Eval 2 - Lesson Plan

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Student Teacher Jenna Novosad Co-operating Mrs. Abigail Lawrence

Date October 19, Start/End 10:45-12:00 Room B-117
2023 Time

Title of lesson Word Nerd Term Project Introduction Grade level Grade 7
Subject Enriched English Topic Interviewing
Relevance Interviewing is part of the curriculum in grade 7 and this project will allow for students to test
their writing skills as well as their knowledge of the novel thus far.
Materials/Resources Word Nerd novel, Word Nerd study guide, pencils, First-15 Journal

QEP Subject Area Competency 1: Uses language to communicate and learn

Competencies Competency 2: Reads and listens to texts
Competency 3: Produces written, media and spoken texts
Learning Objectives To have students demonstrate their knowledge of our class novel as well as demonstrate their
creativity and individuality in this project. Students will also be introduced to a new writing
technique for their paragraph writing in their First-15 journals.
Essential Question(s) What is an appositive experience? Why is it important to connect to characters within a

Lesson Introduction (hook): Student will know:

Timing I will draw students’ attention in by reminding them about Students will know the plan for the class as it
the structure of our new ‘First-15’ journaling model. I will is laid out on the board. They will know how
tell them that their first term project will be introduced today! to implement commas and lists in paragraph
writing, as well as the outline and
expectations of their Word Nerd project.
Development (Learning activities – step by step sequential Students will understand:
procedure): Students will understand what an appositive
I introduce the current writing technique. I am teaching experience is and how to properly use
commas, and today I will feed into the appositive experience. commas and lists in their writing. They will
I will first explain the meaning to the students, then provide understand how to formulate open-ended
mentor sentence/paragraph examples and finally, students questions.
will have 10 minutes to write their paragraph using this
writing tool. I will ask them to put their journals away and
take out their agendas. I will ask them to write down: Word
Nerd project due October 27th. I will then hand out the
assignment instructions. I will go through the slideshow that
will explain my expectations and the project instructions.
Students will have the opportunity to ask any questions they Students will do:
have in regard to the project. Then we will go into our 5- Students will listen to the instructions on the
minute break. I will put on a timer and make a list of any writing tool, then take 10 minutes to write
students who need to step out during our break. After 5 their paragraphs, following the guidelines.
minutes, I will call them back, and instruct students to take Afterwards, students will listen to my
the remainder of the period to begin working on their project. presentation on the project instructions and
They can chose their character, and work on the interview after their 5 minute break, they will begin
(front) or the characterization (back) part of the project. their projects.

Based on a simplified version of Understanding by Design (UBD) and the IB Middle Year Program Planner
Cross Curricular Competencies:
Competency 5: Adopts effective work
methods. (Students will be instructed on
how the lesson will develop and they will be
responsible for adopting work methods best
suited for the classroom).
Competency 4: Uses creativity. Students
will use creativity to relate to their
characters and create colorful and
interesting designs that will be displayed in
the classroom.

Broad Areas of Learning:

Students will gain a broad understanding of
the ways they can connect to a character by
asking open-ended questions to the
characters in Word Nerd.

Universal Design for Learning/

As this is an enriched English class, most
students are disciplined and focused
throughout the entirety of a class period. By
using different materials such as the my
writer’s workshop slideshow, a instructional
handout and slideshow I prepared, as well as
their novel every individual student will be
able to participate throughout the lesson.
Closure (transition): FORMATIVE - Assessment FOR learning:
Students will use the remainder of the class period to work on Students will be assessed on their journal
their projects, giving them an opportunity to get ahead, and to writing in the First-15 journal, as well as
ask any questions they have as they get started on the project. their Word Nerd project, due October 27th.
Students will be reminded of the importance of checking both FORMATIVE - Assessment AS learning:
their agendas and google classroom, keeping up with
Students will be assessed on their ability to
assignments on time and that they have until the 27th of
write their paragraphs in the correct format,
October to complete their projects.
as well as using the traits of writing and
writing tool (commas) they have been

SUMMATIVE - Assessment OF learning:

Students will be evaluated on their
participation in class, as well as their writing
and knowledge of the chapters they’ve read.
They will also be presented with a rubric in
which they are shown my expectations for
their project.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Considerations: How can I use proper writing techniques to create an imaginary
interview with a character from my novel? How can I come to terms with reading material that may be somewhat
uncomfortable to me?


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