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Liderazgo Emprendimiento e Innovación

Gpo: 002

Período: Ene - Jun 2024

Week 4 activity

Docente: Alí Gabriel Sánchez Luna

Nombre Matrícula Carrera

Andrea Elizondo Ocañas 2096175 IB
Reflections on leadership styles: a comparative and critical
analysis of my personal experience


Leadership is a concept that encompasses all aspects of our personal and

professional lives. It shapes the way we interact with others, overcome challenges,
and inspire change. As individuals, throughout our lives we find ourselves in
leadership roles. Reflecting on our experiences as leaders offers insights into the
various styles and approaches that influence our effectiveness and impact.

In this essay I will try to have a self-discovery about my leadership style, delving
into my personal experiences as a leader and examining the different leadership
styles that I have had throughout my life and in my experiences. Based on both
theory and practice, I carry out a comparative and critical analysis to find the
strengths, weaknesses, and differences of these styles.

Through reflection on my experiences, I explore moments of achievements and

defeats, which help me discover the strategies and techniques used in different
moments where I have used leadership. Each leadership style leaves its mark on
teamwork where leadership is developed, influencing results and relationships in
different ways.

Furthermore, I believe that there are several factors that influence the efficiency of
leadership styles, recognizing that leadership is not a one-size-fits-all effort. Social
norms and individual preferences help us perform better in leadership approaches
and outcomes.

By analyzing my personal experiences where I have implemented leadership

techniques, my goal is to deepen my definition of leadership and have a more
focused perspective on leadership styles. In this essay it helped me not only to
improve my own leadership abilities but also to be able to learn a broader spectrum
about the various learning styles that exist.
Exploring the authoritarian leadership style

As I delve deeper into leadership experiences in my personal life, one style that I
was able to feature prominently in my life was the authoritarian leadership
approach. Rooted in a vertical command structure, authoritarian leadership is
characterized by a strong emphasis on hierarchy, centralized decision-making, and
strict adherence to authority. As I reflect on the cases in which I have employed
this style, I am struck by its effectiveness in situations that require quick and
decisive action, particularly in times of crisis or uncertainty.

By examining the strengths of the authoritarian leadership style, you discovered

how this type of leadership style could instill discipline and maintain order within a
team and organization. By giving clear and precise instructions, as well as
establishing a rigid chain of command, authoritarian leaders can streamline
decision-making processes and ensure rapid execution of tasks. Additionally, the
hierarchical nature of this leadership approach can provide a sense of stability and
security among team members, particularly in environments where precise ideas
are not forthcoming in a timely manner.

However, despite its apparent effectiveness in certain contexts, the authoritarian

leadership style is not without problems. One of the main criticisms of this
approach is its potential to stifle creativity and innovation within a team. By exerting
strict control over decision-making processes, authoritarian leaders can discourage
the views of other team members and leave no room for the free exchange of
ideas. Additionally, authoritarian leadership can generate feelings of resentment
and lack of commitment among team members, which can cause problems in the
team environment, morale, and productivity of each member.
While finding my leadership style, I am faced with the challenge of striking a
balance between authority and empowerment. While there may be times when the
authoritarian leadership style is necessary to maintain order and achieve
immediate results, I recognize the importance of incorporating elements of
flexibility and inclusion into my leadership approach.

One strategy to eradicate the limitations of authoritarian leadership is to adopt a

more democratic or participatory leadership style. By soliciting input from team
members and empowering them to contribute to decision-making processes,
leaders can harness the collective wisdom and creativity of the group, fostering a
culture of collaboration and innovation. Additionally, by encouraging open
communication and transparent decision-making, leaders can build trust and foster
a sense of ownership among team members, improving morale and engagement.

Additionally, I recognize the importance of self-awareness and continuous learning

to hone my leadership capabilities. By reflecting on my experiences and soliciting
feedback from others, I can identify areas for improvement and adapt my
leadership style to meet the changing needs of my team. Additionally, by remaining
open to new perspectives and adopting a growth mindset, I can cultivate a more
balanced understanding of leadership and its impact on social effectiveness.

My reflections on the authoritarian leadership style serve as a reminder of the

diverse range of approaches that exist within the realm of leadership. While
authoritarian leadership may offer certain benefits in terms of efficiency and order,
it is essential to recognize its limitations and consider alternative approaches that
prioritize empowerment and inclusion. By adopting a spectrum of leadership styles
and staying attuned to the unique needs of my team, I am better equipped to
navigate the complexities of leadership and inspire positive change in myself and
those around me.
Case studies or examples:
During a team project in high school, I encountered a situation where I had to make
quick decisions to complete a task in a tight period. When faced with unexpected
challenges like this, I used an authoritarian leadership approach to be able to get
work done in a more agile way, as well as have better decision making and
maintain order within the team. By providing clear and precise instructions, I was
able to ensure quick execution of tasks and successfully meet project deadlines.

Comparison with other leadership styles:

When comparing authoritarian leadership with other leadership approaches, such
as democratic leadership, it becomes truly clear that each style has its unique
characteristics and potential advantages and disadvantages. While authoritarian
leadership can excel in situations that require quick action and clear direction,
democratic leadership encourages collaboration and inclusion, while
transformational leadership inspires motivation and innovation. However, it is
essential to recognize that the effectiveness of each style depends on the context
and objectives of the organization.
Discussion on ethical implications:
Exploring the ethical implications of authoritarian leadership raises important
considerations about power dynamics, autonomy, and individual rights. While
authoritarian leadership can provide clarity and direction, it also risks stifling
creativity and autonomy among team members. Leaders must navigate the
delicate balance between asserting authority and empowering team members,
ensuring that decisions align with ethical principles and organizational values to
maintain team morale and motivation.

Strategies to mitigate drawbacks:

To mitigate the drawbacks of authoritarian leadership, leaders can employ
strategies that foster creativity, innovation, and empowerment within the
organizational structure. Encouraging open communication, soliciting input from
team members, and delegating decision-making authority can help tap into the
collective wisdom and creativity of the group while maintaining a sense of direction
and authority. Additionally, cultivating a culture of trust and psychological safety
can foster different points of view and promote constructive dialogue, which could
help improve team morale and performance.
Personal growth and development:
As I reflect on my own growth and development as a leader through the lens of
authoritarian leadership, I recognize opportunities for learning and adaptation.
Dealing with the challenges and complexities of this leadership style has
contributed to my understanding of effective leadership and my ability to adapt and
evolve. By adopting a growth mindset and remaining open to new perspectives, I
can continue to refine my leadership approach, fostering a culture of inclusion,
innovation, and ethical leadership.

By incorporating these additional elements, we can further enrich the exploration of

the authoritarian leadership style and provide a more complete analysis of its
impact on both individual leadership development and social effectiveness.

As we have been able to identify, in this text, through the various reflections that I
was able to make about the various leadership styles, it has offered a wide field of
ideas and learning about the various approaches to leadership. From the
beginning, we were able to conclude that leadership is a multifaceted concept that
plays a critical role in shaping our interactions, overcoming challenges, and
fostering change in various aspects of our lives. By delving into individual
experiences and conducting comparative analysis, we have gained a deeper
understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, and ethical implications associated
with different leadership styles.

In the exploration of authoritarian leadership, we were able to observe how this

style of leadership was more effective in situations that required quick and decisive
action, where centralized and effective decision making was essential. However, it
also gave us a different perspective on the potential drawbacks of this approach,
including its tendency to stifle creativity and autonomy among team members.
Through discussions of ethical implications and mitigation strategies, we
recognized the importance of maintaining a balance between authority and
empowerment, fostering a culture of trust, inclusion, and innovation within teams.

Additionally, personal growth and development emerged as a central theme

throughout this research. By reflecting on our own experiences and facing
leadership challenges, we have gained valuable insights into effective leadership
practices and our own leadership capabilities. Adopting a growth mindset and
remaining open to new perspectives will continue to guide us on our path to
becoming more effective and empathetic leaders.

Thanks to this text we were able to learn the importance of leadership dynamics
and the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. By being attuned to the
unique needs of our teams, we can navigate the complexities of leadership with
confidence and inspire positive change in ourselves and those around us. Through
reflection, analysis, and action, we can strive to cultivate a culture of inclusion,
innovation, and ethical leadership, driving progress and growth in our personal and
professional endeavors.

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