Risk Assessment For Cleaning Services
Risk Assessment For Cleaning Services
Risk Assessment For Cleaning Services
Likelihood Severity
1. Highly unlikely to occur 1. Minor injury, no time off work
2. Possibly remote but has occurred 2. Injury resulting in up to three days of work
3. Very infrequently 3. Injury resulting in more than seven days off work
4. Occasionally 4. Specified disabling injury
5. Frequently and regularly 5. Fatality
Low May be acceptable; however, review the task to see if the risk can be reduced further.
(1 to 6) If there are multiple hazardous activities to be undertaken a Method Statement will be completed.
The task should be redefined to take account of the hazards involved or the risk should be reduced further
prior to task commencement. Appropriate management authorisation after consultation with specialist
(8 to 12)
personnel and an assessment team may be required.
High Unacceptable. The task should be redefined, or further control measures put in place to reduce the risk.
(15 to 25) The controls should be re-assessed for adequacy, prior to start of task.
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Who Could How Residual
Hazard L x S Risk Controls Measures
Be Affected Harmed Risk
1. Coronavirus Employees, Death, 4 5 20 • COVID-19 Latest Information from NHS / GOV.UK / HSE is monitored by Smarter Services Low
Others. Specified, and where required employees and others informed.
COVID-19 Reportable, High • Keep at least 2 meters away from others, apply social distancing rule.
Minor • PPE and RPE issued and worn.
(contact with Injuries, • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean.
infected Lost Time. • Contaminated areas and surfaces will be sanitised cleaned.
surfaces) (Refer to Sanitising Risk Assessment).
Employees • Contaminated equipment, cloths, PPE bagged and disposed of as clinical waste.
or others • Ensure a good standard of general ventilation to the work area.
may suffer
• Ensure good personal hygiene standards. Follow government advise.
• Wash hands and face with hot water and soap before eating or drinking, and after touching
any surface or object that might be contaminated.
micro- • Provide warm water, skin cleansers, soft paper towels or hot air for drying hands.
organisms • Instruct workers how to clean their skin effectively.
(viruses). • Instruct workers how to apply good personal hygiene.
• Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds.
• Always wash your hands when you get home or into work.
• Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough
or sneeze.
• Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards.
• Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
• Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.
• Washing hands and forearms before eating, drinking, smoking, using the telephone, taking
medication, applying make-up or skin screens, inserting contact lenses etc.
• If employees could have coronavirus, they will be asked to stay away from other people
(self-isolate). This means - stay at home.
The guidance applies to the general population and those at increased risk of severe illness
form coronavirus (COVID-19).
If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature and/or new and continuous
cough), self-isolate at home for 7 days.
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Who Could How Residual
Hazard L x S Risk Controls Measures
Be Affected Harmed Risk
2. Contact with Employees / Specified 4 4 16 • Product selection identifies the least harmful chemical for the application and to eliminate 4
hazardous cleaning Reportable, the requirement to mix chemicals together
substances – operatives, Minor High • Selected chemicals only require dilution of a single concentrate with water Low
others Injuries, • SDS available and COSHH assessment prepared for the substances used
Use / misuse of • Operatives trained and informed of risk control measures identified
cleaning • Pre-work inspection. Only trained operatives allowed to carry work tasks, following a safe
chemicals system of working and wearing the PPE or RPE identified
during • Chemicals diluted in well ventilated areas. Avoid inhalation of chemical vapours. Minimum
applications, quantities of chemicals to be used.
mixing of • Chemicals containers sealed until required. Chemicals diluted in water immediately at the
cleaning point of use and container resealed immediately.
• Welfare facilities - provision and use of hygiene products and First Aid provision on site.
• Safe storage – control of access to substances and materials.
respiratory • All substance containers clearly labelled to avoid risk of error and ensure correct storage
irritation, eye / and disposal.
skin irritation, • Where required by CoSHH Assessment - PPE, safety goggles to BS EN166, nitrile gloves to
absorption) BS EN 374-3, and safety footwear.
• PPE inspected before use; operative performance periodically monitored to ensure
compliance with safe system of work and use of PPE
• Operatives provided with information and instructed to raise awareness of the hazards
related to the work task during task training; periodic Tool Box Talks on workplace safety,
COSHH, Infection Control and PPE inspection and use.
3. Spillages Employees / Specified 3 4 12 • Provision for spillage containment – spill kits on site. 4
cleaning Reportable, • Only trained operatives allowed to carry work tasks including spillage containment and clean
(cleaning operatives, Minor Med up, following a safe system of working and wearing the designated PPE. Low
chemicals) others Injuries, • Minimum quantities of chemicals to be used.
• Chemicals containers sealed until required.
• Chemicals spill diluted in water immediately at the point of use and container resealed
• Welfare facilities - provision and use of hygiene products and First Aid provision on site.
• Safe storage – control of access to materials and substances.
• Where required by CoSHH Assessment - PPE, safety goggles to BS EN166, nitrile gloves to
BS EN 374-3, and non-slip safety footwear issued and worn.
• RPE - User to check fitness before use, manager periodic checks.
• Operatives provided with information and instructed to raise awareness of the hazards
related to the work task during task training, periodic
• Tool Box Talks on workplace safety and PPE inspection and use.
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Who Could How Residual
Hazard L x S Risk Controls Measures
Be Affected Harmed Risk
4. Slips, trips and Employees / Major 3 4 12 • Inspect work area - hazards removed. Good housekeeping standards maintained. 4
falls cleaning Reportable, • Work area cordoned off with barriers and warning signage
operatives, Minor Med • Non-essential personnel excluded. Low
(liquid others Injuries, • Operative performance monitored to ensure compliance with safe system of work.
spillages) Lost Time • Operatives provided with information and instructed to raise awareness of the hazards
related to the work tasks during task training.
• Periodic Toolbox Talks on workplace safety and PPE inspection and use
• Operatives wear non-slip footwear
5. Slips, trips and Employees / Specified 3 4 12 • Operatives shall only walk on pedestrian routes – authorised walking routes. 4
falls cleaning Reportable, • Be vigilant of uneven, slopes or inclined surfaces.
operatives Minor Med • Access and egress routes are lit by external or internal lighting systems. Low
(from same Injuries, • Work areas kept free from slip and trip hazards.
level) Lost Time • Material and equipment kept at storage locations, not kept at occupied work areas.
• Good housekeeping methods exist to control wastes.
• Be visualant, check the route to be taken for potential hazards.
• Inspect work area, report all hazards to your supervisor and building manager.
• Operatives wear non-slip footwear.
6. Slips, trips and Employees / Specified 3 4 12 • Cleaning activities on stairs controlled by specific Risk Assessment and Method Statement. 4
falls cleaning Reportable, • Stairs and landings are lit with internal lighting systems.
operatives Minor Med • Always use the handrails when walking up or down the stairs. Low
(use of Injuries, • Use lifts as a safe means of access.
staircases, Lost Time • Report all slip, trip and fall hazards to your supervisor and Building Management.
steps and • Staircases to be maintained and kept in good condition by the owner (duty holder).
ramps) • If suitcase is damaged, report it to your supervisors and the building management.
• Staircase to be kept free from debris and wastes.
• Strictly no storage of bulk items on stairs or stair landing areas.
• Operatives wear non-slip footwear.
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Who Could How Residual
Hazard L x S Risk Controls Measures
Be Affected Harmed Risk
8. Electricity Employees, Death, 2 5 10 • Wiring installed and maintained by (duty holder) in accordance with Electrical Installer 5
Others. Specified, Regulations.
(fixed wiring, Reportable, Med • Portable office equipment (client owned) is Tested. Low
permanent Minor • Cleaners instructed to not touch or tamper with wiring, cables and electrical systems.
systems and Injuries, • Damaged wiring, defects and electrical system failures shall be reported to a supervisor and
fixtures) Lost Time the building management immediately.
9. Electricity Employees, Death, 2 10 • Portable equipment is PAT Tested before arriving at site. 5
Others. Specified, • Users are trained in safe use of portable electrical equipment
(portable Reportable, Med • Always use equipment in accordance with machine manufactures instructions. Low
equipment Minor • Portable equipment inspected by user before use.
brought to site) Injuries, • If equipment is defective, it will not be used.
Lost Time • Report defects to your supervisor.
• Always keep liquids away from any electrical outlets or equipment.
• Never overload electrical plug sockets and cables.
10. Needle stick Employees, Death or 2 5 10 • If needles are discovered, reception and building management to be notified immediately. 5
injuries and others Specified Inform operations Manager.
nearby Reportable, Med • Do not touch or attempt to remove the needle yourself. Low
sharps, drug Minor • Trained and competent employees shall use PPE and a sharps kit to remove any needles
paraphernalia Injuries, discovered within the area of works.
at public Lost Time • Sharps shall be disposed correctly and in accordance with the company or client procedure,
areas, waste and local authority requirements.
areas and
11. Biological Employees / Specified 2 5 10 • Employees are trained; PPE and RPE issued and worn. 5
Hazards cleaning Reportable, • Contaminated area and surfaces sanitised. Ensure a good general ventilation
operatives and Minor Med • Building occupants segregated from affected area. Low
(contact or others nearby Ill health, • Waste disposed of in accordance with local authority requirement
cleaning up infection etc • Scrape up residues into the closable containers for safe disposal.
human waste • Wash surfaces clean / vac up - with detergent before disinfecting;
/ bodily fluids) The main • Heavily fouled furnishings may need bagging for disposal as clinical waste;
(Infections risk is
• Wash before eating or drinking, and after touching any surface or object that might be
from infection
contaminated; Provide warm water, mild skin cleansers, nailbrushes, and soft paper, fabric
infectious following
towels or hot air for drying. Avoid abrasive cleansers.
micro- hand to
• Workers are Instruct how to clean their skin effectively.
organisms) mouth/nose/
(bacteria, eye contact. • Good personal hygiene applied by cleaners
viruses and
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Who Could How Residual
Hazard L x S Risk Controls Measures
Be Affected Harmed Risk
12. Leptospirosis Employees / Death or 2 5 10 • Employees trained and aware of hazards associated with working near or close to water and 5
cleaning Specified areas where Weil’s disease may be found in waterways or ponding water. Work instruction
Weil’s operatives and Reportable, Med and direction provided by supervisor. Low
disease others nearby Minor • PPE and provided and welfare washing facilities on site.
Injuries, • Washing face, hands forearms before eating, drinking, smoking, using phone, taking
(Rats and Lost Time medication, applying creams, skin barriers, inserting contact lenses.
Mice are • Covering cuts and grazes with waterproof dressings or gloves before starting work. If cuts
present in and grazes occur during work, wash immediately with soap and water and apply a
back of house waterproof dressing.
waste areas • Good personal hygiene applied by cleaners
and at rivers)
13. Falls from Employees / Death or 2 5 10 • All work at height is planned, organised, and supervised. 5
height cleaning Specified • Only cleaning operatives that are trained and authorised to work at height are permitted to
operatives and Reportable, Med use equipment conforming to SANS 51891 Low
(use of low- others nearby Minor • Only use access equipment supplied by Smarter Services.
level hop-ups Injuries, • Strict disciplinary measures for equipment miss use or unsafe working
or step Lost Time • Cleaners are provided with information and instruction to raise awareness of site hazards
ladders) related to the work task during task training;
• Periodic Toolbox Talks on work at height given to cleaning employees.
14. Fire, Employees / Death or 2 5 10 • Operatives receive site induction training by client / building management 5
evacuation cleaning Specified • Fire and evacuation procedure, awareness training given to employees before access on to
and operatives and Reportable, Med site. Fire plans and evacuation information displayed Low
emergency others • The fire alarm is tested by client / building management
• Fire Assembly Point located at front of building
• Operatives are instructed to report fire and smoke to building management, stop work and
move to assembly point.
• Fire & Evacuation Assembly Point located at front of building
• Strictly no smoking rule applies. The site is a no smoking area, with the exception of the
smoking area. Anyone seen smoking in any other area will be removed from site.
15. Vehicular Employees, Death, 2 5 10 • Employees are instructed not to walk on roads or in the line of vehicular traffic 5
Traffic and others Specified, • Hi-vis vests, garments and clothing worn conforming to ISO20471:2013 if work activities
nearby, other Reportable, Med are near vehicle routes Low
(car park and vehicles Minor • The works are supervised and monitored.
vehicle Injuries, • Where required, segregation of people and vehicles - barriers
routes) Lost Time • Employees instructed to keep to the pedestrian routes and walkways at the site boundaries
and car parks. Follow pedestrian directional signage.
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Who Could How Residual
Hazard L x S Risk Controls Measures
Be Affected Harmed Risk
16. Lone working Employee Specified 2 5 10 • Lone working not permitted when it can be avoided. Teamwork - Buddy system applied. 5
Reportable, • Where possible, site supervision is provided.
Minor Med • Client representative (security or reception personnel) monitor cleaning employee at site. Low
Injuries, • Area Manager monitors cleaning employees and teams at various work locations / sites.
• Director and Managers are responsible for deciding if a lone worker is at risk.
17. Pedestrians Employees, Specified 3 3 9 • Pedestrians / third parties protected. Works are planned and coordinated to prevent 5
third parties / and others Reportable, interface with site staff, the public and others at site.
visitors / entering work Minor Med • Work areas demarcated with physical barriers and warning signage where required. Low
others areas or Injuries, • Work equipment and materials kept within exclusion zone and never left unattended.
nearby • All equipment and materials either removed from site or kept in store cupboard overnight
(entering • Site access & entrance controlled. The works supervised or monitored always.
work areas)
18. Unsafe use of Employees, Specified 3 3 9 • Competent operatives appointed to undertake tasks with use of tools and equipment. 3
small hand and others Reportable, • Training provided as necessary.
tools, blades, nearby Minor Med • Mandatory wearing of PPE - eye protection, gloves, non-slip footwear and work-wear Low
scrapers, Injuries, garments (uniform etc).
brooms, Lost Time • Operatives are instructed to only use the equipment provided by Smarter Services
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Who Could How Residual
Hazard L x S Risk Controls Measures
Be Affected Harmed Risk
20. Mobile phone Employees / Specified 2 4 8 • Strictly no use of mobile phones radios or music players on site 4
or personal cleaning Reportable, • The use of mobile phones is forbidden in all operational areas on site
music players operatives and Minor Med • Never use mobile phone whilst operating any work equipment. Low
(use of) others nearby Injuries, • You may only use a mobile in the mess / rest room, in an emergency (e.g. a call to the
Lost Time building manager or your supervisor).
21. Manual Employees / Specified, 2 4 8 • Competent operatives appointed to undertake manual handling activities 6
handling cleaning Reportable, • Manual handling training given to operatives
operatives / Minor Med • Loads broken down into manageable sizes, team-lifting techniques applied with one person Low
(lifting and others Injuries, controlling the lift. Manual handling supervised
handling Lost Time • Mechanical lifting / handling devices used where practical
loads, items, • Manual handling risk assessment undertaken if risk cannot be controlled
delivery’s) • Review and personal acknowledgement of indicative labels on boxes/packages providing
information on weight.
(fatigue, • Operatives to work within personal ability.
• Regular rest breaks and task rotation.
• Use of cleaning trolleys and lift equipment etc. passenger lifts as required.
injuries, cuts,
22. Noise Employees / Specified, 2 4 8 • Noise assessments undertaken if noise level exceeds Exposure Action Value 4
induced cleaning Reportable, • Frequent health monitoring, self-reporting
hearing loss – operatives / Minor Med • Machinery purchasing standards - low noise level equipment selected. Low
others Injuries, • Machinery serviced in line with manufacturers guidance, kept in a serviceable condition and
Repeat Lost Time subject routine periodic and checked before and after use, in accordance with training.
exposure to • Defected equipment reporting procedure implemented, defective equipment withdrawn from
noise at work use, and labelled as unfit for use. Identification of remedial corrective actions
(repair/replacement of defective equipment).
23. Hand, Arm Employees / Specified, 2 4 8 • Vibration assessments undertaken if equipment and its use exceeds Exposure Action Value. 4
Vibration cleaning Reportable, Frequent health monitoring, self-reporting
Syndrome Minor Med • Machinery purchasing standards - low vibration level equipment selected. Low
Injuries, • Machinery serviced in line with manufacturers guidance, kept in a serviceable condition and
(HAVS) Lost Time subject routine checks before and after use.
• Defected equipment reporting procedure implemented, defective equipment withdrawn from
(exposure to use, and labelled as unfit for use. Identification of remedial corrective actions
cleaning work (repair/replacement of defective equipment).
equipment) • Operatives provided with information and instructed to raise awareness of the hazards
related to the work during task training; periodic Toolbox Talks on workplace safety, effects
of exposure to vibration and PPE use.
• Provide suitable PPE gloves to EN 388.
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Be Affected Harmed Risk
24. Insufficient Employees / Specified, 2 4 8 • Work carried out during daytime hours, sufficient light levels. 4
lighting cleaning Reportable, • Building existing lighting systems provided and maintained by client.
operatives Minor Med • Workers are instructed not to work if lighting levels present a danger. Low
(access & Injuries, • Task lighting brought onto site where identified as necessary.
egress Lost Time
25. Harassment Employees / Specified, 2 4 8 • Upon recognising a problem, the employees are instructed to stop work, make the area safe 4
cleaning Reportable, and inform the client and building management and Smarter Services head office.
(from public, operatives Minor Med • Employees are instructed to be polite, not retaliate or aggravate any potential harassment Low
residents, site Injuries, situation.
staff, others) Lost Time • When reported, harassment shall be investigated by Smarter Services and the client and
(verbal enforcing authorities notified as appropriate.
threats, • Never challenge any person if you discover them trespassing in the building, or at other site
physical areas, politely ask them to leave the area and report the incident to the building
attacks, or management.
26. Welfare Employees / Specified, 2 3 6 • Client’s premises inspected prior to placement of workers, ensuring adequate welfare 3
cleaning Reportable, arrangements and provisions.
(lack of operatives Minor Low • Employees instructed to apply good basic personal hygiene methods at work. Low
provision) Injuries, • Washing face, hands and forearms before eating, drinking, smoking, using the telephone,
Lost Time taking medication, applying creams or skin barriers, or inserting contact lenses etc. Covering
(employees cuts and grazes with waterproof dressings and/or gloves before starting work. If cuts and
may contract grazes occur during work, wash immediately with soap and water and apply a waterproof
illness or ill dressing.
resulting out
of unsuitable
sanitary and
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By signing this sheet, operatives are legally agreeing to comply to the statement below:
a) I confirm I have read and understood the Risk Assessment and will follow the controls specified;
b) I will work in accordance with the Risk Assessment all other documents relating to it and to any
direction and instruction from my Supervisor and the building Manager.
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