Demolition Risk Assessments

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Demolition Risk Assessments

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Date of Assessment: Next Review:
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Risk Rating Residual

Who and how?
Sr. No Task / Hazard Control Measures Risk Rating Action by?
(Risk) P S RR
Ensure Banksmen control all reversing vehicles and
vehicles leaving the site. All vehicles leaving the site
should leave in forwarding gear only. All drivers of
vehicles are to abide by site-specific rules about
speed restriction etc. i.e., 5mph. On-site pedestrian
routes to be established particularly at the site
entrance and where plant and operatives’ interface.
Where practically possible all deliveries are to be
notified in advance. Where reasonably practicable all
1. Traffic Management (All) – Vehicle Impact injuries 2 6 12 1 6 6 Engineer/For
traffic movement off-site (waste transfer, plant
delivery etc.) to be limited to the quieter periods of man/Others
the day. Lane management required to undertake the
demolition of the buildings abutting the road. Heras’s
fencing used to create an exclusion zone. Banks
issued with 2-way radios control traffic flow during
active demolition. Only when the machine driver
confirms safe vehicle passage will vehicle movements
be allowed to pass.
All site personnel will wear the minimum mandatory 1 5 5 HSE/Project
PPE: Hard hat, Hi visibility vest/jacket, safety boots Engineer/For
2. PPE (All) 2 5 10 and gloves. Other items of PPE such as Light eye man/Others
protection are also available and will be worn as and
when necessary.
3. Dust (All) – Inhalation by 2 4 8 Ensure controls to eliminate or reduce dust emissions 1 4 4 HSE/Project
operatives and others are in place as noted on the safety plan or method Engineer/For
statements. Use of man/Others

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Demolition Risk Assessments

Project: Ref:
Date of Assessment: Next Review:
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dust suppression when saw cutting etc., water

bowsers to keep areas damp, specific water sprays to
working areas and sheeting of loads in transit should
be implemented.

Ensure goggles and suitable dust masks are worn as HSE/Project

(A) – Damage per the attached PPE Assessment. Ensure controls Engineer/For
2 4 8
to Eyes are suitable and man/Others
sufficient to control airborne particulate
Establish exclusion zone/ hearing protection zone, HSE/Project
limiting access using barriers and signage. Engineer/For
(All) Public nuisance,
Restrict numbers of people in the working zone man/Others
4. Noise damage to operatives 2 5 10
Ensure all operatives within the zone wear hearing
hearing. protection to
BS EN 352
5. Working at Height Certificates are in place. MEWP hired from a
reputable supplier, all certification and record of tests
is in place. Operatives trained and competent in the
use of hired equipment. The MEWP is suitable for the
(A) - Falls from height task and is located on suitable stable ground.
2 5 10
(MEWP) - Whole body Operatives trained in the use of full-body harnesses.
Operatives wearing full-body harnesses with
lanyards. Lanyard attached to the platform.
Operatives carrying out the works from the confines
of the platform (do not lean outside).
(A) - Falls from height 2 5 10 The access tower is securely footed, and stabilizing 1 4 4 HSE/Project
(“Aluminium mobile scaffold legs are fully extended as per the manufacturer’s Engineer/For
access towers”) - Whole instructions, the access towers have edge protection man/Others

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Demolition Risk Assessments

Project: Ref:
Date of Assessment: Next Review:
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installed consisting of a main top rail and

intermediate guard rail. The main guard rail height is
body at least 950mm above the edge, the intermediate
guard rail does not have a gap of more than 470 mm.
Toe-boards are fitted they are at least 150mm.
A suitable rescue plan and suitable equipment are in HSE/Project
(A) – Falling objects - Head place in case of any type of emergency. All persons Engineer/For
2 5 10
injury involved in a rescue operation knows their part and man/Others
the procedures to follow.
8. Soft Stripping 1 5 5 HSE/Project
Ensure operatives are aware of the hazards that may
be present when handling abandoned waste in Engineer/For
Cuts, Grazes & Abrasions 2 5 10 man/Others
particular foot penetration etc. Ensure correct PPE as
per the attached PPE assessment are always worn.
Issue operatives with and ensure they wear 1 4 4 HSE/Project
appropriate PPE together with instructions to wash Engineer/For
Contact with Toxic Materials 2 5 10 before eating, drinking or smoking. Ensure that no man/Others
asbestos materials are disturbed during any removal
of adjacent soft strip materials if applicable.
Ensure a safe system of work is in place and is HSE/Project
explained to all operatives. Employ good Engineer/For
housekeeping, Safe clear access routes to be man/Others
Slips, Trips and Falls 2 5 10 identified within and around the structure, these
areas must be checked regularly and any hazards
identified must be rectified promptly. The end of the
shift ensures all tools etc. are removed.
Foot Penetration injuries 2 4 8 Ensure correct PPE as per attached PPE assessment. 1 5 5 HSE/Project
Good housekeeping. Footwear must have mid sole Engineer/For
protection and toe protection man/Others

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Demolition Risk Assessments

Project: Ref:
Date of Assessment: Next Review:
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Where services within proximity are required to be 1 4 4 HSE/Project

left LIVE for the duration of the works, they must be Engineer/For
identified, and their location documented before man/Others
Contact with LIVE services 2 5 10 commencement. The site manager must ensure that
all operatives and plant operators are
aware of their location and the controls that are
required to ensure their protection.
Strict permit to works system in place, the site 1 4 4 HSE/Project
Contact with LIVE services – manager must ensure that all operatives and plant Engineer/For
2 5 10
Electrocution, fire, explosion operators are aware of their location and the controls man/Others
that are required to ensure their protection
14. Mechanical Demolition The site supervisor and machine operator to carry out 1 4 4 HSE/Project
a walk around the survey. Ask advice if not sure of Engineer/For
building and or structures construction. To minimize man/Others
(All) Premature collapse of the risk of overloading the floor materials will need to
part or all of the structure, 2 4 8 be cleared regularly, works will be stopped, and the
Floor overloading materials cleared from the floor into safety exclusions
zones below. Ensure through good supervision that
the work is being carried out according to the
Method Statement.
Ensure that the machine is large enough to carry out HSE/Project
the work at arm’s length, or that the machine can Engineer/For
reach the structure safely by creating a raised man/Others
Debris falling onto machine
1 6 6 platform (hardcore base). Banks-men will use two-
operator way radios to keep in constant communication with
the plant operator during the demolition phase.
Machines have highly reinforced cabs.
Debris falling onto others 2 5 10 Ensure the physical barriers to prohibit unauthorized HSE/Project
adjacent to the site and persons into the working area are effective. Ensure Engineer/For

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Demolition Risk Assessments

Project: Ref:
Date of Assessment: Next Review:
Assessed by: Signatures:
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the warning signs posted are visible. Banks-men will man/Others

operatives on site – Head & use two-way radios to keep in constant
foot injuries communication with the plant operator during the
demolition phase.
17. Removal of ACM’s Operatives Slips, trips and 2 5 10 Ensure all works are carried out following the Control HSE/Project
falls. Release of asbestos of Asbestos Regulations 2012, all current guidance Engineer/For
fibres and industry best practice. man/Others
EXCLUSION ZONE: Erect physical barriers to the
working area to prevent unauthorized access during
the works with signs displayed depicting men at work
/ or Access Prohibited warning signs.
The site supervisor and machine operator to carry out
walk-around inspection of the working area. Ensure
any adjacent structures will remain unaffected and
Ensure the floor slab has been cleared, is clean and
free from obstructions. Ensure the slab is adequately
dampened before the commencement of the works.
Ensure that the machine is large enough to carry out
the work at arm’s length and that the machine can
reach the required elements of the structure safely.
Ensure fibre and dust reduction through pre-wetting,
knockdown water sprays. Clear away cut down
sections progressively. Do not allow tracking or
travelling of plant and machinery on asbestos debris.
The correct RPE/PPE should always be used
(Disposable coveralls (Type 5), Rubber gloves, Safety
boots, Sandstrom half-face masks, Glasses, Hard
Hat,). Carry out background and personal air

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Demolition Risk Assessments

Project: Ref:
Date of Assessment: Next Review:
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monitoring to ensure control measures are effective.

Ensure a dedicated and segregated area is allocated 1 5 5
for changing machine attachments. Ensure the
machine operator is fully trained in the use of the HSE/Project
Changing of Quick Hitch Operatives working within
18. 2 6 12 quick hitch system on the machine. Ensure the site Engineer/For
Attachments the area supervisor is aware of his responsibility to ensure man/Others
that all machine operators on site carry out daily
inspections on the quick hitch.
19. Oxy / Propane Cutting Ensure the hot work permit system is implemented 1 4 4 HSE/Project
and signed off at the end of the works. Ensure Engineer/For
firefighting equipment is on hand during all cutting man/Others
works. Ensure that all cutting operatives are
Burns to operatives, competent in their task and have had sufficient
Operative’s clothing 2 5 10 information, instruction, training & supervision. Fire
catching fire extinguishing medium to be present at all Hot Work
Locations (Fire Extinguishers). Ensure permit is signed
off. Cold cutting should be employed as an
alternative, wherever practicable. PPE to be used as
per the attached PPE assessment.
All cutting equipment i.e., guns, bottles to be fitted HSE/Project
with correct safety valves and flashback arrestors. All Engineer/For
full and empty gas bottles to be stored in a safe area, man/Others
Bottles exploding 2 6 12 preferably within a secure compound. Propane to be
separated from oxygen by a minimum of 3 meters.
No storage of bottles within the immediate boundary
of any site.
Adjacent combustible 2 6 12 Inspect surrounding vicinity and remove combustible HSE/Project
materials or structures materials wherever Practicable. Spread sand to the Engineer/For

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Demolition Risk Assessments

Project: Ref:
Date of Assessment: Next Review:
Assessed by: Signatures:
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area below the cutting area if permissible. Adopt a man/Others

permit to work procedure for all works. EXCLUSION
ZONE: Erect physical barriers and warning signs
around/below the area of works. The operative must
Catching fire ensure that the work area has adequate ventilation
for the task at hand. To reduce the risk of an
uncontrolled fire no hot works must be undertaken
within one hour of lunch or the shift ends. Ensure
permit is signed off.
Ensure goggles and suitable dust masks are worn as HSE/Project
per the attached PPE Assessment. Ensure controls Engineer/For
(A) – Damage to Eyes 2 4 8
are suitable and sufficient to control airborne man/Others
Establish exclusion zones limiting access into working 1 4 4 HSE/Project
zone. All operatives within the working zone to wear Engineer/For
Operatives- personal injury 2 6 12
eye protection, hearing protection, dust mask. Dust man/Others
suppression to be employed. Clear debris regularly
Establish exposure using HSE HAVS calculator HSE/Project
Using Held Tools (Including Use suitable well-maintained equipment Engineer/For
22. Hand Arm Vibration 2 5 10 Periodic monitoring of equipment Screening of
percussive tools) man/Others
operatives and regular monitoring Rotation of labour
with adequate breaks from use of the tool.
1 5 5 HSE/Project
Ensure all equipment and cables are regularly
Electrocution 2 6 12 Engineer/For
maintained and tested
25. Abrasive Wheels (Stihl saws) Operatives. Shattering of the 2 6 12 Only competent and trained operatives to use the 1 4 4 HSE/Project
blade, improper use, fire tool. Changing of blades by trained personnel only. Engineer/For
Blades are to be checked every time before use. man/Others
Goggles are to be worn by the user when cutting.

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Demolition Risk Assessments

Project: Ref:
Date of Assessment: Next Review:
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Petrol driven equipment is to be filled in a controlled

manner in conjunction with a drip tray and spill kit.
Ensure the work area is free from combustible
materials. Do not leave the equipment running and
This disease can be fatal if not treated soon enough. 1 4 4 HSE/Project
It can be caught from contact with urine from Engineer/For
infected rats. Therefore, all on-site are made aware man/Others
that hygiene is essential as a means of avoiding the
26. Weil's Disease (Leptospirosis) Site personnel 2 5 10
disease. Wash hands before eating and cover all open
cuts in the best way to protect against Weil’s disease.
Before works commencing a Tool Box Talk will be
delivered to all site operatives.
Physical protection of the apparatus achieved by 1 4 4 HSE/Project
placement of steel skip to completely cover the Engineer/For
27. Damage to borehole apparatus Asset damage 2 5 10 apparatus. The soil then heaped over the apparatus man/Others
including the exposed horizontal pipe extending from
the borehole

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Demolition Risk Assessments

Project: Ref:
Date of Assessment: Next Review:
Assessed by: Signatures:
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The Risk Matrix

Consequences People Assets Environmen Reputation A B C D E
5-Catastrophic Multiple Fatalities Extensive Extensive Effect International 10 15 20 25
damage impact
4-Severe Single fatality or Permanent Severe damage Severe Effect National impact 8 12 16 20
total disability
3-Critical Major injury or health effects Major damage Major Effect Major impact 9 15
(long term or permanent partial 3 6 12
2-Marginal Minor injury or health effects Minor effect Minor Effect Minor impact 4 6 8 10
leading to LTI/RWC/MTC
1-Negligible Single injury or health effects, Slight effect Slight Effect Slight impact 2 3 4 5
requiring first aid

Likelihood Descriptor to assist in Qualitative Assessment of Likelihood/Frequency of Occurrence.

A Has occurred in similar industry worldwide, or judged likely to have occurred.
B Has occurred regionally within similar industry, or judged likely to have occurred.
C Has occurred at ORG, or judged likely to have occurred.
D Has occurred several times at ORG., or judged likely to have occurred.
E May occurred several times at same ORG Plant/Location., or judged likely to have occurred.

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