Iex 3e Intermediate Tests U3

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Progress Test UNIT 3 Grammar

1 Look at the percentages (%). Complete the conversations with these words. Score
Use the correct form of the will future if necessary.
definitely (x2) likely might possible probably sure think (x2) unlikely
1 A Will you be at the workshop tomorrow?
B Yes, I _________________________ be there. (100%) __
2 A Will you get a promotion next month?
B No, I _________________________. (25%) __
3 A Will Bilal go to Amsterdam in the summer?
B Yes, I’m _______________ he _______________. (100%) __
4 A Will you hear about the new job tomorrow?
B No, I _________________________. (0%) __
5 A Will Keiko be at the meeting on Friday?
B She _________________________ be. (50%) __
6 A Will the bus be late?
B Yes, it’s _________________________ to be. (75%) __
7 A Will aircraft soon fly without pilots?
B I think it’s _________________________. (50%) __
8 A Will all the passengers feel safe?
B No, I don’t _______________ they _______________. (25%) __
9 A Will you have time to do everything today?
B It’s _________________________. (25%) __
10 A Will you finish the report by tomorrow?
B Yes, I _______________ I _______________. (75%) __

International Express Third Edition Intermediate

2 Complete the conversations. Put the words in the correct order. Score
1 A may a buy I new this car year
____________________________________________________. How about you? __/2
B next wait I’ll until year probably
____________________________________________________. __/2
2 A tomorrow I free might lunch for be
____________________________________________________. __/2
B you to have time join probably won’t I
Sorry, ____________________________________________________. __/2
3 A will you on meeting do the begin time think
____________________________________________________? __/2
B ten that will it’s late minutes likely start it
____________________________________________________. __/2
4 A is that we’ll the contract it get possible
____________________________________________________? __/2
B for won’t good sure get a we I’m that price it
Yes, but ____________________________________________________. __/2
5 A attend that Anna meetings is both likely will it
____________________________________________________? __/2
B won’t meetings she definitely attend two
No, ____________________________________________________. __/2

International Express Third Edition Intermediate

Progress Test UNIT 3 Vocabulary
1 Complete the conversations with these words. Score
because (x3) caused due led result (x4)
1 A As a _______________ of the rent increase, we had to move our offices to Manchester. __
B Yes, but that _______________ to some staff leaving. __
2 A Will the shortage of wheat _______________ in more expensive bread? __
B Yes, higher prices are usually the _______________ of a shortage. __
3 A Did you sell your car _______________ of the increasing cost of petrol? __
B No, I sold it _______________ I don’t like driving. __
4 A I think our clothing profits fell _______________ to the warm weather. __
B Yes, it _______________ people to buy fewer winter coats. __
5 A _______________ I can’t come tomorrow, I’m holding the meeting today. __
B So are we free tomorrow as a _______________? __
2 Complete the conversations. Choose the correct words (a, b, or c).
1 A He can’t come today __ he’s too busy. __
a because □ b consequence □ c lead □
B Then we’ll have to meet tomorrow as a __. __
a due □ b cause □ c consequence □
2 A Our late start will __ us to work late tonight. __
a cause □ b result □ c due □
B That might __ problems with transport this evening. __
a create □ b lead □ c consequence □
3 A Staff may arrive late __ of the snow. __
a result □ b consequence □ c because □
B Yes, slow travel times are often the __ of bad weather. __
a cause □ b result □ c because □
4 A The new system has __ in a rise in profits. __
a caused □ b created □ c resulted □
B Yes, but I think the success is also __ to our new manager. __
a due □ b result □ c lead □
5 A We’ve postponed the meeting as a __ of Bob’s illness. __
a cause □ b consequence □ c because □
B Will this __ to a delay with the contract? __
a result □ b due □ c lead □

International Express Third Edition Intermediate

Progress Test UNIT 3 Work skills
1 Complete the email with these phrases. Score
can you let can you tell could you just confirm
I am looking forward I am writing to confirm if that’s OK
I’ve attached kind regards please be sure please find

Dear Mr Green,

Thank you for your message. _________________________1 that we are expecting you __
on Monday afternoon. _________________________2 me know if you would like someone __
to meet you at the airport? It can easily be arranged. _________________________3 a copy
of the schedule which I have drawn up for you. I hope it covers everything.
_________________________4 me if you are happy to do the factory tour on Friday? __
_________________________5 with you, I’ll confirm it with the factory manager. __
_________________________ that you will not require a driver for your time here? __
_________________________7 to check that the hotel I have suggested is suitable. __
_________________________ the details attached. __
_________________________9 to your arrival. __

_________________________10, __

David Stevens
Sales Manager

International Express Third Edition Intermediate

Progress Test UNIT 3 Functions
1 Complete the conversations with these words and phrases. Score
afraid are as soon as busy can make can’t confirm can’t make
convenient does free get back good for let no good
pencil in right should be fine sound good why would suit
1 A _______________ next week _______________ to you? __/2
B No, I _______________ any days next week. __
2 A _______________ you _______________ on Wednesday this week? __/2
B Sorry, no. But I _______________ next Wednesday. __
3 A Is the 17 _______________ you? __
B I’m not sure. I’ll _______________ to you tomorrow. __
4 A _______________ don’t we meet again next month? __
B I’m _______________ next month is _______________ for me. __/2
5 A Is eleven o’clock _______________ for you? __
B Yes, late morning _______________ me. __
6 A I _______________ the date _______________ now. __/2
B OK, but let’s _______________ the 25th for now. __
A OK. _______________ I know the date, I’ll _______________ you know. __/2
7 A Tuesday the 14th _______________ for me. __
B Sorry, I’m _______________ then. __
UNIT 3 TEST: Grammar Vocabulary __/20 Work skills __/10 Functions __/20 Total __/80

International Express Third Edition Intermediate

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