Effect of Inner Swirl Angle On Flame Stability of A Double-Swirl Burner With Biogas-Methane Co-Firing

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Effect of Inner Swirl Angle on Flame Stability of a Double-Swirl Burner with

Biogas-Methane Co-Firing

Article in Proceedings of International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES) · October 2023
DOI: 10.5109/7158036


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5 authors, including:

Ahmed Mohamed Abdulnaim Hany Ahmed Moneib

Helwan University Helwan University


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Effect of Inner Swirl Angle on Flame Stability

of a Double-Swirl Burner with Biogas-Methane
Ahmed M. Abdulnaim
Continuous Combustion Laboratory, Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering at El‑Mataria, Helwan University

Ahmed H. Elkholy
Continuous Combustion Laboratory, Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering at El‑Mataria, Helwan University

Mohamed A. Elmously
Continuous Combustion Laboratory, Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering at El‑Mataria, Helwan University

Hany A. Moneib
Continuous Combustion Laboratory, Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering at El‑Mataria, Helwan University


出版情報:Proceedings of International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering &

Sciences (IEICES). 9, pp.435-440, 2023-10-19. 九州大学大学院総合理工学府
権利関係:Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Proceeding of International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES)

Effect of Inner Swirl Angle on Flame Stability of a Double-Swirl Burner with Biogas-
Methane Co-Firing
Ahmed M. Abdulnaim1*, Ahmed H. Elkholy1, Mohamed A. Elmously1, Hany A. Moneib1, Ayman M. Elbaz2
Continuous Combustion Laboratory, Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at
El‑Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo 11718, Egypt
Clean Combustion Research Center (CCRC), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST),
23955‑6900 Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding author email: [email protected]

Abstract: This paper studies how the inner swirl angle affects the flame stability of a double-swirl burner with biogas-
methane co-firing. Biogas is a renewable fuel that is produced from organic waste by anaerobic digestion, it can be mixed
with methane as an act to save methane fuel as well reduce CO2 emissions. However, biogas has combustion challenges
due to its high CO2 content. The double-swirl burner is a technology that can improve combustion performance and
reduce nitrogen oxide emissions. This study investigates different inner swirl angles with various CO2 fractions in biogas
and assesses their effects on flame stability and flame appearance. The paper finds that a higher CO2 fraction and inner
swirl angle make the flame less stable and requires more fuel, and also changes the flame shape. The paper gives insights
into improving the double-swirl burner for biogas-methane co-firing.

Keywords: Biogas; Methane; Double-Swirl Burner; Flame Stability

1. INTRODUCTION influenced by the practical feedstock and the production

A variety of organic waste sources, including landfill, process involved. For example, the East Natuna gas field
agricultural residues, and municipal solid waste, can be in Indonesia, one of the world’s largest gas reserves, has
used to produce biogas, as a renewable and a high CO2 content of up to 71%, which poses difficulties
biodegradable fuel. Biogas is generated by an anaerobic for its development [9]. Another challenge is to optimize
digestion process, whereas the bacteria decompose the combustion systems to minimize pollutant emissions,
organic matter in the absence of oxygen into methane such as nitrogen oxides (NOX) and carbon monoxide
(CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). While biogas may also (CO), which may arise from incomplete or excessive
include traces of other gases such as hydrogen (H2), combustion [10]. Controlling and optimizing combustion
nitrogen (N2), and sulfur (S) compounds. The grade and systems during the use of new fuels is essential for
calorific value of biogas are defined by the CO2 content, environmental and economic reasons.
which usually varies from 25% to 50% CO2 by volume Biogas combustion poses significant challenges due to its
[1]. high CO2 content, which results in reduced heating value
Biogas has numerous potential applications in different and flame stability compared to natural gas. The CO2
sectors, such as electricity generation, heating, and dilution negatively impacts mixture reactivity, flame
transportation fuel [2]. It can replace natural gas (NG), temperature, and ignition delay time [11]. Biogas
which emits greenhouse gases and causes climate change combustion can achieve lower NOX emissions but with
[3]. However, biogas also has some drawbacks that limit higher CO and UHC emissions, depending on the
its widespread use [4]. For instance, biogas may have operating conditions. Swirl flames are particularly
lower reactivity and higher CO2 content than NG, which effective in reducing NOX emissions from biogas
can impair its combustion performance and stability. combustion, but they also increase CO and UHC
Therefore, conventional burners need to be modified or emissions compared to pure methane flames [12].
replaced to ensure efficient and clean combustion of Therefore, biogas may be a viable alternative fuel for gas
biogas [5]. turbine combustors if the CO emissions can be controlled
Biogas is anticipated to have a significant role in the adequately [13].
future energy mix, as it provides a renewable and Methane serves as the predominant component in both
biodegradable alternative to fossil fuels. The biogas and natural gas (NG), offering a clean-burning
International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that biogas fuel that primarily generates water and CO2 when
will have a growing share in the total gaseous fuel supply combusted [14]. Methane has been involved in many
until 2050 [6]. Biogas can also help reducing global combustion applications such as Lean Burn Gas Engines
warming by capturing and utilizing methane that would (LBGEs) [15]. However, methane is also a potent
otherwise leak into the atmosphere and has a higher greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change when
global warming potential than CO2 [7]. Moreover, biogas leaked into the atmosphere [16]. Therefore, it is essential
can offer multiple benefits for rural development, such as to optimize methane combustion to minimize its
waste management, fertilizer production, and income environmental impact and maximize energy conversion.
generation [8]. Therefore, biogas is a versatile and One promising approach to achieve this is co-firing
sustainable energy option that merits more attention and methane with biogas, which can reduce methane
support. consumption and CO2 emissions per unit of energy
Dealing with the fluctuating composition of biogas output. The co-firing process can also enhance the
presents a major challenge in its combustion, as it is combustion performance and stability of biogas which

Proceeding of International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES)

may vary depending on its composition and reactivity. shows the different swirl numbers of the inner stream
Methane combustion is a complex process that involves used in the current study. The swirl numbers are
multiple steps and intermediate species, requiring careful calculated according to the formula provided by [20].
control and optimization to avoid flame instabilities and As shown in Fig. 2, all issuing flames are confined in a
pollutant emissions, such as nitrogen oxides (NOX) and rectangular combustion chamber with a cross-section
carbon monoxide (CO). area of 185×185 mm and a length of 300 mm. The side
The double-swirl burner, a promising technology for walls of the combustor are equipped with quartz glass
premixed combustion, incorporates two swirling streams windows to enable optical access.
of fuel and air to create a powerful recirculation zone
within the flame core. This recirculation zone acts as a
flame holder and enhances flame stability, mixing, and
overall combustion efficiency. In addition, double-swirl
burners can reduce nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions by
operating under overall lean conditions and can adapt to
different fuels types and fuel blends by changing the
swirl intensity and the equivalence ratio of each stream
[13]. While the swirl intensity is a non-dimensional
parameter that measures the angular momentum given to
the flow by the burner geometry and influences the flow
field, the flame shape, the flame stability, and the
pollutant emissions of the burner. Therefore, various
studies have explored the effect of swirl intensity on
different aspects of combustion using different fuels and
burner configurations [17]. However, there is a scarcity
of systematic studies on the effect of swirl intensity on
biogas-methane co-firing in double-swirl burners.
The objective of this work is to investigate the influence
of the inner swirl angle on the characteristics of a double-
swirl burner operating with biogas-methane co-firing. Fig. 1. The double-swirl burner configuration (all
The inner swirl angle is defined as the angle between the
dimensions are in mm). The inner stream is in orange,
inner swirler blades and the burner downstream direction,
while the outer stream is in green.
which affects the degree of mixing between the inner and
outer streams and the recirculation in the combustion
chamber. This study aims to provide insights into the Table 1. Different inner stream swirl configurations.
optimization of double-swirl burners for biogas-methane Inner stream configuration 1 2 3
co-firing applications and to enhance the understanding Swirl angle 30° 45° 60°
of the physical and chemical processes involved in such Swirl number 0.41 0.72 1.24
flames. The experimental results include the stability
limits and flame shapes of biogas-methane co-fired
flames at various inner swirl angles are analyzed and
discussed in detail.

This study aims to examine the combustion
characteristics of a premixed methane-air flame in a
double-swirl burner with biogas co-firing and inner swirl
intensity variation. The biogas composition is simulated
by CO2 dilution in the inner stream with different CO2
fractions. The double-swirl burner design enables
independent control of the inner and outer swirl
intensities. The previous studies [18, 19] provide a
detailed description of the double-swirl burner design
and the experimental setup.

2.1 Burner Test Rig

Fig. 1 shows the double swirl burner configuration with
two concentric swirling streams. It has a central 45° bluff
body. A 15° diverging cone (quarl) is installed in the
outer stream to create a significant outer recirculation
zone to enhance flame stabilization. The outer stream is Fig. 2. The experimental test rig (the double-swirl burner,
kept under a constant swirling degree with a swirl gas supply lines, control valves, and flowmeters).
number, S, of 0.49 corresponding to a 30° swirler. While
the inner stream swirling degree is controlled by 2.2 Techniques/Test Conditions for Experiments
changing the swirler angle to 30°, 45°, or 60°. Table 1 The inner stream is made up of various CO2/CH4/air-
premixed mixtures with varying CO2 mole fractions,
Proceeding of International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES)

𝑥CO2 , which may be calculated as in. The outer stream equivalence ratio, Φout, and the axial
velocity at the inlet, Ua,in, are kept constant at 0.55 and 5
𝑉CO2 m/s, respectively. As shown in Fig. 4, the overall lean
𝑥CO2 = 𝑉 (1) blow-off equivalence ratio, Φov, which is defined as the
ratio of the total fuel and air supplied to both streams,
where 𝑉CO2 and 𝑉CH4 are the volume flow rates of CO2 increases with 𝑥CO2 for all values of in. This implies that
and CH4 in the inner stream, respectively. To increase the flame becomes more prone to blow-off as the inner
overall flame stability, the outer stream provides a lean fuel is diluted with CO2 and becomes leaner. This trend
CH4/air-premixed mixture. SIARGO digital mass flow is consistent with our previous work [18], which reported
meters of models MF5706 and MF5712 with an accuracy that CO2 addition shifts the lean blow-off limit of the
of (2.0+0.5FS)% were used to control and monitor the inner stream to higher values of Φin.
flow rates of CO2, CH4, and air. The inner and outer The variation of the lean blow-off limit with 𝑥CO2 is also
premixed mixtures are routed to two settling chambers at influenced by the swirl angle, in. For low in (30° and
the burner's base. The inner stream air bulk jet velocity is 45°), the lean blow-off limit mildly raises at low levels of
kept constant at Ua,in = 5 m/s, whereas the outer stream 𝑥CO2 (≤ 0.2), but it rapidly increases at higher 𝑥CO2 . This
bulk velocity is kept constant at Um,out = 3.2 m/s. These can be attributed to the adverse effects of CO2 on biogas
velocities are calculated using the relevant flow rates and combustion, such as reducing the flame temperature and
stream exit area; dimensions are shown in Fig. 1. The reaction rates [18]. In addition, CO2 diminishes the
outer stream equivalency ratio, Φout, is fixed at 0.55, flammability and laminar burning velocity of biogas/air
while the inner stream fuel is reduced till the flame blew mixtures [21], as well as their extinction strain rates [22],
out. The overall equivalence ratio, ΦOV, is estimated which deteriorate their stability. Increasing the content of
based on the total fuel and airflow rates in both inner and CO2 in CH4/air mixtures has three main impacts on the
outer streams which is given by: flame stabilization: (i) it decreases the reaction rates, (ii)
it alters the mixture stoichiometry, and (iii) it weakens
( )
𝑭 𝐬𝐭,𝐎𝐕
the mixture’s flammability. These impacts are
ΦOV = 𝒎̇𝐚,𝐢𝐧 +𝒎̇𝐚,𝐨𝐮𝐭 (2) manifested in Fig. 3 by the increase of the lean blowout
( ) equivalence ratio with CO2. However, these impacts are
𝒎̇𝐟,𝐢𝐧 +𝒎̇𝐟,𝐨𝐮𝐭
insignificant for low CO2 concentrations (𝑥CO2 ≤ 0.2),
where ( ) denotes the overall stoichiometric air-to- where the enhanced radiative heat transfer due to CO2
𝐹 st,OV may compensate for the reduction in laminar burning
fuel ratio, 𝑚̇a,in and 𝑚̇a,out signify the inner and outer air velocity by preheating the mixture upstream of the
mass flow rates, respectively, and 𝑚̇f,in and 𝑚̇f,out are the reaction zone [23]. This might explain why the lean
inner and outer fuel mass flow rates, respectively. A stability limits are slightly expanded at low CO2
NIKON camera model D5100 with a resolution of 16.2 concentrations. Moreover, increasing in enhances the
megapixels and a lens of 65 mm, f/10, 1/4 s shutter speed, flame stretch rate, which also shifts the stability limits to
and ISO = 640 was used to capture direct flame photos. higher values.


The flame stability limits were investigated by operating
the combustor with a premixed CH4/air mixture in both
streams until the thermal equilibrium of the chamber wall
was reached. The inner stream fuel contains a CO2 mole
fraction, 𝑥CO2 , which ranged from 0 (pure methane) to
0.4, with a maximum increase step of 0.1 (to account for
a wide range of biogas composition). The inner stream
equivalence ratio, Φin, is reduced by decreasing the inner
stream fuel flow rate while maintaining the outer stream
equivalence ratio, Φout, and CO2 volume fraction, 𝑥CO2 ,
in the inner stream fuel constant until the flame went out.
The lean blowout limit is the smallest level of Φin
required to maintain a stable flame. This approach is used
with a set inner air velocity, Ua,in, of 5 m/s, a fixed outer
mixture velocity, Um,out, of 3.2 m/s, and Φout of 0.55 and
0.65. The flame blow-off points on the stability map are
measured at least three times, and the standard deviation
in the data is shown by the error bar on the plots.
Fig. 3 illustrates how the stability of biogas/methane/air-
premixed flames fired by the double-swirl burner is Fig. 3. The biogas-methane flame stability maps with
affected by the fraction of CO2 in the biogas and inner different inner stream swirl angles, in (𝑥CO2 versus Φin at
swirler angle in. The stability diagram is constructed by Φout = 0.55).
varying the CO2 mole fraction in the inner fuel blend,
𝑥CO2 , from 0 to 0.4, and the inner stream equivalence
ratio, Φin, for different values of the inner swirler angle,

Proceeding of International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES)

Fig. 5. The biogas-methane flame stability maps with

Fig. 4. The biogas-methane flame stability maps with
different inner stream swirl angles, in, and Φout (𝑥CO2
different inner stream swirl angles, in (𝑥CO2 versus ΦOV
versus Φin).
at Φout = 0.55).

Biogas flame stability is a critical parameter for efficient

combustion. The CO2 content in biogas modifies the
stability map, resulting in changes in the flame blow-off
limit. Increasing the CO2 fraction in the biogas increases
both the inner stream lean blow-off limit and the overall
flame blow-off equivalence ratio, making it harder for the
flame to be sustained at lower equivalence ratios.
However, sustaining flame stability can be achieved by
increasing the outer stream equivalence ratio (Φout).
The effect of CO2 fraction on flame blow-off limit can be
explained by physical and chemical mechanisms.
Physically, the existence of CO2 in biogas reduces its
heating value and reactivity, resulting in a lower flame
temperature and increased burner size. This necessitates
a longer residence time for efficient combustion.
Chemically, CO2 affects the kinetics of combustion
reactions, particularly those involving radicals such as
OH and H. CO2 can act as a radical scavenger, while it is
reducing the radical pool and slowing down the chain-
branching reactions that sustain combustion [18]. Fig. 6. The biogas-methane flame stability maps with
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 illustrate that increasing the CO2 fraction different inner stream swirl angles, in, and Φout (𝑥CO2
in biogas shifts the flame blow-off limit curve to higher versus ΦOV).
inner stream equivalence ratios, indicating that more fuel
is required in the inner stream to maintain flame stability. The flame morphology is influenced by the inner swirler
Increasing the swirl angle of the inner stream likewise angle, in, which controls the degree of swirl and the axial
shifts the flame blow-off limit curve to higher inner velocity of the inner stream. A higher in leads to a
stream equivalence ratios. On the other hand, increasing stronger swirl and a lower axial velocity, which affects
the outer equivalence ratio reduces both the inner and the flame shape and stability.
overall equivalence ratios, thereby supporting flame Fig. 7 illustrates the direct broadband images of three
stabilization and requiring less fuel consumption in the flames with Φin = 1.1 and 𝑥CO2 = 0.1, which are selected
inner stream. Additionally, reducing the inner swirler based on the performed flame stability map. These
angle or increasing the outer equivalence ratio allows for flames have a compact V-shape with sharp blue edges
the use of biogas in the inner stream with higher CO2 that are anchored to the inner swirling tube and expand
percentages. These conclusions can contribute to the downstream of the burner exit. The flames are attached
development of efficient and sustainable combustion to the burner exit and do not show any tendency to lift off,
systems. whilst indicating that the flow velocity is sufficiently low
to allow the flame to stabilize. The flame front is visible
along the shear layer and widens downstream as the
flame interacts with the surrounding air. Additionally, a
faint blue inner zone is observed in the center of the flame,
which indicates the presence of an internal recirculation
Proceeding of International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES)

zone (IRZ) that provides heat and radicals to sustain the • Increasing the CO2 fraction in the biogas has shifted
combustion. As in increases, the flame height decreases the flame blow-off limit curve to higher inner stream
and the flame width increases, as shown in Fig. 7. This equivalence ratios, making it harder for the flame to
can be explained as a higher in enhances the swirl be sustained at lower equivalence ratios.
intensity and reduces the axial momentum of the inner • Increasing the swirl angle of the inner stream also
stream, which leads to a shorter and wider IRZ. shifts the flame blow-off limit curve to higher inner
Furthermore, the flame front diverges as the inner rich stream equivalence ratios, but it has less impact than
stream mixes with the outer lean stream, which may increasing the CO2 fraction in biogas.
reduce the flame stability due to excessive dilution by • Increasing the outer stream equivalence ratio supports
CO2. This effect is more pronounced for higher in values, flame stabilization and requires less fuel in the inner
as the inner stream has a lower axial velocity and a higher stream.
radial velocity, which facilitates the mixing with the • The flame morphology is influenced by the inner
outer stream. swirler angle, with a higher angle which resulting in
These flame images are not quantitatively comparable, a shorter and wider internal recirculation zone and a
even though they were obtained at the same flow wider flame front.
conditions. Also, these flames are stabilized by Φin ≥ 1, The outcomes of this study have important implications
implying that the biogas in the inner stream mixture for the design and optimization of double-swirl burners
contributes significantly to the energy density of these for biogas-methane co-firing applications, as well for the
flames. The changes in the flame morphology are similar understanding of the underlying physical and chemical
to those reported by [12] for biogas flames in a single mechanisms of biogas-methane co-firing.
swirl burner, however the current flames are more stable However, this study has some limitations, such as the use
compared to the single swirl flames. This may be of a constant outer stream swirl angle. While future work
attributed to the dual swirl configuration, which provides could explore different outer swirl angles, in addition to
better control over the mixing and combustion processes. other parameters such as Reynolds number to further
investigate the effect of inner swirl angle on the flame
stability of a double-swirl burner with biogas-methane

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