land on a wet or damp spot and begin growing.”
Translation: “Nấm mốc thường không phải là vấn đề trong nhà, trừ khi các bào tử nấm mốc rơi xuống nơi ẩm ướt hoặc ẩm ướt và bắt đầu phát
My suggestion: Nấm mốc thường không phải là vấn đề trong nhà, trừ khi các bào tử nấm mốc rơi xuống chỗ ẩm thấp hoặc ướt át và bắt đầu
phát triển.
Another example of this error type can be seen in sentence (2), in which the term “hay fever” has been translated into “sốt cỏ khô”, a much less
common term in Vietnamese. As defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, hay fever is “an acute allergic reaction to pollen that is usually seasonal
and is marked by sneezing, nasal discharge and congestion, and itching and watering of the eyes”; therefore, the more appropriate equivalent should be
“viêm mũi dị ứng”.
(2) “Allergic responses include hay fever-type symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, and skin rash.”
Translation: “Các phản ứng dị ứng bao gồm các triệu chứng kiểu sốt cỏ khô, chẳng hạn như hắt hơi, sổ mũi, mắt đỏ và phát ban da.”
My suggestion: Các phản ứng dị ứng bao gồm các triệu chứng kiểu viêm mũi dị ứng, chẳng hạn như hắt hơi, sổ mũi, mắt đỏ và phát ban da.
The second type of error is the ambiguous translation of reference in example (3) below. The subject pronoun “they” refers to “allergic reactions” in
the previous sentence. However, as “allergic reactions” is translated into “phản ứng dị ứng” without a marker of plural form such as “những” or “các”,
the translation of “they” into “chúng”, which in itself refers to plurality, in the following sentence is both unclear and confusing. The translation of
example (3) also contains an error in word choice. The word “delayed” is translated into “bị trì hoãn”, which does not go very naturally with the
subject “phản ứng dị ứng” (allergic reactions). In order to improve the translation, I would suggest omitting the pronoun “they” then combining the
information in the second sentence with that in the first one. Besides, the word “delayed” should be translated into “sau đó” (back translation: later) and
the verb “xảy ra” (happen) is added before the word “immediate” (ngay lập tức) to make the sentence clearer and smoother.
(3) “Allergic reactions to mold are common. They can be immediate or delayed.”
Translation: Phản ứng dị ứng với nấm mốc là phổ biến. Chúng có thể ngay lập tức hoặc bị trì hoãn.
My suggestion: Phản ứng dị ứng với nấm mốc là phổ biến, có thể xảy ra ngay lập tức/tức thì hoặc sau đó.
- Please include the full references (APA format) of the texts used in your portfolio.
- Make sure that the word “References” is aligned left so that Turnitin won’t count your appendix. This will help reduce your similarity score.
Borenstein, S. (2023). Cost of 2022 extreme weather disasters in the us totalled $165 billion, NOAA says. Available at:
2951672/ (Accessed: Sep 12, 2023)
IELTS song ngu (2022). Disappearing delta. Available at: https://ieltssongngu.com/envi/song-ngu/cam05/disappearing-delta (Accessed: 07 September
US EPA (2022). How do molds affect people? Available at: https://www.epa.gov/mold/how-do-molds-affect-people (Accessed: 07 September 2023).
VNA (2022) Foreign investment disbursement hits record high in nine months: Business: Vietnam+ (vietnamplus), VietnamPlus. Available at:
https://en.vietnamplus.vn/foreign-investment-disbursement-hits-record-high-in-nine-months/239083.vnp (Accessed: 07 September 2023).