Abdallah Harmouch Research

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MCHE 500 – Research Methodology


Abdallah Harmouch 201902888

Submitted to the

Mechanical Engineering Department

Faculty of Engineering

Beirut Arab University


Dr. Mohamad Ali

Fall (2022-2023)


In this report we will be applying the research methodology processes in purpose

to enhance our company's product. For decades, our company has installed many

solar panels in Lebanon, but this product was limited for rich families that need solar

panels in their villas or their business places. Due to the enormous increasing in the

electricity problem in Lebanon and the increasing of monthly cost paid by the citizens

for the electrical services, we are doing this project to find a method that makes us

capable to cover more citizens from different social classes by our product and

making it efficient and with acceptable cost.



Table of Contents.......................................................................................................iv

List of Figures............................................................................................................vii

List of Tables ............................................................................................................


Chapter 1. Introduction ..............................................................................................1

Background .......................................................................................................1

1.2. Problem
Statement ............................................................................................1

Chapter 2. Literature review

2.1. Basics about energy and

power .........................................................................2

2.2. Renewable and nonrenewable

energy ...............................................................2

2.3. Fundamental of solar energy system.................................................................3

2.3.1 Sun and radiant ...........................................................................................3

2.3.2. Types of solar energy

application ..............................................................4

2.3.3. Photovoltaic effect .....................................................................................4

2.3.4. Sizing the solar panels, backup battery, and

inverter .................................6

2.3.5. Number of solar panels

needed ..................................................................8

2.3.6. Advantages and disadvantages of

PV ........................................................8

2.4. Efficiency of PV
technology .............................................................................8

2.4.1. Definition and
formula ..............................................................................9

2.4.2. Items that should be

considered ................................................................9

2.4.3. Seven ways to allow businesses to enhance the efficiency of pv .............9

2.5. Economic of
PV ..............................................................................................11

Chapter 3. Project plan .............................................................................................13

Problem ...........................................................................................................13
Goal .................................................................................................................13

3.3. Envisioned.......................................................................................................13

Rational ...........................................................................................................13

3.5. Questions.........................................................................................................14

Chapter 4. Variables ..................................................................................................15

4.1. Dependent
variables ........................................................................................15

4.2. Independent variables .....................................................................................15

4.3. Extraneous variables .......................................................................................16

Chapter 5. Experiments plan and strategies ...........................................................19

Chapter 6.
Conclusions ..............................................................................................20

References ...................................................................................................................21


Figure 1: Solar panels

[5] ...............................................................................................1

Figure 2: Sun layers [1]..................................................................................................3

Figure 3: Solar radiation types [2] .................................................................................3

Figure 4: Solar panels: Layers and junctions [2]

[3] ......................................................4

Figure 5: Enegy levels in the PN junction

[1] ................................................................5

Figure 6: Electrical circuit

[2] ........................................................................................5

Figure 7: Current- Voltage curve [2] .............................................................................6

Figure 8: Avoid shading, clean your solar panel, and use softeware to gather

imporatant data [6] .......................................................................................................11

Figure 9: Cash diagram [2] ..........................................................................................11

Figure 10: The figures above show the latitude angle on the earth (From google) .....16

Figure 11: A quote from space atlas of Lebanon [9] ...................................................16

Figure 12 : Map shows altitudes in Lebanon [9] .........................................................17

Figure 13: Plan shows the relation between different variables ..................................19


Table 1: Table shows the energy gap for different semi-condector materials [2] .........9



Electricity demand is increasing continuously due to the great spreading in the

human activity. During covid-19 pandemic, humans give a greater importance to the
electricity benefits because they spend a much more time in house and need more to
use the electrical devices especially for online meetings and internet using.
The globe is going to rely more on the benefits of "Renewable energy" to generated
electricity, heat, or in other applications, due to the pollution and continuity issues.
Usually the renewable energy devices have a higher initial cost; but when installed
they have much more benefits from the traditional sources of energy that relies on the
chemical energy (fuel from coal, oil…etc.). The price of these chemical elements is
going greater year by year and they may be unavailable after decades.
Solar energy systems are safe, unnoisy, and clean sources of energy. Engineers are
fighting cautiously to develop the performance and effectiveness of these systems and
to make them more available for customers and in all countries with acceptable price.

Figure 1: Solar panels [5]


Here in Lebanon we are facing a catastrophic problem with electricity generation. The
availability of traditional fuels used is decreasing and citizens suffer from the lag in
the electricity hours. Perhaps it is the best moment to rely on a new renewable and
available source of electricity, such as solar energy systems, especially that the
location and weather in Lebanon make this device more efficient and possible to be



A famous law called "the conservation of energy" states that there is a certain
quantity called "energy" that does not change when something happen. Energy is
defined as capacity to produce an effect to do work and it can be found in different
forms, there are: electrical energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy, chemical
energy, kinetic energy, radiant energy, nuclear energy…etc. Usually, the amount of
energy is not changed, but converted from one form to another.
We don't have any scheme that shows the shape of energy and how it looks. All we
know that there are some formulas used to calculate some numerical quantity and
when we add it all together it gives the same number. A basic formula shows energy
as product of force and distance:

𝐸(𝐽𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑒) = ∫ 𝐹(𝑠)𝑑𝑠

This equation means: The amount of energy needed to apply the force of 1 N through
the distance of 1 meter. (S: distance in meter, F: Force in Newton, and E: energy in N*m or Joule (J)).
Another physical quantity involved is the "Power" which is: the amount of energy
done per one second. Power is given by the formula:


The three main types of renewable energy are: hydro-energy, wind energy, and
solar energy. As we can see, these forms of energy are refilled by nature continuously
and faster than its rate of consumption by humans (Produce energy again and again).
The human activities are going much greater and need to rely on an available and
clean source of energy. Usually, fossil and nuclear fuels were used in wide variety to
generate energy. However these fuels are not refilled by nature or perhaps they take
centuries to be refilled; also the toxic gases emitted by the burned fuel usually lead to
catastrophic results on humans and nature.

For this reasons, engineers prefer to rely on renewable energy technologies and to
develop them to become more efficient and available for all human around the globe
in an acceptable cost.


2.3.1. Sun and solar radiant [1] [2]

Solar energy is generated by the thermonuclear fusion in the sun's core; the power
density generated is estimated to be 275 𝑊⁄𝑚3 . The surface of the sun is called
photosphere, in this layer solar radiation is emitted in all direction and a specific
amount reaches the earth; this amount per area is called "solar constant" and it's
approximately 1361 𝑊⁄𝑚2.

Figure 2: Sun layers [1]

Solar radiation that reaches the atmosphere is a combination of ultra-violet, visible,
and infrared radiation. When passing through the atmosphere, solar radiant is divided
into two types:
1) Direct radiation (Rb): Solar radiant that falls directly on the solar panels without
being diffused and has the highest effect on its performance.
2) Reflected radiation (Rr): The solar radiation falls also in the surfaces that surround
the solar panels and reflect from these surfaces to the solar panels' surface.
3) Diffused radiation (Rd): Through the atmosphere an amount of solar radiation is
reflected, absorbed, and scattered by air molecules and other obstacles.

Figure 3: Solar radiation types [2]

The total radiation value is calculated by the following equation:

𝑅 𝑡 = 𝑅𝑏 + 𝑅𝑟 + 𝑅𝑑

2.3.2. Types of solar energy application [1]

There are three main types of solar energy application depends on the form of energy
converted from solar energy.
1) Photovoltaic (PV): Sunlight is converted into electricity directly by using a
semiconductor material. (We will be focusing on this type only in our project)
2) Solar thermal energy: Solar energy is converted into heat. Usually used for
water heating, heating of buildings, or desalination purposes.
3) Solar fuel: When solar energy is converted into chemical energy by using
photo electrochemical devices.
Each type has different function and specification. In this report we are only focusing
on the photovoltaic application.
2.3.3. Photovoltaic effect: [1] [2] [3] [4]

Figure 4: Solar panels: Layers and junctions [2] [3]

Usually, solar panels are placed into arrays on rooftops or sufficient outside places.
They consist of many layers such as: Layer of semi-conductor silicon cells (solar
cells), an antireflective coating to absorb the much possible radiation, and a cover
glass to protect solar cells.
Solar cells are constructed by semi-conductor silicon and connected to make the solar
panel. They form a PN junction diode that consists of two layers separated by a gap;
the first layer has a negative charge while the second has a positive charge.
Light consists of energy quanta called photons. The energy of these photons is
calculated by the equation (explained by Albert Einstein):

𝐸 = ℎ𝑣
Where h: Planck's constant; v: Frequency of the light.

When photons fall on a solar cell they may be reflected, absorbed, or pass through the
cell. The absorbed photons' energy excites an electron from the initial energy level
(Ei) to a higher energy level (Ef) as shown below:

Figure 5: Enegy levels in the PN junction [1]

When electrons are emitted from the initial energy level, a void with a positive
elementary charge is created in this level called "hole"; this creation is known as:"
electron-hole pair or EHP". The motion of electrons leads to the presence of a direct
electrical circuit (DC) as shown below:

Figure 6: Electrical circuit [2]

Due to the resistance a voltage drop occurs in the circuit. The net current is given by
the equation:

Where I(L): photo current; I(1): forward current; e: electron volt. e=1.62* 10^-19J; KT: periods; v: voltage

When 𝑅𝑜 = 0; the forward current will be 𝐼1 = 0, in this case we have a short circuit
current where:

𝐼𝑠𝑐 = 𝐼𝐿 = 𝐼
When 𝑅𝑜 = ∞; net current "I" is negligible; we can calculate the open circuit voltage
from the previous equations. The open circuit voltage is:

We have then the curve below:

Figure 7: Current- Voltage curve [2]

(Pm) in the curve means the maximum power value when

The voltage at the maximum pressure (Vm) can be calculated by solving the following

Hence maximum current:

Finally the maximum power became:

𝑃𝑚 = 𝑉𝑚 ∗ 𝐼𝑚

2.3.4. Sizing the solar panels, backup battery, and inverter [5]

The generated circuit is a direct electrical circuit (DC). Usually, this current form isn't
used in the residential apartment and daily applications. The inverter is used to
transfer the direct current (DC) into an alternative current (AC).
Sunlight may not be available after sunset (in night's hours) and in the cloudy days. A
backup battery is used to charge electricity and make it available in those times.

To size the solar panels, backup battery, and the inverter we need to follow some steps:

1) Calculation of the load needed and the power to be consumed by your

applications. For example, if we want to power a heating system in winter, it is

necessary to know how firstly how much heat is lost by walls and openings in
each room to find the total heat load needed and recognize the power needed to fit
with the heating load.
2) Size the inverter based on the electrical load calculated: choose an inverter with
higher power than the total load.
3) Calculate the current of your load by the equation:

Where the power depends on the electrical load calculated; assume:

𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑

The voltage V depends on chosen the inverter. (Ex: A 1600 Watt inverter

comes in a 24 Volts [5])

4) Hours of battery backup and size it: Predict the number of hours when the sunlight

is not available (assume 5 hours). Then use the following formula to size the

battery backup:

It's Ok to have extra backup. Charging current of battery is assumed to be 1/10

of its total AH and calculated by:

5) Size of solar panel based on battery size and electrical load: or total current

calculated by the following equation:

𝐼𝑡 = 𝐼 + 𝐼𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦

The power of solar panels is then:

𝑃 = 𝑉 ∗ 𝐼𝑡
2.3.5. Number of solar panels needed

The number of panels needed can be calculated by considering the following factors:
The amount of energy consumed in household uses (Electrical load), your surface area

available on the rooftops, the climate and peak sunlight, the wattage and efficiency of
the used photovoltaic, and the net metering available.

2.3.6. Advantages and disavantages of PV:

There are many benefits for using a photovoltaic system, such as:
• It produces clean energy
• No emission, no moving part.
• doesn’t make any noise
• Doesn't need water or fossil fuel to produce power  Can be located right
where the power is needed.

Unfortunately, there are many critical disadvantages in photovoltaic techniques and

they may affect directly the efficiency and marketing; such as:

• High initial cost

• Irregular supply of solar energy
• Low efficiency (15 to 20 %)
• Require large area
• Cloudy seasons and nights


2.4.1. Definition and formula

The efficiency of solar panel means: Its capability to convert sunlight into energy; and
it depends on the structure and material used in the selected modal. The more efficient
the panels are; the more wattage they can produce and the less number of solar panels
is needed.
During the last five years solar panels efficiency is increased to be between15% to
20%. In some cases it may reach 23 %. The efficiency can be calculated by the
following equation:

Where Pm: maximum power (Watt); I: Solar intensity (Watt/m2); A: contact surface area (m2)

2.4.2. Items that should be considered:

Usually manufacturers consider three main items when installing solar panels that
affect its efficiency:
1) Material: The materials usually selected are the monocrystalline silicone,
cadmium telluride, and polycrystalline silicon which are semi-conductors
materials. Each material has different energy gap (the energy needed to cross the
gap between P and N junctions). The photons that have energy less than the
energy gap will not be transferred to electrical energy. So it's important to choose
the material with lowest possible energy gap to consume the highest possible
radiation. The table below show the energy gap for different materials:
Table 1: Table shows the energy gap for different semi-condector materials [2]

2) Wiring: the distribution of wires and "busbars" should be organized because they
capture and transfer electricity. And they may impact the efficiency.
3) Reflected radiation: radiation which reflects from the solar panels. Usually a
coating is added to absorb the most possible radiation reached.

2.4.3. Seven ways allow businesses to enhance the efficiency of photovoltaic [6]

Here some tips that help businesses to improve continuously the solar panels they
1) Choose one of the more efficient panels: Surly when buying a higher efficient
solar panel its initial cost will be higher, but the benefits from the electrical
energy they product is much greater. The best five types solar manufacturers
regarding the efficiency are:

i. SunPower (22.8%)
ii. LG (22.0%)
iii. REC Solar (21.7%)
iv. CSUN (21.2%)
v. Panasonic (21.2%)

2) Use high concentrated photovoltaic cells (CPV): The surprise here is that the
efficiency can reach 46 %! The technique works by focusing the sunlight onto an
extremely high-efficiency solar cell. The problem here is that the cost may be
four times higher than original (PV).
3) Avoid the installation of solar panels in shaded area (by trees or other buildings):
The shaded cell act like resistor that may reduce the energy generated by its
neighbors cells.
4) Install the panels correctly by considering the variables (will be discussed in
chapter 4), example:
i. Orientation and
angle: angle
between 18 to 36
degrees. In
hemisphere your
solar panel should
be orientated to
south and in
hemisphere they
must be orientated
to north.
ii. Temperature
levels: when
increases the
decreases. To
solve: a sufficient
gap should be left
between the solar
panels and the roof
to allow an easy
movement of air to
ventilate and
5) Clean your solar panels: from dust and dirt that can reduce the efficiency. Clean
it once a year.
6) Monitor your solar panels by using software: to know the amount of energy
generated then detect when the efficiency will drop overtime. Example: Surple's
7) Add a net meter that measures the usage (net metering): Solar panels in cloudy
days or nights may not capture sunlight to produce power. Instead in noon, when
usually nobody is home, it produces its maximum energy (more than you need;
surplus). Electric meter measures this surplus energy and the company will often
provide credits for surplus power.

Figure 8: Avoid shading, clean your solar panel, and use softeware to gather imporatant data [6]


When study the economics of any system we should consider two main elements:
Cost and benefits.
The costs of solar systems are:
• Capital cost: The capital cost is high due to the large area needed.
• Operation cost: Low cost  Repair and maintenance: Low cost  Annually
tax: Will increase.
Types of benefits involved:
• Tangible benefits: The benefits that can be converted into monetary cost (such
as: long life time that may reach 40 years)
• Intangible benefits: Such as reducing the environmental emissions.
The cash flow diagram below shows annual costs and benefits. It is used in economic

Figure 9: Cash diagram [2]

The value of money for user change with time; if someone invests "X" value at t=0 he
will be get back "X(1+r)" after a year; where r: annual return.
Also the purchasing power of money changes, at t=0 we have an inflation rate of "I",
which becomes "1+I" after a year.
There is a defined term known as "discount rate" shows the time value of money from
one reference frame to another and is given by the equation:

The cumulative future value is given by:

Where A:Amount to be saved every year; T:time (years)

From the equation above we can find the amount to be saved each year "A" through a
time T to generate the amount "F" after time T. Example: If it's required to change the
battery of the solar system after 5 years. We need to save an amount "A" each year to
collect the cost "F" in future; this amount is calculated by the formula above. (We will
use this technique in following chapters to help our customers to find the value "A"



Due to the economic crises in Lebanon, the government can't import fuel to the
electricity generating plants. So it becomes the responsibility of the citizen to secure
electricity because it is a daily need. People are searching for a renewable energy
source like sun, water, and wind, but also these sources are wasted. For example:

water are wasted in the sea without gathering them in dams to generate electricity.
Also Lebanon doesn't have these places that are very windy. For these reasons we
want to invest the sun to generate electricity because the sun is the purest source of
energy and the most available one,

3.2. GOAL

Because we are entering darkness without any electricity, we decided to make this
research to generate electricity using solar panels. The aim of this research is to design
the solar panels to fit with the requirements in houses with acceptable cost and
efficiency and to encourage the people to rely more on this energy because traditional
fuel will be rare in future. This project will increase the role of our company in the
Lebanese market and will lead us to gain more profit.


We can predict that after applying the experimental plan (will be discussed) of this
project and collecting the data. We will be able to know the sizes and number of solar
panels needed, to be more familiar with the efficiency of these panels in Lebanon, and
to make a professional financial plan for our project.


In real life, we can rely firstly on a public relation manager to contact with people and
encourage them to take a step and communicate with us to have the solar energy
service which will be efficient and with acceptable price. Our teamwork will study
each apartment's capability: available surface on roofs, electricity load in each
apartment, extraneous variables of the region where the solar panel will be installed,
and the financial capability of people in these regions. These studies should lead us to
know how much solar panels we need, the required efficiency, and the financial plan
to have w successful project.


Are we able to serve the most possible number of citizens, from different social
groups, with our company's product (Solar panels)?

Can we make a study that shows the electrical load needed for each apartment (in
different cities and villages) and to study the effect of extraneous variables before
installing each solar panel?
Can we deliver our service with an acceptable cost with a well-studied installment
plan with keeping it in a good efficiency?



4.1.1. Dependent variables are:

1) Efficiency: As shown in the literature review, the efficiency of solar panels

is affected by many items such as: the semi-conductor material used, the
area, and many variables found in the region of installation. So it is a
dependent variable. In this dependent variable we can focus on the material
used and change it regarding other variables.
2) Cost (Financial plan): Our financial plan should respect the capability of
people; the initial cost can be divided into small portions to be payed after a
certain period (installment plan). We can apply the equation defined in the
literature review to calculate the amount "A" that should be save each year to
accomplish the total cost after several years.
3) Number of solar panels needed and area of the solar panel: The variable
depends on the electrical load needed in each apartment and the available
surfaces on roofs or free regions.

4.1.2. Independent variables are:

1) Main variable: Electrical load: We will study each costumer's house needs for
electricity and follow the steps explained in the literature review to size the
solar panel, battery backup, and inverter. It's one of the most important
independent variables. The electrical load of villas differs totally from its
amount in residential apartments. We will deeply consider this difference.
2) Financial capability of citizen: The capability of people in villages and poor
streets to pay for a solar panel is less than the capability of rich families. For
this reason the installment plan will give a larger period for incapable
costumer than riches. This step need a will organized financial plan done by a
professional person.
3) Available surfaces on roofs: We will consider the structure of costumers'
houses and to know the available surface to install solar panels on roofs or
other possible free regions. Considering this variable will help us to know the
number of panels needed and the efficiency of solar panel to be installed. If the
available surface is not sufficient then we need higher efficient solar panel to
collect more solar radiation and perhaps to increase the area of the solar panel
by using less number of solar panels than if there is more available surface.
This will affect also the cost: decreasing the number of solar panels (less cost)
and using a more efficient solar panel (higher cost) so it need a financial study.

4.1.3. Extraneous variables are: Latitude angle:

Figure 10: The figures above show the latitude angle on the earth (From google)

Earth is divided from north to south by parallel lines known as "latitude". At

Equator—0 degree angle—we have the longest latitude line; it means that the days
in those regions are longer and sunlight is more available. Also in those regions,
sun's rays face the earth surface in great amount through the seasons which makes
the availability of solar energy greater. These features are not found in both south
and north poles where days are short and sunlight acts with high angle. In cancer
and capsicum tropics, the sun's rays angle variates through seasons. In December
the rays face the capsicum tropic perpendicularly to form the summer season
when in cancer tropic regions we found winter days. The same happen for cancer
tropic in June. This difference makes a variety range of solar energy through the
years: In summer a high solar energy is available and contrary in winter.

Figure 11: A quote from space atlas of Lebanon [9] Altitude location:

At high altitudes the solar panel is more efficient than at sea level because in
mountain level we get more irradiation (direct radiation) and less diffusion in
normal weather and we know that the earth surface in mountains is nearest to the
sun than sea level. This factor has benefits on the performance of the solar still
and increases its efficiency. We will refer to Atlases to know the altitudes of each
involved villages or cities in Lebanon.

Figure 12 : Map shows altitudes in Lebanon [9] Seasons and weather:

Weather affects in large amount the efficiency of solar panels; the solar radiation
in cloudy days can't totally reach the solar panel's surface are it is diffused in
atmosphere. Summer is the beat season for solar panels usage. Unfortunately in
other seasons we can't predict at any second the weather may change to cloudy
state. We can refer to weather records among the previous years to take an idea
about the weather in each period of the year and select our panels regarding these
i. Ambient temperature: Also temperature is affected by weather and
season. The efficiency of solar panel increases when the temperature drops
due to its influence on the photovoltaic cells. ii. Ambient wind Night hours

Surly, longer days mean collecting more solar radiation. Night hours differ each day;
in Lebanon, during summer and fall the night hours increases daily, instead in winter
and spring the night decreases until 21 June. Sky pollution (gasses, dust, dirt…)

The dust and gases presence in sky deflect the solar radiation and prevent it to reach
the solar panel directly. Usually in town and near industries the sky contains more
pollutants which may decrease the performance of solar panel; instead in villages we
may not face this problem. Orientation angle

The orientation angle of the solar panel affects the amount of collected solar radiation.
Sun rises from east and sets in west; If the solar panel face east it will collect the
radiation at morning only because the sun will be in the other side afternoon. So its
important to choose a good orientation angle to collect the most possible amount.
Usually, in the upper middle sphere of the earth—Where Lebanon locates—the solar
panels should face the south. Inclination angle

Also the inclination angle of the solar panel affects the area that face the solar
radiation directly and should be studied carefully.


Figure 13: Plan shows the relation between different variables

After knowing our variables, we need now to plan an experiment that facilitates our
study and make us able to gather the needed data.

We will classify the people into three social classes: The lower, the middle, and the
upper classes.

We will treat each class as an independent group and gather the data:

• What amount of electrical load this group consumes?

• The available surface on roofs in the apartments where they live.

• The financial capability.

After collecting the data we will calculate the average value and began to design the
solar panel needed according to these three independent variables. We will be aware
for the extraneous variables and return to atlases or records to know the most efficient
way to design the solar panel with the less possible negative effect of these variables.

We should make a financial study that helps our customers to install the panel without
fearing from the higher initial cost by an installment plan (using the equation in the
literature review to calculate the amount "A").


Solar power is an immense source of directly useable energy and ultimately creates
other energy resources: biomass, wind, and hydropower and wave energy.

Most of the Earth's surface receives sufficient solar energy to permit low-grade heating
of water and buildings, although there are large variations with latitude and season.

The role of solar panels is to gather this solar energy and convert it into electrical
energy used in houses.

To develop a project we need firstly to study the different variables that concern the
solar panel performance and installation. As seen, we must consider the different
social classes capability and to design the product according to this consideration to
have cover all classes with the solar panels they need and in an acceptable cost.

Such project will return with high profits because people in Lebanon are suffering
from the traditional method of electricity generation and they are looking for a new
and more reliable source of energy. This is the best time to enhance the usage of the
solar energy in Lebanon to begin with the first step into the whole greenhouse project
because Lebanon merits this advantage.


[1] K. Jager, O. Isabella, A. Smets, R. Swaaij and M. Zeman, Solar energy:

Fundamentals, Technology, and systems, Delft University of Technology, 2014.

[2] S. K. Rajput, Solar energy: Fundamentals, Economic and Energy analysis,

Rajnagar, Ghazibad: Northern India Textile Research Association, 2017.

[3] A. Schell, "How does a solar panel produce energy," Paradise Energy Solution,
save with solar energy, [Online]. Available:

[4] "How Solar Energy Works (Step by Step)," CertainTeed Saint-Gobain, [Online].
Available: https://www.certainteed.com/solar/solar-101-abcs-solar-power/.

[5] P. Deepak, G. Singh and U. Mamodia, "A Review Paper on Solar Energy
System," Poornima College of Engineering , Jaipur, 2017.

[6] "6 Ways To Improve Solar Panel Efficiency," Surple, 17 July 2020. [Online].
Available: https://surple.co.uk/solar-panel-efficiency/.

[7] John Smith and John Doe, "Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Transaction on
Mobile Computing , vol. 1, no. 2, p. 12, 05 2010.

[8] Solar energy Fundamentals, technology, and systems.

[9] G. Faour, T. Darwish, G. Khalaf, C. Abdallah, A. Shaban and C. Khater, Space
Atlas of Lebanon, Beirut Lebanon: The National Council for scientific research,


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