Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

Paper 4 Specialist Options: Application February/March 2018
1 hour 30 minutes
No Additional Materials are required.
* 5 3 7 4 9 2 3 9 8 5 *


An answer booklet is provided inside this question paper. You should follow the instructions on the front cover
of the answer booklet. If you need additional answer paper ask the invigilator for a continuation booklet.

There is a choice of four specialist options in this question paper. You must answer questions from two
specialist options.
Answer two questions in Section A.
Answer one question in Section B.
Answer one question in Section C.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 5 printed pages, 3 blank pages and 1 Insert.

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Section A

You must answer two questions from this section.

Answer all the parts for the two questions you choose.

Psychology and abnormality

1 Billy has a fear of the dark, and has read about Freud’s psychoanalytic explanation of phobias.
Billy thinks this is a good explanation for his fear, but his sister Janet does not agree.

(a) Outline Freud’s psychoanalytic explanation of phobias. [2]

(b) Give two limitations of this psychoanalytic explanation of phobias. [4]

(c) Suggest one alternative explanation for phobias. [4]

(d) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using case studies to study phobias. You should
include a conclusion in your answer. [5]

Psychology and consumer behaviour

2 Joe the Camel most easily recognised by children

According to Paul Fischer, young children see, understand and remember advertising. Given the
health consequences of smoking, the exposure of children to tobacco advertising (such as Joe the
Camel) may be a health risk.

(a) Outline what is meant by ‘brand recognition’. [2]

(b) Explain two reasons why children are important targets for advertisers, according to Fischer
et al. (1991). [4]

(c) Suggest two reasons why the children in the Fischer et al. study recognised Camel cigarettes
more than any other brand. [4]

(d) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using children as participants in psychological

research. You should include a conclusion in your answer. [5]

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Psychology and health

3 The field experiment by Savage and Armstrong (1990) investigated the effect of consulting style on
patients’ satisfaction using a random sample of 359 patients from one general practice in London
as participants.

(a) Explain why Savage and Armstrong used an independent measures design in their field
experiment. [2]

(b) Outline how Savage and Armstrong followed two ethical guidelines and give reasons why it
was important to follow these guidelines. [4]

(c) Suggest two alternative sampling techniques that could have been used to gather participants
for this study. [4]

(d) Discuss strengths and weaknesses of using a random sample in this study. You should
include a conclusion in your answer. [5]

Psychology and organisations

4 In the study by Giacalone and Rosenfeld (1987), the Sabotage Reasons Questionnaire asked
workers to rate each of the sabotage methods on a 7-point scale of 1 (not at all justifiable) to 7
(totally justifiable).

(a) Give one way in which this study was ethical. [2]

(b) Suggest two ways in which the data from the Sabotage Reasons Questionnaire could be
analysed, including reasons for your suggestions. [4]

(c) Suggest how the reliability of this questionnaire could be tested. [4]

(d) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using a 7-point scale in questionnaires given to
workers. You should include a conclusion in your answer. [5]

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Section B

You must answer one question from this section.

Psychology and abnormality

5 (a) Design a study to assess the effectiveness of virtual reality as a way to measure symptoms of
schizophrenia. [10]

(b) Explain the psychological and methodological evidence on which your study is based. [8]

Psychology and consumer behaviour

6 (a) Design a study gathering quantitative data to investigate how different types of gift wrapping
affect the expectations of the quality of the gift. [10]

(b) Explain the psychological and methodological evidence on which your study is based. [8]

Psychology and health

7 (a) Design a study using a questionnaire to investigate the reasons why men delay seeking
medical help more than women. [10]

(b) Explain the psychological and methodological evidence on which your questionnaire is based.

Psychology and organisations

8 (a) Design a study using an interview to investigate levels of job satisfaction following a job
rotation. [10]

(b) Explain the psychological and methodological evidence on which your interview is based. [8]

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Section C

You must answer one question from this section.

Psychology and abnormality

9 ‘A token economy used for patients with schizophrenia in hospitals only makes them behave better
for the staff.’

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Use examples of research you have studied to
support your answer. [12]

Psychology and consumer behaviour

10 ‘People who buy products will always dislike customer-focused sales techniques compared to
product-focused or competition sales techniques.’

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Use examples of research you have studied to
support your answer. [12]

Psychology and health

11 ‘Counting pills is the only valid way to measure adherence to medical advice.’

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Use examples of research you have studied to
support your answer. [12]

Psychology and organisations

12 ‘Groupthink always has negative consequences.’

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Use examples of research you have studied to
support your answer. [12]

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publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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