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Zebra CardStudio2 UserGuide

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February 2023 | Version 2.5.3 | CardStudio V2.

© 2023 ZIH Corp. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of ZIH Corp.,
registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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WARRANTY: For complete warranty information, go to www.zebra.com/warranty
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This document contains information proprietary to Zebra Technologies Corporation. This document and the information
contained within is Copyrighted by Zebra Technologies Corporation and may not be duplicated in full or in part by any
person without written approval from Zebra Technologies Corporation. While every effort has been made to keep the
information contained within current and accurate as of the date of publication, no guarantee is given that the document is
error-free or that it is accurate with regard to any specification. Zebra Technologies Corporation reserves the right to make
changes, for product improvement, at any time.

Proprietary Statement This manual contains proprietary information of Zebra Technologies Corporation and its subsidiaries

described herein. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other
purpose without the express, written permission of Zebra Technologies.

Product Improvements Continuous improvement of products is a policy of Zebra Technologies. All specifications and
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Liability Disclaimer Zebra Technologies takes steps to ensure that its published Engineering specifications and manuals are
correct; however, errors do occur. Zebra Technologies reserves the right to correct any such errors and disclaims liability
resulting therefrom.

Limitation of Liability In no event shall Zebra Technologies or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of
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of the possibility of such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 2

CardStudio 2.0 User Guide Introduction 9
CardStudio 2.0 User Guide General Information 11
Specifications 11
Minimum Hardware specifications 11
Software 11
Supported Printers 12

CardStudio 2.0 User Guide Download and Install 14

Download the CardStudio 2.0 Software 14
Install CardStudio 2.0 15
Registration of the Software Edition 19
Online Registration 19
Successful Registration 19
DesignStudio Interface 20
DesignStudio Navigation 22
Main Menu 22
File 22
Store 22
Edit 23
View 23
Options 23
Help 23
Quick Menu 24

DesignStudio Start a Card Design 27

New Card Design 27
Open existing Card Design 28
Digital ID Card Design 29
Start new card design with Digital ID 29
Design Digital ID 29
Wallet Pass Card Design 30
Start new card design with Wallet Pass 30
Design Wallet Pass 30
DesignStudio The Store 34
Card Design from the Store 34
Browse the Store 34
My items 36
Credits from the Store 37

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 3

DesignStudio Card Design Menu 39
Preview 39

Card settings 39

Dynamic Fields 40

DesignStudio Elements 42
Element Properties 47
Text element properties 47
Image element properties 47
Passport Photo element properties 48
Signature element properties 48
Barcode element properties 49
Dynamic logo element properties 49
Element Position 50
Resize and rotate elements on the canvas 50
Element Style 51
Border & Background 51
Color & Transparency 51
DesignStudio Print a Card Design 53
PrintStudio Interface 55
PrintStudio Navigation 56
Main menu 56
File 56
Store 56
Edit 57
Record 57
Options 57
Views 57
Help 57
Quick menu 58
A. New 58
B. Open existing Project 58
C. Undo 58
D. Redo 58
E. Add a new record 58
F. Delete a selected record 58
G. Filter records 59
H. Refresh Data 59
I. Print all selected records 60
J. Send Digital ID 60
K. CardStudio Design 60
Project Card Designs 61
Card designs overview 61

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 4

PrintStudio Create a Project 63
New Project 63
Create a New Project 64
1. Project structure 64
2. Biometric settings 65
3. View configuration 66
4. Status Check 67
5. Card designs 68
6. Triggers 69
7. Create project 70
Create a New CardStudio Project with database connection 71
1. Data sources 71
2. Image sources 72
3. View configuration 73
4. Status Check 74
5. Card designs 75
6. Triggers 76
7. Create project 77
Create copy of an existing Project 78
1. Select project 78
2. Copy project 79
Import Project from Excel 80
1. Data source 80
2. Project structure 81
3. Biometric settings 82
4. View configuration 83
5. Status Check 84
6. Card designs 85
7. Triggers 86
8. Import Project 87
New Project from BadgeMaker 7 Project 88
1. Select BadgeMaker 7 Project 88
2. Project structure 89
3. Biometric settings 90
4. View configuration 91
5. Triggers 92
6. Import Project 93
New Project from IDPro 7 Project 94
1. Select IDPro 7 Project 94
2. Project structure 95
3. Biometric settings 96
4. View configuration 97
5. Triggers 98
6. Import Project 99

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 5

PrintStudio Open Project 101
PrintStudio The Store 103
Projects from the Store 103
Browse the Store 103
My items 105
Credits from the Store 106

PrintStudio Import Data 108

Import an Excel file or CSV data file 109
1. Data source 109
2. Configuration 109
3. Import data 111
Import BadgeMaker 7 project data 112
1. Data source 112
2. Configuration 113
3. Import data 114
Import IDPro 7 data 115
1. Data source 115
2. Configuration 116
3. Import data 117
PrintStudio Import Photos 118
PrintStudio Export Data 120
PrintStudio Export Photos 121
PrintStudio Project Settings 123
Detail View 123

Gallery view 124

Biometric settings 125

Card Designs 126
Card designs assignment 127
Project structure 128
Triggers 129
Manage Project 130
Status Check 131
PrintStudio Link Card Design to record 133
PrintStudio Records 135
Add Records 135
1. Add a new record 135
2. Photo 136
3. Signature 137
Print records 138

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 6

PrintStudio Digital ID 140
How to send a Digital ID to your card holders. 140
Send Digital ID 141
PrintStudio Trigger Examples 142
How to add a trigger to a project that reads the card serial number 143
Step 1. Open your project 143
Step 2. Create an extra column for the card serial numbers 143
Step 3. Add the trigger after printing to read the card serial number to your project 144
Increment number Trigger 145

PrintStudio Database Connection 148

Setting up a PrintStudio Database connection 149
How to set up a PrintStudio Project with Database connection 149
Connect with database 150
Changes when working with PrintStudio with external database connection 153

PrintStudio Encode 155

Contactless Encoding 155
SmartCard Editor 155
Creating a MIFARE Classic Template using the CCI Editor 155
Information about Sector Data 157
Creating a MIFARE DESfire template using the CCI Editor 158
Creating a UHF Gen 2 Template using the CCI Editor 160
UHF Gen 2 Content Data options 161
Encoding with PrintStudio 163
Supported standards 164
CardStudio Status Check 166
CardStudio 2.0 Smart Badge bundles 166
Design a card or digital ID with a Status Check QR-code 167
Setup the new card design 167
Design the Status Check card design 168
Create a new Status Check project and connect your Status Check card design 169
Create a new project 169
Step 1. Project Structure 169
Step 2. Biometric settings 170
Step 3. View configuration 170
Step 4. Status Check 171
Step 5. Card designs 172
Step 6. Triggers 173
Step 7. Create project 174
Update, revoke and replace a Status Check QR-code 175

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 7

CardStudio 2.0 User Guide

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 8

CardStudio 2.0 is a full-feature card design and printing software application with complete capabilities for card design, data
management and card production. CardStudio is provided in four editions: Classic, Standard, Enterprise and Professional.
All four editions integrate the required features for ID card design and production.
CardStudio 2.0 Classic edition allows you to design and print professional photo IDs and other type of card designs with
a new easy-to-use interface with design and print features.
CardStudio 2.0 Standard edition allows you to create, manage and print high grade card designs with a new easy-to-
use interface with design, data management and print features. Including internal database, Excel and .csv file
integration for ID records, 2D bar codes, Digital ID and advanced print functionality.
Designed for enterprise applications, the CardStudio 2.0 Enterprise edition allows you to create and print professional
photo IDs and other type of card designs with a new easy-to-use interface with design, data management and print
features. Including internal database, Excel and .csv file integration for ID records, 2D bar codes, Digital ID and
advanced print functionality. Enterprise edition includes advanced features to connect to multiple databases, ODBC
data sources and multiple projects, for advanced card design, issuance and data management capabilities.
Created for advanced enterprise applications that require smart card encoding support, CardStudio 2.0 Professional
edition allows you to create, print and encode professional card designs with a new easy-to-use interface and design
and print features. Including internal database, Excel and .csv file integration for ID records, 2D bar codes, Digital ID and
advanced print functionality. Professional also offers the advanced features to connect to multiple databases and ODBC
data sources, and multitple projects for advanced card design, issuance and data management capabilities.

CardStudio 2.0 is desktop-based card production software developed to design card layouts, manage, add or import card
data, capture photos and signatures as well as one-click printing, making the card production process quick and easy.

CardStudio 2.0 is a combination of two specific modules that each have their own area of expertise. DesignStudio focuses
on creating perfect card layouts and PrintStudio can handle your data with the ease of well-known spreadsheet software.

DesignStudio gives you the all the needed tools to create a front and back design with images, , shapes and dynamic
data. You will be able to create a template with placeholders that help determine the layout of dynamic data.
For example: where a passport photo should be placed, a signature or the first and last name of a person.

As a user, you can manage data and layouts for different types of ID cards using different types of printers. PrintStudio gives
you the basic tools to import, add and manage data like card holder information, passport photos and signatures. This data
can then be connected to a card design or multiple card layouts and selected for printing. CardStudio 2.0 imports and prints
large amounts of data and cards and makes your card production process faster and more efficient.

Any Windows PC with a network connection can be used to install CardStudio 2.0. This PC needs to have an internet
connection to download the installation file, register the software and keep the software up to date with automatic updates.

This manual does not describe the installation of printers or other peripherals like a camera or signature pad.
Please refer to the manuals for further information on these devices. Before working with the software, first install the Zebra
Windows printer driver so the Zebra Printer is ready to print cards.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 9

CardStudio 2.0 User Guide
General Information

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 10

It is essential, when you or your organization choose CardStudio 2.0 for your card design, data management and card
production, to make sure to have the correct hardware to install the software on. We strongly advise a Windows PC for
installation, that creates an optimal work environment for the CardStudio 2.0 software and supports the correct peripheral
devices like card printers.


Minimum Hardware specifications Software

Processor Intel Pentium Dual core Supported Operating Systems:

G640 2,8 Ghz or equal Windows 8.1 (32 bit & 64 bit)
Memory 2GB Windows 10 (32 bit & 64 bit)
Free Disk space 4GB
Graphics 1024 x 768 .NET Framework version:
Monitor/Mouse/keyboard 4.7.0
3 available USB ports
(printer/webcam/signature pad)

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 11

Supported Printers

Updates for support of new printers are added regularly by means of automatic software updates.

Single Double Batch True Print job Contactless MAGstripe

Manufacturer Type Remark
sided sided Printing Black Preferences Encoding Encoding

ZXP Series
Zebra 1  -    - 

ZXP Series
Zebra 3       

ZXP Series
Zebra 7       

ZXP Series
Zebra 8       

ZXP Series
Zebra 9       

Zebra ZCL10      - -

Zebra ZC100  -    - -

Zebra 350       

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 12

CardStudio 2.0 User Guide

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 13

Download the CardStudio 2.0 Software

Download the latest version of the CardStudio 2.0 at:


USB Card-Drive

The link will download the installer file that will look like this:

Double-click the icon to open a pop-up verifying you are sure you would like to run the installer. Click 'Run' to start the
CardStudio 2.0 installation wizard.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 14

Install CardStudio 2.0

A. If you would like to run the installer and setup CardStudio 2.0 Run
to install CardStudio 2.0 Cancel

B. Next CardStudio 2.0.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 15

C.1 Features tab: The third step in the installation process is to select how you would like to install CardStudio. You can
select the features you would like to install. DesignStudio, PrintStudio, Demo projects and the SmartCard Editor are selected
by default. If you would like to only install PrintStudio or DesignStudio, just un-check the boxes of the features you do not
want to install.

C.2 Installation Folder tab: The second tab of the third step is to select the location where you would like to install
CardStudio 2.0. You can select this by clicking on the browse button and browse to the desired location. If you do not have
a specific location for CardStudio 2.0 leave the default location.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 16

D. The installer is now ready to begin the CardStudio 2.0 Install
Back Cancel

E. The installation is now in process. This may take a couple of minutes.

A pop-up window will appear to make sure that you want to run the installation. Yes

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 17

F. Finish

G. After completing the installation, 3 shortcuts will appear on your desktop.

For CardStudio 2.0, only DesignStudio and PrintStudio are needed. When installing CardStudio Classic only one desktop
icon will appear, only DesignStudio is needed. If you have CardStudio Standard or above, you will have 2 or 3 desktop Icons.

If you would like to start creating a new card layout, double- DesignStudio

If you would like to start a project and add card data, double-c PrintStudio

Start the SmartCard Editor to create an encoding file, double- SmartCard Editor

Before you start CardStudio 2.0, a license key is needed for the registration of an edition.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 18

Registration of the Software Edition

When DesignStudio or PrintStudio starts for the first time, a registration window will pop-up, this is where the license key can
be entered, and the CardStudio Software activated.

Online Registration

You will be requested to enter a license key. The license key

will be provided by our License Manager. The license key must
be entered (copy-paste), when the key is valid, the software
will start. The next time the software will not require the license
key to be entered.

Test keys can have a time restriction and may expire on a

given date. (View the License Manager User Guide for more
information on license keys).

A. Use Proxy
needed to connect through a Proxy server in your network.

Example of the CardStudio online registration license key

window with License Key entered.

Successful Registration

When you copy-paste the correct key you will see that the
registration is successful. In this case it is a demo key that
shows the evaluation time. Ok button to start
working with CardStudio.

Example of a successful online registration of a CardStudio

demo key.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 19

CardStudio 2.0 User Guide

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 20



A. Main menu
B. Window menu
C. Quick menu
D. Toolbar
E. Workspace/Canvas Front
F. Workspace/Canvas Back
G. Card Design:
Preview / Card Settings / Dynamic Data Fields
H. Element Properties

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 21

DesignStudio makes the card design process as easy, fast and intuitive as possible. Accommodating the users in your
organization, set with the task of designing the ID-cards. Using a user-friendly overview that shows all the tools needed and
is easy to navigate.

Window navigation
The window navigation gives the option to A. minimize, B. maximize or C. close.


Main Menu
File Store , Edit View , Options Help

The main menu offers 4 sub-menus.

The first button offers the main functions needed to start, use, save and end CardStudio Design:

- New Card design:

Create a blank new layout for your ID card or use CTRL+N
- Open Card design:
Open an existing card design to adjust or use CTRL+O
- Import BadgeCreator design:
Import designs created in BadgeCreator.
- Import CardStudio 1.0 design:
Import designs created in CardStudio 1.0.
- Import IDPro7 design:
Import old designs created in IDPro7.
- Save Card design: To save a Card Design click here or use
- Save Card design as: To save a Card Design using another name
click here or use CTRL+Shift+S. It is also a simple way to create a duplicate of your design.
- Export Card design: Card designs can be exported from Design Studio as a zip file, ready to send or upload.
- Print card: The Classic Edition allows you to print your design from DesignStudio. Click to select a printer, set
preferences and print.
- Print card with: When a default printer is setup, you can skip the printer preferences and print directly with the
default printer. Click here, use the printer button in the quick menu or use CTRL+P.
- Exit: This button will let you exit DesignStudio.

The second button offers the Store, you can find free or premium products like card design templates
My items
and send Digital IDs. Use the example card designs or projects to get inspired or adjust for own use.
- Browse store: Open the store with a selection of card designs or projects for you to choose from.
- My items: Overview of your selected/purchased card designs or projects from the store, ready to
download and use.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 22

The third button will offer all the edit functions that you use during the design process:
- Undo: Undo previous design steps. You can use the short cut CTRL+Z.
- Redo: Redo design steps you undid CTRL+Y.
- Cut: To relocate an object (image, text, placeholder) on the canvas use the cut
button. You can use the short cut CTRL+X.
- Copy: To copy an object (image, text, placeholder) on the canvas use the copy
button. You can use the short cut CTRL+C.
- Paste: To paste a copied or cut object (image, text, placeholder) on the canvas use
the cut button. You can use the short cut CTRL+V.
- Bring To Front: To bring an element to the front of the design.
- Bring Forward: To bring an element one step forward in the design.
- Send Backward: To send an element one step backward in the design.
- Send To Back: To send an element to the back of the design.

The fourth button controls the CardStudio dashboard view, make specific views visible or invisible:
- Card Design: See the design preview, card settings and the dynamic fields.
- Element Properties: Adjust the different type of elements by clicking on an element
and use the Element Properties to make changes.

The fifth button controls the CardStudio dashboard view, make specific views visible or invisible:
- Settings: Change Design Studio settings like enabling the grid,
changing the language or the path to save card designs to.
- Improvement Program: Help optimize the quality of DesignStudio, by
participating anonymously in the DesignStudio Improvement Program.

The Help button offers information about DesignStudio and an online user guide:
- View Help: Opens the online user guide or use the shortcut F1.
- View changelog: Shows the changes and updates made in the
- License Information: Shows the specific license information, the
edition, the reference, versions and activation date.
- About DesignStudio: Pop-up with version and developer information.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 23

Quick Menu
The Quick Menu offers a selection of large visual buttons often used in the card design process, allowing for quick and easy

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A. Create new Card design
Starts a new Card design.

B. Open existing Card design

Open an existing Card design.

C. Save
It is important to save your layout while designing. Quickly saves the card design.

D. Save as
Saves your design under another name.

E. Undo
Undo design steps you made.

F. Redo
Redo design steps you made.

G. Cut
To place an element somewhere else, use this button to cut and replace the image. Just select the element you want to
replace, click on the cut button and then click on the paste button to place it somewhere else.

H. Copy
To copy elements, select the element, then click on the copy button. The element is ready to be pasted anywhere on the
front or back of the design canvas.

I. Paste
If you cut or copy an element, click on the paste button to place the element on the front or the back of the canvas.

J. Show/hide grid
Make a grid visible or invisible. A grid can help you be more
precise with your design. Having the grid to align elements.
When the grid option is selected it will auto-snap elements in
place whilst using your mouse. Once placed, the arrow keys
allow free movement of elements.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 24

K. Settings
Settings gives a couple of options:

- Check or uncheck the enable grid checkbox to enable or disable the grid.
- Determine the scale of the grid.
- Set the language used in the designer. Languages supported: English, French, Spanish, German, Turkish, Polish, Russian
and Dutch.
Other languages will be supported soon.
- Determine your own project path, where you would like to open and save your designs.
- To confirm settings, OK , to cancel settings, Cancel .
- To exit settings, X.

L. Show front and back designers

View the canvas for the front and back side of the layout.

M. Show front designer only

View the canvas for the front side of the layout.

N. Show back designer only

View the canvas for back side of the layout.

O. Design layer
This is the base layer to work in to design your (YMCK or monochrome) card layout.

P. Specialty panel
This is a specialty panel to work in if you want your specialty panel (like an pearl panel) to a have a certain design or pattern.
(Be aware that a specific printer and ribbon are needed to add specific layers with a design or pattern.)

Q. Digital ID Designer
Create a Digital ID design next to the standard card design to use on a mobile device. Send the Digital ID to your card
holders with PrintStudio. Digital ID is available for the CardStudio Standard, Enterprise, or Professional Edition.

R. Wallet Pass Designer

Create a Digital ID Design as a Wallet pass next to the standard card design to use on a mobile device. Send the Wallet pass
to your card holders with PrintStudio. Digital ID is available for the CardStudio Standard, Enterprise, or Professional Edition.

S. Scale slider
Use this slider to zoom the canvas view in or out.

T. Print Card Design

This Quick menu button is only available in the CardStudio CLASSIC edition and allows you to add one record of data and
print your card design from Design Studio. You can only use Zebra printers to print you card designs.

U. PrintStudio
This Quick button lets you open PrintStudio and continue with your card production process.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 25

Start a Card Design

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 26

To start and work on a card design, start a new design or open an existing design.

New Card Design A

A. File New Card design

Or click on the icon below in the quick menu: A

When clicking on the new card design link or button a setup window will pop-up.



Fig. Example of new card design setup window.

A. Enter the name for the layout. The exclamation mark at the end appears when the field is not filled, or the name
B. The size of the card can be chosen from a drop down.
C. Define a custom size for your layout.
D. Check this box if the design is single sided.
E. Check this box if the design is for a card with Magstripe.
F. Click to open the advanced settings, like the orientation, specialty layer or Digital ID options.
G. Check the orientation of the design for the front and if you want to add a specialty layer to your design.
H. Check the orientation of the design for the back and if you want to add a specialty layer to your design.
I. Check the box to enable the Digital ID design as an extra option next to the standard design. Digital ID has the
option to use the content from the standard card design or to design your own digital ID and set the aspect ratio for
this design.
J. Check the box to enable the Wallet pass design as an extra option next to the standard design.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 27

Open existing Card Design

B. To open an existing Card Design go File

Open Card design

Or click on the icon below in the quick menu: B

When clicking on the new card design link or button, a selection window will pop-up.
All available existing designs are displayed, select a layout for editing.
You can open multiple layouts at the same time.


Example of the Open Card design pop-up window.

A. Select one of the existing designs.

B. View the layout of the design selected.
C. Open the selected design.
D. Cancel opening a design.
E. Delete a selected design.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 28

Digital ID Card Design
Next to the standard card design you use to print on plastic ID badges, you can also create a Digital ID design. Digital ID is
available for the CardStudio Standard, Enterprise, or Professional Edition.

The digital design feature offers two options, Digital ID as a PDF and as a Wallet pass .pkpass format. Let us first look at how
to create a Digital ID design as a PDF.

Start new card design with Digital ID

A. Open the DesignStudio software and use the quick

menu to start a new card design with a Digital ID
design. Set the configuration of the new card design A
to CR80 and choose to enable or disable the box for
single-sided design. For an advanced setup, like the
Digital ID options open the advanced settings.
B. Select the landscape mode for example for the B
standard card design and enable the Digital ID design.
C. Digital ID has the option to use the content from the
standard card design or to design your own digital ID C
and set the aspect ratio for this design. In this example
we will create an extra design for the Digital ID in
portrait mode for mobile devices.
D. Click the Create Card Design
new design with Digital ID. D

The card design now has the extra Digital ID design option.
First start to create the standard card design, add your design,
like a background, logo, text, QR-code or photo placeholder.

Design Digital ID
With the standard card design finished, start with the design
for the Digital ID.

A. To go to the canvas for the Digital ID click on the Mobile icon in the quick menu.

This layout will have a similar look and

feel as the standard card design, but for
mobile use this layout is set to portrait
mode, so the Digital ID is easy to use
on a phone. The toolbar and all the
elements can also be used for the Digital
ID design, if you want to use the same
elements as your standard card design,
copy and paste them to this canvas.

When the design for the Digital ID is

finished, be sure to save the card design.
You are now ready to send your card
holders a digital ID as a PDF using

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 29

Wallet Pass Card Design
Next to the standard card design you use to print on plastic ID badges, you can also create a Digital ID design. Digital ID is
available for the CardStudio Standard, Enterprise, or Professional Edition. The digital design feature offers two options,
Digital ID as a PDF and as a Wallet pass .pkpass format. Let us take a look at the Wallet Pass.

A Wallet pass with the .pkpass extension can be opened with the Apple Wallet app on iPhone or the PassWallet app on an
Android phone. With the wallet app you can keep a digital version of your credit or debit cards, store cards, boarding passes,
movie tickets, coupons, rewards cards, student ID cards and more in one place on your phone.

Start new card design with Wallet Pass

A. Open DesignStudio and click the New Card Design

icon in the quick menu, to setup a new card design
with a Wallet Pass design for mobile use. Set the
configuration of the new card design to CR80 and A
choose to enable or disable the box for single-sided
design. For an advanced setup, like the Digital ID
options open the advanced settings. For an advanced B
setup, like the Digital ID options open the advanced
B. Select the landscape or portrait mode for the front and
back of the standard card design.
C. Enable the Wallet pass. C
D. Click the Create Card Design button to start with this D
new design.

The card design now has the extra Wallet Pass option. First
start to create the standard card design, add your design, like
a background, logo, text, QR-code or photo placeholder.

Design Wallet Pass

With the standard card design finished, start with the design
for the Wallet Pass.

A. To go to the canvas for the Wallet pass click on the Wallet icon in the quick menu.

The design for the Wallet pass is
different and restricted to a specific
layout template as required by the
.pkpass format standard. A

A. The Wallet pass template shows D

two screens. B
B. Click on the background of the F
pass for the general setting of G
the Wallet Pass, in the Element
properties you will see a couple
of options.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 30

1. Starting with the Company or
Organization name. 4
2. Description for the Wallet Pass
3. Logo text if needed. For this Wallet
pass design keep the logo text empty. 2
4. It is also possible to add a dynamic
field to one of the text fields. 4
5. You can also select the background,
label, and text color for the Wallet

C C. The image element displayed in the top left corner is for a logo
D image. Click on the element, go to element properties, and select a type of
image from the dropdown. The logo in this design is a static image.

E image button to
F add the needed
logo and click

D. To the top
right corner text
fields can be
added. Click on
the element and
go to element
You can add an
expiry date here
for example. First add the label name and add the expiry dynamic field to
the value. Select the dynamic field from the dropdown at the
top the Value field.

E. The text
element below the logo displays a larger font and can be
used for the card holder name in this design.

F. Next to the name is an option to add an image and used for

the biometric type to Passport photo.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 31

G. Now add text fields with dynamic fields for Function,
Department and Email for example in the two text elements
still available below.

H. Click on the QR-code, keep type set to QR-code and add a

website link for example.

I. It is possible to add extra

information, dynamic fields,
and an icon on the second

The design for the Wallet pass is finished, be sure to save the card design. You are now ready to send your card holders a
Digital ID in the form of a Wallet pass using PrintStudio.

Next to the user guide you can also watch tutorial videos about Digital ID: https://cardstudio.zebra.com/digital-id

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 32

The Store

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 33

The Store available in CardStudio 2.0 offers free & premium card design templates, example projects and credits for you to
select, purchase and download.

Card Design from the Store

Browse the Store to select and download one of the example card designs to start with. Get inspired and adjust the example
designs to your own liking.

Projects that also have a digital ID setup show the Digital ID icon:


Projects setup with the Status Check feature show the Status Check icon:


Browse the Store

To browse the store, go Store Browse store


A. Store: Overview of all the products (card designs, projects and credits) available to select for free or to purchase and
add to My items .
B. Overview of your account name and a balance of the credits available in your account.
C. Filter the overview of card designs by specific tags. Use the drop-down button to select a tag or search card design
bundles by name.
D. Click on the bundle image to learn more about the bundle and its card designs.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 34

E. Add to My items Proceed to Payment to add and
make them available for download.

F. In Tab My Items here you can find the products like card designs you selected for free or purchased. Select the
product to download and use it in CardStudio.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 35

My items
All the selected and purchased products (Card Design Templates or Example Projects) from the Store can be found in
My items Products will always be available for you as specific customer ready to download.


A. My items: overview of all the selected or premium products from the Store ready to select and download.
B. Preview images of the selected card design.
C. Click Download to download the selected card design to your DesignStudio or project to your
Give the downloaded card design or
project a name. After saving, the design
or project is opened automatically in
DesignStudio or PrintStudio. The card
design or project is now ready to be used
in your CardStudio 2.0.

D. Close -up.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 36

Credits from the Store
When you create a Digital ID design for your card holders, for them to use on their mobile, credits are needed in your
CardStudio account, to be able to send the Digital ID in PrintStudio. CardStudio offers a standard set of free credits for users
to try the Digital ID feature. More credits can be purchased in the Store. Credits can also be purchased in the form of
vouchers at a selection of Zebra CardStudio 2 Resellers.

Go to the Store Browse store -up with an overview of all the

available products. Maximize the window to have a good overview of all the products.

In the top left corner, you can check your credit balance. Scroll down to navigate to the credits.

A couple of credit bundles are available to choose from, select the bundle that works best for you. It costs 10 credits to issue
a Digital ID, 5 credits to issue a Status Check QR-code and 2 credits to update an existing Status Check Card.

Looking to purchase a higher number of credits, contact your local reseller.

If you purchased a Zebra Voucher from your reseller, enter your Zebra Voucher code and redeem credits of that voucher.

Click on the price button to proceed to the checkout and purchase the credit bundle. Agree with the terms and conditions,
Proceed to payment
Card or PayPal-account. After a successful payment, the purchased credit is added to your CardStudio account.

Use the return to store

to your card holders.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 37

Card Design View

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 38

The Card Design window presents three tabs: Preview, Card Settings and Dynamic Fields.

The Preview tab shows a preview of the card; the preview allows you to toggle from front to back by clicking the image.

Example of the Preview tab in the Card Design view.

Card settings
The Card Settings tab offers information on the card design settings. Change or edit the settings of the card design. The
elements already placed will not be affected, when for example changing a layout from landscape to portrait. Next to the
orientation of the design you can enable or disable the specialty layer, the design option for a Digital ID and/or the Wallet

Example of the Card Settings tab in the Card Design Menu.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 39

Dynamic Fields
With the start of a new card design it is important to create the needed dynamic fields for a card design. Dynamic data
represents data that need to be on a card design for different card holders. For example: First name, Last name or
Department. When dynamic data is linked to project data, the dynamic data placeholder will be replaced with the card holder

The tab Dynamic fields in the card design view will

give a list of the dynamic fields in the layout. When a
text element is added to the card design, and the text
in the text element has a name {between curly braces},
DesignStudio will detect this as a dynamic field name
and will be added to the list of Dynamic fields.

The user can delete, change and edit the field names
and enter default values to be used as preview.

Fig. Example of the Dynamic Fields settings tab in the Card design menu.


A. + button.
B. Dynamic Field 1 first_name
C. department
D. A dynamic field can have a certain format, the dropdown menu offers a couple of options. For example, the value of
E. It is possible to give dynamic fields a fixed length, input alignment and a fill character. This helps when the dynamic
data must be a specific fixed length, for example ID numbers or for specific Magstripe input. Click on the arrow
before the dynamic field to open the extra options. The fixed length gives the option to set the number of characters,
input alignment allows you to set the input from left or right and fill character lets you fill the empty space with a
specific character.
F. x

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 40


CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 41

Element Tool Menu
To create and edit a design you need to work with the toolbar setup on the left side.
The tool bar offers the following functions:

1 A. Select/move tool
The arrow tool is used to select an element. This tool also allows you to move an element in the layout.
When an element is selected, a move icon appears on the mouse over and can be used to move or
resize an element.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 42

B. Zoom tool
The zoom function is enabled and will zoom in on the layout.
At a click of the mouse the zoom is increased one step, when using CTRL and a click of the mouse the zoom
is decreased by one step.

C. Image tool
The image tool is used to place an image element in the layout.

D. Text tool
The text tool can be used to add static and dynamic text to the design. Use the Text Element properties to
edit and add text and/or dynamic text to the box. Select the element and go to Element properties to edit the
text in the text editor.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 43

E. Passport photo tool
The Photo element is used to place a placeholder for the passport photo on the layout. The photo element
can scale within proportions. When the design is linked to data in for example a PrintStudio project, the
placeholder will be replaced by a real passport photo from the project data.

F. Signature tool
The Signature element is used to place a placeholder for the signature on the layout. The signature element
can scale within proportions. When the design is used and connected to data in for example a PrintStudio
project, the placeholder will be replaced by a real signature from the project data.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 44

G. Barcode tool
The Barcode element is used to place a placeholder for a barcode on the layout. The element can scale
within proportions. Different types of barcodes are available to select in the element properties. Barcodes
that are scaled too small might not work. Test barcodes in your design with the data before continuing.

H. 2D Barcode tool
The 2D Barcode element is used to place a placeholder for a 2D barcode on the layout. The element can
scale within proportions. When the design is linked to data in a PrintStudio project, the placeholder will be
replaced by a real 2D barcode. There are different types of 2D barcodes available to select in the element

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 45

I. Square tool
The rectangular element can be used for frames and boxes in the layout. Line option: To draw a line with the
square tool, select the square element and go to the element properties. Enter the desired height and width
of the line. Switch to the Style tab, set border thickness to 0 and add the background color of your choice.

J. Circle tool
The circle element is used for elements like circles and ellipsoids.

K. Dynamic logo tool

The Dynamic logo element is used to place a placeholder for a dynamic logo on the layout. The element can
scale within proportions. When the design is linked to data in a PrintStudio project the placeholder will be
replaced by one of the dynamic logos .

For more explanation on the dynamic logo read Dynamic logo element properties.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 46

Element Properties

The element properties window has three tabs:

Element edit, Element position and Element style tab.

Depending on the type of element, this tab will allow the user to view and/or edit the information of the element. When the
values are changed, they are reflected immediately in the design; there is no need to hit an enter button. The user can make
changes in one window and observe the result in the other window at the same time and vice versa. It depends on the
preference of the user to create the layout in a graphical environment or a data element environment.

J Text element properties

1 A. Change Font
B B. Change Size
C. Edit style into bold, italic and underlined.
D. Outline the text left, center or right
G E. Align the text to top, center or bottom of the box.
F. Wrap text automatically, let text be cut of when being too
H long or set the text to automatically fit the text box.
G. Change text color by clicking the Text color box
H. Choose to add a dynamic field to the text box below by
I selecting one from the drop-down menu and clicking on
1 Add
I. Enter all your text here.
J. Click the lock icon to lock an element. A locked element
Example of the Text element properties cannot move or be selected during the design process.

: element is not locked.

: element is locked.

Image element properties

A. Select an image from your computer by clicking on the
Select Image
B. Choose to bind the ratio
C. As a specialty feature you are able to use the
Interpolation mode
scaling. There are 4 interpolation modes you can choose
A from:
B Bilinear
C Default
experience with the interpolation modes.
D. Use the slider or enter a percentage to change the
Example of the Image element propertes transparency of the image.
E. Click the lock icon to lock an element, so it cannot move
during the design of the card.

: element is not locked.

: element is locked.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 47

Passport Photo element properties
A. Check box to bind the element to a certain ratio or adjust
A the ratio.
B B. As a specialty feature you are able to use the
Interpolation mode
C scaling. There are 4 interpolation modes you can choose
Example of the Passport Photo element properties
experience with the interpolation modes.
C. Use the slider or enter a percentage to change the
transparency of the image.
D. Click the lock icon to lock an element, so it cannot move
during the design of the card.

: element is not locked.

: element is locked.

B Signature element properties

A. Check box to bind the element to a certain ratio or adjust
A the ratio.
B. As a specialty feature you are able to use the
B Interpolation mode
C scaling. There are 4 interpolation modes you can choose
Example of the Signature element properties Default
experience with the interpolation modes.
C. Use the slider or enter a percentage to change the
transparency of the image.
D. Click the lock icon to lock an element, so it cannot move
during the design of the card.

: element is not locked.

: element is locked.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 48

G Barcode element properties
A. Check this box to bind the element to a certain ratio
A B. Choose a barcode type by clicking on the drop-down
menu and select the barcode type.
B C C. Select a form of error checking from this list to ensure a
correct working barcode.
D. Check this box to fit the barcode to the complete width.
E E. If you want the barcode to show a label with the actual
data, check the show label check box.
F F. Select the dynamic field that you want the barcode to
reflect, click th Add
the value. Barcodes cannot represent all data, make sure
the data can be translated to the selected barcode type.
Example of the barcode element properties.
G. Enter a default value or combine it with a dynamic field.
H. Click the lock icon to lock an element, so it cannot move
during the design of the card.

: element is not locked.

: element is locked.

Dynamic logo element properties

A. Select the dynamic field that needs to reflect the dynamic
J logo.
B. Select if you want the logo to be the correct ratio or if you
want it to fill the whole field.
B C. As a specialty feature you are able to use the
1 Interpolation mode quality during
C scaling. There are 4 interpolation modes you can choose
D from:
E F Bilinear
G H experience with the interpolation modes.
D. Use the slider or enter a percentage to change the
transparency of the image.
E. Click on this button to add another dynamic logo.
F. When you want to delete a dynamic logo select the logo
I Remove
dynamic logo
G. Select an image for your dynamic logo by clicking on this
H. Check the default box if you want this image to show up as
the default dynamic logo image.
I. Add the associated value of your dynamic logo into this

J. : element is not locked.

Example of the dynamic logo element properties.
: element is locked.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 49

Element Position
To change the position of an element, use the arrow tool or select the element and click on to the second tab Position in
the Element properties. Here the position, dimension and margin of an element can be adjusted, rotated or arranged to the
back or front.

A. Determine the position of the used element.

G B. Scale your element giving a width or a height. Check the
check-box to constrain proportions.
A B C. Rotate the element by entering an angle number, 0 to 360.
C D. Give elements margin space, enter space for the left side,
top, right and bottom of the element.
E. To arrange an element one step forward or backward
against the other elements, click on these buttons.
D F. To bring an element completely on top or to the
background, click on these buttons.
G. Click the lock icon to lock an element, so it cannot move
during the design of the card.

Example of the position of an element. : element is not locked.

: element is locked.

Resize and rotate elements on the canvas

The canvas represents the front and/or back of the card layouts and can be used to place, edit and/or move elements. When
an element is selected the size of the element can be changed using the arrows/squares at the corners of the elements. The
element can also be rotated using the circles at the corner of the elements.

Increase/decrease the width or height of an element. The

arrow appears when the mouse is hovered over/near the
edge of the element.

The height and width of the element can be changed at

the same time. The arrow appears when the mouse is
hovered over/near one of the corners of the element.

Example of an image element placed on the front of a card.

The orientation of the element can be rotated when the

arrow appears. The arrow appears when the mouse is
hovered just outside one of the corners of the element.

Example of a rotated shape element placed on the back of a card.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 50

Element Style

Border & Background

To change the style of an element Style of the Element Properties view.

A. Add a border, change the thickness of the of the

border, its color or style.
B. Add a background color.

Example of the style tab

Color & Transparency

Choose a color for the border or the background using the
B color pop-up window. There is a selection of color options
to choose from. Use the RGB, Hex or HSV code to select a
A specific color. You can use:

C A. The color picker.

B. Use the RGB sliders or type in the percentage.
D C. Fill in the Hex code for the color.
D. HSV sliders or type in the percentage.
E. Add Transparency or type in the percentage.
E F. Use a color library for specific colors. Select an empty
slot in the library and set your color using the options
G A - E.
Example of the Color pop-up menu G. Ok have selected the correct
color and transparency of the border or background.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 51

Print Card Design

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 52

With the CardStudio Classic Edition it is possible to design and print your card design from DesignStudio using the Zebra
Card Printers. After the design process click on the Print

When a printer is not setup, a printer setup window appears the first time:

A. Select the Zebra Card Printer you would like to print your card design with.

B. Set your printer preferences, make sure the correct default settings of the
printer driver have already been set.
C. Print d. To change the printer settings for
B the quick menu print button, go to the File Print card link.

Before printing the card design it is possible to personalize the Card Design with card data. For Example, capturing a
passport photo. If the card design does not have personlized data, proceed to the print button.

A. Passport photo: Capture or add a photo to the card design.

B. Signature: Capture or add a signature to the card design.

C. Enter data for the dynamic fields in your card design. It is

only possible to enter data for 1 card holder, if personalized.

D. Enter number of copies to print.

E. Click on the Print button to print your card design.


CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 53

CardStudio 2.0 User Guide

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 54

The dashboard of PrintStudio offers the following sections:



Example of the PrintStudio dashboard overview

A. Main menu
B. Window menu
C. Quick menu
D. Grid View
E. Detail View
F. Photo Slider View
G. Project card designs overview and preview
H. Project card design quick menu
I. Photo and Signature preview

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 55

PrintStudio makes the elaborate card design process as easy, fast and intuitive as possible. Accommodating the users in
your organization that are set with the task of managing data and printing cards. Using a user-friendly overview that shows all
the tools and is easy to navigate.

Window navigation
The window navigation gives the option to A. minimize, B. maximize or C. close.


Main menu
The main menu offers the options: File, Store, Edit, Record, Options, View and Help

The Main Menu has 6 submenus:

The File menu offers the main functions needed to start, use, manage and
exit a PrintStudio Project:

- New project: Start a new project in PrintStudio.

- Open project: Open an existing project made in PrintStudio.
- Close project: Close the Print Studio project.
- Import data: Import data from an Excel file, BadgeMaker 7 or IDPro7 project.
- Import photos: Batch import photos or signatures.
- Export project data: Export the record data to an CSV file .
- Print selected records: Print the records selected in the Grid view.
- Print selected records with...: Print quickly with an already set printer.
- Create Digital IDs for selected records: Send the linked Digital ID design to
the selected card holders by email. You need credits in your account to send
Digital IDs.
- Exit: Exit PrintStudio

The second button offers the Store, you can find free or premium products
like card design templates and example projects ready to place in
My items or purchase credits to your account and send
Digital IDs. Use the example card designs or projects to get inspired or adjust
for own use.
- Browse store: Open the Store and browse a selection of card designs and
- My items: Overview of your selected/purchased card designs or projects
from the store, ready to download and use.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 56

The Edit menu offers the edit functions and project settings that you use
during the data managing process:
- Undo: Undo recent actions made in your project.
- Redo: Redo actions you undid in your project.
- Project Settings: Change project settings or link card designs to a project.

The Record menu give you control over the records being able to add new
records or delete existing records.
- Add new record: Add new card holder data, photo and or signature.
- Delete selected record

The Options menu brings you to the configurations of the application like
date and language settings.
- Configuration:
A. Configure the language,
you can choose from
English, German, Spanish, A
B. Date format, setup the
date and time format for
your project.
C. Project folder, in what
folder you would like to D
save your projects.
D. Print settings, like setting
the default printer and/or E
card reader.
E. Set the Digital ID progress window to appear after a digital ID process
- Improvement Program: Here you can join our Improvement Program. If you
join, information will be periodically collected anonymous about how you use

The Views menu makes it possible to make certain views in the main window
visible or invisible.
- Grid View
- Detail View
- Gallery (Photo Slider) View
- Print Status Window
- Digital ID Progress Window

For more information on the application or a user guide click on the Help
- View manual
- View changelog
- ScreenCheck on the web
- License information
- About

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 57

Quick menu
When opening PrintStudio two Quick buttons appear in the middle of the interface. The buttons give two options, continue
working with an existing project or creating a new project.

The Quick menu offers a selection of large visual button often used in the card production process making navigation quick
and easy.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Quick1 menu view
1 with 1large visual
1 1 1 1

A. New
Click to start a new Project.

B. Open existing Project

Click to open an existing project.

C. Undo
Undo actions done working in the project.

D. Redo
Redo an action that was undone working in the project.

E. Add a new record

Records are single data rows that contain all the information of one person. Click to add a new record to the project.
This means putting in new information for a new card holder, adding a photo and if needed adding a signature.

F. Delete a selected record

Records are single data rows that contain all the information of one person. Click to delete the selected record(s) from
the project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 58

G. Filter records
Have a lot of data in your data grid? This button will be helpful giving you all kinds of different filter options to search for
specific groups or a certain person. You can add multiple filter sets. Every filter set can have one or more filter rules. You
can combine one or more filter sets to make your search more specific.

1 3
1 1
2 4
1 1
1 1
5 1 1

6 8 7
1 1 1
Example of the filter1options window that pop-up after
1 clicking the filter1button in the Quick menu.

1. To setup a filter rule starts with selecting one of the fields that you want to search in. This will narrow a search
and make it faster.
2. After selecting the field, you need to select how specific you want to match the field with the criteria in field 3. If
the value is is o specific you can choose Starts with .
3. Enter the information you are looking for depending on a specific search or a group search. For example, you
could enter a complete index number to find a certain person or just the start of a number.
4. X filter set.
5. Click on this button to add a new filter rule to this filter set to narrow your search.
6. Click on this button when you want to add a new filter set. Example: You use a filter set when searching for two
different type of records and need to add a separate search.
7. Cancel filter option.

H. Refresh Data
This button allows you to refresh data when working with CardStudio Connect projects making sure all data is up to date
with the connected data bases.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 59

I. Print all selected records
Print all selected records
1. To print one or more records, select them and click the print button
to print the records, using the most recent printer setup. On first-time
use, the printer dialogue will be displayed.

A print window pops up, so you can select the printer you installed
for the card printing process. This manual does not describe the
installation of printers. Please refer to the manufacturers manuals for
further information on these devices. After selecting the printer, click

Example printer setup window.

2. A print progress window will pop-up that will show

you the progress of the cards that are being printed.

Example of the Card printing progress window.

J. Send Digital ID
Send the linked Digital ID design to the selected card holders by email. You need credits in your account to send Digital
IDs. Purchase credits in the store.

K. CardStudio Design
This quick menu button lets you open CardStudio Design and continue with creating or adjusting your card design.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 60

Project Card Designs




Card designs overview

A. The card designs overview shows the designs added to this specific project
B. The link icon allows you to link one or more selected records to this card design.
C. Select a record and click on the Preview card design or Preview Digital ID tab to see a preview of the card design /
Digital ID linked to the record.
D. The warning icon lets you know an action is needed for this card design. An action can be that an update is available for
the design for example. F. Update a card design using the update icon in the quick menu.
E. The card design icon gives a quick navigation to the card design settings of the selected card.
F. Update a card design using the update icon in the quick menu
G. With the encode icon you can quickly navigate to the encode settings of the selected card. If a card design does not
have encoding, the icon will be greyed out.
H. With the status check settings icon you can quickly navigate to the status check settings of the selected card.
I. A card design can have a digital ID design, a Status Check or encoding linked to it. The icons show what type of card
design it is. Card design icons:

- Card design has Digital ID Design

- Card design has Wallet Pass Design

- Card design has a Status Check link

- Card design has a CCI-file (encoding) linked

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 61

Create a Project

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 62

To setup a PrintStudio project, start with the setup of a new project or open an existing one.

New Project
A. Go to File in the main menu and click on New

Or click on the icon below in the quick menu:


Click New project Create New Project , a

selection window will pop-up. You can select one of the six options to
start a new project.

Example of the selection window to create a new project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 63

Create a New Project

Click on Create a New Project to start with a blank data grid and setup your own database field names. A couple of
default fields are supplied to speed up the setup process. Change the default fields or add extra fields as needed.

1. Project structure

Step 1. Setup the project structure by adding the project data fields.



Example of step 1. New project: add project data columns

A. Type in the name for your new project.

B. Put in the database field name.
C. Set the data type. Select if the data are number or text for example.
D. Check these boxes if the field needs to be Required Unique .
E. With the default input field, you can add a standard value to your data field. Existing empty fields and new records will
automatically show the default value you add to this data field.
F. X
G. Enable auto-increment for Whole number data fields, to let for example the ID number increase by one for every new
record automatically.
H. Add new property button and add and describe the data field names you want to use in your new project.
I. Next step button to go to step 2. and configure the detailed and gallery view.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 64

2. Biometric settings

During step 2. you can enable the biometric images you need in your project and determine how they will be stored.

. B
D .
. E
F .

Fig. Example of step 2. New project: Biometric settings

A. The box for passport photos makes photos visible in the project and enables you to add photos.
B. After checking the box, you can determine the ratio of the photo.
C. Select how and where photos will be saved within your project.

D. Check this box if you want to use data columns to represent the filename.

E. Select the image format (.png, .jpg or .bmp) the photos need to be saved as within your project.
F. Here you can select what size the photos need to be saved as within your project.
G. The process for signatures works the same as the photo settings.
H. Next step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 65

3. View configuration

During step 3. choose the default configuration or adjust the setup for Detailed and Gallery view.

. .



Example of step 3. New project: view configuration

A. Tab to configure Detailed view showing specific information.

B. Tab to configure Gallery view showing cardholders photos.
C. Setup the title for the detailed view.
D. Setup the information that will be shown in the detailed view.
E. Next step 4. and add triggers to the project.



Example of the A. Detailed view and the B. Gallery view

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 66

4. Status Check

Step 4. Allows you to select and setup the Status Check template. With Status Check it is now possible to scan a QR-code on
a printed card or Digital ID and get status feedback. Status Check is an optional fee-based feature that allows you to add a
live 2D barcode to your printed or Digital ID Card. This QR-Code contains a unique secure URL that displays a Status Check
page with a near, current or up-dated status of a data field you configure in your project. It costs 5 credits to issue a Status
Check QR-code and 2 credits to update an existing Status Check Card.

A. Select one of the available Status

Check templates from this list.
For example, to check the status of
training certifications, membership,
academic standing, or special access.

B. >> button to add a

template to this new project.
B <<
A C selected card design from your project.

C. A Status Check template in your

project has an icon available, this is the

Click on the bindings icon to edit the

D bindings for the dynamic data of the
Status Check template and to select
the option list to use for validation. The
bindings window pops up automatically
after adding a template to your project.

D. Preview of the Status Check

template selected. You can see the
design for positive feedback (green)
and negative feedback (red) and a short description on how to use the template.

E. Select the overwrite settings for your Status Check QR-code on your card and digital ID. The QR-code link will
be generated as soon as a card gets printed, or a digital ID issued. You can choose for:
Generate new Status Check, Update existing Status Check, Update existing Status Check if out of date or
Ask whether to replace or update existing Status Check.

Status Check template bindings

The bindings window pops up automatically after adding a

template to your project. The selected
allows organizations to check if scanned data is true (green) or
false (red).
A. Click on the dropdown menu to select one of the options
lists to use for Status Check to validate. PrintStudio makes all the
B data field option lists previously defined in your project available
to choose from. We will use the Approve option list, we added
to the project structure, to validate in this example.

B. Set -Yes- -No-

C access to each of the activities.

C. The templates can also show Static or Dynamic data from

your project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 67

5. Card designs

Step 5. allows you to add card designs to your new project.

A. Select one of the available designs.

B. >> a
selected design to your project.
<< remove a
selected card design from your project.
A C. A card design in your project has
two icons available, this is the Update
An adjusted card design can
be updated to the latest version by
clicking on the update icon.

D. A card design in
your project has two icons
Bindings :

Click on the bindings icon to edit the bindings for the dynamic data of
the card design. The bindings window pops up automatically after
1 adding a design to your project.
ar The data binding tool is a powerful option in PrintStudio. When you add
d a new layout or update a layout you will be prompted to create the
D data bindings. Dynamic fields used and created in your layout may
e differ from the naming or spelling of a name that exists in your Project
si database. Therefore, you will be allowed to create the data bindings.
n 1. Card Design bindings
bi The dynamic fields that are created in the card design are presented to
n the left and you can bind these dynamic fields to the database fields of
di your project.
g 2. Settings
s: CCI template: Bind a CCI encode template to your card design to
T encode the card during production. For more information go to
h PrintStudio Encode . If you do not need to encode with this card
e this option blank.
design, you can leave
Status Check template: Bind the Status Check Template you set available in your project to the Status Check card
design. A Status Check link will be generated for the QR-code in the design as soon as the card or digital id is printed or
issued. If you do not need this card design to have a Status Check QR-code leave this option blank.
E. The preview ofelthe Card Designs offers two tabs with a preview of the card design and one of the digital ID. If the
card design hasd a front and a back, you can toggle between the two by clicking on the design in the preview.
CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 68
6. Triggers

Step 6. allows you to setup triggers for your project. Triggers can be used to automatically change data in your project on
a certain condition or event.

. .

. .
Example of step 5. New project: Triggers .

A. Select one of the events from this list and add specific triggers. PrintStudio will automatically wait for the
event to occur before performing the action that is linked to the trigger.
B. All data columns of the new project are listed. Select one of the columns to link a trigger action to it.
C. Add trigger the trigger to the data column and specify the trigger with events
and actions.
D. The property shows you the selected data column.
E. Select the action you want to connect to the data column from the drop-down menu and define the action.
F. X button to delete a trigger from an event.
G. Next step 6. and create the project.

Define the action that is performed once the event has been met. Some actions are only available for specific columns (for
example, incrementing number values can only be done on Number type columns). All changes need to be saved before
they become active. Understand that triggers might cause your original data to change, so make sure no vital data is lost
when working with triggers.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 69

7. Create project

During step 7. the application will start creating your new project after you click on the A. Create project If there are
problems, read the feedback provided and click on the B. Previous button to go back and make the needed adjustments.

You are now ready to start adding records to your data grid.

B .
Example of step 6. New project: Create project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 70

Create a New CardStudio Project with database connection

To create a new CardStudio project with database you need the CardStudio 2.0 Enterprise or Professional Edition. Go to the
CardStudio Database Connection Chapter for more information.

1. Data sources



Example of a New PrintStudio Database project with Microsoft SQL database connection step 1: data sources

A. Give your PrintStudio Database project a unique name.

B. Add data source
C. Remove data source to remove a connection.
D. Select the type of Database you want to connect with, give the server name, port number and database name.
Several database types are supported:
− Microsoft SQL Server
− Microsoft Access files
− MySQL Server
− Oracle Server
E. When an external database is secured with credentials you can add those credentials here.
F. Click on Test connection test the connection with the external database.
G. Select the added database connection and click on Add table a table from your database to the project.
H. Click on Next to continue to the next step.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 71

2. Image sources

Step 2. Let you specify where your biometric images are located.


Example of a new project with database connection to a Microsoft SQL database step 2. Image sources.

A. Check the box when you want to add signatures and or passport photos to your project.

B. After checking the box, you can determine the ratio of the photo.

C. Select the image source, from where the images need to be imported into your project.

D. Select what size the photos need to be saved as, within your project.

E. Next step and configure the detailed and gallery view.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 72

3. View configuration

Step 3. Choose the default configuration or adjust the setup for Detailed and Gallery view.


Example of step 3. New project with database: View configuration

A. Tab to configure Detailed view, showing specific card holders information.

B. Tab to configure Gallery view, showing card holders photos.
C. Setup the title for the detailed view.
D. Setup the information that will be shown in the detailed view.
E. Next step and add triggers to the project.



Example of the A. Detailed view and the B. Gallery view

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 73

4. Status Check

Step 4. Allows you to select and setup the Status Check template. With Status Check it is now possible to scan a QR-code on
a printed card or Digital ID and get status feedback. Status Check is an optional fee-based feature that allows you to add a
live 2D barcode to your printed or Digital ID Card. This QR-Code contains a unique secure URL that displays a Status Check
page with a near, current or up-dated status of a data field you configure in your project. It costs 5 credits to issue a Status
Check QR-code and 2 credits to update an existing Status Check Card.

A. Select one of the available Status

Check templates from this list.
For example, to check the status of
training certifications, membership,
academic standing, or special access.

B. >> button to add a

template to this new project.
B Cli <<
A C selected card design from your project.

C. A Status Check template in your

project has an icon available, this is the

Click on the bindings icon to edit the

D bindings for the dynamic data of the
Status Check template and to select
the option list to use for validation. The
bindings window pops up automatically
after adding a template to your project.

D. Preview of the Status Check template selected. You can see the design for positive feedback (green) and
negative feedback (red) and a short description on how to use the template.

E. Select the overwrite settings for your Status Check QR-code on your card and digital ID. The QR-code link will
be generated as soon as a card gets printed, or a digital ID issued. You can choose for:
Generate new Status Check, Update existing Status Check, Update existing Status Check if out of date or
Ask whether to replace or update existing Status Check.

Status Check template bindings

The bindings window pops up automatically after adding a

template to your project. ate
allows organizations to check if scanned data is true (green) or
A false (red).

A. Click on the dropdown menu to select one of the options

lists to use for Status Check to validate. PrintStudio makes all the
B data field option lists previously defined in your project available
to choose from. We will use the Approve option list, we added
to the project structure, to validate in this example.

B. Set -Yes- -No-

C access to each of the activities.

C. The templates can also show Static or Dynamic data from your project. This template shows the c
Bind this ID to the ID number in your project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 74

5. Card designs

Step 5. allows you to add card designs to your new project.

A. Select one of the available designs.

B. >> a
selected design to your project.
selected card design from your project.
A C. A card design in your project has
An adjusted a card design
can be updated to the latest version by
clicking on the update icon.

D. A card design in
your project has two icons

Click on the bindings icon to edit the bindings for the dynamic data of
the card design. The bindings window pops up automatically after
1 adding a design to your project.
ar The data binding tool is a powerful option in PrintStudio. When you add
d a new layout or update a layout you will be prompted to create the
D data bindings. Dynamic fields used and created in your layout may
e differ from the naming or spelling of a name that exists in your Project
si database. Therefore, you will be allowed to create the data bindings.
n 1. Card Design bindings
bi The dynamic fields that are created in the card design are presented to
n the left and you can bind these dynamic fields to the database fields of
di your project.
g 2. Settings
s: CCI template: Bind a CCI encode template to your card design to
T encode the card during production. For more information go to
h PrintStudio Encode
e this option blank.
design, you can leave
Status Check template: Bind the Status Check Template you set available in your project to the Status Check card
design. A Status Check link will be generated for the QR-code in the design as soon as the card or digital id is printed or
issued. If you do not need this card design to have a Status Check QR-code leave this option blank.
E. The preview ofelthe Card Designs offers two tabs with a preview of the card design and one of the digital ID. If the
card design hasd a front and a back, you can toggle between the two by clicking on the design in the preview.
CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 75
6. Triggers

Step 6. allows you to setup triggers for your project. Triggers can be used to automatically change data in your project on
a certain condition or event.



Example of step 5. New project with database: Triggers

A. Select one of the events from this list and add specific triggers. PrintStudio will automatically wait for the
event to occur before performing the action that is linked to the trigger.
B. All data columns of the new project are listed. Select one of the columns to link a trigger action to it.
C. Add trigger
and actions.
D. The property shows you the selected data column.
E. Select the action you want to connect to the data column from the drop-down menu and define the action.
F. X
G. Next step 5. and create the project.

Define the action that is performed once the event has been met. Some actions are only available for specific columns (for
example, incrementing number values can only be done on Number type columns). All changes need to be saved before
they become active. Please be aware that triggers might cause your original data to change, so make sure no vital data is
lost when working with triggers.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 76

7. Create project

Step 7. Will create your new project after you click on the A. Create project
provided and click on the B. Previous button to go back and make the needed adjustments.

You are now ready to start adding records to your data grid.


Example of step 6. New project with database: Create project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 77

Create copy of an existing Project

create a
new project as a copy of another project.

Example of step 1. New project: Copy existing project.

1. Select project

A. Rename the project.

B. Select a copy with data or structure only. Select structure if you only want the data field setup and not the content of
the previous project.
C. Select an existing project from the list presented.
D. Next step button to create the copy project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 78

2. Copy project

Step 2. creates a copy of the project after you click on the A. Create project button. Select B. to make changes in the
previous step. You are now ready to start adding records to your data grid.

Example of step 2. New project: Copy project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 79

Import Project from Excel

PrintStudio also offers to create new projects based on Excel files. PrintStudio will base the project structure on the Excel
structure and will import all the data from the Excel file into the new project.

1. Data source
Step 1. Select the Excel file and Worksheet needed for the setup of the new project. You can also add a Photo source and or
Signature Source if needed.




Example of step 1. New project imported from excel file: Data source.

A. Click on this button and select the Excel/CSV file you want to import and create a new project with.
B. Select the worksheet you want to use from the drop-down menu.
C. Select the date format you are using in the Excel file.
D. Select the row that contains the column names.
E. Select the column that connects with the unique photo names (for example: ID number or index).
F. Select the folder that contains the card photos.
G. Select the column that connects with the unique signature names (for example: ID number or index).
H. Select the folder that contains the signatures.
I. Next step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 80

2. Project structure

Step 2. Name the new project and check the imported Excel data structure. Change, delete or add data columns here in the
new project structure.


Example of step 2. New project from Excel file: Project data columns

A. Type in the name for your new project.

B. Put in the project data column name.
C. Set the data type. Select if the data are number or text for example. The following types of database fields are
1. Whole Number, when selecting this type, - . When a new record is created the
number will be the highest number in the project increased by 1.
2. Text
3. Decimal number
4. Option list, when this list type is selected, you can add and delete the values from the list that is presented for
this database field. When you change a datatype from text to option list, PrintStudio automatically generates a
list based on the data already in that data field.
D. Required /o Unique
E. With the default input field, you can add a standard value to your data field, existing empty fields and new records
will automatically get the default value you add to this data field.
F. X om the project structure setup.
G. Add new property button and add and describe the data field names you want to use in your new
H. Next step 2. and configure the detailed and gallery view

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 81

3. Biometric settings

Step 3. Enable the biometric images needed in the new project and determine how they will be stored.

. B
D .
. E



Example of step 3. New project from Excel file: Biometric settings

A. The box for passport photos makes photos visible in the project and enables you to add photos.
B. After checking the box, you can determine the ratio of the photo.
C. Select how and where photos will be saved within your project.

D. Check this box if you want to use data columns to represent the filename.

E. Select the image format (.png, .jpg or .bmp) the photos need to be saved as within your project.
F. Here you can select what size the photos need to be saved as within your project.
G. The process for signatures works the same as the photo settings.
H. Next step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 82

4. View configuration

Step 4. Choose the default configuration or adjust the setup for Detailed and Gallery view.


Example of step 4. New project from Excel file: View configuration

A. Tab to configure Detailed view, showing specific information.

B. Tab to configure Gallery view, showing cardholders photos.
C. Setup the title for the detailed view.
D. Setup the information that will be shown in the detailed view.
E. Next step 5. and add triggers to the project.



Example of the A. Detailed view and the B. Gallery view

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 83

5. Status Check

Step 5. Allows you to select and setup the Status Check template. With Status Check it is now possible to scan a QR-code on
a printed card or Digital ID and get status feedback. Status Check is an optional fee-based feature that allows you to add a
live 2D barcode to your printed or Digital ID Card. This QR-Code contains a unique secure URL that displays a Status Check
page with a near, current or up-dated status of a data field you configure in your project. It costs 5 credits to issue a Status
Check QR-code and 2 credits to update an existing Status Check Card.

A. Select one of the available Status Check templates from this list.
For example, to check the status of
training certifications, membership,
academic standing, or special access.

B. >> button to add a

template to this new project.
Cli <<
A B selected card design from your project.
C. A Status Check template in your
project has an icon available, this is the

Click on the bindings icon to edit the

D bindings for the dynamic data of the
Status Check template and to select
the option list to use for validation. The
bindings window pops up automatically
after adding a template to your project.
D. Preview of the Status Check
template selected. You can see the
design for positive feedback (green)
and negative feedback (red) and a
short description on how to use the

E. Select the overwrite settings for your Status Check QR-code on your card and digital ID. The QR-code link will
be generated as soon as a card gets printed, or a digital ID issued. You can choose for:
Generate new Status Check, Update existing Status Check, Update existing Status Check if out of date or
Ask whether to replace or update existing Status Check.

Status Check template bindings

The bindings window pops up automatically after adding a

template to your project.
allows organizations to check if scanned data is true (green) or
false (red).
A. Click on the dropdown menu to select one of the options
lists to use for Status Check to validate. PrintStudio makes all the
B data field option lists previously defined in your project available
to choose from. We will use the Approve option list, we added
to the project structure, to validate in this example.

B. Set -Yes- -No-

C access to each of the activities.

C. The templates can also show Static or Dynamic data from

your project. This

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 84

6. Card designs

Step 6. allows you to add card designs to your new project.

A. Select one of the available


B. >>
add a selected design to your
remove a selected card design
B C from your project.
C. A card design in your
project has two icons available,

An adjusted a card design can
be updated to the latest
version by clicking on the
update icon.

D. A card design in
your project has two icons

Click on the bindings icon to edit the bindings for the dynamic data of
the card design. The bindings window pops up automatically after
1 adding a design to your project.
ar The data binding tool is a powerful option in PrintStudio. When you add
d a new layout or update a layout you will be prompted to create the
D data bindings. Dynamic fields used and created in your layout may
e differ from the naming or spelling of a name that exists in your Project
si database. Therefore, you will be allowed to create the data bindings.
n 1. Card Design bindings
bi The dynamic fields that are created in the card design are presented to
n the left and you can bind these dynamic fields to the database fields of
di your project.
g 2. Settings
s: CCI template: Bind a CCI encode template to your card design to
T encode the card during production. For more information go to
h PrintStudio Encode
e this option blank.
design, you can leave
Status Check template: Bind the Status Check Template you set available in your project to the Status Check card
design. A Status Check link will be generated for the QR-code in the design as soon as the card or digital id is printed or
issued. If you do not need this card design to have a Status Check QR-code leave this option blank.
E. The preview ofelthe Card Designs offers two tabs with a preview of the card design and one of the digital ID. If the
card design hasd a front and a back, you can toggle between the two by clicking on the design in the preview.
ar CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 85
7. Triggers

Step 7. Allows you to setup triggers for your project. Triggers can be used to automatically change data in your project on a
certain condition or event.



Example of step 6. New project from Excel file: Triggers

A. Select one of the events from this list and add specific triggers. PrintStudio will automatically wait for the
event to occur before performing the action that is linked to the trigger.
B. All data columns of the new project are listed. Select one of the columns to link a trigger action to.
C. Add trigger trigger with events
and actions.
D. The property shows you the selected data column.
E. Select the action you want to connect to the data column from the drop-down menu and define the action.
F. X
G. Next step 7. and create the project.

Define the action that is performed once the event has been met. Some actions are only available for specific columns (for
example, incrementing number values can only be done on Number type columns). All changes need to be saved before
they become active. Please be aware that triggers might cause your original data to change, so make sure no vital data is
lost when working with triggers.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 86

8. Import Project

Step 8. Creates the new project imported from an Excel file as soon as you click on the A. Create project button. B. Click on
Previous step button to make any changes before creating the project.


Example of step 6. New project: import new Excel project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 87

New Project from BadgeMaker 7 Project

1. Select BadgeMaker 7 Project

PrintStudio supports creating new projects based on a former BadgeMaker 7 (Classic) project.

Example of step 1. New project from a BadgeMaker 7 project: Select BadgeMaker 7 Project

A. Click on this button to select the BadgeMaker 7 project.

B. Click on this button to select the BadgeMaker 7 database.

C. Next step and check the project structure.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 88

2. Project structure

Step 2. Name the new project and check the imported BadgeMaker 7 structure. Change, delete or add data columns here in
the new Project structure.



Example of step 2. New project from a BadgeMaker 7 project: Project data columns.

A. Type in the name for your new project.

B. Put in the column name
C. Set the data type. Select if the data are number or text for example. The following types of database fields are
1. Whole Number, when selecting this type, -
number will be the highest number in the Project increased by 1.
2. Text
3. Decimal number
4. Option list, when this list type is selected, you can add and delete the list values from the list that is presented for
this database field. When you change a datatype from text to option list, PrintStudio automatically generates a
list based on the data already in that data field.

D. Required / Unique
E. With the default input field, you can add a standard value to your data field, existing empty fields and new records
will automatically get the default value you add to this data field.
F. X ure setup.
G. Add new property button and add and describe the data field names you want to use in your new
H. Next step button to go to step 3.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 89

3. Biometric settings

Step 3. Enable biometric images (Passport photos and/or Signatures) for the new project and setup how these images will be

. B
. C
D .


Example of step 3. New project from BadgeMaker 7: Biometric settings

A. The box for passport photos make photos visible in the project and enables you to add photos.

B. Determine the ratio of the photo with the drop-down menu.

C. Select how and where photos will be saved within your project.

D. Check this box if you want to use data columns to represent the filename.

E. Select the image format (.png, .jpg or .bmp) the photos need to be saved as within your project.

F. Select the dpi and size of the photos that will be created and saved within your project.

G. The checkbox for the signatures allows you to make signatures visible in the project and enables you to add
passport photos. The signature section works similar as the passport photo section above. Next step
button to go to step 3. and configure the detailed and gallery view

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 90

4. View configuration

Step 4. Choose for the default configuration or adjust the setup for the Detailed and Gallery view in the new project.


Example of step 4. New project from BadgeMaker 7: View configuration

A. Tab to configure Detailed view showing specific information.

B. Tab to configure Gallery view showing cardholders photos.
C. Setup the title for the detailed view.
D. Setup the information that will be available in the detailed view. Use the detailed view to have a clear
and make quick adjustments to the data.
E. Next step 5. and add triggers to the project.



Example of the A. detailed view and the B. gallery view

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 91

5. Triggers

Step 5. Allows you to setup triggers for your project. Triggers can be used to automatically change data in your project on a
certain condition or event.



Example of step 5. New project from BadgeMaker 7: Triggers

A. Select one of the events from this list and add specific triggers. PrintStudio will automatically wait for the
event to occur before performing the action that is linked to the trigger.
B. All data columns of the new project are listed. Select one of the columns to link a trigger action to it.
C. Add trigger on to add the trigger to the data column and specify the trigger with events
and actions.
D. The property shows you the selected data column.
E. Select the action you want to connect to the data column from the drop-down menu and define the action.
F. Click on the X
G. Next step 6. and create the project.

Define the action that is performed once the event has been met. Some actions are only available for specific columns (for
example, incrementing number values can only be done on Number type columns). All changes need to be saved before
they become active. Understand that Triggers might cause your original data to change, so make sure no vital data is lost
when working with Triggers.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 92

6. Import Project

Step 6. Creates the new project based on the BadgeMaker 7 project as soon as you click on the A. Create project
B. Previous step button to make any changes before creating the project.

Example of step 6. New project from a BadgeMaker 7 project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 93

New Project from IDPro 7 Project

1. Select IDPro 7 Project

PrintStudio supports creating new projects based on a former IDPro 7 project.

Example of step 1. New project: Select IDPro 7 Project

A. Click on this button to select the IDPro 7 configuration file from your computer.

B. Click on the dropdown menu to select the IDPro 7 project and the table you would like to use to setup the new project.

C. Next step and check or adjust the project structure.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 94

2. Project structure

Step 2. Name the new project and check the imported IDPro 7 structure. Change, delete or add data columns here in the
new project structure.


Example of step 2. New project from an IDPro 7 project: Project data columns.

A. Type in the name for your new project.

B. Put in the column name
C. Set the data type. Select if the data are number or text for example. The following types of database fields are
1. Whole Number, when selecting this type, auto- . When a new record is created the
number will be the highest number in the project increased by 1.
2. Text
3. Decimal number
4. Option list, when this list type is selected, you can add and delete the list values from the list that is presented for
this database field. When you change a datatype from text to option list, PrintStudio automatically generates a
list based on the data already in that data field.
D. Required / Unique
E. With the default input field, you can add a standard value to your data field, existing empty fields and new records
will automatically get the default value you add to this data field.
F. X p.
G. Add new property button and add and describe the data field names you want to use in your new
H. Next step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 95

3. Biometric settings

Step 3. Enable biometric images (Passport photos and/or Signatures) for the new project and setup how these images will be

. B
. C
D .
. E


Example of step 3. New project from IDPro 7: Biometric settings

A. The checkbox for passport photos allows you to make photos visible in the project and enable to add photos.

B. After checking the box, determine the ratio of the photo in the drop-down menu.

C. Select how and where photos will be saved that are used in the project.

D. Check this box to use data columns to represent the filename .

E. Select the image format (png, jpg or bmp) that the image needs to be saved as.

F. Here you can select what size the photos need to be saved as within your project.

G. The checkbox for the signature allow you to make signatures visible in the project and enable to add signatures.
The signature section works the same as the Passport photo section above.

H. Next step and configure the detailed and gallery view.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 96

4. View configuration

Step 4. Choose the default configuration or adjust the setup for the Detailed and Gallery view in the new project.


Example of step 4. New project from IDPro 7: View configuration

A. Tab to configure Detailed view showing specific card holders information.

B. Tab to configure Gallery view showing card holders photos.
C. Setup the title for the detailed view.
D. Setup the information that will be available in the detailed view. Use the detailed view to have a clear

E. Next step ep 5. and add triggers to the project.



Example of the A. Detailed view and the B. Gallery view

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 97

5. Triggers

Step 5. Allows you to setup triggers for your project. Triggers can be used to automatically change data in your project on a
certain condition or event.



Example of step 5. New project from IDPro 7: Triggers

A. Select one of the events from this list and add specific triggers. PrintStudio will automatically wait for the
event to occur before performing the action that is linked to the trigger.
B. All data columns of the new project are listed. Select one of the columns to link a trigger action to it.
C. Add trigger on to add the trigger to the data column and specify the trigger with events
and actions.
D. The property shows you the selected data column.
E. Select the action you want to connect to the data column from the drop-down menu and define the action.
F. Click on the X
G. Next step and create the project.

Define the action that is performed once the event has been met. Some actions are only available for specific columns (for
example, incrementing number values can only be done on Number type columns). All changes need to be saved before
they become active. Please be aware that triggers might cause your original data to change, so make sure no vital data is
lost when working with triggers.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 98

6. Import Project

Step 6. Creates the new project based on the IDPro 7 project as soon as you click on the A. Create project B. Click
Previous step button to make any changes before creating the project.

Example of step 6. New project: import IDPro 7 project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 99

Open Project

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 100

Open link or button. All available existing projects are displayed, select the project
that needs to be opened.

Example of the Open existing project popup window.

A. Select one of the existing projects

B. Open project

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 101

The Store

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 102

The Store available in CardStudio 2.0 offers free & premium card design templates, example projects and credits for you to
select, purchase and download.

Projects from the Store

Browse the Store to select and download one of the example Projects to start with. Get inspired and adjust the example
project to your own liking.

Projects that also have a digital ID setup show the Digital ID icon:
on Digital ID:

Projects setup with the Status Check

feature show the Status Check icon:
For more

Browse the Store

To browse the store, go Store Browse store


A. Store: Overview of all the products (card designs, projects, and credits) available to select for free or to purchase and
My items
B. Overview of your account name and a balance of the credits available in your account.
C. Filter the overview of card designs by specific tags. Use the drop-down button to select a tag or search card design
bundles by name.
D. Click on the bundle image to learn more about the bundle and its card designs.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 103

E. Add to My items Proceed to Payment
make them available for download.

F. In Tab My Items here you can find the products like card designs you selected for free or purchased. Select the
product to download and use it in CardStudio.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 104

My items
All the selected and purchased products (Card Design Templates or Example Projects) from the Store can be found in
My items


E. My items: overview of all the selected or premium products from the Store ready to select and download.
F. Preview images of the selected card design.
G. Download your
Give the downloaded card design or
project a name. After saving, the design
or project is opened automatically in
DesignStudio or PrintStudio. The card
design or project is now ready to be used
in your CardStudio 2.0.

H. Close -up.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 105

Credits from the Store
When you create a Digital ID design for your card holders, for them to use on their mobile, credits are needed in your
CardStudio account, to be able to send the Digital ID in PrintStudio. CardStudio offers a standard set of free credits for users
to try the Digital ID feature. More credits can be purchased in the Store. Credits can also be purchased in the form of
vouchers at a selection of Zebra CardStudio 2 Resellers.

Store Browse store -up with an overview of all the

available products. Maximize the window to have a good overview of all the products.

In the top left corner, you can check your credit balance. Scroll down to navigate to the credits.

A couple of credit bundles are available to choose from, select the bundle that works best for you. It costs 10 credits to issue
a Digital ID, 5 credits to issue a Status Check QR-code and 2 credits to update an existing Status Check Card.

Looking to purchase a higher number of credits, contact your local reseller.

If you purchased a Zebra Voucher from your reseller, enter your Zebra Voucher code and redeem credits of that voucher.

Click on the price button to proceed to the checkout and purchase the credit bundle. Agree with the terms and conditions,
Proceed to payment
Card or PayPal-account. After a successful payment, the purchased credit is added to your CardStudio account.

Use the return to store

to your card holders.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 106

Import Data

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 107

Import data into a PrintStudio project if more data from for example, a former project or an output from an HR-system is
needed. PrintStudio offers the import of data from an Excel/CSV file, BadgeMaker 7 project or an IDPro 7 project.

Go to File Import data :

Example of the import data popup window.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 108

Import an Excel file or CSV data file

To import data into the PrintStudio Project From an Excel file

1. Data source

Step 1. Select the Excel file and Worksheet needed for the import of the data. A Photo source and/or Signature Source can
be added if needed.




Example of the import data popup window.

A. Click on this button and select the Excel/CSV file you want to import and select the worksheet you want to use from
the drop-down menu below.
B. Select the row that contains the column names.
C. Select the column that connects with the unique photo names (for example: ID number or index)
D. Select the folder that contains the card photos
E. Select the column that connects with the unique signature names (for example: ID number or index)
F. Select the folder that contains the signature images
G. Next step econd step.

2. Configuration

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 109

Step 2. Configure how the data will be imported into the project and handles the existing data.


Example of the import Excel/CVS data popup window.

A. Choose how imported data/new records will be handled. The drop-down menu gives you three options
B. Select what happens when encountering a conversion error.
C. Select one of the fields of the excel data which uniquely identifies data in the data source.
D. Connect the source columns with the destination columns, PrintStudio will connect the columns with similar
names automatically.
E. Next step import the data.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 110

3. Import data

Example of step 3. Import data

Step 3. is processing the import of the Data. A. Import data importing the data from your Excel
file. B. Previous step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 111

Import BadgeMaker 7 project data

To import data into the project from a BadgeMaker 7 project From a BadgeMaker 7 project

1. Data source

Step 1. Select the BadgeMaker 7 project file and database needed for the import of the data.

Example of the import data popup window.

A. Click on this button to select the BadgeMaker 7 project from your computer.

B. Click on this button to select the BadgeMaker 7 database from your computer.

C. Next step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 112

2. Configuration


Example of the import of BadgeMaker 7 data popup window.

A. Choose how imported data/new records will be handled. The drop-down menu gives you three options
B. Select what happens when encountering a conversion error.
C. Select one of the fields of the excel data which uniquely identifies data in the data source.
D. Connect the source columns with the destination columns, PrintStudio will connect the columns with similar
names automatically.
E. Next step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 113

3. Import data


Example of step 3. Import data

Step 3. is processing the import of the Data. A. Import data

file. B. Previous step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 114

Import IDPro 7 data

To import data into the PrintStudio Project from an IDPro 7 project From an IDPro 7 project

1. Data source

Step 1. Select the IDPro 7 configuration file and the project needed for the import of the data.

Example of the import data popup window.

A. Click on this button to select the IDPro 7 configuration file from your computer.

B. Click on the dropdown menu to select the IDPro 7 project and table.

C. Next step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 115

2. Configuration


Example of the import of IDPro 7 data popup window.

A. Choose how imported data/new records will be handled. The drop-down menu gives you three options.
B. Select what happens when encountering a conversion error.
C. Select one of the fields of the excel data which uniquely identifies data in the data source.
D. Connect the source columns with the destination columns, PrintStudio will connect the columns with similar
names automatically.
E. Next step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 116

3. Import data


Example of step 3. Import data

Step 3. is processing the import of the Data. A. Import data

file. B. Previous step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 117

At step 1. Biometric data you have the option to select the folders you would like to import from for your passport photos and
or signature images.

Example of importing biometric data.

A. Select the data field that contains the unique data like the photos and or signature names.
B. Click on this button and select the photos and or signatures folder you want to import from. The images need to
have a unique name that can be connected to one of the unique fields.
C. Next step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 118

Export Data

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 119

To export data first select the records you would like to export. Select all
records or make a selection of records. Go to the Main menu, File
and select Export data in the submenu:

A. Select to export all records or a selection of records.

B. Export generated.

Example of exporting PrintStudio project data.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 120

The Export photos function gives the option to export passport photos and or
signature images.

To export data first select the records you would like to export. Select all records
Export photos .





Example of exporting CardStudio project images.

A. To export data first select if you would like to export all records or a selection you made.
B. Check the boxes to choose to export photos and/or signatures.
C. Click on this button and select the photos and or signatures folder to export to.
D. Give the exported images a name.
E. insert property .
F. Select the file type: jpg, png or bmp.
G. Next step export the photos and or signatures.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 121

Project Settings

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 122

To change the Project Settings go to the Main Menu Edit Project Settings
Project Settings to change the setup, project structure or to add and manage Card Designs in your project. Make sure you

Detail View
Configure the layout of the detail view. The detail view is the view shown in the middle of the dashboard, giving you detailed
information of a record. Use the detailed view to quickly adjust record data.

Example of the Project settings: Detailed view configuration

A. Use the drop-down menus to select where you want to see certain data fields. At the top are usually the
most important fields selected like the first name, last name and ID number.


Example of the A. Detailed view in the PrintStudio Dashboard.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 123

Gallery view
The Gallery View is the Photo slide presentation. Gallery view lets you find a persons record very easy when people are
showing up at the front desk to change or replace a card. In the Gallery setting you can select 2 (two) database fields that are
presented with the Photo. You can select First name and Last name or choose for the record ID or any other database field.

Example of the Preview Project settings: Gallery view

A. In the Gallery setting you can select 2 (two) database fields that are presented with the Photo. You can select First
name and Last name or chose for the record ID or any other database field.

Example of the A. Gallery view in the PrintStudio Dashboard.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 124

Biometric settings
The Biometric settings is for managing the Passport Photos and/or Signatures in the project
adjust the settings for the photos or signatures.

. B
. C
. E


Example of the Project settings: Biometric settings

A. The checkbox for passport photos allows you to make photos visible in the project and enables you to add photos.

B. Determine the ratio of the photo with the drop-down menu.

C. Select how and where photos will be saved within your project.

D. Check this box if you want to use data columns to represent the filename.

E. Select with what dpi and size the photos need to be saved within your project.

F. The checkbox for the signature allows you to make signatures visible in the project and enable you to add
signatures. The signature section works the same as the passport photo section above.

G. Next step and configure the detailed and gallery view.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 125

Card Designs
Add and manage Card Designs in your project.

A. Select one of the available designs.

B C B. >> a
A selected design to your project.
. <<
selected card design from your project.

C. A card design in your project has

E E icon:

An adjusted a card design

can be updated to the latest version by
clicking on the update icon.

Example of the Project settings: Card


D. A card design in your

project has two icons

Click on the bindings icon to edit the bindings for the dynamic data of
the card design. The bindings window pops up automatically after
adding a design to your project.
C The data binding tool is a powerful option in PrintStudio. When you add
ar a new layout or update a layout you will be prompted to create the
d data bindings. Dynamic fields used and created in your layout may
D differ from the naming or spelling of a name that exists in your Project
e database. Therefore, you will be allowed to create the data bindings.
g 1. Card Design bindings
n The dynamic fields that are created in the card design are presented to
bi the left and you can bind these dynamic fields to the database fields of
n your project.
n 2. Settings
g CCI template: Bind a CCI encode template to your card design to
s: encode the card during production. For more information go to
T PrintStudio Encode
h design, you can leave this option blank.
Status Check template: Bind the Status Check Template you set available in your project to the Status Check card
design. A Status Check link will be generated for the QR-code in the design as soon as the card or digital id is printed or
issued. If you do not need this card design to have a Status Check QR-code leave this option blank.
E. The preview offithe Card Designs offers two tabs with a preview of the card design and one of the digital ID. If the
card design hasel a front and a back, you can toggle between the two by clicking on the design in the preview.
cr CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 126
Card designs assignment
It is possible to assign the card designs using a specific project column.


Example of the Project settings: Card design assignment

A. Click on the drop-down menu to select the column. In the example we select the Company column. There is a
different card design for every Company in the project.
B. Enter the value that needs to be linked to a specific card design. In the example company names are entered.
C. Select one of the available card designs from the drop-down menu and link the design to the value entered in the
input field (B).
D. Select one of the card designs from the drop-down menu as the default design for all the data not corresponding
with the values entered above.
E. Enter another value to add to the mapping and click Add new mapping value . For example if you would like to
add another company with a new company design.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 127

Project structure
The project structure settings is for managing your structure. You can create, edit or delete data columns in your project.


Example of the Project settings: Project structure

A. Enter the column name.

B. Set the data type. Select if the data are number or text for example. The following types of database fields are
1. Whole Number, when selecting this type, auto- . When a new record is created the
number will be the highest number in the Project increased by 1.
2. Text
3. Decimal number
4. Option list, when this list type is selected, you can add and delete the list values from the list that is presented
for this database field. When you change a datatype from text to option list, PrintStudio automatically generates
a list based on the data already in that data field.
C. Required / Unique
D. With the default input field, you can add a standard value to your data field, existing empty fields and new records
will automatically get the default value you add to this data field.
E. X
F. Add new property button and add and describe the data field names you want to use in your new

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 128

Setup triggers for your project. Triggers can be used to automatically change data in your project on a certain condition or



Example of Project Settings: Triggers

A. Select one of the events from this list and add specific triggers. PrintStudio will automatically wait for the
event to occur before performing the action that is linked to the trigger.
B. All data columns of the new project are listed. Select one of the columns to link a trigger action to it.
C. Add trigger trigger with events
and actions.
D. The property shows you the selected data column.
E. Select the action you want to connect to the data column from the drop-down menu and define the action.
F. Click X

Define the action that is performed once the event has been met. Some actions are only available for specific columns (for
example, incrementing number values can only be done on number type columns). All changes need to be saved before
they become active. Understand that triggers might cause your original data to change, so make sure no vital data is lost
when working with triggers.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 129

Manage Project
Delete your project. You are able to completely delete the current project you are working on.

Example of the Project settings: Project management

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 130

Status Check
Setup a Status Check template for your Project. With Status Check it is now possible to scan a QR-code on a printed card or
Digital ID and get status feedback. Status Check is an optional fee-based feature that allows you to add a live 2D barcode to
your printed or Digital ID Card. This QR-Code contains a unique secure URL that displays a Status Check page with a near,
current or up-dated status of a data field you configure in your project. It costs 5 credits to issue a Status Check QR-code and
2 credits to update an existing Status Check Card.

A. Select one of the available Status Check templates from this list.
For example, to check the status of training certifications, membership, academic standing, or special access.

B B. >> button to add a

A C template to this new project.
selected card design from your project.

C. A Status Check template in your

project has an icon available, this is the

D Click on the bindings icon to edit the

bindings for the dynamic data of the
Status Check template and to select
the option list to use for validation. The
E bindings window pops up automatically
after adding a template to your project.

D. Preview of the Status Check

template selected. You can see the
design for positive feedback (green)
and negative feedback (red) and a
short description on how to use the

E. Select the overwrite settings for your Status Check QR-code on your card and digital ID. The QR-code link will
be generated as soon as a card gets printed, or a digital ID issued. You can choose for:
Generate new Status Check, Update existing Status Check, Update existing Status Check if out of date or
Ask whether to replace or update existing Status Check.

Status Check template bindings

The bindings window pops up automatically after adding a

template to your project.
allows organizations to check if scanned data is true (green) or
false (red).
A. Click on the dropdown menu to select one of the options
lists to use for Status Check to validate. PrintStudio makes all the
B data field option lists previously defined in your project available
to choose from. We will use the Approve option list, we added
to the project structure, to validate in this example.

B. Set -Yes- -No-

C access to each of the activities.

C. The templates can also show Static or Dynamic data from

your project. This template shows

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 131

Link Card Design to record

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 132

Link your records to your Card Design, so you can print a card.

When a data record is Link

connect the design to the record. To change the connection to a different lay- Unlink
and link another design. It is possible to select multiple data records at the same time and connect the selected records to a
lay-out. Use CTRL+A, + CTRL or +SHIFT, Use CTRL+A to select all records.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 133


CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 134

Records are single data rows that contain all the information of one person. There is a button for adding and deleting a

Add Records
Records are single data rows that contain all the information of one person. There is a button for adding and deleting a
record manually. (To add multiple records, choose to import an excel file for example.)

1. Add a new record

If you add a record, a new pop-up window will appear to enter the new record data. The entry form allows the user to enter
the data and Capture Photo and/or Signature.

1. Information
A. Enter the needed information for each field and click on the
B. Next Step


Example of the information tab when adding a new record.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 135

2. Photo

A. Select the source of camera you want to use from the drop-down menu. You can choose to use your web cam or a
TWAIN camera that you installed and connected to your computer.

B. Start automatic capture

pictures. You can select one of the three pictures to add to the new record.

C. The Photo functionality will show you the camera view.

D. Capture photo
upload an image from your com

E. To change the camera setting click on the drop-down to select the capture
resolution and click the settings icon to adjust more settings. These settings
can be different depending on the camera.

F. Next Step

B .


. .

Example of the photo tab when adding a new record.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 136

3. Signature

A. Connect the signature pad to the PC. Use a signature pad to write a signature into this field.
B. Scale the signature using the slider.
C. Select a signature from file.



Example of the signature tab when adding a new record.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 137

Print records

To print a certain record, select it and then click on the print button in the quick menu or go to File and click on the print link.

A. A print window appears, and you can select the printer you
installed for the card printing process. This manual does not
describe the installation of printers. Please refer to the Zebra
Card Printer manuals for further information on these devices.

Example printer setup window.

B. A print progress window will pop up that will

show you the progress of the cards that are
being printed.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 138

Digital ID

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 139

With CardStudio, you can now create a Digital ID design in DesignStudio and issue it in PrintStudio next to the standard card
design you use to print on plastic ID badges. Digital ID is available for the CardStudio Standard, Enterprise, or Professional
Edition. The digital design feature offers two options, Digital ID as a PDF also to be opened in the Zebra Digital ID app and as
a Wallet pass.

How to send a Digital ID to your card holders.

Start PrintStudio and open an existing project with records of card holders that need a Digital ID.

First step is to enable Digital ID, select a Digital ID format for this project and connect a card design with a Digital ID design.
Navigate Edit Project Settings

Online services
Digital ID
Digital IDs, select the column that
represents the emails in your project and
select the Digital ID type.

PDF: a Digital ID as a PDF-file is send to

your card holder by email to use on their
mobile device.

Wallet pass: a Digital ID as a Wallet pass

.pkpass format is send to your card holder
by email to open in the Wallet pass app on
their mobile device.

Zebra Digital ID: is a Digital ID issued to

your card holder for them to accept and
open in the Zebra Digital ID app on their
mobile device.

Card Designs , select the card

design with the Digital ID design you
created for this project, add the design to
this project and bind the dynamic fields
from the card design to the data columns.

Do not forget to save the settings to

enable Digital ID and add the card design
to the project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 140

Send Digital ID

To send the Digital ID select the needed records and link them to the new card design. Make sure you have enough credits
in your account. To send a Digital ID you need 10 credits. Credits can be purchased in the Store.

Create Digital IDs in the pop-up. You have the option to

The Card Holder now receives an email with a link to retrieve the Digital ID. The link first opens a Terms of Use page for the
card holder to agree to, after which the Digital ID can be downloaded and will also be sent by email.

The PDF or Wallet pass can now be used as a temporary or permanent way of mobile identification.
For more information and tutorials of the Digital ID feature, visit: https://cardstudio.zebra.com/digital-ID

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 141

Trigger Examples

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 142

Triggers can be used to automatically change data in your project on a certain condition or event.

How to add a trigger to a project that reads the card serial number

Step 1. Open your project

Open an existing project with card designs and data.

Step 2. Create an extra column for the card serial numbers

We want to add an extra column to the project, so PrintStudio can write the card serial number for a record that has been
printed to the card serial number column in the project.

Project Settings Project Structure Add new property

name this text data column:
Card Serial Number.

Keep the data type Now click on

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 143

Step 3. Add the trigger after printing to read the card serial number to your project

Edit Project Settings Triggers

After printing
Card Serial Number Add Trigger

Set card serial number

dropdown menu. Also check the first box on how to write the serial number to significant byte first, same as the encoding

Do not forget to save this trigger setup.

You have now setup the trigger and PrintStudio will add the card serial number to the column for the record that has been

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 144

Increment number Trigger

When you want to add a number of cards issued or total number of cards printed into your project you can use a Trigger to
have it automatically added to your records.

First, add a numeric column to your project (i.e. Card issue number).

For a project counter, set the Trigger to Before printing, select the new column and make sure to set the Current Counter
value to 1. 0 will leave the first card uncounted.

Note: when the Trigger is set for After printing, the first card will not display any number as that field is still empty and the
second card will start at the number given to the Current Counter value, usually 1.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 145

For a card count per record, set the trigger to Before printing and set the dropdown to Add Value:

To print this number on your card, add the corresponding dynamic field to your card design.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 146

Database Connection

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 147

PrintStudio Project with database connection allows users to connect with external databases, and use the data to
complement their local project, or even base the entire project upon. There are four types of databases supported:

• Microsoft SQL Server

• Microsoft Access files
• MySQL Server
• Oracle Server

Choosing from one of these four settings is highly recommended, however it is also possible to connect to a database
through an ODBC driver. Connecting with one of the supported databases allows you to make full use of the database s
functionality. For example: PrintStudio will automatically lock tables when adding or updating records, it will automatically
detect user rights and allows you to work with views.

Connecting with a data source through an ODBC driver provides you with more basic functionality, but it will suffice for most
single-user environments. PrintStudio projects with database connection will automatically detect any available ODBC drivers
on the system, if the required ODBC driver is not listed, it can be installed using the Microsoft update website or tool in y our
operating system.

Note: CardStudio 2.0 does not create an external database for you, it only creates a connection to an existing external

The screenshot below shows the Project Settings dialog, where the option for PrintStudio projects with an external database
connection will be present depending on the CardStudio Edition you purchased.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 148

Setting up a PrintStudio Database connection

How to set up a PrintStudio Project with Database connection

Follow these steps if you want to create a project using an external data source as your primary source of information.
Start by creating a new project.

A. Create project with database

Example of a New Project pop-up window: Create project with database.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 149

Connect with database

. C


Example of a new
PrintStudio Project with
external database
connection step 1: data

A. Enter the name of your New PrintStudio project with database connection.

B. Add data source

C. Select the type of database you would like to connect with. Different types of databases are supported:

Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server data source

After selecting Microsoft SQL Server as the type of data source, you can fill in all information required to connect to
the server.

D. Server: Path or IP address to the server. If the server is hosted on another system in the network, it can be either
addressed as \\servername or the IP address of the server. Information such as the database name, username
and password, in most cases are provided by your database administrator.
Note: to be able to work with a Microsoft SQL Server, an active network connection must be available.

Configuring a Microsoft Access data source

To define a Microsoft Access data source,

select the option from the drop-down list, and
find the path to your database by choosing the

Please note that a username and password may

not be required for your Microsoft Access file, in
which case these fields can be left empty.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 150

Configuring a MySQL or Oracle data source

Configuring a MySQL or Oracle server as a data

source is done the same way as defining a
Microsoft SQL Server data source.

Server: Path or IP address to the server. If the

server is hosted on another system in the
network, it can be either addressed as
\\servername or the IP address of the server.
Port: Databases have a standard or adjusted .
port number. PrintStudio uses the standard port number when the input field is left empty. Information such as the
port number, database name, username and password, in most cases are provided by your database administrator.

Note: to be able to work with a MySQL or Oracle Server, an active network connection must be available.

Configuring a data source through an ODBC driver

After selecting ODBC as the type of data source,

select one of the ODBC drivers installed on your
system. Please note that Windows may have
more than one driver installed per file extension.

After selecting the driver, you can provide a

direct path to your database file. This can be a
local path (C:\Example\Example.mdb) or a
remote path (\\Server\Example\Example.mdb).

Note: To be able to open your project using a

remote directory, an active network connection
must be available.

E. Test
connection pop-up Database
connection successful can proceed. If the connection
cannot be established, the dialogue will report a detailed
overview of the problem. Check all information and make
sure a connection with the external server is available
before trying again.

F. Once the Add table to continue

configuring your data source. A pop-up dialogue will list all tables
available for you.
Microsoft SQL Server will likely only list database tables, where other
files (such as MS Access databases) might also list tables otherwise
invisible to the user.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 151

Configure the database tables for the project




A. After selecting a table, you can configure the rights to the table, and to each of the listed columns in the table. Users
connecting with a Microsoft SQL Server can create and remove rows, whereas users connecting through an ODBC
Edit data box for existing rows.

B. T Primary table
during the process of defining the data sources, so make sure that the primary table is correctly configured.

C. For a primary table, you can ID column

tables, you must define its relation to the primary table or to one of the tables linked to the primary table. This means
that each table will have to contain a column containing a corresponding type and kind of data. It is advised to keep
ID column -only or even hidden if the data in the column is not crucial to users
working with the data grid.

D. Edit the display names of the column as you see fit for your PrintStudio Project.

E. Read Write
Read through PrintStudio, and what data
should be managed by other external systems.

F. Refresh table to make sure that all the data loaded from the database table is up to date.

G. Next step he project. With the second step you can define the
image sources for Passport Photos and Signatures in your project. You can choose from three different options:

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 152

1. Read image from local project
Selecting this option stores captured images along with the CardStudio Identity project files. This option can be
used to capture new image data.

2. Read or download image from path or URL

This option allows you to read images from a remote directory either on a server or on a network drive. This can
only be used to read image data. New data cannot be captured.

3. Read image from database (blob)

This allows you to read an image from a specific column in the databased marked as BLOB (Binary Large Object)
This option can be used to both read existing data and capture new image data to the database.

Changes when working with PrintStudio with external database connection

There are a couple of changes that may be noticeable when working with PrintStudio connecting to an external database in
comparison to regular PrintStudio projects.

Loading times
The time it takes to load your project, or to process changes to your database may increase. This is due to the time it
takes to transfer data over the network, login to the database or retrieve data from the external data sources.

Grayed-out columns

that you will not be able to alter data for that specific column.

Data from local or external database

When working with multiple data sources, it can become
confusing to remember what information belongs to what data
source. In order to clarify, PrintStudio labels sources with
<table_name>.<column_name>. This means that a column
Students.Firstname In the project this will display
when hovering over a column name.

Updating or adding pictures

Depending on the read or write access restrictions and the configuration of image sources in your project, you may
or may not be able to add new images.

Project has stopped working

PrintStudio cannot prevent external data sources from changing. If a file gets removed, or a database gets changed,
it might cause your PrintStudio project to stop working. Always consult with your database administrator to ensure
that data you need in your PrintStudio Project is made redundantly available to you.

Default values
When creating a new project, or when altering a project structure, you can define certain default values for your
column types. However, when using PrintStudio with an external database connection, these default values will be
only filled for new records or when manually entering the information into the field. The reason for this is because
the local project data does not contain the same amount of records as the external sources, and new records are
never created automatically.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 153


CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 154

CardStudio Professional allows you to encode data from your PrintStudio project onto a smart card. With CardStudio
Professional, CardStudio introduces a new file format, named CCI, that is used to contain all information related to the
encoding of the card, which can easily and securely be shared with other parties who collaborate on the same project.

Contactless Encoding
The CardStudio Professional encode functionality currently supports the encoding of MIFARE Classic, MIFARE Plus, DESfire,
IClass, UHF Gen2 and proximity
Omnikey or the Springcard Crazy Writer.

SmartCard Editor
The SmartCard Editor is a tool that is made available to all users of the CardStudio software editions. This tool allows you to
create an encoding template for MIFARE Classic, MIFARE Plus, DESfire, IClass, UHF Gen2 and proximity cards cards using all
the major features for each of the standards. To encode your smartcards and use the CCI-files created with the SmartCard
Editor you need CardStudio Professional edition.

Creating a MIFARE Classic Template using the CCI Editor

Launch the SmartCard File New Mifare Classic (1k) Mifare

depending on your project requirements.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 155





A. The Card Settings are displayed on top of the screen. You can define whether the card should use MAD Sectors
(Mifare Application Directory documents directory-like structure that describes how sectors on card are used) or not.
Enabling this setting will have an impact on specific sectors and their contents. It will also automatically generate Key
A for sector 0 (and sector 16 for 4K cards).

B. Description of the sector.

C. Define keys, determine read and write settings for each of the four data blocks.

D. Create data segments to fill the available space.

E. The CCI Editor visualizes any data that will be encoded onto the Smart Card to give the user a better view of the
amount of used and available space in each sector. Certain blocks (such as Block 0 on Sector 0, and the Trailer
Block on all sectors) are reserved for manufacturer information and storing keys. These are not available to the user
and are displayed as hatched.

Each square represents one byte of information. When adding sector data, the length of the data is visualized on the
right. Each item in the list is given a slightly different color to make it easier to understand how the data is transferred
to the card.

F. List of sectors is displayed, 16 for 1K cards, 40 for 4K cards. Depending on the settings, each of the sectors can
contain information that will be encoded onto the card using PrintStudio.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 156

Information about Sector Data

Empty Space
This item can be used to indicate a specific part of a sector that will never
be used.

Dynamic Data
This is information that will be added to the card by your CardStudio project. Like adding card designs, when you add a CCI
file to your project, a pop-up will allow you to bind columns in your project to each of these items. You must always ensure
that the data in your project corresponds with the settings you have chosen in terms of length and data type. The following
data types are available.

◦ ASCII All standard ASCII characters are allowed.

◦ Numeric
◦ Alphabetic
◦ Alpha-numeric 9
◦ Alphabetic and special
◦ Alpha-numeric and special
◦ Binary-coded decimal (5)
◦ Binary-coded decimal
◦ Binary-coded decimal date YYYYMMDD each two digits in one byte
◦ Decimal 0.00 (Fixed point)
◦ Wiegand-26 Facility and card codes with parity
◦ Hexadecimal 0123456789ABCDEF
◦ Octal 012345678
◦ Binary 01

In addition, you can add a description of the sector data to remind you of certain agreements.

Constant Data
Constant or Static data is data that is manually entered in the CCI file and will never change. The format of this piece of
information can be of any of the types mentioned in the Dynamic Data section.

Card serial number

This is a 10, 7 or 4-byte, data section which will automatically contain the card serial number when the card is being encoded.

Using these options, you can create any type of CCI file. Once completed, you can save your work in either an unencrypted
file (XML) or an encrypted CCI file. If you choose the latter option, you will be required to enter a password that will also be
required when adding the CCI file to your CardStudio Identity project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 157

Creating a MIFARE DESfire template using the CCI Editor

DESfire cards take an entirely different approach to encoding compared to MIFARE Classic or Plus cards. With DESfire, you
can define Applications and Files that contain information, each with specific access settings. Similar to MIFARE Classic,
launch the SmartCard Editor, which will open to a blank window. Choose File New DESFire

A. The Card settings panel will allow you to define general rules for your encoding template. A DESFire card features a
Card master key that can be used to re-encode or erase the card at any time. All keys for DESFire cards can be encoded
using 3DES, 3K3DES or AES encrypted keys. A key can be either generated or entered manually.

The other options for the Card settings dialog are self-explanatory but must be decided with caution as they will impact
how flexible the card can be used after being encoded. In addition to the default DESFire features, reset keys are
implemented that allow for cards to be repurposed, by users even though the Card master key might not be available.
Distributing the Card master key might not be desirable because of possible security liabilities. Multiple Reset keys can
be created to supply to different vendors.

B. Once Card settings have

been defined, an application can be
A the screen. Doing so will
. automatically create an application
000001 .

C. On the right side of the

screen, information can be entered
to define the Application such as a
Description, an ID (Hexadecimal
value) and the Encryption type. For
each application, settings are
available that define future use of
the application such as allowing the
Master key to be changed or
C Authentication settings for
. accessing the data in the

D. Each application can have

up to 10 keys that can be distributed
D to vendors for use of the

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 158

E. Add file File 0 application.

F. Each file will contain a Description and a File number. Communication mode determines the way in which the file can
exchange data. It is highly recommended to use the Encrypted setting, as the Plain (unencrypted) mode should only be
used for data that does not contain sensitive information. All DESFire file types are supported to accommodate
integration with access control or payment systems that support the DESFire standard. For general purposes, select the
Standard data file Each file has individual settings for Read, Write and Read/Write access, as
well as an access rule for changing these settings after encoding the card.

G. Standard file types require you to set the total file size. Keep in mind that this must be equal to or greater than the total
amount of bytes that are used by your file data. In our example, the total amount of data used is 42 bytes, but the file is
given 64 bytes instead.



H. File data is added to the File in a similar fashion to defining
MIFARE Classic or Plus templates. Select a data type from the
dropdown box and Add
Define the data format and alignment, as well as the field as
this will be the identifier once the CCI file is linked to your
PrintStudio project.

Each DESFire template can contain a maximum of 32 applications,

and each application can contain a maximum of 32 files.

Once completed, the template can be either saved to a human-readable XML format, or a password-encrypted CCI format.
Both can be used to encode cards in your CardStudio Identity project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 159

Creating a UHF Gen 2 Template using the CCI Editor
Print and Encode Printer. Maximize safety, security and
convenience for customers, guests and employees and heighten efficiency in your people identification and management
applications -generation ultra-high-
Because this RFID card can be read from afar even
through badge holders, handbags, pockets and backpacks, you can use it to streamline and ease congestion in your
identification, access control and transaction processes. The UPC Gen 2 chip houses four memory banks where the data is
stored. Some have different bit allocations between the four banks to allow for more user memory or a longer EPC number.

Let us start creating a CCI file to encode a UPC Gen 2 card. Launch the SmartCard Editor, which will open to a blank window.
File New UHF Gen2





A. Reserved bank (tag passwords): The Reserved memory bank allow you to lock or
unluck the read and write functions of the RFID chip data. Generate the Kill
password and the Access password for the card and determine if the access for
these passwords is: Read/write (unlocked), Read/write (permanently unlocked),
Read-only (locked), Read-only (permanently locked).

B. EPC bank (attached product settings): Determine the EPC bank access by selecting one of the locked or unlocked
options in the dropdown menu. Add content like static data, dynamic data or the card serial number to this bank
using the dropdown menu and then clicking the . The tag identification code is written to
the EPC (Electronic Product Code) memory. It is the encoding that allows to assign this number to the tag. This
During encoding, this
number can be protected, it cannot be modified or deleted.

C. TID bank (Tag identifier): ten in the TID (Tag Identifier)

memory. This is incremented in the chip at the time of its manufacture.

D. User memory bank (Custom data): User memory is optional and provides a place for user-defined data. The user
equipped with an RFID reader can write information in the tag or read information already entered. First set the
access to the user memory bank using the dropdown and selecting to lock or unlock this bank.
Add content like static data, dynamic data or the card serial number to this bank using the dropdown menu and then
clicking the User Memory ranges from 32 bits to over 64k

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 160

UHF Gen 2 Content Data options
The EPC bank and the User memory bank have the option to add content data using data
elements. The dropdown menu gives several data element options to add.

The basic data elements:

Empty Space
This item can be used to indicate a specific part of a sector that will never be used.

Static Data
Static data is data that is
manually entered in the CCI file and will never change.
The format of this piece of information can be of any of
the types mentioned in the Dynamic Data section.

Dynamic Data
This is information that will be added to the card by your
CardStudio project. Like adding card designs, when you
add a CCI file to your project, a pop-up will allow you to
bind columns in your project to each of these items. You
must always ensure that the data in your project
corresponds with the settings you have chosen in terms
of length and data type.

The following data types are available:

◦ ASCII All standard ASCII

characters are allowed.
◦ Numeric
◦ Alphabetic
◦ Alpha-numeric 9
◦ Alphabetic and special nd Punctuation marks
◦ Alpha-numeric and special
◦ Binary-coded decimal (5)
◦ Binary-coded decimal
◦ Binary-coded decimal date YYYYMMDD each two digits in one byte
◦ Decimal 0.00 (Fixed point)
◦ Wiegand-26 Facility and card codes with parity
◦ Hexadecimal 0123456789ABCDEF
◦ Octal 012345678
◦ Binary 01
In addition, you can add a description of the sector data to remind you of certain agreements.

Card serial number

This is a 10, 7 or 4-byte, data section which will automatically
contain the card serial number when the card is being encoded.
The card serial number is unique for every card.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 161

The advanced data elements:

Group of data elements

This option lets you join multiple data elements into one group

Wiegand number
Encode a site code and card number in Wiegand format.

Byte segment
Takes a specific byte segment from its input.

Reverse bytes
Reverse the bytes from its input: The first byte becomes the last.

Bit field
Takes specific bits from its input and packs them into a compact format.

Calculates a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) for its input

Using these options, you can create any type of CCI file. Once completed, you can save your work in either an unencrypted
file (XML) or an encrypted CCI file. If you choose the latter option, you will be required to enter a password that will also be
required when adding the CCI file to your CardStudio Identity project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 162

Encoding with PrintStudio

Encoding with CardStudio Identity has been fully integrated into the printing process. The most important step to enable
encoding for your project is to add your CCI file to your project. Go to the Project Settings panel, and select Encoding
Settings from the Card encoding tab.



A. Add CCI -file you

created with the CCI-editor and want to add to your
CardStudio project to connect to the card designs. When
your CCI-file has been secured with a password you first
have to fill in the correct password before the file is added
to your project.

B. When you added the wrong CCI-file or want to delete an

old file you can select the file from the list and click Delete CCI button to delete the CCI-file from your

C. Select the CCI-file from the list and like to connect to a card design, then select the card design from the drop-down

D. Link to card design to link the card design to the CCI-file. Card holder Records with this card design will
be encoded with CCI-file linked to the card design.

E. Overview of all the card designs connected to the CCI-file.

F. X -file.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 163

G. You can bind dynamic data fields from your CCI-file to the data
Bindings tab and
selecting one of the data columns from the drop-down menu.

H. Save
connected to your project card designs. You are now ready to G
encode your cards. Select the records connected to the correct
card design/CCI-file and click on the print button.

Note: You might need to configure your printer to perform both Encoding
and Printing tasks at the same time, otherwise PrintStudio might list your
print action as failed, even though encoding did take place.

Supported standards
CardStudio Encode currently supports MIFARE Classic, MIFARE Plus and MIFARE DESFire standards.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 164

Status Check

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 165

Status Check is a new feature available in CardStudio 2.0. With Status Check it is now possible to scan a QR-code on a
printed card or Digital ID and get status feedback.

The Zebra Status Check is an optional fee-based feature that allows you to add a live 2D barcode to your printed or Digital
ID Card. This QR-Code contains a unique secure URL that displays a Status Check page with a near, current or up-dated
status of a data field you configure in your local CardStudio Project.

With CardStudio, you can now create a QR-code on a card design or digital ID and connect it to a Status Check Template in
PrintStudio. Status Check is available for the CardStudio Standard, Enterprise, or Professional Edition.

Existing CardStudio users can purchase a Status Check card design or project from the CardStudio In-App Store to get
started or upgrade to one of the CardStudio 2.0 Smart Badge Editions.


CardStudio 2.0 Smart Badge bundles

For the users who want to get started with Digital ID and Status Check right away, the Zebra CardStudio Smart Badge
offering is available with updated versions of the CardStudio 2.0 Editions bundled with new Status Check templates, card
designs, projects, and extra credits.

Smart Badge Editions SKU Included Bundle Components

CardStudio 2.0 CSR2-STD-SB00-E

Smart Badge Standard - CardStudio 2.0 Smart Badge Standard Edition
- Sample Status Check Card Designs available for download
- 3 Status Check Projects available to choose from in
, choose wisely which one to download,
Standard only allows to work with 1 Project.
- 2,000 Credits

CardStudio 2.0 CSR2-ENT-SB00-E

Smart Badge Enterprise - CardStudio 2.0 Smart Badge Enterprise Edition
- Sample Status Check Card Designs available for download

- 5 Status Check Projects available for download from

- 5,000 Credits

CardStudio 2.0 CSR2-PRO-SB00-E

Smart Badge Professional - CardStudio 2.0 Smart Badge Professional Edition
- Sample Status Check Card Designs available for download

- 8 Status Check Projects available for download from

- 10,000 Credits

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 166

Design a card or digital ID with a Status Check QR-code

Setup the new card design

new card design

When clicking on the new card design link or button a setup window will pop-up.


A. Give the new design a name.
B. Set the configuration of the new card design to CR80 and open the advanced settings.
C. Select the portrait mode for the card design.
D. Enable Digital ID also to set in portrait mode.
E. Click the the status check card design.

First step is to setup up the needed dynamic fields.

A. field.
B. Add First name, Last name, Event, ID number and most
important for this example, a Status Check Link.


CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 167

Design the Status Check card design
Now create the standard card design, add a background color and a circle with the shape tool on the front and the back,
logo, text, photo placeholder set to be a circle and most important the QR-code.

A. Click on the QR-code element

B and click on the back of the card to A
add the barcode to your design.
C A B. Set the barcode type to QR-code A
C. The barcode color to white
D D. Select the Status Check Link
dynamic field from the drop-down
A menu and click on the Add
add the field to the value of the

Click on the Digital ID icon in the quick

menu, create a similar Digital ID design,
of course also add a QR-code.

Add the Status Check Link to the QR-code, the

same as with the printed card design.

The Status Check card design and digital ID are

finished, be sure to save the card design.

You are now ready to add the card design to the

project in PrintStudio and connect a Status Check

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 168

Create a new Status Check project and connect your Status Check card design

Create a new project

A. Start PrintStudio, click on the new project icon in the quick menu and create a new project.

Step 1. Project Structure

The first step is the setup of your

project structure. Give the new
Status Check project a name.

The structure offers a couple of

default data columns, use the
default, and add the data fields you
need for Status Check and your Card

In this example project we will check

the status of access to an activity, so
we will add an options list with
activities: activity 1, 2 and 3, an expiry
date field and an Access option list.
Add Yes and No to this access
option list.

Next step
to step 2. Biometric settings.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 169

Step 2. Biometric settings

Only enable the passport photos for this project and determine how they will be stored.

Step 3. View configuration

Next step

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 170

Step 4. Status Check

Step 4. Allows you to select and setup the Status Check template. With Status Check it is now possible to scan a QR-code on
a printed card or Digital ID and get status feedback. Status Check is an optional fee-based feature that allows you to add a
live 2D barcode to your printed or Digital ID Card. This QR-Code contains a unique secure URL that displays a Status Check
page with a near, current or up-dated status of a data field you configure in your project. It costs 5 credits to issue a Status
Check QR-code and 2 credits to update an existing Status Check Card.

A. Select one of the available Status

Check templates from this list.
For example, to check the status of
training certifications, membership,
academic standing, or special access.

B. >> button to add a

template to this new project.
B <<
A C selected card design from your project.

C. A Status Check template in your

project has an icon available, this is the

Click on the bindings icon to edit the

D bindings for the dynamic data of the
Status Check template and to select
the option list to use for validation. The
bindings window pops up automatically
after adding a template to your project.
D. Preview of the Status Check
template selected. You can see the
design for positive feedback (green)
and negative feedback (red) and a
short description on how to use the

E. Select the overwrite settings for your Status Check QR-code on your card and digital ID. The QR-code link will
be generated as soon as a card gets printed, or a digital ID issued. You can choose for:
Generate new Status Check, Update existing Status Check, Update existing Status Check if out of date or
Ask whether to replace or update existing Status Check.

Status Check template bindings

The bindings window pops up automatically after adding a

template to your project.
allows organizations to check if scanned data is true (green) or
false (red).
E. Click on the dropdown menu to select one of the options
lists to use for Status Check to validate. PrintStudio makes all the
B data field option lists previously defined in your project available
to choose from. We will use the Approve option list, we added
to the project structure, to validate in this example.

Set -Yes- true -No- false
to each of the activities.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 171

Step 5. Card designs

Step 5. allows you to add card designs to your new project.

A. Select one of the available designs.

B. >> a
selected design to your project.
selected card design from your project.
A C. A card design in your project has
An adjusted a card design
can be updated to the latest version by
clicking on the update icon.

D. A card design in
your project has two icons

Click on the bindings icon to edit the bindings for the dynamic data of
the card design. The bindings window pops up automatically after
1 adding a design to your project.
ar The data binding tool is a powerful option in PrintStudio. When you add
d a new layout or update a layout you will be prompted to create the
D data bindings. Dynamic fields used and created in your layout may
e differ from the naming or spelling of a name that exists in your Project
si database. Therefore, you will be allowed to create the data bindings.
n 3. Card Design bindings
bi The dynamic fields that are created in the card design are presented to
n the left and you can bind these dynamic fields to the database fields of
di your project.
g 4. Settings
s: CCI template: Bind a CCI encode template to your card design to
T encode the card during production. For more information go to
h PrintStudio Encode
e this option blank.
design, you can leave
Status Check template: Bind the Status Check Template you set available in your project to the Status Check card
design. A Status Check link will be generated for the QR-code in the design as soon as the card or digital id is printed or
issued. If you do not need this card design to have a Status Check QR-code leave this option blank.
E. The preview ofelthe Card Designs offers two tabs with a preview of the card design and one of the digital ID. If the
card design hasd a front and a back, you can toggle between the two by clicking on the design in the preview.
CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 172
Step 6. Triggers

Step 6. allows you to setup triggers for your project. Triggers can be used to automatically change data in your project on
a certain condition or event.

. .

. .
Example of step 5. New project: Triggers .

A. Select one of the events from this list and add specific triggers. PrintStudio will automatically wait for the
event to occur before performing the action that is linked to the trigger.
B. All data columns of the new project are listed. Select one of the columns to link a trigger action to it.
C. Add trigger trigger with events
and actions.
D. The property shows you the selected data column.
E. Select the action you want to connect to the data column from the drop-down menu and define the action.
F. X
G. Next step 6. and create the project.

We will leave step 6. Triggers on default and create our new Status Check Project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 173

Step 7. Create project

During step 7. the application will start creating your new project after you click on the A. Create project
problems, read the feedback provided and click on the B. Previous button to go back and make the needed adjustments.

You are now ready to work with the Status Check project and produce your Status Check card or Digital ID.

B .

Example of step 6. New project: Create project.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 174

Update, revoke and replace a Status Check QR-code

Start PrintStudio and open an existing Status Check project with records of card holders that have an active Status Check
QR-code. When printing a physical card or issuing a Digital ID with Status Check QR-code, the QR-code will also
automatically generate with the correct link and become visible in the card preview.

A . . .


A. To update a Status Check QR-code. Change the approve status of this record from to o and update the QR-
Status Check sync :

Scan the QR- pdate the QR-code and

refresh the page to see the approved status again. Every update of the Status Check QR-code will deduct 2 credits
from your account.

B. To revoke a Status Check QR-code for a printed card. After you revoked a Status Check QR-Code from a printed
card, the QR-code will give back revoked. Select the record, click on the

C. To revoke and the Status Check QR-code for a Digital ID. Select the record,

When you reissue a new Digital ID

The Status Check will be regenerated with a new QR-code.

D. When you reprint the card after the status check revoke for this record, the Status Check QR-code will be
regenerated with a new QR-code.

CARDSTUDIO 2.0 User Guide 175

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