Midterm Test

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Question 1: These statements are True or False?

1.1. A financial plan is an informal report that analyzes past financial decisions. – False
1.2. Borrowers is less likely to be harmed by inflation. – True
1.3. A budget is a record of how a person or family has spent their money. – False
1.4. A cash flow statement uses this equation: Assets - Liabilities = Net worth. – False
1.5. Checking account balance is a liquid asset. – True
1.6. The information gathered from your loan application and the credit bureau establishes
your credit rating. – True
1.7. Consumer credit refers to the use of debit cards for personal needs. – False
1.8. Using the Rule of 72, with the value of land in an area is increasing 12.5 percent a year,
it will take 5.8 years for property values to double. – True
1.9. Using the Rule of 72, at an annual interest rate of 5.75 percent, it will take 15 years for
savings to double. – False
1.10. Purchasing a car is an example of a durable-product goal. – True
1.11. Opportunity costs refer to money already spent. – False
1.12. The problem of bankruptcy is associated with overuse and misuse of credit in the
borrowing component of financial planning. – True
Question 2: Assignments
2.1. Describe some common money management mistakes that can cause long-term
financial concerns?
- Case 1: Spending too much on Housing
The amount of money you chose to spend on housing and other monthly costs can
have a long-term influence on your financial performance. A mortgage is a long-term
financial commitment that can continue for 25 years or more. If your mortgage payment
consumes too much of your salary, you may find yourself resorting to utilizing credit cards
to fulfill emergency requirements and cover other living expenditures. Despite the fact that
renting avoids the long-term commitment of a mortgage, high lease payments might have a
comparable detrimental impact on what you have left for other financial requirements. One
option is to develop a realistic budget that defines how much money you are willing to
spend on retirement, an emergency fund, housing, food, entertainment, education, and
everything else that is important in your life.
- Case 2: Lack of Retirement Planning
Regularly thinking many decades ahead is required for retirement planning. One
method is to create a monthly or annual savings strategy. Financial advisors often advocate
setting away at least 10% of your income for retirement; yet, the average American savings

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rate is only 4%. Many people do not have any retirement savings, and fewer than 20% of
investors believe that their money management activities will provide them with enough
income in retirement. Saving automatically from the beginning of the month through a
withdrawal program, rather than saving whatever is left over at the end of the month, is one
practical way to improve in this area. Some common wisdom might say it best — “Pay
yourself first.”
2.2. Present your plan for making personal financial and career decisions.


My current assets: 200,000,000 VND

Honda Motorbike 55,000,00

Savings 90,000,00
Laptop and phone 50,000,00
Account 30,000,00
Receivable 0
Depreciation 25,000,00

1. Short-term Plan (in the next 2 years)

- Save 200 million VND by the end of 2021 (work as a part-time a company providing
English education services and a real estate broker)

- Buy a new laptop in the middle of 2022

- Invest in stock by the end of 2022

- Save 450,000,0000 VND by the end of 2023

3. Long-term Plan

- Start-up small-scale in the fashion segment before 23

- Buy a car that has an average price (Mazda, Toyota or Honda) before 24

- Save 4,000,000,000 VND before 26

- Buy an apartment before 27

4. Spending Plan

Essential 45
Expenses %

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Health and Risks 20
Savings 15
Investment 10
Entertainment 10

II. CAREER DECISION 4.Evaluate alternatives

1. Overall plan

- 2022: Take part in the IELTS exam and reaching IELTS 7.5

- 2023: In the last semester of the course (full-time intern semester), apply for the
position staff in the sales planning department of Honda company based in Vinh Phuc

- Summer 2023: After graduation, keep working at Honda, learn more about
profession to have promotion and take distance learning couses of Master of Economic Law

- End of 2023: Open a clothing store that sells both online and has 3 locations in Vinh
Phuc, Hanoi and Saigon

- 2024: Advance in work and reach the position of deputy manager

- Summer 2024: Take part in the HSK exam and reaching HSK 5

- 2025: Find a part-time job that can handle online and speak Chinese and maintain
job at Honda

- Summer 2025: Graduate from Master course

- 2026: Find a new working environment in which English and Chinese are used,
related to import-export or international trade

-2027: Open a private company providing international trading services

2. Short-term Plan (in the next 3 years)

- Learn Chinese

- Graduate from university with GPA at least above 3.2/4.0

- Prepare knowledge and skills for the application to Honda and for the investment in
stock market

- Have further studies of the work to compete for higher position

3. Long-term Plan (5 years above)

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- Graduate from Master course at least from the good level

- Stay active and promote clothing stores to open more agencies

- Manage the company well and sign more contracts to expand the scale of the


- Consequences of choices: The probability of success in the short-term plan will be

up to 80% but the long-term only accounts for 50% because the salary after graduation and
profit from investments cannot be grasped probably.

- Evaluate risks: The risk for securities is quite high due to the market, other
activities are almost risk-free.


Currently, my salary for a part-time job has been around 10,000,000 to 40,000,000 a
month. Besides, I still maintain the consulting and sales of real estate. Along with that, I
have built some relationships so that after graduation, my starting salary will be from
30,000,000 and the cost of living will remain at a higher level than the current maximum of
5,000,000 to 10,000,000 per month.

Question 3: Exercises

3.1. Use the following items to determine the total assets, total liabilities, net worth,
total cash inflows, and total cash outflows. What is the problem with this person’s
personal finance situation?

Unit: US$

Rent for the month 880 Monthly take-home salary 4,250

Spending for food 490 Cash in checking account 1,400

Savings account balance 2,550 Balance of educational loan 3,580

Current value of automobile 11,000 Telephone bill paid for month 150

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Credit card balance 3,500 Loan payment 140

Auto insurance 350 Household possessions 15,000

Video equipment 2,800 Payment for electricity 100

Lunches/parking at work 220 Donations 180

Personal computer 1,500 Value of stock investment 950

Clothing purchase 2,400 Restaurant spending 2,500

Total Asset = Saving account balance + Current value of automobile + Video equipment +
Personal computer + Cash in checking account + Household possessions + Value of stock
investment = 2,550 + 11,000 + 350 + 2,800 + 1,500 + 1,400 + 15,000 + 950 = 35,200
Total liabilities = Credit card balance + Balance of educational loan = 3,500 + 3,580 =
Net worth = Total assets – Total liabilities = 35,200 – 7,080 = 28,120
Total cash inflows = Monthly take - Home salary = 4,250
Total cash outflows = Rent for month + Spending for food + Lunches/parking at work +
Clothing purchase + Telephone bill paid for month + Loan payment + Payment for
electricity + Donations + Restaurant spending + Auto insurance = 880 + 490 + 220 + 2,400
+ 150 + 140 + 100 + 180 + 2,500 + 350 = 7,410
According to the calculation, we can see that this person is spending more than what
he/she can earn, which may lead him/her to serious debts if they cannot balance.

3.2. Consider Minh’s budget worksheet for March, and then answer the questions:

Unit: US$

Income Spending

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Date Source Amount Date Purpose Amount

7/3 Wages 850.5 3/3 New clothes 180.5

9/3 Birthday gift 55.7 12/3 Motorbike 125.7


21/ Wages 660.5 15/3 Rent 380.9


23/ Part-time job for 120.5 23/3 Credit card bill 380.5
3 Circle K

30/ Savings interest 25.7 25/3 Telephone bill 25.5


26/3 Grocerries 280.7

29/3 Doctor’s visit 150

a. How much was Minh able to save in March?

Minh was able to save in March = Cash inflow – Cash outflow = (Wages + Birthday gift +
Part-time job for Circle K + Savings interest) - (New clothes +Motorbike insurance + Rent +
Credit card bill + Telephone bill + Groceries + Doctor’s visit) = 189.1
b. Which sources of her income may not be the same from month to month?
Birthday gift, saving interests
c. Which types of spending might not be the same from month to month?
New clothes, Groceries, Doctor’s visit, Credit card bill, Telephone bill
d. Why would a series of short-term budget worksheets be needed to develop a long-term
Short-term and long-term financial goals that enable you to achieve life-span goals. You
need to think about how your choices may affect your future when choosing your short-

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term goals. That is why there is a close relationship between short-term and long-term. A
series of short-term budget worksheets helps us to know how much money we are saving
and keep an eye on the amount of spending. Besides, short-term financial goals are easier
to plan because they involve your current lifestyle and needs. Life-span financial goals are
more difficult to plan because they require you to look into the future to plan a progression
of steps to achieve these goals. Therefore, it helps us draw a clear vision for long-term
financial goals.

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