6 - GAT ENG (กพ 59)

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ตะลุยโจทย์ GAT ENG

ข้ อสอบ GAT ENG ก.พ. 2559

Part One: Expressions (Items 1-15)

Choose the best answer.
1-3 At a library
Student: Hi, can you help me?
Librarian: Sure, ______1______?
Student: I've got to write an essay on transmission systems, but______2______in

the engineering section on level three.
Librarian: Have you used the library search engine?
Student: sio
Yes, I've done that. A couple of books come up but they're not on the shelves,
someone's taken them out.
Librarian: Well, ______3______ so that when the person brings them back to the library,
we can put them on one side for you. Do you want to do that?
Student: I suppose so, I'd like to get started on my essay sooner rather than later.

1. 1. have you finished your essay


2. what do you do
3. what's the problem
4. when did you start
5. how do you find your book

2. 1. the book was out of order

2. I can't finish it on time
3. many books were found
4. books are disappearing
5. I can't find any suitable books
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3. 1. You can bring it out anytime

2. I can put a reserve on them
3. I can do all things for you
4. you can observe books at once
5. I would like to buy new books


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4-5 Looking for part-time jobs

Secretary: Mr. Tomson's office. Can I help you?
Smith: I'd like to ask about the part-time job.______4______?
Secretary: Yes. We still have a few.
Smith: I'm looking for something for two or three weeks.
Secretary: You're lucky because there is one.
Smith: ______5______?
Secretary: You have to fill out the form at our office. We'll review all applications, and if

we're interested, we'll arrange an interview.

4. 1. Have they been filled

3. Are they still open
5. Are you all right
sio 2. May they be taken
4. Will they go yet
5. 1. Can you write a resume for me
2. Is it OK for me to do the job
3. Are you kidding
4. Could you tell me how to apply

5. Where is your office

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At the dentist's
Harry: I called you a couple of days ago and made an appointment.
Assistant: Yes, ______6______?
Harry: It's Potter. Harry Potter
Assistant: ______7______ ah yes, here we are, 10:30 with Dr. Jirayuth. Just a check-
up, isn't it?
Harry: That's right. My regular six-month check-up. Nothing wrong as far as I can tell.

Assistant: That sounds good.

6. 1. who am I speaking to sio

2. who recommended this place to you
3. can I have your name
4. who would you like to do your teeth
5. should I know your patient

7. 1. You're correct
2. Let's wait

3. That's fine
4. Let me check
5. You're so generous

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8-9 At the gym

Phil: Hi my name is Phil. I'm new here.______8______?
Receptionist: Sure. I can give you’re a tour of the gym and explain the gym rules.
Phil: Great.______9______ Where do we start?
Receptionist: First, you have to show your member card, and you can use any
machine you like.

8. 1. Can you give me information about the gym

2. Could you show me where the gym is
3. Should I go to another gym

4. Do you know how to be a member of the gym
5. Do I have to pay for the gym

1. You're knowledgeable
2. You must be a good tour guide
3. That would be rally helpful
4. It's none of your business
5. I don't have much time

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10-11 At a shoe shop

Shop assistant: May I help you?
Customer: Yes. ______10______?
Shop assistant: I'm not sure. If you can't find them on the shelf, they may be out of
stock. But______11______
Customer: Thanks. I'd like to try on a pair if you have them,
Shop assistant: I'll be right back

10. 1. Do you have these shoes in size seven
2. Do you mind looking for my shoes
3. Do you like my shoes on the shelf
4. Do you know what size my shoes are
5. Do you have the shoes that I left here
11. 1. would you like something different this time?
2. any ideas about the size and color?
3. you're exaggerating.
4. please wait for me and do not leave.

5. let me look in the stockroom.

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12-13 Waiting in line at the airport check-in counter

Cris: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor?
Stranger: Sure. What can I do for you?
Cris: Can you______12______, please? I need to go to the bathroom.
Stranger: No problem. But please hurry. ______13______
Cris: Thanks. I'll be right back.

12. 1. watch the time for me

2. stop making a noise
3. save my place for me

5. keep the schedule

1. The line is moving quickly.

4. tell me where is the bathroom
2. The place is getting crowded.
3. What was the matter?
4. The service here is excellent.
5. Your bags are quite heavy.

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14-15 Reservation
Hostess: The Chula Restaurant. How may I help you?
Tony: Yes, I'd like to reserve a table for dinner.
Hostess: How______14______?
Tony: Six couples.
Hostess: May I ask who's calling?
Tony: My name is Tony Kluto, K-L-U-T-H-O.
Hostess: ______15______?

Tony: Around 7.30 PM.
Hostess: All right, Mr. Kluto. We'll reserve the room for you at 7.30 PM. Thanks for


Thank you very much

1. long does it take to wait

calling The Chula Restaurant,
2. large a group are you expecting
3. many couples have you known
4. much money would you need
5. many people are getting married

15. 1. What's the best time to visit you

2. What time do you have
3. When is your free time
4. What time will you be arriving
5. What time can I go to your place

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Part Two: Vocabulary (Items 16-30)

Items 16-25: Meaning in Context
Choose the best answer.
16. In order to on expenses, the manager suggested using less paper in the office
by circulating information via email.
1. reduce 2. enlarge
3. reuse 4. reaffirm
5. stimulate

17. She wanted to follow the rules to the letter, but she was more nonchalant about them.
1. unwilling
3. nonessential
5. hesitant
sio 2. enthusiastic
4. indifferent
18. The doctors suggest that if you are out to get a tan, you should do it , a few
minutes the first day, and so on.
1. seriously 2. finally
3. heavily 4. gradually

5. largely

19. Police had to restrain the victim's family when the suspect was brought into court.
1. prevent 2. advise
3. protect 4. abduct
5. release

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20. The nutrients known to be for human beings are proteins, carbohydrates, fats
and oils, minerals, and vitamins.
1. encouraging 2. positive
3. challenging 4. essential
5. eminent

21. Although the prosecution of government officials for corruption used to be

extraordinarily , it has become in recent years.

1. infrequent, scarce
2. minute, diminutive
3. spread, available
4. separated, distracted
5. rare, common
22. To enter the construction site, workers are to wear helmets because they are
to dangers.
1. reminded, suitable
2. obliged, vulnerable

3. advised, required
4. suggested, disappeared
5. required, pleasant

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23. The in the area of the industrial estate claimed that the smoke and smell
the factory were unpleasant and to health.
1. inhabitants, infectious
2. protesters, beneficial
3. residents, hazardous
4. dwellers, profitable
5. habitats, influential

24. When they heard the good news about the court's ,the angry crowd cheered and
then began to
1. decision, apology

2. consideration, imprison
3. experiment, gather
4. verdict, reluctant
5. judgment, disperse

25. He was taken to hospital because he a severe heart attack, and he had to be

there for two weeks before he was .

1. intended, released
2. suffered, discharged
3. developed, prohibited
4. revealed, discovered
5. troubled, convinced

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Items 26-30: Meaning Recognition

Choose the alternative which has the same meaning as the underlined word in the given
26. It is not practicable to complete the tunnel before the end of the year.
1. His answer demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the question.
2. We are now offering you the chance to buy the complete set of pans at half price.
3. At the last minute, we roped in a couple of spectators to complete the team.
4. She managed to complete her last film well within budget.

5. The demonstrators seemed to represent a complete cross-section of society -
male and female, old and young, rich and poor.
27. People are dying because this President refuses to face the truth.
1. The postcard shows a view of the magnificently carved west face of the cathedral.
2. She tried to save face by inventing a story about being overseas at the time.
3. In his dream he saw the face of the goddess looking down upon her people.
4. He thinks he would lose face if he admitted the mistake.
5. I think Phil has to face the fact that she no longer loves him.

28. Unemployment in the first half of the year was 2.5 percent lower than in the same
period the year before.
1. Women may also experience a painful period and pain during sexual intercourse.
2. A home that has both period style and modern comforts - is it perfection?
3. You should use a period at the end of a complete sentence.
4. She'd missed a period and was worried.
5. The report shows that 15 people were killed over a period of four days.

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29. If you look out of the window, you see that the drivers slow down as they approach the
1. We stood and watched the slow approach of the funeral procession.
2. We really ought to approach the task in a more scientific manner.
3. He was in a snit this morning and I didn't dare approach him.
4. Please fasten your seat belts, the plane is now making its final approach to
5. Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem, we need to

adopt a different approach to it.

30. It really makes me cross to see people dropping litter in the street.
1. Police dogs are often a cross between a retriever and a German Shepherd.
2. It's too dangerous to cross the highway here; let's go up to the corner where there's a
3. The teacher was a little cross with the students for doing such a poor job on their
4. Mark a cross in the box to the right of the name of the candidate you want
to vote for

5. If a section does not apply to you, cross it through with a line.

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Part Three: Reading (Items 31-45)

Choose the best answer.
Passage 1
Life was so hard for the first English settlers in Virginia that in the harsh winter of
1609, they turned to cannibalism. Scientists have found cuts consistent with butchering for
meat on human bones that were recently excavated from a dump in Jamestown, the first
permanent English settlement in America. The bones are believed to have belonged to a 14-
year-old girl, who was cut up after her death. According to Dr. Owsley, a forensic
anthropologist, it seems the girl's skull was smashed open, and her brain and cheeks removed
for consumption. The settlers had arrived only two years earlier; relations with the local

people had broken down; and supplies from England were slow to arrive. During a winter that
came to be known as the Starving Time, the colonists were forced to eat mice, cats, dogs and,
it seems, each other. By the time supplies arrive, only 60 of the original 300 were still alive.
"It's somebody doing what they had to do." said Owsley.

31. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
1. Dr. Owsley sponsored the excavation.
2. Jamestown is in the state of Virginia.
3. The 14-year-old girl was murdered by a butcher.
4. The settlers did not need any support from England.

5. 60 of the original 300 are still alive today.

32. The human bones found .

1. were investigated during the winter time
2. belonged to a butcher's daughter
3. provided a cure for cannibalism
4. belonged to a forensic anthropologist
5. were dug from an English settlement

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33. Which was a contributing factor to the settlers' hardships?

1. There were too many colonists living in the area.
2. They did not have a good relationship with the locals.
3. The bones were excavated from a dump in Jamestown.
4. They were not experiencing an unusually harsh winter.
5. Badly needed supplies took a few days to arrive.

34. Dr. Owsley's attitude in the last sentence can be best described as .

1. accepting 2. surprised
3. worried 4. shocked
5. horrified sio

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Passage 2
A report from the office for National Statistics shows that a record number of people
now work from home as they take advantage of modern technology.
As many as 4.2 million staff - 14 percent of the workforce - worked away from the
office in the first quarter of this year. The total has increased by 1.3 million since 1998 and is
expected to rise as the costs of commuting and office space rise. Three out of four home
workers were in some of the highest-skilled jobs in the economy. Almost 15 percent are
managers, 35.2 per cent are professionals and a further 23.5 per cent work in a skilled trade.
There are three key factors behind the increase in number of homeworker. The first is

the development of digital technologies which allow people to work at home or use home as a
base while on the move. The second is the rise of self-employment. And the third is that more
older people are seeking to avoid the daily commute and stresses of office life. However,
while homeworking is set to be a common feature of the employment landscape, work in the
office, at the factory or on the service front line will remain the norm for the vast majority of
people. Many bosses still do not trust workers to work from home and instead force them to
trudge into the office so they can keep an eye on them.
35.The phrase "The total (paragraph 2) refers to the number of .
1. workers using modern technology

2. people working from home

3. workers commuting to offices
4. people hiring their own workers
5. people having special skills

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36.According to the passage, it is predictable that in the future .

1. new and modern technologies will replace the workforce
2. more people will set up home offices
3. commuting between offices and home will be easier
4. more people will live near their workplace
5. nobody will work in offices any longer

37. According to the passage, one main reason why more people are working from home

is .
1. their bosses want them to do so
2. they want to avoid commuting
3. they want to live in one place
4. they have household responsibilities
5. they want to work nearer to their home

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Passage 3
At a medical center in Maryland, researchers are investigating an important medical
issue: whether shrapnel embedded in the bodies of U.S. soldiers can cause chronic health
problems. Many soldiers, after suffering injuries from roadside bombs during their tours of
duty, carry these fragments in their bodies for life. Often surgery is risky, or the fragments are
too small to remove. Either way, the metallic bits may slowly disintegrate, entering the blood
and reaching vital organs.
Military doctors first became concerned about embedded shrapnel following the Gulf
War in the early 1990s, when they suspected that depleted uranium from tank munitions was

causing kidney damage. In 2008, the U.S. Government set up a program to monitor adverse
health effects from more than a dozen metals - including lead, copper, and cadmium - found
in the urine of over 8,000 shrapnel victims. Those soldiers will be reanalyzed every five years
for high metal concentrations and corresponding health issues.
If a certain metal increases to potentially toxic levels, or if X-rays reveal that
fragments are dissolving, the patient should consult a surgeon to see if the benefits of removal
outweigh the risks.
38. In this passage, the word 'fragments' can be replaced by .
1. bodies 2. damage

3. damage 4. researchers
5. shrapnel

39. Surgery is not always a good solution to the problem because .

1. Government set up a program to analysis health effects.
2. he patient needs approval from his surgeon
3. there are over 8,000 veterans involved in the program
4. the risks of surgery could outweigh the benefits
5. the fragments are from more than a dozen metals

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40. Embedded shrapnel is a concern because .

1. doctors will need to wait 5 years for urine samples
2. soldiers will be reanalyzed every 5 years
3. doctors cannot monitor health effects from the metals
4. the new cure is not as effective as expected
5. it could lead to substantial organ damage

41. What is the best title for the passage?

1. Testing for shrapnel sickness
2. Injuries from roadside bombs
3. Chronic health problems and curs
4. Tours of duty during the Gulf War
5. The soldiers' hardship

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Passage 4
Like many people acting on the desire to eat healthy and local, Acropolis resident
Eduardo Jimenez decided to plant a garden in his backyard. He tilled the soil, he planted the
seeds, and he even erected a fence to keep out the deer. Eduardo did everything right. Or so it
seems. Harvest time has come, and he has not one tomato, bean, or leaf of lettuce to show for
his hard work. How did this happen? The answer comes in the form of a small, brown,
particularly smelly insect: the stink bug.
Unlike their fastidious cousins, stink bugs feed on some 300 species of plants,
including figs, mulberries, corn, and citrus fruits as well as soybeans, legumes, and weeds.

Although they do little damage to the plant itself, they make the fruits and vegetables
unmarketable. For this reason, stink bugs pose the most serious threat to the big
agriculturalists and macro farm operators. Macro farmers have more invested in their produce,
and therefore have more to lose. While hobbyists like Eduardo are left to face the
disappointment of an unsuccessful garden, macro farmers are forced to live with the loss of
entire tracts of cash crops—a fact that has left many barely able to clothe their children or put
food on the table. Last season alone, several New Jersey pepper farmers saw 75% of their
crops damaged. Pennsylvania lost half of its peach population, and, according to the US Apple
Association, apple farmers in the Mid-Atlantic States lost $37 million. This year could be

As a result of this decline in the supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, shoppers have
seen adjustments sometimes quite dramatic in prices at the grocery store. Prices of
apples in Maryland are up 8%. In the north-Atlantic states, prices for peppers shot up an
astounding 14%. Not only are these items becoming more expensive, but they are also getting
harder to find. Last week, Marge Jenkins of Athens, Georgia reported having to check three
different stores before stumbling upon a decent batch of peas. And this, she assures us, is a
regular occurrence.
Accidentally brought from Asia, the stink bug has no natural predators in America, and
thus its population is soaring. Reported sightings of stink bugs are becoming increasingly
numerous, as the desiccated, brown, trapezoidal shells of the dead bugs are ubiquitous in
some areas. This has farmers and scientists alike scratching their heads in search of a remedy.
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Hope, they believe, may lie with an Asian parasitic wasp, which helpfully lays its eggs inside
stink bug eggs. The larvae of the wasp devour the stink bug from the inside. Implementation
of such a solution is still several years away, as scientists must first determine if it is safe for
the wasp to be introduced into America. Until then, some farmers are resorting to homemade
traps. Others have even contemplated the use of peacocks and praying mantises, which, they
hypothesize, will gulp down the little stinkers.

42. Based on the information in paragraph 3, it can be inferred that an increase in supply
results in

1. low availability.
2. an increase in demand.
3. a decrease in price.
4. reduced importance.
5. higher values.
43. Which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with?
1. In hopes of eradicating stink bugs, several solutions are in the works.
2. There is a possible remedy to the stink bug problem, but it is unlikely to succeed.

3. The fight against stink bugs is hopeless.

4. While the stink bug problem is difficult, most believe it to be short-lived.
5. Scientists have arrived at a foolproof method for eliminating stink bugs.

44. According to the author, what is the biggest problem resulting from stink bugs?
1. Hobbyists like Eduardo Jimenez are unable to eat healthy and local.
2. Fresh fruits and vegetables are becoming harder to find.
3. Peppers and apples are becoming increasingly scarce.
4. The price of fresh fruits and vegetables is increasing.
5. Macro farmers are losing their crops.
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45. As used in the final paragraph, which of the following describes something that is
1. The copier malfunctioned and showered paper all over the room. It took Earnest
twenty minutes to clean it up.
2. Ignacio counted eight purple trucks on the way to work today. He is in the market
for a new truck and would like to get a color that nobody else already has.
3. On Valentine's Day, our school was littered with little pink love notes. I even found
one stuck to my shoe when I got home.

4. Upon taking the hot dogs from the fire, flies swarmed the campers. Jaime wished he
had brought bug spray.
5. In 1849, droves of gold miners fled to California in hopes of striking it rich.
Unfortunately, many arrived too late and found nothing but hard times.

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Part Four: Structure and Writing (Items 46-60)

Items 46-50
Choose the underlined part that is grammatically wrong.
46. Teachers (1) using the traditional approach (2) teach students only how to follow the
teacher's direction in (3) solving routine problems, but do not teach students how to
think (4) critical or to solve (5) non-routine problems.

47. The company says that the number of (1) people (2) living on the streets in many

countries (3) have risen by 30% and a new report says (4) much of the problem is (5)
48. (1) If the first President of the United States (2) hadn't laid the foundations for (3)
growth, the country today (4) wouldn't have been one of (5) the most thriving and
competitive economies in the world.
49. The new owners of the (1) 14-acre BBC campus (2) were careful to market the
apartments to UK (3) buyer first – (4) who bought about 150 – before (5) going on an
overseas tour to Hong Kong and Singapore.

50. (1) To grow enough food to feed (2) their millions, the Maya dug huge systems of
canals, (3) which allowed them to drain and (4) elevate the infertile wetlands which
cover much of the Maya heartland, (5) produced new arable land.

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Items 51-55
Choose the best answer.
Hormones, produced by Grammy-owned GMM Thai Hub (GTH), has been
broadcasted online and on television. A total of nine episodes 51 since May 2013.
The plot revolves around a group of teens who face 52 as they go through the phase
of being a Thai high school student. The series acquired 53 over a short period of
time with its explicit and accurate depiction of issues young Thais face in real life, such as sex,
drugs and gang violence. Series director Songyos Sugmakanan said he was concerned over the

making of Hormones 54 Thai society is very sensitive to this sort of material.
Thailand is ruled by adults who dedicate right and wrong without 55 any
explanations. "Banning movies or censoring violent media content does not solve issues.
People need to be able to think for themselves. I have put my thoughts into the show and am
playing my part in being responsible towards society," he said.
51. 1. have been released
2. has been released
3. have released
4. has released

5. is released

52. 1. a vary of problems

2. vary's problems
3. variety's problem
4. a problem of variety
5. a variety of problems

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53. 1. million of fans

2. millions of fans
3. fans of millions
4. fan of million
5. million of fan

54. 1. because of
2. because

3. as a result of
4. although

5. as if

1. provided
2. to provide
4. provide
3. providing
5. being provided

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Items 56-60
Choose the best answer.
(A) Most teachers agree that .(B) One reason is that homework
gives students additional practice of skills covered in class. (C) Another reason for home work
is that it provides time to complete longer assignments. (D) For example, the ideal
composition process allows time for students to think and to reflect on their ideas, as well as
time to revise and to proofread their writing. (E) reports and special projects often require
research that cannot be done at school. (F) In addition, not all students work at the same speed

(G) Giving students time at home to finish work keeps them from falling behind. (H)
Finally, the most important reason for homework is that it ensures review. (I) New material
and old material focus on different topics. (J) Students who do their homework daily are
prepared for tests and make better grades. (K)

56. Which one best completes the topic sentence (A)?

1. time spent on homework needs to be increased
2. students are actively involved in a learning process
3. a classroom material encourages students to think and revise

4. homework is an important part of learning process

5. students get better grades

57. Which one has the same meaning as the highlighted part in (G)?
1. stops them from failing the course
2. make them want to sit at the back of the class
3. allows them to catch up with their classmates
4. requires them to stay after school
5. reminds them of the fall section

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58. Which one can be added after Sentence B to make a good paragraph?
1. Revision is a valuable learning skill for students.
2. School classes are too short to teach a new concept and practice it.
3. Language assignments are not limited to writing but other skills too.
4. Some students need to practice skills with their parents.
5. Certain students are not good at writing so they need more time.

59. Which sentence does not belong?

1. D 2. E
3. F 4.I
5. J sio
60. What is the best concluding sentence for this paragraph?
1. In short, homework contributed positively to students' success
2. To conclude, tests and homework lead to good grades
3. In summary, revision and proofreading contributes to improved writing
4. To sum up, classroom material needs to be well planned
5. In conclusion, learning can be improved if teachers and parents are involved


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