The Book That Saved The Earth

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The Book that Saved the Earth

Long Answer Type Questions (100-120 words)

Question 1.
How does Think Tank compare the Martians with the people on the Earth ? What does
he call the Earth mockingly ?
Think Tank feels that Martians are more beautiful than the people on the Earth. The
Earthlings have a smaller head when compared to the Martians who have great and
mighty balloon brain which has made them more cleverer and intelligent than the
Earthlings. Earthlings are fond of eating so they always keep eating sandwiches. Think
Tank mockingly calls the Earth a meaningless place where the people are not so
intelligent and brave like the Martians and himself. So, he decided to capture the Earth.

Question 2.
What guesses are made by Think Tank about the books found on earth ?
Think Tank makes guesses that the books are the kind of crude refreshment stand and
calls it a sandwich, or a communication satellite. On Noodle’s suggestion, chemical
vitamins are taken which enable Omega to transcribe the code of nursery rhymes on
‘Mistress Mary’, ‘Humpty-Dumpty’ and ‘The Cat and the Fiddle’. All the poems make
Think Tank come to conclusion that Earthlings have a high level of civilization and that
they have been targeted by them and so decides to escape from Mars.

Question 3.
How did the book change think tank’s opinion about the Earthlings ?
Think Tank was the mighty ruler of Mars who believed that Martians were superior
creatures with handsome looks and high intellect. He had little regard for the inhabitants
of earth and planned to invade the earth. Later, when he contacted his delegates who
had landed on earth and were confused to see the books in the Centeville Public
Library, they could not make any sense of what the objects were nor comprehend the
information therein. Think Tank ordered the crew to consume the vitamins to enable
them to decode the information.
Much to the amusement of the readers, he misinterpreted the nursery rhymes, and
thought that the earthlings were powerful creatures and were planning an attack on
them. He assumed Humpty-Dumpty in the rhyme as himself and fled to Alpha Centauri
to save his life.

Question 4.
How did a nursery rhyme book save the earth from Think Tank.?
Think Tank misinterpreted the book of nursery rhymes completely and interpreted it in a
verbal manner. When Omega read the nursery rhyme ‘Mistress Mary’, he was shocked
to discover that on earth, metals can be grown in fields. He thought that the earthlings
had discovered how to combine agriculture and mining and were now able to grow high
explosives. When Omega transcribed ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’, he thought that the animals
on earth were also ready for a space attack. When he saw the image of Humpty-
Dumpty, he thought that it was his own brain and the earthlings were planning to
capture the Mass Central Control and therefore, they got ready to save their own lives
instead of invading the earth. Thus, the nursery rhyme book saved the earth.

Question 5.
Who was Omega ? Why did he agree to eat the book ?
Omega is a captain of a spaceship which carried, Lieutenant Iota and Sergeant Oop to
Earth from Mars. Reaching Canterville Public Library, they were trying to identify the
objects there, but as they had never seen books, they could not identify them. Think-
Tank thought that the books were sandwiches and thus, ordered Iota and Omega to eat
them. He then ordered them to take chemical vitamins to help them transcribe the code.
Omega managed to read some nursery rhymes like ‘Mistress Mary’, ‘Humpty-Dumpty’
and ‘The Cat and the Fiddle’ which made Think Tank to interpret that earthlings were
very powerful and that they were planning to attack them.

Question 6.
What changes have taken place in the field of books since twentieth century ?
Since 20th century the book has changed its significance. The twentieth century was
called the ‘era of books’. In those days, there were books on every subject. These were
from ant-eaters to Zulus. Books taught people ‘how to’ and ‘when to’ and ‘where to’ and
‘why to’. The books were supposed to be a mine of knowledge and there were books on
every topic. Then with the advent of computers and electronic media, books got
completely wiped out. In future, they might be mistaken for even a sandwich or a strand.
The lesson gives us a message that books are always important as they help to save us
even from a Martian attack.

Question 7.
Do you think books are being replaced by the electronic media? Can we do away with
the books all together?
The statement is true but only partially. The electronic media has made its presence felt
in a big way. Today, all the information, that was earlier sourced by encyclopaedia, is
available at the touch of a button on the electronic media. The visual effect is even
better when we watch video pictures than those in the books. Moreover, it saves paper
and there is lesser impact on the environment in the form of carbon footprints.
Nevertheless, despite the conveniences offered by the electronic media, it cannot
replace the printed books. Our paper books have their own special charm and will
continue to exist with whatever newer option that may be available.
Question 8.
Can books be replaced ? Is it true that a book is referred as man’s best companion ?
With the growth in science and onset of computer, books seem to be dwindling. At times
we feel that electronic media and means of communication have replaced books. But,
then it is only our imagination. Books are still man’s best companion. They are our
trustworthy friends and stand by us.
Books are regarded as man’s best friends as they have more patience than human
beings. Books are those companions which never desert us when we fall prey to bad
times. They are constant source of happiness, strength and wisdom.

Question 9.
It is morally incorrect to invade another county/planet for one’s own benefit. The
martians did not understand the value of peaceful coexistence. How id the bookof
nursert rhymes save the earth from the Martian invasion?
Value Points:
The Martians led by their leader launch an inter-planetary attack on the earthlings.
The Martian space probe reached Canterville Public Library.
They come across the book of nursery rhymes “Mother Goose”.
They misinterpreted the rhyme “Humpty Dumpty” – terrifies the Martian invaders.
They abort their plan and make good their escape.
“Man is a social animal” (Aristotle)
Peaceful coexistence is fundamental to the survival of human race.
It is totally incorrect to invade another country.
“There are no winners or losers in a war”
The Martians seemed to be ignorant of this reality understood by human race-though
little too late.
Detailed Answer:
The Martians, lead by their leader Think Tank, planned an inter-planetary attack on the
Think Tank misinterpreted the book of nursery rhymes completely and interpreted it in a
verbal manner. When Omega read the nursery rhyme ‘Mistress Mary’, he was shocked
to discover that on earth, metals can be grown in fields. He thought that the earthlings
had discovered how to combine agriculture and mining and were now able to grow high
explosives. When Omega transcribed ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’, he thought that the animals
on earth were also ready for a space attack. When he saw the image of Humpty-
Dumpty, he thought that it was his own brain and the earthlings were planning to
capture the Mass Central Control and therefore, they got ready to save their own lives
instead of invading the earth. Thus, the nursery rhyme book saved the earth. Hence we
see that the book of nursery rhymes saved the Earth from Martian invasion.
We know peaceful coexistence is fundamental to the survival of human race. It is totally
incorrect to invade another country. But Martians planned to do so. They seemed to be
ignorant of the reality that there are no loosers or winners in the war-both the sides
Question 10.
Justify the title ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’.
Martians planned to attack on earth. The ruler of Mars, Think Tank instructed one of his
Martian-Noodle to gather information about Earth. He saw that other three crew
members—Captain Omega, Lieutenant Iota and Sergeant Oop found some books in
Centerville Public Library. A book named ‘Mother Goose’ contained nursery rhymes.
Omega managed to read some nursery rhymes like ‘Mistress Mary’, ‘Humpty-Dumpty’,
etc. Think Tank misinterpreted the rhymes. He was shocked to discover that metals
could be grown in fields. He also thought that earthlings are intelligent enough in
warfare and have advanced technology to grow high exposures. On seeing the image of
Humtpy-Dumpty, he thought its head resembling that of his own. He feared invasion on
Mars by earthlings. So he decided to migrate to Alpha Centauri, one hundred million
miles away from Mars. The Martians fear the book till date. Hence, we can say that the
title ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’ is apt.

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