Material Flow Cost Accounting

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Material Flow Cost Accounting

Article in Journal of Cleaner Production · July 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.01.025


35 3,259

5 authors, including:

Edeltraud Guenther Christine Maria Jasch

United Nations University (UNU) Institut für Ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung, Vienna, Austria


Mario Schmidt Bernd Wagner

Hochschule Pforzheim Universität Augsburg


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Journal of Cleaner Production 29-30 (2012) 291e292

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Call for paper

Material Flow Cost Accounting

Edeltraud Guenther Professor a, *, Christine Jasch b,1, Mario Schmidt Professor c, 2,
Bernd Wagner Professor d, 3, Donald Huisingh Professor e, 4
Technische Universitaet Dresden, Faculty of Business and Economics, esp. Environmental Management and Accounting, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung, Rechte Wienzeile 19/10, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Hochschule Pforzheim, Operations Research / Material Flow Management, Tiefenbronner Str. 65, 75175 Pforzheim, Germany
Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt, Universitaet Augsburg, Universitaetsstraße 1a, 86159 Augsburg, Germany
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA

Call for papers for a special issue of the Journal of Cleaner Production We invite review papers, methodological papers, and case
Managing material and energy flows has been one of the core studies that include but are not restricted to the following
issues of cleaner production in research and practice for decades
and consequently resource and energy efficiency in companies has Topical areas:
been improved steadily. Nevertheless the analyses were often  MFCA in supply chains, both upstream and downstream to
restricted to single projects; mostly the focus of the research was on improve efficiency
physical flows, sometimes followed by a monetary evaluation. In  Integration of external costs in MFCA
order to support companies in better understanding both the  Methodological issues of MFCA
environmental and financial consequences of their material and  Relationship of MFCA to other instruments of Environmental
energy use the International Organization for Standardization has Management Accounting
developed a standard on Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA),  Reviews of existing MFCA studies
that was released in September 2011.  Case studies in large and small and medium sized companies
In order to motivate research on this topic the conference  Implementation issues of MFCA
theme of The Environmental and Sustainability Management  Mainstreaming of MFCA
Accounting Network on March, 21e22 2013 hosted by the Chair
This Journal of Cleaner Production special issue is intended to
of Environmental Management and Accounting at Technische
provide academics, practitioners and other interested parties
Universitaet Dresden in Germany will be “Material Flow Cost
a better understanding of material and energy flows and their
Accounting” followed by a special issue of the Journal of Cleaner
integration into management accounting. Academics shall get
Production. By announcing this special issue almost two years in
insights in methodological and theoretical issues as well as linkages
advance we want to encourage the scientific community to start
to other areas of management research. Plant managers, accoun-
projects that can be presented at the EMAN conference in March
tants and supply chain managers will get impulses for decision-
2013 in Dresden and submitted for publication by June 2013.
making, engineers and scientists for designing processes more
This special issue will continue the discussion of environmental
accounting in the Journal of Cleaner Production and encourage both
This special issue will include comprehensive reviews, theo-
researchers and practitioners to address this topic relevant for all
retical frameworks, broad empirical studies, case studies and
organizations that use materials and energy, regardless of their
applied studies. Book reviews and editorials are also most
products, size, structure, location, and existing management and
accounting systems.

Tentative schedule

Contributors with proposals for papers are encouraged to

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ49 351 463 32833. communicate with the co-editors by e-mail. The following schedule
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (E. Guenther), jasch.christine@ will be applied: (C. Jasch), [email protected] (M. Schmidt), wagner@ (B. Wagner), [email protected] (D. Huisingh).  Call for papers: December, 2011
Tel.: þ43 1587 21 89.
Tel.: þ49 7231 28 64 06.
 Submission of 400 word, extended abstract to the Editorial
Tel.: þ49 821 598 3567. Team of this Special Issue at [email protected], by
Tel.: þ1 865 692 4066. February 28, 2013

0959-6526 Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

292 E. Guenther et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 29-30 (2012) 291e292

 Responses from the Special Issue Editorial Team to the Contributions

prospective authors by March 15, 2013
 Authors submit ‘peer-review ready’ documents to Elsevier via Full papers are invited to be considered for publication in the
the EES system by June 30, 2013. Please select Article Type: “SI: journal special issue. Paper submissions should be between 9000 and
MFCA”. 10,000 words for comprehensive reviews, between 7000 and 8000
 Peer review/paper revision process JulyeNovember 2013 words for theoretical papers with broad empirical studies and
 Submission of final version of all revised papers January 15, 2014 between 4000 and 5000 words for case studies. All should be
 Authors informed of decisions and/or about minor changes by developed based upon the editorial guidelines provided in the
January 30, 2014 instructions for authors for “Journal of Cleaner Production”, which
 Deadline for revisions for Special Issue by February 28, 2014 can be accessed from the website:
 Submission of all documents for conversion to uncorrected find/journaldescription.cws_home/30440/authorinstructions. Upon
proofs by March 15, 2014 receipt of the completed documents, a minimum of three indepen-
 Authors return uncorrected proofs along with suggested dent reviewers will be selected to provide peer reviews for each
corrections, to Elsevier as soon as possible after they receive document. Upon receipt and acceptance of the author’s revised
them from Elsevier documents, all will be published in this Special Issue of the Journal of
 Publication of Special Issue June 2014 Cleaner Production.

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