Chem Investigatory
Chem Investigatory
Chem Investigatory
Analysis of Vegetable
and Fruit Juice
NAME : Somya Mathur
SUBJECT : Chemistry
SCHOOL : New Era Senior Secondary School
This is to certify that Somya Mathur
of Class XII B of New Era Senior
Secondary School, Vadodara, has done
the Chemistry Investigatory project
under my supervision and successfully
completed it up to my satisfaction.
Fruits and vegetable are always a part of balanced
diet. That means fruits vegetables provide our
body the essential nutrients, i.e. Carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins and minerals.. So, we can
conclude that fruits and vegetables contain
complex organic compounds, for e.g.,
carbohydrates, vitamins and can be tested in any
fruits or vegetable by extracting out its juice and
then subtracting it to various tests which are for
detection of different classes of organic
compounds. Detection of minerals in vegetables or
fruits means detection of elements other than
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
• Test Tubes
• Burner
• Fruit juice
• Vegetable juice
• Iodine solution
• Fehling solution A and Fehling solution B
• Ammonium chloride solution
• Ammonium hydroxide
• Ammonium oxalate
• Ninhydrin solution
The juices are made dilute by adding distilled
water to it, in order to remove colour so that colour
change can be easily watched and noted down.
Now test for food components are taken down
with the solution.
Sr Test Experiment Observation Inference
1. Starch Test: Take 2ml of juice in a test tube and No Absence of
add a few drops of iodine solution. It characteristic starch
turns blue black in colour then starch observation
is present
2. Carbohydrate Take 2 ml of juice and 1 ml of Red Presence of
Test Fehling’s solution A & B each and precipitate carbohydrate
boil. Red precipitate indicates observed
presence of carbohydrate.
3. Calcium Test Take 2ml juice and add ammonium Solution form Presence of
chloride solution and ammonium white calcium
oxalate. White ppt or milkiness precipitate
indicated presence of calcium
4. Protein Test Take 2 ml juice and 2ml ninhydrin No Absence of
solution and heat it. Purple colour characteristic protein
indicates presence of protein observation
Orange Juice
Sr Test Experiment Observation Inference
1. Starch Test: Take 2ml of juice in a test tube and No Absence of
add a few drops of iodine solution. characteristic starch
It turns blue black in colour then observation
starch is present
2. Carbohydrate Take 2 ml of juice and 1 ml of Red Presence of
Test Fehling’s solution A & B each and precipitate carbohydrate
boil. Red precipitate indicates observed
presence of carbohydrate.
3. Calcium Test Take 2ml juice and add ammonium Solution Presence of
chloride solution and ammonium form white calcium
oxalate. White ppt or milkiness precipitate
indicated presence of calcium
4. Protein Test Take 2 ml juice and 2ml ninhydrin No Absence of
solution and heat it. Purple colour characteristic protein
indicates presence of protein observation
5. Ascorbic Take 2ml of juice in a test tube and Colour Presence of
Acid Test add a few drops of iodine solution. disappears ascorbic acid
After a few minutes, if the colour
of the juice disappears in half of the
test tube, ascorbic acid is present.
Tomato Juice
After performing tests for Starch, Carbohydrate,
protein and calcium, the following can be