My Childhood Class9

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1. In which standard, Abdul was, when the new 9. Abdul Kalam became the 11th of India.
teacher with a conservative mind had come to (a) President
his class? (b) Prime Minister
(a) 4th standard (c) Chief Justice
(b) 5th standard (d) Army Chief
(c) 7th standard 10. What is Dinamani the name of
(d) 6  standard (a) a newspaper
2. The name of the marriage site situated in the (b) a book
middle of the pond near to Abdul’s house was (c) a train
(a) Kalyan Mancha (d) a friend of Abdul Kalam
(b) Rama Tirtha 11. Who was Abdul Kalam sitting with when the
(c) Tirtha Bharathi new teacher asked him to sit on the last
(d) Rama Mandir bench?
3. Sivasubramania’s expectations from Abdul (a) Aravindan
Kalam was (b) Ramanadha Sastry
(a) That Abdul will become the president (c) Sivaprakasan
(b) That Abdul will become the Prime Minister (d) none of the above
(c) That Abdul will be equal to the highly 12. When was Kalam’s ancestral house built?
educated people of big cities (a) in 18th century
(d) That Abdul will become filthy rich (b) in 19th century
4. Which author’s lines did Abdul’s father quote (c) in the middle of 19th century
in the end of the Chapter? (d) all
(a) Rabindranath Tagore 13. Whom did Kalam’s father say these
(b) Khalil Gibran wordsKhali Gibran’s words: Your children are
(c) Paul Coelho not…?
(d) AzharSamsuddin (a) to Kalam
5. Abdul’s father believed in (b) to Samsuddin
(a) Freedom of thoughts (c) to his wife
(b) Communal difference (d) to Mr. Iyer
(c) Cast system 14. What did Kalam think and say about his
(d) Supernatural power parents?
6. Wife of Abdul’s science teacher was horrified (a) they were tall
with the (b) handsome
(a) Communal violence (c) wise
(b) Idea of Muslim boy invited to dine with (d) all
them 15. What kind of a person was Kalam’s father ?
(c) Terror of second world war (a) kind
(d) The flood disaster (b) generous and dynamic
7. Who warned the teacher not to spread (c) wise
communal intolerance? (d) All
(a) Lakshmana Sastry 16. What kind of person was Sivasubramania?
(b) Ramanadha Sastry (a) orthodox brahmin
(c) Ramesh Sastry (b) calm and generous
(d) The principle of the school (c) believed in equality and wanted to bring
8. In which state of India is Rameswaram? reforms in the society
(a) Andhra Pradesh (d) all
(b) Kerala
(c) Tamilnadu
(d) Karnatka

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