The Handout-The Leadership Styles.

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Abhi Ajay Bhai Patel

Pavithran Chandrasekaran

Gayanjali Aluvihare


“Leadership Styles”


The handout discusses the three main leadership styles, which are autocratic, democratic, and

laissez-faire leadership. Autocratic leadership involves the leader making decisions without

consulting their team or followers, while democratic leadership involves the leader involving

their team in the decision-making process and valuing their input. Laissez-faire leadership

involves the leader delegating authority and responsibility to their team, allowing them to make

decisions and take action independently (Cherry, 2022).

In the topic questions clearly provides examples of when each style may be most appropriate,

such as using autocratic leadership in emergency situations, democratic leadership for creativity

and innovation, and laissez-faire leadership for highly skilled and experienced teams. The report

also explains that leaders can and should adapt their styles based on the situation and the people


Further, leaders can and should adapt their leadership styles depending on the situation,

followers, and tasks at hand. Effective leaders recognize when to switch between different

leadership styles and adapt their approach accordingly, building stronger relationships with their

team, increasing motivation and productivity, and achieving better outcomes.

Among these leadership styles, democratic leadership is perceived as the most favorable

leadership style, which is due to its value of team members' input and participation, fostering

collaboration and teamwork, and empowering individuals to contribute to the decision-making

process. Democratic leadership can lead to increased motivation and engagement, better
problem-solving, and the consideration of a diversity of opinions and perspectives, ultimately

resulting in superior decision-making outcomes (Chukwusa, 2019).


Cherry. (2022). What Is Democratic Leadership? PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY.

Chukwusa. (2019). Perceived Democratic Leadership Style of University Librarians and Library

Staff Work Attitude. Library Philosophy and Practice, 2446(23).

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