Iex 3e Intermediate Tests U8

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Progress Test UNIT 8 Grammar

1 Complete the conversations. Use the correct Passive form of the verbs in brackets. Score
1 A _______________ your new office _________________________ in 2011? (build) __
B Yes, but it _________________________ until 2012. (not open) __
2 A _______________ the clothes _________________________ yet? (design) __
B Yes, and they _______________ next month. (make) __
3 A The new security system _______________ today, I believe. (install) __
B No, it’s already done. It _______________ on Monday. (finish) __
4 A Our office windows _______________ twice a year. (clean) __
B Really? I think they _______________ only once last year. (wash) __
5 A When _______________ the car _________________________? (repair) __
B I don’t know. It _______________ by the garage later today. (check) __
2 Complete the conversations. Put the words in the correct order.
1 A Tokyo signed has contract who been by the
__________________________________________________? __/2
B but CEO still signed not the it I’m hasn’t by been sure
__________________________________________________. __/2
2 A broken is done the anything printer being about
__________________________________________________? __/2
B it’s technician a now fixed by being
__________________________________________________. __/2
3 A week walls will painted the be next
__________________________________________________? __/2
B won’t November done no be they until
__________________________________________________. __/2
4 A books were where sent yesterday the extra
__________________________________________________? __/2
B back I warehouse sent the they think to were
__________________________________________________. __/2
5 A later breakfast a time Sundays is on at served
__________________________________________________? __/2
B nine served it o’clock until isn’t yes
__________________________________________________. __/2

International Express Third Edition Intermediate

Progress Test UNIT 8 Vocabulary
1 Complete the conversations. Write the missing letters. Score
1 A I hear that the d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __1 of the new aircraft __
engine is giving us problems.
B Yes. Two teams are involved in d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __2 it, and they __
don’t always agree.
A Do you know when p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __3 is likely to begin? __
B No, but we’re already getting the m __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ together. __
2 A The new model has been a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __5 now, and it looks __
very good.
B Is it ready to be d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __6 yet? __
A No, not yet. We still have some more t __ __ __ __ __ __ to do. __
3 A Why don’t the r __ __ __ __ __8 outlets like our new toy? __
B They like the p __ __ __ __ __ __ but they don’t __
like the p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __10. __
They don’t think it’s strong enough.
A OK. Let’s redesign the boxes then.
2 Correct the conversations with these words.
advert advertise assemble demonstration distribution
extract process produce replacement transport
1 A Can you explain the _______________ for making petrol? __
B First you must _______________ crude oil from underground. __
2 A Do you _______________ your furniture on television? __
B No, it’s too expensive. We usually just put an _______________ in magazines. __
3 A If there’s a problem with this phone, we’ll give you a _______________. __
B And can you give me a _______________ of how to use it? __
4 A Do you _______________ everything in the same place? __
B No, several factories _______________ this machine. __
5 A What’s your method of _______________ to overseas outlets? __
B We _______________ our goods by sea. Air is too expensive. __

International Express Third Edition Intermediate

Progress Test UNIT 8 Work skills
1 Complete the conversations. Choose the correct words (a, b, or c). Score
1 A What do you do in order to __ your time effectively? __
a run □ b have □ c manage □
B I write out a __ list every morning. __
a ‘to make’ □ b ‘to do’ □ c ‘to work’ □
2 A Do you have any method of __ your daily tasks? __
a accepting □ b prioritizing □ c operating □
B My system is to write colour-__ notes of things I must do. __
a coded □ b listed □ c timed □
3 A I’m sorry, but my __ is just too much for one person. __
a management □ b labour □ c workload □
B I know it’s a lot, but you can __ some of it to others on your team. __
a allow □ b arrange □ c delegate □
4 A I can’t get through all this __ when people keep interrupting me. __
a paperwork □ b email □ c photocopy □
B Why don’t you put a ‘do not __’ sign on your door? __
a come □ b disturb □ c attend □
5 A How do you remember your __ for different jobs? __
a deadlines □ b endings □ c closings □
B I set __ on my mobile phone calendar to remind me. __
a alerts □ b accounts □ c audits □

International Express Third Edition Intermediate

Progress Test UNIT 8 Functions
1 Complete the conversations with these words. Score
by clarify clear everything follow go how make me (x2)
mean (x2) see (x2) sense through what with (x2) you
1 A So, is _______________ _______________ now? __/2
B Can you just _______________ _______________ I need to do first? __/2
2 A Do you _______________ _______________ the machine works? __/2
B Yes, it’s complicated but I’m _______________ _______________. __/2
3 A Are you still confused, or do you _______________ _______________ now? __/2
B No, I’m afraid it still doesn’t _______________ _______________. __/2
4 A Can you explain what you _______________ _______________ team-building events? __/2
B All right, I’ll _______________ _______________ it once more. __/2
5 A Are you _______________ _______________, or shall I explain that again? __/2
B No, it’s OK. I _______________ what you _______________. __/2
UNIT 8 TEST: Grammar Vocabulary __/20 Work skills __/10 Functions __/20 Total __/80

International Express Third Edition Intermediate

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